Furnish & Install Emergency Generator for the Botanical Garden (Bldg. No. 2461) INDEX TO SPECIFICATIONS Table of Contents SECTION NUMBER TITLE PAGES General Specifications 01010 01300 01700 Summary of Work Submittals Contract Closeout 1 4 2 Technical Specifications Electrical Specifications 16010 16110 16123 16130 16170 16190 16195 16310 16400 PPD NO. 1214556 Electrical General Provisions Raceways Building Wire & Cable Boxes Grounding & Bonding Supporting Devices Electrical Identification Generators Distribution Equipment 7 4 4 3 3 3 3 15 3 BID NO. 25381888 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 Summary of Work Section 01010 SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK A. Work shall include all labor, materials, and equipment to install a new emergency generator set at the Botanical Garden Horticulture Green House (Bldg. No. 2461) for the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, in accordance with specifications and accompanying drawings. B. Contractor shall perform all requisite cutting and patching of existing surfaces and building components to install required systems under this Contract. All work shall match existing conditions. 1.2 ALTERNATE BIDS A. There are no alternate bids for this contract. END OF SECTION 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 SUBMITTALS SECTION 01300 SECTION 01300 SUBMITTALS 1 GENERAL A. SECTION INCLUDES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. Submittal procedures. Construction progress schedules. Proposed Products list. Shop Drawings. Product Data. Samples. Manufacturer's installation instructions. Manufacturers' certificates. RELATED SECTIONS Section 01700 - Contract Closeout: Contract warranties, bonds, manufacturers' certificates, and closeout submittals. C. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 1. Transmit each submittal with a transmittal form. 2. Sequentially number the transmittal form. Revise submittals with original number and a sequential alphabetic suffix. 3. Identify Project, Contractor, Subcontractor, or supplier; pertinent drawing and detail number, and specification section number, as appropriate. 4. Apply Contractor's stamp, signed or initialed certifying that review, verification of Products required, field dimensions, adjacent construction Work, and coordination of information, is in accordance with the requirements of the Work and Contract Documents. 5. Schedule submittals to expedite the Project, and deliver to Design Professional at the University of Georgia, Physical Plant Division. Coordinate submission of related items. 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 SUBMITTALS SECTION 01300 6. For each submittal for review, allow 10 working days excluding delivery time to and from the contractor. 7. Identify variations from Contract Documents and Product or system limitations which may be detrimental to successful performance of the completed Work. 8. Provide space for Contractor and Design Professional review stamps. 9. Revise and resubmit, identify all changes made since previous submission. 10. Distribute copies of reviewed submittals as appropriate. Instruct parties to promptly report any inability to comply with provisions. 11. Submittals not requested will not be recognized or processed. D. E. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES 1. Submit initial schedule in duplicate within 15 days after date established in Notice to Proceed. 2. Revise and resubmit as required. 3. Submit revised schedules with each application for payment, identifying changes since previous version. 4. Submit a computer generated horizontal bar chart with separate line for each section of Work, identifying first work day of each week. PROPOSED PRODUCTS LIST 1. Within 15 working days after date of Notice to Proceed, submit list of major products proposed for use, with name of manufacturer, trade name, and model number of each product. 2. For products specified only by reference standards, give manufacturer, trade name, model or catalog designation, and reference standards. 2 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 SUBMITTALS SECTION 01300 F. SHOP DRAWINGS 1. Submit the number of opaque reproductions which Contractor requires, plus two copies which will be retained by Design Professional. 2. Standard Detail Drawings: Submit manufacturer's standard details for review. After review, produce copies and distribute in accordance with the SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES article above and for record documents purposes described in Section 01700 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT. G. PRODUCT DATA 1. Submit the number of copies which the Contractor requires, plus two copies which will be retained by the Design Professional. 2. Mark each copy to identify applicable products, models, options, and other data. Supplement manufacturers' standard data to provide information unique to this Project. 3. After review distribute in accordance with the Submittal Procedures article above and provide copies for record documents described in Section 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT. H. SAMPLES 1. Submit samples to illustrate functional and aesthetic characteristics of the Product, with integral parts and attachment devices. Coordinate sample submittals for interfacing work. 2. Submit samples of finishes from the full range of manufacturers' standard colors, textures, and patterns for Design Professional selection. 3. Include identification on each sample, with full Project information. 4. Submit the number of samples specified in individual specification sections; one of which will be retained by Design Professional. 5. Reviewed samples which may be used in the Work are indicated in individual specification sections. 3 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 SUBMITTALS SECTION 01300 I. MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. When specified in individual specification sections, submit printed instructions for delivery, storage, assembly, installation, start-up, adjusting, and finishing, to Design Professional in quantities specified for Product Data. 2. Indicate special procedures, perimeter conditions requiring special attention, and special environmental criteria required for application or installation. J. MANUFACTURER CERTIFICATES 1. When specified in individual specification sections, submit certification by manufacturer to Design Professional, in quantities specified for Product Data. Indicate material or Product conforms to or exceeds specified requirements. 2. Submit supporting reference data, affidavits, and certifications as appropriate. 3. Certificates may be recent or previous test results on material or Product, but must be acceptable to Design Professional. K. PRODUCTS Not Used. L. EXECUTION Not Used. END OF SECTION 4 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT SECTION 01700 SECTION 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. B. C. D. 1.2 1.3 FINAL CLEANING A. Execute final cleaning prior to final project assessment. B. Clean exterior glass and surfaces stained during work under this contract. C. Remove waste and surplus materials, construction facilities from the site. rubbish, and ADJUSTING A. 1.4 Final Cleaning Adjusting Project Record Documents Warranties Adjust operating products and equipment to ensure smooth and unhindered operation. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Maintain on site, one set of the following record documents; record actual revisions to the Work: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Specifications Addenda Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract Reviewed Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples Manufacturer’s instruction for assembly, installation, and adjusting Ensure entries are complete and accurate, enabling future reference by Owner. 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT SECTION 01700 C. Store record documents separate from documents used for construction. D. Record information concurrent with construction progress. E. Specifications: Legibly mark and record at each Product section description of actual Products installed, including the following: 1. 2. 3. F. Record Documents and Shop Drawings: Legibly mark each item to record actual construction including: 1. 1.5 2 Manufacturer’s name and product model and number Product substitutions or alternates utilized Changes made by Addenda and modifications Details not on original Contract drawings WARRANTIES A. Execute and assemble transferable warranty document from Subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers. B. Submit prior to final Application for Payment. PRODUCTS Not Used. 3 EXECUTION Not Used. END OF SECTION 2 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 16010 SECTION 16010 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. All general provisions of Contract, Drawings and specifications sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 QUALITY CRITERIA: A. The requirements of this Section apply to all Sections of Division 16 and to other Divisions of Work when referenced to Division 16. 1.3 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Completeness of work: Provide all wiring, connections and miscellaneous accessories necessary for the complete installation of and final connections to equipment furnished. Make all final connections to such, including installation of all special devices furnished with such equipment, and furnish all material necessary that is not supplied with the special equipment. B. Provide access to equipment and apparatus requiring operation, service or maintenance within the life of the system. C. Drawings indicate locations of fixtures, apparatus, equipment and raceways and while these are to be followed as closely as possible, if it is necessary to change the location of same prior to initial installation to accommodate building conditions, make changes without additional cost to the Owner. D. Locations of equipment and apparatus as indicated on the Drawings, if any, are approximate; connections shall be made to such equipment as actually installed. 1.4 CODES AND STANDARDS: A. Materials specified by reference to a specific standard such as the American Society of Testing Materials, Underwriters' Laboratories, American National Standards Institute, Federal Specifications, a trade association standard, or other similar standard shall comply with the requirements in the latest revision thereof, in effect at the time of bidding, except as limited by type, class or grade, or modified in such reference. B. UL listed Products: Provide all materials, equipment, and apparatus with Underwriters' label for all items where such labels are available. Items which are not Underwriter' labeled will not be acceptable if labeled equipment can be obtained from approved manufacturer. 