Docket No. 91A-589E Decision No. C91-1729 Appendix A (2 pages) LIST OF EXHIBITS ADMITTED EXHIBIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 Palmieri Direct Testimony 2 Kelly Direct Testimony 3 Martin·Direct & Suppl. Testimony 4 Knudson Direct & Suppl. Testimony 5 Friesen Direct Testimony 6 Kelly Rebuttal Testimony 7 Martin Rebuttal Testimony 8 Knudson Rebuttal Testimony 9 stutz Direct Testimony 10 Binz Direct Testimony 11 Gale Direct Testimony 12 Pomeranz Direct Testimony 13 Buchanan Direct Testimony 14 Allum Direct Testimony 15 Shafer Direct Testimony 16 Teague Direct Testimony _ 17 Barhaghi Direct Testimony 18 Schmitz Direct Testimony 19 Decision No. C83-426 20 Decision No. C87-1690 EXHIBIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION 21 Decision No. C88-726 22 - Late-filed List of CPCNs 23 - Late-filed stipulation re city of Montrose 24 - Late-filed Harris Group study (Nucla) 25 Re Maine Pub. Servo Co., 75 PUR4th 295 (1986) 26 - Late-filed statement of Tri-state re PUC jurisdiction AG File No. E9211025.8 Exhihit Fr.l(-4 Docket No. 911\':"589E' Pa?e 1 of 6 EXE T 3TT 3.'J 1 (a) (to Asset Purchase Agreement) PSCo GENER..l\TING FACILITIES J.. Docket No. 91A-589E Decision No. C91-1729 Appendix B (18 pages) Craia 1. A 9.72% undivided ownership interest in Craig 11 a coal-fired steam electr~='ge~2r2ti~g 9lant lccat~d i~ Moff~t County near the city of Craig in north'.V'estc::rn Colorado alld having a current net generating capacity of 428 MW, representing 33.47% of ColoradoUte's 29% undivided ownership interest in Craig J. (4J..5 MW) . 2. Craie 2. A 9.72% undivided ownership interest in Craig 2, a coal-fired electric generating plant located in Moffat County near the city of Craig in northwestern Colorado and having a current net generating capacity of 428 MW, representing 33.47% of ColoradoUte's 29% undivided ownership interest in Craig 2 (4J..5 MW). ste~~ (2.) A 6.47% unc.ivided ownership interest in and to the Original Common Facilities listed in Appendix J. to Exhibit A to the Amended and Restated Craig Station Common Facilities Agreement. (b) A 9.72% undivided ownership interest in and to the Original Common Facilities as listed in Appendix 2 to Exhibit A to the Amended and Restated Cra~g Station Common Facilities Agreement. 4. Craie Stat~on Re=l P~ODertv. A 6.47% undivided ownership interest in the Craig Plant Site, as defined in the FE,ended and Restated Y~~pa Project Participation Agreement including all rights - of -way easements and licenses which relate to or run to the benefit of such real property representing 12.28% of Colorado-Ute's 52.67% ownership interest in such real property. 1 I f 71207/ASSET1/20173 Exh3.01(a) Exhihit RCtZ-4 Docket No. 91A-S89E Page 2 of 5. f, Havden.1. A 75.5% undivided ownership interest in Hayden l, a coal-fired steam electric generating plant located in Routt County, near the city of Hayden in northwestern Colorado and having a current nee generating capacity of l84 MW, in which Colorado-Ute has a lOO~ undivided ownership interest (l39 MW) . 6. Hayden 2. A 37.4% undivided ownership interest in Hayden 2, a coal-fired steam electric generating plant located in Routt County, near the city of Hayden in northwestern Colorado and having a current net generating capacity of 262 W~, representing 74.8% of Colorado-Ute's SO%' undivided ownership interest in Hayden 2 (98 MW) . 