b -EVE NING NEWS. PLAINFIELD ESTABLISHED 1 8 8 4 . 'EVENING Pt-A^FIELD, H,M, J., J., "THEj **THEjCOLORADO COLORADOOFOFTHE THEEAST," EAST,"THURSDAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY > JANUAKY 2 128 9 O 1890.. ., PRICK TWO TWO CENTS. CENTS. PRICE THEIR HAPPY NEW YEA*. I^EAL [ J HAL BBTATK IST»TI. Sprctol Itattna. Bit tit a. IIEIMMMW1W MM, IM Blfw TWO* » V>HitTort.Ratal! noM «bc U.r Row. Don Tartan Insurance. D*^U*ND Hot. C.Mm* B nd ■—bte«. Pan* or ibr D .TrO.it Ita. for 4anto •ftat If UtadCMtad, 40 Ibrtt iraa, , brsootahorof orfb mta,. TW Inr— 1 himIm at Me „ tartar rfbtata. Mr. Protrfdt. T..v> So•KOLfraa ul Oblo artfaetaa. Railroad omhj dfdffcwHc, rarr Wataador 4 10 • ILL. to Ttabta, wttkofFillBrta a H If.IrlwM arod Oflartaoa. forSmrt, fMtakma. nrt, iC *•* ■iiMx Mr. J. a MUhr. o( LatofY BoW, b ko(l*(Hl>l». WE ARE READY WEAREREADY WASHINGTON -T , AT rmm n w i NEWS. CORRESPONDENCE NEW JERSEY NUGGETS. Mia. A n n . CoUiw, of W«et Third rfr.ct, Mttmt friend* in Sew York. Bar. C B. aad Ml*. Mitchell rceern large n um Iwr of all* yaatfrday. Mr. ProD<Ut,o(Hari«aiH. T-, apart I •«a.rt day with PtanaaU frieada. Mr. J. B. Mill*r, of Labaa> Hotel, la Ml •g from a aware attack of la grippe. Mr. Atbrrt O n , of Hike, •mill. hM Bad wuiinc «> Mpwy you with «ay artMMla *** Th. Hi»ilMl o IUwbn tn MAdlac for Ite t-rry —tr*,<T7ifr In MomnIT,M .*.m Mi ’yard. PWy hrnrt.llowaa.llab ,‘fTfri* In I if Ita GOODS PLUSH GOODS Tort, a ata.mw.arf otata. I ban roud for nrfa. aka. I* 222! " “• ““ I -■ |U| i-V — —» of Ita ILffZ wta Mia Htnik Had. !■»» of PoMP'a**»;stv*ac *t • ■»»«iMly. aoiaty ba>br«lnlMl«M. ■Mr Head. of PtirtZlorrK wwoverow was toad Is tor Raremh House, arSaSSjasg^ ‘ tM aorai«r tm f»e an waemn Tto hntlfwli RailroadAlpnMtRVpcRabat mom Great clearing taMAMMbm clearing OHout T ss’.jsSSyEFibasc Rubber Goods Goods In Rubber Sale of 0/ Ladies' Ladies at; aid In Sale d^Tasr — SdBaoto siHltaCBrtan lor al.M Childrenfs Jackets .'•aHtaY CAildret/T Jacket aa. arf BwT and ^rewmatkels New mat Lets atat rdnmblUAa and •.tab Ibaaiala). BEE HIVB THE BEE UIVJS grtMn MMi_dp«etorfaajalidiMp-tad. coil coif prices. '* W B I FROBT HTBHT ita 4nr« topartty da* to Ma ua«J atoek MtagudMokiilcMAMMirar low prices prices Special low owlnc to IW BiM —Mir. ■r«. m, tea yaaaji arm at itown nan,on all Dtess Goods all Dtess Good, FURNITURE 5BSST FUBNITTJRB ^gggw&airs £ and and blankets. blankets. and and A Jarmr O—Ml eoel mm fans* ia l«o BEDDING, BEDDING, Vanfmbuigh&Whltc Bedroom j Suites, Suites, IS WE«T I'BOMT *T. Parlor Suites, Suites, S%h«s>isr*f-B •* * * Tables and and PUMrCuru.nMrrflMrfevrt Cum.BrieMaM, r—Boc N HI icIoMtofUl*•ud Holy Myhtlc Roacfy, IWn, BlCbM, Chairs. A 2: srz ct-jt^FTsss^ R. R. Fair-child, Fairchild, B. R. *M CommM tad WUlcm ICDdan, boUi *■ .o4taiur raa.rr it. 1 toll taiTVna/'w^., oita^m'dri?■FECIAL CREDIT OITRH IF 1 XMatMewsss* tan Aata.tadwb*botaitatm ■ rabtab nm koraofoadMRta(ta Data Tha Re v. «ad Hn. >. M. Raja»a> wan "» Ubilbrr . rtatUng tbe MJBW* BAwarta on W « V H - n w a i l i n i l i j tea hatband and h '••ft. Barney. A r w havtat her wonnd di _ Hit. Traoty WM taken u Ufa b o w of a ftfead. »r. aad Mn: AletBDoW Oiibm, of! Mr. Sttpbc* a Bydrr, of Kaw Tork, a or jp»Te a i a tba option of nayW a I IT tne anftakinft the pfeWe, or of >pandn j dw*ta ik. «••*» Mr. CottrWl, of Faawood, dM oJy a . will teke U» pledfe and pay tbe haJf paaa at* thai n o n a * at ak mother Barney, M» "on, waa Bjrra th* d of paying • I n dollar D » or «, twenty day* in J*1L Ba pakt Io Mr*. Trace?1* oaae tba Hay ordaprf bar to thonoghly dean UM DOM InfceMed har thai if *ht> dU apt do ate bolidajt at b«r ucrieV Mr. Bandmoa, ••cold ba taken to the cooaty jail Toe*™w n a v , Nortb FJatnoVld. d t j FhjahTtan l l s r n j iaat t n n i i « e Tha Ma Bathaaatl P. KeHay waa ban d tfce wouoda inflicted b j the d t g o i from hi* borne in . ^ w Brooklyn on To**)a MicaiH Daly WM abo Bacd I n dollar* The body waa mierred at Banptowft. » Mayor thia morning for liaiiiaiiii— Jartire B u d j , of Doer atraet, Ifortai paid the bill. K a n . a SsMehaMa, got ao dra p , y, That to* land of hi. bath. Kara waa t Tba formal opanfa irrnmourrnrubu-cornapoDiknt.! ha B M dO 'DMnocntfc- party .intend* to ireit* record of BoatHtty to tbe aoUien. < earning the:propotnl czteaaion of tb* ' kwe. In the bilk which hare been •entad by Senator logaUa and other*, it by Smator V«t, of I •oari, that '• fbe *oldirr rote » up at aacUon. He|.nlw»an leaden a n bidding roc j I - *T*:n la at* yard. Plenty ireitiotT arbotoi bee bMn ||T|I III I ia law r««ta.and 1 for one Uull oppot* tl XM* and aaranl mws bnMaa a n reported tn M, I b a n Toted for pnwtoH wka Mt I WM eivfani away the money of •; li'ing It away n n i l i i l j . • * • ly of my former ooaaaoUoa with t U i by raal gmi Iaat m k . BhewMfooad • a a r t j . 1 ba.F felt ibat 1 oa«bt no* t* i •Mtneonrtrf. " pMiom, k*t the j y of -reUT ebo The F n i i g J n i i K BaOraad Bebaf mDam attack of grippe, aadtoabla » awra hhi raoat M M Mm i. K, Myan, of Wtat Oafaatt atraet I IIMIIIII RARGMH HOUSE Then hi the lory, t i i n i i in hie owa beat •qrd»;tmtatiT[iM*. tha inteotion* of tb* DaMocmUe wndera. Tbe majority of them are ftlluw* wbo tried to daatroy thia repnbUc aad now, by the clemency of a Mgh-mMda Sort*, they a n permitted to enter the hejla »d (AMmct the will of tha peof wbo hand thatr breaata to tba leaden hail are. ornutMd nbal iDobv it- The Pawl in »hi aarty in eoatpotd __ i"*y Of obawneakawM wbo cry '•So- to " r y proportion for tha ennobling of tbe r»M; n party which crita "Too •hant," to envy ouwaid moremta* «t tLe Bap*. >rty. Strortb«ke<, tbe Republican party gom rtght along, and willoonlJiue m tr * " Mkrok. Tb. Colored U M l .Km,.J.Uon of Kor ^^uw haa repelled e prpaent of vsn acrea •farrnoon ia honor of tbe Creernt a enata CoMmiUae on P m l HI. aayl: r expect that that Oongma will be able •aortotion'i . Caas, of -Tb* Alpine Social CW> gara their anI, IU,T»; a n t a r of MJ r»t»ptloQ in T. A. B. He.lL on Ta«day Mhos! honaaa will eaat ooMfortabJy. 