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 16010 C. Code Compliance: The work under this Division shall comply with the latest edition of the following standards and codes: Federal Occupation Safety and Health Act National Fire Protection Association Publication Number 70 (National Electrical Code) National Fire Protection Association Publication Number 72E (Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems) National Fire Protection Association Publication Number 78 (Lightning Protection Code) National Fire Protection Association Publication Number 101 (Life Safety Code) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) National Fire Protection Association Publication Number 110 (Emergency and Standby Power Systems) All applicable local codes 1.5 SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS: A. Provide - As used herein shall mean "furnish, install, and connect complete." B. Wiring - As used herein shall mean "wire or cable, installed in raceway with all required boxes, fittings, connectors, and accessories, completely installed. C. Work - As used herein shall be understood to mean the materials completely installed, including the labor involved. D. The drawings, if any, show the approximate location of apparatus. Do not scale the drawings to determine exact positions and clearances. Obtain from the field any necessary dimensions not shown. Notify the Owner immediately of any changes in the size or location of the material or equipment which may be necessary in order to meet field conditions, or in order to avoid conflict with other equipment. Obtain the Owner's approval before such deviations are made. 2 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 16010 1.6 RECORD DRAWINGS: A. Upon completion of the Project, the Contractor shall submit a complete set of Mylar reproducible indicating as-built conditions of all electrical equipment, apparatus, and raceways, and incorporating changes made during construction. B. A record of as-built conditions shall be kept throughout the Project and shall be used in the preparation of the final record drawings. 1.7 CONTINUITY OF SERVICES: A. Obtain approval from the Owner at least 7 days prior to any utility interruption or system outage unless otherwise stated on the drawings. B. Perform work at such time and in such manner as to cause minimum inconvenience to the Owner and only as approved by the Owner. No allowance will be made for lack of knowledge of existing conditions. 1.8 SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS: A. Electric distribution is 12,400/7,200 volts, 3 phase, 4 wire, solidly ground. 1.9 WORKING HOURS: A. Figure labor costs based on all work being done during normal working hours, except as specifically called for by the Owner. 1.10 SHOP DRAWINGS: A. Mark shop drawings indicating the particular make, model number, accessories, options, and specification paragraph numbers. B. Submit shop drawings as described in Section 16124.1.4. 1.11 MAINTENANCE DATA: A. Submit three manuals in hardback three ring loose leaf binders, covering details of operation and maintenance for all apparatus requiring service including: Title page with job name, Contractor's name, addresses and telephone numbers. Index sheet Manufacturers' operating and maintenance manuals, including parts lists, for each piece of equipment or device and accessory requiring service or maintenance, the guarantee period and the name, address and phone number of the nearest sales and service organization for each item. 3 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 16010 Copies of approved shop drawings Complete description of functions and operations of each piece of equipment including description of how equipment operates. Instructions for cleaning, lubricating, routine inspections, tests, and similar maintenance procedures. Step-by-step procedures for starting, stopping, and operating each system. Copies of inspection certificates provided by the authority having jurisdiction. Approved start and completion guarantee dates. B. All contents shall be typewritten. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: A. Each piece of apparatus shall be of the customary standard and quality furnished by the designated manufacturer for that catalog number. B. All electrical materials shall be new and listed by the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., shall meet their requirements, and shall bear their label wherever standards have been established and label service is regularly furnished by this agency. C. Where standards have not been established by the Underwriters' Laboratories and label service or certification service is not available, the manufacturer shall certify that the material has been manufactured, assembled, and tested in accordance with the applicable standards specified. D. Except where specific instructions are included herein, materials shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations. 2.2 SUBSTITUTIONS: A. Catalog numbers and trade names in these specifications and noted on the Drawings or Specifications are intended to describe the material, devices, or apparatus wanted. In case of single-name specifications, similar materials of other manufacturers, when in the opinion of the Owner are of equal quality, capacity and character may be submitted for approval. Materials submitted for prior approval shall have the Contractor's stamp affixed on it. 4 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 16010 2.3 SLEEVES AND CORES: A. Where specified or required, sleeves shall be standard weight steel conduit except sleeves for concealed conduit through floors not in structural members, and through interior drywall construction may be 26 gauge galvanized sheet metal. B. Conduits penetrating walls below grade shall be sealed with a waterproof, modular, mechanical expansion seal consisting of interlocking synthetic rubber links shaped to continuously fill the annular space between the pipe and wall opening. C. When pouring concrete on slabs above grade, plastic core form block-outs may be used to form sleeve openings. When block outs are removed, the metal sleeves shall be installed. D. Sleeves and other openings through fire-rated floors and partitions shall be sealed after installation of conduits, cables, etc., in a manner to maintain the fire rating of the separation. E. Fire retardant shall be UL classified in accordance with ASTM E814-1983 (UL 1479). Acceptable products are General Electric RTV Silicone Foam, Thomas and Betts Flamesafe, 3M Company 303 Fire Barrier, or Flammadur E473. Forming and backing material installed with the sealant shall be bulk ceramic fiber or rigid fiberboard rated for 2300 °F, except the Dow ethylfoam board shall be used for forming and backing material with Flammadur E473. 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PROTECTION OF WORK DURING CONSTRUCTION: A. Provide protective covers, skids, plugs or caps to protect equipment and materials from damage and deterioration during construction. B. Store equipment and material under cover, and off the ground or floors exposed to rain. C. For outdoor storage, protective covers of 10 mil thick black sheet plastic shall be fitted. Covers shall be reinforced to withstand wind and precipitation. Set equipment and material on skids or platforms of height to avoid deterioration from splattering and ground water. D. Provide dust and debris protection for all equipment operated during construction. 5 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 16010 E. Protect all equipment against theft and vandalism prior to turnover to Owner. 3.2 CLEANING: A. Remove all stickers, rust, stains, labels, and temporary covers before final acceptance. B. Foreign matter shall be blown, vacuumed, flushed, or cleaned out of and from equipment, raceways, devices, controls and enclosures. C. Clean and polish identification plates. 3.3 EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: A. Do all cutting and repairing of walls, floors, and ceilings, including finishes, necessary for the installation of the electrical work. B. Exterior building walls below grade shall not be pierced by hanger bolts. C. All equipment shall be installed and connected as specified and indicated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Furnish and install all electrical connections and similar items recommended by the manufacturer for proper operation. D. Equipment operated prior to date of substantial completion shall be maintained in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.4 INSTRUCTION OF OPERATING PERSONNEL: A. Arrange formal instruction sessions, not less than 1 working day duration, for the Owner's operating personnel, covering: General familiarization and operating procedures for the entire installation. 3.5 PAINTING: A. Walls, ceilings, and floors requiring cutting or patching shall be painted after repairs to match existing finishes. B. Finishes of factory painted apparatus shall be touched up where finish is marred in installation. C. Where galvanizing is broken during fabrication or installation, recoat exposed areas with cold galvanizing compound. 6 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 16010 D. Conduits, raceways, boxes and supports exposed to open view, without removing ceilings or access panels, shall be painted 2 coats of rust preventive paint to match adjacent wall or ceiling finishes. 3.6 COORDINATION: A. Provide offsets, transitions, and fittings as required to coordinate the installation with existing conditions. 3.7 TESTING: A. At the final inspection of the work, a thorough test shall be made in the presence of the Owner or his representative and the entire installation shall be shown to be in perfect working condition. B. Field testing shall be performed as specified in Section 16124.3.2. 3.8 EXAMINATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS: A. Visit and examine carefully those portions of the site and/or present buildings affected by this work and to become familiar with existing conditions and difficulties that will attend the execution of the work, before submitting proposals. B. Submission of a proposal will be construed as evidence that such examination has been made and later claims for labor, equipment, or materials required because of difficulties encountered, which could have been foreseen had such examination been made, will not be recognized. END OF SECTION 7 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 RACEWAYS Section 16110 SECTION 16110 RACEWAYS 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Work in this Section consists of the installation of raceways and is part of each Division 16 Section referring to raceways specified herein. