Informing conservation planning using sea-level rise and storm surge impact estimates in the Galveston Bay and Jefferson County, Texas area Ben Gilmer¹ Jorge Brenner² Jonathan Sheets² The Nature Conservancy¹ Global Marine Initiative Seattle, Washington, 98101 The Nature Conservancy² Texas Chapter Corpus Christi, Texas, 78401 A report produced for the Gulf of Mexico Alliance Funding for this model application was provided by The Nature Conservancy, who also provided extensive GIS processing in support of this analysis. Funding for TNC was provided through a grant from the Gulf of Mexico Foundation to support the Habitat Conservation & Restoration Team, and the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources to support the Community Resilience Team, part of the Governor’s Gulf of Mexico Alliance. January 2012 Introduction Coastal communities across the Gulf of Mexico are increasingly vulnerable to coastal hazards including sea level rise (Weiss et al. 2011; Karl et al. 2009; IPCC 2007). The Gulf of Mexico contains 20,000 km² of land below 1.5 meters in elevation (Titus and Richman 2001) and is one of the most vulnerable regions to sea level rise (SLR) in the continental U.S. (Weiss et al. 2011; Thieler and Hammar-Klose 1999). Local planners and property owners have generally not decided how they will act in response to SLR (Titus et al. 2009) nor have they developed future shoreline management strategies to address SLR (CCSP 2009). These increasing hazards threaten not only the human-built infrastructure and coastal communities, but also natural habitats and ecosystems. Wetlands are among the Gulf of Mexico’s most economically and ecologically important habitats and comprise thirty-one percent (28,372 mi²) of land within the U.S. Gulf coastal watershed (NOAA 2006). These habitats provide many benefits for human and natural communities including storm surge protection, erosion prevention, pollutant removal and fish and wildlife habitat (NOAA 2011). An example of the economic importance of marsh systems can be illustrated in the annual commercial shellfish harvest within the Gulf’s coastal wetlands; for 2009 alone, the harvest value was $474 million (National Marine Fisheries Service 2010). The Gulf of Mexico’s wetlands have experienced significant declines in recent decades (NOAA 2011) and accelerated SLR projections are expected to further increase the rate and magnitude of wetland loss (Nicholls 2004). At current rates of loss, one-third of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands will be lost by the year 2050 (America’s Energy Coast 2009). Planning for and responding to a global threat such as SLR ultimately falls to regional and local decision makers. These decision makers need the critical information necessary to support choices for managing human and natural communities in the face of the coastal changes that are underway (CCSP 2009; NRC 2009; Najjar et al. 2000). The Galveston Bay area is a highly developed region that accounts for the second largest recreational boating industry in the nation and 40% of the nation’s petrochemical production, and constitutes the second largest port in the US. Substantial habitat loss has occurred due to coastal development, shoreline erosion, and land subsidence around Galveston Bay. These shoreline changes make this area increasingly vulnerable to SLR and storm surge inundation. Identifying and addressing the risks posed by SLR and other climate-related threats to ecosystems and infrastructure is of utmost importance to sustain a healthy flow of benefits to the coastal communities (CHF 2010). Through a participatory stakeholder process, the project team and Galveston Bay and Jefferson County regional stakeholders identified ongoing and future conservation planning efforts that were best suited to be informed by SLR and storm surge projections, socioeconomic indicators, and marsh migration scenarios. Through this effort, the project team and stakeholders decided to explore the following questions: 1. What are the potential impacts of a 1 meter sea level rise to irregularly- and regularly-flooded marshes in the study area? 2. Which communities are potentially most at risk to hurricane storm surge, and how might sealevel rise increase present-day risk to storm surge? 3. Which communities might be most or least resilient to future changes based on socioeconomic indicators, inundation exposure, and marsh viability? 