31^51 M b a g h * . ft wee wall attended. nwnbjr of male im-aari. 1m. f i i i l i .mnlma ,*tflr; aTarmge monthly aalary as Mi an «7L8t, to female 1 M . h a n . t r f m rark aaa M^MO ehildMa oat of aeao M Citr Com moo Gowned wOl hold Ha a s Mmthnant of M.M4; HobokM bee H W n t lo-morrow night. The M W .OWct-iWranoatof (cbooi. with an aat> l will m a t and oqpMiM on Moo day itofQ.1«l;E>atenonbaeo I lUehlldr.n. and tht heart* «f tin little o •enooL ' ~Vw./an.MrsB Mary . I Maine. MnrawB 9 VaB.Veil. Bdaerd - - MnVydM) D MRotoart V«nB*aa. Mm WmMF , UM Tartoa. Mr* Cambariand couaty haa taw a I t Marrin Dnnham, of Arling 7 at UM Pood T o * Worta Tweed*? >f- ofMa.lWorarll . nriatloB, #100,01X1; townanip a*ool l u . Ml • rh « n > w for . - n n l n t t a , d - J 1 l a w bnriad th>a aflamoon « oorl cetxwiary. Broofclyn. PunenU wer- beU at llr. F.odm'i rMldeaM ra.. Bcr. Mr. Park*, p a t or of the Seoteh leih.B.ptiinchnrcb, rTlfi—g Twe private ia**|anil held ei the ratal Mr. aad Mr*. L H. Bad C h ntaolotj, y « l taaw I talawd nTUIWja. Vont etnet hnt evening we* attended by A record of the hnnortaM erenta of BoMples. Some of the (XwWnMa. appear* on the 1*M paaaaf tbe S a w s lo-day Tbe hletory at l « t year ia aaeventfol one, end prwant apparentlj awliat <A data* co**r» ail the I n * and otaer ibla to tha nreleaau M»rtin, Mack and Whalen. The Shakaapaarv Cinb, a literary aad aoctoty ooatpoaad of a namber of Mortb on whtefe they wen cboaen to aam » o f Mr. people. Tbe chronology of tbe Old World hi aha Biren ander a aeparatt bending. Tot thirty of tha mambart and I day1* hanaof Tax Raws Mould be p.i—nad. B game* ware Mapped and after tfc* prhjM t b . Boefcawft* V«Jt-y Balbroad, wbkfe, warded to the ancoesfnl ptayen, o n _ braacba* from Um Kww Janey Oantral wa* Indalged in by a l l A very jliiMal White Hooat italioo, N nearly y p i l me wa* had by all prwrat. FHwadL TbaoUaf« V laaar,Jok«K.M wbo baa bam tba toaduw ppirtto* tb«. I k e H a l n l e i l l at !»*.«•. - N e x t Monday ereniwlthe "Monda Jl bowl one of UM teagae gummjn Weat- LXADIMG from dhnnaM mtrwated in Ma army. Q e a — r*Tan BlaMl iMiaMJi-Mla* la. imam if lha — • " — '- r nun, i l l ii IIii'i i i * the c a n j u n o n f u l l • i.lili ri^im rafee- J " haani M the faMn m hi lha najt, rial For parwnlar. apply to U Hiyataw, ' i M D v n w , D. C , D M SI. lOBr frituJi wbo Uka a TAX RATES IN HEW JERSEY. mml MTTL h OMKRSBT BTrrTLAIHFHLD, K. at..rrlday,Jan«aryad. OfV« Honn-7 a. ra. M S p. m. * w i t h O t h e r CItawa. • c*T taxation to tbe Tarioae a ttBent of New Yi+rH card* ba> baaa ..lied U tba • j ear. from the raporta aMde to tbe atala u-d of Airniia*. 1 o e few of tbe =i t i « the i bM beea HicrtaaiJ, notably Cape May r, where the rate hi H.S0 On e.ery banIdoUen. Tbu • probably tba highaat M WEST FROST 8TREBT. CHRISTMAS WE HAVE STRAIGHT- ED of *S.8a ' Tbe rat™ la Cape May f are higher than in any other y of tb* Bttte. In the tonne ot Holly Beach, Onto Cat*-, See. late City the ra tea esoeed •& The tax rate In tba State le m Upper Pita* . 8akM comity, wave it la only eUDS hundred dollar* Prom tbe following be learned in MM of the .rnrr cttkea, a oempariaon of *bk*itffl ahow y a State tax of only one half of oat CHy, O.SI ontotahV tt«; Kent Orange, A M ; \) *S.fl>: *' Bayonne. O.89; Ho,*Z3u; E H T M J , S2.4S; Perth Amboy, 00; Pomptoo, « a n ; nainsald, « . » ; . _ 06; OaMden, «2.«.; BloomaeM PrmnkliD, »S.7B. Newark, 93.08; Weat ii H^rieon. «.«5; Janey City, M; Hew lhaMelia. « • . » : Dover, «LT9; While tba aDUemeDt Uwt the yaar FM a naiarknbly rainy one *> nntthar • t w a o r •fartltat.K may be hitareeting nr that In thb rmpm* 1 * » beaM ell praM rworda - » » e anaonnt at ™*nfnT AaMMlim, rnMwUch time only i . r q n r t a b a T . beta k«pt at the Ogam Ttoa BUIMII. Tbe enea* of *ain over any <iou* y w i' 134 iothtt. Tha knat rain cfcick Tua-Uy morning wbaB ttoir 1 in Dacemtw and ttoe moat la HoTember. ILI miiaal la iiwbee tor aaeh month in tha aajl and of the Albaar (it aa toltowi: Jan—ry, 5.88; Febmary, Ta. Coart of FhrdoMBjat at Trenton Tow. _)th m a . wera thrown '; March. 4.09; April,&»; Hay, 5 , » ; Jane. u d H r . ftappaiT*.-a* t»dly hart i D tW ( « . bo WM eoavMad of a awHaftaboaUar. Tba wagon n-.1 by Mr. Cannon P. b u t U M b u m t U M t injured. AH aknc thapcopoatd ARK aad HORTH AVBMUffl. •IBM SALE.''':''/ Scfawed Sch lAoDDio wed Brothers, Brothers cumnnt, LABOB / 77 E E Front FrontStreet Street Brick Building, Building; ptarrieft. Our Box Box Paper Our flatted CimutlT NaMliPaper almdy a«BssaHwssaSSS L6TE YOU NEieHBOK NEIGHBOR ASAS YOURSIW YOUBSELF iOVE YOER Ssssasee* To Mom od oop IMA ■a«ar wa rimaMMi MM a*Moa HIM Spatiala rone* Bar- James Hardy, Hardy, ^MdnMtciMaiSkapteda. M FOMBMftBT BT.,‘ FLAIMFIBLP, W. J. Oflka Uoor»—? a. m. to S p. a. VV. RAND, RAND, A. W. « t n t-a -38" D » WBBT FRONT the Racket Racket!I After the Holiday Goods. After CHBUTMAB WE HAVE STRAIOHT. jasawsrsnOF OUT SOME. AID MAUD a^iarvxMsr"* DIED THUDS THAT HAVE BEER BLOW ^4 25-Cent Table. Table. W AT FWCBB THAT WILfa A 25-Cent MAO KM BELL, AID WILL AD ri>Sklawa "* SOMI HEW STOCK THAT WILL MASS (TET'CLARKE, C. E. CLARKE, IT PAT TOO TO CALL FOB T0BJH WT ■a e BAST FRONT STRUT. TBAJTB AID OTHBH FMBHBW AT . A L LL L SENN, A , Crushed Stone Crushed Stone, ItaMdb^rf^tataf taood^taCta The Stationer, Stationer* rfftyjarg^aatAag P. T. T. B. B. NEVIUS, Nkvius, W2T! „P. \B7ANTBO-A W liMPiirt. "otond^gtrl Appdy at Rator107 nnl RttmA pa Are you you Troubled Troubled H0DHE FREBOO . . U», YkTl tab Tta do itb tar ROUSK AID ASD nuaoo ^ PAINTING, AINTING, rfkcorm Mrkiltab W MRIIl lltail -.