Table 1. Table of ultra high speed analog-to-digital converter chips, the last three entries are inexpensive comparators, essentially 1-bit ADCs. fs (GSa/s) BW (GHz) # bits Manuf. Part # ⇠cost 5 2.0 8 e2v EV8AQ160 $300 10 20 4 Adsantec ASNT7120-KMA $800 3500 12.5 8 8 Maxtek — $17k 20 8 5 e2v EV5AS210 $7k 3000 20 13 8 Agilent — 20 10 3+ oflow Hittite HMC5401LC5 $5k 30 14 6 Micram ADC30 $10k 2500 56 15 8 Fujitsu CHAIS — 20 10 flexibly 1 Hittite HMC874LC3C $40 The SMA Wideband Astronomical ROACH2 Machine (SWARM) processes 4 GHz usable in single polarization mode, reconfigurable as full Stokes dual 2000 12.5 14 1 Inphi 1385DX — SMA polarization. It uses open source technology from the Collaboration for Astronomy Signal Processing and (CASPER). A25707CP 4.6 GSa/s analog25 Electronics 18 Research 1 Inphi — SWARM: A Compact High Resolution CASPER Correlator and Wideband VLBI Phased Array AD EM IA SINIC A SMITHSONI AN OPHYSICA TR L O AS VATORY ER BS C A Instantiated Multipliers SWARM Development Team, SAO & ASIAA & SMA, Cambridge, MA and Hilo, HI A IA 1500 to-digital converter board uses a commercial chip from e2v on a PCB designed by ASIAA. The DSP platform is the second generation Reconfigurable Open Architecture Computing Hardware (ROACH2). Each of two channels per ROACH2 sample a 2.3 GHz Nyquist band from a1000custom block downconverter. due to misalignment in o↵set, gain, phase (OGP), or threshold Integral Non-Linearity (INL). All the cores are clocked by the same external clock input. In the single-channel mode, the D = 32 500 in-phase 1.25 GHz clock is sent to ADC core A and an inverted 1.25 GHz clock is sent to core B. D = 64 The 90 and 270 degree phase shifted clock signals are sent to cores C and D respectively. This D = 128 0 interleaved mode has an equivalent sampling frequency GSa/s.2000A CASPER compatible 500 1000of 5 1500 2500 3000 3500 4000 of PFB channels printed circuit board is available based on this ADC, designed Number by Jiang et al. [28]. Reference [27] details how the OGP and INL corrections are derived, and figure 8 shows the improvement 3500 in Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) Signal Noise and Distortion (SINAD) whichfor various Fig. 3. and Number of to multipliers versus number of PFB channels can be obtained using these corrections. values of demux. The dashed line is the upper limit if multipliers are 3000 Looking ahead, we are presently developing PCB based onROACH the 262. GSa/s Hittite implemented usinga DSP slices on the HMCAD5831 3-bit single core ADC with an FMC (Vita 57.1) standard interface to the Xilinx VC709 evaluation board. The VC709 2500 is based on the XC7VX690T FPGA which includes 80 GTH multi-gigabit serial transceivers, ten of which are brought out to the FMC. The GTH transceiver is a sophisticated subsystem capable of transmitting and receiving serial data at rates 2000 M = D have log N D + |{z} TD 2D for (3) PFB up to 13.1 Gb/s per channel. Both transmitter and receiver blocks essential |{z} | {z2 functional } reliable transmission of data across this interface—these necessary are not available in optimization FIR FFT features prior generations of SERDES transceiver, 1500 for example those on the Xilinx Virtex 6 family which is used on the CASPER ROACH2. The most important thing to note from this equation is that EV8AQ160 reening • Temperature Range for Packaged Device • Commercial C Grade: 0° C < Tamb < 70° C plications • High-speed Oscilloscopes CASPER Packetized FX Correlator and Beamformer ( Figure 1-1. Simplified Block Diagram Block Diagram 2.5 GHz Clock Clock Buffer + Selection + SDA LVDS Buffers 1:1 or 1:2 DMUX 8-bit 1.25 Gsps ADC core Gain 8-bit 1.25 Gsps ADC core Gain T/H Offset Quad Description Gain 8-bit 1.25 Gsps ADC core Gain T/H Phase Offset LVDS Buffers 1:1 or 1:2 DMUX 8-bit 1.25 Gsps ADC core T/H Phase Serial Peripheral Interface LVDS Buffers 1:1 or 1:2 DMUX Phase Offset Instantiated Multipliers LVDS Buffers 1:1 or 1:2 DMUX T/H Phase Offset SWARM installation in laboratory, fed by sophisticated phase agile antenna simulator (J. Test poster) Analog MUX (Cross Point Switch) since 1000 the pipelined stages divide their computation over N/D 4.2. SMA Wideband Astronomical ROACH2 Machine clock cycles the total number of multipliers only grows with core interleaved e2v ADC EV8AQ160 The Quad ADC is constituted by four 8-bit ADC cores which can be considered independently (fourchannel mode) or grouped by two cores (two-channel mode with the ADCs interleaved two by two or one-channel mode where all four ADCs are all interleaved). D = 32 is N 500 as log N . The main contributer to multiplier utilization All four ADCs are clocked by the same external input clock signal and controlled via an SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface). An analog multiplexer (cross-point switch) is used to select the analog input depending on the mode the Quad ADC is used. SWARM block (above) and specifications demux factor.