'tbil/')*f* 4390 CUSTODIAT RAPE People's Union for Democrotic Righls D6lhi Morch 1990 CUSTODIAL RAPE : r : 1t 02 lN DELHI : 1988 - 1990 33 02.c5 33 0t33 25rr33 23 2. Doi6s rerer 10 Fns ond 06 not nece$odly lhe doles of lhs lnc denl, n the second xotwo i cos€ do.3) The vlctlm comm tl6d sllcide Ccses n whch ono oi Th6 occlsed ls o cvllo. ,f!q s so €@- or ! Ilooo rope C-rooorrop€o/165 _Fdr r morv r*pe-s116 o* m€l Fove wer wone. g6rs .r6n\ li€d w1l ll e b!.av oe.e o . rre socio'E€v/6 so.ct o.ed odhodly ond pM6r ol polic€men. aope rs orso on inslrument ol pofticor | ln some sll!olrons. Ev6nth6 I mlt6d supportlw mechonhmsThdt6x 5t lorwo6s become le$ erfecTlve when th6 6pisl k o pollcgmon Tho lnllmrdollve power or fiE police, espec o y over poor p&p!e. 6nobl6 them io holotg the @mon. rn6 md€ the isrol on th€ lsFr the chonces ol eslslonce, o foct 6ed os e dsc6 of hs consent' lol6r in lho coud. ,odthe prcsecutlon ond evldence ln custod oldp6 cos* Is mo@ pone to monipulolion lhus cudod ol rope ls on ogorovoted tom oi rop€. As o repodon ropel,ris5houd h@e beenorepodonlhe llvesondstruggle!of women, the r physicol ond so. o vulnsobll,ty to sexuo 60! r,lhe consequences ond ihe feorof cotueque.ces, in oth6r words, th s shou d ba o repo, on women os l.divlduol humo. bengsonddsorccoraroup. B!t.osweshol s66,thkwillb6orepodonropeltctmsond repre$lon noronvomen TheGrnneso As o physicoro$a!r, ogo nst ihe humon body. .lhe crlcordrslndion s.o e$domognglhon other loms ol physlcol vlotence rcpe Bd no ope rs o me€ prry5 co vio orion ond injury. lts slqnir conce co repuonon.e,the hento and emorono ,o!mo o.d ts $v6r6 soc ol ,eperc!$ oc. Eoch lmeo dpe Tokes plocs,lh6womon becomes o soclolly oslraciFd rn the proce$, she ceoss 10 b6 o pe6on ond o ecio betng ond becomos m€ery o 'rope v.tim' Let us I Bi unrove o seem .g porodor Rope s both sc ot y ond teootly deemed o crme A1lhe sometme. socioryondlld.lonyJhe vrdim s d66m6d on occomptice to thecame. rhe conkodict on betw60n lo,mo condemnofio. ol60e ondsimutoneols be er in ,he comprrcrry or The vict m or s* f6m soclo on ,odes rowords temot6 ssuotiry ond chostiry. F€more chosriry h vorled o.d s lo be protecled He.celhecond6mnoton of osul on o wmon's chosr ry. Br, op6 msns Thoithe.hosllty k tosr e@oty".lnh ro$, no molTer how invollntory, is n€wdhere$ viewed os o moo ond soclo konsqre$ion ol des red id6o ! of nviolote f€mo e chosl ry. lne roped womon thus becomes stmu to.eously vctm ond nonsgr66o. The sense of mddodroOe oqolGt ope, sehingty centred oround lh6 off6n.e ond the offender, becom6s n€xoobly ond r.heenty o l-doere-lor'r6romd lzop€beco-e5o)o-orrqmo o\ignc/lertolenro.rs 1.r rlL€d pon li€ wo. or oecoyes eqel €. .ac pnlc'po es phys Beiore golnA hto rhe egotdel niiion ot @p€, we shoud not6 Thol ow moks som€ excepllo.s ro @pe. For. rhe qp onolion povided (Exp. L s 375, .dion P6not code. pc) ot ll'€ror'|t€ L o Es €lo'rg ro esiM o ol con-go' gr r ^ ei(r O re e€o a-,irn -o ro .o ptroo_€, d'tu. ro06 is plir o 'ope womoniwllond cons6ni, or €ven \rr'rrh n.underc6do nspecfied crcumsto.cos (s.375. rPc). rl becomes simp y o physlco osrun, ke o.y olher phystco o$oult,ponofthe coreaory of onen@s ofiecti.g th6 humon body" tr becomes o mofier of medicol €cod coirobooled (or nol) bv c rcumsto.lio evrdence.hord evid6ncetob6resled bv volous.lo-s€s 0' low \ Jh o llsoJol'tiro\Jb.o.s.