Combined Operation of a VSC Based Grid Interfaced Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation System with Night Time Application Arun Kumar Verma, Bhim Singh, Fellow, IEEE, D.T Shahani, Ambrish Chandra, Fellow, IEEE and Kamal Al-Haddad, Fellow, IEEE for power quality improvement. At full sun, the system under consideration can supply the load and simultaneously solve the problems of harmonics, unbalanced loads and reactive power in a 3-phase, 4 wire distribution system. The grid interfaced SPV power generating system interfaced with AC distribution system through a DC-DC boost converter and a 4leg VSC, tracks maximum power from the SPV array. The MPPT is incorporated with a DC–DC converter. VSC is used to interface SPV array with utility grid under both on-grid and off-grid operation modes [3,4]. The VSC injects sinusoidal currents into the grid, and can control the power factor. For extracting reference grid currents, many control algorithms are reported in the literature for control of grid interfaced SPV power generating system such as PBT (Power Balance Theory) in which reference grid currents are estimated from active and reactive powers, SRFT (Synchronous Reference frame Theory) [3]. The proposed MISCT (Modified Instantaneous Symmetrical Component Theory) based control algorithm uses an indirect current control to compensate the phase delay due to the ripple filter resulting in improved performance of the system [5-8]. The performance of the proposed system is studied for the various power quality aspects of ZVR (Zero Voltage Regulation), PFC (Power Factor Correction), neutral current compensation and harmonics elimination. Abstract—A 4-leg VSC (Voltage Source Converter) based SPV (Solar Photovoltaic) power generating system is integrated to a 4wire distribution system using MISCT (Modified Instantaneous Symmetrical Component Theory) based control algorithm. This MISCT is used to estimate reference currents to control 4-leg VSC. The control algorithm is used to balance the loads and to improve the power factor of ac mains. The PCC voltage is maintained at reference value by required reactive power compensation by VSC and its DC link voltage is regulated using a PI (Proportional-Integral) controller. Performance of proposed SPV generating system is simulated using MATLAB/simulink and sim-power system toolboxes. Simulation results of the proposed system are demonstrated for improved power quality of a three phase 4-wire distribution system for load balancing, harmonics elimination, neutral current compensation, voltage regulation and power factor correction. Index Terms— Solar Photovoltaic, Neutral compensation, Power Quality, Voltage Source Converter I. current INTRODUCTION Everlasting increasing demand of electricity and rise of greenhouse gases due to conventional sources of energy is one of serious issues to the environmentalist. Solar photovoltaic (SPV) energy is a solution to all these problems created by the greenhouse gases. SPV power has great potential such as environment friendly, clean, pollution- free and inexhaustible. With recent research in the SPV materials, the price of SPV module has drastically gone down and SPV power generating system becomes more practical. Grid interfaced SPV power generation is the recent advancement of SPV application [1,2]. Grid interfaced SPV power generating system is operational only approximately 8 hours of a day and system remains unused for rest of the day. This may lead to the grid instability and mean time, an optimum use of the power converters involved in the SPV system is also not possible. Therefore, in order to use grid interfaced SPV system optimally, the grid interfaced SPV system can be designed to provide the function of power quality improvement and the system can be simultaneously used to satisfy the peak load demand, which needs the combined operation with VSC. It provides the PFC (Power Factor Correction), load balancing and harmonics mitigation with reactive power compensation and simultaneously injects the maximum power available from the SPV array in to the grid. When the solar intensity is reduced to zero, the VSC(Voltage Source Converter) can still be