: • ~ N~ws .::: ::.: .......:::....:::: ~~ ~~' .: 4.:: .I~ years probation with the first year to be served In lt1e Wayne County Jail Page 3A • Grosse POinte Woods bUSiness OWn!:lf::' ::."'''' led vvel r"'::'lIll.lIUII:> VII neon Signs Page 3A • Studies of the InvaSive emerald ash borer show It to be a formidable pest Page 15A • The girls cross country teams at Grosse POinte North and Grosse POinte South each won Invitational meets last weekend North was first at the Ypslla'1tl InVitational South won the Saginaw Heritage InVitational Page 3C Thursday, Oct. 10 Grosse POinte South and University Liggett School high schools host state regional tennis tournaments Play began at 8 a m at each of the sites Grosse POinte North High School IS playing In the DIVIsion 11 regional at Warren-Mott High School Friday, Oct. 11 Grosse POinte South High School Will foc>ldItS homecoming para-:Je at 6 pm The parade starts at tre Neighborhood Club and Will finish at the high school The parade Will be followed by the football tlame at 7 30 P m The Blue Devils Will face East DetrOit Shamrocks Saturday, Oct. 12 Grosse Pomte North High School ChOir Department Will hold a rummage sale from 9 a m to 3 p m In the lobby of the Grosse POinte Performing Arts Center AdmiSSion IS free For more Information, call (313) 432-3325 Sunday, Oct. 13 Tour the kitchens of nine area homes the Cottage Hospital AUXiliary Kitchen rour from noon to 5 p m nckets are $15 and are available In advance at the Cottage Hospital Gift Shop, POinte Perspectives, Hurst Appliances or the Pomte Pedlar Tickets Will also be available the day of the tour at 37 Lochmoor In Grosse POinte Shores and 816 Grand MaraiS In Grosse POinte Park For more Information, call (313) 884In 0218 Monday, Oct. 14 Meet with Rep Andrew Richner, RGrosse POinte Park, from 9 to 10 a m In the main floor conference room at the Grosse POinte Farms city offices The Grosse Pomte Park City CounCil meets at the Park city hall at 7 p m The Grosse POinte Board of Education meets at the Wlcklng Library at Grosse POinte South High School at 8p m Tuesday, Oct. 15 The CCUn;;.1 Grosse POinte Shores Village mUniCiPal meets at thp qhmpc; build ng at 7 p m INDEX Opinion. .8A Obituaries 11A Schools 1 ~lack- Moross gets temporary ." use - soccer! Ii • One of two men accused of statutory rape of two 15 year-old girls at a City of Gros~!:l PUlnt!:l up!:ln huu:,e pdny ;, SO::::: ........ ::.. • 12-13A BUSiness 14A Se'1lors 7BA Entertainment 9B ClaSSified ads 5C By Bonnie Caprara Sldff ~"r1ter bchools would have at least one athletIC field out of ser vIce for renovatwns each ~~ J€ar for the next five yean "EIghty pl'rcent of recreatIOnal actlvlbes take place on school fields,n Bruce sald "ThiS WIll alleVIate a chal- "> " lenglng SltuatlOn " " '\TIllie five counCil members pledged theIr support for the field, Gaffney and CounCIlman Therese Joseph cast dlssentmg vo1Rs "I thmk lt would be unwIse to construct sometIung Wlthout a master plan and there are too many concerns With the ImmedIate neIghbors," Gaffney saId Joseph sald she was concerned WIth the cost of the project and how It mlght Impede on bIgger, more permanent plans SOCCN games WIll be wiling onto Mack and ;\loro,>;, as early as next fall The Grosse POInte Farms CIty Councll yoted 5-2 to lOnstruct a temporary socler field on the seven acre uty-owned parcel at ltS Monday, Oct 7, meetmg The counCil's votes weren't nearly as dlvlded as the sentJments of Farms re&ldents who nearly packed the counell chambers About half of the reSIdents Photo' by Jennie M,Uer who spoke about the soccer field were agamst the plan, With most of them expressmg concerns that a tempoChildren flooded the sidewalks on their way to school on rary soccer tield could Wednesday, Oct. 2, particlpating in Walkto School Day, an interbecome permanent fixture national event to promote physl.cal fitness and decrease traffic Whlle no counCIl member congestion. could guarantee temporary Nearly all the elementary schools in the district participated in Reeslde saId a dormant use untIl 2008, Councllman the event. LoUIS Theros saId, ''The tem- seedmg WIll allow for hght At Maire Elementary School, all but Jour stUdents walKed or porary label lS only as good play next fall and full use m biked to school. Activities were held throughout thfl day to sprmg 2004 Another use as the counCIl yOUelect" encourage