Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs International Compressor Engineering Conference School of Mechanical Engineering 1992 A Review on Fixed-Percentage Tolerances for Compressor Performance Parameters K. W. Yun United Technologies Carrier Corporation Follow this and additional works at: http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/icec Yun, K. W., "A Review on Fixed-Percentage Tolerances for Compressor Performance Parameters" (1992). International Compressor Engineering Conference. Paper 925. http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/icec/925 This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact epubs@purdue.edu for additional information. Complete proceedings may be acquired in print and on CD-ROM directly from the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories at https://engineering.purdue.edu/ Herrick/Events/orderlit.html A REVIE W ON FIXED -PERC ENT AGE TOLE RANC ES FOR COMP RESSO R PERFO RMAN CE PARA METE RS K.W. Yun United Technologies Carrier Corp. Syracuse, New York 13221 U.S.A. ABSTRACT Applying a fued-pe rcenmg e tolerance band to compre ssor perform ance parameters is a commo n practic e in the industry. While fmding the practice reasona ble, its pitfalls are review ed from the custom er's as weU as the compre ssor DJlllluf acturer's standpoint. Enefgy efficiency ratio needs to be controlled separately from capacit y and input power, although it is derived from the two. Depending on the purpose, differe nt levels of fixed pen;eotages are suggested. Statistically, a bivariate normal distribution can be assumed for typical perform ance pamme terS. A set of I02 paired bivariate data for capacity and input power from an actual production audit has been statistically analyu :d to verify that actual data general ly fit the suggested dhtribu tion. Correlation analysis shows a slight positive correla tion between capacity and input power against the assumed theoretical randomness. INTRO DUCI 10N Besides cost, delivery, quality, and reliability factors, accepta nce of a compre ssor at any given time is judged by its performance. Criteria or parame ters for compre ssor perfOTDIBilCe are usually capacit y (BTU's or calorie s per hour), input watts, energy efficiency ratio (EER), sound pressure level (SPL) and vibration. Among tbese, EER is not an independent parnme ter in the sense that it is derived indirectly as the ratio of capacit y to input power. Among these criteria , the lim three are the most commo nly used ones. PRAC TICES IN THE INDUSTRY Produc t evaluation, production audit and quality control deal with these parameters for control purpos es. Original equipment manufacturers use them in accepting produc t performance. In the compressor manufacturing industr y, it is ComJIIO il practic e to aUow a fixed-p ercenta ge toler.mce band to the published or nominal value of a given perfonn ance parame ter. Certainly, nothing is particularly wrong with the practice and it has served the industry fairly weU. Accept ing the practice as a sound one, we should establish its theoretical basis and statistical significance verified with data generat ed in an actual produc tion environ ment. CUSTO MERS • AND MANU FACT URER S• PERSP ECTIV ES Let us examin e the fixed-percentage tolerance band not just fmm the manufa cturer's point of view, but also fmm the custom er's, First, from the manufa cturer's point of view, the fixedpercentage tolerance band is a practical control tool in product 3SSUl11IlCC. The rule is simple enough to be popularly applied. Where produc t model proliferation is the case it is quite a convenient control scheme. On the other band, there are some pitfalls. One of the pitfaUs is the "as long as within ±. x percent" syndro me. As actual mean value deviates from the published nominal value, the risk of performance fallout increases. Anothe r pitfall is that the fixed-percentage rule is nOl very flexible as nomina l perform ance of mass produc ed compre ssors could have a cyclic trend. A oonnal production environ ment sees both short-and-long-term shifting trends. Application of the rule witbout respect to time ~ve is not a rntional approach. 