Photoemission studies on heterostructure bipolar transistors

Solid-State Electronics 43 (1999) 1555±1560
Photoemission studies on heterostructure bipolar transistors
Fritz Schuermeyer a,*, Peter J. Zampardi b, Peter M. Asbeck c
Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL/SNDD, Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH 45433-7322, USA
Rockwell Science Center, 1049 Camino Dos Rios, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, USA
University of California, San Diego, Department of ECE 0407, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
We apply in-situ photoemission techniques to characterize the band pro®le in heterostructure bipolar transistors.
The measurements are performed on-wafer on fully fabricated InP based HBTs at room temperature. We
demonstrate that this technique is sensitive to detect and analyze barriers between emitter and base as well as
between base and collector. Furthermore, the photoresponse provides information on the doping characteristics of
the active layers. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
1. Introduction
Heterostructure bipolar transistors (HBTs) are being
developed for applications where speed, power, eciency, and low noise are of importance. These transistors can also be used as fast photodetectors [1].
Especially, III-V compound semiconductor based
HBTs are of interest due to their high electron velocities and mobilities. A multitude of III-V compounds
exist which can be grown lattice matched or strained
to form heterostructures. In these transistors, the base
layers are chosen such that their bandgap is smaller
than that of the emitter [2] to minimize carrier injection from the base to the emitter, which is a parasitic
current. Conduction and valence band discontinuities
exist at the heterointerface. The conduction band discontinuity creates an electron barrier between emitter
and base. A similar barrier may exist between base
and collector in double heterostructure HBTs
(DHBTs). These barriers have negative e€ects on the
device characteristics. The emitter base barrier
increases the threshold voltage in n-p-n HBTs and
* Corresponding author. Fax: +1-937-255-2306.
0038-1101/99/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
PII: S 0 0 3 8 - 1 1 0 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 0 3 - 3
reduces the uniformity. A barrier between base and
collector leads to charge storage in the base, limiting
the maximum output current. To minimize or eliminate the barriers, grading layers are often employed to
obtain a smooth transition of the bands. These grading
layers have to be very thin to retain low emitter or collector resistances. Frequently, one or both of these
emitter, base, or collector materials are ternary compound semiconductors, and the grading layers need to
be quaternary compounds. Furthermore, both the
emitter and base layers are relatively heavily doped
and the grading layer can only be lightly doped.
Hence, di€usion of one or both of the dopants into
the grading layer will negate its function. The growth
of such a non-uniform, thin layer is dicult to accomplish and more analytical techniques are needed to
assure that no barrier exists at the heterojunction.
Barriers to electronic carriers play an important role
in most semiconductor devices and have been evaluated extensively [3]. For example, the Schottky contact
to an n-type semiconductor represents such a barrier.
Several techniques exist to analyze the height of the
barriers, such as the evaluation of the temperature
dependence of the current voltage behavior of diodes,
capacitance voltage studies, and photoemission
F. Schuermeyer et al. / Solid-State Electronics 43 (1999) 1555±1560
measurements. In the latter technique, the Schottky
contact is illuminated with monochromatic light. The
light is either incident on the backside of the structure
or on the front side if the metal layer is thin. The light
is absorbed in the Schottky metal, generating hot carriers. If the energy of these carriers is suciently large,
they will be able to pass over the barrier and be collected, creating a photocurrent. At very low photon
energies, the carriers have insucient energy to cross
the barrier. Hence, the threshold energy for the onset
of the photocurrent gives a direct measure of the barrier height.
In this paper we apply the photoemission technique
to evaluate heterojunctions in fully fabricated InP
based HBTs to assess if barriers exist. Results obtained
on transistors from two wafers are reported. The emitter base structure is nominally identical in both structures. One wafer contained a base collector
heterojunction (DHBT) and the other a homojunction
(SHBT). These were experimental wafers, stemming
from a growth optimization study. Even though the
base emitter junctions were designed to be identical for
both wafers, their electrical behavior is quite di€erent,
suggesting that they possess dissimilar energy con®guration due to variations in growth parameters.
2. Photoemission measurements
The photoemission studies are conducted on fully
fabricated InP based HBTs. The measurements are
performed on-wafer using backside illumination.
Backside illumination is important since the front side
is covered with metals, shading the active areas of the
transistor. Backside illumination is feasible since the
bandgap of the InP substrate is larger than that of the
active transistor area. Hence, the substrate is transparent in a photon energy range of interest for these
measurements. The measurements are performed on
the base emitter diodes and the base collector diodes
and the unused terminals are left ¯oating.