students to continue the effort. WIll be conSIdered when Other concerns centered See story. page 12A. Kroger's long-term lease around cost and hablbty AsSIstant Clty Manager expIres in May 2008 Shane ~t:eslde said It would cost the Farms about $42,500 He also said that the Farms looked Into partnerslllps III fundmg capItal outlay and lease agreements RIck Jacob, treasurer of the Grosse Pomte Soccer UndeCIded about how to AssoclatJon, swd IDS group vote for candldates and balwould be wllhng to asSist finanCIally but dId not glVe lot proposal;, III the Nov 5 electIOn? The any specific mdIcatlons how general League of Women Voters of they would Mayor Ed Gaffney saId Grosse Pomte WIll aIr Its forum and town some money may be avwl- candIdate meetmg on proposals on able If v:Jters approve Comcast Channel 22 Proposal K 10 the Nov 5 The candIdate forum, general electwn, whlch would turn 1/3 of each 0 5 wIDch features First Dlstnct House of RepresentatIVes mIl paId by Farms taxpayers Repubhcan back to the cIty for recre- candidates Edward Gaffney and atlOnal use DaVId Putrycus Other reSIdents were con- Democrat cerned about the field~ use and ThIrd ClrcUlt Court -::andldates Lynne PIerce and by non-reSIdents Dmgell, WIll aIr Jacob saId whlle the Chnstopher Tuesdays, Oct 15, 22 and GPSA serves 1,200 kIds, about 20 to 30 percent of 29, at 9 p m A pro and can presentathem are Farms reSIdents ASide from soccer field tIOn of the general electlOn ballot proposals wlll aIr proponents who claImed the Mondays, Oct 14,21 and 28, Mark R Taylor, a health care exec- chamnan of the hospItal's board of POlllteS are lackmg III field space, NeIghborhood Club at 9 p m utIve WIth a strong track record In trustees and chalr of the presldent Tapes of both programs search committee ExecutIVe DIrector John finanCIal and quahty lmprovement, At St Mary's, Taylor lmproved Bruce was qUIck to pomt out are also avallable for rental has been named preSIdent of St John at the central brand' of the HospItal and Medical Center In annual finanCIal performance by $14 that a need for field space Pomte Publlc million HIS hlStOry of :>uccess at was especmlly cruCIal smce GrosEe DetrOIt by the hospital's Board of Trustees He will begm hiS new pOSI- Impro/mg patient and employee sat- the Grosse Pomte publIc LIbrary lsfactlOn (by 63 percent and 35 pertlOn on November 25, 2002 Taylor IS preSident and chIef execu- cent, respectively) further convlllced the hospital's search commIttee that tI" e officer of St Mary's Health hIS qualIficatIOns be,;t matched the Center 10 Jefferson CIty, Mlssoun a 287-bed, full-servIce, acute care hos- hcspltal's leadership needs In partpltal WIth an open-heart surgery pro- nershlp wlth the medIca! staff, he coord mated a strategJc and finanCIal gram, 45-phj SlClan chmc network plan that receIved the "Facet of and extensIve commumty outreach Home: Grosse Pomte award from the program Pnor to that, he served as E'(cellence" Farms Excellence In Mlssoun FoundatIOn "enlOr vIce preSident of Covenant Age: 46 Smce 1984, Taylor has served as an Health Care Sy~tem, Saglnaw, and mstructor 10 Central MIchIgan CEO of ltS PhySICIan Hospltal Family: WIfe, Jacquelyn, Graduate Program m Organ1zatlOn He also had served as UnIversity'S Labrador retnever, Healthca;e AdmmlstratlOn the ,>ystem's executIve Vlce presldent Jammer A Clarkston, MIchIgan natlve, and chief operatmg officer Covenant Occupation: Taylor holds a bachelor of arts degree IS a 715 bed, three-hospItal, teachIng Producer/director for In economICS and bu&mess admmlshealth care '>jstem WDIV- TV, Duector of tratlon from HIllsdale College and a "Mark's 27-jear health care career Channel 4 news mclude<; out"tandmg performance m master's of health servIces admmlsQuote: "People for the <,tratcgJc and finanCIal planmng In tratlOn degree from the Umverslty of most part know how to partner"hlp WIth phySICIan" and MIchigan thmk With theIr brams St John HospItal and Mejlcal Improvmg patlrnt and employp( ,;at When they tlunk \\ Ith lbfachon rate» Hlb qualIficatIOns best Center IS a member of St John Health, a growmg netVvork of commuthClr hearts, they can matchrd the hospItal's leadership often make a dlffe, oppds accordmg to the phY'IClan I('ad~ mty-based hospItals and health carl' ence f'r., and trustee,; \\ ho .,rlected him .,en Ice, In S0uthea;,t r,'llchlgan and one of the large,;t employers 10 metro See story, page 4A frum a r11vprs(' pool of natIOnal ( 'lndl Dptrolt dateb," .,ald cTudgl.