-..tab for, iSrtt ■a I* AID M 1, FAU IViflUB tail Ita for Mb orf, BF . .idm t* Mr.Irnird Chm.Pota.0. U.ta ^7 Fta'tab b—* ttatad ittrtaT* MARSH —A .tota» )4tajmm «e» tm irrTta 1A YERS MARSHXAYERS Rro. wm 11101. t Il f Mmm L. W. W. Randolph, Randolph* Frta*. tad tad ta rod atata two fmmn'Myaa ■■ MttaOWFtartaOT. — W. FHOWI BTRSET. r taiHMl CALL AMD SO OKU S3S5SS2SS* K l e H M n Cr-ahj. Mr. Jetne* Fanrber* tte BKxptkn CommittM at tba Y. M. G.A. ftra «o Mhibitkm of pbotcajrapbi at tba raoapttoo to bahald toft flkoatb Whila ran* people ere riWing tbetr aakea«••• coml pile to ward off tbe ravage* of Wli :: Piping Hot: Hot: fraM a mamIfcruaraH md baadwe anaclafc wtto oBm iMkM Reynold's Pharmacy, Pharmacy, PABK «i MORTM AWT)AS. wtaodof baylagea* «* 5 " * Wwad trio«*>r» or an flttt It I N attended by a large nnm *a*naanh>arPlaifineld. Aa MM »e.aa«.JojebJfoo*. • Ploranoa L. EUta, of Bortcw, «M 77.55; district and atj l u Icr I H Mn, T. B Haaatl. dkd at the tatter^ .W»of UM aalartw, $«5,JW.7i, aad huraaat of »1,3M. 18 Dmr Mreal, .Vorth FtaMMd, tha. 37:dktnrt and city U i lor rapalrihg a*J at. The tsnereJ will be h(M at _—Th* aunday-acnool of tbe Pint Chun* tCbrwt win g i n a Iraa J tw ereatng. a* 7M, T I M * , both of Waa - A * Mr. Baffin, b tb* kadfrwirp of tba ladJaa' tnlQlns e »b»Y. M.C A. it will tool - PKCIAL CR1DIT GIVEN IP 0E8IRXD, A Cup that that Cheers Cheers .Mr. J. C Piol, of Bael Front itreaa, aaperintetHlent ot tb* Woodruff Parlor Car COM •• will reman, with b . family to Cbiee«o •e the main office of b»eom| Othar elttaa harta* Urge nnmban f t o O m L ». J . ' E m t b f , 00 WMt Front ttraet, took "ick. I .OB. iw. SOT irgaaambarof DMcnben of tbe Oeacao • lathes bat, t o . R-pablkan ma Tbe former paatnr, Rer. John?. Callagba e Praabyterlan t* art* aajked on tbair kaacaWadar, that ft •o bad to l a m tha otty oa teem' •, B . T . W. B. tUcharda, yeKerday, at not be poMble to gM anything • hoaaa. No. US Baa t Proat atnwt. John Connell and William Lmdoo, both MM aad of UM OapMol." We a n hi raoaipt of a n r j pnMy ra •gwam.au Momii. of Eaa* " ~nwat R. Aokaraaia, of Weet of tha BOM* OoaaalMa oa I a n l i d Ptak Hantya: "Wr are ban] at work for tha bmeOt of oar old eoniaon, and will do OUT BOMS, AND THAT, HAVE amT.j.woa XT PRICES nr*n«w« BBBH BLOW THAT WILL, TBIH SELL, AND WILL AD U S NEW STOCK THAT WILL MAKB PAY YOU TO CALL POR TODK HBW I). 9 BAST rBOHT 8TBXBT. EAR'S ASD OTHBK PREBBMTa AT , ffc F BTDK»C>, V I ACKflOB AVKITOB BHM H a 10 UTD » 1-8 PA RK ATaOTJal a* Ika d«J PbwTnaoy, CALL AND S B ! .TO) / ' / 189O.. fUUNFIELD EVENING EVENING NEWS, NEWS, PLAINFIELD, PLA1NFIEU3 N. J., THURSDAY, J. "PLAINFIELD While Everybody’ Everybody 18 WATCB1SG TO OCTOOMB OT !» UJJM End of a Young Artist's Uahappy Lore Affair. 18 WATCH1S6 THB OCTCOMtC OT BLY-8 ad WmtUbirvinmm TRIP ABODTTD AOALSBT TiM«. DO f»OT 1 l%».«d tmt *aa>Trag*e « - * ef Twttf Oaarl.II* Ofcer twAAIVB A T 4 t ] t B N D U . B I.SAD Or THB RACK ,FOR f I M W l O » Of FIT ' - / - • • • - ! . - • AtTD DORAB1L1TT Of THUR OKfTLft. IBS!!! WHIM , Jan. 1 - T t o aa* While Bonn Sew T « f t <*aj Brilliant affair. Taa nrtark* «( the tM witb About aa artfat, 30 yean old, who ha* been lit-ing with her brother Otto at g|O b a t E%hty• flret (tract, committed suicide jreeUrday r'r I ' - I T ' 1 "~ Sheahot haraelf through tba heart. c 0( 30,000 M> ia (** i l l to <aa ooaapaaj for IH 'M n i l 111 • - • * * * | » echoob in tbe ci ty npd of Bmillie, the Taat About BTeyaar. ago Mi«Uberl«uer opened at 10 WaM fbvreaaath etreet. Win- " ""that all at m ftafMOf lal iiia^najlii « 1 ••art of Ik* e*il win b» Iba Bavaria, ha. M i m d »o«earr tbe«wtk» arkataeri Ml m !ov. wiib bar, and eC MTtrtI I—IIIIIMJ hnepltabi 1 ben mn ' The they wan ™ t a a H y e*««f«l to b* married. ton ot the cabinet. WIM m rHdud tba pnwidant ami M n McKw took tactr placa* at tba bead of the -!i ich w u oompoml of Mrs Mar MB, Mn. Wisdom, Mn, Miller, Mre. W«o»maJwr, Mn. .ffoUe, I n Trasy and M n R o n , Jan. X.-TW in JiaJj. It hm ayuaarg* at Ore Tba pupita of tbe Modena bare beaa w t hii MiBlirp, Jan. *—TW aortalilj herafroaa . k r«ry graat, but there ere In- of the a (j. Th» Allegheny . . H co.pa.7ba, a moco^l, la -ppljiog F.tUburg and Allet*™? CJtf wiUlight. Thrirprtrat.ro " " - Uw lhiw^»1e X n Cockerjll, M n K*Bd, s, H n u d Xla. SanpfchM. of « • • Tort; tat H l M W i n i M k ^ M l — Halalaad, Him Oottr, Mia. Bnah, Mta Harlaa, Him Mn. Enmt, Mia. J. V. L. •mrdacaed the praaident were pr—Mitan by nacv, Maj O. H. Eni*t. U. 8. A., "fin ___ Tbea _ ••ember* of tbe International oonferent* aad tba Marine conference. The nier Of the Venezuelan Claim -ommrt**) pi*t»I thai •egmant of tin programtae. Tto caiaf ***** » d • " • *-«*•*> j tteaa ot the xapreaw -mart, the Iju<i£« taa United State* com* of oUiaa, *nd I m m court of the Hi, f announced after a •ad kwpt to ear rooeA. Boa iiinml to Intaraat la Ufa, aad tor brother Otto bar naiad woaU baooma de- what better, aad atooat 4 o'cloc k aha aeked Ai a role, bowvrer, tbe boyayieldtothedlrectionaoftbefr.iiperio™. ab-ratrea. owing to toe prevailing r\ahoax la t*r Otto astered tha root ofinaimaa. Tna oraaniwUk*! of to* two branch** we* tff«*aJ without any fric- and fooad aai ««ter daad on tbe loung*. Uh " through tb* heart with tion, and I* tbe •anw aa in l v » , *itb tbe u _ w which her luv«-bad W tbe preaiileocy oT tbe m i l * , la her room wbeo ha called -pen ber Mb which oAVv aanator Hrary H HpraffOe w - ago. Mr. Brill had taktntbe rerolv* cboaeo. Hpeaker Barrett waa r*-elected _ hi* packet and left U ou tbe bookcaal It wam lying on tha Boar betide tbe leaufe, •ad Mia. Ot>erbaa»r% brother thought that Editor Fllea H v It. ' Aed her I V., Jan. 1—CbarlM E. Fitcb, edimr of Tba Democrat and Chnmi- After the receiving party kail takm t**l Furniture, Bedding and Upholstery* Buy your Holiday Presents in Plainfield STORE OPEN EVENINGS. GARRET Q. PACKER, TV lire ori£iaa.lad from » orerbaatod Th» girU' wing of the wfaool, oonbrth. The boy* retired in tbe high** Witonrtlng, M Mnn Traej, M n i v l Mb. JhnMtall, M n C«ra7 tnd Hta« Proctor DOANE & Van ARSDALE'S. Park Avenut Cornet of Second Sheets CHRISTMAS PRESENTS I CLUB S J U n s , ALL CLAJEF, FOft • • » . . • ! . » • , * • PER PAIR. \ CARVERS-STAG HANDiK, CBLLUUMD, BTC., 11.36, « ! . » , •3.S0, « ASD *V PER PAIR. 8IJ5Pii,*.V..aOo..