Residential Consumption of Natural Gas and Electricity Power Smart Evaluation BC Hydro December 5, 2008 Overview • • • • • Background & Introduction Data Model Results Concluding Remarks/Suggestions Power Smart Evaluation Background • Gas billing data from an earlier Project was available to compare natural gas and electricity consumption for calendar year 2006; • Power Smart Evaluation was asked to look at residential gas and electricity consumption on the basis of this information. Power Smart Evaluation Introduction • Electricity and Natural Gas compete in the domain of space, water and supplementary heating; • Each is affected by changes in the availability, price and end-use technology of the other. Power Smart Evaluation Data • The base data consisted of 1,971 BC households for whom 2006 electricity and natural gas billing information was available. • Cross-sectional data was linked from a 2006 residential enduse survey. • Adjustments were made to ensure proportionate representation of each region. • Households were restricted to single family dwellings. • Single family dwellings with primary natural gas heating have similar distinguishing characteristics to those using electricity (comparability). Power Smart Evaluation Question How do we use this data to compare Natural Gas and Electricity in terms of energy expenditure and (ultimately) cost? Power Smart Evaluation Answer We want a mechanism that allows us to compare Gas and Electricity consumption in a single format. Power Smart Evaluation A Possible Model • One approach is to use 2 dependent variables: (1) Annual Electricity Consumption and (2) Annual Natural Gas Consumption • Next add the usual independent variables for each dependent one: (1) Space Heat (Gas/Electric) (2) Hot Water (Gas/Electric) (3) Supplemental Space Heat (Electric/None) • Then include Intercepts for both (representing a base load) Power Smart Evaluation Equations (Functional Form) Electric = Intercept + Space Heat + Water Heat + Supplemental Heat + Region Gas = Intercept + Space Heat + Water Heat + Supplemental Heat + Region Power Smart Evaluation Why this Form? We can compare Gas and Electricity consumption at the same time. Power Smart Evaluation Results I – Model Output Power Smart Evaluation Conversions and Other Assumptions Conversions • Use 277.78 Kwh = 1 Gj • Assume 1 Gj (Electricity) ≈ $19.15 • Assume 1Gj (Natural Gas) ≈ $15.04 (based on April 2008 BC electricity and natural gas residential rates including monthly or daily charges) Power Smart Evaluation Results I – Sampled Consumption Source Natural Gas (Gj) Electricity (Gj) Differential (Gj) Space Heat 63.4 27.0 -36.4 Water Heat 30.3 10.9 -19.4 Supplemental Heat 14.0 11.5 -3.5 107.7 49.4 -59.3 Total Power Smart Evaluation Results II – Sampled Cost Source Natural Gas Electricity Differential Space Heat $954 $516 (438) Water Heat $455 $210 (245) Supplemental Heat $210 $221 11 $1,619 $947 (672) Total Power Smart Evaluation Summary • Multivariate models compare customer consumption of one or more fuels. • Trade-offs between energy alternatives should become more transparent. • Energy policy is informed along multiple dimensions. Power Smart Evaluation Questions? BC Hydro Power Smart Evaluation Burnaby BC Canada Power Smart Evaluation