7. Hayden Stat~on Common Facilities. (a) A 53 .l%' undivided ownership interest in and to the Hayden Station Cornmon Facilities as listed in Exhibit C to the ~~ended and Restated Hayden Participation Agreement. 8. Hayde!). Station Real P""'-ouertv. (a) A 75.5% undivided ownership interest in and to each parcel of real property on which Hayden l is located, including all rights - of - way, easements and licenses which relate to or run to the benefit of any of such real property. (b) A 37.4%' undivided ownership interest in and to eac!1. parcel of real property on which Hayden 2 is located, including all rights-ai-way, easements and licenses which relate to or run to the benefit of any of such real property, representing 74.8% of Colorado-Ute'8 50% undivided ownership interest in such real property. 9. Hvdroeler~ric Fac~lities. (a) A 100% ownership interest in Tacoma Hydro, a hydroelectric generating facility located near Durango, Colorado, including all related buildings, equipment, fixtures, systems, and other improvements. (b) A 100% ownership interest in Ames Hydro, a hydroelectric generating facility located near Silverton, Colorado, including all related buildings, equipment fixtures systems, and other improvements. I . I (c) A 100% ownershlp interest in Ouray Hydro, a hydroelectric generating facility located near Ouray, Colorado, including all 71207/ASSE71/20173 Ex..1)3.01(a) 1':Xlllbit E{CK-4 Docket No. Pap,e J related buildings, improvements. 10. Bullock equipment, fixt.ures, systems, and 91A~S89E of 6 ot.her St~tion. (a) A 100% ownership interest in Bullock Station, a conventional coal- fired steam electric generating station cc~sisting of two units located in Montrose, Colorado. (b) A lOO% ownership interest in and to each parcel of real property on ~hich Bullock Station is located, including all rightsof -way easements and licenses which relate to or run to the benefit. of any such real property. I 11. Canon City. (a) A 100% ownership interest in Canon City Station Unit I, a 16.5 MW conventional coal-fi~ed steam electric generating unit located in Canon City, Colorado. (b) A 100% ownership interest in each parcel of real property on which Canon City Station Unit 1 is located, including all rights-of-way, easements and licenses which relate to or r'l.ln to the benefit of any such· real property. 71207/ASSET1/20173 . Exh3 .01 (a) "::d1 i b L t RCf~-(, OockQt ~o. Page of 6 !, 91A-5A9E EXHIBIT 2. Ol (al (to Asset Purc2ase Ag~eement) THE 1. T?I~STATE GENE~~TING FACILITIES Cra; a 3. All of Colorado-Ute's leasehold interest in the as e2~ined in the Craig 3 Leases, which co~sists of nF~cility", (a) the 408 Wtl coal- fired st:eam electric generating plant located at Craig Station and designated as Craig Station Unit No.3, and (b) an undivided interest in the New Common Facilities as identified on Ex.l-libit B to the Craig Station Common Facilities Agreement, together with all of Colorado-Ute's rights and interests under the Craig 3 Related Agreements (other than the Tax Indemnification Agreements) . 2. C~aiq Station Common Facilities. A 33.33% undivided ownership interest in and to the Original Common Facilities listed in Appendix 1 to E~~ibit A to the Amended and Restated Craig Station Common Facilities Agreement. 