Optimized Water Sensitive Urban Design: Trade-offs in Pollutant Removal Efficiency Photo: Monash University Photo: Sustainable Melbourne Outline Water Sensitive Urban Design Technologies; biofilters - Common in SE Australian urban landscapes Design Component: Saturation Zone (SZ) - Nitrogen removal Are there tradeoffs associated with the implementation of SZ that affect other pollutants of concern? Implications of tradeoffs for urban watershed management - Are there lessons that Southern California can learn from the Australian experience? Engineered WSUD Systems: Biofilters Designed to: Characterized by: Strain, sediment, adsorb, precipitate, lyse, immobilize, or degrade suites of pollutants in stormwater or wastewater - Small Spatial footprint (2.5% CA) - Vertical flow - Layered media - Vegetation - Soil microbe and animal communities inflow ponding zone filter media drainage layer (gravel, often supplemented with organic carbon such as woodchips) transition layers (sand, gravel) SZ outflow standard outflow Figure modified from Grant et al., 2013 Pollutants of Concern: Biofilters Nutrients: - Nitrate, Ammonia - Phosphate Indicator Protozoa, Bacteria, and Viruses: - C. perfringens spores - E. coli - F-RNA coliphages Heavy Metals: - Lead - Copper - Zinc Suspended Solids Organic Micropollutants: - Trihalomethanes: disinfection of drinking water - PAHs: fossil fuel and coal combustion - Phthalates: plasticizers - Glycophosphate: herbicide - Triazines: resin manufacture & herbicide base Pollutants of Concern: Biofilters Nutrients: - Nitrate, Ammonia - Phosphate Indicator Protozoa, Bacteria, and Viruses: - C. perfringens spores - E. coli - F-RNA coliphages Heavy Metals: - Lead - Copper - Zinc Suspended Solids Organic Micropollutants: - Trihalomethanes: disinfection of drinking water - PAHs: fossil fuel and coal combustion - Phthalates: plasticizers - Glycophosphate: herbicide - Triazines: resin manufacture & herbicide base Removal efficiency is constantly high (> 70%) Removal varies from 90% pollutant capture to net leaching Pollutants of Concern: Biofilters Nutrients: - Nitrate, Ammonia - Phosphate Indicator Protozoa, Bacteria, and Viruses: - C. perfringens spores - E. coli - F-RNA coliphages Heavy Metals: - Lead - Copper - Zinc Suspended Solids Organic Micropollutants: - Trihalomethanes: disinfection of drinking water - PAHs: fossil fuel and coal combustion - Phthalates: plasticizers - Glycophosphate: herbicide - Triazines: resin manufacture & herbicide base Removal efficiency is constantly high (> 70%) Removal varies from 90% pollutant capture to net leaching Pollutants of Concern: Biofilters Nutrients: - Nitrate, Ammonia - Phosphate Indicator Protozoa, Bacteria, and Viruses: - C. perfringens spores - E. coli - F-RNA coliphages Heavy Metals: - Lead - Copper - Zinc Port Phillip Bay: Organic Micropollutants: Concerns regarding nitrogen loadingwater - Trihalomethanes: disinfection of drinking - PAHs: fossil fuel and coal combustion - Reduce nitrogen inputs Suspended Solids - Phthalates: plasticizers * 100 Tonnes per year - Glycophosphate: herbicide * ½ by runoff reduction Photo: Joe Armao- Triazines: resin manufacture & herbicide base Removal efficiency is constantly high (> 70%) Removal varies from 90% pollutant capture to net leaching Pollutants of Concern: Biofilters Nutrients: - Nitrate, Ammonia - Phosphate Indicator Protozoa, Bacteria, and Viruses: - C. perfringens spores - E. coli - F-RNA coliphages Heavy Metals: - Lead Organic Micropollutants: - Copper - Trihalomethanes: drinking water - Can Zinc biofilters be optimized to removedisinfection nitrogenofusing - PAHs: fossil fuel and coal combustion SZ technology & still effectively remove other pollutants Suspended Solids - Phthalates: plasticizers of concern like phosphate, E. coli and F-RNA coliphages? - Glycophosphate: herbicide - Triazines: resin manufacture & herbicide base Removal efficiency is constantly high (> 70%) Removal varies from 90% pollutant capture to net leaching How does a Biofilter Remove Nitrogen? Total