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Install all wiring and cables in raceways unless otherwise specified. B. Route raceways exposed, or concealed in ceilings, walls, below floors or underground, as hereinafter specified and indicated by symbols on the Drawings. C. Each length of conduit shall bear the manufacturer's trademark or stamp. D. The plans indicate the general location of outlet boxes and raceways. Conduit runs may be modified at the time of installation to adapt to building conditions. E. Types of raceways in this Section include the following: Electric Metallic Tubing (EMT) Flexible Metal Conduit Rigid Metal Conduit Surface Metal Raceway 1.3 SYMBOLS: A. Provide conduit sizes in accordance with the National Electrical Code; minimum size of conduits in framed walls or in accessible ceiling spaces shall be 1/2"; minimum size of conduit concealed in floor slabs, in grade, or cast-in-concrete, shall be 3/4"; minimum size of flexible conduit shall be 1/2". 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING: A. Electric metallic tubing shall be electro or hot-dipped galvanized steel and approved only for the following applications unless otherwise specified: Concealed in columns, chases, walls, and suspended ceiling spaces. 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 RACEWAYS Section 16110 Exposed raceways in unfinished areas, not subject to physical damage. Connectors and couplings shall be malleable iron or steel, galvanized or cadmium plated compression type with insulated throats and code approved for each application. B. Acceptable Manufacturers: Allied Tube & Conduit Corporation Efcor, Inc. Georgia Tubing Corporation Republic Steel Corporation Wheatland Tube Company 2.2 FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT: A. Flexible metal conduit shall be galvanized steel and used for final connections to all vibrating equipment, lighting fixtures and where shown on the plans. Where conduit must be fished through existing chases or wall cavities. B. Use weather proof flexible conduit outside. C. Acceptable Manufacturers: Alflex Corporation American Flexible Conduit Company Cerro Wire & Cable Corporation Steelflex Electro Corporation 2.3 RIGID METAL CONDUIT: A. Rigid metal conduit shall be hot-dipped galvanized steel and is approved for all applications unless otherwise specified. B. Connectors and couplings shall be threaded galvanized malleable iron and steel. C. Locknuts shall be of the type with sharp edges that will bite into enclosure where connected. D. Bushings shall be brown or black, of the high temperature type. E. Acceptable Manufacturers: Allied Tube & Conduit Corporation Efcor, Inc. Triangle PWC, Inc. Wheatland Tube Company F. Rigid metal conduit shall be used as follows: 2 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 RACEWAYS Section 16110 Where no other conduit is allowed to be used In grade below slab In slab on grade 2.4 SURFACE METAL RACEWAY: A. Surface Metal Raceway shall consist of base and cover sections, completely factory assembled and painted with a baked enamel finish suitable for overpainting at the jobsite. B. The manufacturer shall also offer a complete line of matching fittings, boxes, adapters, etc. for use with the raceway. C. The raceway and all associated boxes and fittings shall meet the requirements of NEC article 352A and shall be U.L. listed per UL-5. D. The raceway and fittings shall be Wiremold 500 or 700 series or as indicated on the drawings. Cable capacity of raceway shall be field coordinated with quantity and size of cables being installed. E. Surface Metal Raceway and matching boxes shall be used for all interior raceway installations exposed to open view in all corridors, offices, instructional areas, restrooms, and other similar public areas. Surface Metal Raceway shall not be used in exposed areas such as mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, and machine rooms. 3 EXECUTION 3.1 RACEWAY INSTALLATION: A. Install the raceway systems complying with manufacturer's written instructions, applicable requirements of NEC, NEMA, and NECA's "Standard of Installation" and in accordance with recognized industry practice. B. The raceway installation shall be coordinated with other trades. The layout indicated on the drawings is diagramatic. Offsets in conduit are not indicated and shall be furnished as required. C. Where raceways must pass through structural members, approval from the Owner shall be obtained with respect to location and size of hole prior to drilling. D. Raceways that pass through expansion joints shall be provided with expansion fittings approved for the application. E. Exposed raceways shall be run parallel with or at right angles to the building walls. F. Raceways shall be secured in place and protected where necessary to prevent damage to the work during construction. Refer to Section: SUPPORTING DEVICES for specific support requirements and methods. 3 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 RACEWAYS Section 16110 G. Installation of raceways shall be complete and shall be blown out and swabbed clear of water and trash prior to pulling wire. H. Install junction boxes where necessary to avoid excessive runs or too many bends. Refer to Section "BOXES" for specific box types and requirements. 3.2 ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING: A. Electrical metallic tubing stubbed up from floor or down from ceiling space and not connected to an enclosure shall terminate with an insulated throat connector. 3.3 RIGID METAL CONDUIT: A. Rigid metal conduit shall be secured to metal enclosures with two locknuts. B. Insulated bushings shall be installed at all connections to cabinets and boxes. Terminate stub-ups not attached to enclosures with an insulated throat, grounding bushing. C. Commercial conductive pipe joint compound shall be applied to the male threads on all threaded joints and fittings. D. Connections shall be wrench tight and where subject to ground water, rain or spray shall be watertight. E. Treat metallic conduit fittings buried in earth or gravel with one of the following: Two coats of asphaltum, field applied. A plastic coating, factory applied. Spiral wrapped, half lapped, 20 mil plastic tape, field applied. 3.4 RACEWAY SLEEVES AND SEALING: A. Where raceways penetrate fire walls or floors, the space between the raceway and building material shall be sealed with a Code approved material or fitting equal in fire rating to the building material being pierced. Spaces between raceways and sleeves shall also be sealed. B. Conduits entering refrigerated spaces, i.e., freezers and coolers, shall be installed with sealing fittings to prevent entrance of moisture. END OF SECTION 4 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BUILDING WIRE AND CABLE Section 16123 SECTION 16123 BUILDING WIRE AND CABLE 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Building wire and cable. B. Underground feeder and branch circuit cable. C. Service entrance cable. D. Wiring connectors and connections. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 16110 - Raceways. B. Section 16130 - Boxes. C. Section 16195 - Identification. 1.3 REFERENCES A. ANSI/NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency specified under Regulatory Requirements. 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this Section with minimum five years experience. 1.6 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of ANSI/NFPA 70. B. Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as suitable for purpose specified and shown. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Conductor sizes are based on copper. 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BUILDING WIRE AND CABLE Section 16123 B. Where wire and cable routing is not shown, and destination only is indicated, determine exact routing and lengths required. 1.8 COORDINATION A. Determine required separation between cable and other work. B. Determine cable routing to avoid interference with other work. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 BUILDING WIRE AND CABLE A. Description: Single conductor insulated wire. B. Conductor: Copper solid for A.W.G. for sizes No. 10 and 12; all other sizes stranded. C. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 volts. D. Insulation: ANSI/NFPA 70; Type XHHW insulation for feeders and branch circuits larger than 4/0 AWG; Type THHN/THWN insulation for feeders and branch circuits 4/0 AWG and smaller. 2.2 SERVICE ENTRANCE CABLE A. Description: ANSI/NFPA 70, Type SE. B. Conductor: Copper C. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 volts. D. Insulation: Type XHHW 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that interior of building has been protected from weather. B. Verify that mechanical work likely to damage wire has been completed. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Completely and thoroughly swab raceway before installing wire. 2 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BUILDING WIRE AND CABLE Section 16123 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. B. Use solid conductor for feeders and branch circuits 10 AWG and smaller. C. Use stranded conductors for control circuits. D. Use conductor not less than 12 AWG for power and lighting circuits. E. Use conductor not less than 16 AWG for control circuits. F. Use 10 AWG conductors for 20 ampere, 120 volt branch circuits longer than 75 feet. G. Use 10 AWG conductors for 20 ampere, 277 volt branch circuits longer than 200 feet. H. Pull all conductors into raceway at same time. I. Use suitable wire pulling lubricant for building wire 4 AWG and larger. J. Neatly train and lace wiring inside boxes, equipment, and panelboards. K. Clean conductor surfaces before installing lugs and connectors. L. Make splices, taps, and terminations to carry full ampacity of conductors with no perceptible temperature rise. M. Use split bolt connectors for copper conductor splices and taps, 6 AWG and larger. Tape uninsulated conductors and connector with electrical tape to 150 percent of insulation rating of conductor. N. Use solderless pressure connectors with insulating covers for copper conductor splices and taps, 8 AWG and smaller. O. Use insulated spring wire connectors with plastic caps for copper conductor splices and taps, 10 AWG and smaller. 