-FreddlP Burton Walk to School Day LWV airs election programs New president named at St. John Hospital ~; t I :J . l News 2A October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News 10 years ago this week ----. ..... --..- yesterday's headlines ...... ------ 50 years ago this week year, 1,267 emergency room per year • In a forerunner to pollt- patients have been treated, Subsrnbers mclude 84 percent of them Pomte Mayor Palmer Heenan, who lldl correctness, Grosse reSIdents Wdb interviewed for the latPomte Woods gendarmes • Last year, 5 year old est Issue have descended upon book a • Arson l,as Oeen ruled stands and magazine rack;, Bobby LeBlond burled In the commumty following pumpkm seed m a little dIrt out m last week's Crown receipt of a h;,t of' obJedlOn- In a DIXIe ('up The beed Cl~aners fire <J.ble" literature Issued by "'prouted and he tran!>plantLt Dave culler of the the office of the Wayne ed the vine to the back yard Grosse POlllte Park depart of hIS Gros!>e Pomte Woods ment of publIc safety "aId County probecutor Among authors whose horne the fire wab cau"ed by faulty Now, two bnght orange workb have been deemed electrIcal equIpment pumpkms have grown, one verboten dre WlIham Flame" gutted the cleanFaulkner and James T foU! teet m girth, the second ers, but firefighters saved np~1"'I, "H.' h ...... }4'''l ........r'>11 t:;~,-, 8. v~...,'-' r VU1LC o Police have albo Jumped Ophthalmology buddIng' on the bandv.agon against next door 25 years ago this week "other thmgs" obJectIOnable, • PolIce hope a recent • A 34-year-old mother buch as necktIes depIcting wdl shut down a and her two daughters, aged arrest naked women G and 5, dleG In a house fire cnme nng that has been • Plans for a two-story m the 1700 block of workmg the GlOsse Pomtes addltlOn to Bon Secours Prestwlck In Grosse POinte anr:! Harper Woods Ho~pltal have been Woods The 6 year old was to SUbpects Include a 14approved by CIty of Grosse celebrate her bIrthday thIS year-old boy from the CIty, Pomte officIals admItted bemg Fire destroyed Crown Cleaners on Jefferson in Grosse Pointe Park. but Saturday at a party WIth who Last year, Bon Secours Involved WIth a burglary In firefighters saved the Grosse Pointe Ophthalmology building, which abuts neIghborhood fnE'nds emergency staffers treated the 1400 block of DevonshIre the east side of the cleaners. (From the Oct. 8, 1992 Grosse Pointe News, PrelImmary mvestlgatlOn Photo by Donna Walker.) 1,377 accIdent patIents m the Park m July Officers of the 3 a m fire mdlcates EIghty-two percent of the an ('Iectncal problem arrested the boy's 24-yearpat e"1ts ,nere frem the old uncle from DetrOit Thtl I~leJ1 HuiiIdge of the Grosse Pomtes So far tms City of Grosse POInte IS man has been charged WIth hlJrgl~ry and IndUCIng a adjustIng to 11f" HUW that she IS a mother four tImes mlllor to commIt a cnme over 5 years ago this week Her IO-week-old quadruplets COnsISt of Kenneth III, • Nearly 80 reSIdents lIvHeather, Elizabeth and Ing near Grosse POInte Dawn North High School have sub• Grosse Pomte Farms mitted a petitIOn askIng In offiCIals have approved the Grosse POlllte Woods offifinal plat for smgle-famIly CIals to do somethIng about reSIdentIal development of student traffic problems In the former Dodge property the area of Mormngslde and named Rose Terrace Vermer City offiCIals have asked 10 years ago this week SEMCOG for traffic experts EDWARDJ. GAFFNEY JEFFREY SCHRODER PATRICK PETZ • Christllle Rltok, 11, of to study the area around the STATE HOUSE OF REPRESEt/TATIVES STATE SENATE COUNTY COMMISSIONER the 1100 block of YorkshIre school III Grosse POInte Park, IS • Fmlsmng touches are about to celebrate the one- bemg made on the renovatyear anmversary of her ed RIte Ald store on the Hill V Edward Gaffney Willwork to Jeffrey Schroder supports YorkshIre Gazette III Grosse Pomte Farms Patrick Petz Willact as an eliminate the unfair Wayne Rlt o k" !oun d e d th e quarExterIor features. Includp an responSible gun ownership advocate for our County Community College terly publIcatIon, WIth spe- old-fashIOned clock and by law abiding Citizens community In Wayne Tax I d d landscaped walkway CIa e_ltlOns prmte as between the Kercheval sldeCounty government, needed, as a way to make Jeffrey Schroder Will fighting for our fair shFlrp V Edward G:'!ff!"