Interprocess Communication

Interprocess Communication
Originally multiple approaches
Today – more standard – some differences between
distributions still exist
Oldest form of IPC – provided by all distros
Historically half-duplex (data moves in only 1 direction)
Can only be used between processes that have a common
Normally created by parent – parent forks child – used
between parent & child
Most commonly used form of IPC
Sequence of commands in a pipeline for shell to
Shell creates a separate process for each command
Links standard output of one process to standard input
of next process using a pipe
int pipe (int fd[2]);
2 file descriptors are returned through fd argument
fd[0] – open for reading
fd[1] – open for writing
fstat function – returns file type of pipe (FIFO)
Can test for a pipe with S_ISFIFO macro
For a pipe from child to parent, parent closes fd[1]
& child closes fd[0]
When 1 end of the pipe is closed
If read is done from a pipe whose write end has been
closed – read returns a 0
If write is done to a pipe whose read end has been
closed, signal SIGPIPE is generate
PIPE_BUF – specifies pipe buffer size
Can use 2 pipes for parent/child synchronization
popen & pclose functions
FILE* popen (const char* cmdsring, const char*
int pclose (FILE* f);
Functions in stdio that open & close pipes – handle
all the details (fork, exec, …)
Pclose – closes standard I/O stream – waits for
command to terminate – returns termination status
to shell
Named pipes
Unnamed pipes – can only be used between related processes
with a common ancestor creating the pipe
FIFOs – unrelated processes can exchange data
int mkfifo (const char* path, mode_t mode);
int mkfifoat (int fd, const char* path, mode_t, mode);
Similar to creating a file
After fifo has been created, open function to open it
Normal file I/O functions used with FIFOs
Nonblocking flag (O_NONBLOCK)
Not used when opening
Used when opening
Open for read-only blocks until a different process opens FIFO
for writing
Open for write-only blocks until a different process opens
FIFO for reading
Open for read-only returns immediately
Open for write-only returns -1 & sets error flat if no process
has the FIFO open for reading
Write to FIFO that has no process open for reading
– SIGPIPE is generated
Common to have multiple writers for a FIFO
Have to worry about atomic writes
Uses for FIFOS
Shell commands to pass data from one shell pipeline to
Rendezvous points in client-server applications
Using FIFOs to Duplicate Output
FIFOs cannot be used for nonlinear connections
since they have names
Tee – copies standard input to both standard output
& file named on command line
mkfifo fifo1
prog3 < fifo1 &
prog1 < infile | tee fifo1 | prog2
Client-Server Communication
using a FIFO
Each client can write its request to a known FIFO
for the server
Requests need to be < PIPE_BUF bytes
Client-Server Communication
using a FIFO
Problem – how to send responses back to client
Cannot use a single FIFO – clients would not know
when to get response
One possibility – send process id with request –
server create a FIFO for each client
Server cannot tell whether client crashes
IPC structures
Message queues
Shared memory segment
Each IPC structure – has non-negative integer
identifier – internal name for IPC object
Cooperating processes need an external naming
scheme to be able to access each other
Each IPC object has a key – acts as external name
Client server rendezvous techniques
Server can create a new IPC structure by specifying a key of
Client & server – agree on a key by defining the key in a
common header
IPC_PRIVATE – guarantees new IPC structure is created
Disadvantage – file system operations are required for server to
write integer identifier to a file & for clients to retrieve this
Server creates IPC structure specifying this key
Potential problem – possible for key to already be associated with
an IPC structure
Client & server – agree on a pathname & project ID – call
ftok to convert these values to a key
Permission Structure
ipc_perm structure associated with each IPC
struct ipc_perm {
uid_t uid; /* owner's effective user id */
gid_t gid; /* owner's effice group id */
uid_t cuid; /* creator's effective user id */
git_t cgid; /* creator's effective group id */
mode_t mode; /* access modes */
Each implementation has additional members
Fields initialized when IPC structure is created
Advantages & Disadvantages
IPC structures are systemwide & do not have
reference count
Remain in system until explicitly deleted
IPC structures not known by names in file system
Cannot access them using file operations
Message Queues
Linked list of messages stored with kernel
Identified by message queue identifier (queue ID)
Created by msgget function
Messages added at end by msgsnd function
Messages fetched by msgrcv function
Can fetch messages by type instead of FIFO
Message consists of
Positive long integer type field
Non-negative length
Actual data
System Limits
Message Queues
int msgget (key_t key, int flag);
Open existing queue or create new queue
Queue ID is returned
msgctl (int msqid, int cmd, struct msquid_ds *buf);
Performs various operations on a queue – cmd
IPC_STAT – fetch msqid_ds structure for queue – storing in buf
IPC_SET – copy fields from buf to msqid_ds structure