3.4 INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS A. Identify wire and cable under provisions of Section 16195. B. Identify each conductor with its circuit number or other designation indicated on Drawings. 3 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BUILDING WIRE AND CABLE Section 16123 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect wire for physical damage and proper connection. B. Measure tightness of bolted connections and compare torque measurements with manufacturer's recommended values. C. Verify continuity of each branch circuit conductor. END OF SECTION 4 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BOXES Section 16130 SECTION 16130 BOXES 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Work in this Section consists of the installation of all boxes throughout the wiring system and is part of each Division 16 Section. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Install boxes at each device or junction box required by these specifications or indicated on the Drawings. Provide all material described in this Section. B. Types of boxes described in this Section include the following: Device Boxes Junction Boxes Pull Boxes Conduit Bodies 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 CONSTRUCTION: A. Boxes shall be of form and dimension as to be adapted to its specific use and location, device or fixture to be mounted in or on box, and number, size, and arrangement of raceways connecting thereto. 2.2 DEVICE BOXES: A. Boxes shall be constructed of code-gauge galvanized steel unless otherwise specified. B. Boxes exposed to hazardous conditions, rain or spray shall be corrosion resistant cast metal of type, shape, and size to suit respective locations and installations. Provide with threaded entrances, removable covers, gaskets, and corrosion-resistant screws. C. Outlet boxes surface mounted on walls or columns shall generally be 4" square, 2-1/8" deep, with no plaster ring. D. Outlet boxes recessed in ceilings shall be 4" octagonal or square, 2-1/8" depth. 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BOXES Section 16130 E. Where special purpose devices require a larger outlet box than specified herein, provide outlet boxes suitable for each specific device. F. Acceptable Manufacturers: Appleton Electric Company Crouse-Hinds, Inc. Efcor, Inc. Midland Ross Corporation O.Z. Gedney Company Raco, Inc. Steel City Electric Products Division 2.3 JUNCTION AND PULL BOXES: A. Boxes shall be constructed of code gauge galvanized sheet metal unless otherwise indicated or specified. Boxes shall be of dimensions as required by number and size of connecting raceways and wire, and as required by code. B. All boxes shall be provided with screw removable blank covers. Covers on recessed ceiling boxes shall be round, and painted to match ceiling. C. Acceptable Manufacturers: Appleton Electric Company Crouse-Hinds, Inc. O.Z. Gedney Company Raco, Inc. Steel City Corporation 2.4 CONDUIT BODIES: A. Conduit bodies shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant cast-metal of type, shape, and size to suit respective locations and installations. B. Conduit bodies shall have threaded conduit-entrance ends, removable covers, gaskets, and corrosion-resistant screws. C. Acceptable Manufacturers: Appleton Electric Company Crouse-Hinds, Inc. O.Z. Gedney Company Pyle National Company 2 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BOXES Section 16130 3 EXECUTION 3.1 BOX INSTALLATION: A. Install boxes where indicated or required, complying with manufacturer's written instructions, applicable requirements of NEC and NECA's "Standard of Installation", and in compliance with recognized industry practice. B. Coordinate box installation with wire/cable and raceway installation. C. Coordinate box installation with existing conditions such that boxes will be easily accessible. D. Boxes shall not be installed back to back. E. Firmly anchor all boxes in place. Refer to Section: SUPPORTING DEVICES for specific requirements and methods. F. Provide knockout closures to cap unused knockout holes where blanks have been removed. G. The approximate locations of devices are shown on the Drawings. H. The exact locations of all devices shall be determined at the building. The right is reserved to change the exact location of any device in any room before it is permanently installed. 3.2 OUTLET BOX: A. Install device boxes at heights above finished floor, measured to centerline of outlet, as indicated on the Drawings. B. Install outlet boxes in one vertical line when they are shown adjacent on the Drawings but at different mounting heights. 3.3 JUNCTION AND PULL BOXES: A. Install junction and pull boxes as indicated on the Drawings and where necessary to avoid excessive length of run or number of bends and to provide access to cable supports. B. Install standard exposed junction or pull boxes only in unfinished spaces, unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings. Boxes in finished areas shall match the Surface Metal Raceway used. END OF SECTION 3 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GROUNDING AND BONDING Section 16170 SECTION 16170 GROUNDING AND BONDING 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Grounding electrodes and conductors. B. Equipment grounding conductors. C. Bonding. 1.2 REFERENCES A. ANSI/NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. 1.3 GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM A. Existing Metal underground water pipe. B. Metal frame of the building. C. Concrete-encased electrode. D. Rod electrode. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Grounding System Resistance: Less than 25 ohms. 1.5 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of ANSI/NFPA 70. B. Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as suitable for purpose specified and shown. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 ROD ELECTRODE A. Material: Copper-clad steel. 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GROUNDING AND BONDING Section 16170 B. Diameter: ¾ inch. C. Length: 10 feet. 2.2 MECHANICAL CONNECTORS A. Material: Bronze 2.3 EXOTHERMIC CONNECTIONS A. Manufacturers: 1. Cadweld 2.4 WIRE A. Material: Stranded copper. B. Foundation Electrodes: 2/0 AWG. C. Grounding Electrode Conductor: Size to meet NFPA 70 requirements. 2.5 GROUNDING WELL COMPONENTS 3 A. Well Pipe: 8 inch diameter by 24 inch long clay tile pipe with belled end. B. Well Cover: Cast iron with legend “GROUND” embossed on cover. EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that final backfill and compaction has been completed before driving rod electrodes. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install Products in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. B. Install rod electrodes at locations indicated. Install additional rod electrodes as required to achieve specified resistance to ground. C. Provide grounding well pipe with cover at rod locations where indicated. Install well pipe top flush with finished grade. 2 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GROUNDING AND BONDING Section 16170 D. Provide grounding electrode conductor and connect to reinforcing steel in foundation footing where indicated. E. Provide bonding to meet Regulatory Requirements. F. Provide isolated grounding conductor for circuits supplying personal computers. G. Equipment Grounding Conductor: Provide separate, insulated conductor within each feeder and branch circuit raceway. Terminate each end on suitable lug, bus, or bushing. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect grounding and bonding system conductors and connections for tightness and proper installation. B. Use suitable test instrument to measure resistance to ground of system. Perform testing in accordance with test instrument manufacturer’s recommendations using the fall-of-potential method. END OF SECTION 3 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 SUPPORTING DEVICES Section 16190 SECTION 16190 SUPPORTING DEVICES 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Work in this Section consists of the installation of all supporting devices required for the installation of all equipment specified in Division 16. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK: A. All raceways, cables, and electrical equipment shall be firmly anchored or supported in place as required by codes and as specified herein. B. Types of supporting devices specified in this Section include the following: Beam Clamps Cable Ties Channel Strut Systems Conduit Supports Anchors 1.3 DRAWINGS: A. Generally, supporting devices are not indicated on Drawings; however, supporting devices are to be supplied as required for each specific application to comply with codes and as specified herein. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 BEAM CLAMPS: A. Beam clamps shall be galvanized steel, furnished with tapped holes in base and face for bolt or hanger rod. B. Acceptable Manufacturers: Appleton Electric Company Efcor, Inc. Kindorf Electrical Products Division 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 SUPPORTING DEVICES Section 16190 2.2 CABLE TIES: A. Cable ties shall be one piece, all nylon, with a 90 degree insertion angle. B. Acceptable Manufacturers: Panduit Corporation Thomas & Betts Corporation 2.3 CONDUIT SUPPORTS: A. Conduit supports shall be galvanized steel straps or hangers, or spring steel type hangers or clamps. B. Acceptable Manufacturers: Appleton Electric Company Caddy Corporation Raco, Inc. Thomas & Betts Corporation 2.4 CHANNEL STRUT SYSTEMS: A. Channel shall be #14 gauge minimum galvanized steel. Attachment holes shall be factory punched. Straps for the support of conduit shall be designed so that the attachment nut is captivated on the shoulder of the strap when tightened. Attachment nuts shall be designed to provide a surface on the turned down edge while making positive contact with the side walls of the channel. All nuts, bolts, straps, and other equipment required for proper installation according to manufacturer's recommendation shall be provided and shall be protected with same finish as channel. B. Acceptable Manufacturers: Kindorf Electrical Products Division Unistrut, Inc. 3 EXECUTION 3.1 BEAM CLAMPS: A. Beam clamps may be used for support of raceways, enclosures, panelboards or other equipment where attached to/from fixed steel supports or structures. Beam clamps fastened to steel supports not horizontal or vertical shall be provided with a swing connector. 2 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 SUPPORTING DEVICES Section 16190 Beam clamps fastened to structures in a horizontal position (bolt is horizontal) shall not be used for support of equipment exceeding 10 pounds. 