1307 ed as long as it is difficult to reject product shipp Next, from customer's point of view, based on case a make could mers the tole.ance band . Custo the product perfo rman ce falls into rmance deficiency is perfo prove to but ed, shipp ct produ of statistical analysis of performance resources or lack the custo mers have limited time and realistically a diffic ult task. First , ent based on poor argum All -acy. accw to the required capability to determine the deficiency perforJllance does Poor tion. m bas an inherent limita performance in an air conditioning syste ce. rman perfo r resso comp not nece;sarily come from poor S SCO PE OF CONTROL PARAMETER power. manufacturers are usually capacity, input are Perionnance par.uneten controlled by three or two first the , these Of level, and vibration. energy efficiency ratio, sound pr~ other band, as ooise gets the On ns. reaso good for ol contr ones looked at as product assurnnce , acts as an important and vibration, primarily sound level customers· increasing attention, sound contr ol par.u neter . as long as whether we should also control EER A relevant issue which arises here i.s itioning cond air as First, yes. ite defin a is er . The answ EER. ol capacity and input power are controlled contr to rer factu manu the for nt, it i.s only fair system EER is scrutinized as a requireme capacity and input power that eter, param t enden indep an not One migh t argue that EER i.s n a fued ± 5 capacity and power are controlled withi determine the value. However, if ooly could result EER, nal nomi the of nt J>ef'e -10 cts with percent limit, otherwise unaccepcable produ e 1). in being ~epted (Poin t ·A· in Figur Fig .l Con trol ...., ] l. 10 Par ame ters Lim its for Per form anc e -----------~ -r------------------------------.:i>'"·{• 0!: '. ., 1.05 / ... :J ~~~ ,. ....-- /:,~.. .)§: / a:" 0 I .95 ~It:~ D ' , Q 'A' Wear Loos " Fit .90 . 90 • 95 Wat t Rat to I. 00 I. 05 1. 10 (Ac tual /Ra ted) olled as a y situation. EER should also be contr Cenainly, this cannot be a satisfactor same ± The . ntage perce r prope the ion is concerned with sepat'llte param eter. The next quest tical analysis of the prO!iuction statis the as , nable reaso is nt, x percent limit, such as ± 5 perce data will sbow in later discussion. ee solid should be discussed further. F~, ~thr There are, however, two points which . These are limits ol contr ite defin the e defin Ow• ol winO lines of bottom boundaries of the •contr lines of the maximum watts. The other three dotted the minimum capacity and EER and the 1308 upper boundaries may seem somewhat questionable limit<;. One might :u-gue: why limit better performance? The limits should still be enforced as performa nce beyond tbese limits are practically not feasible even with a well-designed compres sor and controlled manufacturing. Fwtherm ore, the limits are also helpful as an alert w possible testing errors. If the mean performa nce shifts from the published oomiual value as shown in Figure l, then the window may have to be shifted. The second point of concern is with the shift of data points or the control window. The three arrows point to the general directions of shift for effects of run-in (or breakin), loose assembly fits, and mechanical wear of intemiil pans. SOUND AND VIBRATION AS CONTR OL PARAM ETERS As pointed out earlier, these panuneters are getting ever-inc reasing attention. Applying a control limit to these paramete rs is a more complex matter. For example , setting a limit in overall SOWld pressure level (SPL) does not necessarily provide a satisfactory control of sound quality. Frequen cy content is often more importan t tbao the overall SPL value. It is tempting to use a fixed-percentage upper limit for these paramet ers too, but one must recognize that SPL represents a proportional number and a fixed-percentage cannot represent a true control limit. It is more appropri ate w use a spc;ific upper SPL limit, not a nominal SPL plus a fixedpe.-ceotage. In addition to this limit, specifk controls on frequenc y content may be set. "GOOD " FIXED- PERCE NTAGE AS A CONTR OL LIMIT Accepting the fixed-percentage control limit as a popular, reasonable, and useful approach, the uext question is what should the control limit be. Without talcing a survey in the industry, ± 5 percent is known as a "good" limit and widely practiced . Despite the possible lack of a theoretical basis for the control limit, we regard the limit as a reasonable compromise between custome r's and manufac turer's needs. The control range eDCOmpasses reasonable variations in manufacturing factors (vMiability in parts, machinin g, assembly, and testing errors). · The actual production audit dam in this paper proves the presump tion. The next question is if the same control limit is appropri ate for both rating a compres sor and providin g samples for the custome r's unit development. For these special ptli"J)OSt::S, one can make a good case for a tighter tolerance requirem ent. For compres performa nce rating purpose, a good practice is to select samples with perform ance whichsorapproach es the mean nominal values as closely as possible. Note that the publishe d value may not be the same as the actual nominal value. There is no sense to select intention ally a biased sanJple, as production is controUed within a fixed range. For a custome r sample, it is importan t not to seud a "good looking" biased sample. This will only hurt the custome r and manufac turer later. Since the manufacturer must live up to the perfonna nce represented by the sample shipped, the sample should represent tbe nominal