Dimensions of meters
Flanges and pressure classes *
Kinematic viscosity
Temperature stability
Maximum back pressure
Overall uncertainty volume by master / piston
Overall uncertainty mass by master / piston
Available per
Other pressure classes available upon request
Small circuits
10 – 1 200 m 3
4” – 12“ (100 – 300 mm)
ANSI 150, PN 10 *
1, 10, 100 mm²/s (cSt)
Better than 0.2 °C
10 bar(g)
0.06% / 0.02%
0.07% / 0.04% now
Large circuits
30 – 5 000 m³/h
12” – 30” (300 – 750 mm)
ANSI 150, PN 10 *
1, 10, 100 mm²/s (cSt)
Better than 0.2 °C
10 bar(g)
0.06% / 0.02%
0.07% / 0.04%
1 February 2015
The performance of liquid flow meter may depend strongly on the velocity profile of the flowing liquid. For this reason
EuroLoop’s liquid flow facilities enable calibration in a large range of
Reynolds numbers utilizing three different viscosities in the range of 1
– 100 mm²/s (centi-
Stokes). Each circuit is split between a small and a large bore loop.
The temperature increase, resulting from the work exerted on the liquid by the pumps, is reduced by a cooling system using water. A back pressure of
9 bar avoids cavitation in the liquid. measurements in the circuits. The last step in the preparation is an integrity check of the system.
For each calibration there is a choice to use only the master meters as reference, or to use both master meters and piston prover. The latter option guaranties a substantially lower uncertainty.
The calibration itself starts with temperature equalization by circulating the liquid at a high flowrate.
The calibration flow rates and repeats can be performed according to API Chapter 4, OIML
R117 or client wishes.
Separate computer systems are available for instrument diagnostics, which can be shown to the client in the witness room.
After calibration an NMi EuroLoop certificate will be issued.
The primary references for calibration consist of a large piston prover and a small piston prover, which are both operated on all three liquids. The secondary references are master meters, which is a combination of an upstream full bore and downstream reduced bore ultrasonic meter.
The two EuroLoop piston provers are made
The temperature in each circuit is monitored by fast ultrasonic sensors that measure the average temperature in a cross section of the pipe without disrupting the flow pattern.
Due to the closed loop system the quality of the liquids remains constant and is checked regularly through sample analysis by external laboratories. traceable to length by VSL, the Dutch national standards institute. The ultrasonic master meters are calibrated using the piston provers.
EuroLoop’s gas flow calibrations are accredited
Each calibration starts with the specification of the calibration set-up. For the small circuits 24 meter straight length is available, for the large circuits 28 meter is available. In each configuration sufficient length is planned behind flow disturbances, like under K161 issued by the Dutch Council for
Accreditation RvA. By signing the ILAC-MRA
(Multilateral Recognition Agreement) RvA certificates are recognized worldwide.
EuroLoop aims to add the liquid flow calibrations under the same scope during 2015. reducers or expanders.
Before the start of the calibration all air and vapours are eliminated from the circuits and leak tests are performed. The liquid is homogenized, which is tested by the ultrasonic temperature
EuroLoop B.V.
Petroleumweg 36
Harbour 3125
3196 KD Rotterdam
The Netherlands
In addition to the standard calibration services
More information?
Look on the EuroLoop website;
Join EuroLoop on linked-in;
Or make an appointment with one of our consultants.
EuroLoop can perform client specific tests on specific pipe configurations. We will design experiments according to your needs.
Please contact
NMi EuroLoop
T +31 10 216 0311
E info@nmi-euroloop.nl
I www.nmi-euroloop.nl