Nitrogen aerobic aerobic (no SZ) or anerobic (SZ) SZ No SZ How does a Biofilter Remove Nitrogen? Total Nitrogen immobilized aerobic aerobic (no SZ) or anerobic (SZ) >70% decomposed SZ No SZ Immobilization: plant uptake (varies by plant species) How does a Biofilter Remove Nitrogen? Total Nitrogen immobilized aerobic aerobic (no SZ) or anerobic (SZ) >70% decomposed Heterotropic bacteria: Org-N NH4+ SZ No SZ Immobilization: plant uptake (varies by plant species) Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria: metabolize organic nitrogen compounds How does a Biofilter Remove Nitrogen? Total Nitrogen immobilized aerobic aerobic (no SZ) or anerobic (SZ) >70% decomposed Heterotropic bacteria: Org-N NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ SZ No SZ Immobilization: plant uptake (varies by plant species) Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria: metabolize organic nitrogen compounds Sorption: Ammonium adsorbs to negatively charged soil particles and SOM How does a Biofilter Remove Nitrogen? Total Nitrogen N2O immobilized aerobic aerobic (no SZ) or anerobic (SZ) >70% decomposed Heterotropic bacteria: Org-N NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ Nitrifying bacteria: NH4+ NO2NO2- NO32- SZ No SZ Immobilization: plant uptake (varies by plant species) Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria: metabolize organic nitrogen compounds Sorption: Ammonium adsorbs to negatively charged soil particles and SOM Nitrification: microbial mediated aerobic oxidation of ammonia How does a Biofilter Remove Nitrogen? Total Nitrogen N2O immobilized aerobic aerobic (no SZ) or anerobic (SZ) >70% decomposed Heterotropic bacteria: Org-N NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ Nitrifying bacteria: NH4+ NO2NO2- NO32- How do we keep labile nitrate from leaching? SZ No SZ Immobilization: plant uptake (varies by plant species) Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria: metabolize organic nitrogen compounds Sorption: Ammonium adsorbs to negatively charged soil particles and SOM Nitrification: microbial mediated aerobic oxidation of ammonia How does a Biofilter Remove Nitrogen? Total Nitrogen immobilized aerobic aerobic (no SZ) or anerobic (SZ) >70% decomposed rce u o C-s Heterotropic bacteria: Org-N NH4+ NH4+ NH4+ Build a Saturation Zone Nitrifying bacteria: NH4+ NO2NO2- NO32C-source SZ No SZ Saturation Zone: - Elevate outflow to increase moisture / decrease aeration (promotes an O2 gradient) - Add a carbon source to the biofilter bed to serve as an electron donor How does a Biofilter Remove Nitrogen? NO 2 Total Nitrogen N2O immobilized aerobic aerobic (no SZ) or anerobic (SZ) >70% decomposed rce u o C-s Heterotropic bacteria: Org-N NH4+ Denitrifying bacteria: NO32- NH4+ NH4+ N2 Nitrifying bacteria: NH4+ NO2NO2- NO32C-source SZ No SZ Saturation Zone: Denitrification: anaerobic heterotrophy that reduces nitrate to N2 gas - Elevate outflow microbial to increase moisture / decrease aeration (promotes an O2 gradient) With SZ TN- Add TP a carbon E. coli Coliphages source to the biofilter bed to serve as an electron donor Outflow Conc. N How does a Biofilter Remove Nitrogen? NO 2 Total Nitrogen N2O immobilized aerobic aerobic (no SZ) or anerobic (SZ) >70% But What About Other Pollutants? decomposed rce u o C-s Heterotropic bacteria: Org-N NH4+ Denitrifying bacteria: NO32- NH4+ NH4+ N2 Nitrifying bacteria: NH4+ NO2NO2- NO32- C-source SZ No SZ Saturation Zone: Denitrification: anaerobic heterotrophy that reduces nitrate to N2 gas - Elevate outflow microbial to increase moisture / decrease aeration (promotes an O2 gradient) With SZ TN- Add TP a carbon E. coli Coliphages source to the biofilter bed to serve as an electron donor Outflow Conc. N How does a SZ affect removal of Total Phosphorous? Total Phosphorous aerobic aerobic or anerobic (SZ) With SZ TN Outflow Conc. SZ No SZ TP E. coli Coliphages How does a SZ affect removal of Total Phosphorous? Total Phosphorous immobilized aerobic decomposed Heterotropic bacteria: Org-P H2PO4- aerobic or anerobic (SZ) SZ No SZ Immobilization With SZ TN Outflow Conc. TP E. coli Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria Coliphages How does a SZ affect removal of Total Phosphorous? Total Phosphorous immobilized aerobic decomposed Heterotropic bacteria: Org-P H2PO4- OPO3H- Al+ Al+ OPO3H- OPO3HFe(OH)3 OPO3H- aerobic or anerobic (SZ) SZ No SZ Immobilization With SZ TN Outflow Conc. TP E. coli Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria Coliphages Adsorption - Clays - Ferric Oxides How does a SZ affect removal of Total Phosphorous? Total Phosphorous immobilized aerobic decomposed aerobic or anerobic (SZ) Al+ Al+ OPO3H- OPO3HFe(OH)3 OPO3H- Phosphorus is Efficiently Removed SZ No SZ Immobilization With SZ TN Outflow Conc. Heterotropic bacteria: Org-P H2PO4- OPO3H- TP E. coli Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria Coliphages Adsorption - Clays - Ferric Oxides Anaerobic, high carbon SZ does not favor TP adsorption Total Phosphorous immobilized aerobic aerobic or anerobic (SZ) Heterotropic bacteria: Org-P H2PO4- decomposed C-source C-source Al+ 2H2PO4Al+ Desorption: C-source competes with phosphorous for binding site With SZ TN Outflow Conc. TP E. coli Coliphages OPO3H- Al+ Al+ OPO3H- OPO3HFe(OH)3 OPO3H- SZ Anaerobic, high carbon SZ does not favor TP adsorption Total Phosphorous immobilized aerobic aerobic or anerobic (SZ) Heterotropic bacteria: Org-P H2PO4- decomposed C-source C-source Al+ 2H2PO4Al+ Outflow Conc. TP E. coli Coliphages Al+ Al+ OPO3H- OPO3HFe(OH)3 OPO3H- Iron reducing bacteria: Fe(OH)3-PO43- Fe2+ + H2PO4- Desorption: C-source competes with phosphorous for binding site With SZ TN OPO3H- Dissimilatory iron reduction: anaerobic microbial heterotrophy that reduces ferric to ferrous iron SZ Anaerobic, high carbon SZ does not favor TP adsorption Total Phosphorous immobilized aerobic aerobic or anerobic (SZ) Heterotropic bacteria: Org-P H2PO4- decomposed C-source C-source Al+ 2H2PO4Al+ Outflow Conc. TP E. coli Coliphages Al+ Al+ OPO3H- OPO3HFe(OH)3 OPO3H- Iron reducing bacteria: Fe(OH)3-PO43- Fe2+ + H2PO4- Desorption: C-source competes with phosphorous for binding site With SZ TN OPO3H- SZ Dissimilatory iron reduction: anaerobic microbial heterotrophy that reduces ferric to ferrous iron TRADE-OFF: Phosphorus conc. in the outflow are enhanced when nitrogen removal is favored Management Implications: Eutrophication & Nutrient Limitation Different nutrients are limiting in marine vs fresh receiving waters Freshwater systems: P limited Coastal marine systems: N limited Photo: Independent Magazine Algal Blooms Hypoxia Native Ecosystem Collapse Photo: Joe Armao Darling Barwin River, AU Port Phillip Bay, AU Biofilters with a Saturation Zone may improve water quality in systems with coastal receiving waters Biofilters with Saturation Zones may be inappropriate for systems with high phosphorus loading and/or fresh receiving waters Management Implications: Eutrophication & Nutrient Limitation Different nutrients are limiting in marine vs fresh receiving waters Freshwater systems: P limited Coastal marine systems: N limited Photo: Independent Magazine Tailor biofilter design to receiving water type Photo: Joe Armao Darling Barwin River, AU Port Phillip Bay, AU Biofilters with a Saturation Zone may improve water quality in systems with coastal receiving waters Biofilters without Saturation Zones may improve water quality in systems with fresh receiving waters How does a SZ affect removal of Fecal Bacteria & Viruses? Escherichia coli F-RNA Coliphage aerobic aerobic or anerobic (SZ) With SZ TN Outflow Conc. SZ No SZ TP E. coli Coliphages How does a SZ affect removal of Fecal Bacteria & Viruses? Escherichia coli F-RNA Coliphage Y aerobic aerobic or anerobic (SZ) SZ No SZ With SZ TN Outflow Conc. Solar Radiation Solar Radiation TP E. coli Coliphages How does a SZ affect removal of Fecal Bacteria & Viruses? Escherichia coli F-RNA Coliphage Y aerobic aerobic or anerobic (SZ) SZ No SZ Solar Radiation Predation (bactiverous