IPC_RMID – remove message queue from system – includes any data still
on the queue
int msgsnd (int msqid, const soid* ptr, size_t nbytes, int flag);
Data placed on message queue
ptr – points to long integer followed by message data
Message Queues
ssize_t msgrcv (int msqid, void* ptr, size_t nbytes,
long type, int flag)
Retrieve message from queue
type – specify which message
type == 0 – first message
type > 0 – first message whose type is argument type
type < 0 – first message whose type is lower than argument
flag – IPC_NOWAIT – operation nonblocking
When operations succeeds – kernel updates msqid_ds
Counter used to provide access to shared resource
Test semaphore that controls resource
If value > 0
If value = 0
process can use resource
Value decremented
Process goes to sleep until semaphore value > 0
Returns to first step
When process is finished with shared resource –
value incremented & processes waiting for
resources are awakened
Test of semaphores value & decrementing value –
must be atomic
Normally implemented in kernel
Binary semaphore – controls single resource –
value initialized to 1
XSI Semaphores
More complicated
Not simply a single non-negative value
Set of 1 or more semaphores
Creation of semaphore is independent of its
Have to worry about a program that terminates without
releasing semaphores it has been allocated
XSI Semaphores
int semctl (int semid, int semnum, int cmd, …);
Catchall for various semaphore operations
Last argument union of command specific arguments
int semop (int semid, struct sembuf semoparray[],
size_t nops);
Atomically performs an array of operations on a
semaphore set
semoparray – pointer to an array of semaphore
nops – number of operations
XSI Semaphores
Operation on each member of the set – specified by
sem_op value
Positive – number of resources being returned by the process value of sem_op added to semaphore's value
Negative – want to obtain resources that semaphore controls
Zero – process wants to wait until semaphore's value becomes 0
Semaphore adjustment on exit
If SEM_UNDO flag is set, kernel remembers the resources
allocated from that semaphore
When process terminates – kernel makes adjustments to
semaphore counts
XSI Semaphores
Methods of handling shared resources
Record locking
Shared Memory
Allows 2 or more processes to share a region of
Fastest form of IPC – data does not need to be
Need to synchronize access
XSI shared memory – anonymous memory
Shared Memory
int shmget (key_t key, size_t size, int flag);
Obtain a shared memory identifier
int shmctl (int shmid, int cmd, struct shmid_ds *buf);
Catchall for various shared memory operations
IPC_STAT – fetch shmid_ds structure for segment & store it in buf
IPT_SET – set 3 fields in structure pointed to by buf
IPC_RMID – remove shared memory segment from system
SHM_LOCK – lock shared memory segment in memory
SHM_UNLOCK – unlock shared memory segment in memory
Shared Memory
void* shmat (int shmid, const void* addr, int flag);
Process attaches to shared memory segment to its
address space
Addr == 0 – segment is attached to first available address
selected by kernel
addr != 0 & SHM_RND not specified – segment is attached
at address given by addr
addr != 0 & SHM_RND is specified – segment is attached at
address given by (addr – (addr modulus SHMLBA))
SHMBLA – low boundary address multiple – power of 2
for portability – should not specify address – instead
put 0 & let system choose address
Address is returned
Shared Memory
int shmdt (const void* addr);
Detaches memory segment
Shared Memory
Provides unbounded supply of null characters
Writing to it has no effect
Memory mapping of /dev/zero
Unnamed memory region created whose size is the second
argument to mmap rounded to nearest page size
Memory region is initialized to 0
Multiple processes can share this region if a common
ancestor specifies th MAP_SHARED flag to mmap
POSIX Semaphores
Address several deficiencies with XSI semaphores
Higher performance implementations
Simpler to use
Behave better when removed
Named & unnamed versions
Differ in how they are created & destroyed
Unnamed can only be used by threads in the same
POSIX Semaphores
sem_t sem_open (const char* name, int oflag, …,
unsigned int value);
Only first 2 arguments unless creating a semaphore –
then need 2 more (mode & initial value)
Portability naming requirements
First character should be '/'
No other characters should be '/'
Max length – implementation defined
POSIX Semaphores
int sem_close (sem_t* sem);
Kernel will close open semaphores if this method is not called
int sem_unlink (const char* name);
Destroys a semaphore – deferred until last open reference is closed
int sem_trywait (sem_t* sem);
int sem_wait (sem_t* sem);
int sem_timedwait (sem_t* restrict sem, const struct
timespec* restrict tsprt);
Decrements value of semaphore
sem_wait blocks but sem_trywait does not
sem_timedwait – block for a specified amount of time
POSIX Semaphores
int sem_post (sem_t* sem);
int sem_init (sem_t* sem, int pshared, unsigned int value);
Creates unnamed semaphore
pshared – whether semaphore is to be used with multiple processes
Int sem_destroy (sem_t* sem);
Increments value
Destroys unnamed semaphore
Int sem_getvalue (sem_t* restrict sem, int* restrict valp);
Retrieves value of semaphore – valp
Need to use synchronization
POSIX Semaphores