Annual Program Review

Marine Repair Technician
Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
31-461-4 Technical Diploma
Program Review Improvement Plan
Progress Reports
WITC IMPROVEMENT PLAN for Implementation in 2009-2010 & 2010-2011
(Final January 2010)
Program Name:
List Divisional Dean: MIKE BOYLE
Program Action Plan
Action Plan: Create and implement a marketing plan
Planned Outcome: Increase program awareness across the
country. Update plan yearly. “This semester (spring 2010) we will
be meeting with Shawnda Schelinder and Kathy Maas to set a
marketing plan for 2011 spring enrollments. These way potential
students will know we now offer the 3 semester Marine program
with enrollments starting in the fall and spring semesters. Post
911 GI bill can also be implemented in this marketing plan”
Key Staff Responsible
Todd Larson
Tim Edwards
Garry Krause
Randy Deli
Kathy Maas
Shawnda Schelinder
Mary Ross
Karen Hoglund
From: 1/2010
Resources Needed:
$ __20,000__
To: _5/2010__
Funding Source:
_X_Other Internal
From: _9/2009_
Resources Needed:
$ _____________
To: __5/2010__
Funding Source:
___Other Internal
Indicator: N200
1. Review and update Program Outcomes, as appropriate –
advisory committee approval Is required
Tim Edwards
Advisory committee
Trixie Melin
Action Plan: Provide advisory committee with list of program
Planned Outcome: Use advisory committee to create an accurate
list of program outcomes.
Indicator: S400
2. COSs updated to reflect current curriculum content.
Action Plan: Current COS’s are up to date and reflect current
program content.
From: _None_
Resources Needed:
$ _____________
To: ___
Funding Source:
___Other Internal
From: _9/2009_
Resources Needed:
$ _____________
To: __5/2010__
Funding Source:
___Other Internal
From: _9/2009_
Resources Needed:
$ _____________
To: __5/2010__
Funding Source:
___Other Internal
Planned Outcome: None
Indicator: C200
3. Review/update online course curriculum to ensure
compliance with college standards. “We currently do not
offer any online course curriculum in the Marine Program”.
Action Plan: N/A
Planned Outcome:
Indicator: _____
4. Program Design document to be completed to incorporate
Program Outcomes and Collegewide Outcomes/Indicators for
use with WIDS Analyzer.
Andrea Schullo
Action Plan: Have advisory committee provide input on
outcomes. Complete program design document. “This is
scheduled for our January 27, 2010 advisory committee meeting.
Planned Outcome: Will have updated program outcomes.
Indicator: M150
Action Plan: Increase ability to complete hands on assessments
of students in a timely fashion.
Todd Larson
Tim Edwards
Garry Krause
Randy Deli
Mike Boyle
From: _2009___
Resources Needed:
$ _____________
To: _2012___
Funding Source:
___Other Internal
Tim Edwards
Advisory Committee members
From: _09-2010___
Resources Needed:
$ _____________
To: 2011-2012____
Funding Source:
___Other Internal
From: _2009_____
Resources Needed:
$ 100,000
To: __2012__
Funding Source:
___Other Internal
Planned Outcome: Create projects that assess in a minimal
amount of time. Increase the amount of test cells available to
Indicator: N200
Advisory Committees
Action Plan: Committee members review curriculum. “Our plan
is to review 2 courses per year; courses up for review have been
sent to advisory committee members to be reviewed on January
27, 2010.”
Planned Outcome:
Curriculum will be accurate and up to date with industry needs.
Indicator: C200
Equipment Facilities
Action Plan: Construct additional engine test cells
Planned Outcome:
To accommodate students needs in troubleshooting running
engines, and assessment of student learning. “This plan was
submitted on the 2010-2011 Trade and Technical Planning
documents for facility upgrades.”
Todd Larson
Tim Edwards
Garry Krause
Randy Deli
Mike Boyle
Indicator: S400
From: __Ongoing for both
Fall and Spring semesters
Learning and Innovation
Action Plan: Because of the new restructured semester 1, 2, and
3; instructors must do more short “how to “demonstrations on
using tools and completing mechanical procedures.
To: ____________
Resources Needed:
$ _____________
Funding Source:
___Other Internal
Planned Outcome: This will speed up the hands on projects that
students are working on.