(below). Tablediagram 2. instead Table ofthe SWARM specifications Feature Number of antennas Bandwidth per receiver Number of sidebands Simultaneous receivers Baselines Spectral resolution Fastest dump rate Phased array bandwidth The clock circuit is common to all four ADCs. This block receives an external 2.5 GHz clock (maximum frequency) and preferably a low jitter symmetrical signal. In this block, the external clock signal is then divided by two in order to generate the internal sampling clocks: • In four-channel mode, the same 1.25 GHz clock is directed to all four ADC cores and T/H • In two-channel mode, the in-phase 1.25 GHz clock is sent to ADC A or C and the inverted 1.25 GHz clock is sent to ADC B or D, while the analog input is sent to both ADCs, resulting in an interleaved mode with an equivalent sampling frequency of 2.5 Gsps 0846I–BDC–12/10 e2v semiconductors SAS 2010 D = 64 D = 128 Specification Remarks Assuming an 8-tap FIR filter, the 2500 total number of instanti0 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 3500 4000 8 2 receivers each. Number of PFB channels ated multipliers is governed by D log2 DN +6D. A plot of this 2 GHz Dual polarization in each side band. relationship is shown in Fig. 3 for demux of 32, 64, and 128 2 90-270 Walsh splits SBs, Rx are DSB along the upper limit forpolarization implementing multipliers in Fig. 3. with Number of multipliers number of channels 2 Dual frequency or dualversus 230PFB &the 345 GHz for variou 2 values of28demux. line the DSP slices, ondashed the ROACH 2.upper limit if multipliers ar 56 per2016, Rx,The full Stokes, 112 is total implemented usingNyquist DSP slices on thechannels ROACH 2. 140 kHz 2.3 GHz / 16384 0.65 s B. Adders Single full Walsh cycle 4 GHz 2 GHz ⇥dual pol. To find the total adders we go through a similar calculation but noting that the butterflies have 32 as many adders as =D logonly ND + TD 2Dtaps and thus(3 PFBthe multipliersMand FIR needs to sum all |{z} | {z2 } |{z} performs D(T 1) adds.FFT The total is shown below, again with optimization FIR the contributions pointed out, The most important thing to note from this equation is tha since the pipelined3stages divide their computation over N/D APFB = D log2 N D + D(T 1) + |{z} D (4) clock cycles the total {z } only grows wit |2 number {z }of |multipliers reorder F IR N as log N . The mainFFT contributer to multiplier utilization i instead the demux factor. The added D results from extra adders in the block needing an we 8-tap FIR filter, the offitinstant FPGA DSP Utilization: Before committingAssuming to the ROACH2 needed to understand thattotal the bitnumber code would the to do the final reordering of the FFT output. A Asimilar plot Virtex 6 SX475T FPGA. Utilization is dominated by the PFB, (an FFT with improved channel isolation). hard reality ated multipliers is governed by D log2 DN +6D. A plot of thi to Fig. 3 can be shown for the adders however it would look is that the FPGA cannot run nearly as fast as the ADC. So D (demultiplex factor) of parallel streams are processed. D is relationship is shown in Fig. 3 for demux of 32, 64, and 12 also the ratio of ADC to FPGA clock rate.essentially Bandwidth (~D) much more expensive than spectral resolution (~1/N). the issame. along with the upper limit for implementing the multipliers i See 3500 3000 SWARM ROACH2 assembly with two ADCs installed, and dual SFP+ networking mezzanine cards. Instantiated Multipliers 2500 Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR), Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio (SINAD) and Noise Power Ratio (NPR), and the impact of of quad core alignment (offset, gain and phase, OGP, and Integral NonLinearity, INL) (Patel et al., JAI, 3, 1) 2000 1500 1000 D = 32 D = 64 D = 128 500 0 SWARM on Mauna Kea, and first light fringe on maser source MWC349. 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Number of PFB channels 3000 3500 4000 2