\ 8f,-€. ope . -\ao- ; oltence wher€ th6 comprrlny of rhe !4clim ( ihe prcs€cunix")'\lod becmes o retevont consideollon lnthenolondlheplnlshment. Hence fie eobordd€diilco built on consehT". The p€sumpton or co.sent is ot cou6e the bos s oi o d6f€nce orqlment' unre$ ihe v clim 6rhlb ls o molled body, her Nn, os ev dencq of physicol co6rc on, or of rhe ofender, os 6v dence ol her rsisto.ce. pBferobly both,6he ls deem€dto b. comprcn. Evrdence ofhd.omptlctty moy ro.ge i6m t vlol c rclm5tonllo 6vld6nc6lo medlcot repons 1^holev*1h6 vo oto.sonrh€ lh6m6,th6boslcp.emr€6rhotbyb6nq lnthecompony"otlheofr€ndeishei.vledlhe b{d oc. A3 thdgF o womo. con .d1o- tne tn 6nion! ot .16 otferder trom e€, word. ocfior pdor to lt6 @pe ond 05 r. e@1 r sre 6uto, ee Fos comDbr; @.r'd over he c"cumsrorc.s. 11 o soct6a wne€ so tne ouldonv ond volrion .s oon 60 'o vo-6n. I 15 oh erelctF h 31er hylroesv .o 3Jdd6..y €r p<- h+ ro be h cormond_oJ rFe siluot o,.. PorltcL oiy wr1. os ,1 moi co5e5. $; o!l6ld€. com6he! otof:no rr 6ndrn* o1d @$Jror ce5 vFr co6cto. o.d thr@j ve,h6vomol a lJll.elv t6ol6d o! ol o.coTpt@ il t€ ore.c6 oso'^d ner g6u€. overud- ino ofle.c*o90hnt65iote.prb,ic tro1q. tv,ocor rrnehLmo.bbd! doohn o,@.+v. ord di€s. '.cude.01. ot+r o..no o.-i6: .16 D6 b r,iv rnolh; ?rdh s on occompn.€ b 156 clm6. Ano 6ogohs.{loryol.olrp €soL d;6nrcv6 'o provE cor llsrolpo/ cr o.oNor@v.oov€r^.o,aE r A Tonioooeo lo prda lFol tE Fos no rorOioo oene.r t. qer rc yoooed ono o nu^O.eO"o_arvE orer sucrr 4ylod o1d bzoi6 colsooE.ceswo id lo]N. r.66.re ulpaoe.ceoswe/.o, r wlld s hply conops6 Yer lhE h shot k o$umed tn the cose ot rope n te core oi vo r on h€ loSol sysl6m thlr reod4 G ve^ or n! Dtes thdt m\vrinonoi soI Epoe€svedmerm€irs.ro{o6aonejonir..or.on.J .li.j ogLlorio^ c/ l5e duol, fyo'ftolat ud6 ieoils wom6- -eccmrar,eere.Uorrno 'elrog 6$lveroco.ofl.lLoes 64€ct€d 1-16colr'otJ-edtow-,For ow4 hol oI.r,ro._a orroo€. ollo-emo,6 oro ootoro. oqo'liti -e.d!,o o€aon€" -qo o6o,oi; i". I o!o, Mo,cr '97 2. . De.o.So. o,r ! I Cho-droplror r/0.0106r. _'!.o ye'\^odecode, okl nbolg r Vor\ o."or.o.rhp*.ovou^qmono-rirrr 'r6u .hei or nd rom ti.,6,o- v lough,.e -e p or t\e oo 66. A de;;d ;;, Ai;l;; nNosour.lh€met@ootsr€,orooJ gcno-d.opr t0y6o.oldshoT,fooo_;no .e6 vohof edsrorir2sidectoe toset-oredogo ar ( 6waheio,r.e,,*pe-"eio.iiti loBombovono@ ,ocieo -o1:o€eroLgno<oz. Orrrerr€-,; _r€y6op€o.w6n6dbythepo[c€ -h6v$6€occc Bcth36trdpo.ent!o-ow.e;thpm. ar6wyeo6 q.r. Mo'ch -434. Sumon t2o1,o yoL. q sin ro r ahhvd{ \.