Fig. 1 shows schematically the energy diagram of an
emitter-base heterojunction. An InAlAs emitter and
the InGaAs base layers have bandgaps of approximately 1.5 and 0.7 eV, respectively. Shown is also a
barrier in the conduction band between the emitter
and the base. Such a barrier occurs in a device without
grading layer due to the conduction band discontinuity. Also, incorrect doping pro®les at the junction or
improper growth of the grading layer may lead to such
a barrier. Monochromatic light is incident on the backside of the transistor and reaches the diode if the photon energy is less than 1.3 eV, the bandgap of the InP
substrate. Since the bandgap of the emitter is larger
than that of the substrate, band to band photoexcitation cannot take place in this layer. Light is absorbed
Fig. 1. Band pro®le of emitter base junction of an InGaAs/
in the base layer and the photogenerated electrons may
be emitted into the emitter layer. Consequently, a
photocurrent ¯ows between the base and emitter contacts. As indicated in Fig. 1, only photogenerated electrons with sucient kinetic energy may be emitted.
The threshold photon energy is a measure of the
energy of the barrier, referenced to the top of the
valence band in the base layer. If this barrier is successfully eliminated by the use of a grading layer, the
threshold photon energy will be equal to the InGaAs
bandgap (0.7 eV). Similar considerations hold for the
base collector junction.
The experimental setup has been described previously [4,5]. The measurements are performed on a
probe station at room temperature. An Acton 150
monochromator provides chopped, monochromatic
light to the backside of the tested device via an optical
®ber cable. One end of the optical ®ber is mounted in
a hole, located in the center of the wafer chuck. The
frequency of the mechanical chopper can be varied
between 5 and 3000 Hz. In our measurements, the
base of the HBT is kept at ground potential. The emitter or collector terminals are connected to the input of
a Stanford Research System SR570 low noise current
preampli®er. This ampli®er provides the bias voltage
to the electrode. The input impedance of the ampli®er
depends on the sensitivity setting and is less than 100
O. The output of the ampli®er is fed to a lock-inampli®er (Stanford Research System SR530), tuned to
the chopper frequency and to a digital voltmeter. The
SR530 measures the ac current due to the chopped
light and the digital voltmeter the dc current. All
instruments are computer controlled.
3. Experimental results on DHBT
Measurements were performed on double heterostructure bipolar transistors (DHBTs). The device
structure is shown in Table 1. The collector consists of
layers 2±5. Layers 7, 8, and 9 make up the base, and
F. Schuermeyer et al. / Solid-State Electronics 43 (1999) 1555±1560
Table 1
DHBT structure
Layer no.
Layer description
Concentration cmÿ3
Thickness nm
n+InAlGaAs grading
i/n-InGaAlAs grading
i InGaAs spacer
p+ InGaAs
n-InGaAs spacer
n-InAlGaAs grading
i InGaAs
i InP
4 1019
5 1018
5 1017
5 1017
5 1019
5 1016
5 1016
5 1016
5 1016
5 1018
2 1019
the emitter is composed of layers 11±13. Emitter, base,
and collector consist of multiple layers to provide the
desired diode characteristics as well as low sheet resistances. Layers 7 and 9 are undoped spacers to minimize
the di€usion of the p+doping from the heavily doped
base into the grading layers. Of importance are the
AlInGaAs grading layers 10 and 6 at the emitter base
junction and at the base collector junction respectively.
The purpose of these layers is to eliminate the barrier
due to the conduction band discontinuities at the
AlInAs/GaInAs heterojunctions.
Fig. 2 shows the current voltage characteristics of a
DHBT with an emitter area of 5000 mm2. The transistors have excellent performance with an o€-set voltage
of 0.1 V and a gain of approximately 20. The base current is stepped in increments of 100 mA. The base to
emitter voltage is 0.65 V at a base current of 400 mA,
consistent with the narrow bandgap base layer and the
successful implementation of the emitter to base grading layer. The Gummel plots reveal ideality factors of
Fig. 2. Current voltage characteristics of DHBT with 100 mA
base current steps.
1.1 and 1.2 for the collector and base currents, respectively.