2 4. How might SLR impacts and future marsh habitat distribution inform land acquisition and management planning? Our study estimates the potential impacts of SLR and storm surge to human communities and natural habitats, with emphasis in coastal marsh, in the Galveston Bay region to allow decision makers to more easily develop adaptation strategies that foster coastal resilience in the face of a changing climate. These analyses are examples that are intended to help current conservation planning and management decisions account for future changes and to provide examples of how Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model SLAMM, SLR, storm surge, and socioeconomic data can be used in to support these efforts. Study area The Galveston Bay region (Figure 1) contains a complex system of marshes, sand flats, seagrass beds, and oyster reefs. These habitats provide nursery and spawning grounds for crab, shrimp, oyster and fish species, and protection for coastal communities during storm events. This bay system provided the second most productive fishery in the U.S. until Hurricane Ike landed in 2008. Galveston Bay produced more oysters than any other estuary in the nation (until Hurricane Ike), and constituted the largest commercial harvest of blue crabs of any estuary in Texas. It also accounts for more than one-half of Texas’s recreational fishing revenues (CHF 2010). Given the prevalence, sensitivity, and economic and ecological importance of regularly- and irregularly-flooded marshes in the Galveston Bay region, this study focused on these habitats, which collectively Figure 1. Galveston Bay study area. cover over 65,000 hectares (161,000 acres) within the study area. Regularly-flooded marshes experience constant tidal flow and therefore contain higher salinity soils while irregularly flooded marshes typically experience greater salinity and climatic variability. The variability between regularly- and irregularly-flooded marsh createses differentiated populations of flora and fauna that are driven by their respective tolerance and dependence on salinity and water table levels. For more details regarding our study area, see Lester and Gonzalez (2002). Methods The methods used in this study follow an overarching project framework for informing ongoing and future conservation planning efforts through SLR and storm surge projections, socioeconomic indicators, and marsh migration scenarios. This framework is outlined in Figure 2. The methods described herein detail our approach for assessing socioeconomic and ecological risk to SLR and storm surge, coastal habitats’ relation to vulnerable human communities, and management options needed to support conservation planning for climate-enhanced coastal change. 3 Conservation and Resiliency Assessment Framework What is at risk of SLR and storm surge? Ecological Where are coastal habitats that benefit human communities? What are conservation and management options? Existing management areas Socioeconomic Future priority areas Figure 2. Conservation and Resiliency Assessment Framework. Sea-level rise scenarios The Sea-Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM) was employed for the Galveston Bay region to simulate potential changes in tidal marsh area and other coastal habitat types in response to SLR. SLAMM accounts for the dominant processes involved in wetland conversion and shoreline modifications during long-term SLR (Clough et al. 2010) and has been used to estimate impacts of SLR in the Gulf of Mexico and in other regions of the U.S. (e.g. Craft et al. 2009; opment.html ). SLAMM incorporates information on land elevations, land cover, tide ranges, land subsidence rates, sedimentation and erosion rates and SLR to model the future spatial distribution of marsh habitat based on specified SLR scenarios. The land cover classes used by SLAMM in our study area include: tidal fresh marsh, tidal swamp, swamp, regularly-flooded marsh, inland open water, irregularly-flooded marsh, developed dry land, inland-fresh marsh, undeveloped dry land, estuarine open water, and open ocean. The wetland classes are based on habitat classifications defined by the National Wetland Inventory and non-wetland land cover classes come from the National Land Cover Dataset. For a thorough accounting of SLAMM model processes and the underlying assumptions and equations, see Clough et al. (2010). For details regarding SLAMM parameterization and data usage specific to the Grand Bay region analysis used in this study, see Clough and Polaczyk (2011) and these scenarios can be viewed at Though multiple SLR scenarios were run for the Galveston Bay region using SLAMM, for this study the project team decided to only use the eustatic 1 meter SLR scenario for the years 2025, 2050, 2075, 2100 given that several recent studies have indicated that sea levels are likely to approach 1 meter by the year 2100 (Nicolls 2011; Vermeer and Rahmstorf 2009). Storm-surge scenarios 4 The project team partnered with ARCADIS US, Inc. to generate storm surge scenarios for the Galveston Bay region. Multiple storm surge simulations were generated using the Advanced Circulation (ADCIRC) model (ARCADIS 2011), though only the following two scenarios were selected for this study: 1) a storm surge scenario similar to Hurricane Ike which struck the Galveston Bay region in September of 2008 and 2) a storm surge scenario similar to Hurricane Ike with 1 meter of SLR. For more information