!ey Will work to Crown Cleaners destroyed by fire = l * * EASTSIDE ** REPUBLICAN CLUB - ABSENTEE VOTER GUIDE I The Eastside Republican Club is proud to support the following candidates wh want to represent our community the State legislature and the Vvayne Count CommIssion. We also urge you to support the lIsted Judges who have estabhshe a record of integrity and achIevement deserving of our support and your vote, v v v support legislation to regionalize the DetrOit Water Department c continue to excellence In our local public schools while supporting legislation to Improve underperformlng school dIstricts v v of government revenues to address the needs of our community Jeffrey Schroder Will oppose legIslation which would weaken tort reform and allow frivolous laWSUits to rUin smail bUSinesses, Edward Gaffney Willsupport efforts to protect our natural resources and Lake St Clair V Patrick Petz beheves that county government must aVOid any appearance of Impropriety In the awarding of government contracts REMEMBER TO VOTE FOR ANDREW RICHNER FOR UNIVERSIlY OF MICHIGAN BOARD OF REGENTS . ~" . AND PLEASl: VO,J"E THE NON-PARTISAN VMICHIGAN SUPREME COURT o Incumbent PosltlOns PORll0N OF THE BAllOT IICIRCUIT COURT JUDGES o Incumbent JUSTICE ELIZABETH A. WEAVER PosItions JUDGE ULYSSES W. BOYKIN JUDGE HELEN E. BROWN JUSTICE ROBERT YOUNG GIOV AN JUDGE PAMELA RAE HARWOOD JUDGE 1\1ARY BETH KELLY JUDGE ARTHUR]. LOMBARD ]tJDGE SUSAN B. NEILSON JUDGE WILLIAM]. V' COURT OF APPEALS o Incumbent JUDGE CHRlS PosItIons MURRAY JUDGE MICHAEL]. '"J Non - Incumbent o Non-Incumbent TALBOT PosItIon (Open Scat) JAlv1ES R. CHYLINSKI 1.1 i f 1.,-' (0f tX""IX our WCb~ltc POSItIon (Parhal By Jennie Miller Staff Writer The Grosse POinte PublIc LIbrary System's annual report, as prllsented by lIbrary dIrector Vlckey Bloom, shows an IllCrehse III circulatIOn As a whole CIrculatIOn was up by 16,824 items The mcrease was mamly due to the CIrculatIOn of the system's audIO VIsual materIals, whIch Illcreased over the past year by more than 23,000 Items The audIOVisual department consISts of more than 25,000 Items, Includmg compact dISCS, cassettes, VIdeos and DVDs Book circulatIOn, however, decreased by 6,000 Items from last year The Park branch saw the highest decrease of book clrculatIon, wmch was 3,250 The Woods branch decreased by 2,035 and the Central branch decreased by nearly 1,000 books The patron count for the year totaled 463,454 for the entire lIbrary system ThIS count showed an mcrease from last year for the Central and Woods branches However the Park branch's patron Count dpcreased by more than 4,000 Accord,ng to Bloom, most popular Item;, In audIOVIsual department books-on-tape, DVD's Videos Bloom also reported that there was a 3 79 percent InCredSe In the number of patrons registered for a library card the the are and ?att ~~Sate Hardcovers Paperbacks Term) HATHAWAY JUDGE LITA HELENE POPKE at CdSt~ldc-repIlblICan-cltlb PIERCE JUDGF. ,\lICIIAEL ~\ the [a<;tsldl RcpublK~t1 L1l1b r , ..... H 1O~ 1 (.ro"S{. r •..,mtt ~arm<: \11 4R) ~t VISit WWW IJ Incumbent down; patron count up Friends of the St. Clair Shores Public Library POSition (Open Scat) LYNNE A. ~~~::;;O~:~~W:k IJ $2.00 most $.50 books Music and Videos, too~ Thursday, Oct 10 FrIday, Oct 11 Saturday, Oct 12 u~m IOa.m. to 8 p.m. 10 a.m. to 4 P m. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ~~Uud~~1 PROPOSAL P~7atul #1 S'ra ght party ticket \iotlng 'n ecl ons PROPOSAL #2 Bond IS'iue to F,nanu S('\',f>r and Waler Pollution ProlPrt<; PROPOSAL #3 No Jld g'''(> stale c"'1p'c,y'ees collective bargaining rights Rcd reets state r('venue from tobacco sett'e"1en! WE RcCOMMENC' WE RECOMMEND WE RECOMMEND WE RECOMMEND t> "YES" "YES" "NO" P~OPOSAL #4 St. Clair Shores Public Library 22500 Eleven Mile Rd. at ]effer~on "NO" U_: __ ...L:_ .aJ ....UIt; L.lU,) -...f dU r - , (\')I .LV.L .1 V your purchase I'U U-1lY'1 ! October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe NEiws News Pandora's box It was Rennell's encounter WIth commiSSlOner Sucher .that laupched her formatIOn of the Busmess and Retal! AsSOCIates of Grosse Pomte Woods In a July 2001 meetmg, Sucher called the mothe~ of four "thiS girl here" and challenged her to "truck on over to cIty counCil" If she wanted to appeal hiS committee's derual of her Sign