«>c., 75c., %\ and #1.10 BACH. TOOL CHESTS, «k-.,a*.,*1.9O.*l.S)l#a.7S. BKACEKT 8AW8, »3.50, H » AND »8.W. LAMPS, HANU1NO, #l.!«i, t'Xti.m, H.fTand.lU. . J . C PIERSON,J r . , LC addrpapHl to bar Woiber: kbolder* ldaya. of the major'* holding wentJ-MI who teat Ibelr lire* onlj A DESPERADOS CRIME. bomed to drain, tba other* bavin) The tatcnowliarj between Maj. Bbaw and n :!,. ,r ! - ) Many of t b Ha Kill. O » M M m l rat-Mr l\ 1 liaielhniictil n(,h la*pa»Uamen wbo want, t bTO.UUOsbarw ta l«r went arocMeu IH OKDER TO UNLOAD THK LARGE STOCK OK WItfTES CLOTHIKS U S Mr. Kuimrm* Bliioe, aatntaat t.. President m:i1.1., Jan. *—A trrriMe » w Tbe flr-i offer made for Maj. Sh«-it BOLD BECAUSE OF THE; BAfKWABDNESS OF T B S BBABOff, WE WILL tracnly qcevrred here in • hieb L>a 11J Horu WW.iiuU o r l t o i >bare, two weak* 1 A I u.. n <*.-!! kn-.mil « ! , . « , fc,, , , r . w » k. lir.1: PROM IfOW UNTIL - A S . 1ST. CIVE WITH H C H FURCHAXE AMOU5TISO a t js o to am ltban a — tlor o r I. T a . a » » « t tbe IB wBl not llet for leu i " l . n Trnax. chief ta* !>•!«—. fatally inTO IK'. A utr.1. and Frunk Rota: nigbt watchmao, half a million. The •egotiatk™ ar. rtijlin acted in lM» npaHty oT • «rd hinwir a i Iruuken, dlnwlnfr character. l1«-nctier had m n f ii—i iT•• li; at Sarri*' plare. Knr Y o u , Jan. ft—The ft** story brick y After haying aprerai drink* and paying _•Udtmg.cn I O H » W « I Firty^TOnd a n r t , orkuf mvuing hia feUow*only-t 1 In. for thrm \,i- u l i ^ t a i t n i t i rrrolrw and " " WM partiallj burned jaatarday. Low, »^3,ccrp* In mplendent uniform ta! a* hiuHlf .Irit-ti out by tlv tUattr. Heru> ia the back, killing; him almoat 009, aa Cellowi: Bailding, owned hy Jafoh iDRnbM- of tb« Fan-Aiiwrtcan .•«••;:!••»J^w,B«,0W>; Ul»rtyBUkwork.(H_A.VaB rral of hi4 mn|w>ii)w b> dragi{ed ancoa- m-dint -ly Chirf Troax attnnpte-1 to ai ttrwi in cofinnticnal roll d m , while j u t - i<>u* out of tbe wimlowa. wall e other* be -A Co.), * " " bejond wet* a cdDple of armj cfllrvr* i-lmi QBE PRICE carried into tbe air in hi* anna. ^ x\ ' •! t M-.l'. waa »bot fn ting with a grim lookinc jiwMC" <-"> 'b -h.iiJ-l.-r . H-n.i,r>r bold lb> ladj tlut clung k. bb BTB. The <«J. I . . « ile, and whrnattnnptd at iviy fora A ROYAL PALACE BURNED the army u d M T T and tb-,. nr War to k ta g p mbifd awl droffrd hi* rtpromptly on fame. -Vaj. O n Srb<>-f>l, . ln-r. Ha waa poanced upi« i.y tberrowd HO. N Hi;»T mo.1T I—•*" jvl taken to JaiL He. will proLjUy be. walked pa«*"tt> line at the bead a tntha building, but toi* bring a holiday the BaittHM-K, JOB. £.—The TKVBI palav IniHD cbwfs of tbe war drpartmeut. ooly peraom on the p r m i r . were tbe watefaLai-ken, a ratmrb of BrtMvm. * • « a: . Admiral Portardid not bead tbe -1 mi>|.:t^.y gnttad by flre yvatepiay, and a , Binith, and hta fwnily, who made a 1 •in . Jan. !>••• I w M ha* been reHe wet hi* ivgnta and allowed the Imrea IN PKICKs OS mr ceoapa from Uw top floor, and tbe puninn of the baiiding entirely dentmyed. chWiof the na^y deparbnaot to reprw near, Charla KcchtlBr, who al»o m | k i TheoHKinoribFareHDotyBtkaown. Th' Iteri w*ther. vbvrvcvntly a c a a Win. The navM rt |.rv«ntatk-n -*"• ™ The Ore originated in the dye r a m near I be tltniL's ifuaul r«|-nlly, DI"I at one irn-poaLtJovi of jnvii*---r ot KagliMh and pofel of CMnuirffirM (fimwy. Bm-m, Mi Ihmtlrnfi to nit off 1b- racapa of moat ol ory in Toklo nnlvenity iii Japan. C{<on . Tills, White, Sivurd si.iit Wilwio aaJ a n-un tbe inmalM. The KrlDC*e> Ciementtne bad ;rlng In Japan be wa* received with groat bfrof offlcrrn on bpo™. duty in Wa-hhig a very narrow eanj-e from di-at L, and W r Tklnrrfcya Trlrk. ton. Col. UacCnali'7 bc^dn) !! — i w « » . t i r . M H with tbr grratot diffl Jan. a—Tha Orator a atrfet aa hi* naidrnc* with m o n than f oorpe offlnt* '" . _ • ot the i her M t a n w Ma between Alex PanUen, ot lly. anta. A sUble rontatNaaraonw »f the i n o t 'All <;.ir.Mi p A )~oang lady employed, ae fforrfnvat u : thl* city, and Hugh J. McCormlck. of Rt IB OBEK • t)i tne kingdom waa placed at bi* .1.. ber formar Invrr. It waa not •>[ The rogvnM • wa* m t aeaird to bb. botn*. li» 8 » off at the Palace rink. SieGore priDcm waa untbie ta follow her mi* . and in every way he waa tnated wi ffnifthBTrriin fn*ti fifth sini-i. Mr. Brill cQuld nol tfae entire waa bnrnetl to d>**lh TV-1 onlv -<iy.iH •p-i:il-i-. IVblLe at John* Hojik. * night, and it « u *aid lln .kiiw Mr* Y « t r . call*. MkaiO 9 Am,-ni-an Bt-unocnic aancUtkm. allj for aeveral yearn oBTe beei A li.tlBB Newark Thief. Kiv.tmt. N J., Jon. -J --An nnknown i rnt^rvd V.. D. Andrew** j-'wrlry *tnr4 So. X*< Broad itrwt at 10 o'clock T v » _ One of brr n;gbt aa the Jeweler we* placing hia . . taa wife of Caarlea (...[.lutr, r.i In the amfe. Tbe man Uveiad a fourbarrebd revotrer at the head of the pro- bnryer at 9M Broadwaji, aad tiring at rfwwiti laiaii cleaprofcM to e n indication* that Portogal prietor, ihored a gold watrt aad chaia mtc Hha Took Rat U l t l e rood. d l k d t f th cmUtb, U t o t IConhMa fo FiMb Drwinc Chw. SteTincaadSEDaUnceM. inhabiUnUawocUtloti haaderid-d to apologiae to EitKlaod for tbe bit porkt To a reporter but night Ottn Obtrbaaar erttled no the bar and Columbia. Thry w e n ^ p y La of Mn) B-rpa Pinto, aad (ap-rUUy hi. A d Frtnw*. Mlrro". Doll, mod Toy, ofatlkiad. M U a t t a f l n Ytrtprtwi Silk •aid that bk aUter had taken hut little food ana waahiDg oier her wt onndort in bowting the PortujTwr Oaf on •iinutw, and tbe general raoepHoo of riti™ neat waa broken. 8be bad hrgaa Tbe crowd 111 u o M i l l ; u m l l i>u Tea»l and part nt .tha BriUak prutrctad urritory and m u i n c tb* «boat her dlaappoiiKment. account of the rain. To. reorptku waa tbr BHUah Bag to be baolad dowa. It fa 1 ate buBdradtb bold by prrMmmt* of tbr Other* wbo lire in lh* I Bay that that if Partaga) aaajl do U. m United met** M n Morton < • the n>-t ng n wtfe.of • tfee prawdant - n o . in aamUaK. and f. f ni the pnwm thet tbr . iB djapafaac of ber objrrt of her qoerrrl with Portnat good prim. She waa ban ' galtoentirely foreign ' - but bad lired in tb« country crmiag wUeh e " A HOLIDAY PRESENT* A HOLIDAY POfRWIRTKB E SCLOTHIRO E N DRT. III OHDER TO DR LOAD THE LA BOB 8TOCK 80LD BBCAU8K Of THE BACKWARDRBM4 Of TBB HBAHOR. *1 WILL fKOM MOW U5TIL JAM. IHT OIV* WITfi”BACH fUBCHAMB AMOUNTING TO CM, A Handsome Gold-Tip Silk Umbrella. beyond couplelooking of nrJmfaoofflcrr.