on the methodology and results of these simulations, see ARCADIS (2011). Identification of conservation targets and risk analyses The project team facilitated a participatory workshop with Galveston Bay regional staff on April 6th, 2011, hosted by the Galveston Bay Estuary Program’s Natural Resource Uses Team, in order to identify ongoing and future conservation planning efforts that might best be informed by the SLR, storm surge, and marsh migration projections provided by SLAMM. After the project team and stakeholder group discussed and visualized the draft results from the SLAMM analysis, the project team and stakeholders identified three core questions to further explore in order to better inform their conservation planning and management efforts. The questions were as follows (restated from the Introduction): 1. What are the potential impacts of a 1 meter sea level rise to irregularly- and regularly-flooded marshes in the study area? 2. Which communities are potentially most at risk to hurricane storm surge, and how might sealevel rise increase present-day risk to storm surge? 3. Which communities might be most or least resilient to future changes based on socioeconomic indicators, inundation exposure, and marsh viability? 4. How might SLR impacts and future marsh habitat distribution inform land acquisition and management planning? Based on these questions, the project team identified the following four analyses to better inform the stakeholder questions: 1) Marsh Change and Viability Analysis, 2) Community Risk Analysis, 3) Community Resilience Analysis, and 4) Long-term Marsh Management Analysis. The SLAMM SLR scenarios, storm surge scenarios, and U.S. census data were the primary input datasets for these analyses, in addition to local management data for the Galveston Bay region. 1. Marsh Change and Viability Analysis The project team and stakeholders wanted to identify the existing irregularly- and regularly-flooded marshes that are most likely to persist into the future, and those that are most threatened to be lost to SLR. SLAMM was used to calculate where marshes were predicted to migrate, persist, or lose distribution for the time period between 2009 and 2100 under a 1 meter SLR scenario, and a viability estimate was determined for each existing marsh polygon by summarizing persistence and loss values per marsh. The marsh advancement zone, as used in this study, refers to the path through which marshes are predicted to move landward under a 1m scenario through 2100. Additionally, to better relate marsh viability to socioeconomic data in subsequent analyses (see Community Risk Analysis), and to illustrate aggregated marsh viability at the human community level, a marsh viability analysis was also calculated at the census block group scale. The latter block group level calculation was determined via the following equation: Viability per block group = (Marsh Loss – Marsh Persistence) + Marsh Gain Marsh viability was then classified from “Low to High” based on a 5-class Natural Breaks classification to help show maximum differences in marsh viability per census block group. The Natural Breaks 5 classification method is a “binning” method that groups similar values that maximize the differences between classes (de Smith et al. 2009). In summary, the marsh change and viability calculations are reported in two geographic units: per existing marsh polygon and summarized per census block group. The process and methods for the Marsh Change and Viability Analysis at the marsh scale are detailed in Figure 3, and the Marsh Change and Viability Analysis methods at the block group scale are detailed in Figure 4. Extract irregularly- and regularly-flooded marsh land cover classes from SLAMM scenarios Delineate individual marsh complexes Map marsh advancement zones for 20092100 Calculate change in marsh distribution, per marsh, 20092100 Classify marsh loss/gain/persistence to illustrate potential marsh viability Figure 3. Approach for marsh change and viability analysis at individual marsh scale. Extract irregularly- and regularly-flooded marsh land cover classes from SLAMM scenarios Marsh viability calculation at the block group scale: Calculate marsh loss, gain, and persistence from 2009 to 2100 Viability per block group = Marsh Loss – Marsh Persistence + Marsh Gain Classify block groups to illustrate marsh viability Figure 4. Approach for marsh change and viability analysis at the block group scale. 2. Community Risk Analysis Most state and local coastal hazard risk assessments in the U.S. are focused on current hazard risk, and do not incorporate potential enhanced risks due to climate change impacts such as SLR (Shepard et al. 2012; Frazier et al. 2010). Following methods similar to those used in a recent study by Shepard et al. (2012), we identified communities facing the highest risk of storm surge and SLR. Granger (2003) and Shepard (2012) conceptualize risk as: Risk (i) = Hazard (i) X Elements at Risk (i) X Vulnerability, where (i) is a particular hazard scenario. Furthermore, “exposure” is a function of the Hazard X Elements at Risk portion of the risk equation (Granger 2003). We used this conceptual risk framework to identify communities that face the highest risk to hurricane storm surge, and provide examples of how sea-level rise can increase present-day risk to storm surge. 