Indicator: M150
Interface with General Education
Action Plan: Team teach applied science. “Applied science is now
team taught for the 2009-2010 school term.”
Pat Kinney
Arden Clapero
Todd Larson
Tim Edwards
From: _2009________
Resources Needed:
$ _____________
To: __2010_________
Funding Source:
___Other Internal
Student services staff
Karen Hoglund
From: _2009________
Resources Needed:
$ _____________
To: __January 2011__
Funding Source:
___Other Internal
Planned Outcome: To better connect general education courses
with core courses. Applied studies courses will have a positive
effect on students, thus having a positive impact on program
Indicator: M150
Interface with Student Services Staff
Action Plan: Do not register students for spring semester 2010.
“No new students were allowed to register this spring semester.
New students will be allowed to register for Spring semester
starting January 2011.”
Planned Outcome: Because of the program implementation, it is
essential that no new students be in-rolled for January 2010 until
4th semester students have graduated.
Indicator: N200
Action Plan: Have annual plan updated in time to meet the needs
of the new curriculum.
Randy Deli
Todd Larson
Tim Edwards
Garry Krause
Mike Boyle
Planned Outcome: Student needs will be met through the
planning process.
From: _2009_____
Resources Needed:
$ _____________
To: __2010_______
Funding Source:
___Other Internal
Indicator: N200
Team Leader Signature
Academic Dean Signature
1/13/2010_and 12/1/10_and 6/22/11___________
Divisional Dean Signature
Vice President of Academic Affairs
WITC Program Review Improvement Plan
Progress Report – Spring 2010, November 2010
Date of Report: 6/29/2010; November 2010
Program: Marine Repair Technician
Year Program Review Began: 2009
(List year the program completed its self-study, QRP analysis, and initial improvement plan)
Person Completing Report: Todd Larson/Randy Deli
Action Item
(If connected to QRP, list
(as listed in improvement
Create and implement a
marketing plan
Progress to Date
On Target?
(Yes or No)
We have met with the marketing
department and set up a plan
which has been working very well.
Enrollments are doing great and
enrollment services have been
notified to start directing students
to the Spring semester. Television
commercials have been running in
the Duluth/Superior area and
program flyers are printed and will
be dispersed to each of the
campus recruiters to be used
throughout the state. A marine E7
If No, Why are you not on
newsletter will go out the live by
the end of May.
November 2010 update:
Additional marketing which took
place is we now have a WITC
Marine Repair link to face book
with is updated by the instructors.
June 22, 2011 update: Instructors
continue to use face book for
marketing. Instructors post
pictures, videos and they also
receive postings for regional
employment related to the Marine
industry. This has been working
great for the Marine program.
Indicator: S400
Review, update and approve 2
program outcomes with the
Marine advisory committee
Program outcomes were handed to Yes
our advisory committee at our
January 27th committee meeting
and the program outcomes were
discussed and approved.
November 2010 update: Program
outcomes will be discussed and
reviewed at our advisory
committee which will take place in
Ashland on December 13, 2010.
An additional item which will be
discussed is the course outcomes
for the Applied Science which is
one of the General Studies
requirements for the Marine
June 22, 2011 update: During
January’s Advisory committee
meeting program outcomes were
once again reviewed and the
committee also reviewed several
course outcome summaries.
Making some suggestions and
having good discussion and then
approving all which was discussed.
Indicator: F200 and F600
COS’s updated to reflect
current curriculum content.
Course outcome summaries have
been updated and revised to meet
the new 3 semester format.
Have advisory committee
provide input on course
outcomes and complete
program design document.
The advisory committee met and
reviewed and approved the course
outcomes for 2 courses. The
program design (WIDS analyzer)
was completed in May 2010.
November 2010 update: Andrea
Schullo and Instructor Todd Larson
reviewed and updated the WIDS
analyzer and the college wide
outcome assessment on November
30th in Ashland.
June 22, 2011 update: Yes the
program advisory committee met
in January, 2011 and discussed,
provided input, and reviewed
program outcomes and course
outcome summaries.
Indicator: N200
Increase ability to complete
hands on assessments of
students in a timely fashion.
This was somewhat of a challenge
this past year. The reason is
because we are currently finishing
up the 2nd year program, combined
with the implementing the new 3
semester curriculum. This will
improve when each instructor is
able to teach their special areas.
Currently finishing up with
the 2 year program.
