(The conclusion has yet to be done but thought I’d give you a draft in case any drastic changes have to be done below. I will go into more detail in the construction of the circuit if needed. Many thanks. ) Introduction: • Aims To create a secure system of receiving data from a chaotic transmitter over a link. • Objectives 1. To create and simulate a receiver using Orcad design program. 2. To create a prototype on a breadboard. 3. To create a P.C.B (printed circuit board) of the circuit using Orcad layout design program. • Specifications • Summary of the approach taken The approach to this was simple in theory, basically my partner in this project (David Mitchell) took on the job of using orcad to create a receiver, and using his circuit diagrams he created, I would physically create the prototype and get simulation results. Then we could compare simulation results etc, and see how the theoretical simulations reflected the actual simulations 1 • Block diagram Figure 1 block diagram Above is an overall block diagram of the project. On the left hand side of the am carrier box is clearly the transmitted data, and on the right is the receiver. This part on the right is what are project is about i.e. receiving encrypted data over a secure link. This will be covered in detail in latter sections. • Information and materials provided at the start of the project. Information and materials were readily available to us. All components that were used were free from the stores in the college. And all the information 2 on the project could be gotten from the library, web or resources given by our supervisor. Project background • Background theory This system uses chaos to encrypt the signal that is to be transmitted. It also needs chaos to decrypt the signal received from the transmitter. So what is chaos? Chaos is a typical behavior of nonlinear dynamic systems (i.e. a random change in time or motion, which is complex to predict). Chaos is created from a circuit known as chua’s circuit. Chua's circuit is a simple electronic circuit that exhibits classic chaos theory behavior. It was introduced in 1983 by Leon Chua. Made from standard components (resistors, capacitors, inductors), this circuit must satisfy three criteria before it can display chaotic behaviour which are: 1. one or more locally active resistors 2. one or more nonlinear elements 3. three or more energy-storage elements. Chua's circuit is the simplest electronic circuit meeting these criteria. • Initial investigations used to determine the best solution • References to previous work by other areas 3 Before the physical building of the chua circuit, my project partner created a basic circuit in orcad. He simulated the circuit, and when it worked he gave this schematic to me. This was used as a plan for the building of the circuit. This process was repeated for the majority of the project and time after time the circuit in orcad was improved which resulted in the physical circuit to be improved, either by removing parts and replacing parts or starting the circuit from scratch. • References to any sources of information used Due to the fact all of the work done on my side of the project depended on the simulations and schematics from orcad (done by my partner), all the information I used to build the chua circuit came from the schematics. Some background information was got from wikipedia on the chua, but it was not as necessary due to the fact my roll in the project was building the schematics given to me by my partner. It must be noted that the building of the circuit is not as simple as building other circuits, as it is very temperamental and “is quite delicate (sensitive to component values)” according to an article on the building of a chua circuit. All of this was found out as the project developed, as will be seen in latter stages of this report. • Element of analysis; how Orcad was translated into a physical circuit. For the very first circuit created, a matrix board was used. (This will be covered in detail in further sections). This requires the skill of soldering and is ideal for 4 a permanent solution but due to the temperance of the chua circuit the breadboard was ultimately the right path to take when constructing and altering the physical