protists) With SZ TN Outflow Conc. TP E. coli Coliphages Solar Radiation How does a SZ affect removal of Fecal Bacteria & Viruses? Escherichia coli F-RNA Coliphage Y aerobic or anerobic (SZ) Y aerobic SZ No SZ Solar Radiation Predation (bactiverous protists) Straining (bacterial attenuation) With SZ TN Outflow Conc. Y Y Y TP E. coli Coliphages Solar Radiation Adsorption: - microbial aggregations - kaolinite clays and clay-loams How does a SZ affect removal of Fecal Bacteria & Viruses? Escherichia coli F-RNA Coliphage Y Y aerobic aerobic or anerobic (SZ) rc e u o C-s SZ Predation: increased protist survival Straining: reduced macropore formation in dry periods With SZ TN Outflow Conc. TP E. coli Y Y Y Coliphages How does a SZ affect removal of Fecal Bacteria & Viruses? Escherichia coli F-RNA Coliphage Y Y Y Y Y aerobic rc e u o C-s Predation: increased protist survival Straining: reduced macropore formation in dry periods With SZ TN Outflow Conc. TP E. coli Coliphages Y Y Y C-s rce u o Desorption: C-source Y aerobic or anerobic (SZ) SZ Y - virus particles desorb from microbial aggregates - C-source competes with virus for attachment sites How does a SZ affect removal of Fecal Bacteria & Viruses? Escherichia coli F-RNA Coliphage Y Y Y Y rc e u o C-s Y Y Y C-s rce u o C-source Y aerobic or anerobic (SZ) Y aerobic SZ Y TRADE-OFF: Outflow virus loads (like phosphorus) are enhanced when FIB (and nitrogen) removal is favored With SZ TN Outflow Conc. TP E. coli Coliphages Contaminants with adsorption as a dominant removal mechanism are removed less efficiently in biofilters with a SZ design Management Implications? How do we weigh the importance of bacterial vs viral removal in biofilters? Relative Abundance in Stormwater Runoff or Specific Health Risk? Viruses: - Adenovirus Bacteria: - Campylobacter (84% of samples) (100% of samples) - Salmonella (66% of samples) Photo: V. Brinkmann - Polyomavirus Photo: L. Stannard (50% of samples) Salmonella Adenovirus Err on the Side of Caution If a catchment has probable sewer inputs (from septic systems), a biofilter with a Saturation Zone is not recommended Otherwise, biofilter design should reflect receiving water type - SZ for coastal systems - No SZ for freshwater systems Management Implications? How do we weigh the importance of bacterial vs viral removal in biofilters? Relative Abundance in Stormwater Runoff or Specific Health Risk? Viruses: - Adenovirus Bacteria: - Campylobacter (84% of samples) (100% of samples) - Salmonella (66% of samples) Photo: V. Brinkmann - Polyomavirus Photo: L. Stannard (50% of samples) Salmonella Adenovirus Err on the Side of Caution If a catchment has probable sewer inputs (from septic systems), a biofilter with a Saturation Zone is not recommended Otherwise, biofilter design should reflect receiving water type - SZ for coastal systems - No SZ for freshwater systems Management Implications: health risk? McBride et al,in press Adenovirus Photo: L. Stannard Bacteria: - Campylobacter (22/22 samples) - Salmonella (7/22 samples) Viruses can have higher infectivity at lower doses Salmonella Photo: V. Brinkmann Err on the Side of Caution If a catchment has probable sewer inputs (from septic systems), a biofilter with a Saturation Zone is not recommended Otherwise, biofilter design should reflect receiving water type - SZ for coastal systems - No SZ for freshwater systems Summary and Conclusions Low energy technologies like biofilters can be designed to remove specific pollutants of concern like nitrogen Trade-offs in removal efficiency exist and are linked to specific design features - SZ favors N & FIB removal but increases outflow loads of P & viruses - This tradeoff may be due to the dominant removal mechanism (biological or physical straining vs adsorption) - Adsorptive processes are not favored in the SZ redox environment These trade-offs can guide US biofilter implementation - No SZ where septic inputs are suspect - Receiving water type can guide design: marine – SZ; fresh – No SZ Questions? OPO3HFe(OH)3 OPO3H-