-vdch line -ilkwmi m grito ladymy that clone WMty hto arm Th. war oft* i••• • We and and the. IfAly on lima.nrMaj. Oro. hi.HcWCted. wall coveredanbf an oesnfee I a«-r— icd past th# Bn# at the Wed atbevnte. U, ta thetllyel-wl faalUtng. bat tMa1 t-iag a holiday tba1 Urtni. a ratwrb 4ml u(a—TW roysl Hm*«ynbnlai, l »■*{ateraandm.—ati £ asrsr.i***l . -tparti.« uiplrtxof*tbagotfad by dm balding entirely <Wr j-L 1- c'- h ■ ' ” TH orlfla^—end of lbrapidly. li* a MandyHatkaav« Tbr Wm. The naval Htmmtjr, Brown. Mill- TW Of. MflaM lilbip oat»•»liar :=tt (Lama nddnfCMMidnw* UtmImnI to cot off IW #*«p* of ot ville. Whitb, Himrd » .d IVitaOn a^ a somtW i.maD, TW PHoevm CMiadw ber "f offletr* on aptntn daty ia »a‘htoja»MM HJaw tWtof7 by Sretof a Trim.a arM rtcur*adf.HH althIrani(hrdeath, and. bad Wf \ too Col. MacCanl.-y bead'd Ur mart nr KtmAMUR. grrabat A-TW tnick. Paalaa, I Qetohly ■ of M.at .wily. I Ufa city, and Hugh J. McCormick. A jonng Wlf employed ne gormcm • 8«Cbr* tWabot waa draff aaaonoriac tba Wt ' porUua uf th*Beam ynlacwwaa-bickthatewnp-1 1 Wa chain parted, galntac about tan of tba which th# iTWn whan waanaitala throwsa terrible acroaa tba |. a«aa private apartment* >4ofth*works kingInofareart, atubd. track, maw■*: Waa to fall. TW royal coUatekm one PMiWn w«n by a couple at fast. A profaM , tb. darat in Kur,-. rompriaing eo.n* ot theof W Wan9T.Wand againstdr*payiac tW.t«fc»It mote valuable tommy. < Tima, alio.or*r»min. ate.;ten mll**.«0 min i r.»«.*•! Ap*te«i«e? Mai Mad 1 boor. I min. :C nr. nanWolkrmimg war. tbacaw GrandtbaAnay of th*d W KapnhikBba Islbwnnltb Cm.hwX. J..aattlad Jan.cat-TWanaff I MU of theatDMrtrt at Common as.' * TWy wepe dMwl U» lar Cahambtm. In twenty of M.J Wrpa Pinto, mm* •ap-mlly la fallwater. ad water,TWtbavernal am waehfag overofhwtbaflt acta mMm.mmd ttepwnl rationemail of rttir. rondact In WwWnc tW Portecnme lUff Weoo Wean. waaTWuanantlly nrlttm protected and content cargo wlu will probably Wbaaaand totalpart loan lornfar.TW •rronat ofTWthecrowd rain. fecwpCIonate waa tWow Wab Brttbhthat dayIf toPartncnl b.territory bastedAnildown. UKncUnd b cmW 4mm tamdrodth kdd by amill oi tbr WH Wrlfc America Wan aant M ce*ff do Ule United Main Mr* Morten -m We ftrte rtr^rsrjr^1- ewrrinc tW mmlrlon <4 the power* that tb# m^tlola^tla White IWamW#w A—ih obfet at her i|nerrel with Fhrtaday far the post alaiee-i ran \Wa of tbaWa Atlantic and ofGulfbar.Wnrite fsl fa entirely forate* •" tba rani one. row my. t*hm charge Mnmmvoo. Maaa.an Jam h1-OarinCW jA^PQ^ JawJt - Urd HaJwtwrv'a pakaUytteolbff England. wW willtWbanowHI* yenra of tea onWJaa.anther**, IS. roteWW year by a family hrty cd hfc d-mmUnta baWe maant. Mr. U N SatwAarr Oat *f f Lmmax. Jan. i - L n r d SaUabwry'e phyi< Uw nrporl that b- t. proKrri-ins " My and M oat of danger. The Frr. rewptioo at the . reception at tbe borne of Uw tfecratarr of atatr. Uteretary Blalne p n tbe customary breakfait U> tbe i r n h n of tbe fajjjwt. *rd in tbe alHernooa the Miaa* Blaiiie held a f onnaJ raoopiioD. M rs, T. B. Reed anil tba ladln of tbe u l i m l »,.J judicial? a b a e a n rapeptionai tW aeatdlM. Ha bna a good m.mnry. aad 3SW OBLANH, Jan. 3.—The T.o, -*-.-.• m o ci-at'* Oal*«ston (T,-i ) apecfaU mys: "A pri• i M telegram received ber* cirea a n m p r account of a Wipie killing which occurred at hi*a«ila on Monday tTmung- A man named Walker w u flr«d upon by th™e m™ lying in *n.batfa. H* retnnwd thaBra ami - ' a kiltlnc all t bree, bat la the • arwerely wonaded and ii not thu Bfocte Iran i-oinpanj, at Blrdtf.ro, employ l"S over 1.000 band*, hacrtoarrj downoa meeoaat of the < strike of i » nailer* who •aknt /or a rmtoraCkm of tbe 10 per n o b Ukt u uff their wagn n u Une ago. (WV^riW A rmir—T. Karel Me*I BiLmeaz. Jan. Iloyhloa S-Sra* reived at theMeciw John. oniv.•tlya the |—t.In Tokto - of anlvwrffty profmmr offa Japan. RngltahUpon sod hwtery arrjrlr.gT-In Japnn be wmrecwlvad with great a -prctel palace wae gtrr mantsbfa rwMlrsre with* mors than fifty ~waa placed borer* faA them every kingdomway at hwwith die I aealrdMr.ha Brill bfa Wage. KatebeHarrsty proyal ml, and W »o* cmldKB an fawo^l cptetialnr. White at Jobnetreated HopkuM AfU ard. WgW,Raw Tnrt making oalha. MawObcrtwoer family for several yanra bar* bam altenatcd from Wrim Otto aocntal A O-rtea N-wash the brother wasoftbabarenlymode on.,ofwholife,«maodd Rkwask. J«jl X—Thief. AnJewelry ukaown' niteradNE J..U. Andrew*’ ateva by bfa —ter It fa after iherfa tfaekwtesfi daaAh. One of hera of Charles warr* In tfae mf a lawyer at SOS wife Broad-ay. and inGoldstar, tug at X. To n reporter late night Otto Obartonar •Id that hfa teaSar bad token tatf UtUe food daring fellow at Clay mm* Utef. hawaerr.drv * CUM OtWrs who ttva la tW mm n-SSTL” mue^dtete^rJ*iy-et'S'JXJ'ZH at good prices Rhr was bora la Geramwy, CMtmmw. IC.Ja IIt i* aald t town. T b e t r o a b l e . b y a o n ~ whole county •prnwtobe ua um ai N«wegad Vows.