circuit. So a breadboard was used in order to translate the orcad schematic to a physical circuit. The layout of the breadboard is obviously completely different to the layout that would be used for a matrix board and thus the layout of an orcad schematic. Below is a brief and simple example of the layout of a standard breadboard and how the holes are connected : The top and bottom rows are linked horizontally all the way across as shown by the red and black lines in the diagram below. The power supply is connected to these rows, + at the top and 0V (zero volts) at the bottom. The other holes are linked vertically in blocks of 5 with no link across the centre as shown by the blue lines on the diagram. Notice how there are separate blocks of connections to each pin of ICs. 5 Technical description and construction details with results: • Description of the software developed and results. This section will give the steps in which were taken by my partner to develop the receiver. As this was not directly associated with my input it will be brief due to the fact many steps have to be taken to simulate and construct such a complex system (i.e a receiver using chaos): Figure 2 6 Figure 3 Figure 3 above shows the output observed from the PRBS generator R9 R1 100 220 R4 I 22k OUT Vsweep 13 12Vdc - 11 TL084 + 14 OUT 2 V--15V V+ U7A 3 V+ + +15V 4 4 +15V U6D 12 TL084 - 11 V--15V R5 R2 20k 220 R6 3.3k 1 R3 2.2k 0 Figure 4 Figure 4 above shows the circuit used to demonstrate the nonlinear resistance 7 Figure 5 Figure 5 above shows the nonlinear negative resistance obtained from the circuit. Table of value from nonlinear negative resistance circuit of breadboard 8 8.0V -4.67mA 7.5V -4.27mA -0.5V 0.2mA 7.0V -3.95mA -1.0V 0.34mA 6.5V -3.61mA -1.5V 0.55mA 6.0V -3.30mA -2.0V 0.7mA 5.5V -2.96mA -2.5V 0.9mA 5.0V -2.67mA -3.0V 1.3mA 4.5V -2.31mA -3.5V 1.6mA 4.0V -1.97mA -4.0V 2.0mA 3.5V -1.60mA -4.5V 2.2mA 3.0V -1.30mA -5.0V 2.55mA 2.5V -0.95mA -5.5V 2.9mA 2.0V -0.70mA -6.0V 3.23mA 1.5V -0.55mA -6.5V 3.6mA 1.0V -0.36mA -7.0V 3.92mA 0.5V -0.16mA -7.5V 4.25mA 0V 0mA -8.0V 4.6mA 9 Nonlinear Negative Resistance Graph 10 8 6 Voltage (V) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Current (mA) Graph Using table values 10 Out V {Res} 100 XaxisC22 R1 XaxisC12 RL 20 R C1 100n C2 4.7n NLR 2 L1 10mH 1 0 Figure 6 Figure 6 above shows the conventional linear oscillator used in the Chua circuit TL084 13 RL Zin 11 -15V V- 20 OUT C 12 0.1u 14 + 4 +15V U1D V+ R 5k 0 Figure 7 Above is circuit diagram of the gyrator, used instead of inductor for variable inductance. 11 Figure 8 Shown in figure 8 looks at the spectrum of the oscillator of the Chua circuit, oscillates at 4 kHz Chua_Out V R6 220 22k 11 -15V V- 20 OUT C4 3 0.1u C2 100n - + 4 U1A OUT OUT 6 - 11 TL084 +15V V+ R17 5k 7 9 TL084 V- R7 PARAMETERS: Res = 1.74K 0 - 11 8 V- R8 20k R9 3.3k V+ + + C3 4.7n 1 4 U1C 10 V+ -15V TL084 2 5 +15V U1B4 R13 +15V R5 -15V 100 XaxisC2 R15 {Res} XaxisC1 R14 220 R12 2.2k Figure 9 Figure 9 above shows the circuit diagram for the Chua circuit used in the simulation. 12 Figure 10 Shown in figure 10 above is the voltage across variable resistor in the oscillator. Figure 11 Figure 11 above shows the chaotic output from the circuit known as a Lorenz Attractor 13 Figure 12 Shown above in figure is a block diagram of the transmitter circuit. Figure 13 Figure 13, signal of PRBS + chaos + DC offset 14 Figure 14 Figure 14 is the carrier, freq = 50 kHz, amplitude = 5 Figure 15 Figure 15 above shows the modulated carrier signal 15 Chaotic Receiver Figure 16 Figure 16 above show the block diagram of the chaotic receiver. D1 Input Rectif ied D1N4148 R9 1k 0 Figure 17 Figure 17 above shows the rectifier 16 Figure 18 Shown above in Figure 18 is the rectified Figure 19 Shown above in Figure 19 is the rectified signal and the chaos to be subtracted 17 0 R4 40k +15V R2 rectif ied_in U12A 4 3 V+ + 100k OUT R1 chaos_in 2 100k - 11 TL084 1 Dif f out V- -15V R3 40k Figure 20 Figure 20 above shows the diagram of the difference amplifier used to subtract the chaos Figure 21 Figure 21 is chaos subtracted from the rectified signal 18 0 5Vdc V23 U4B4 5 V+ + OUT 6 V22 - 11 TL084 7 V- 2Vdc 0 Figure 22 A voltage comparator, shown in Figure 22 Figure 23 Figure 23 above shows the output of comparator 19 R33 1k R30 -15V TL084 2 1k R31 11 V- OUT 1k 3 1 + 4 U12A V+ +15V 0.5Vdc V8 0 0 Figure 24 Figure 24 above shows summing amp to add DC to shift the signal Figure 25 Figure 25 is the shifted signal but the waveform is negative because of the summing amp. 20 R35 1k -15V TL084 6 R34 11 V- - 1k OUT 5 lev elled 7 V + 4 U12B V+ +15V 0 Figure 26 Figure 26 is an Inverting op amp used to invert the signal back to positive. R28 lev elled cr_out 15k C10 500p 0 Figure 27 Figure 27 is a low pass CR filter. 