3.2 CABLE TIES: A. Cable ties shall be provided for grouping and organizing cables in wireways or enclosures. Cable ties shall be used for securing cables from movement. 3.3 CABLE SUPPORTS: A. Install cable supports in vertical runs at Code required intervals and as recommended by manufacturer. 3.4 CHANNEL STRUT SYSTEMS A. Channel strut systems shall be used for support of all multiple runs of conduit. Channel may also be used for support of enclosures or other equipment. B. Channel strut shall be supported from steel rods 3/8" minimum when not directly fastened to structure. 3.5 CONDUIT SUPPORTS: A. Straps, clamps, or hangers shall be used for support of individual runs of conduit or raceway. Channel strut systems shall be used for multiple runs. B. Spring steel type hangers or clamps shall be used for support of conduit to steel except where exposed to rain or moisture. C. Conduit support devices shall be secured to structure with wood screws on wood, toggle bolts on hollow masonry, lead anchors on solid masonry or concrete, and machine bolts and beam clamps on steel. Nails are not acceptable. D. Conduits secured to surfaces exposed to water or spray shall be supported by hangers which hold conduit completely off surface. E. Conduits shall not be supported from ceiling suspension system. F. Conduit supports shall not be welded to steel structures. G. Riser clamps shall be installed at all vertically routed conduits where required by Code. END OF SECTION 3 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION Section 16195 SECTION 16195 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Work in this Section consists of providing identification of electrical equipment and is part of each Division 16 Section. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Provide identification of electrical equipment to the extent specified herein or indicated on the Drawings. B. Types of electrical identification specified in this Section include the following: Cable/conductor identification Operational instructions and warnings Danger signs Equipment identification signs 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PLASTICIZED TAGS: A. Tags shall be pre-printed or partially pre-printed accident prevention and operational tags, of PLASTICIZED card stock with matt finish suitable for writing, approximately 3-1/4" by 5-5/8", with brass grommets and wire fasteners, and appropriate wording, i.e., DANGER, CAUTION, DO NOT OPERATE, etc. 2.2 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION A. Equipment identification shall consist of white core plastic laminate with engraved lettering. 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION: A. Where identification is to be applied to surfaces which require a finish, identification shall be installed after surface has been finished. 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION Section 16195 3.2 CONDUCTOR IDENTIFICATION: A. New conductors, #10 AWG or smaller, shall have outer covering color-coded to indicate phase, neutral, and ground conductors. Color-coded self-adhesive 1" wide tape bands shall be installed on conductors larger than #10 AWG. Colors shall be as follows: 3.3 All grounding conductors Green 208Y/120 volt system: Phase A Phase B Phase C Neutral Black Red Blue White 480/277 volt system: Phase A Phase B Phase C Neutral Brown Orange Yellow Gray CABLE IDENTIFICATION: A. Install cable identification on each new signal cable. Identification shall match schedule at termination point(s), shop drawings, and similar previously established identification for project. Every conductor shall be identified at every termination or splice. A color-coding scheme for all cable conductors shall be established and maintained. 3.4 OPERATIONAL IDENTIFICATION AND WARNINGS: A. Install self-adhesive plastic signs or similar equivalent identification for instruction or warnings on new controls, devices, and covers of electrical enclosures wherever reasonable to ensure safe and efficient operation and maintenance of electrical systems including prevention of misuse of electrical facilities by unauthorized personnel. 3.5 DANGER SIGNS: A. Install danger signs where required by governing regulations and authorities as constituting a danger for persons in or about project. B. Install danger signs wherever it is possible for persons to encounter electrical power of voltage in excess of 120 volts to ground on new equipment. C. Install danger signs on new equipment, regardless of whether concealed or locked up, where untimely or inadvertent operation could result in significant danger to persons, or damage to or loss of property. 2 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION Section 16195 3.6 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION: A. Install engraved signs at or on each special apparatus and signal systems, unless equipment is specified with its own self-explanatory identification. Text shall match terminology and numbering of the contract documents and shop drawings as close as practicable. B. Install signs at locations for best convenience of viewing without interference with operation and maintenance of equipment. C. Attach signs with rustproof screws. 3.7 CIRCUIT IDENTIFICATION: A. Revise directory in branch circuit panelboards describing new loads served by each new circuit and the location. END OF SECTION 3 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 SECTION 16310 GENERATORS PART 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 GENERAL WORK INCLUDED A. Provide all labor, materials, and equipment to furnish, install, and place in operation the NATURAL GAS fuel power generation system in accordance with the contract documents and manufacturer's drawings and installation instructions. All equipment shall be new; factory tested, and delivered ready for field installation. B. The responsibility for performance to this specification shall not be divided among individual component manufacturers, but must be assumed solely by the primary manufacturer. This includes generating system design, manufacture, test, and having a local supplier responsible for service, parts, and warranty for the total system. C. Generator set mounted subassemblies such as cooling system, base, enclosure, 30% local air intake system, exhaust outlet fittings, and generator set mounted controls and switchgear shall also be designed, built, and assembled as a complete unit by the engine/generator set manufacturer. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. The engine and generator sets shall be manufactured, packaged, and tested in the U.S. Accepted manufacturers are Caterpillar, Cummins-Onan, and Kohler. B. The manufacturer shall have printed literature and brochures describing the standard series specified, not a one-of-a kind fabrication. SUBMITTALS A. Provide six (6) sets of all submittal data. include the following information: Engine-generator submittals shall 1. Factory published specification sheet indicating standard and optional accessories, ratings, etc. 2. Manufacturer's catalog cut sheets of all auxiliary components such as Automatic Transfer Switches, battery charger, control panel, enclosure, main circuit breaker, etc. 3. Dimensional elevation and layout drawings of the generator set, enclosure and transfer switchgear and related accessories. 4. Weights of all equipment. 5. Concrete pad recommendation, layout, and stub-up locations of electrical and fuel systems. 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 1.4 6. Interconnect wiring diagram of complete emergency system, including generator, battery charger, jacket water heater, remote alarm indications, and automatic transfer switch. 7. Engine mechanical data including heat rejection, exhaust gas flows, combustion air and ventilation air flows, noise data, fuel consumption, etc. 8. Generator electrical data including temperature and insulation data, cooling requirements, excitation ratings, voltage regulation, voltage regulator, efficiencies, waveform distortion and telephone influence factor. 9. Generator resistances, reactances, and time constants. 10. Generator motor starting capability. 11. Control panel schematics. 12. Oil sampling analysis, laboratory location, and information. 13. Manufacturer's and dealer's written warranty. TESTS A. B. Production Tests: The system manufacturer shall perform production tests on the complete generator set supplied at the generator set manufacturer facility. A certified report of these tests shall be available when requested at the time of the generator set order. These tests and controls shall include but not be limited to: 1. Operation at rated kW 2. Operation at rated kVA (0.8 pf) 3. Transient and steady state governing 4. Transient and steady state voltage regulation 5. Operation of all alarm and shutdown devices 6. Operation at 125% overspeed at room temperature Prototype Tests: The system manufacturer must certify that engine, generator set, controls, and switchgear have been tested as a complete system of representative engineering models (not on equipment sold). Prototype testing shall include: 1. Fuel consumption at 1/2, 3/4, and full load 2. Exhaust emissions 3. Mechanical and exhaust noise 4. Governor speed regulation at 1/2, 3/4, and full load; and during transients 2 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 1.5 1.6 5. Motor starting kVA 6. Generator set temperature rise in accordance with NEMA MG1-22.40 7. Voltage regulation at 1/2, 3/4, and full load; and during transients 8. Generator set short circuit capability 9. Cooling system performance 10. Torsional analysis 11. Linear vibration analysis WARRANTY A. The manufacturer's standard warranty shall in no event be for a period of less than two (2) years from date of initial start-up of the system and shall include repair parts, labor, reasonable travel expense necessary for repairs at the job site, and expendables (lubricating oil, filters, antifreeze, and other service items made unusable by the defect) used during the course of repair. Submittals received without written warranties as specified will be rejected in their entirety. B. The generator set supplier shall have sufficient parts inventory to maintain over the counter availability of at least 90% of any required parts and shall guarantee 100% parts availability within 48 hours from the time an order is entered with the dealer. The factory authorized servicing dealer shall maintain qualified, factory trained service personnel that can respond to an emergency call within 4 hours of notification. PARTS AND SERVICE QUALIFICATIONS A. The engine-generator supplier shall have service facilities within 100 miles of the project site and maintain 24-hour parts and service capability. The distributor shall stock parts as needed to support the generator set package for this specific project. B. The generator set supplier shall have sufficient parts inventory to maintain over the counter availability of at least 90% of any required parts and shall guarantee 100% parts availability within 48 hours from the time an order is entered with the dealer. C. The factory authorized servicing dealer shall maintain qualified, factory trained service personnel that can respond to an emergency call within 4 hours of notification. 