Southwestern Public Service Company Local Planning Meeting September 15, 2011 Update on Current Construction Projects 2 Dallam-Sherman 115 kV Line LEGEND OKLAHOMA TEXAS Texhoma Sherman County Substation Amarillo Texas . Stratford PROPOSED 115 Kv LINE APPROX. 35 MI Gruver Spearman Substation Dallam County Substation Etter-Rural Substation Dalhart NEW 115 kV LINE 345 kV LINE 230 kV LINE 115 kV LINE 69 kV LINE Cactus Dalhart Substation Sunray RBEC HOGUE SUBSTATION Pringle Substation SUBSTATION N Moore Co . Substation W Dumas Dumas Stinnett E S Line & Subs Completed – ISD Apr 2011 into Hitchland 3 Dallam-Channing-Potter Transmission Project Optima Boise City Guymon TC- Whiting T. C. T.C. . T. C T.C. T.C. T.C. T.C. OKLAHOMA T. C. Goodwell Hardesty Cole Substation T.C. Texhoma . Stratford Lasley Substation Sherman County Substation Ochiltree Co Substation Hitchland Substation LEGEND N.P. Booker Darrouzett Follett Perryton N.P. N.P. N. P. N.P.N.P. Amarillo Gruver TEXAS T. C. N.P. N.P. Spearman Substation Dallam County Substation Texas Spearman Etter Rural Substation Dalhart Substation Higgins Cactus Dalhart N. P. Pringle Substation Sunray RBEC Hogue Substation Moore County Substation Dumas 19th St Substation Construct 230kV Dallam to Channing Line, Operated 115 kV Initially. N. P. 230 kV LINE Sanford Channing Substation Channing Tascosa Substation Construct 230kV Channing to Northwest Line, Operated 115 kV Initially. 115 kV LINE Riverview kVBlackhawk LINE Miami 69 N.P.Borger Fritch Excell Substation Adrian N.P. NEW 230 kV LINE Canadian NEW 115 kV LINE Stinnett 345 kV LINE Dumas N.P. N.P. Gray Co . Hutchinson Co . Mobeetie Substation Substation EXISTING SUBSTATION Affected Substations Kingsmill White Deer Substation Cliffside Substation Northwest Substation Vega Wildorado Substation Harrington Sta Substation Amarillo South Substation Panhandle Bowers Substation Grapevine Substation Nichols.Sta N. Amarillo Substation Amarillo, TX Coulter Bushland Substation G.B Potter County Substation Vega Substation Dallam-Channing Complete Aug 2011 Pampa Shamrock Groom East Plant Substation Randall County Substation Osage Substation Claude Kirby Sw . Sta. Potter-Channing ISD Expected Jan 2012 Mclean Conversion to 230 kV ISD Expected Dec 2015 4 Moore County to Hitchland 230 kV LEGEND Optima Boise City Guymon Texas Co Substation . Amarillo Goodwell OKLAHOMA TEXAS Hitchland Substation Sherman County. Substation Follett Perryton NEW 230 kV LINE Construct 230 kV line from Hitchland to Moore Co. NEW 115 kV LINE Gruver Etter-Rural Substation Spearman Substation 345 kV LINE 230 kV LINE Spearman 115 kV LINE Pringle Substation Sunray REC OWNED LINE N Stinnett Dumas 19th St . W Sanford Excell Sub . SUBSTATION Canadian Moore Co. Substation Dumas Channing Higgin 69 kV LINE Cactus RBEC HOGUE SUBSTATION Texas Texhoma Stratford Dallam County Substation Dalhart Dalhart Substation Cole Substation Hardesty Fritch Borger Riverview Blackhawk Miami E S ISD Expected - July 2012 5 Hitchland to Ochiltree County ISD Expected - Nov 20126 Lea Co. Cooperative 115 KV Project (Johnson Draw Substation) Higg Russell Pool MAPCO Hobbs, New Mexico New Johnson Draw Sw. Station AMFRAC Hobbs Station Maddox Station Gaines Co Taylor Switching Station 62 62 Legend Texas New Mexico SPS Power Plant SPS Substation New SPS Sub 230 kV 115 kV New N W E S 69 kV Seminole, Texas ISD Expected - June 2012 7 Eagle Creek Project L a k e A r th u r E a g le C r e e k In te r c h a n g e N W E C o tto n w o o d LEG END S Eddy C o. N a v a jo A to k a 230 kV 115 kV 69 kV S u b s ta tio n / In te r c h a n g e D u v a l# 2 Z ia C VEC Lakew ood S e v e n R