6 The process and methods used to characterize exposure and risk are outlined in Figure 5. Exposure was calculated by classifying all inundated block groups into “high,” “medium,” and “low,” based on the percentage of each block group inundated per storm surge or SLR scenario. Block groups with less than 5% and more than 0.1% of inundation were classified as “low”; less than 15% and more than 5% were “medium” and greater than 15% were considered to be of “high” exposure. The Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) data was provided by the Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute at the University of South Carolina ( ducts/sovi.aspx). HVRI describes the SoVI as follows: “SoVI measures the social vulnerability COMMUNITY RISK EXPOSURE VULNERABILITY Classify inundated block groups Classify Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) Create inundation raster: extract estuarine water land cover class from SLAMM scenarios or create storm surge inundation raster from ADCIRC simulation outputs Calculate percentage of census block group inundated of U.S. counties to environmental Figure 5. Community Risk Analysis methodology framework hazards. The index is a comparative metric that facilitates the examination of the differences in social vulnerability among counties. SoVI is a valuable tool for policy makers and practitioners. It graphically illustrates the geographic variation in social vulnerability. It shows where there is uneven capacity for preparedness and response and where resources might be used most effectively to reduce the pre-existing vulnerability. SoVI® also is useful as an indicator in determining the differential recovery from disasters. The index synthesizes 31 socioeconomic variables, which the research literature suggests contribute to reduction in a community’s ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from hazards. The data are culled from national data sources, primarily those from the United States Census Bureau.” The SoVI used in this study is available at the block group scale and downloadable from here: In this analysis, “High” social vulnerability was categorized as the top 20% and “Low” is the lowest 20%, while “Medium” is the middle 60%. For more information about SoVI, see Finally, the Community Risk index was calculated by classifying the exposure index with the SoVI into a 1-5 (low to high) ranking system where blocks groups that experienced high exposure and high social vulnerability (e.g. “5”), were considered highest risk, while block groups with medium exposure and medium social vulnerability were considered medium risk (e.g. “3”), and so forth. The Community Risk Analysis framework is outlined in Figure 4. 7 3. Community Resilience Analysis The Community Resilience Analysis combined the Community Risk Analysis and Marsh Viability Analysis to identify communities that might be least (or most) resilient based on a community’s social vulnerability, exposure to storm surge, and the long-term COMMUNITY viability of marsh systems within each block group. Marsh RESILIENCE systems offer many ecosystem services to human communities such as preventing shoreline erosion, storm surge buffering, increasing water quality, and providing Marsh Change fish habitat (Shepard et al. 2011). This analysis assumes Community Risk and Viability that communities are more resilient if they have lower Index Index social vulnerability, are less exposed to storm surge inundation and have marsh systems that can either maintain or increase in size with 1 meter of sea level rise by the year 2100. There are many locally-dependent Exposure factors that make a community more or less resilient to natural hazards, and some of these nuances cannot be captured with census block group level data, nor do viable marsh systems alone create more resilient human Vulnerability communities. This analysis should be interpreted as a demonstration of how coastal hazard risk information can be combined with ecosystem viability data to inform conservation planning activities that benefit both human and natural communities. Figure 6. Community Resilience Analysis framework. Furthermore, the census data used in this analysis reflects conditions for the year 2000, the year for which this data was most recently available. This analysis is limited in that it compared socioeconomic conditions for the year 2000 with future inundation scenarios without modeling how the social landscape might change over the next 80 years. Projecting future socioeconomic