applIcatIOn She did, and won There's no other way Rennell has been named to take down a big tree the assocIatIon's preSident than in a big way. Less than one year old, A 280-ton crane was the group already has nearneeded to haul the ly 60 members who are branches of a lOO-foot, becommg mcreasmgly inter400 year-old elm that ested In CIty affaIrs was landlocked in the Representatives mOllltor backyard of Richard meetmgs of the Woods city and Sharon LaDuke in councIl, planmng commisthe 300 block of Grosse SIOn, Sign ordmance commItPointe Boulevard In tee, water maIn commIttee Grosse Pointe Farms. and so on The crane with its 140At a city counCIl meetmg foot boom had to lift tills week, Renne!! went to limbs and branches up bat for asSOCIation member to 4,500 pounds over PatrIcia Casey, owner of neighboring houses on Mack Ave Drapery & Kerby, Intenors Casey had lost patIence WIth a two-year ql1P~t to of the Chu ..ken Shack upen SignS mstall a new, non-neon SIgn Pomte Medical may 1,UC. re~taurant, favors neon ''I'm not happy about It," cumb to what Spiker lalled contammg a scnpt font that said Ten Crosslm dIdn't conform to CIty rule", signs, and not Just at night "thIS so called Colomal When one of hiS two SignS Her neon "Open" sign at thmg' about traditIOnal Colomal burnrd out recently, "my day , lettenng buslDess Virtually dned up," "As mdependent busmes" he said owners competIng With Mea~han SplC£>r,owner of cham stores," Rennell sald, Mcaghan's Place restaurant, "umformlty IS sometillng we said, "I don't know how can't even thmk about" many people on the (Sign) Casey got her SIgn, but committee have a busmess not a vote of confidence on Mack they depend on, but "Small shops are not the lIe want to do somethmg to future of retall,~ 5ald make our busmess stand CounCilman Allen By Bonnie Caprara attorneys and the vIctIms' out SignS make a dIfference Staff Wnter famIlIes before makIng her DICklllson "We'll have trou- lD retail" ble sustalnmg the small '7 One of two men accused of decIsIOn statutory rape of two 15A father of one of the VIC- sllUps we have on Mack "Neon IS Important," RegUlar Prices on Entire Stock now" year-old gIrls at a City of tIms, a Grosse POinte South agreed Spiker, who has of Fall & Wmter Merchandise "Joe Sucher opened a can Grosse POinte open house HIgh School student who OIl ned hiS beverage store for - Now thru October 14th _ party In December was sen- was 15 at the tIme of the of worms when Lisa \\ as sel en years "Let's say they puttIng up her Sign," Spiker tenced to five years proba- incIdent, said, "Although get nd of neon They're said tIon WIth the first year to be thIS IS not murder, arson or gOlDg to force us to put up Charles Raffoul, CO-O\\ m r served In the Wayne County robbery, there IS no greater 17037 KERCHEVAL. 881-5060 S 1 99 black and orangr Jail horror that cowd happen to RIchard Schott, 20, of the our famIly Our chIld's lIfe CIty, was sentenced In Tlurd has been forever changed by CIrCUIt Court on Wednesday, someone who wanted to posOct 2 HIS sentencing rec- se~s and have control over ommendatIOn came at the our daughter" ------nlFLIn\t,AnrrAll. ......,<\KtOf(J:.L"\11.\GTl)t'EU _ request of the VICtIms' famIAt hIS ",entenclng, Schott lies, who also asked that he sImply saId, "I take the plea to one count of secondopportumty to offer my degree crImmal sexual apologws for these events " degree conduct - a felony Wayne County AsSIstant Schott, who was 19 at the Prosecutor Patncla Leonard tIme of the incIdents at hIS SaId, 'The VictIms are sa tIsmother's house, was ongi- fied wIth the results" nally charged WIth four However, Schott's attorney counts of thIrd-degree cnmIWilham MItchell called the nal sexual conduct. He sentencing "tragic" pleaded "no contest" m "ThIS expresses a need for ThIrd CIrcUIt Court on Aug better parentmg and to 23 change the law," MItchell If Schott comphes WIth SaId "Young men 17 to 13 C/aj;ICO Parlslinne" the cond.tlOns of hIS proba- years old should not face CollectIon tiOn - whIch mcludes sexu- felomes for havmg "ex WIth al offender counselIng, drug 15 year-old girls It's a gap and alcohol treatment, par- In the law that needs to be tlcIpatiOn m the work addressed release program, no contact "RIchard Schott IS not an With females age 17 or ogre He's a young man who under and no alcohol con- suffers from the same kmds sumptiOn - hIS sentence of problems as other kids Will be reduced to fourthfrom affluent familieS He degree cnmmal sexual con- was not the onlv Iud at the duct, which IS a mlsdeparty who was abusmg submeanor stances whlc~ led to the Schott wa'> gIVen 17 days alleged acte . credit for Jail time for vlOlatWIllIam Tyree 19, of mg a condItiOn of hiS bond Gros~e Pomte Park, was when he was spotted at a also arrested for statutory DetrOIt bar the \>;eekend of rape at thr party at Schott~ Sept 14-15 motrlPr''i hOll~e m December ThIrd CirCUIt Judgf> Kym He pleaded guilty to one /,6 , t ..../' " jU-1 ..