iv e r s PCA ISD – May 2011 8 Legacy Interchange N W AHCO2 V94 E Construct single circuit 115 kV line. S T16 GAINES CO. Riley Sub Gaines Co. Interchange 385 62 180 Convert 69 kV line to 115 kV service. Seminole Y98 Construct double circuit 115 kV line. New Legacy Interchange Doss Interchange Y86 385 Tenneco Sub LEGEND 115 kV 69 kV Substation / Interchange Air Port ISD – Aug 2011 9 Tuco – Woodward ISD Expected – May 2014 10 Other Project Completions Yoakum Co 230/115 kV – 2nd 150 MVA auto – Oct 2009 Hale County 115/69 kV autos – 84 MVA – June 2010 Cochran County 115/69 kV autos – 84 MVA – June 2010 Lubbock East 115/69 kV autos – 84 MVA – Dec 2009 Wheeler 230/115 kV 250 MVA auto – Aug 2010 Wheeler – Howard 115 kV Line, 115/69 kV 40 MVA auto at Howard Clovis – Curry- North Clovis 115 kV Conversion – July 2010 Floyd County – 115 kV bus, 2 – 84 MVA 115/69 kV autos, Floyd – Cox 115 kV line – April 2009 11 New Transmission Projects Projects have been budgeted Estimated ISD shown 12 Rolling Hills (Cherry St Intg) ISD Expected – Jun 2013 13 Jones Plant Bus Rebuild Idalou Vickers SP-Hettler Stanton Indiana N Auburn Carlisle Lubbock, TX Lubbock East Carver Knoxville Doud Globe Wheelock Yuma Legend Clutter SPS Power Plant SPS Substation Acco Murphy Lewter Allen Batton SP-Upland Planters K14 K08 SP-Frankford SP-Quaker K47 Lubbock South Jones Station REC Substation 345 kV 230 kV 115 kV 69 kV SP-Posey Woodward Intg SP-Woodward SP-Cooper SP-Frenship SP-Woodward SP-Union ISD Expected – July 1, 201314 Newhart Interchange Z51 T04 DIMMITT EAST DIMMITT WEST CASTRO CO. HAPPY Y91 CASTRO COUNTY Construct approximately 19 miles of new 230 kV line from Newhart Interchange to Swisher County Interchange K63 SHAMROCK PUMP Construct a 230/115 kV 252/292 MVA interchange. Construct approximately 24 miles of new 115 kV line from Newhart Interchange to Castro County Interchange TULIA CITY T67 N K41 W Tap the new 115 kV line and construct ~ 1 mile of 115 kV line to Hart Industrial Substation & convert substation to 115 kV service. V37 K21 LAMB COUNTY Legend Z62 SPS Power Plant KRESS HART INDUSTRIAL Construct approximately 19 miles of new 115 kV line from Newhart Interchange to Lamton Interchange SWISHER CO. Construct approximately 18 miles of new 115 kV line from Newhart Interchange to Kress Interchange SPS Substation REC Substation 345 kV 230 kV 115 kV 69 kV KRESS RURAL Y75 HALE COUNTY LAMTON V72 Z63 K1 PLAINVIEW CITY PLAINVIEW WEST SPRINGLAKE OLTON T28 E S Z64 PLANT-X SWISHER COUNTY PLAINVIEW NORTH PLAINVIEW EAST Y76 COX Z18 WESTRIDGE T29 FLOYD COUNTY PLAINVIEW SOUTH Y74 HALE CO. V07 ISD Expected – Dec 201415 Plainview City Expansion T67 Construct approximately 18 miles of new 115 kV line from Kress Interchange to Plainview City Interchange K63 NEWHART KRESS SWISHER CO. CASTRO COUNTY KRESS RURAL Construct a 115/69 kV 84 MVA interchange to be located at the Plainview City Substation. Y75 Convert Plainview North Substation to 115 kV service HALE COUNTY N V72 Legend W K1 E PLAINVIEW CITY PLAINVIEW NORTH SPS Power Plant S SPS Substation PLAINVIEW WEST Y76 Z18 COX Z63 230 kV 115 kV FLOYD COUNTY PLAINVIEW EAST REC Substation 345 kV Convert Kress Rural Substation to 115 kV service WESTRIDGE T29 69 kV HALE CO. Y74 Construct approximately 10 PLAINVIEW SOUTH miles of new 115 kV line from Plainview City Interchange to V07 Cox Interchange ISD Expected – Dec 2014 16 Pleasant Hill ISD Expected – Dec 2014 17 Randall County Interchange Harrington Nichols Amarillo, TX East Plant 40 40 V04 Manhattan K19 K62 Legend Osage 27 V04 V67 SPS Power Plant Randall Co. Intg K62 N SPS Substation 345 kV 230 kV New 115 kV Amarillo South 69 