€,o po1o10. decde .o;bp6v ri Fer boy fi64d. cnroLl6 ro Jomm onJouesoltnepdrom s6e oo1c6 @s, r. Bhrwont. Th6 od of c Lnod ot rop€ of votFuo. srm :b;a;. s:m;n 4 mosr o . mei9r'olyoLngwo-61,*peclolvorpoo'foT'*,iocl.oo r-e E66.ror o.d rcc,eror ob.eclo*. src" isro.cji c"" !96!9T 9ng ish,r !o da p@vlba ffirr _oo cdo 1 ogot oaohn r.6 mon. 5uc1 o! kiotuppng o, d obd( ol (s.Jro.ru() at leqsr h.wo of rhe obove co54 tiE po1c6 .lreorer 6d ie 66 d ih; i6; _o 66.e he womon. r;; coup 6 h,o Qot.q to'56 po ce sraior . seDorot.no hem ond th6^ rdb h; n on€ cGe (Mohom6d shof) r.6 oo ce octua v ro veo croroe! oi,rna a.d Fo.rs.'oondII7drneBomooypolc€ac.,eot,nsro.mab6io;o"i._J"or"rc',i",rrci rneou6LnoniB6rwrFd d di€...rorwo.ro.rcfd,otrolwrorntrecnorge.: rnrhe rmon Bo-r.or€. her merd hihs6ti rcs mooe o cGocc@0. oong w-rh $e vo cqLtted bv the Fton coJtr l_Fe-ptu_6r or h6lriomod polcemon. €so€:brv ove, ooo.o.o morgirct 5ecj o_, ^r ae poolro on 6 on p€ruo$ve. 1 $ doLotv !o h the cose or wome., Do:c- .o or 1 or o ro@i€$ oo,.!ore^ rr6 womoh wirt" hom ro seae r o, to t€r dsr one! rrdfb/cnd... ,h€ vomo. ,-.o,orr-nc , s 5hste rhe,e k orroys rr r.oiov._-r,i conssquences of b€ no choraed undd " thls Act wou d be suffct6nl io co; ;h; .,e*irij.;rJ i,clj do; @mo..lniheSeomopurrcos€,twodoysonerth6vicrhhodrireooc".-p-roj^i,_.i"i . . I. FA[{A KRISHNA PUFAIT . ''NrmaraGupr^(36)waSsirrinowlhl-lar cm i.dl.bh:atii:ulaKtr w.lisiarolnJr!.onllre.0iNoreFber,l-q99{h-"nFoceoenredbySlts:iaobe,S,.{r Purr,\r po .5 srallo cznr nnd.aesledrhee, Bolhorlht a€rpslepF.d;xi nbLseil Earrer rapo-Aa6Hado rr.adai,3:ie,cali!irlhrrtsilh,Enlne,allEre|Jsec rr.dt3btu. Ih!y!e19raker ri'4eieor.H lP!.ah!.r;q€s:e1roi ncfi:i (. ire.r3,,!r ?as.r.:ri"drsri.ti !an7 i::c dnr! q scurr De riirJn,an!flaR.!rsiirr€ncY.lia L om *,r,) bealen and ras r\r i, oreefd,. liralr lty/a. I ri : nrund a li] r..:, a i!!{:.f r.d I isr ri lr.,i}cnrcar iC r:on iLs.l rle inrn).r rbrreir.nr,ieni, r,Jtolol Iii,.ip.ll.omer,3 3th.mLr.L:nii,, ,.:l .nnslatrlo ,h ni.,1 s rqt, :;ilr r.rnr5. ArtrJ s n.I a n.r.? rir:t.re retus.ir riF r.t-. 51r \{u -ir'.ri,.r. 'r a.. ilrra. i?. rr:rl.r Madtria,-a..il ,!t:rerLj'.,pdle..dorrhph..,j 31:,i:; rar i a-:rr d io-r!,t . .li1ir:jr:.r.oarr 1r4s1i,.:a: r .,. 3r',.3 rli1teit1,2lh!,a arfwas'pt.r:,,, ,rpr-,reo.! syr!0. jl!i.1!r.,r..i -t-.ifur. -.l1 i:iri: r I r. i.i tur n r, i irr }:i..a r,.1',r i.ii a,: ",,.,,,.,o ," n 10l.rir,iJ.rt,j,,llia,,. a i r '.i ln ii, ,1C r' :!3.1rrj.l r..:r:j.trr:resiiLs,r..rrrilN: i il,r:3,!,. ,:r irr tr':mlr:i I , i.,r19 r,it r' :i. :rs.r',;!r i,, .l, F, i:o, :1 r ri'ir ."ti fh. :i :,ai i. ri-. rr3:1.ir',. :li,isi li9l.i],i]1..]r.:]-. l3"ra:lL:t:i..,. ill i,., ,! 1 I.ri.:r...J1, a:r : i, _;, ]r.lii :ea;!rr lni.Jiho* rri r,iii. .nqu, t:1ir! .r,.r .0. ,d ogsr ..J irehriesuppore,lrlvqsnea;thaiLi(umilserr:didhorle:.irusani!Er! l rccrr:,rha .ir:)a.'...,/'.d1.r!e'ord'..r"* ..,i'..;"ooe,.49 a.id ers. lFrtr,ho !,es!t[, Nndl|a oupta lat:C5.Nper.C, ltha! is.!o rq :d.fapper io th..a3o ,, ...orl(s1 in6 lilllvrlolicefi€.? , . .. . _o r.6orlendnooo. en6..s^6 lorr€d_ -i..*6..nono....s*rh vour I o6f lI.€cops sesrmootu -tersrlr'edi _' o lLr'rs ogo ' oc-]de..w'oho,elo€l'6ot_ _.-y b.' 6lse o,e 'eody .6piveo or -poo'rive oeiome eow oe , o. / "-*n.i.mj "",i,, Gu wcro virrooe oryL.oi.iion.thdvounsson,votuinoshop n Bodo n m," o". **no - Mo,',o80. "\e. she -o o,'g rooo ro'er o 1 e va) opeo Co' os6ou5v s56 aelro b, \o lo!