Environmental Protection Licence 2504 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan PUBLIC VERSION Environmental Protection Licence 2504 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Review History Revision Description of Changes Date 1.0 Original Document August 2012 2.0 Minor Updates and Review of Inventory Tables November 2014 Persons involved in the latest revision of this document include: Name Title Company Scott Coleman Manager Environment Illawarra Coal – Regional Pete McMillan Superintendent Environment Illawarra Coal – Regional Rob Zylstra Supervisor Environment Illawarra Coal – Appin Mine Ellie Randall Supervisor Environment Illawarra Coal – West Cliff Version Approval: Version Dated Name Title 2.0 November 2014 Scott Coleman Manager Environment This document UNCONTROLLED once printed Document ID ICHMP0229 Version 2.0 Last Review Date 25/11/2014 Next Review Date 25/11/2017 Page 2 of 11 Environmental Protection Licence 2504 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction 4 Facility Details 4 Overview of Operations 4 Plan Objectives 4 Hazard/Pollution Identification 6 Pollutant Inventory 6 Hazard Identification and Assessment 6 Incident Response Protocols 7 Incident Response Process Flow (for Material Incidents) 7 Communication Protocol 8 On-site Incident Management/Response 9 Administration 10 Staff Awareness/Training Document Availability 10 10 Testing of Plan 10 References 11 This document UNCONTROLLED once printed Document ID ICHMP0229 Version 2.0 Last Review Date 25/11/2014 Next Review Date 25/11/2017 Page 3 of 11 Environmental Protection Licence 2504 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 1. Introduction Facility Details The facility details, as defined in Environmental Protection Licence 2504, are summarised in Table 1. Table 1: Facility Details Company: Endeavour Coal Pty Ltd EPL Number: 2504 Scheduled Activities: Coal Works Mining for Coal Waste Disposal (application to land) Facility Name and Address: Appin West Colliery Douglas Park Drive Douglas Park NSW 2569 Appin (East) Colliery Off Appin Road Appin NSW 2560 West Cliff and North Cliff Collieries Wedderburn Road Appin NSW 2560 Overview of Operations The premises and facilities associated with EPL 2504 are wholly owned and operated by Endeavour Coal P/L, a subsidiary company of Illawarra Coal P/L (ICH) and BHP Billiton Ltd (BHPB). The premises and facilities covered by EPL 2504 include the Appin West, Appin East and West Cliff mines. Underground mining activities have been carried out at West Cliff Mine since 1976. Underground mining activities within the Appin Holdings commenced at Appin (East) Colliery in 1962 and at the Appin West Colliery (formerly Tower Colliery) in 1978. Run-of-Mine (ROM) coal from the Appin underground mining operations is transported from the Appin East Pit Top via truck along Appin Road and Wedderburn Road to the West Cliff Coal Preparation Plant (CPP). ROM coal from the West Cliff Mine is delivered directly to the CPP by winder and conveyor. Processed coal (clean coal product) from the CPP is transported by road to the Port Kembla Coal Terminal (PKCT) for shipping to domestic and international customers, or to BlueScope Steel or other local customers. The coal wash generated as part of the washing process is emplaced at the purpose-built emplacement area located at the West Cliff Pit Top (North Site). Plan Objectives This Pollution Incident Response Management Plan has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Amendment (Pollution Incident Response Management Plans) Regulation 2012. This document UNCONTROLLED once printed Document ID ICHMP0229 Version 2.0 Last Review Date 25/11/2014 Next Review Date 25/11/2017 Page 4 of 11 Environmental Protection Licence 2504 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan The objectives of the plan (as per the EPA’s Environmental Guidelines for the preparation of pollution incident response management plans) are to: Ensure comprehensive and timely communication about a pollution incident to staff at the premises, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), other relevant authorities and community members who may be affected by the impacts of the pollution incident; Minimise and control the risk of a pollution incident at the facility by requiring identification of risks and the development of planned actions to minimise and manage those risks; and Ensure that the plan is properly implemented by trained staff, identifying persons responsible for implementing it, and ensuring that the plan is regularly tested for accuracy, currency and suitability. This document UNCONTROLLED once printed Document ID ICHMP0229 Version 2.0 Last Review Date 25/11/2014 Next Review Date 25/11/2017 Page 5 of 11 Environmental Protection Licence 2504 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 2. Hazard/Pollution Identification Pollutant Inventory Site inspections were conducted to establish an inventory of storages for each of the facilities listed under Environmental Protection Licence 2504. The inventories include details of potential pollutants at the storages, the maximum quantity that is likely to be stored or held at the facilities, and whether the storages have the potential to be associated with a material pollution incident. The