*\ bermaa Jam. X craay -Charlea baker, ns and aKilter, remit too mach ilqnldyoungrafreshmeot, whiteof calling on two wonww at hm completed the com^fatlon of anbefore Afrtmn strert, draw a knife and badly KretCherry them white book, which It will tay the Mffat* that bodyol TW book.onIttheia wranasemblioff 11. cm La IniofdoruiaenU a altoded to In tW press, if. Indeed. I Light1 o’clock a broken * (aidwell-Herat -At _ raidaCHy. Pteamat terate car----hi AUrgWey -ell. of Amorim andPrince PrinceMarat, Man Owe Valley of th* borne again Th* driver mya, willarranged. acceptgrantanyhim. allowance that Mta> ami the other fatally Injured. bol ■ Idwall may Th* bad crossed with as electric light -Ire. Parragwl’e Mateocommittee Ordered. of the BoSTon. Jan. 1-TW city oonoctl bavin* Sheridan charge ofand the matter .tatnee of Grant. bnva rejected all<Irani tba and modafa Urnfarrago' farHalms -ab intUad for Urn PWrtdaa art baas approrsd H-nry Hodan. Klta*. Waa eeatemwd to bang Jaa. IA modal Cor the Parragut tea On#, ami nwardwl ■MM mm npa boms of th* HoeL.themJamMrl—Tfae Ricrkold, Vn. Jan.tr-OoaermrP W. railroad at Brandy -toe ba* basal '-•ring the oath of • » Ifkh iawaa30"" °" Tb* book, it ia acid, coataln* documents of great importance which b»r* not hith.rto been alluded to in tbe pnaa, if. Indeed. " KW Y.IRK. Jan. »—Chartaa KiUer. a er, n^ed 45, became craiy aa a remit M mnch liquid reTmhromt, aad while iog on two young women at :fci Cherry •traet, drew a knife and badly cut them both, and tl.™ ran amuck tin ment boote, creating a umi •o die (rum her iniuriaa. TB* CaMwelNllBfat Marrlaaw. LovnOK. Jan. 2.—The Star l a y s t h a t t t v letephone wire fell upon tbe honta drawing marriare between Mha Gwendotlne Cald- a Pleasant Valley rtreet car In Allrgbenj welt, of America and Prince Marat ba* been City. One of tbe bonea m killed inntantl] again arranged. Princ* Marat, Tbe star and tbe other fatally injured. Tbe drire mya, wiU arawpt HIT allbwanc* that Mia jUillutiri nceired .iiKbt •hooka, bo CaMwell may (rant hba. not *erk>o*ly hurt. Tb* broken win . Pel.. 1. Ha will be Mmweded by 111—1| with aaelr«trlc ligUt wire. d Carroll, the pnaaat caneral mt*r. r-at. Mr. Oanlt'a raritrnatlon m BOBTOX, Jan. Z—TI d by tbe dlrrctory deplinUiK to r l m i fit j council haTiog charge of the matter 1 of the -laiiwa of Grant, SbcrMen and Unve rejected all tbe model* thus far » u a (hocking manner in the atraat. of ied PI.) las tha Baajo, luitted for tha Grant and Sberidan *tata ity In broad daylight on Aug. 31, ha* : , H. J., Jan. 3.-John Hopper; a 'UthaT«epprorad Henry Hurb™ KiMrn D anrtevcadtohang Jan. 15. d < t w a n g e d hb baoto modal for the F i m n i i t .taWe. aad award him a contract to eiecul* toe *tato* of beruic ••ize in bronee for ««»*«». * d- . »-lo*o Tnna.Mi, I*. Jk .-»• W>™»- mat a mwtotWffdrwalk imamm on aaaraman eaWweted aaraat andooedtMm t>i»nUII»l«pd|lBtdlklU kikcmUT.Ivh. nU Uon. Ha died la tbaIncity boapftal a W •a. Thu mnpvy pUd • MTitomA o» « p« ntiuatmt^HiA. Jam »-tihtiotty.eb€rta apl A H Bo laa.<* » Philadelphia UrivlBc ffSK Mirtr. a,lira traps TW matrb rami tad W i u m i u n i i , Pa., Jam, a—Tbe Wyoming Axle work*, tbe largest plant of the kind •ta the country, ba* been eold to an aa Ecfltaa " «aJJtoba«a*rlf|!,«W.paW a diTideod of 8 par CLOTHING HOUSE, TB. M Ml CLlOTHING -HOUSE, cellrat authority that Lont Hattabory 1 • early dia*oluti.jii of p«r- HI of i n Afrii W. k !M R*wGalveatnn Gabaa*. Jan. )TtroNa. t-TW Tim-a-Democrat’s <T#« facialgl*w ay> private tafagram nWred a “A anpr boooowtaC a tri|Monday da Mil lineWaa -Web occurred at hiaaonln on evening A ana named Wnlkar waa Brad upon by three man sU-5i£t=aaMas; ** *** ****•m ** i aaaaraly kllllne allwaandad three, bat la the and ia not •n. m•cn o( IW Qwac.nd(i*uH,llmM Handsome Gold-Tip Silk Umbrella. WERNER’S MAMMOTH WERNER'S OMB " PRICKMAMMOTH at Brandywina ha* been M< K I H I J , V»., J.m. i m m r P W. together with two locomoUrea and • large t of macMnery. Loa, P»,000. y waa inaajronted ywjteriay, PniLaMLrau. Jan. S.~t i p t A. H. BoLawn>. of tbe mprefwa M r t , admkngar-ln* and J. F. EJeinz, of ihl* city, abM a th th f l Th aparrow mntch at the Phllad>>ipbia DriTinc sent at one* to hi* ofllce, wber* be ncriv^ Earb man shot at 35 *parrowa«L» •nun; callfra, Tha • ' '" rarli riap. Are tnpa. ips. Tbe ini match multad d.iuelv •-,.,« |*t Th* ( I at a tie. each kiliunt 10 UnJi. TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS in prig's on CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!! CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!! TO CLOSE CLOSE THEki T/JEii ALL ALL OUT OUTAT AT Edeall’s. 20 West Front St . Ed?all’sEdeall's. 20 Weit St. : Eds all's. Grand Display of ofHoliday Holiday Goods, Goods, Wfodteg aft the Mirror., Latest Rorclfaea Bhartag PMare frames, Don* aadlaToysFWU of allDramlag ktoda a*Chaos, Lm thaa lWw aad TartBmoMag prtosa. Bate. Bilk Plush Sacques and and Jackets, Jackets, I. H. H. BOEHM, B0EHM, 77 West West Front Front Street Strep* I’nuwrau.JaB l*TW PhilsAalphto Tariff M bermVear’s stab bald fasTheopening reeewtlr« K-w day. roocna were diteter* -wh a c.teteant atrmm of bnetteai IT ftAHT fRO.vr BTBBKT. THOMPSON PARK, PsopeiktoK. dall. C. B. Brrokrwndg# god other*. THOMPSON PARK, PKOPRIETOK. Ift 4PBI RV, Bars. AHB — toa»l— On,. M. C-. Jm.dnnlrrr>.ry X- _ of tfa> bra ted th* twentyteith PIANOS R™. U .«<, o. p. Ktem.'ton hervyetarday -The Philadelphia Tariff R- f.Kwi d a b b*!d Ita opeoing racepti™ S r « Yntr1* day. Tb* roooaa were erowdrd wiih a c t a t u n t i t m t n of bnaiaXi Birn Lettrn were rod from r-runiiiMmt gentlrBH^. antoag then b-m • ex Prp-i i >ut Ctavaatnd, Hon». J. O. f*rii*Ie. & J. dall, C a. Breckeorid^- and ot her.. MC8IC ROOMS , H EAST PIANOS Us day at other ptenta h ORGAA/Sl •atelde at Madias. R. T-. Jan. X-Wi I Item Lno. R o a , X. T., Jan. a-Wiilfam well-to-do German, lining.at Countj Un ear Medina, commit**.! tnidde by hancing fa hi. barn. Ha ha. been deapondeitt lor n o w time and probabhr killed binuwlf *hil. •aBering frum I. mji.rary mental aberra. «S year, old and leave* a Oiiy. Crrr.years K. KHag #., Jammm A —William hid totewellnightandbyKihanging fa Wtfavad tUa camei uttebte Urn tears* a widowto ba< road betweea taldwall and Hoeeland,e aalttad eaietde laat night by hanging b aaU from a rafter la-fai* bam. DeKlondancy erar I l l i trouble hi brli-Ted to baVf heea tha caax. Be leave* a widow but ao fBuoanu. JamWveft—TW locked oal ■rtaten of TW Prem ham plaoad MkabmaBtifat ($7■iBdw. pm waaky aafala ■tiifa mal—wiei ItliaaU TWPiemhm ■.