-s me1o', _re d;dd;6d nro o rouie _" 4eo'coL d'o'd'lo Asro o1drio) o ooceo omporl snonsouoo oo,co so_ ewenrc to',o-.ots10porc€'io o.'^e{ ","-.",,t"i".oo,o,r.+ s o *no od'.- ot <e''op6c .' 1 r'6 por.(6 toro' " j"-..rom """ ".o i.ir"".is. tn. -.o! r rs.or o.iv oso nst an nd v.!clwo6on who miahr bv .' so, o J-,,;oo1o' o .."";r" ..,;;oo "' o ooo ) :;;;";;"";*,;,. "qe -^on' ,-.deooro ep€e"o1\6 o ' iii"""-_ o".iji .i o rc..".t n1rmdolo. dndtodu@ osoln$ octiv srs onilhe I romlres u"r}]e,s wivos. s ste* or oct , srs or \ioried people crd vonran o.1 vins lhehselves ore : .-ro,o.ror -. n. ro m o,, .;- ^-. -,,.--1 -l^"..,.e"."...".r, eDLi'oo o,1 ',oola. 05o.o\o-_idr ' T o e o" -"'ro( -" M;.o-i Nooo,o rer.€rroted .o^q rooc ." ",c:i "riooo s 1 6 mlrron m o'o.1 ct).ur. D€rhifua;ve, ,e .'.J,-.r,"o,e.e. o, whom ol 6.st,our 1 women ar^olsn io6r'o'oo o .. '.opo' okh or€ "i,oo"oo.- ioo,xo''er'aoloceo m r.hon-m- I e^45o'o_. iri.i',"i.r.' r o soc', -t"o:to,e\.'-,or, oE*5, i" lne et:hries n Deihr ro, inslorce. were those or m !6nh AL rhe .ri,-jf ir."r ioori o ".. inc uded .ths reporr dB mioronls r.**i,..n*nce.oss.e n;vB lnv€s1qo1ed ond p,oiesl these .os€s to riohr' c-r.i,"i" ,o," lnon oqa.fed soc or brolohl ."0 .rt rniirino o ne an. ALone . iire conrlsed mo2es oi iir.-"'il. "],",.iro."* Jilli ^"ri64!ob\ r.e o' d dp-o'otseo b\ ner.ooolr,.rre, o ono osopp6o," _ e oro'ec r',' d'.cope!. o..n.. :. vm(' 'op6 -.,"t"..*r, opLpoe''wn''oos Fe i'J'nr otomo oint r "n"" .onc€men n dle.o!6e or I ma willbe ocqutl€d t.en€'ro-dor'o is' rb, ooordoJonoro!. r..""'".. " oi nrsoono o tomlr,e,, ro,.oqF r cose o'-4mo'ed sr). orlbacor "' o.ooreuor'."osopeo rrpr l9ssoro(orilobrernlor ?6rd@p qrge! rd "'.Ji.. ;!"d6'... "-,lvo,-_o. o.o{ rio. Nooor P w-1or .!oto.oreJo/8c.o r-\ecIo"o,ic oit oiie puroo ro i.-o..ioo6 .rc_ F onc.r€od/+o edvo--0trc-o oao'9614"' oboJr -"'. n,otoeno, eors or o-6-p'rolobL,'r- o.'ehoo'to' on I 'ouo "r-., ",i"md'moe',.lah onocceolobe ^ Md-j leNonls boa)*1, 1..-a(r lo'p" pollro' oct@- o rflF'4,e.''boL3o d o-6 0r'he v ome wlo50'' "'es60'e pelo' r'e €iocoroan op; ...".timse,uoo" in"",i t^.,"o. sco-o.-.aed 1r1€ .o€r.'F'^ere ,€rc€o' : .emorqi' . socor' orrhGc 'rJ'orold o' o iou. tneeqo p "naeion-r rtico._ao.ioryco_perll$or o i."r.,r e'*r",." 'oLoh l'r( e"a.60 towods the linolj!ds6m6.l. wh ch n onv cose, ls not olwovs,lusllc€. cHAfJtNl cuo\r/K , :1!,6 -l '. .,,ic:l i.,...,.., ., , !c1,,:r.rr : e r'r i' L)ci ill : ia;.r1 1r'l..:.-'r,It. '' r ,, ,-...,,.... rr .lr ' rr.ili rirlr.-L r._ ," ,, ,r,.r , ., ..l.,itr lherrieo.li-rj l ''rrliIY:rler:' r. a.,.t.-5:sr .:r-aj I l:;.anl .,, ., :: Ir.f,,ri-i ,r:riety,.i!,r;rj,.a-o (i.i r.,..lil.'vinrorr,,.!r,r.,,!(,,"'t::?).elJ h 'al.r 4r, ,h,,." i)r:] 1 5.1 b/ jay : ?-c. 1,. r 1: r riir t'r "rr'r 5 r,::'r dt'.",ir!- " .n.d.rr.!ii' li" n.,o,ir.l3lr,er'iir:lm!.i'i rf,x, i:tc aai lras riou-)c r:.'._ -rl' ...,.r; S:r,ilr' irr. i , ri.,._'.o,),.,.C.. a': rLivaii; n" ii o r'r_1"1 i l . ..cr..'.,,, rro r"1l-,i.,!'i,1.i\1.ie311r., t,r ", re'2rinrrrh -iii h1 !i :\rget .lnr:-6Ll'a1e?. inacrl.I!: Y/rh airrltl'!'r rr aqoi:] js3!' 