conditions was beyond the scope of this work, and other published studies have had similar temporal limitations (e.g. Hallegatte et al. 2011, Frazier et al. 2010, and Zhang 2001). Ultimately, this analysis is intended to help coastal managers and decision makers plan for and respond to future changes, by illustrating how future climate-enhanced coastal hazards can impact communities throughout the Galveston Bay region. The Community Resilience Analysis used in this study is one example of how socioeconomic and ecological information can be integrated with coastal hazards data to characterize community resilience. The Community Resilience Analysis framework is outlined in Figure 6. Using an indexing method similar to that which was used in the Community Risk Analysis, the combined marsh viability and community risk indices were classified on a 1-5, low to high, scale using an if-then logic model where communities with low risk and high marsh viability would be considered “most resilient” (e.g. “5”) and communities with high risk and low marsh viability would be considered “least resilient” (e.g. “1”). It is also important to note that only block groups that currently contain marsh distribution were considered in this analysis. 4. Long-term Marsh Management Analysis The project team performed a high level gap analysis to better inform existing and future land acquisition and management planning efforts to better account for SLR impacts. Federal, state, and TNC management areas were analyzed to illustrate existing marsh distribution lying within existing management areas, in addition to the amount of marsh advancement zone (the path through which marshes are predicted to move landward under a 1m scenario through 2100) within and outside of 8 existing management areas. Next, marsh advancement zones immediately adjacent to existing management areas were selected as priority protection areas in case existing management areas could be expanded to include these advancement zones, which might allow for the landward migration of marsh systems. The methods and process used for this analysis are outlined in Figure 7. Long-term Marsh Management Needs Existing Management Areas Existing and Future Marsh Distribution Existing Marsh Future Marsh Advancement Figure 7. Long-term marsh management analysis framework 9 Results Sea-level rise scenarios Irregularly flooded marshes are expected to significantly decrease between 2009 and 2100, while regularly flooded marshes are expected to greatly increase, often replacing irregularly-flooded marshes throughout the study area. SLAMM predicts land cover changes to be less severe between 2009-2050, with more drastic shifts occurring between 2050 and 2100. Regularly-flooded marshes in the study area are expected to increase by 21,755 hectares (53,759 acres) between 2009 and 2100 and irregularlyflooded marshes are expected to decline by 33,450 hectares (82,658 acres). Furthermore, 35,979 hectares (88,907) of existing land is projected to convert to estuarine water by 2100. The full results for the SLAMM analysis are detailed in Clough and Polaczyk (2011) and gains and losses are summarized in Figure 8 below for the most commonly occurring land cover types. Undeveloped Dryland Categories Tidal Flat 2100 Estuarine Water 2075 2050 Irregularly Flooded Marsh 2025 Regularly Flooded Marsh -100,000 -60,000 -20,000 20,000 60,000 100,000 Acres Figure 8. Potential land cover change for the Galveston Bay region under a 1 meter sea-level rise scenario between 2004 and 2100. Storm surge scenarios Figure 9 illustrates the inundation extent for the 3 storm surge scenarios, as taken from ARCADIS (2011). The storm surge analysis found that the 2008 storm surge scenario inundated an estimated 233,875 hectares (577,918 acres) of land. The 2100 storm surge scenario with 1 meter of SLR inundated an estimated 293,823 hectares (726,053 acres), which is an increase of 25% percent from the 2008 scenario, indicating that 1 meter of SLR can increase near term storm surge exposure by a factor of 25%. More details regarding the predicted storm surge impacts can be found in ARCADIS (2011). 10 Figure 9. Plot of inundation extents for storm surge scenarios. Conservation and Risk Analyses 1. Marsh Change and Viability Analysis Marsh distribution in 2009 was calculated to be 65,382 hectares (161,562 acres). Total marsh advancement zone (the landward path beyond existing marsh through which marshes are predicted to move) under a 1 meter SLR scenario from 2009 to 2100 was projected to be 39,299 hectares (97,111 acres). Importantly, the marsh advancement zone does not include existing marsh and is only a calculation of projected marsh advancement beyond 2009 distribution. These results indicate that areas beyond marsh need to be managed for marshes to sustain in the future; for comparison, the area of the predicted marsh advancement zone is roughly 60% of the size of existing marsh distribution throughout the study area. The most viable marsh systems were largely found in the Jefferson County and eastern Galveston Bay portions of the study area (Figures 10 and 11). Also, as seen in Figure 12, marsh systems in the East Bay portion of the study area will require substantial room to migrate to sustain through the year 2100. At 11 the block group community scale, marsh systems on the Bolivar Peninsula and at Texas City were least viable, while the most viable marsh systems were in Jefferson County and the Trinity River area (Figure 13). Overall marsh change between 2004 and 2100 results in 11,695 hectares (28,899 acres) of marsh habitat lost. Figure 10. Change analysis of all marshes 2009-2100. 