3 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 PART 2 2.1 2.2 PRODUCTS SYSTEM RATING A. The electric power generating system shall have the capability of generating rated power at 1000 feet above sea level with maximum engine ambient temperatures of 110°F and minimum temperatures of 20°F. B. The electrical generating rating and requirements are as follows: KW 60 KVA 75 PF 0.8 Voltage 208/120 V Automatic Transfer Switch YES Enclosure Outdoor SYSTEM PERFORMANCE A. The power generating system shall conform to the following performance criteria at the site conditions: 1. Rating - Engine brake horsepower shall be sufficient to deliver full rated generator set kW/kVA when operated at rated rpm and equipped with all engine-mounted parasitic and external loads such as power generator sets. 2. Start Time and Load Acceptance - Engines shall start, achieve rated voltage and frequency, and be capable of load acceptance within 15 seconds when properly equipped and maintained. 3. Block Load – With the power generating system at normal operating temperature, it shall meet ISO 8528-5 criteria for voltage and frequency deviations and recovery time for gas engine, less applicable de-rating factors with 25% block load and unload steps (these steps have been substituted in place of the standard ISO8528-5 load and power decrease steps). And it shall perform within class 1 tolerance limit listed: a. Frequency Recovery Time: 10 sec. b. Frequency Deviation Range (1) Stepped Load Increase -25% 4 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 c. 2.3 2.4 (2) Stepped Load Decrease +18 % (3) Tolerance for Recovery ±1.75 % (4) Voltage Recovery Time: 10 sec Voltage Deviation: (1) Stepped Load Decrease + 35 % (2) Stepped Load Increase -25% (3) Steady State Stability (4) Frequency ±1.25 % (5) Voltage ± 5 % NATURAL GAS ENGINE A. The engine shall be a stationary, natural gas fuel, liquid cooled, four-cycle design, with dry exhaust manifolds. It shall be manufactured in the United States. Two cycle engines are not acceptable. It shall be designed to operate on gas supply pressures from 1.5 to 5.0 psi (10.3 to 40.6 kPa). B. Generator set must meet emissions levels of 2.0 gram NOx/bhp hour. Engine shall use an Engine Control Module with Detonation Sensitive Timing sensors. A safety device to detect detonation in the gas engine and retard timing to eliminate it or shut down the engine if retarding the timing cannot stop detonation. ENGINE ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT A. Mechanical, positive displacement lube oil pump with replaceable full flow filter, oil cooler, and dip stick. B. Oil drain shall be equipped with shutoff valve and shall be piped to the generator set base frame where it shall be terminated with a capped NPT pipefitting. C. Replaceable dry single element air filter with filter restriction indicator. D. Dual 24 volt electric starting motors and control circuit capable of three complete starting cycles without overheating. E. Fully guarded charging alternator with circuit breaker. The use of charging alternators as the only means of charging the unit batteries is not acceptable. F. Generator set mounted, electrically powered, thermostatically controlled jacket water heater sized to ensure proper starting. Heater shall include isolation valves and adjustable thermostat. An automatic disconnect device shall be provided to remove electrical power upon engine start. 5 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 2.5 2.6 GENERATOR A. The generator set shall be 6 lead close coupled, drip proof and guarded, constructed to NEMA 1 and IP 22 standards, single bearing, salient pole, revolving field, synchronous type with amortisseur windings in the pole faces of the rotating field and skewed stator windings to produce optimum voltage waveform. A reactive droop current transformer shall be installed and connected to the voltage regulator. B. The generator set pitch shall be selected to optimize the generator set efficiency and minimize the total harmonic distortion, especially the 5th and 7th harmonics which are detrimental to AC motors. C. The generator set shall be capable of delivering rated kVA at 60 Hz and 0.8 PF within +/-5% of rated voltage. D. All insulation systems shall meet NEMA MG-1 standards for Class H systems. The actual generator set temperature shall be limited to Class F levels (130 degrees C rise by resistance over 40 degrees C ambient). Materials that support fungus growth shall not be used. E. A 3-phase permanent magnet (PM) generator set shall provide the source of excitation to the exciter to increase immunity to non-linear loads and to maintain 300% of rated current for 10 seconds during short circuit conditions. F. Digital Voltage Regulator: The microprocessor based digital voltage regulator shall maintain generator set output voltage within ±0.25% for any load between no load and full load across the entire operating temperature range. The regulator shall employ a programmable volts per Hertz regulation characteristic with adjustable slope (volts/Hertz), adjustable constant voltage corner frequency, and adjustable under voltage corner frequency. Sensing shall be 3-phase true RMS. The regulator shall provide programmable over/under voltage protection, overexcitation protection, diode failure monitor, and logged fault and service codes to aid in trouble-shooting. It shall incorporate an RS-485 communications port allowing external monitoring and control of the regulator. The regulator shall be environmentally sealed. G. An electrically operated space heater shall be installed in the generator set to ensure the generator set windings stay dry during periods of non-operation. An automatic disconnect device shall be provided to remove electrical power upon engine start. CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. Main Circuit Breaker: Provide a generator mounted circuit breaker, molded case or insulated case construction in NEMA 3R enclosures for indoor units and in NEMA 3R for outdoor unit. Breaker shall utilize a thermal magnetic trip unit and 24 VDC shunt trip. The breaker shall be UL listed with shunt trip device connected to engine/generator safety shutdowns. Breaker shall be housed in an extension terminal box mounted on the side of the generator. Mechanical type lugs shall be adequately sized and shall be supplied on the load side of breaker. 6 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 B. 2.7 Load Bank Circuit Breaker: Provide a generator mounted circuit breaker, molded case or insulated case construction in NEMA 1 enclosures for indoor units and in NEMA 3R for outdoor unit. Breaker shall utilize a thermal magnetic trip unit and 24 VDC shunt trip. The breaker shall be UL listed with shunt trip device connected to engine/generator safety shutdowns. Breaker shall be housed in an extension terminal box mounted on the side of the generator. Mechanical type lugs, shall be supplied on the load side of breaker for factory connection to generator. CONTROLS A. The control panel shall be designed and built by the engine-generator set manufacturer. It shall be mounted on the generator set and incorporate 100% solid-state microprocessor based control circuitry and digital instrumentation. All electronic control components are to be mounted in sealed, dust tight, watertight, metal housings. Housings that must be opened for service or setup are not acceptable. All output circuits greater than 100mA shall be fuse or circuit breaker protected; load. The load share module, panel light, and auxiliary relay and shunt trip relay breaker circuits shall be protected by individual 10 amp fuses. The panel shall be labeled with ISO symbols and comply with IEC 144, IP 22, and NEMA 12 for external environmental resistance, and IP 44 and NEMA 12 for resistance of the internal sealed modules. The control panel shall be mounted RH and shall be vibration isolated. B. The panel shall include the following equipment/functions: 1. Automatic remote start capability with mode of operation selectable from a panel-mounted 4-position switch (Stop, Manual, Automatic, Reset). 2. A purge cycle adjustable from zero to 20 seconds. The purge cycle permits the engine to crank with no power to the gas shutoff valve or spark plugs for the purpose of "purging" the engine and exhaust of any gas that may be present at start-up 3. A 5-seconds delayed ignition shutoff. Power to the ignition system will continue for at least 5 additional seconds to provide ample time to burn the gas remaining in the engine. a. Cycle crank with adjustable "crank" and "rest" times. b. Adjustable cooldown timer. c. Emergency Stop push button requiring manual reset. 4. An annunciated shutdown for detonation and an annunciated high inlet temperature warning must be available. 5. Protective functions for the following parameters shall be provided. Each function shall be adjustable for trip point and time delay. Each function shall be programmable as an alarm or a generator set shutdown: a. Over/under voltage protection 7 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 6. b. Over/under frequency protection c. Over Current protection Individual flashing LED's shall be provided. The use of a common alarm or shutdown lamp which depends on a separate display to determine the alarm or fault condition is not acceptable. Separate LED annunciation shall be provided for: a. Overspeed (red) b. Overcrank (red) c. High Coolant temperature (red) d. Low Oil pressure (red) e. Emergency Stop (red) f. Low Coolant Level (red - programmable as alarm or shutdown) g. Engine RPM circuit monitor h. High battery voltage i. Low battery voltage j. Five LEDs of custom annunciation 7. Panel illumination lights (2) with ON/OFF switch. 