3. Cra~a Station Real Prooertv A 33.33% undivided o~mership interest in the Craig Plant Site as defined in the &~ended and Restated Y~~pa Project Participation Agreement including all rights-of-way, easements and licenses which relate to or run. to .the benefit of any such real property, r2presenting a 63.28% of Colorado-Ute's 52.67% undivided ownerShip interest in such real property. 4. Nucla PO'~ler Stat'ion A 100% undivided ownership in the 100 Wtl coal-fired stea.rn electric generating station located near Nucla, Colorado, and designated as Nucla Power Station, including all related buildings, equipment, fixtures, systeft1s, and other improvements. 5. Nucla Power Station Real Pronerty " All of ColL...cado- Ute's right, ti tIe, and interest in and to each parcel of real property on which the Nucla Power Station is located, or other~ise relating to the Nucla Power Station, including all rights-af-way, easements, and licenses which relate to or run to the benefit of any of such real prope~ty. 71207/ASSET1/20173 EXH2. 01 (a) E:{hihtt RCK-4 Docket ~o. alA-S89~ Page 5 of 6 EXH T 3IT 4.01 (a) (to Asset Purchase Agreement) PACIFICORD ~. GENE~~TING FACILITIES Craig 1 A 19 .. 28 percent undivided ownership interest in and to Craig I, a coal-fired steruu electric generating plant located in Moffat County, near the city of Craig in northwestern Colorado and having a current net generating capacity of 428 ~q, representing 66.53 percent of Colorado-Ute's 29.00 percent undivided ownership interest in Craig 1. 2. Cra i q 2 A 19.28 percent undivided ownership interest in and to Craig 2, a coal-fired steam electric generating plant located in Moffat County near the city of Craig in northwestern Colorado and having a current net generating capacity of 428 Wil, representing 66.53 percent of .Colorado-Ute's 29.00 percent undivided ownership interest in Craig 2. 3. 4. Craia Station Common Facilities (a) A 12.86 percent undivided ownership interest in and to the Original Corrrrnon Facilities listed in Appendix 1 to Exhibit A to the Amended and Restated Craig Station COmIT,on Facilities Agreement. (b) A 19.28 percent undivided ownership interest in and to the Original Cornmon Facilities listed in 'Appendix 2 to Exhibit A to the Amended and Restated Craig Station Cornmon Facilities Agreement. Craia Station Real Pronertv A 12.87 percent undivided ownership interest in the Craig Plant Site, as defined in the &~ended and Restated Yampa Project Participation Agreement, including all rights-of-way, easements and licenses which relate to or run to the benefit of any of such real property, representing 24.43 percent of Colorado-Ute's 52.67 percent undivided ownership interest in such real property_ 5. Hayden 1 A 24.50 percent undivided o'NTIershiD interest in and to Hayden 1, a coal-fired steam electric generating plunt located in Routt County, near the city of Hayden in northwestern Colorado and having a net current generating capacity of 181 M\1, representing 24. SO 71207/ASSET1/~0173 Ex4 . alA Exh i. b L t RCK-I\ Docket No. r <l i!,e 6 0 f percent of Colorado-Ute's 100.00 interest in Hayden Station Unit 1. 6. percent undivided qlA-SSq~ (i ownership Hayde!1 2 A 12.60 percent undivided ownership interest i!1 and to Hayde!1 a coal-fired steam electric generating plant located in Routt County near the city of Hayden in north~"e~ter:J. Colorado and having .a current net generating capacity of 262 MW, representing 25.20 percent of Colorado-Ute's 50.00 percenc undivided owners hiD interest in Hayden 2. 