■■red nearly a faU on la faming Ua a . Jam. t—Ta* lockad oat prialar* at Taa Praai aavb baea plaoed <m ta* ~ baaafA i urt |*T per w*rt» «B*H th»y i aajfcijaiiil al^apaaa UaiaaUtaaa FRO.i r BTBXET. R H I I U t l HV, B A K B , AKD-J JA<««I BBOIIIt Botght, Rmiad and ExehaaaadL How.an <a>y tarmp. R™i (o*p(4r brated the twmty*ixth Mnnir emancipation prDclamjtion her^ s •» There w u a |iarad>-, nit-i ex. ro «« m hi Metropolitan hall. w h * . nu ••!.!•• d U d by M & H l t o r , cukx Tber* ie*re ah» o l w v u the day at other point, in the *taW. aBaerwallMadias, tiedo OrreiM. livingpoirid* at Comity Una. com -ittod by banging asm* time ami probably killed bunealf white J j Tbe CaUbratH i l B W l t H r o i h f ra> Of CHICAGO. J HSIIIK, . « J * » f J55 «!»"• -<t->-kjM x'Jsxx.iSRsAsfsr' ■ T M.u 8BOE. Ad «rtan win be HUM t to aaU and 13SPICT *!•«•> iftM U » r H»«* ; T1 t PLAINFIELD EVENING MEWS, PLAINFIELD, PLAINFIELD EVENING NEWS, PLAINFIELD, N . J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2 , 1 8 9 O . . ***"**—*• MUSIC MU&IO HALljHALL FURNITURE STORE, J., C Mason and Buili'er.and Jobbing Promptly Attended to. . to. pmlplMR P. Ok Baa JVOODEIS^WARE James II. Pope. H. & Bu CANNED GOODSCarpenter Carpenter & Builatr U B B C h. HKLLWIO, , Springville tfca BOUT Peas. Peas. ftittWiaesasg pmaoii . Carpenters & Builders & Builde wlqrpv< ■VI Holiday 3isRl89cJb.««a» u , IS StJHMTT A V B S C C 35iBaggP« to Carta John P. Em John P. Emmoiis BOMHY, PUJiBURT "Bold on, BOW. O**» my OOB • talr » . » — r~"T ni- THURSDAY, FmUUkb 1 L. HEYNIOER, 81 & 83 Somerset S t , LjSUSSaSSfctftffe C *tt2rj3&sxp’ -aJ r» m Our Our Chairs, -Way, aMd Hm mnmn mnm. Chairs, iw * ■*« W^*wefcS,--B Desks, Etc., Etc., «- Desks, Etc., Etc, 34 34 West Front Bt _ West Front Powlison & St Jones •ESSSSS: SsEsKs^*^"^ Powlison* Jones. '^trrsf'SBv <- S^'srtfKg -I'Jk!- «-! o— N. W>UU« *uvn Practical Presents J°BLaf85 1 11 • T R. Carpenter c. Maaoa nsSmith. QOOD 0TTALTTT FLAurnzu* and iosutiui. and BRICK /JCWDQTTALTTT P.O. BOX«1. W. J. F n n a , Ho. 1ft V I M M M L H. • Qayta, Ha M Em* Btxmi rtnM. Ail work,aiau|«j attaiiM to. Gko. CONOVEK, Conover, GEO. .. rURHITUM AID FUTOBT tout—i nAwrnu> Hriltoil amp do»raasprcaae» uxt hotatcomo. J|*a t.MWt»^lkMB| »7 -wSiwiS. f. t o. 1 mi— Furniture MovedMo RAOAaArcSiSgvgs^Taaa “' --— and Builder. rS“?>-a-*s Isaac Sctibnet,Scribner, R* VLB ATERCR NORTH PLAINPBLO Moved Mo P. O BOX Pianos «tt The Dime T H E DIME f Pa-m Carpenter and Beiidcr, N* ** ■!.Sa W-MU1 « vinos HM Institution SAVINGS INSTITUTIOJ P. CASEY & SON Barkalew & 'Dunn,& Barkalew Dunn, AmtUBGImBmm*.SEARCH, CKtAM OIOTI. BTC^ rtm* ImbalR-c: JOHN John JOHNSTON,Johnston, PLA15 FIELD. H. J.. Fine Groceries, Groceries, *n»MM pwyram «• a BBS ^ BROOK »■»U-HMw QUALITY ma* l BOUND*1 IMa raO* af ROUTE. ibra* C IS iS North Avenue, North Avenue, COAL COAL ' flauipielo. s. YARD AWD omcm VXLUAM WHITE, Tkm Tn*Imt. STEPHENSON South AVK3SUE. Avenue. TEA. THREE DRINK THE THREE [B.B. TEA. HE r&ssia^wiRa*18 P. O. BOX l£.VTiXiu-»* MW. i rV".'' On* L*M» J^ICHAfcD H- DATS AWAY*» n TbSnzr — GIVEN — GIVEN AWAY Have jurt received 1. a LAKPSfl w BCRHELR noaa POT1TI City Liver>' Stables Lively Stables ARRIVAL ARD DCPAHT U«6 d.Of MAILS Five Cent Counter. WHICH WE WILL HILL FUR Cent WBBdTeau^m^te wd ir,b (RBawlw.R IRB.BAB.lINtk-.liajJBAW. 75 Gts per Ctsbushelper bushel H. Laing Eugene M. Laing SO. 0 FAKE tvnrui. ELECTRIC blkhcla BATHH. ~AW-aBlB«rp.a. M wdmla 1* QCAKTmm or•Ml two UrtBMIMI^Bl A. . -li.w. B>walL QLAHH IMwart FOR wlRUTH AND EO Mrs. OR WORK. OR •BEST b*1 TOTSPOTATOES ROkwai A J„ I» liwaBIROLE ODUW J. M. Dunn, DMowaUBi J. RVAHEL. THE Mrs. n,aaalR,B Dr. D R . GRIFKKN, THE MARKET. ORBEK Griffkn,WITHOUT German and French Get man and French RELAY Or ^ ItoB to »wrwnu.y. Tw«|. Ulnl I Ib Ml0.7 n— lb#Uttnrf I7VOTUW aBwiwt-wJd Ik. R. MR. F.IW» F. F.Bonnets IIand EI.LWIG, MR. F. HELLWIG, Hats 1 R. Ik.W. RICE W. & Co. RICE & Co. Rheumatism, Mb.-I bow, ]W aathor, tk.wko wa. Jwl |U*|I*> rm a w. 1>».Rn#b aa »A» R-• urOftnis flowers, 1 at IS ba FWIb and batwaaa S sad .Vww ComaWi»*■ PrawM. Woara ■BI irj -mU itrtr I.70 GROCERS. Or* iBaRR aww- o***k a m. Ompsss. tMtwha, DM..— CuwMl*w»rM, By mm«W UBfoOMwiL, >al Fr**.<v«ip aramlly.•"'V'JJ'RB CwMal "MNMaww WMR •« M Fl—I Ducr and Emily and St$r, •matwtm* limily StSr, Km* Braood rarac. c -Linke, Linke, mBT' NORTH PLAIREIE1.D CBadaaRWUa *-anilt7° Frank *-YOOr a .cm* MB. t-jood mj*rt; t»F«wd Jufew-Your mm *7 . 144 West Front St, Wes SW. ar. and I am afraid you will Sara I* ItMMlKFIWPS te—tloaaaajlm You »ffwr M b» wow Joseph Krewsor., XJTACUrTBR. TOL1PR CHOtmBBB ACUTIBB,TULI»,CBOCDSIB t job boaorl-M m maaa Uttarai samjarr Louis B. Coddington B. tarPrtmn-r—Oonkta a Mr», your —'-7«orloT*BtoJ. »u*y.) siRwratmi, CRnr.) gKE THt COWPARBON. -IWIMM «HP **• nn*»* mm wi ✓ Furniture Express wear PROHT / Express «n raUraly Bg£»K2£ akm, mwI 1,m9mIbMhU, *. . stiOL too.Amy—You Hr. DoOnl Jl ortm Minnd h i ol EAST “^T WEST. BAST "SS" WEST. IMM*n wan nawr C j & K i r a S—wZ * - ^ ^ iipaniia DH-7-Y-, M-i-r.-tfl you ram* I W p. o. Bo* m JMwaosnuwn n ■»>■, FORwn amHA LB BY Aaaj-Tnal' B wLaT^Tl ..I . —I Si"*pSSsa"5~i - r-s=: rroRigli n FHWiifT SSmK&MfaHtyar minSm* m (M7 •fcma.-Wrar Tort Sw. A. Yaw T R BBPCBT, Na, l»B MW (UanUnnu Meta. tiMWerabr «F*M-tr Mgbk. A ESUSg M. GRIFFEN., M. GRIFFEN, EXPRESS a cast non nsitr. Moving Pianos.Pianos. Movi "Moving A NiceH. Grocer N.and Assortment e Assottment : Spencer, A^rrzjriPtSL1 USE SCATTER-CORNS SCATTER-CORNS Holiday Presents, SI-M K n m t m a . At •mmllmj**. Presents, Nc«il*i » « « < * • • • »"•• READER KNOW KNOW VIA. DBBRBLLAR aMOKINO BILK VmjsrsLst HABDREADER «■ «*• aittffBsK&sssg KKXCBIXFS.BLUE JACKBTR SLOVBB OB ALL KIBOR SCBPBBOBBR t«ir-Dar boy. rraH he** •*« 2kgy»wM. ad?W MB Hl3R‘ ma. fm raally iwbUcwdtaknkh RBCKWKAR PUB CAPR ROBBKR SaateaMlbYS* ms today.-' OOATR BTC. ETC COATS, era, R C FUR CAPS, CANNED CANNED GOODS CAPS, GOODS SUBE SURE CCRECURE OBtRlIey Brothers, O.M. DUN HAM’S BkaMBW Matt Market. O M.DUNHAM'S Toaamv-My mprnmbm la tor* IWSbetorand *ow — *n»ft beta* Mora army ~L RHEUMATISM U. B. CRANE'S, Howell’s Grocery, £/. ^ff. CRANE'S, Howeh's Grocety, Desirable Building Lots ——srsisrtcYitr— * a PARK AVKBDK LuTt-.i.wiw bm—-nl Part.