Fig. 3 presents the photoyield of the base emitter
and base collector junctions as a function of photon
energy. The photoyield represents the photocurrent
divided by the number of incident photons. The monochromator was calibrated using a Hilger and Watts
bolometer and Ge and Si detectors. As expected, the
photoyield is negligible for photon energies above
1.3 eV since the InP substrate absorbs light in this
region. The substrate is transparent for smaller photon
energies and the spectral characteristics are obtained.
The measurements are performed at zero applied bias
voltage. Due to the built in-voltage (see Fig. 1), photogenerated electrons ¯ow from the base to the emitter
or collector. Photogeneration does not take place in
the emitter or collector layers since their bandgaps are
Fig. 3. Photoyield for emitter base and base collector junctions of a DHBT vs photon energy. The yield is shown in logarithmic format.
F. Schuermeyer et al. / Solid-State Electronics 43 (1999) 1555±1560
too large. Holes, photogenerated in the base cannot
escape towards the emitter or collector due to the
built-in voltage. One observes a threshold photon
energy of approximately 0.7 eV for both the emitter
base and the base collector junctions. This value is
consistent with photoexcitation in the InGaAs base
with a bandgap of 0.7 eV. These results are proof that
no conduction band barrier exists either at the emitter
base or the base collector junction. Such a barrier
would result in a larger threshold photon energy. The
result is consistent with the low base to emitter voltage, reported above and the excellent Gummel ideality
factors. The absolute values and the shapes of the two
curves are di€erent. One reason for the observed di€erence is that the area of the base collector junction is
approximately three times as large as the emitter base
junction area. Also, the light intensity close to the
emitter base junction is smaller than at the base collector junction since the light travels through the absorbing base layer. Finally, photoelectrons are not only
generated in the p+ base layer but also in the adjacent
grading layers. These layers are not identical for the
two junctions. Of interest is the drop-o€ at the bandedge energy. A drop-o€ value of approximately 60
meV/decade for both junctions is observed. A similar
drop-o€ is seen in the optical absorption characteristics
of III-V semiconductors [6]. This similarity is expected
since the optical absorption in these materials causes
photoexcitation. This drop-o€ depends strongly on the
purity of the material. High purity GaAs and InAs
have drop-o€ values of approximately 10±15 meV/decade at room temperature while this value becomes larger for heavily doped material. The larger drop-o€
value in photoyield in Fig. 3 is consistent with photoemission from the heavily doped base layer [7].
Fig. 4 presents the emitter base photocurrent as a
function of emitter base voltage (Veb) for two photon
energies, 0.9 and 1.24 eV. At the 0.9 eV photon energy,
one observes constant photocurrent over a wide range
of applied voltages. The current remains constant without change in polarity even at Veb=ÿ0.1 V. This result
is expected since photoexcited electrons are emitted
from the base to the emitter. The built-in voltage
exceeds the applied voltage. The base is heavily doped
and the thickness of the depletion layer is insigni®cant.
At an emitter base voltage of approximately ÿ0.2 V,
the photocurrent changes polarity. We assume that
this current stems from photoexcitation of majority
carriers in the emitter area, which are emitted into the
base layer. At Veb < ÿ0.5 V, the photocurrent changes
polarity again and becomes positive. We assume that
the photocurrent in this regime stems from the modulation of the forward diode current. At the photon
energy of 1.24 eV, the photocurrent changes by approximately a factor of two when the voltage is
increased from 0 to 1 V. The reason for this e€ect is
that photoexcitation takes place also in the grading
layer. The energy con®guration in this layer changes
with bias voltage, causing the change in photocurrent
with applied bias voltage.
Also shown in this ®gure are the dc currents,
measured simultaneously with the ac photocurrents.
As expected, the dc current is approximately half of
the ac current. At negative Veb the diode is forward
biased and the magnitude of the dc current increases
Fig. 5 presents similar results for the collector base
junction. At 0.9 eV photon energy, the photocurrent is
independent of applied bias voltage over a large voltage regime. This ®nding is consistent with photogeneration in the base and emission of photogenerated
electrons into the collector. At a forward bias of
Vcb=ÿ0.3 V the current starts to decrease. This value
of the forward bias is even larger than that found in
the emitter base junction since the collector doping is
signi®cantly smaller than the emitter doping. Also, the
Fig. 4. ac photocurrent and dc current of an emitter base
junction of DHBT vs emitter to base voltage.
Fig. 5. Photocurrent of a collector base junction of DHBT vs
collector to base voltage.