2, f 7. Hayden Station Common Facilities A 17.50 percent undivided ownership interest in and to the Hayden Common Facilities listed in Exhibit C to the Restated Hayde!1 Participation Agreement. 8. Hayden Station Real property (a) A 24.50 percent undivided ownership interest in and to each parcel of real property on which Hayden 1 is located, including all rights-of-way, easements and licenses which relate to or run to the benefit of any of such real property, representing 24.50 percent of Colorado-Ute's 100.00 percent undivided owners hiD interest in such real property. (b) A 12.60 percent undivided ownership interest in and to each parc2l of real property on which Hayden 2 is located, including all rights~of-way, easements and licenses which relate to or run to the benefit of any of such real property, representing 25.20 percent of ColorCldo-Ute's 50.00 percent undivided ownership interesc in such real property. 71207/ASSET1/20173 Ex4.01A !:'xn1.tHt RCK-S Docket No. 91A-539E f'a,,?e 1 of 10 EXHIBIT 3.01 (b) (to Asset Purchase Agreement) PSCo TI..Al'JSt.fISSION FACILITIES l. Bulk Power Transmission Lines The undivided owne~ship interests and capacity entitlements (expressed as a percentage of Colorado-Ute's interest), as specified below, in the following bulk power transmission line of Colorado-Ute, together with the same percentage interest in all related licenses, permits, rights-of-way, and other real property interests, are to be transferred to PSCo: Transmission Line Undivided Ownership Interest to be Transferred to PSCO Basalt - tJI'..a.l ta Boone-Lamar 230 kV Craig-Hayden Tap 230/345 kV line Craig-Rifle 345 kV Gore Pass-Blue River (G.P.) 230 kV Grand Junction-Montrose 345 kV Hayden Tap-Hayden Sub 230 kV Hayden Tap-Wolcott Tap 230 kV Hayden-Blue River 230 kV {"',ong Hollow-San Juan 345 kV ~hdway -Boone 230 kV Montrose-Long Hollow 345 kV Poncha-San Luis Valley 230 kV Rifle-Grand Junct. 345 kV Rifle Sub (USER) (R CUEA-R WAPA) Wolcott Tap-Wolcott Sub Wolcott-Basalt 230 kV 2. Distribution Tran~mission Capacity Entitlement to be Transferred to PSCo lOa%- lOO% ~oo%- 56% 100% 50% 100% 50%" lOa%so%laO%50% lOa%lOa%~OO% 50% lOa%26% laO%l7%73%lOO% 100% lOa%laO%lOO%60% . 26% 50% l7% 73% 100% 100% Lines All of Colorado-Ute's right, title and interest in and to each of the following member-load transmission lines, together with all related licenses, permits, rights-of-way, and other real property interests, are to be transferred to PSCo: Grand Valley Collbran-Grand Junction 115 kV Rifle-Collbran lIS kV (138 Const) 71207/ASSET1/2017] Ex...l-:3. 01 (h) F,xhibit RC,(-S Docket No. 91A~589E PClge 2 of 10 Intermountain None H01V Cross .. Easalt ~~5 kV Tap Basalt-Aspen 115 kV BC3:salt-Crystal 1~5 kV Ya::-noa Craig-Craig Transfer 230 kV Hayden (WAPA)-Mt. Harris 138 kV Steamboat Tap (str 176)-Steamboat Sub Wolcott Tap-Steamboat Tap (str 176) ". 71207/ASSET1/20173 Exh3 .01 (b) Exhibit RCK-S Docket No. 91A-S89r. Page 3 of 10 EXEIB IT 3. 01 (c) (to Asset Purchase Agreement) PSCo 1. SUBST~TIONS Bulk Power Substations The undivided ownership interests and capacity entitlements (expressed as a percentage of Colorado-Ute's interest) as specified below, in the following bulk power substations of Colorado-Ute, together with the same percentage interest in all related licenses, permits, rights-af-way, and other ~eal property interests, are to be transferred to PSCo: I Undivided Ownership Interest to be Transferred to PSCO Substation Basalt Transmission Sub 100% Blue River Sub (PSC) 100% Boone Trans Sub 100% Craig Station Switchyard Area A 100% Craig Station Switchyard Area C lOa%' Craig Switchyard Area B-South lOa%' Craig USER Sub (Hayden-Rifle) 100% Grand Junction Transmission Sub laO%' \rand JUllCt. 