'cl r r u.'"., : o"r rr,r "e@Er.iar''ed II em6CorrJoseme. ocq idrOlFeo- rvpolice_enhvolledlr 15€ u{6oolloodolMol1loleolowo6spcodp.ole'(Nlg,lso,0or !/6r'Lon/ d:6 0: ond ocooam'cs o' ow -oineo 'ogal.6 de_o.d_gochor0€ 1ro/ -o .o.; o- *os ororsr' ,r'o to'^e 1 khr 1 omo' s o-hd rh'1es i, i6ri "" ".!^...n 53 o'2'DC)ord '."-.---o-on.ent.c".6o'cJtoo.o'iopewo'nooere.vao^ no 5-(- o(es xo5i 'ed orFe po.eme'r\or/ed r( r14 A. dor ln 1979 naSuo -;-";oidoor ' a r'.sc.s-o5'''lichlr i ;nd;s Jeod.o,,ocr, 1e o 5,Ln..rerr, !oJL6i der dr' r'er' -o-'' r''o'e1 r5ol .'."i*ii,ro' i"-.,,o.e. 6' 60 v,tr€-r''eo (L'' " ro'oroLo'l o' puaJote l .."" " "o:cemen occc, o h'_.1o,.o'.rho-to1d i"-.." oc-.."-, i' -o \os 4 d'' oi' -lesnooro_ proo (pe 1 ",.",-ro w. or r -'e' n;',i,nctuoeo he,e ..m.;inr onwhch f,e o.!.c ln6.rner were o.lno n 1939,]h. D c..'oov re' o o ic- moce oi.".o, oo."-o, 5-(r t'o.1'c'or ioo(-r 6io_,o1or ( '\e I r..6 'o' | ^ . 1: . ilsJor i-sroo'otoo, Lerl 6.toicome5'. o.eMi.e.' 5- "-r ro o1 r'oo.o' ortco o =ot. ",.i ". .,r .\J .. t-e, o.'r+. lo oo'i, 6, e,ieF ",". o1o r' lo a'0'6 '.i _o's'. o,i, .r e,ne, -. -ttc. r.rs€ dlstincTroh ro th€ 6nen1 0l o nouc qno ih6re k oso o.othar corp cotion conceF ngOong ropewh6re'. womon :.or..r,^' 1 s1,tr.j r., i'6 ooro ;. n,en sr,ro[ioro'o-;.. ., h6'o,n.€ncorc.ris loi''E'ob' 1 :uo J"ho' r.e c..!sed ho cvili.. s Gped b'r' ' . 'r', o-d 'n--o: 'l'o'.r ln6ltu ddc ll c srEl i.1e@u66vnh owomon (D ooolnsl hs will o.d(ll)wrho;herconsni ln oddfion four cond[ions o@ ldedned ]. whlch even wilh consair, o s€xuo! lnt€lcouM on orfence: fn€dt, d€@pllon, mentol hsiobllrt ofviclim, orwh€n 3he h o mlnor (s.375,|PC), h dh€rwdds, no$herqlol lnteEou6e bv li!6lf don kllh,n o ool c€ 6tdrlon ror such o^ od w lr.otuerl (sE ln 5p*r6d clGL- sloncd) ls o^ offoncg. BdMe_r/ororo.lkllnrh€pJtoeuo's.376B.opuD cr6fro1'w\oi.d.cB or seouces o womon ro nove sexuol lnt6rc@Ee, 6v6n when il does rcl omounr to r.p6, sorjoil. n?ordKdrh.o ; .*om6s o-nhnobre wnh o r Jlqs.l76.8DJrtrosro'6rco-r€t6dioc376 n,om mecqewosonrov,€o'sl6ed honvco!6.rieour{hm€"1 :o'cosescor'..lbe'es'01l1€o'e,c/oedai _L_ whot b rco6? 13 wro roseoddlo'eord in;rrhe'E€<sl "ooao(o';oldrp6cio'.6oso1.' rodo.o 7l'oo-l\cordro_rpo'6d Joae o ow4do_o'r'e oe err_olhes h6. orreo$r .n,hem6rho lhevmur r€L id lhel' eo\o1i r.e,tdgen€rl ft; l$3dmen;menr o, ob,oJ:F o-lo_oe lrtelad'onE.oe_ 6dcl/.EA)lSlrI' ar Dvwn ch nlhecor6o (-$odlol dp€ ' r eho-on lores -e 6v'de' (ebe'o'elhe .", ; r""'*""i".or.o"s6.r lnscoud snol o€s rFo .d$e _hls'ou!€ ha6.cd6ooorEem{Iooro!e_^e.o' _o1.'h€po-c-o'-o rerr^u-c Fa th6p€sL-pro^ \^ol -ooeob.oLret I riJrioeo*cjs.o eoo,ooom; oopres _heo_'nor mcde sJole.l ro D:o! -{i,1€. o-lrory "r'oLo'o ro[e!€uolr'e<ou e h o pol c6 ;totio. by o poLic€mon on orlenc€ n obso ur€ tems blt o. v vhen ii ls done N@ kFor hoDo6- il r 15 5ucs€r6o o, erelrlvey p'o'edroi ih6 wo-on oore cons6ii rer )td o€.omq oio;: omp c6. !.oo-..o.Lo-o rrlhe{le oa s tJltE!' 3f '.rr oo€'.e Leorloq'le \! onobo,ored 1 r l'e!,r o on occomo ceco. o.ob6' L'so_rt o'c'aJrl._'c'6isae -"o.rle "r \ co_oe'en'io -,l aao. oort c, ore" i.dre'o6lrnovdrmorFloro'b'. r.s tu" rS I lStEAr Breve-( omobrenwF.o.