8. Separate digital displays shall be provided for the engine and generator set parameters. These displays shall allow the simultaneous display of AC parameters and at least one (selectable) engine parameter to be displayed at the same time. Requirements for these displays are as follows: a. Digital display and phase selector switch for generator set operational parameters. True RMS sensing of these parameters shall be utilized to minimize distortion due to non-linear loads and ensure accuracy. b. AC volts (± 0.5% accuracy) c. AC amps (± 0.5% accuracy) d. Hertz (± 0.3 Hz accuracy) e. Digital display for: (1) Engine RPM (± 0.5% accuracy) (2) DC voltage (± 0.5% accuracy) 8 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 9. 2.8 2.9 2.11 Oil pressure (± 0.5% accuracy) (4) Coolant temperature (± 0.5% accuracy) (5) Operating hours Diagnostic Capability: Must provide dual level diagnostics identifying both system level and component level. The diagnostic codes shall be maintained in a history log specifying the number of occurrences, and second/minute/hr at which they occur. CONTROL WIRING AND CONDUIT A. Engine and generator set control wiring shall be multi-strand annealed copper conductors encased by cross-linked polyethylene insulation resistant to heat, abrasion, oil, water, antifreeze, and diesel fuel. Wiring shall be suitable for continuous use at 120 °C (250 °F) with insulation not brittle at –50 °C (-60 °F). All wiring outside the control panel is to be a minimum of 16 gage. B. Each cable will be heat stamped throughout the entire length to identify the cable's origin and termination. Cables shall be enclosed in nylon flexible conduit which is slotted to allow easy access and moisture to escape. Reusable bulkhead fittings will attach the conduit to generator set mounted junction boxes. COOLING SYSTEM A. 2.10 (3) The generator set shall be equipped with a rail-mounted, engine-driven radiator with blower fan and all accessories. The cooling system shall be sized to operate at full load conditions with ambient air at the specified temperature entering the enclosure without derating the unit and 50/50 anti-freeze mixture. The generator set supplier is responsible for providing a properly sized cooling system based on the enclosure static pressure restriction. EXHAUST SYSTEM A. The engine-generator shall be provided with critical-grade type exhaust silencer. Silencer shall be internally insulated, located inside the genset enclosure, and shall conform to the overall sound level requirements of the sound attenuated enclosure B. A flexible stainless steel pipe connection shall be provided between the engine exhaust manifold and exhaust silencer. Flexible connection shall allow 1-inch relative motion in all directions without strain on the engine manifold or exhaust piping. Silencer piping within the genset enclosure shall be fully insulated. C. All exhaust shall be connected to existing generator exhaust louver for all indoor units. STARTING SYSTEM A. A DC electric starting system with positive engagement shall be furnished. The motor voltage shall be as recommended by the engine manufacturer. 9 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 2.12 B. Jacket Water Heater: A unit mounted thermal circulation type water heater sized by the manufacturer to maintain jacket water temperature at 90°F, and shall be a (208/240) volt, single phase, 60 hertz. C. Batteries: A lead-acid storage battery set of the heavy-duty diesel starting type shall be provided. Battery voltage shall be compatible with the starting system. The battery set shall be rated no less than 380-ampere hours and 2600 CCA. Necessary cables and clamps shall be provided. D. A battery tray shall be provided for the batteries and shall conform to NEC 4807(b). It shall treated to be resistant to deterioration by battery electrolyte. Further, construction shall be such that any spillage or boil-over battery electrolyte shall be contained within the tray to prevent a direct path to ground. E. Battery Charger: A current limiting battery charger shall be furnished to automatically recharge batteries. It shall include overload protection, silicon diode full wave rectifiers, voltage surge suppressor, DC ammeter, DC voltmeter, and fused AC input. Ac input voltage shall be 120 volts, single phase. Charger shall have LED annunciation for low DC volts, rectifier failure, loss of AC power, and high DC volts. Amperage output shall be no less than ten (20) amperes. Charger shall be wall-mounting type in NEMA 1 enclosure for indoor units and NEMA 3R for outdoor unit. GENERATOR SET ENCLOSURE FOR OUTDOOR UNIT - SOUND ATTENUATED 1. 2.13 Aluminum, sound attenuated, weatherproof enclosure shall be designed to provide maximum weather protection against driving rain, snow, or other weather elements. The enclosure shall reduce the noise produced by the genset to 75dBA at 7 meters while operating at rated load in free field conditions. RESISTIVE LOAD BANK A. The generator set shall be internally equipped with a resistive load bank so that the generator set can be automatically tested and/or exercised under load conditions without interrupting the actual load. B. The load bank shall be rated at a minimum of 30% of rated load. C. The load bank shall have automatic controls capable of adding and removing individual load steps as necessary to keep the generator set operating above its minimum rating. D. The load bank shall be configured such that any time the generator set is operating, the load bank will automatically start-up and place enough load on the generator set to keep it operating at a minimum of 30% of its rating. Load bank shall automatically disengage when generator reaches 60% of rated load. E. Acceptable suppliers: Avtron or equal. 10 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 2.14 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH (ATS) A. B. General: 1. The ATS shall be rated as specified in the drawings with NEMA standards. The ATS shall consist of a power transfer switch mechanism and a microprocessor controller to provide automatic operation. Transfer switch shall be of the bypass isolation type to facilitate maintenance. 2. The current rating shall be a continuous rating when the switch is installed in an unventilated enclosure, and shall conform to NEMA temperature rise standards. Designs which require cabinet ventilation are unacceptable and do not meet this specification. 3. The unit shall be rated based on all classes of loads, i.e., resistive, tungsten, ballast, and inductive loads. 4. As a precondition for approval, all transfer switches complete with accessories shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories, under Standard UL 1008 (automatic transfer switches) and approved for use on emergency systems. 5. The withstand current capacity of the main contacts shall not be less than 20 times the continuous duty rating when coordinated with any molded case circuit breaker established by certified test data. 6. Temperature rise tests in accordance with UL 1008 shall have been conducted after the overload and endurance tests to confirm the ability of the units to carry their rated currents within the allowable temperature limits. 7. Transfer switches shall comply with the applicable standards of UL, CSA, ANSI, NFPA, IEEE, NEMA, and IEC. 8. The transfer switches shall be supplied with a solid-state control panel as detailed further in these specifications. 9. Transfer switch shall be provided in a NEMA 12 enclosure. Transfer switch shall be installed in the electrical room of the facility. Exact location to be provided by Owner. Sequence of Operation: 1. The ATS shall incorporate adjustable three phase under-voltage sensing of the normal source. 2. When the voltage of any phase of the normal source is reduced to 80% of nominal voltage, for a period of 0-10 seconds (programmable) a pilot contact shall close to initiate starting of the engine generator. 3. The ATS shall incorporate adjustable single phase under-voltage sensing of the emergency source. 11 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 4. When the emergency source has reached a voltage value within 10% of nominal voltage and achieved frequency within 5% of the rated value, the load shall be transferred to the emergency source after a programmable time delay. 5. When the normal source has been restored to not less than 90% of rated voltage on all phases, the load shall be re-transferred to the normal source after a time delay of 0 to 30 minutes (programmable). The generator shall run unloaded for 5 minutes (programmable) and then automatically shut down. The generator shall be ready for automatic operation upon the next failure of the normal source. 6. If the engine generator should fail while carrying the load, retransfer to the normal source shall be made instantaneously upon restoration of proper voltage (90%) on the normal source. 7. The transfer switch shall be equipped with a solid-state control panel. The control panel shall perform the operational and display functions of the ATS position and source availability. 8. The control panel shall include indicators for timing functions, and ATS test switch. 9. The control panel shall be provided with calibrated pots (accessible only by first opening the lockable cabinet door) to set time delays, voltage and frequency sensors. The ATS shall be capable of being adjusted while the controls are energized and the unit in automatic mode. Designs which force a "programming mode" or require the controls be de-energized during adjustment are unacceptable. 10. The control panel shall be opto-isolated from its inputs to reduce susceptibility to electrical noise and provided with the following inherent control functions and capabilities: a. An LED display for continuous monitoring of the ATS functions. b. Built-in diagnostic display. c. Test switch to simulate a normal source failure. d. Time delay to override momentary normal source failure prior to engine start. Field programmable 0-10 seconds (continuously adjustable via a calibrated potentiometer factory set at 3 seconds. e. Time delay on retransfer to normal source, continuously adjustable 0-30 minutes, factory set at 30 minutes. If the emergency source fails during the retransfer time delay, the transfer switch controls shall automatically bypass the time delay and immediately retransfer to the normal position. f. Time delay on transfer to emergency, continuously adjustable 015 seconds, factory set at 1 second. 12 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 C. g. An in-phase monitor or time-delayed neutral shall be provided to prevent excessive transient currents from switching motor loads. h. An interval-type automatic clock exerciser with load/no load selectability shall be incorporated in the ATS. Construction and Performance: 1. The automatic transfer switch shall be of double throw construction operated by a reliable electrical mechanism momentarily energized. There shall be a direct mechanical coupling to facilitate transfer in 6 cycles or less. 2. The normal and emergency contacts shall be mechanically interlocked such that failure of any coil or disarrangement of any part shall not permit a neutral position. 