utilized II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION The proposed grid interfaced SPV power generating system employing a SPV array of a 20 kW peaking power capacity, a DC-DC boost converter and a 4- leg VSC is given in Fig.1 (a) [9]. The DC bus is connected to a bi-directional eight-switch current controlled VSC and a DC-DC boost converter. The active power from the SPV array is fed to the three-phase utility grid (415 V, 50 Hz) or the linear/ nonlinear, balanced/ unbalanced loads connected to a 4-wire distribution system. A RC filter is used to filter the switching harmonics of VSC output PWM voltage. To track maximum power during varying solar intensity from SPV array a variable step size INR (Incremental Resistance) method is used [10]. A MISCT (Modified Instantaneous Symmetrical Component Theory) based control algorithm has been used to control VSC in order to generate reference grid currents. The proposed control scheme of VSC regulates its DC bus voltage and manages the active and reactive power exchanged with grid. 1 III. DESIGN OF PROPOSED SPV POWER GENERATING SYSTEM V D(1−D) V D(1−D) 700*0.5(1−0.5) ORLb = dc Δi1 = dc = =2.170mH ≈2.5mH (2Lb fsw) (2Δi1 fsw) (2*1.008*10000) The design of proposed SPV power generating system is given in terms of various stages as SPV array, interfacing inductors, DC bus capacitor and the ripple filter is as follows. where Δi1 is input current ripple of DC-DC boost converter, and it is considered as 3 % ,thus i1 (= P/Vin) =33.613A, where Vdc=Vin is the DC input voltage to the boost converter. Corresponding to the maximum ripple condition, D =0.5[12], Thus a calculated value of Δi1 is 1.008 A. Thus the calculated value of inductance (Lb) from (3) is obtained as 2.91 mH and it is selected as 3mH. A. Design of SPV Array Proposed SPV power generating system has many photovoltaic cells in series and parallel to feed a 20 kW peak power at PCC. SPV array is a combination of several modules assembled in series and parallel to achieve a peaking power capacity of 20 kW. In order to achieve increased efficiency of SPV array it must operate near MPP. The generalized equation for an active power for SPV array is as, (1) PmaxM = VmppM * ImppM Maximum power, PmaxM = (ns*85% of Voc * np *85 % of Isc ) is generally achieved under this condition As per [9-11], each photovoltaic cell has an open circuit voltage, Voc of order of 0.62 V and short circuit current, Isc of 4 A thus Imppc is 3.4 A and Vmppc is 0.527V of each cell. The total estimated maximum power is given as, (2) PmaxM = VmppM * ImppM = 20 kW With np parallel strings of PV cells and ns series connected cells, and considering, VOCM =700 V, PmaxM = np* ns*0.85* Voc*0.85* Isc =20,000W = np*0.85* 700V*0.85*4A. It results in np = 9.886 = rounding off to 10 cells and VpmaxM=0.85*ns* Voc =0.85*700V =595 V. It results in ns = 595V/ (0.62V*0.85) = 1129 cells. To achieve 20 kW peak power, 1129 cells are connected in series and 10 are connected in parallel which lead to (VmppM) of 595 V and maximum current (ImppM) of 51 A which constitutes a PV array of 1129*15 cells, respectively. PV panel Boost DC-DC converter Lb S1 D S3 S7 Vpv I PV SW Vdc Cd _ + V*dc iLa P3 PL isa isb isc PCC Vn iLa iLb iLc iLn Nonlinear Loads S8 V* sref _ + C. Design of DC Link Capacitor The value of DC link capacitor is given as, [12], Cb = Ploss PG vsb vsc Amplitude Vt calculation Thus, from eq. (4) the calculated value of Vdc is 677.60 V and it is selected as 700 V. DC Voltage PI Controller PLdc + LPF + Φ K= a,b,c vsa vsa vsb v sc Vsk ILk B. Selection of DC Bus Voltage Proper compensation takes place if the DC link voltage is greater than the twice of the line to line grid voltage. The selection of the DC bus voltage is given in eq.