\65co. oeos/edqla-liol3!l c.'e'dto . ar d rrclvo oorr ro rho/e trq.€oroo'._\ o/ r1j-r 10 ^i5 o'F' cro od. G 'r '4o'',, colsest!6moiGonihasiatu6swhlchslolosihotwhenomonhp6s6cutedfortope, it mor'b6sh@nlrd_hoD66.Jli{w6olser sro'lvlm.oor' ^otocle"' (S 155'4) rA) h proo@ss mode ln tlr6 pon v6drs llthhb6thelow,i6t!s s6 now rh6 rud clor ordes ln ocJuo oD.rolion o 5.J I'd +e s@o1 lo r@Qe o c@pLo ;{ rhe oi,rd *€ -ouo _o ; +d I 6 nd 01 ro! rdo6. l. rocr.e 9uD €F6Cor elobo or6t er L_eo_ed sL' l ditfcuFl6s notwllhslodlnq olltho &dv lniE rl (BFovoaoa.oo.ib.orrro\olvssoloo'GuJo o'.tSCP.leo. lC83r n'h6'os6 .,.,;oddlho€illsmL<nmo'eo ric ver c ourl< oten r.d 6v5. deloy ln lodgi'o t56 h ihe cmdohr os ;rolnds to dooEl lh. t*Tlmonv of rh6 vlcl m. hepoiHlgh couri (uoryono) ( r no sup'e-e Co ^0\6 os€ o1d snoi nbo.u LNoqoJ, ohl."el'm6r'ok6s'orowomo. hove oon6 so. 3J, rhe roir emol.s t'o looo.oo.o_ p'1r^6sL_oi ror.tr'o@'ddedwtl' romLss €no roh ,.. er oth ono :.;-, so.id /. Iho loLr cose , rc 6. 4c'Ld6d 'e€ o€ or r6ce.l l'c loe.ts lr ' '..pddnrl.. whrchJh6ldoLrsyefto$on f mi moglnoion, ot l6st t me would hdicoio the loie oi ih*6 rd'no' . clsiod .r .ope cos6s the hvsllgoiion is co.dlded bv lellow pollcemen, ofl6n ol lne som6 po ice srotlon os s lh6 cos6with lh.ee oLn ol fou coses lnc uded he@. lt ls lhev who co.aLd lhe \pol panchnomot t th€€ o.e wit.€$es ihev 06 most llkelv lellow .oirod6 n.Ts Mad colexominollo. s do.6 bv pollce doctoB or other qovemmsnl .6.Jo! a: ._ive elidence rhor eochos The n olcoud lsthe one lhol suN'lveslhes6 -... lnherenl lnfrmili6s, And h6r€ It l! notihe victim o. hd towyer bLn 1h6 pr@cdhg couns6B who conduc he c@o. And they 0.6 notodousy ctose to the potae, espect6ry ot h€ Mu.h vo u€ b ploced on coroboroitve medlco 6rd6nce. S6m6n, btood goup, r oI €\ 5lor( 6 ond 1Jry. pr@I oI osonot'on. togr of grd.Jtor $Jes h th. vaghd. ond irioD€loionsd ddr o1 rhe evdera boled on lhe pdncipteso. msotco ,ulsprJd6nc6 016 ol pod of the coroboEfive m€dtcol evtd6nc6. Bd n reolily ll would b6 d frbult 1o obtotn such medlcot evtdenc6. Ih6 vtctim woutd proboblylnsiinclivelysetobourtocl6onho$6f ond.emovEonyslonsoisquoltnt6lcou6e or situggle. A v cl m ol rope, thot too of custodtot ope, con not ba 6xDected To rush i@ lhesceneof c m6,6v6nwhenshehnesondtnocondtionto go,iothEpolc6stoion loGcodonFlRinthotstoi6of menio ondphy6i@IniuM Mo€o6,@.whsthepoice dec d6 to conduct lt lmmediotety, tn vost pod6 of the colnlry fdcli,tes tor m6dicol exomhol o do nol 6xlst. and to be of ony !G,1h6 exomtrcuon h61o b6 conducied uitT n dlcot evid6nc6 0ft6n r€mo n! tnconctsiv6. LJsuorly lhe doclors vho undenoke ihese sromtnolion! for the Dolce 06 not known fortheirlndependenceond objenvty, r ihe occos6d 06 oolcemen th6ms6tv€s. The r6io15 loLr rr '|re sumor Doni co56 0t the sJprf6 c Moiundo, dlsoJt€d old E ecled.16 nie p eto- on otvel by I 6 oocto' I}stohe,vo!o dodo. roF,f6 c€airortoe.sk sc'6nc6 -oooroto.y (cEsJ. D€tht. Ihe tmoorlonco 0t corobo'o_ive 6 / o€1 6 t€[ 6 o soure o, c on icii.g Lotcio o.orounce-ds 