3. For switches installed in systems having ground fault protective devices, and/or wired so as to be designated a separately derived system by the NEC, a 4th pole shall be provided. This additional pole shall isolate the normal and emergency neutrals. The neutral pole shall have the same withstand and operational ratings as the other poles and shall be arranged to break last and make first to minimize neutral switching transients. Add-on or accessory poles that are not of identical construction and withstand capability are not acceptable. 4. The contact structure shall consist of a main current carrying contact, which is a silver alloy with a minimum of 50% silver content. 5. The transfer switch manufacturer shall submit test data for each size switch required for this project, showing that it can withstand fault currents of the magnitude and the duration necessary to maintain the system integrity. 6. The automatic transfer switch manufacturer shall certify sufficient arc interrupting capabilities for 60 cycles of operation between a normal and emergency source that are 120 degrees out of phase at 480 volts, 600% of rated current at .50 power factor. This certification is to ensure that there will be no current flow between the two isolated sources during switching. 7. All relays shall be continuous duty industrial type with wiping contacts. Customer interface contacts shall be rated 10 amperes minimum. Coils, relays, timers, and accessories shall be readily front-accessible. The control panel and power section shall be interconnected with a harness and keyed disconnect plugs for maintenance. 8. Main and arcing contacts shall be visible without major disassembly to facilitate inspection and maintenance. 13 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 PART 3 3.1 A manual handle shall be provided for maintenance purposes with the switch de-energized. An operator disconnect switch shall be provided to defeat automatic operation during maintenance, inspection or manual operation. 10. The switch shall be mounted in a NEMA 12 enclosure. 11. Switches composed of molded case breakers, contactors or components thereof not specifically designed as an automatic transfer switch will not be acceptable. 12. To afford the advantage of a single source of supply to the owner, the automatic transfer switch shall be supplied by the manufacturer of the engine generator set and covered under the same warranty program. 13. Acceptable suppliers: Asco or equal. EXECUTION INSTALLATION A. 3.2 9. Install equipment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, the project drawings and specifications, and all applicable codes. Installation of the system includes but is not limited to pouring a concrete pad for the generator set, receiving offloading, and bolting down of the equipment. Install stub outs of conduits as shown on the drawings, placing the units in non-operational storage mode until specified dates for start-up and testing. Provide all labor, permits, and material to install the total system. Electrical conduit and conductors from the stub outs to the transfer switch shall be provided by others. START-UP AND TESTING A. After installation is complete (complete system including separate distribution contract) and normal power is available, the manufacturer's local dealer shall perform the following: 1. Verify that the equipment is installed properly. 2. Check all auxiliary devices for proper operation, including battery charger, jacket water heater(s), generator space heater, remote annunciator, etc. 3. Test all alarms and safety shutdown devices for proper operation and annunciation. 4. Check all fluid levels. 5. Start engine and check for exhaust, oil, fuel leaks, vibrations, etc. 6. Verify proper voltage and phase rotation at the transfer switch before connecting to the load. 14 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 GENERATORS SECTION 16310 7. B. Connect the generator to building load and verify that the generator will start and run all designated loads in the plant. Perform a 4-hour load bank test at full nameplate load. Observe and record the following data at 15 minute intervals: 1. Service meter hours 2. Volts AC - All phases 3. Amps AC - All phases 4. Frequency 5. Power factor or Vars 6. Jacket water temperature 7. Oil Pressure 8. Fuel pressure 9. Ambient temperature C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Provide three (3) sets of operation and maintenance manuals covering the generator, switchgear, and auxiliary components. Include parts manuals, final as-built wiring interconnect diagrams and recommended preventative maintenance schedules. D. Training: Provide on-site training to instruct the owner's personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. Review operation and maintenance manuals, parts manuals, and emergency service procedures. END OF SECTION 15 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT Section 16400 SECTION 16400 DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT 1 GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: A. Furnish and install electrical distribution equipment as specified scheduled or indicated on the drawings. B. Any component not specifically mentioned but needed for the operation of the equipment is implied in their description. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PANEL BOARDS: A. General: Provide dead front circuit breaker type panelboards as scheduled on the drawings. Panelboards shall be “door-to-door” style construction in totally enclosed in code gauge galvanized sheet metal cabinet. Standard with manufacturer, buss shall be copper of the ampere rating indicated arrangement of voltage, phase, and number of wires indicated. B. Doors and trim shall be steel with adjustable trim clamps and flush hinges. Doors shall have flush spring latches with locks keyed alike. Provide three (3) master keys for panel locks. Provide typewritten circuit directory, inside of door, mounted under transparent plastic in metal frames. Trim shall have two finished coats of neutral gray lacquer or enamel. Provide heavy duty lock with four (4) keys. C. Breakers shall be designed to safely handle the short circuit interrupting ampere rating, as listed on the drawings. D. Terminal Lugs: Shall be copper and designed to minimize galvanic corrosion. Use electro-lytic paste and compression squeeze on terminals as specified. E. All buses for all panel boards shall be copper. Aluminum buss is not acceptable. F. Name Plates: Micarta plates on the panel designation shall be the same as on the plans, in neatly painted block letters ½” high on the panel door. Furnish and install a balanced “as-built” circuit directory, neatly typed on a card and mounted inside the door. G. Branch circuit breakers shall be rated and U.L. listed toggle type, quick-make, 1 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT Section 16400 quick-break, thermal-magnetic, bolt-in breakers. All mulltipole breakers shall be single handled common trip type. H. Breakers with adjustable magnetic trip will be set on the lowest trip setting and adjusted upward only if needed to start a large motor. I. Side and end gutters shall be code sized not less than 4” wide on sides of panel and at least 6” at top and bottom. Sheet metal enclosure shall conform to code gage. Residential grade load centers or plug-in type breakers will not be acceptable. J. Panelboards shall be of the types indicated on the drawings and shall be as manufactured by Square “D,” General Electric, or Cutler Hammer. K. Shop Drawing: Coordination and planning is required to evaluate the required physical space for all equipment. Submit to the approval authority and/or Architect a shop drawing; neatly drafted to scale, of the electrical room along with catalog data necessary for approval. 2.2 CIRCUIT BREAKERS: A. Breakers shall be designed to safely handle the short circuit interrupting ampere rating as listed on the drawings. B. Terminal Lugs: Shall be copper and designed to minimize galvanic corrosion. Use electro-lytic paste and compression squeeze on terminals as specified. C. Name Plates: Micarta plates on the panel designation same as on plans in neat painted block letter 1/2" high on the panel door. Furnish and install a balanced "as-built" circuit directory neatly typed on a card and mounted inside door. D. All circuit breakers shall be rated and U.L. listed toggle type, quick-make, quickbreak, thermal-magnetic bolt-in breakers. All multi-pole breakers shall be single handle common trip type. E. Breakers with adjustable magnetic trip will be set on the lowest trip setting and adjusted upward only if needed to start a large motor. F. Shop Drawing: Coordination and planning is required to evaluate the required physical space for all equipment. Submit to the approval authority and/or Architect a shop drawing neatly drafted to scale of the electric room along with catalog data necessary for approval. 2 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556 DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT Section 16400 2.3 SAFETY SWITCHES: A. All switches for motors shall be rated for the voltage used and horse power rated. Switches shall be heavy duty. Enclosures shall be metal with bonderized enamel paint and shall have provisions for receiving locking devices. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.4 Rated at 600 volt service. Exterior shall be NEMA 3R enclosure. Switches shall be as manufactured by General Electric, Square "D,” or Cutler Hammer. Provide fuses in all fuse type switches. FUSES: A. A complete set of fuses for all switches shall be furnished. Time current characteristics curves of fuses serving motors or connected in series with circuit breakers or other circuit protective devices shall be coordinated for proper operation. Fuses shall have a voltage rating not less than the circuit voltage. One complete set of spare fuses in the manufacturer's cartons shall be delivered to the Owner. 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION: A. Install all electrical distribution equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Install combination disconnects/motor starters furnished under other Divisions. C. Coordinate installation with electrical raceway, wiring, and equipment. END OF SECTION 3 BID NO. 253818888 PPD NO. 1214556