—w, Ba W NORTH AVENUE, VapourVapor Baths Baths R. F. M. Chase, •r"Dmaonobr*youf* of sSd aay borkind.*SraraaftSulphur Wm . J. Stiphenso*, J. Stephenson, fa. ^YouY ggteijwaSjra j PVm. A. JVoodru, CATERER TUNIS JLCARBY Xbei b.LifeTitsworth, S. TitBwonh, INSURANCE, Z. L. J/. FRENCH, M. FRENCH, Life Insurance,Inaufsnce.TUNIS J. CARE Y PAWNBROKER Cream Dealer, Cream •‘aS.'SSTVSBDealer, Fine Carriages, Ice Carriages, L»on A, Giylord.A, . . . F Gaylord, Don U R NMatcriala, ITURE Samuel Samuel Dreier, Dreier, All ^// Styles, Styles, Lumber, Masons Materials, Moon, FURNITU Lumber, , SSrS12raLtiBS. 55«a All AllQualities, Qualities, IA M RDNVONM& SOU — ROKfON '^S^.'MSTr & CABTCTB, SOS BBonme mtmiorm. O tML MADIBOK KIMNB AVBrni AM) »RO»T AVKNUS Undrrtair-t « y £m«o'»t»c»|lx. andX. E. Morgans. COR AID PROBTBuckle,&r \ aCmMman MorgROR Woohton &r All AllPrices Prices. Woolston Buckle, Bought and Newsdealer, Stationery, rtc Stationery, etc Sold. iNewidealer, K 1IIDI vi mKNUR aE P ABipaia brpabir«t|| " n t. wm fwb —». W ROHTH A\ UPSTAIRS, IS AITD 10 BOMU ^’Sbb-^b.woMm: •"■'Km •kWatraarly a i n n bnad ai k w p thi. nwrolng. Tnunp—Tto«u excuM OH kBT»~; teniv. k»t i w w O y a o d hmnTllj onw. l a m BOW i«.|iai»l *o tarrnkk * •yialai ^o-lity of brie*. I har* donMri tb* foriair capi^TO< my yard and MMM! M a y i » - PTJBJIITURS AJTO n t l T O B T B X P R B W SSUE.HOaTH I P. O. BOX « L gtndMit-Tw, profaa — L • FrrfMKH-(sOTtrelJJ—Bat tfacj • » • « • * # la the pi iiiina of gi PLAISF1ELJ), X J.. •OUMD BHOOK BOUTE. * PLA1SPIELI'. S. I. « d^NMfti p»y»W* on dc, with ttamt M lb.nMeCtbn.rn YARD A i m OPTICS P. O. BOX 1*17. Dptw U H | k aod otkar * * - * iCHABDB. DATV HAVE JTJST RECHVBO W 8CSH1UJ3 * O « B r O T l T O WHICH WB WILL 8ELL FOll n ; H, P. BAJJ~™, O n . Wtm. A»t. ( AMD DEPART IVAL AMD DEPAR UREi OF M W « 4 Ptnrtb K PhM « « c eUBPaWMB to M Q par ' «ttar of a •>feator onr, Ua. m.; l : « * o d 5:80 p. Bk IK QUANTITIES OF TWO BU8HKLB «vi OR MORK. OR * C f l T I A B1SQL* BBEL. TBK BEST FOTATOBB IS B MAWKKT. OBI>JCR Y OF' Rp. 5 PAHK A V KITUK. KLBCTfUC BATHH. •> • p i L A B S rOH BOYB AHD SIRLB r*8HlOBABLB M -J.INBR, F M OBk* open. »t 7 Ik^JV J^d^OBN ^_ OROCER8, • ^-^ "Why. y ~ , " ««id tiia i j p n c h o w »ltfc **1 A c n U think that yon mold irriU ] a * •houl M h i t H j o o c a i thtok.--Som«-rtlto*««• T8MBCB T f uatll S:30 p. n . to NORTH PI.AINKIELD. n, ilr, and I am afraid you will b*<ra to b . amt to an uylum. To« appMr to tja BOB lATXDKXPOBT " n ^ w r - C k m U B C y w pot m» « • e U J-»T for » U r m , jour honor ( - U > - * t CiU—: O K THE COHPABI8ON. A I H T - T H I Hrt yon, Mr. Dolfcyl — • , Doltoy-Y*!, Hka Amy, until yo« banw«. BICOB with my tkoagfala. Amy—Tuafi i b w I add. Voai M * « ( M y k k » . - ! » • • Tort 8VB. FOR HALE BT < dwrp. d rBUCHT, No. 9 UOBBBI I* EAST f B O B T KTRIET. JOM.—W>U, I doo-» w m H w r j - W h o , that pairing OB » • •id.of t b . r t n . t r ChT*»7—Dor boy, yonil h # w »o MM. n o really too («U K «rf W Inok ( tkaa tbo mVhU. of tfca BtrMt •Mto QLOVTB O f ALL KI« D8. a IS PARK AVSBTJK ASD: BEAT, E^TATB on «li AfthlM o* J»wi : m » PMICT-I Prop«tJ. • •! . i IMPOBTKB FLOWSBB, PLAINFIELD EVENING NEWS. PLA1NFIEED, N. J., THURSI1AV, JANUARY 2 , 1 8 9 O . Perfect Parlor Staves. WHEN THEY •WliliE CALLED TOE OLD WORLD'S RECORD StfflSBIBE DOUBLE IBATCtti, Othello Range*, If You Seek an Important Date You May Find It Here. i . at SCFI lalidadlinM partun lor uoptaaatca. av Tous c m for Soahaacr u d Uaar. riiim ¥«iaitiimmt W P. Fry* froa A. M: GRIFFBN, I M O M wooU «Wi to tad»U in taa noort —tb»omittn«l,andttfc.»i«r»r.qait» illfcia •a* p i — * * « — t t a l r a a d i M a t h a fan- IS BAST PKORT Stout,Spencer & Co.'s ILW.fi to Spate: J. F^BwaX nrtal Sanitaty Plumbers METAL WORKERS. I- fcmaHi otPl«o«*ai Made CARNEY BROS. t ifcadteaBnaafnataWaaofSarTf ai ••mnn.umll* ud WMtan S. R. D W Mutw, Hot Air Fuiftaces, Stoves and Ranges. NEW STYLES ALL AKU WWTER DBESS GOMHL Oil-Cloth and Carpets 0OOD8 A M GOOD AHD PBIOEB »n M • " 1. itm M. Ttnliininriiilllit • I T I I H. A. POPE, •MM^iiMiiirflfcM •on for • new BrooUra by Dr. TilMJLtfB. Wgrtd'ichusiAmlup W»B b r U t s K a v Tort & IMkia(oiMnl 1 TTOUJB trwl upon rtoum Mnkcn la M r ; « pwaaa klltad, MO.00O m l n n ea nmlMrMyrawdUHnrid. tad AH*jb«tr K. a Bid u i M t r f o l n 1 1.111 buk LouBnKkKI; U rtor. a*wl M. la St. 9 i; n W. H. Baraer. antoce of « SecrHarj t* BUM T. F uKhdar •a. W. L BBBHIN BBBHI I Mlain _ Ojwr. s i n ii i r mlilaai nai ported from OtUunL DtplonwUM W W u b l « v « nfaw B » * a t t a | U i Ca^iaiatll la Sow York. Oraod Trunk K. & c f i l I M H floaaaj EXPERIENCE MAKES PERfECI I » D U k> « Clil.*«n K . W . ITnr bM**aa CoL J . X . Baw» aad Cbi W. C 16U a dt ft Oanadaw partlanwat m m w d & btauusr Car «f Imrla m t t tbt •ohnrlar, cma 00 bj Bdcar B*aa, MB- •L VaMKr 8 u t « mm l a i n aw Otjf Matt—I bank, lypa. atem. «a> O. J. D. Fbdi, pardcae* br Pnal ika C n W t w m wtmltud to prelwtr In Clil •urrajr. T S Miailaahtll Co., BSMoa pork pank- cats; S1.WU10P M t *> nlatioa*. frtonchi w i B.Y. D W r ek»HU™. u d **.sm>,0J» to found U » i Joan Cnrar KtarafT la Oka«D. I. Catted » I H Diplomatic Oorm, J R a. PU. kia, H U M W IteATEaaUai Benbuc Witb<ln*xl«r FHBBDawaitka TINWOEK 1 P- 8- IMplnaat^cOcrf. T h d — tt M, 0. & l^ad Ointialtiiiair. U A. Oroff tbe ktuv't cult for Lbrl. aV h r a r l l oxnmiiicHi ndjounKd lo Oct. N, •alb Low. of Braotln, akntad R. a U r r i a n s f t h e D n k e o f n f a w d t a e r a R. THORN'S* 2 Park Avenue % Ipaakar U. 8. How a( fc|i—Hlhu. T ft Isaac Brokaw, ESTATE Fire Insurance, K. Oai>nr> B. Paadlaua. >|«« H Beam I n r i formed at Jiwnwtnna u d okwBHaCort.oUikU « t o r . oMarud.XLlu.lt —isssr Messenger Set vice B.&O. Telegraph C* k. WetU'a Cair coccattaa a t St. Joscpe, Ma, patted r»~,l <;. •!.- In I t v V n r U a a U r i a Ika wax. i