(4) where the value of m is 1, and VLL is the line voltage of VSC and taken as 415V [13], (4) Vdc = (2 2VLL ) ( 3m) = (2 2*415) ( 3*1) = 677.60V ≈ 700V iac Va ibc Vb icc Vc La Lb Lc Ln LPF MPPT Controller iLb iLc S6 S4 S2 Gating pulse Fig. 2 Calculation of the internal parameter of control algorithm Ripple Filter S5 AC Voltage PI Controller δ Isn isa isb isc Estimation of the i* sa Reference i*sb Source Current Current i* sc Regulator (3) Id 28.571 = = 2166.43μF ≈ 2500μF (5) 2*314*0.02*700 2* * ω v ( ) ( dcrip ) where Id is the DC link current (Pdc/Vdc = 28.57A), ω is angular frequency and is % ripple voltage considered as 3% of Vdc. Hence estimated value of Cb is 2166.43 μF and it is selected as 2500 μF. S1 S8 0 D. Design of AC Inductor The value of AC inductor (Lf) is estimated as follows [13], Vsa Vsb Vsc Fig. 1 Proposed SPV power generating system Lf = B. Design of DC-DC Boost Converter The MPP is tracked through DC-DC boost converter and fed the active power to the DC bus of VSC. The ripple current for the boost converter is given as [12], 3mVdc 3*1*(700V ) = = 2.905mH ≈ 3mH (6) 12hfsΔi 12*1.2*10000*(0.1*28.98A) where m is modulation index, current ripple (Δi), DC bus voltage (Vdc) and h is the overload factor, considering, ∆i = 2 With power factor consideration with fundamental voltage and current component is φ then 10% of input current, fs = 10 kHz. The value of Lf from (6) is calculated order of 2.90 mH. A value of Lf of 3 mH is selected in this work. * * * ∠ {vsa + avsb + a 2 vsc } = ∠ {iisa + aiisb + a 2iisc } −φ IV. MATLAB BASED MODELING Or tan −1 { x1 x2 } = tan −1 { x3 x4 } − φ The configuration of the SPV power generating system is modeled by using MATLAB/SIMULINK with sim-power system tool boxes as shown in Fig 2. Fig. 2 explains the detail control modeling and the reference current generation using MISCT. It shows the estimation of the active power and control angle δ, active power losses, unit template, Vt for the reference current generation. Further the estimation of the reference current and PWM switching signal generation are achieved for the control of the combined operation of the VSC based SPPV power generating system as shown in Fig.1. where * * * x2 = iisa + (iisb / 2) + (iisc / 2) , tan φ And δ = 3 dIpv dI pv Vpv dI pv = Vpv + Ipv dVpv dI pv * * * vsa iisa + vsbiisb + vsc iisc = pldc + ploss { where, (15) } (16) Vdcer = Vdc* − Vdc { where } * Vder = Vtref − Vt 3) Reference current generation Reference currents are estimated as per eq. (10, 11, 12) are as, * iisa = {vsa + ( vsb − vsc ) δ } ( pldc + ploss ) y (8) * iisb = {vsb + ( vsc − vsa ) δ } ( pldc + ploss ) y (18) * iisc = {vsc + ( vsa − vsb ) δ } ( pldc + ploss ) y where y = B. Control of Four- Leg VSC The reference grid current for proposed SPV power generating system is estimated by sensing grid voltages (vsa,vsb,vsc), grid currents (iisa,iisb,iisc) , load currents (iLa,iLb,Ilc) and DC link voltage Vdc as feedback signals. The amplitude for unit templates of the grid voltage is given as, y=Σ ∑ v 2i i = sa , sb , sc These grid reference currents are further used to estimate PWM signal for 4-leg VSC. 4) Generation of PWM Current Controller These reference grid currents (i*sa, i*sb and i*sc) are compared with the sensed grid currents (isa, isb and isc) in the PWM current controller. After amplification of the current errors, the output of current amplifiers are compared with fixed frequency triangular carrier wave (10 kHz) to generate gating signals for IGBTs of VSC. (9) As per reference current generation method [5-8] the reference grid current is considered as, * * * iisa + iisb + iisc =0 (13) 2) Voltage regulation For voltage regulation the phase difference between PCC voltage and grid current is estimated in order to regulate the PCC voltage which gives the reactive power component, this reactive power component is given as, δ (k ) = δ (k − 1) + K pa Ver ( k ) − Ver ( k − 1) + K iaVer ( k ) (17) dVpv dI pv and accordingly MPP is tracked. ( 2 3) ( vsb2 + vsc2 + vsc2 ) (12) where, Ploss( k) = Ploss( k−1) +Kpd Vdcer( k) −Vdcer( k−1) + KidVdcer( k) Thus as in INR method of tracking, the instantaneous resistance V pv I pv is compared with incremental resistance Vt = ) From eqs. (10, 11 and 12), it results in, ( vsb − vsc + δ vsa ) iisa* + ( vsc − vsa + δ vsb ) iisb* + ( vsa − vsb + δ vsc ) iisc* = 0 (14) 1) Power factor correction From Eq.