producti on perform ance. Thus, a tighter nnge, such as ± 2.5 or 3 percent is reasonable for custome r·sampti ng purposes. STATIS TICAL ANALY SIS OF PERFO RMANC E PARAM ETERS As we are dealing with statistical perfonw mce data, it is appropri ate to consider a statistical analysis of such data. Starting with capatity , input power and EER as control variables, we shall first c::haracterize the variable, then suggest an appropri ate statistical distribution function. The assumed distribution flmctloo will then be verified with actual production data. Data to be examiD ed- To examine an actual producti on situation , we shall analyze the production audit data of a rolling piston-type rQtary compres sor model. The 102 sets of rawscore data cover 28 weeks of producti on by a certain compres sor manufac turer. 1309 d capa city and input :s- The data is in the form of paire Mea sure d Perf~ Vari ablc re 2 depicts the data Figu . data d 102 pairs constitutes a bivariate pow er data. Tbe set of measure in a scatt er diagram. d1t Da ta Fig .2 Per for ma nce Au 940 0 .s:: " Rat ing Poi nt 920 0 I-· ;J +' •• IIl c sm:m "u +' - 880 0 -. 860 0 ~ • Ill .... u"' 0 0 nt- e.3 5 Co rre lati on Co eff lcie .L 840 e,,90 820 810 800 830 840 Inp ut Pow er in Wa tt tly shifted from tbe rated city and inpu t pow er are sligh In this particular case, mean capa rmance as one must perfo rated the in ly justify a change mean values. -This does not necessarilong-term time pecspective. from look at prod uctio n perf orma nce the functional diagram prov ides an insig ht into The locus of points in the scatter from the othe r ber num ltant resu a is the variables. As the EER data that sents repre relationsbip tbat ell.ists between data biva riate have bivariate data sets. The distr ibute d (whi ch is ally two para mete rs, basically we norm are bles varia two the we assume that occu n; in orde red pairs . If deal ing with a biva riate norm al of the analysis to follow), we are a reasonable assu mpti on in light distribution. that mor e capacity requ ires · interdepeudent on e~K:h otbe r in Capa city and inpu t pow er are hip betw een two parameterS. here is not a functional relations more pow er. How ever , the issue ucts are inde pend ent or not. prod in rs mete tions of tbe two para Ralher, we are intere:sU:d if varia retical stan dpoi nt, it wou ld theo a from e it ollC way or the othe r · Whi le it may be possible to prov . data Whi le the resu lt obtained thesis statistically with actual of com pres sors or s be mor e direct to test out a hypo type r othe to ied appl ly ot be universal from this set of data cano for statistical interf~. 11131lufacturets, it give s a clue to vary. Valu es of random variables and mus t be free selec ted in the Both varia bles are assu med to be omly rand unit n uctio prod the on depending riate norm al biva the ooe varia bles occu r at rand om, of think to nt enie equa l status. It is conv sample. Both variables have 3. surface, sucb as shown in Fig distribution as a three-dimensional 1310 >. ...,-\ +' .... ~ !: <ll 0 '&v 0'& >. +' .Q "' .0 0 .... c... Input Power Fig.3 Bivariate Normal Distribution In the three-dimensional diagram, the exact shape of this figure, which looks like a fireman's hat, will depend on how closely the variables are related. Here, we can see that: (i) The frequencies are concentrated in a elliptical area with the major axis inclined upward to the right. There are no very low capacity with high power nor very high capacity with very low power. (ii) The frequencies pile up along the major axis, reaching a peak near the center of the distribution. They thin out around the edges vanishing entirely beyond the borders of the ellipse. Assumed Distribution Function - Capacity and input power vary together in a joint distribution. If the form of the joint distribution of two variables, X andY, is normal, the joint distribution is a bivariate normal distribution. A special joint distribution of X and Y is assumed in making statistical inferences in simple correlation analysis - a bivariate normal distribution. If we slice the surface at any level of Y or X, the shape of the resulting cross sections are normal. To start with, it is a reasonable assumption !hat the paired variables will a bivariate normal distribution function. A bivariate normal distribution means that each of two variables is distributed about the olher normally. Because of the nature of the bivariate normal distribution, the values of either of the variables are distributed normally for a: fued value of the other variable. This distribution has five parameters, mean and standard deviation for each variable and !he correlation coefficient, p, of which r is an estimator. The parameter, p, measures the closeness of the population relation between X and Y; it determines the narrowness of the ellipse containing !he major portion of the observations. Actual Distribution Function - To prove that we are indeed dealing with a bivariate normal distribution, we must show that each of capacity, input power, and the resultant EER variables has a normal distribution. This can be readily proved by l1rst converting the frequency distribution into a cumulative frequency distribution, then plotting it on special normal paper. 