12 Figure 11. Marsh viability per existing marsh (1m SLR). Figure 12. Existing marsh with total advancement zone (2004 through 2100). 13 Figure 13. Marsh viability analysis at the block group scale. 2. Community Risk Analysis The Social Vulnerability Index (Figure 14) illustrates that some of the most vulnerable human communities were found on Galveston Island, Baytown, Channelview, and the Bolivar Peninsula (among other communities). Within the study area, 59 block groups were found to be of high social vulnerability, followed by 317 that were classified as medium vulnerability, and 133 were of low social vulnerability. Figures 15, 16, and 17, show the percentage of each block group inundated under each scenario, in addition to the compounding impacts of SLR onto a present-day storm surge exposure. As seen in Table 1, 155 block groups are projected to face between 75 and 100% inundation under a Hurricane Ike storm surge scenario with 1 meter of SLR, compared with only 84 block groups that face the same risk under the Hurricane Ike storm alone. The SLR-only inundation scenario found 195 block groups projected to face 1 to 5 % inundation, with only 1 block group experiencing over 50% inundation. Table 1. Number of block groups inundated per scenario Percent of block group inundated none 1 to 5 6 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 75 76 to 100 1 meter SLR 275 195 34 4 1 0 2008 storm surge 289 22 54 29 31 84 2008 storm surge plus 1m SLR 209 31 37 37 40 155 14 The Bolivar Peninsula, Smith Point, Galveston Island, Jefferson County and Texas City areas are most exposed under all three scenarios with 195 block groups experiencing over 50% inundation under the SLR plus storm surge scenario. The Community Risk Index can be seen in Figures 18, 19, and 20. Some of the most at-risk communities to a 1 meter SLR scenario are Crystal Beach on the Bolivar Peninsula, Galveston Island, and the Bay Oaks Harbor neighborhood (Figure 18). Figure 20 shows the impact of SLR in increasing storm surge risk throughout the study area. Notably, several communities (such as the southern Liberty County area) that are at low risk to a 1 meter 2100 SLR scenario, face the highest risk to storm surge under both the 2008 and 2100 storm surge scenarios. Figure 14. Social Vulnerability Index. 15 Figure 15. Exposure to a 1 meter SLR scenario. Figure 16. Exposure to a storm surge from Hurricane Ike (2008; no SLR). 16 Figure 17. Exposure to a storm surge from Hurricane Ike plus 1 meter of SLR (2100). 17 Figure 18. Community Risk Index (1m SLR scenario). Figure 19. Community Risk Index (Hurricane Ike, no SLR). 18 Figure 20. Community Risk Index (Hurricane Ike plus 1 meter of SLR). 3. Community Resilience Analysis Areas that were projected to experience substantial marsh loss under the 1 meter SLR scenario, had high social vulnerability, and faced high exposure to a 2008 Hurricane Ike storm surge simulation were found to be least resilient in the Community Resilience Analysis (Figure 21). Conversely, those communities that contained more viable marshes, lower social vulnerability and less exposure to storm surge, were found to be most resilient. Only 101 block groups were considered for this analysis, as the other 408 block groups did not contain marsh distribution in 2009. Of these 101 block groups, 6 were found to be least resilient, while 3 were found to be most resilient based on this analysis. 92 block groups were categorized as between medium-low and medium high resiliency. In particular, the Community Resilience Analysis found Crystal Beach, Green Lake (near Tiki Island), and Chocolate/Christmas Bay to be among the least resilient communities in the study area, while some of the most resilient communities are in Kemah, Beach City, Trinity Bay, and Smith Point/Anahuac areas. 19 Figure 21. Community Resilience Analysis. 