F. Schuermeyer et al. / Solid-State Electronics 43 (1999) 1555±1560
photocurrent, measured at 1.24 eV depends much less
on applied voltage for the base collector junction than
for emitter base junction. Again, the cause for this
e€ect is the much lower collector doping in comparison to the emitter doping. The dc dark current is
orders of magnitude larger than the ac photocurrent
and is not shown in this graph.
In studies on HEMTs, it was observed that the
photoresponse depended strongly on chopper frequency due to trapping of carriers [8]. Hence, it is important to investigate if similar charge trapping occurs
in HBTs. The dependence of the photocurrent on
chopper frequency is studied over a frequency range
from 5 Hz to 2.4 kHz. The experiments show that in
both the emitter base and the base collector junctions
the photocurrent is independent of the chopper frequency. This is an indication that trapping e€ects do
not play a role in the photomeasurements at this frequency range. All data presented in this paper are
obtained at an 80 Hz chopper frequency.
Fig. 6. Photoyield spectra of SHBT and DHBT emitter base
junctions. The di€erence in threshold energy for the two
devices indicates that a 200 meV barrier exists in the SHBT
5. Photocurrents in homojunctions
4. HBTs with a barrier between emitter and base
In this section we describe photoemission results
obtained on HBTs which contain a barrier at the emitter base junction. The devices studied are SHBTs. The
base emitter voltages of these devices exceed those of
similar DHBTs by more than 250 mV, measured under
the same bias conditions. Also, the Gummel plot
shows less ideal behavior in comparison with the
DHBT with ideality factors of 2.10 and 2.11 for the
collector and base currents, respectively. This ®nding
suggests that a barrier of approximately 250 meV
exists in these HBTs. Even though the emitter base
junction has the same layer structure as the DHBT,
di€erences in growth conditions may have resulted in
an incomplete elimination of the barrier. Fig. 6 presents the photoemission characteristics for the emitter
base junction of both the SHBT and the DHBT in linear representation. Extrapolation of the photoyield to
zero results in energies of approximately 900 and 700
meV for the SHBT and DHBT, respectively. To obtain
the exact threshold energy, the correct dependence of
photoyield on photon energy needs to be established.
The linear presentation gives only an approximation of
this energy. The SHBT result indicates that a barrier
exists at the emitter base junction with a height of 200
meV relative to the bottom of the InGaAs conductance
band in the base, in good agreement with the electrical
result. The values of this barrier obtained by the two
methods di€er slightly since the measurements are
made at di€erent bias voltages and the barrier depends
on this voltage.
The base collector junction of an SHBT is an
InGaAs homojunction. The junction consists of the
heavily p-doped base, a lightly n-doped collector area
followed by an n+-layer for low access resistance. Due
to the built-in and applied voltages, a depletion layer
exists. This layer is located mainly in the low-doped
part of the collector. Carriers, photogenerated in this
layer are separated due to the electric ®eld and are
detected as a photocurrent. In addition, minority carriers, photogenerated in the base and collector may
move across the depletion layer and contribute to the
photocurrent. Fig. 7 presents the spectral characteristics of an SHBT base collector junction, presented in
logarithmic format. We observe that the on-set of the
photoyield at the bandedge is very steep, approxi-
Fig. 7. Photoyield spectrum of a base collector homojunction.
The yield is graphed on a logarithmic scale.
F. Schuermeyer et al. / Solid-State Electronics 43 (1999) 1555±1560
mately 30 meV/decade, consistent with photoexcitation
in a low doped, high quality material. An approximation of the bandgap is obtained by extrapolating
the photoyield in linear format to a value of zero. A
bandgap of approximately 0.7 eV is obtained in good
agreement with the DHBT data.
6. Summary and conclusions
The in-situ photoemission technique is ideally suited
to study the existence of barriers in HBTs. These barriers may exist due to band discontinuities. These barriers degrade the performance of the transistors and an
e€ort is made to eliminate such barriers. We have
applied photoemission techniques to the evaluation of
the band pro®le of fully fabricated InP based HBTs.
The measurements are performed on-wafer, using
backside illumination. Employing this technique, we
have successfully demonstrated the existence of a barrier between emitter and collector in one type of
device. We also proved that such barriers were successfully eliminated both in the emitter base junction and
in the base collector junction in another set of devices.
The measurements also provide bandgap and material
quality information.
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