ELEE 6364 Digital Image Processing, Spring 2001

jECE 3364 Circuits and Systems , Fall 2016
Course Website: http://www.uh.edu/~hebert
Time/Place: 5:30 pm – 6:50 pm TuTh in room W205-D3
1st class meeting: Tues Aug 23 (29 class meetings).
Last Day to Add a Class: Monday Aug 29.
Last day to drop with no grade: Wednesday Sept 7.
Semester holidays: Thursday Nov 24 (Thanksgiving)
Last day to drop with a grade of W: Friday Oct 28.
Last class meeting: Thursday Dec 1.
Class Meeting Make-up Day: Mon Dec 5.
Pre-requisites: ECE 2300 circuit analysis, ECE 3337 Signals and Systems
Instructor: Dr. Tom Hebert, N316, (office) 713-743-4448, (fax) 713-743-4444,
(e-mail) thebert@uh.edu , Office hrs: TTh 10-11 am and 4-5 pm, 7-7:30pm or E-mail for
Teaching Assistant: TBD
Course text: “Electric Circuits” –J.W. Nilsson. Course handouts.
Self-study References: “Electric Circuits” –Edminister, (Schaum's Outline Series);
Homeworks: Approximately 12. Visit course website for assignments and due dates.
Midterm: Tues Oct 11 (subject to change), closed book, formula sheet provided. No make-up exam.
Final: Thurs Dec 8 (subject to change), 5:00-7:50 pm, closed book.
Grades: The following grade ranges will determine your course grade.
(A-,A: 90-100) (B-,B,B+: 78-90) (C-,C,C+: 66-78)
(D-,D,D+: 54-66) (F: < 54.00)
Grade weightings: HWs 4%, test1: 47%, test 2: 49%.
Academic Honesty Policy:
Students in this course are expected to follow the Academic Honesty Policy of the University of Houston. It is your
responsibility to know and follow this policy.
Religious Holy Days:
Students whose religious beliefs prohibit class attendance or completion of specific assignments on designated dates may
request an excused absence. To do this, submit a written request for the excused absence to Dr. Hebert no later than 5 pm
of the 12th class-day, Sept 7. For more information, see the Student Handbook.
Students with Disabilities:
Students with disabilities will be provided reasonable accommodations, appropriate to this specific course. You must
submit a Student Accommodation Form from the Center for Students With Disabilities to Dr. Hebert no later than 5 pm of
the 12th class-day, Sept 7. For more information, see the Student Handbook.
Power: instantaneous, average, complex, real, reactive. Power in
single phase circuits: Power/voltage/current measurements.
3-phase circuits: Y-Y , Y- ∆ , ∆ -Y, ∆ - ∆ configurations. 3-phase
generators. Three-phase circuit analysis techniques.
Power in 3-phase circuits: power generation, transmission, load
specification, efficiency. Three-phase circuit analysis techniques
with power measurements.
3-phase circuit analysis using wattmeter readings and load specs.
Single phase transformers, magnetic coupling, ideal transformer
model, linear transformer model.
Three-phase transformers. Transformer configurations: Y-Y , Y- ∆ ,
∆ -Y, ∆ - ∆ .
The 3-phase ideal transformer model, the 3-phase linear transformer
Circuit analysis of 3-phase transformer circuits: power generation,
transmission, and absorption. Transmission line losses.
3-phase motors/generators in electric vehicles. DC-to-3-phase-AC
3-phase circuit design for maximum power delivery to a load.
Review of LaPlace transforms, Fourier transforms.
Non-sinusoidal voltage/current sources: circuit analysis methods .
Initial conditions and switches in the LaPlace domain. Circuit
models: theory vs. performance.
LaPlace transform circuit analysis, convolution, transfer functions.
Three-phase transformer circuits: impulse response and transfer
function, frequency domain analysis, design.
Natural response, step response, transient response, steady-state
Pole/zero locations in the transfer function and the corresponding
time-domain behavior.
Frequency selective circuits, filters.
Filter design: high pass, lowpass, bandpass, band reject. Theoretical
design vs. practical design. Active filter circuits
Review for final
Expected Learning Outcomes:
Students who successfully complete this course will meet the following course outcomes.
This course contains concepts that will allow you to form a true engineering view of
hardware/software/mechanical/industrial systems (circuits, power plants, electric vehicles) in the time-domain and the
frequency domain. You will learn to analyze circuits where the voltage/current sources are non-AC, where there are
non-zero initial currents/voltages, and where there are switches. You will depart from the steady-state circuit analysis in
Circuits I and examine transient voltages/currents in circuits. You will learn to design practical circuits for the
transmission of 3-phase power by an electric utility to an industrial customer, for delivery of maximum power to a load
such as a stereo speaker, for removing or isolating frequency components in the voltages/currents within a circuit. These
concepts and tools will prepare you for future classes in telecommunications, control theory, and power.
Evaluation of learning outcomes:
1. Exams
2. Homework
3. Projects