kV Amarillo , Texas ISD Expected – Apr 2013 18 Randall – Kress Reconductor Potter C o H arrington N ichols A m a rillo , TX 40 R an d all C o . In tg S pring D raw K 11 K 41 C anyon, TX 60 V 05 C anyon E ast P alo D uro T 03 27 K 63 T 66 SCEC H appy, TX H appy C ity S ub SCEC N H ap p y In tg Y 91 S C EC S ham rock P um p L eg en d SCEC T ulia, T X S P S P o w e r P lan t T 67 S P S S u bs tation SCEC R E C S u b station 3 45 2 30 11 5 69 K 63 kV kV kV kV 27 K re ss In tg V 76 S w isher C o . SCEC K res s R ural K re s s , T X V 72 K 01 E d m o nso n, TX ISD Expected – Apr 2012 19 Bowers – Howard 115 kV BOWERS SUB HOWARD SUB PROPOSED 115 kV LINE LEGEND: SPS EXISTING SUBSTATION 230 KV LINE 115 KV LINE 69 KV LINE 115 KV LINE (PROPOSED) ISD Expected – June 2014 20 Harrington – Randall 230 kV #2 ISD Expected – June 2015 21 Yoakum 230 kV Bus Rebuild 62 380 YOAKUM CO. SUB 82 82 LEGEND: SPS EXISTING SUBSTATION 230 KV LINE 115 KV LINE 69 KV LINE ISD Expected – June 2014 22 Additional Projects Hobbs Area Improvements – ISD 5/2012 Reconductor Maddox-Sanger 115 kV line Reconductor Maddox-Monument 115 kV line Kingsmill 2nd 115/69 kV auto – ISD 3/2013 Portales – Zodiac 115 kV Conversion- ISD 6/2013 Jones 4 GT – ISD 6/2013 23 New Generation Interconnection Projects Projects have been budgeted Estimated ISD shown 24 SPP Gen-2008-051 Spinning Spur Wind Farm – 160/322 MW ISD Expected – Dec 2012 25 SPP Gen-2006-044 Novus 1 Wind Farm (Hitchland) – 250/370 MW ISD Expected – Dec 2011 26 SPP Gen-2008-018 Buffalo Dunes Wind – 369/405 MW ISD Expected – Dec 2012 (tentative) 27 SPP Gen-2006-045 Happy White Face East - 240 MW ISD Expected – Dec 2013 28 Questions? 29 2012 SPP Model Build SPS as a member of SPP participates in the submission of data to the SPP transmission planning model building process. Powerflow & Dynamic Seasonal Models April Light (L) Spring Peak (G) Summer Peak (S) Shoulder (SH) Fall Peak (F) Winter Peak (W) 2012 SPP Model Series Set: 19 seasonal models ¾ red = both powerflow & dynamics, underline = short circuit also created ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ (5) 2012G, 2012S, 2012SH, 2012F, 2012/13W (6) 2013L, 2013G, 2013S, 2013SH, 2013F, 2013/14W (3) 2014G, 2014S, 2014W (3) 2018L, 2018S, 2018/19W (2) 2023S, 2023W 30 2012 SPP Model Build Schedule Powerflow data due to SPP (NERC MOD-010-0 & MOD-012-0 Requirement) 2012 Approved Schedule: 2012 Series Schedule and Model Selection.pdf Due Date: September 29, 2011 If customer wishes that SPS submit the data in Models-On-Demand format along with SPS submittal. (Data due to SPS) Power Flow Data Required New & Updated coincident load data for the seasonal models listed above, have been emailed out. Generator, Transmission Line, Transformer, Shunt Devices Generators: Manufacturer Electrical Data Sheet, Excitation System Data, Governor Data Transmission Lines: R, X, B (100 MVA Base, per-unit), Normal & Emergency Ratings (MVA)-Summer & Winter, Line Length (miles), and Bus-to-Bus Terminating Points Transformers: Copy of Transformer Test Report Shunt Devices: MVAR value rated voltage All data shall include BOTH Positive/Zero Sequence Data, AND Ratings Information. 31 Generator Modeling Modeling generation on Cooperative, Municipal and Retail systems. Requirements: Transmission Positive Zero All Sequence R, X, B data Sequence R, X, B data Ratings Any topology data connecting the generator to BES. Data (Summer & Winter) transformer data (manufacturer’s test report) machine electrical data, exciter data and governor data. PSS/E Version 32 format if data sheets are unavailable, otherwise data sheets. Required Pmax, Generator for power and dynamics analysis. Pmin, Qmax, Qmin (seasonal values if applicable) step-up Manufacturer’s test report. 