21 Figure 28 The graph above, Figure 28, shows the output from the CR filter 0 4 V24 5Vdc 12 + V+ U11D cr_out 0.5Vdc 0 - TL084 comp2_out V- 13 V25 14 11 OUT 0 Figure 29 Figure 29 is another comparator 22 5.0V 2.5V 0V 0s 1.00ms 2.00ms 3.00ms 4.00ms 4.46ms V(COMP2_OUT) Time Figure 30 Figure 30 above shows the output of the comparator Figure 31 Figure 31 is the filtered output from the second comparator 23 +15V 4 U12D R40 cr_out2 12 V+ + 1k OUT 13 TL084 - 11 14 gain V V- -15V R38 450 R39 1k 0 Figure 32 Figure 32 is the non-inverting op amp to adjust gain Figure 33 Figure 33 is the signal with adjusted gain 24 Figure 34 Figure 34 above is another summing amp and inverting amp to shift the signal down again. Figure 35 • Finally our recovered PRBS signal It must be noted that my partner carried out this work. 25 • Description of the hardware developed Figure 36 the first attempt Above is the first attempt at building the chua, it was a very basic circuit and used basic resistors with normal tolerances. The chip in the centre is a TL084 chip, this contains 4 op-amps, and in this case only two were used. This was de-soldered and new parts were placed but it was not successful. Below it the out put diagram of the particular circuit. It is nothing more than noise. Figure 37 failed simulation 26 Figure 38. Second attempt. Above we can see the second attempt at building the chua circuit. It is evident to see that this time a breadboard was used. But again only two out of four of the chips opamps were used. The layout was quite disarranged due to the fact it was the first attempt at building such a circuit. The output was identical to the output of the previous circuit. Basically it didn’t work. So going back to orcad a new schematic was developed that contained an inductor as the previous schematics but this time another op-amp was used to create this inductance, before one component was used. Now resisters and op-amps were used instead. Also a buffer and one more op amp for the gyrider were used. This can be seen in figure 39. 27 Figure 39. Attempt number three. Here it is evident to see two tl084 chips, all pins were used in one chip and 1 op amp in the other chip. This was briefly tested (the output below can be seen in figure 40) but just before it was fully checked for the problem a new schematic came into the equation. This was a much simpler chua and it was very similar to the second attempted circuit. It had three op-amps which means only one chip was needed. This was due to the fact the buffer was removed and one out of two op-amp’s from the inductor was also removed. This circuit is illustrated in figure 41. Figure 40 Output for above circuit. 28 Figure 41 Successful Circuit. Above is the circuit in which the chaotic signal was achieved. Three op-amps were used. And due to the sensitivity of the circuit a pot had to be used in order to slowly change the resistance until the desired signal was achieved. It also needed very low tolerance resisters again due to the sensitivity of the chua circuit. In figure 42 we see the output signal that is identical to the simulated output signal in orcad. This just reflects the accuracy of the software. This signal will be deducted from the encrypted signal that comes in from the receiver, which will reveal the desired message from the PBRS. Figure 42 chaotic signal 29 Conclusion • Significant observations and conclusions clearly stated • Summery of critical results • Highlight possible improvements and make suggestions for future development or investigation. (This has yet to be done but thought I’d give you a draft in case any drastic changes have to be done above. I will go into more detail in the construction of the circuit if needed. Many thanks. ) 30