(14), if δ =0, grid currents are to be in phase with grid voltages, the active power to the load is supplied by the SPV array. The filtered active power and the active power losses are given as, V. CONTROL ALGORITHM = ( * * − iisc x1 = 3 2 ( vsb − vsc ) , x2 = ( 3 2) vsa , x3 = 3 2 iisb The control algorithm of a proposed SPV power generating system consists of two stages. First MPPT control to track peak power of SPV array using DC-DC boost converter and the second stage is used to control a grid interfaced four-leg VSC also operating as a shunt compensator. The detailed control algorithm is explained as follows. A. Maximum Power Point Tracking The drawbacks of P&O and IC are overcome by using variable step size INR method [14]. Variable step is usually large when away from MPP and reduces to small as the system approaches MPP which reduces oscillations around MPP. The MPPT depicts as follows, δ(n) = δ(n − 1) ± K(dp / dpv) (7) where δ is the duty ratio at nth sampling instant and δ(n −1) is a duty ratio at (n − 1) th sampling instant and is a factor to control step size. Variable step INR method is based on a fact that slope of ( dVpv dI pv ) must be zero at MPP as, dVpv (11) (10) 3 Fig 3 Performance of SPV power generating system under non-linear load with night time application current. Here SPV array voltage Vpv, SPV array current and power as Ipv and Ppv respectively and load neutral current and source neutral current by iLn and iSn. 5) Neutral Current Compensation The grid neutral current is compensated by using a fourth leg of VSC. The grid neutral current (isn) is sensed and compared with its reference value (i*sn = 0). The current error is used to generate switching pulses for IGBT’s of fourth-leg of VSC. A. Performance of Proposed System at Unbalanced Linear Load for Voltage Regulation and Load Balancing The system performance is shown under unbalanced nonlinear load with solar intensity gradually reducing to zero at 0.5s in Fig.3. The load unbalancing is occurred at 0.55s and at 0.65s, and during load unbalancing grid currents are balanced and sinusoidal. The solar intensity is 1000w/m2 initially and reduced to zero gradually at 0.5s. At 0.5 s onwards the active power is supplied by the grid and the direction of the active power flow is reversed after 0.5 s. The grid neutral current is almost negligible explains the load balancing operation of the VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The system performance under linear load as well as nonlinear load is demonstrated in Figs. 3-4. A nonlinear load is realized by using a diode bridge rectifier load and load unbalancing is done by removing one phase and another. The system performances are depicted as grid voltages (vsa, vsb, vsc) grid currents (iisa, iisb, iisc) load current (iLa, iLb, iLc) active power from/to grid (P) and reactive power (Q) and (ii) is the VSC 4 and grid voltage are observed well within the acceptable limits of an IEEE-519 standard. The VSC has been found to deliver SPV power to grid with low THD in grid voltage and current. The balance grid currents and constant DC link have verified the effectiveness of the proposed controller. system. The DC PI voltage regulator maintains DC link voltage to its reference value. With decreasing solar intensity, the SPV array current (Ipv) and SPV voltage (Vpv) and SPV power (Ppv) are also reduced. The PCC voltage is maintained to its reference value depicting the proper voltage regulation. TABLE-I PERFORMANCE OF THE SPV POWER GENERATING SYSTEM IN DIFFERENT OPERATING MODE Mode of Operation Parameters Nonlinear RC load Grid Voltage %THD 345.5V,1.33% PFC Grid Current %THD 48.61,4.60% Load Current %THD 53.97,59.24% Grid Voltage %THD 346.5, 1.67% ZVR Grid Current %THD 49.32,4.54% Load Current %THD 54.61,60.02% REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Fig.4 Performance of SPV power generating system under nonlinear load for voltage regulation B. Performance of Proposed System at Unbalanced Nonlinear Load for PFC and Load Balancing The system performance is shown under unbalanced nonlinear load with constant solar intensity. The load unbalancing is occurring at 0.3s and at 0.45s. During load unbalancing, the grid currents are balanced and sinusoidal. Both grid voltages and grid currents are in phase which shows the unity power factor operation of the proposed system. The load compensation is provided by the VSC current. 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