1t983, inrheGulorctcoseclt6d€orr€r,rhesup6m6colrlsoldthot.lnth6tndlonefiing,Fiu6oj 10 oct on the teslimony ol o vlclrm ot sexuot oso! I ln the obs6nc6 of cotroboroi on o5 o rule,boddlng ns!tlohlury " ThEeye6lot6r nlheShomtmbonucos6,iheNogplrNiQh Cold sroted rhot _excepl n roesi ofuoro cos€s ... the Colrt shoutd odtnodi took ior corobo@tlve evldence," Fo!ry6ou loiErt.lh6som6 cos6theS!o6m6Coud$;6drhdr ''odlnodly" the coud need not ook for coiroboroiiv6 6v d€nc6 (sT0T6 ot Mohdrdlhlrd w chondro Pdkosh Kovor chond Joln, c{mtnot app6ot No. 220 ol t936,ludg6m6nt delive6d hJonlory 199O, lhe resTimony ot lhe vrcl m, to wh.h ot oiher ev d6nce s coroborot @ (or othe& s6) iheflscrolded by l6gol co.r@dtctions The choEcter ol th6 vicam con be dlstiohe; o\eore roleo.uroslro ok {5'55(a)tFA, Fo ss4rdrn€s.Dremecof dtd nth. Molhuro cose. Follow .g lh6iuroe, the n*ohondmentcomsstntoroE6whtch imp c ty oNm6s thdt ihe moro choGcrs ol lhe v ctLn is not o €l@nT comideE on ts,I t 4a_ EAi BJ.l iLre gov6nm€1i does -o.r$c,no tr6 6onir oDlecto.obto couse. d$ore h6 ,ec o n_endorrols or rhe Lo{ com- $ o1 a34tl t26port). 'he sosrolrLdge . tr s Fo. Ro-icose cdeaorcolv rot4llol 'oI so d old don6. €ve. o s . ar eosy rtdu6 \ otso enrrred'o o 156 po,6.hon o. N,, o1d e,*a !h6 ors,Ter,tbos€d o; he o 6o6d amoorcr-orocdorLh6v.i'm B.t ,ot€r n he rcme co.6 116 sLoemo co it rlddam;nr €'€6 ro'he de'er.e.oLli-r3 o.gum6ltobolr rc. 'te$ d o. o olc Mous be^<iv d ond r6du'$rh?\e.'e-ceontl eOU ypo'c6m6.o1-1eo.oJ^ocr-€ conorlto nadrt.. omor s o'|her rF186 wfe- -eMorjosomy.oMo<f. oE.tror_mor rorn:e. ro-ffto Oonlsonon.16o o'e tu 06. I 01or.1e jLog6. 6r,th ,wGr.le -Ord ro i€- oo clooderor.rvd,m oj ro rneo6toi '-ddJclorFegd' io i, a1l^socompto,-tArorr-. Iti 1l-s co!6 v€yie.-oJs tothre6-t€dtnerevte,6erir,.n r o@ c'te r-6s6-t€reo.tF6copr.o1ot.-Fe-i - umpescr b6o pL',,aenrorrely@r'imorlolme.t. B-t o -on o v;oro.er.-ra suprere coud otrc ! oi€drL^esEn. oo1l.o5e i ev6r 1s.h6 \ogpL.^ist cor-o(q-flo)-For./-er o or o spec'o,5 o.O-- €r vor-q q1r -e, 0.6.6€1j. .r,:,lrlhindranlanPa.andns,srrroundingareadinDelhiarepopular€d,la/06y,byaenqai sei leill::lhe neji hb.n! d iq.Ahina! da.lhua haa ? Benqa I n io ralr ihuqq' ! ell e m ent. Aetu Man&llA)..am€,h6le,.rusr.llvedays b9,016irr i.cid6,tn soarch or wod<. Ho, husband tllbtamli€6, Justaioundrhar rioii HeadConshbli Fhoor ginohandconilabroNadlsh ,irra Usillnqlhd a6a ln connoclion uilh somo olh& a(eJqalditlrallhbiiqh ilwas not .udrfilttn,lsdiallon.lhaiinle,vononinUisrc!atsoairdcarlddB6aill,lardelraildorh€6 eloil. Renu was ask6dlocome.tolbo thaia -iorhepoli.€posr. Mandaldasbealenandwas 'o. r. lirg r Fporl i q brc-- i1 lotr. ql o {as i'oTpa4r:no rer al' ine &n p ras ser, homerolelch,tblanketld.h:er. 1was an idd.nishlandlhethana!:smoielhan,kloeeter dsiaicelrunlheposl.r,learwn,erhell6adC.Blaileefirl€s.6no l1{aslhe0,ataoun! 