~';'I:" liT"! r~;""'yvu/},.ra(.,."".JpClJJI<d. >1 Ii/,. L Worthy said, "Thl~ IS a COllllt of f,lUrth-degree cnmInon-sentence compared to nal sexual conduct on June what I would have done," 19 and was 'lpntf>ocl?d to but said she talked WIth three years probatIOn on 18 Harper Ave - St. Ciair Shores edmund t. AHEE Jewelers pr(\QOf>l1t'"g ""n,l '::!~:~::.::.'"" ~u:y;':C !'l "'~BIP.f~S9uth .91.13Mile Rd.) ',1l' _; ~ ..'l 201 W ""k A>rnue (,r"". Pllonl. Ilood, \f1 ~~2J6 Uut on a limb? COLUMBUS DAY SALE "'0enni80n8& ~,; .~, 20~0 Off . : City man to serve jail time for statutory rape f/)enniaona the pOwer of 'ero 01. { ROBERTO COINt ./ (586) 294-0022 SOil987 Am F • 11\ 8M-4600 • l-A\ 11111S62120 ." r , ; 4A News October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News WDIV-TV director believes everybody has a story By Margie Reins Smith Assistant Editor Plul Hutchmgs has Jotted down a few aphonsms concise principles about w),at makes people tIck and what make!:> the world run !:>moothly - thIngs he has learned durmg his 46 years on Earth He pOinted to an example a black Labrador retnever, Jammer, who bounds In the door, ready to greet whoever'!:>insIde Jammer Ib an unconditIonal, eternal optimist He JovP~ stranllPrs behpves that people are generally fnendly and acceptIng, IS ab!:>olutely sure that all people he meets are as Interest ed m hIm as he IS m them "Dogs are a sure thmg," Hutchmgs says "Learn from their lOgic" Hutchmgs, a Grosse Pomte Farms resIdent, IS a producer/director wIth WDlV-TV He dIrects Channel 4's 11 p m news and the MichIgan State Lottery drawmg, whIch IS a statewIde program alred SlX days a week Another personal aphorism "Everybody has a story" Hutchmgs was born m upstate New York He grew up m Weston, Mass, and attended Syracuse Umversity, where he earned a bachelor of sCIence degree m commumcatIOns and JournalIsm "I wanted to work m TV," he sald "After graduatIOn, I smgled out 20 TV markets m the East, wrote a resume, maJled It to all 20 of them and orgaruzed my Job search WIth a handful of 3- by 5Inch cards I waIted a few weeks Then I started dnvmg As soon as I arnved ill each town, I called the statIOn, mtroducEd myself and asked for an mtervlew "Ur,ually, the answer was 'Sorry, we don't have any Job opemngs ' But because I was III town, someone would agree to talk to me," Hutchmgs saId "I got to talk to folks about 70 percent of the time "They all asked the Ubual )01:> mtervIeW questlOns I soon realIzed that the best questlOn I could ask the Interviewer m ~hcse sltuahons was, 'How dId you get mto thiS bUSIness?' ThiS alv. ays beemed to open up the conversatIOn and foster productIve commumcatlOn "I got two Job offers from that tnp I took one dIrectmg two dally news programs at an NRC' "ffih"tp m Bangor, Mame " Hutchmgs explamed that m the TV busmess, you start In a small market and grow "I dId thIs My goal was to get to Rochester, NY, whIch IS a mIddle-SIzed market. He spent a year m Malne, then two years III Bmghamton, N.Y., producmg and directmg TV news and local shows Another personal aphonsm "Do somethmg you can be proud of" "Tlus IS a neat busmess," he saId, WIth ObVIOUSenthuSIasm "My Job IS basH'ally talkmg and coordmatmg everyone - hke an orchestra leader leads hIs mUSICians, or hke a fhght controller" The executIve producer makes managenal declslOns and takes care of the bUSIness and money concerns for a show, he explalned The producer conceIVes and creates a show He or she IS responsIPle for scripts, stories, wnting, all the elements that make up the show The dIrector then takes all these elements and puts them together to present to an audIence "My job has been descnbed as organized chaos," Hutclungs saId "I'm the one WIth the earphonEf on, the one who IS In the booth We have a special language we use A