32 Modeling Facility Ratings Facility Ratings Purpose: It’s to ensure that Facility Ratings used in planning and operations of the BES are determined based on established methodologies. Generators, transmission line, transformers, capacitors, reactors, etc. Facilities Rating Methodology (NERC FAC-008) Each Transmission and Generator owner shall document its current methodology used for developing a Facility Ratings. Procedure Establish Manual indicating assumptions and calculations. and Communicate Facility Ratings (NERC FAC-009) Each Transmission and Generator owner shall establish Facility Ratings for its solely and jointly owned Facilities that are consistent with the FAC-008. Shall provide Facility Ratings for its Facilities that are existing, new, modified to the Reliability Coordinator, Planning Authority, Transmission Planner and Operator as scheduled by such requesting entities. Need communication and tracking documents with each connecting party Please visit the NERC website for the exact language of each standard. Facility Ratings data is now being managed by the SPS Substation Engineering Design. 33 SPS BA Coincident Peaks Peak Load (MW) SPS BA Coincident Peaks 6000 5900 5800 5700 5600 5500 5400 5300 5200 5100 5000 4900 4800 4700 4600 4500 4400 4300 4200 4100 4000 2002 5936 5502 5575 5459 5168 5048 4835 4673 4338 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 SPS BA Coincident Peaks (to August 2, 2011) 34 Load Comparison 2010-2011 Winter Southwest Power Pool Criteria 3.3.3 - 2010/11 Winter Peak Area Actual Peak & Planning Peak Load Comparison Area Num 502 503 504 515 520 523 524 525 526 534 536 540 541 542 544 545 640 645 650 Area Name CLEC LAFA LEPA SPA CSWS|AEPW GRDA OKGE WFEC SPS SECI WR MPS KCPL KACY EDE INDN NPPD OPPD LES Actual Peak Actual Real- Planning MW % Load Date/Hour Time Load Peak Load* Difference Difference eDNA Data Point 2/2/2011 7:10 2306 2237 -69 -3.1% SPP.EMS.00006598 1/12/2011 6:20 405 384 -21 -5.5% SPP.EMS.00036694 2/11/2011 7:00 183 172 -10 -6.1% SPP.EMS.00008044 1/12/2011 7:20 1246 1224 -22 -1.8% SPP.EMS.00008939 2/1/2011 18:40 8104 8049 -54 -0.7% SPP.EMS.00006775 1/12/2011 7:20 727 719 -8 -1.0% SPP.EMS.00007327 2/1/2011 18:20 4876 4756 -121 -2.5% SPP.EMS.00008570 2/10/2011 7:00 1525 1356 -170 -12.5% SPP.EMS.00009409 2/8/2011 20:30 4242 3917 -325 -8.3% SPP.EMS.00008973 2/1/2011 11:10 761 699 -63 -8.9% SPP.EMS.00008879 2/8/2011 18:30 4629 4368 -261 -6.0% SPP.EMS.00009470 2/10/2011 7:20 1591 1555 -36 -2.3% SPP.EMS.00008345 2/8/2011 18:50 2719 2633 -86 -3.3% SPP.EMS.00009828 2/8/2011 18:30 381 364 -18 -4.9% SPP.EMS.00007704 2/10/2011 7:10 1160 1149 -11 -1.0% SPP.EMS.00006934 2/8/2011 18:40 190 174 -17 -9.5% SPP.EMS.00006668 2/1/2011 10:20 2656 2486 -170 -6.9% SPP.CALC.NPPDMKTL 2/1/2011 18:10 1838 1742 -95 -5.5% SPP.EMS.00018125 2/1/2011 18:00 SPP.EMS.00018105 575 519 -56 -10.8% Notes Includes SPRM, AECC (10%) Includes OMPA (25%), AECC (90%) Includes OMPA (70%) Includes OMPA (5%) Includes MKEC Includes MIDW *Note: Planning Peak Load is Load + Losses to compare to the Actual Load reported via ICCP in real-time. 35 SPP Priority Projects 36 SPP Conceptual Expansion 37 Independent Transmission Projects Clean Line DC Lines Plains 2 and Eastern (TVA)– 2015? phases 1700 MW each phase Grain Belt Express Spearville, Tres KS to Ameren in Missouri – 2016? Amigas Eastern Multi New Mexico Project Grid capable 38 Clean Line Plains – Eastern (TVA) Line 39 Tres Amigas 40 Questions? 