345 kV Trans Sub Area C 100% .1)ayden Sub (USBR) 100% 100% Hesperus 345 kV Trans Sub Area B 100% Hesnerus 345 kV Trans Sub. 50% Lamar 230/115 kV Transmission Sub laO%" Malta Transmission lOa%" Montrose 345 kV Trans Sub Area A 50% Rifle 345 kV Sub Area E Rifle 345 kV Trans Sub Area D 100% Rifle 345 kV Transmission Sub Area B 100% 100% Rifle Transmission Sub Area A 100% San Juan 345 kV Transmission Sub 100% San Luis Valley 230/115 Sub 100% Shiprock 345 kV Transmission Sub 100% wolcott Sub 2. Capacity Entitlement to be Transferred to PSCo 100% laO%" 50% t:f"\S--,va 100% 50% 50%" 50% 100% 50% 50% 50% 100% 50%" 50% 50% 50%' 50% 50%" 50% 50%100% Distribution Substations All of Colorado-Dte's right, title 2nd interest in and to each of the following member-load substations, together wi th all related licenses, permits, rights - of - way, and other real property interests, are to be transferred to PSCo: 71207/ASSET1/20173 Ex.'-l3 .01 (e) r:x!libit RCK-5 Docket No. Q1A-S~9~ Po'ge 4 of In Grand ValloV' Collbran Distribution Sub Collbran Switching Station Holy Cross Aspe~ Distribution Sub Aspen Town Distribution Sub Avon Distribution Sub Crystal Distribution Sub Basalt Distribution Sub Glenwood Springs Dist. Sub Glenwood Springs (Cardiff) Del. Pt. Mitchell Creek Distribution Sub. Parachute Sub Metering Roaring Fork Distribution Sub Vail Distribution Sub Inte:anountain Castle Rock Metering Station Conifer Transmission Sub Deer Creek Distribution Sub Fairplay Distribution Sub Floyd Hill Metering Point Foothills Metering Point Midway Sub Palmer Lake Transmission Sub Sedalia Metering Station Smoky Hill Transmission Sub Tiny town Disto Sub Watert.on Transmission Sub Yamoa ValleV' Craig Station Switchyard (Area D) Craig Transfer Sub Hayden Plant Sub (Dist) Mount Harris Transmission Sub Steamboat Springs Sub ", 71207/ASS2Tl/20173 Exh3 .01 (c) I<xh i hit Docket PClge 5 RCK.- 5 ~o. of 91A-589E l() . EXHIBIT 2.01(b} (to Asset Purchase Agreement) THE TRI-STATE TRANSi-1ISSION FACILITIES 1. Bulk Power Transmission Lines The undivided ownership interests and capacity entitle.TTlents (expressed as a percentage of Colorado-Ute s interest), as specified below, in the following bulk power transmission lines of Colorado-Ute, together with the same percentage interest in all related licenses, permits, rights-ofway, and other real property interests, are to be transferred to Tri-State: Transmission Line Undivided Ownership Interest to be Transferred to Tri-State Boone-Lamar 230 kV Craig Switch-Craig 3 230 (345) kV Craig-Rifle 345 kV . Grand Junction-Montrose 345 kV Long Hollow-San Juan 345 Kv Midway-Boone 230 Kv Montrose-Long Hollow 345 kV \?onchi3.~San Luis Valley 230 kV Jifle-Grand Juncc. 