few LAZARE'S FURS !Im rnRU 'J OCTOBER 3hl 1IiD ~ you a mmln:1llIl $400 words can get a detailed message across My bUMness I!:>very much a pt"Ople busmess I'm talkIng all the tIme I must work WIth other people" After Bmghamton, Hutdungs reached hIS goal He landed a Job In Rochester ~L1fe ''Ias good." he Slild "I met my goal I was m my 20s. Hutchmgs was smitten In 1982, he took a Job as producer/dIrector at WDIVTV "Channel 4 W:J.b lookmg to rebUIld," he saId "Mort Cnm and Carmen Harlen w('re new III the market Toda), Channel 4 news IS con!:>lstentlv rated No 1" After - four jears, Hutchmgs left to take a Job as productIOn manager of another Post-Newsweek sta.. .................".1 WDIV-TV saw tapes of Hutchmgs' work, however, and called to ask him to come to DetroIt for an mterview "It was the mIddle of WInter," HutchIngs s81d "I was happy where I was I had VlSlOns of DetrOIt. smokestacks, soot on cars, a manufactunng town I almost saId 'No' But I came anyway. He spent the weekend m DetrOIt MIami H(' spent five years there, then four years m Birmingham, Ala By 1996 he was back m DetrOIt "I heard a rumor that you can never go home agam It's not true I did and It'S great" Hutchmgs saId that when he's havmg a bad day, viewers of Channel 4 News know It "That's the day the wrong story comes up or the camera IS m the wrong place or I\,o.lVU, Hllt"hm"" hl'ln OTOwn 11n ar~~~d lak~s and ;ater, w~ a saIlor and competItIve SWImmer, loved fIshmg and canoemg On Sunday, he a~ked how to find Lake St Clalr He was told to dnve east on Jefferson He dId He was dIscouraged He kept dnving Came to Grosse POInte Noticed a dIfference Kept dnvmg "When I got to Lakeshore Dnve where Lake St ClaU' becomes VIsible, my Jaw dropped It was a beautiful sunny wmter day The lake was spectacular " au. ,,'v'- (;IllUU::U,,(;; lU Phot<. by M.rg>e Hems Smith Phil Hutchings plays with Jammer, his black Lab. in the back yard of the Grosse Pointe Farms home he shares with his wife. Jacquelyn. the events all day Our bUSIness IS to mform and show t!>e sheet rp;.>nrtpr ,.0. nn thp Wp did It" alr before he's ready" In addItIon to hIs work at Hutchmgs and hIS Wife Channel 4, HutchIngs has Jacquelyn have seven teleVI- Just started a home mspecGreenhght sion sets m therr home "We tlOn busmess, stay m touch WIth what's Home InspectIOn Co gomg on In the world all the "I've always been mteresttime," he sald ed m homes and m construcHutchIngs usually goes to tIOn I dId the research I work about 2 p m went to Wisconsm earher "On 9/11, after the World thIS y('ar to get certIfied I Trade Center attack, every- thmk I have an eye for one at Channel 4 started detail, an abllIty to orgamze commg mto the statIon By and a knack for communi10 30 m the mornmg we had catmg WIth people I hope to all gathered It was emotIondevelop thIs mto a qualIty al, We were talkmg, hug- local service company" gmg Channel 4 reported on He also enJoys woodwork- mg, restonng antIques, sallmg, fly fishmg, and collectmil LIOnel tralns "My dream IS to have a huge shop where I can bulld thmgs out of wood, refin...sh old canoes and antiques I hke takmg old broken-dow.1 thmgs and restonng them," he SaId "I gueSl> I'm lIke my dad, who IS a doctor He heals people I lIke to heal thIngs" Yet another personal aphorIsm "People for the most part, know how to thmk WIth their brains When they thInk WIth thplr hf'arts, they can often make a dIfference" Two-year quest ends with new sign By Brad Lindberg Staff Writer Patricia Casey has a strategy for overcommg obstacles "Keep pluggmg away and you mIght get part of your dream" Casey ended a two-year odyssey thIS week when Grosse POInte Woods offiCIalS finally approved a new SIgn for her store, Mack Ave Drapery & Intenors "I'm reheved," she saId A few mmutes after winrung her new !:>Ign, Casey rumed remlmscently through a small stack of permIt apphcatlOns, schematics, letters and rejection shps from the plannIng commISSIOn The documents marked bureaucratic SIgnposts In her Journey begInmng Nov 7, 2000 Mayor Robert Novltke was sympathetic "Ms Casey," he saId, "you've been before the planmng commisslOn too many times. Casey bought the drapery shop 12 years ago Two years ago she deCIded to update her storefront "My company has more to do than drapenes," she saId She h1red a marketIng consultant, added "mtenors" to the company name and created a company logo