41 SPS Planning and other Websites Current Addresses SPS Planning Website on/About_Transmission/Planning_for_the_SPS_T ransmission_System Pages will be updated with meeting presentations as soon as possible “Power for the Plains” Website 42 SPP Web Site Links Planning Information High level page to their planning information Generation Interconnection Studies and Queue Status, Aggregate Transmission Service Studies ssion/studies.cfm 43 Compliance Update Compliance Issues New Standards - 2011 New Standards - October 2011 Compliance Application Notices Event Analysis Process 45 New Standards - 2011 BAL-006-2 Inadvertent Interchange 4/1/2011 BA CIP-001-1a Sabotage Reporting 2/2/2011 RC, BA, TOP, GOP, LSE CIP-005-3a Cyber Security – Electronic Security Perimeters) 2/2/2011 RC, BA, IA, TSP, TO, TOP, GO, GOP, LSE, NERC, RE INT-003-3 Interchange Transaction Implementation 4/1/2011 BA IRO-005-2a RC – Current Day Operations 5/26/2011 RC, BA, TSP, TOP, GOP, LSE, PSE IRO-006-5 RC – Transmission Loading Relief 7/1/2011 RC, BA IRO-006-EAST-1 Transmission Loading Relief Procedure for the Eastern Interconnection 7/1/2011 RC MOD-001-1a Available Transmission System Capability 4/1/2011 TSP, TOP MOD-004-1 Capacity Benefit Margin 4/1/2011 LSE, RP, TSP, TA, TP MOD-008-1 Transmission Reliability Margin Calculation Methodology 4/1/2011 TOP MOD-021-1 Documentation of the Accounting Methodology for the Effects of Demand-Side Management in Demand and Energy Forecasts 4/1/2011 LSE, TP, RP MOD-028-1 Area Interchange Methodology 4/1/2011 TOP, TSP MOD-029-1 Rated System Path Methodology 4/1/2011 TOP, TSP MOD-030-1 Flowgate Methodology 4/1/2011 TOP, TSP PER-004-2 RC – Staffing 4/1/2011 RC PER-005-1 System Personnel Training 4/1/2011 RC, BA, TOP TOP-005-1.1a Operational Reliability Information 5/26/2011 RC, BA, TO, PSE 46 New Standards – October 2011 CIP-001-2a Sabotage Reporting RC, BA, TOP, GOP, LSE EOP-002-3 Capacity & Energy Emergency RC, BA, LSE FAC-002-1 Coordination of Plans for New Gen, Trans, End-User Facilities GO, TO, DP, LSE, TP, PA IRO-002-2 RC - Facilities RC IRO-004-2 RC – Operations Planning BA, TSP, TOP IRO-005-3a RC – Current Day Operations RC, BA, TSP, TOP IRO-008-1 RC – Operational Analyses and Real-time Assessments RC IRO-009-1 RC – Action to Operate within IROLs RC IRO-010-1a RC – Data Specification and Collection RC, BA, IA, GO, GOP, LSE, TOP, TP TOP-003-1 Planned Outage Coordination RC, BA, GOP, TOP TOP-005-2a Operational Reliability Information BA, PSE, TOP TOP-006-2 Monitoring System Conditions RC, BA, TOP, GOP VAR-001-2 Voltage and Reactive Control TOP, PSE, LSE 47 Compliance Application Notices Provide Transparency to Industry Establish Consistency 15 Current CANs 5 Posted for Comments Many More in Development 48 Event Analysis Process Purpose Indentify What Transpired Understand Indentify Cause of Events Corrective Actions Disseminate Lessons to Industry Required Forms Appendix A – Brief Report Template Appendix D – Lessons Learned Template Appendix G – Compliance Analysis Template 49 Distribution Connected Generation Interfacing with SPP 50 Need: Increasing number of small QF wind developers requesting interconnection to SPS’s distribution lines. SPS is seeing more and more requests at locations where generation will EXCEED substation load at low-load levels. Any generation beyond substation load requirements will back-feed to the SPS transmission system. 51 Problem: SPP is the Regional Transmission Organization, mandated by FERC to ensure reliable supplies of power and adequate transmission infrastructure. TX and NM regulatory commissions have jurisdiction over SPS’s distribution system. The SPP does not. Therefore, the SPP cannot require a transmission impact study of a possible interconnected distribution generator back-feeding the transmission system. TX and NM do allow the utility to conduct additional studies needed when studying distribution interconnection. 