345 kV Rifle Sub (USER) (R CUEA-R WAPA) 2. o 100% 50% 50% 50% a Capacity Entitlement to be Transferr2~ to T"""i-State 44% 100% 50% 50%50%40%- 74% 74%- a 50%83 %27% 83% 27% Distribution Transmission Lines All of Colorado-Ute's right, title, and interest in and to each of the following member-load transmission lines, together with all related licenses, permits, rights-of-way, and other real property interests, are to be transferred to Tri-State: 71207/ASSE71/~0173 EXH2 .01 (b) 1.',Xl1l1"llt Docket I{CK-) :~o. C)1i\-SQ,9F Page 6 of ln Del t 3. - ~1ontrose Hotchkiss-Juanita 115 kV Grand Junction-Montrose 115 kV Montrose-Happy Canyon 115 kV Montrose-'Hot.chkiss 115 kV Spring Creek Mesa-Bullock 115 kV Cahone-Emoire 115 kV Empire-Lost Canyon 115 kV Nucla-Cahone 115 kV Gunnison C0\.ill.tY Blue Mesa-Lake City 115 kV Skito-Crested Butte 115 kV La Plata Bayfield-Pagosa Springs 115 kV Durango-Eayfield 115 kV Durango-Bodo 115 kV (Dbl ekt) Durango-Eodo 115 kV (Sngl Ckt) Durango-New Mexico Line 115 kV Lost Canyon-Durango 115 kV San Isabel Pueblo West Tap 115 kV Stem Beach-Vlalsenburg 115 kV Walsenburg-Burro Ca~yon 115 kV West (SCPC)-Stem Eeach 115 kV San Luis Vallev San Luis Valley-Ramon 115 kV San Luis-Waverly 115 kV San Miquel Montrose-Nuc12 115 kV Sanare De Christo Buena Vista Tap 115 kV 71207/~sSETl/20173 EXH2 .01 (b) [xhibit RCK-S Docket ~o. 9L~-5~9E PQge 7 of Southeast Colorado Boone-La Junta 115 kV La Junta-Willow Creek 1~5 kV Lamar - Vilas Tap Vilas Tap (Struc 102f-Vilas 115 Willow Creek-Vilas Tap White River Axial Basin-Meeker 138 kV Hayden Sub-Axial Basin (WAPA) 138 kV Meeker-Rangely 138 kV Meeker-Rifle 138 kV 314 'I 71207/ASSET1/20173 EXH2. 01 (b) Lfl LxlLLblt Docket I;CK-S ~o. Page Sole 91A-5 Q 0F 10 EXHIBIT 2.01(c) (to Asset Purchase Ag~e~ment) THE 1. TRT-STAT~ SU3STAT T ONS Bulk Power Substations The undivided. ownership interests and canacity enti tlements (e:::~::-2SS2d 2•.3 a percentage of Colorado:' Ute's interest) as specified below, in the following bulk power substat.ions of Colorado-Ute (together with the Saltle percentage interest in all related licenses, permits, rights-of-way, and other real property interests), are to be transferred to Tri-State: I Undivided Ownership Interest to be Transferred to Tri-State Substation Boone Trans Sub Craig Station Switchyard (Area A) Craig Switchyard Area B-South Craig USBRSub (Hayden-Rifle) Grand Junction Transmission Sub Grand Junct. 345 kV Trans Sub Area C Hesperus 345 kV Trans Sub Area B Hesnerus 345 kV Trans Sub TJa.rnar 230/115 kV Transmission Sub .ontrose 345 kV Trans Sub .Area A Rifle 345 kV Sub Area E Rifle 345 kV Trans Sub Area D Rifle 345 kV Transmission Sub Area- B Rifle Transmission sub Area A San Juan 345 kV Transmission Sub San Luis Valley 230/115 Sub Shiprock 345 kV Transmission Sub 2. Distribution a o o o a o o a 50% o 50% a o o o o o Capacity Entitle~ent to be Transferred to Tr; -State 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%' 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%" 50% 50% 50% Substat~ons All of Colorado-Ute/s right, title, and interest in and to each of the following member-load substations, together with all related licenses, permits, rights-of-way, and other real property interests, are to be transferred to Tri-State: Delta-Montrose Bullock Distribution Sub Bullock Transmission Sub Cimarron Distribution Sub Garnet Mesa Sub 71207/i~SET1/20173 Exh2.01(c) Exhjbit RCV-S Docket No. 91A-S89E Pa~e Happy Canyon Transmission Sub Hotchkiss 115 kV Sub Juanita 115/46 Transmission Sub Montrose Switching Station North Fork 345/115 kV Transmission Sub North Mesa Sub Spring Creek 115/46 kV Transmission Sub Emuire Electric Cahone 115-46 kV Transmission'Sub East Cortez Metering Station Empire Transmission Sub Lost Canyon Transmission Sub Main (ERA) Switching Station Mancos Tap Distribution Sub Gunnison Countv Blue Mesa Sub (USBR) Crested Butte 115/24 