Available funding
resources currently not
November 2010 update: No
change. However major
equipment priority was put forth
by the deans during planning and
the Marine program will be getting
all requests which will help this
area after July 1, 2011. The end
result will be more learning
stations equipped with more hands
June 22, 2011 update: Major
equipment was approved for the
Marine program and this will
greatly improve additional work
stations for 2nd and 3rd semester
students. Instructors will begin
ordering equipment after July 1,
Indicator: F600
Work towards AMTECH
AMTECH certification is used as a
benchmark and guidelines to
achieve within the Marine Repair
Technician program. We will
continue to work towards this
AMTECH certification if available
funding resources exist within our
November 2010 update: No
change in the status, instructor
Todd Larson has put forth his
request to attend the AMTECH
conference where he will be
teaching some professional
development seminars.
June 22, 2011 update: AMTECH
and ABYC MAY join forces to be
one entity. If this merge takes
place, curriculum with unified
standards will take place at a much
faster pace.
Indicator: C200
Committee members review
curriculum. “Our plan is to
review 2 courses per year;
courses up for review have
been sent to advisory
committee members to be
reviewed on January 27,
2010.” The advisory
committee will also update and
validate the program outcomes
The MRT advisory committee
reviewed and approved the 3
semester programming and course
sequence as proposed. In addition
to the overall course sequence, 2
of the courses were updated and
the program outcomes were
for 2 specific courses per year.
Indicator: S400
Construct additional engine
test cells.
Additional test cells were
constructed; however additional
test cells along with adequate
exhaust systems will need to be
implemented. This was submitted
for an improvement plan on our
2010-2011 facility improvement
Additional items will be
needed to have adequate
engine testing procedures.
November 2010 Update: Two
more test cells were added to the
marine lab, and a new ventilation
system is currently being installed
this week.
June 22, 2011 update: We
currently have 3 test cells with full
capabilities. Much time and effort
was put forth to make this happen
so all 3 test cells can be used at
once in a safe enclosed
environment with new ventilation.
Indicator: M150
With the new restructured
semester 1, 2, and 3;
Instructors must do more short
“how To” demonstrations on
using tools and completing
mechanical procedures.
Instructors are doing more
Indicator: M150
Team teach applied Science
Applied science is now team
taught, however additional work
needs to be completed on the level
The action item was
completed, however either
the level of applied science
at which applied science is
currently being taught to technical
level marine students.
November 2010 update: A
meeting took place on November
30th in Ashland. The Dean and the
instructor of the applied science
course, met with the Trade Dean
and the instructor of the MRT
program to outline course
outcomes and learning objectives
agreed upon by both parties. The
advisory committee will meet on
December 13 to approve of these
changes or make additional
June 22, 2011 update: We
continue to meet with the dean of
general studies and the
instructional staff of the applied
science course. We all agree that
more hands on projects and
demonstrations need to be
implemented within the applied
science course. Digital volt/ohm
meters have been ordered for the
electronic portion and further
equipment will be ordered for
mechanical demonstrations. The
applied science is currently lacking
a science lab, which would be a
nice place to do demonstrations.
needs to be taught as a
technical diploma course
or a program modification
needs to be incorporated
to drop applied science
and add applied physical
We will continue to work on this
area for improvement.
Indicator: N200
Do not enroll new students
during the spring semester
No new students were enrolled
from enrollment services during
this period.
November 2010 update: We will
be enrolling 4 new students in
January 2011. We have a waiting
list beyond this however we
cannot enroll any additional
students because this group will
merge with our current section of
14 to from a section of 18
students. Student attrition rate
has been very low with the new 3
semester programming.
June 22, 2011 update: Enrollment
has been very stable in the
program with January enrollments
only allowing 4 students. By doing
this it keeps the overall program
full and keeps the combined
section less than 17 students in
Todd’s section.
Indicator: N200
Have the annual plan updated
to reflect the needs of the new
3 semester curriculum.
The annual plan was submitted
through our annual planning
process for the 2010-2011 fiscal
November 2010 update: The
2011-2012 plan has been
submitted. Additional major
equipment needs will be met to
handle the increase in enrollment
for this program.
June 22, 2011 update: Additional
major equipment was approved
and will be ordered starting after
July 1, 2011. This will provide
additional work areas for 2nd and
3rd semester students in sections
which are combined and maintain
higher numbers.
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