site inspections were conducted by Illawarra Environmental personnel during April 2012. The inventories were reviewed in November 2014. The pollutant inventories for each of the licence facilities are provided as Appendix A. The storages are assigned a specific identification number with the location of the storages reflected in the site maps for each of the facilities (refer to Appendix C). Hazard Identification and Assessment The definition of a pollution incident is: ‘pollution incident means an incident or set of circumstances during or as a consequence of which there is or is likely to be a leak, spill or other escape or deposit of a substance, as a result of which pollution has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur. It includes an incident or set of circumstances in which a substance has been placed or disposed of on premises, but it does not include an incident or set of circumstances involving only the emission of any noise’ A pollution incident is required to be notified if there is a risk of ‘material harm to the environment’, which is defined in section 147 of the POEO Act as: a) a) harm to the environment is material if: i. it involves actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or to ecosystems that is not trivial, or ii. it results in actual or potential loss or property damage of an amount, or amounts in aggregate, exceeding $10,000 (or such other amount as is prescribed by the regulations), and loss includes the reasonable costs and expenses that would be incurred in taking all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent, mitigate or make good harm to the environment. Site inspections have been conducted to identify the main hazards to human health or the environment associated with a pollution incident at the each of the facilities. The listing and assessment of pollution incidents with potentially material consequences are provided in the ‘Hazard Assessment Summary Tables’ in Appendix B. The hazard assessments provide for description of the event, likely causes, consequences, responses and controls and ranking for materiality of the consequences. Note: Regardless of whether a particular incident is captured within the hazard assessment tables, any pollution incident with the potential for material consequences will be addressed as per the ‘incident response protocols’ of this plan. This document UNCONTROLLED once printed Document ID ICHMP0229 Version 2.0 Last Review Date 25/11/2014 Next Review Date 25/11/2017 Page 6 of 11 Environmental Protection Licence 2504 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 3. Incident Response Protocols This section provides details on the incident response protocols, including the communication protocol and on-site emergency response actions, for responding to an incident that has resulted in a material impact to human health or the environment (as per the definition provided in Section 2 of this plan). Incident Response Process Flow (for Material Incidents) The process flow for incidents that trigger the materiality clause (refer to Section 2) is provided in Figure 1. Figure 1: Incident Response Process Flow – Material Incidents Key responsibilities associated with the incident response process flow chart are summarised in the table below. Table 2: Roles and Responsbilities – Incident Response Process Role Responsibility Manager Environment, or Assess materiality of incident and activate relevant response system Superintendent Environment Assess potential for off-site impacts and notify Corporate Affairs team if required Notify internal stakeholders as appropriate Notify relevant agencies Site Personnel Report actual or potential incidents immediately (including Environmental Representative) Assist in site response and clean-up activities Site based Incident Management Teams Coordinate Incident Response Activities (as appropriate) Manager Public Affairs Coordinate Media Response/s and Community Notifications (Note: Only Asset President or nominated delegate is to speak to Media) Community Relations Personnel Communication with impacted community members This document UNCONTROLLED once printed Document ID ICHMP0229 Version 2.0 Last Review Date 25/11/2014 Next Review Date 25/11/2017 Page 7 of 11 Environmental Protection Licence 2504 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Communication Protocol Internal Stakeholders (i.e. employees/contractors) Internal communications will be undertaken as per the site Incident Management Manuals (refer to reference list). Government Agencies The key contacts associated with the implementation/activation of this plan are provided in Table 3. The relevant government agencies will be notified of a material harm event immediately (i.e. promptly and without delay). Table 3: Key Contacts Table Illawarra Coal IC Manager Environment (via ICH Call Line) 1800 102 210 External Agencies Environmental Protection Authority 131 555 NSW Department of Trade and Investment – Resources & Energy (generally considered to be ARA) (Wollongong Office) Ministry of Health (Penrith Office)* (02) 9845 5555* WorkCover Authority 13 10 50 Wollondilly Shire Council 02 4677 1100 Fire and Rescue NSW 000 NSW State Emergency Service 132 500 Sydney Catchment Authority (02) 4724 2200 NSW Dams Safety Committee (Brennans