Distribution Sub Lake City Distribution Sub Skito Transmission Sub La Plata ·Bayfield Transmission Sub Bodo 115/46 kV Transmission Sub Cascade Distribution Sub Cascade Trans Sub Durango Sub Hermosa 115/46 kV Sub Northwest Pipeline Metering Point Pagosa Sub ' Shenandoah Distribution Sub Tacorrl3. Sub San Isabel Burro Canyon 115/69 kV Sub Calumet Sub Ludlow Tap Transmission Sub Portland Distribution Sub Stern Beach Sub Walsenburg Sub San Luis Valle'! Ansel Distribution Sub Casa Metering Sta- Eq. Moffat Distribution Sub 71207/ASSET1/20173 Exh2.01(c) .~ 9 of 10 1',:{llihLt Docket RCK-) ~o. 91A-5R9~ 10 of 10 Ramon 115/69 Stanley Metering Point Waverly 115/69 San Miaue 1 Ames Dist Sub Ames Transmission Sub John Brown Mesa Nucla Plant SclJ Sanare de Cr~sto Buena Vista Distribution Sub Kettle Sub Metering Point Mears Junction Distribution Sub Querida Distribution Sub Smeltertown Sub 'Twin Lakes Metering Point Southeast Colorado City of La Junta Metering Station City of Lamar Metering Station Cowan Distribution Sub La Junta Sub Manzanola Distribution Sub North Fowler Distribution Sub South L~Trar Sub Vilas 115/69 kV Sub Axial Basin Transmission Sub Meeker Switching Station 71207/ASS2Tl/20173 Exh2. 01 (e) 1';:< h i h L t RCK - fJ Docket No. 91A-SQ<1r. Paf'c 1 of HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. ASSETS Substations - 115 kV and Above AVON SUBSTATION BEAVER CREEK SUBSTATION 115-25 kV BEAVER CREEK SUB-CIRCUIT BREAKERS CRYSTAL SUBSTATION 115-25 kV RIFLE SUBSTATION 138-25 kV VAIL SUBSTATION 115-25 kV WOLCOTT SUBSTATION 115 kV Transmission Lines - 115 kV and Above AVON 115 kV LINE BASALT-ASPEN 69 kV UPGRADE TO 115 kV BEAVER CREEK-VAIL 115 kV LINE WOLCOTT-BEAVER CREEK 115 kV LINE WOLCOTT-BEAVER CREEK #2 115 kV LINE Exhibit RCK-8 Page 1 of 1 PUBLJC SERVICE aJ.1PAN{ OF mI..DRAJX) AcqJISITIG'I OF CDLDRADJ--UI'E LDlillS AND ASSETS TRANSMISSIG'I FACILITIES 10 BE AcmRED FORM CDLORAJX)---lJ'l' WHICH SPECIFICALLY SERVE mLORAID--UI'E MEMBERS Colorado-Ute Member Served by Facility: Voltage Facili ty Name: Type of Facility: .Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. Yampa Basal t to Aspen 115JN Transmission Line Basalt to Basalt Distr 115 ICV Transmission Line Basalt to Crystal 115 IN Tran.9n:i.ssion Line 230 y:y Tra.l1S!llission Line Valley Electric Association, Inc. Craig to Craig Tra.11Sfer Craig Transfer Sub Hayden to Mt. Harris Mt. Harris Sub 230/69 IN 230 k'V 230/69 IN Transmission Substation Transmission Line Transmission Substation Wolcott to Steamboat Tap 230 IN Transmission Line Steamboat Tap to StearnJ::oat 230 k'V Transmission Line Stea.rnroa t Sub 230/69 IN Transmission Substation Docket No. 91A-589E Decision No. C911729 Appendix C (1 page) ORDERS OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRANTING CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO COLORP.DO-UTE ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Application 20964 AInended 22905 Amended 26082 2.:515 Decision Date 64755 3/24/65 70608 12/22/67 11/30/72 10/16/72 9/22/72 9/14/73 26906 12/09/74 27880 6/05/74 27462 84904 4/23/74 27167 (approving Recommended Decision No. 84694, dated 3/20/74) 29508 89889 12/21/76 33516 R81-959 5/29/81 33419 R81-770 4/27/81 (as supplemented by Decision No. C8S-24S dated 2/20/85) 34979 R83-1092 7/13/83 (as modified by Decision No. C83-1478, dated 9/20/83) 35403 C83-426 3/17/83 38493 C87-1184 8/19/87 81850 81536 81335 83711 86067 85132 t