4. Long-term Marsh Management Analysis Though regularly-flooded marsh systems have the potential to increase in various parts of the study area, the Long-term Marsh Management Analysis found that the vast majority of these marsh advancement zones are outside of management areas (Figures 22 and 23). Our results found that 35,824 hectares (88,525 acres) of existing marsh distribution were found to be within management areas while 29,617 hectares (73,185 acres) were outside of management areas. Under a 1 meter SLR scenario, 7,986 hectares (19,735 acres) of marsh advancement zone are projected to be within existing management areas while 31,312 hectares (77,375 acres) are estimated to be outside of these management areas (Table 2). Table 2. Existing and future marsh management gap analysis. Marsh type Area within existing management areas (ha) Area outside of existing management areas (ha) Existing marsh 35,824 (88,525 acres) 29,617 (73,185 acres) Marsh advancement zone 7,986 (19,735 acres) 31,312 (77,375 acres) 20 Importantly, only 20% of future marsh advancement zone are within existing management areas, while 80% remain outside of existing management areas. Several key land acquisition or conservation management areas could be expanded to account for future marsh distribution, and these recommended areas are illustrated in Figures 24-26. Federal management areas that could be expanded include the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge and the Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, as these wildlife refuges are adjacent to some of the most substantial advancement zones in the study area (Figure 24). State management areas that are most critical for expansion include the Galveston Island State Park, the J.D. Murphree Wildlife Management Area, and the Candy Abshier Wildlife Management Area (Figure 25). The Nature Conservancy’s (and partners) management areas are also adjacent to key marsh advancement zones which are illustrated in Figure 26. These management areas include the High Island Area, the West Galveston Bay easement (w/ Galveston Bay Foundation), and the Elm Grove area on the Bolivar Peninsula. Figure 22. Management areas in the Galveston Bay region. 21 Figure 23. Management areas with existing marsh, and marsh advancement zones. Figure 24. Priority marsh protection areas adjacent to federally managed areas. 22 Figure 25. Priority marsh protection areas adjacent to state managed areas. Figure 26. Priority marsh protection areas adjacent to TNC managed areas. 23 Recommendations and Conclusion Our study suggests that SLR impacts should be incorporated into ongoing conservation planning and management activities within the Galveston Bay region. Specifically, key parcels of land adjacent to existing management areas could be acquired and/or sustainably managed to allow for the landward migration of vulnerable marsh habitats. Between 2004 and 2100, over 20,000 hectares (52,000 acres) of land are predicted to contain critical marsh refuge for both irregularly- and regularly-flooded marshes. These areas should be prioritized for conservation and/or acquisition and we highlight priority areas that are adjacent to existing federal, state, and TNC management areas. This analysis also shows that human communities throughout the Galveston Bay region face serious risks to SLR and storm surge, and that storm surge impacts from “today’s” hurricane will be substantially amplified by climate-enhanced SLR and storm surge in the future. Our study also suggests that infrastructure and land use development planning should factor in the impacts of SLR and storm surge as many developable lands, based on SLR and storm surge projections, and building regulations are predicted to be at risk of permanent inundation due to SLR. Furthermore, this study suggests that all land use planning decisions should not only factor in future inundation zones, but also critical marsh advancement zones and their relation to socially vulnerable communities, for which these ecosystems provide myriad services ranging from shoreline protection to fish nurseries for nearby human communities. The analyses and results presented here are intended to inform decision makers within the Galveston Bay region of the potential impacts of SLR and storm surge and to support current and future conservation planning and management decisions. Through a participatory stakeholder process, the project team and stakeholders identified key management questions and employed spatial analyses to illustrate how future changes can be factored into near-term and ongoing planning activities to allow them to better account for future changes. Our study identifies vulnerable coastal ecosystems and human communities and the potential impacts of SLR and storm surge in the Galveston Bay region to allow decision makers to more easily develop adaptation strategies that foster coastal resilience in the face of a changing climate. 24 References America’s Energy Coast. 2009. A region at risk: preventing the loss of vital national interests. Released in conjunction with: America’s Energy Coast National Policy Forum, November 4, 2009. CCSP [Climate Change Science Program]. 2009. Coastal Sensitivity to Sea-Level Rise: A Focus on the MidAtlantic Region. 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