52 SPS Requirement: SPS now requires that generation exceeding load by a mega-watt or more to be studied by SPP. SPS will request that SPP perform all studies needed at the cost of the interconnecting customer. A $30,000 deposit per interconnection must be provided by customer in advance before request is submitted. Impact studies are performed by the SPP starting in April and October of each year and take between 60 and 120 days to complete. 53 SPP Integrated Transmission Update 54 SPP ITP Process and Status Integrated Transmission Plan – new process to integrate 20 year, 10 year, and near term (~6 year) planning process ITP20 - 20 year – economic plan, high level transmission plan > 230 kV ITP10 - 10 Year – transmission/economic reliability plan, folding in 20 year results ITPNT – Near Term Plan – reliability plan – similar to old STEP studies New estimating process and proposed design standards for regionally recovered projects 55 ITPNT Schedule 1. 9 Build models – February - April 2. 9 Perform contingency analysis - April 3. 9 Distribute results of contingency analysis – April/May 4. 9 Receive stakeholder feedback - May 5. 9 Identify solutions – May-August 6. 9 Summit – Mid July 7. Draft ITPNT Report - October 8. Draft STEP Report – November 9. Deliver STEP Report to TWG for Approval - December 56 ITP10 Schedule ITP 10 Key Milestones Approximate Completion Date Scoping Futures Review and Approval Steady‐State Model development Constraint assessment Economic Model development 1/12/2011 4/12/2011 4/28/2011 5/30/2011 6/3/2011 Metric Selection ITP Manual Update Economic assessment Reliability assessment Per Future Solution development Reliability/Economic/Stability Assessment Phase 2 Benefit calculation 2011 ITP10 Draft Report Refinements to 2011 ITP10 Plans and Report 2011 ITP10 Final Report 6/27/2011 6/27/2011 7/14/2011 7/14/2011 7/28/2011 9/8/2011 9/26/2011 9/26/2011 Dec 2011 Dec 2011 Status 9 9 9 In‐progress In‐progress ESWG ‐ about to start In‐progress 57 SPPITPNT/ITP10 Key Dates September 21-22, 2011 – Planning Summit – Dallas ITPNT Report – November 15, 2011 ITP10 Report – October 1, 2011 SPP BOD Approvals – 3rd Week of January 2012 NTCs/ATP – 2nd week February 2012 ATP – Authority to Plan 58 Proposed ITP Near Term Solutions 2012 Summer Projects Bushland 50 Mvar Cap bank Several 69 kV normal open point changes 2013 Eddy County 230/115 KV 252 MVA Auto #2 2014 Drinkard 14.4 Mvar Cap bank Etter Rural 2nd 14.4 Mvar Cap bank NE Hereford 2nd 115/69 kV auto Cedar Lake 115/69 KV Substation Happy 115/69 KV auto upgrades 59 Proposed ITP Near Term Solutions 2015 Spearman 115/69 KV auto upgrade 2016 Graham 2nd 115/69 kV auto addition 2017 Grassland 115/69 kV auto upgrade 2022 Wolfforth-Grassland 230 kV line Artesia – 115/69 KV auto upgrades Bailey – Curry 115 kV line addition Canyon E – Canyon W 115 kV – line upgrade Canyon E – Randall 115 kV line addition Carlisle – Wolfforth 230 kV line addition Chaves – Sampson 115 kV – 795 MCM re-conductor Tuco – Stanton 345 kV line and 300 MVA 345/115 kV auto 60 Proposed ITP10 Solutions (2022 F1 and F2) Bushland – Hereford Center 230 kV line and new 230/115 kV 252 MVA substation for north Hereford area Tolk – Tuco 345 kV line Tuco-Yoakum 345 kV line Hitchland 2nd 230/115 kV 252 MVA auto And everything listed previously in the ITPNT list Still working on these cases – may need to be re-run again 61 Questions? 62