10,30 p m. rhal.dngrable Nacish Klmai look her Io niid, ioka psrbolna b!i[ oi-fus]li Thonhedeoded hedeoded 6hivaikapadmenrs Horhr€arenedlhalshewoutdbelorkeduparr.t!t"i. e lockedup arl.l!1",1. Thon {r'6 (!i.a aidolh6r5 lheyl@kier&tho.locnlpradhanwhortrenrooklhemlolrs Poomlmaseth, . BrP hedbeiol lhe dasole! dalroplr{m counc,They odqen a oompraint lith th6 rl{alkaripo ce, under !rrosa iudsd crion lh! area lals Bo& Fenu.andlh6 conslab€ wora 66r' ro o e d"ndr'on d rre.t.-oi" 14$Lro 6 r. rra., eTes vs, ,:'" i! {" ",:f s dismissed rssd ud€ran.E3rr und€rAn.resrr l2l1r,j t2t (b) and.Head ooislabte Pioo S qr4a', A.d'd!"s'eoreendderS 3l ''pe'oedro ,,, o,os (ariaji) rPa(FlRNo.52.52/e0,Dr.122190PS rheaccused*asa,estedand6en oia d . wo wodd like 10 add rharol allho louroases .j:uded hdre, thls ls.tho ofly case (nere 'w6 s€.e ablo ro meor rhe vi.l arlbuahsr:61.o [eorrrec qas a aiqlam. Bdr netu lhe@ ls no room ror sympolhy or pity. The punkhmen, mln Ln such cos6s b6 ex6mp ory." Lel rl be .oled for r*ord thol lhe ocluo ounhhmenr oworded orco.firmed n both .o36s sThe some, only frve yeo6 imp.sonm6nl. The ende$ porodorcs ond obsurdiiies of rhse lldcio pronou.c6m6.h con b6 orldblled fiGtly 10 the so-col ed hotaio tocts ond crrcumsto.ces of the cos6s whose nr mllles we have o €ody noted Second y, lh€ conrrodicuons con otso be due lo the nferenl s€lisi bios6s ond p@j!d c4 ofih6j!dg6s. Blt it h dmbL | 1o conctustvety esroblhh sJ.h citiiudos un 6$ one ooes lnto rhe pon conduci ond chorocte/' ol the eohed ,..:re5 thersevos Bur whor l.lhe mosl stl.q teolur€ of on hese conricthgludiciot ,':.Te.ts(1lro1 eo.horthemisb.ckedbyonopp,oprldecouseor owo.! c : : :_r t / mlsi a. Ecocn zed est lhe moveheni oqo nst rop ry Foriheyore.otmereyvcl msorsexuo vioen.e oyome.,humonbe.0s.qndc zensrqht.qrorlun UM LADENCE SAA'TIII IIDAS MAILSAM KE I/JIILAF es o.d De_ocoIc P sh! \PUc' & Do) -,,o.., c,, L'oe' hod bee",*""io.. .. *rrr** A'l|6 -oio^o l€ve lha o'gorzorol "lm" ns Norovon fiea ar ier h Octooer czo bv lhe loi6 Shrl Jovo Pokosh r l.'L r"n."t -" .t tn" t* unils thoi funclion€d dui 'g theunlonolo on ror (1977-so) Ldtd ln l98l , t become lhe Peoplet ;rerognum Dem@rot. Righh (PLJoR). PUDRT e.d€dour hos b€en ..66esnoo,\eNi56 oo.o "i.i",-.i irtno.qr, Qel To o locus oiledlon on th'€ su€s ond erlol Num€'ou( suas con( e"'14 sruoorc( we,€ ro/en -o o) I hos lok€n !p Kues ln ovs 14 sroles ,.".* ., o".p'" "rd ra o o"rhLO*"d -qonr,ofion,li couds,od lomentondlh6pre$o€thel'stlurionslhro!ghwh ch PUDn hconducting[sempogn. BLn I B olso mok ng effons to blid ]'depende't mibLt on ol irs chonn6ls ol;onrcl.usne$ ih@uoh tho publicollon o'd 'l 'O src. r€oo-5 O,d '€ooas o-*'o=.'-."4' soe_orlFer€oo'!roms_'ero-'ou"ao"r1o5io' hos beome h the l4T thldee. veo6 the polili@ sitlJotLon ln the countn/ lou 1 mes ond mors unltobLe dnd complicdtsd. Gov6mme'h chonge'l he P me MinsTer sx limes. Over €ight sp€'oLlv epesive lows vere do.J|oo€oDola€ ;il.edo! o dov'L_cl o" no o'o-' de_ocrocv a^di-eob'o hdroc;le_€ i rus dso,eo.ppirgoub coon'on 50'o,, commlnollsm come lo the for€, tne $ue! €loung lo oppre$ion cnd €Droslon ol the mo$* ora Gcedng into oblvion Tho modext o'd p@ce$ fte m;oqre effons or PUDR ore on o,femol lo ioht ogo nsl th s P@pl6t Union ror Democrolic Righls oppeols lor helc ond suoporfirom ' rESs\S\\$( shoutd coni0ue (s woIk'