Creek Dam Incident only) (02) 9895 7363 (02) 4222 8333 * Ask for Public Health Officer on call The information that is required to be reported is provided below: Time, date and duration of the incident; Duration of the event; Locations where pollution is occurring or is likely to occur; Nature, estimated quantity or volume and concentration of any pollutants involved ( if known); Circumstances in which the incident occurred (including the cause of the incident, if known); and Action taken or proposed to be taken. Local Community Community stakeholders that are potentially affected by a material harm event will be notified immediately (i.e. without delay) by one of the following methods: Door knocking by company representatives or emergency services personnel (dependant on nature of event); or Phone call by company representative ; or Brennans Creek Dam Emergency notification alert system (for residents potentially impacts by dam failure). The appropriate method for communication will be determined by the nature of the event or as directed by the relevant agency. Regular updates will be provided to the affected community stakeholders throughout the course of the event. This document UNCONTROLLED once printed Document ID ICHMP0229 Version 2.0 Last Review Date 25/11/2014 Next Review Date 25/11/2017 Page 8 of 11 Environmental Protection Licence 2504 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan On-site Incident Management/Response Incident Management Manuals are in place for each of the facilities which describe the (on-site) actions to be taken in response to an incident that has (or has the potential to) resulted in a material impact to human health and/or the environment. These manuals will be activated in parallel with this plan to ensure that the impacts of the pollution incident are minimised as much as practically possible through early response/management. The Incident Management Manuals define the roles and responsibilities of key site personnel and provide information on evacuation protocols and muster points. A Dam Safety Emergency Plan (DSEP) is in place for Brennans Creek Dam. The DSEP has been developed in accordance with Dam Safety Act requirements and provides details of the emergency response procedures (including internal and external communication protocols) that are to be used in the event of a dam failure. The DSEP has been prepared through consultation with the NSW State Emergency Service. This document UNCONTROLLED once printed Document ID ICHMP0229 Version 2.0 Last Review Date 25/11/2014 Next Review Date 25/11/2017 Page 9 of 11 Environmental Protection Licence 2504 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 4. Administration This section of the plan provides details on the process that will be used to make site personnel aware of the plan requirements and document the process for periodically testing the plan. Staff Awareness/Training All site personnel will be made aware of the requirements of this plan during the Illawarra Coal site induction process (managed by Southern Mines Rescue Station). Completion of this induction package is a pre-requisite for working on any Illawarra Coal controlled operation. All personnel are required to complete refresher training on an annual basis for underground workers and two-yearly for surface personnel. In addition to the above induction, spill response and chemical handling aspects will also be provided to key personnel on site (i.e. personnel that can influence the environmental performance of the operation) as part of the Illawarra Coal Environmental eLearning Training Package. This training package was developed by the Illawarra Coal Environmental Team and is administered Illawarra Coal Training Team. Training records are managed through the STAX training database. Document Availability In accordance with Section 153D of the POEO Act, the plan will be made available to all site personnel via the site document control system. In addition, the plan framework, protocols and processes (public version) will be made available to the public via the following methods: Uploading a public version of the plan to the BHP Billiton website under the About Us/ Regulatory Information tab. (www. bhpbilliton.com) Providing copies of the public version of the plan, without charge, to any person Testing of Plan This plan will be tested at least once every 12 months to ensure that the information contained within the plan is accurate and up to date, and that the plan is capable of being implemented in a workable and effective manner. The primary method for testing the plan will be via desktop simulations which will be supplemented by periodic practical exercises or drills. This document UNCONTROLLED once printed Document ID ICHMP0229 Version 2.0 Last Review Date 25/11/2014 Next Review Date 25/11/2017 Page 10 of 11 Environmental Protection Licence 2504 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 5. References Dam Safety Emergency Plan (DSEP) – Brennans Creek Dam Incident Management Manual – Appin Mine Incident Management Manual – West Cliff Mine Incident Management Manual – West Cliff Coal Preparation Plant. This document UNCONTROLLED once printed Document ID Last Review Date ICHMP0229 25/11/2014 Version Next Review Date 2.0 25/11/2017 Page 11 of 11