1311 distribution. Thus, the bivaria te data meets All three variables are found indeed to be nonnal all requirements to be bivariate normal distribution. study is to determine the strength Correl ation analys is - The objective of a correlational indicates the extent to which tion correla The of a relationship between paired observations. e. Though the regression analysis variabl another of values to related are e variabl values of one a correlation analysis does, we are not can provide essentially the same information that focuses solely on the strength of the tion Correla interested in a regression analysis here. that both X and Y values differ from sample assume we model tion correla the In ship. relation to sample. of correlation here, which will show We want to find a measure, namely, the coefficient is an index of the degree of this ient coeffic tion correla The bility. covaria this us the degree of estimate r are intimately sample its and p ient coeffic tion correla ion covariability. The populat tion. connected in the bivariate normal distribu es is 0.35. This lies between no The computed covariahility between the two variabl es varying in the same direction variabl both 1), + (p"" blity covariance (p =0) and perfect covaria the 95% confidence interval gives r=0.35 ient (the plus sign). Then sample correlation coeffic n two variables means that high betwee ship relation e positiv A +0.51. < p < for p, +0.16 power, and low values of one with low value of capacity are paired with high values of input only; it is of no use in describing relation linear of e values of the other. Correlation is a measur nonlinear relations. hypothesis that p=O with a two-sided Test of Hypot hesis that p=O We wish to test the distribution says that the region of normal test and significance level of 0.05. A table of the 6 for a sample batch of 102 cases, r=0.34 sample For -1.96. < z and 1.96 > z significance is z~r;n=I~0.346x10.05"3.48 esis is not tenable and the sample As z=3.48 is in the region of significance, the hypoth p =0. esis: hypoth the reject estimate is significant. Thus, we must tion between capacity and input What this means is that there is a slight positive correla es. Howev er, this is not variabl random perfect not are ed measur es variabl power. Thus, the ness. random perfect affect might which !actors too surprising in view of various DETERMINANTS OF PARAMETER VARIABILITY e sources. Variations exist in part Variability in performance results from multipl We also recognize "break -in' run as errors. testing and fits, ces, clearan ly dimension, assemb a variable. in" and how long it is run are· Time Variab ility - How compressor is 'broken (i) decreases with run time and known determinants. The facts that input power tion shifts horiwn tally in distribu the that t sugges slightly only capacity varies Figure 2. This will increase EER. (ii) nent fit-up in assembly affects Manuf acturtn g Assem bly - The tightness of compo input power and capacity. g affectin thus , leakage gas and drag of mating pans (iii) n in the data may be due Testin g Errors - It is not clear how much of the variatio ance variables are perform ed measur that ze recogni to testing errors. We should observe values with testing subject to errors in measurement. That is, we really 1312 error included. Testing errors are independently and normally distributed with their own mean zero and respective variances. It is quite possible, however, that different cases can bias the inherent random nature of testing errors. CONCLUSIO N Fb:ed-percen~~~ge IOkrance band to compressor performance pan~meters are commonly used in the industry, and the practice is reasonable. The "as long as within ±x%" syndrome without considering statistical implication and manufacturing variability is not rational. A tighter tolerance band for customer samples is justified. Along with capacity and input powcr, energy efficiency ratio needs also be controlled, although it is derived from the two. Statisacally, a bivariate-IIQ(mal distribution can be assumed for typical performance parameters. Char-""~cs of such distribution describes ~tual production audit data. A set of 102 paired bivariate dala-, capacity and input power, from an actual production audit has been statistically analy<IOO, Tile. actual data generally fits well to the assumed bivariate normal distribution. Correlation ~~s, however, shows a slight positive correlation between capacity and input power. This s~ that a strict randomness lacks in the production data. 1313