İzmir University of Economics EEE 205 Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits Lab EXPERIMENT 9 Step and Sinusiodal Responses of RC Circuits A. Background A.1. Step Response of RC Circuits Consider the circuit given below in Fig. 9.1. The initial condition of the capacitor voltage is given on the right. R + VS VC C VS(t) = VP VC(0) = VC0 Fig. 9.1. A First Order RC Circuit The differential equation that describes the behaviour of the capacitor voltage is as follows: The input is assumed a step function of amplitude VP as shown below. VP VS(t), volts t, msec Fig. 9.2. A First Order RC Circuit Using several different approaches, the solution to the capacitor voltage may be as obtained as where = RC 9-1 A detailed derivation can be found in Supplementary Notes – Part 1: http://homes.ieu.edu.tr/~maskar/CE205/2010_11/CE205_2010_Supplement-P1.pdf For the initial condition VC(0) = VC0 = 0 V, the input and output voltage waveforms are plotted in Fig. 9.3. VP VS(t) VC(t) t, msec Fig. 9.3. Input and Output Waveforms in a First Order RC Circuit Now assume a periodic waveform with > 5the output will also be periodic since charging and discharging up to the final value is achieved at the end of the high and low voltage durations. VS(t), volts VP T t, sec Fig. 9.4. Periodic Input Waveforms The input and output waveforms may be obtained using the similar approach given in Supplementary Notes – Part 1: http://homes.ieu.edu.tr/~maskar/CE205/2010_11/CE205_2010_Supplement-P1.pdf The charging period, initial value and during discharging, VC0 = 0 V and = VP, then - VC0 = VP V and = 0 V, then - Substituting t’ = t-T/2, it is obtained that 9-2 The plot of VS and VC are given in Fig. 9.3. VS(t) VP VC(t) t, msec Fig. 9.5. Periodic Input and Output Waveforms A.2. Sinusoidal Response of RC Circuits Assume a sinusoidal voltage is applied to the input of an RC circuit (Fig. 9.6). R + VS C VC - Fig. 9.6. A First Order RC Circuit with Sinusoidal Input The capacitor voltage is obtained as (see Class Notes) - where - For very large t, the first exponential term (called transient part) goes to zero. Therefore for very large t, the output observed is So for a sinusoidal input, the output is also a sinusoidal. However its amplitude and phase has been changed. The amplitude is decreased by the factor The phase of the output waveform is shifted by an angle - For VSP = 10 V, 9-3 - The input and output voltage waveforms are plotted in Fig. 9.7. 12 10 8 6 4 2 VS(t) 0 -2 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 VC(t) -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 Fig. 9.7. Input and Output Waveforms at a First Order RC Circuit with Sinusoidal Input 9-4 B. Preliminary Work 1. Consider the circuit given below in Fig. 9.8. The input is a periodic 1 kHz square wave as given below in Fig. 9.9. R R = 8.2 k + VS C = 10 nF VC C VC(0) = 0 V Fig.9.8 5 vS(t), volts t, msec Fig.9.9 i. Determine the time constant .( ii. Determine the charging behaviour of the output. iii. Determine the discharging behaviour of the output. 9-5 iv. Plot the output on Fig. 9.10. vS(t), volts 5 t, msec Fig.9.10 2. Consider the circuit given below in Fig. 9.11. The input is a periodic sinusoidal wave given in Fig. 9.12. R R = 15 k + VS C C = 10 nF VC Fig.9.11 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 VS(t) 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 Fig.9.12 i. Determine the frequency at which RC = 1(Note that =2f0)? 9-6 - ii. What is then iii. What is then ? ? iv. Plot VC(t) on Fig. 9.13. 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 VS(t) 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 Fig.9.13 9-7 C. Experimental Work 1. Construct the circuit given in Fig. 9.14. i. Apply a square wave to the input. Adjust the amplitude to 5 V and frequency to 1 kHz. R + VS C VC R = 8.2 k C = 10 nF Fig.9.14 ii. On the oscilloscope, measure both input and the output capacitor voltage. Plot your waveforms on Fig. 9.15. Time division: ………… ……./div T = ………………. f = ……………….. Channel 1 scale: ………… ……./div Vp-p = …………… Channel 2 scale: ………… ……./div Vp-p = …………… Fig.9.15 iii. Can you measure the time constant? 9-8 2. Construct the circuit given in Fig. 9.16. i. Apply a sinusoidal input. Adjust the amplitude to 10 V. Adjust the frequency so that phase difference between input and output is 450. (f0 is close to 1 kHZ). R R = 15 k + VS C C = 10 nF VC Fig.9.16 ii. On the oscilloscope, measure both input and the output capacitor voltage. Plot your waveforms on Fig. 9.17. Time division: ………… ……./div T = ………………. f = ……………….. Channel 1 scale: ………… ……./div Vp-p = …………… Channel 2 scale: ………… ……./div Vp-p = …………… = ………………. Fig.9.17 9-9