The final step, a new sIgn, proved the bIggest hurdle It took Grosse Pointe Woods business owner Patricia Casey two years to get her new sign shown in this rendering. Among other problems, the font wasn't Colomal enough to pass muster WIth members ofthe plannmg commit- tee Two years of reVISIOns, rejectIOns and appeals took theIr toll "Wouldn't you agree that an updated SIgn WIth a creatIve font for Mack Ave Drapery & Intenors would be preferred to anoHler 'For Sale or Lease' SIgn on Mack Avenue" she wrote tv the Woods CIty counCIl Ski Movie show is on Oct. 18 TIckets for thIS year's Matchstlck ProductIOns "SkI MOVIe III," "The Seth Mornson ChrOnIcles" and last year's "SkI MOVIe II" are on sale at Schummers Slu Shop at 20778 Mack In Grosse Pomte Woods Show tIme IS Fnday, Oct 18, at the Royal Oak MUSIC Theatre Doors open at 7 p m TJ.cketr:. cost $8 Allstate CONSTRUCTION "Home Remodeling Pros" • Roofing • SidIng • Window 586.774.1200 or Toll Free ADDITIONS CHECK YOUR. HOME REMODELING 1.800.422.9696 ~ NEEDS ,:::; Garages 0 Moster Cled'oom Suites o Kitchel'S n Window P.eplacement Family Rooms 0 S,dlng-Alumlnur1 Vinyl Wood o Porches 0 Roofing & Gutters o ~throom SUites 0 P.ecreorrol1 f\ocms o - PLANNING, DESIGN & BLUEPRINTS INCLUDED CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE.:< ESTIMATE! \' ~ '"'" '-l l#.. I \ TV' • Family Owne-d & Opprate-d ResldpNI C>f V()lIr (()mm "lOt "" , It wlll be the first tIme MSP movIes wIll be shown m MIchIgan Industry representatIves wIll be on hand Pnzes wI.11 be raffled, mcludmg a seasun pass to Boyne Cub Scouts to camp in Lake Front Park Ntarly 65 Cub Scouts are expected to spend tomorrow mght at Lake Front Park It Will be the 'lecond consecutive year scouts from Pack No 85 from Montieth Elementary School camped In Grosso Pomte Woods mam mumcIpal park "There were no problems," saId Mehssa Warnack, Woods recreatIOn supervIsor "Scouts WIll be partlclpatmg In a few adult-superVIsed games and actIVItIes before retlflng for the evemng" accordmg to Ruth Rf>menar, leader of Den No .1 S outs will be chaperoned bv parenk. and pack leaders Remenar promised that cub'l Will follow park rules and plck Up after themselve" Shp "aid almo"t all memb('rs of Pack No 85 are WOodb re"ldents Scouts will convene Ilt the park at about 7 p m Fnday and leave the nf>xt mnrnm<7 October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News SA ~ VILLAGE FOOD HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSI Avenue ~ Grosse Pointe Farms • 882-2530 ~ Fax 884-8392 :::t::r :~~~I~~~~\~c18328 Mack Open Monday through Saturday 8 a,m. to 7 p,m. Fine Wines imd L!quor • Prices in effect October 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 16 VILLAGE nght &. to Ilmilquanlilies ~~::~~N $349 NOW AVAIlABLE PRODUCT~ ~a MOLSON CAN'AfrUNCANADIAN Ir -, WINES 4 HACKER.PSCHORR OR PAULANDE$R 12 PACKOKTOBERFEST I_OnLES.YOUR CHOICIi ~~~TER TOMATOES • "RIO STAR" ~Dl!:l!:lU B In $899 erles "FRESH - 1.5 Li B&G $499 save $999 save Chardonnay 750ML. STERLING 5auvlgnon Blanc -'"'- KENDALL JACKSON Ri"~ - • Collage Serles 'V~+ 750 ML ICE CREAM $ 29 2 GAL 'II =:=:~ 1.5 LT' • •• 1.5 LT - 1.5 LT $2.50 FRIDAY'S $ Chardonnay & Save Blanc t:abernet. Merlot. Plnot Nofr & Zinfandel 799 Sonoma Winery 8.11 UncIeBeai' &;.\ OZ ~." $2 RAW. PEELED & DEVEINED I,D FOOD A...,.. A.."" COCKTAIL $249· YOUR VILLACE SAUCE ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ MARKET .99~% PINT A.. ,.. .. BETTER MADEPOTATOCHIP " . , DELICATESSEN OREOFUN SIZE ~ NEW FROM ML $3.50 ESTANCIA Cabernet FREEMARK ABBEY Merlot $1999 Save 10 750 ML 799 750ML &499 1!6iJII"" FAT FREE .. LOWFAT MIX ORMATCH,YOURCHOICE FRITO-LAY ~ $179 JARRED ~. l!.-J!!. 48 OZ .' " • ' POUCH MIXES ~ 49 6'1, .10 OZ YOUR CHOICE $1 TOMAT 0 SAUCE ~ HEAD $599 ~~RCE I,B. ROASTBEEF.............................................. BOARS HEAD CRACKED A CD PEPPER ~~~U~EHH~~ BOARS HEAD HORSERADISH *499 I,H. TURKEy....... ~ CD CHEDDAR............ *4 79 I,B. *4:19 I,n. TORTILLA CHIPS • BLUE CORN • NO SALT BI.UE CORN • RE~~~: BLUE $ )49 CHOICE BAKERY 90Z BRAWNY 1-- -=1 I Save • BOARS CHIPS NO;~~;~~DING BEANS • MIXED • • ORT NORTHERN YOURCHOICE • fiii POTATO 280Z 750 Ml. California Varletals MER~NCOS ALSO MISSMERINCUECOOKIES ~ • BLUEBERRY MUFFIN • FUDOE BROWNIE • CHOCOLATECHIP MUFFIN $ 111 99~ TOMATO RED WINE SALE BAROSSA VALLEY Shlraz LB $249 $119 ~. 19 6N1 wlneS@CANNED cabernet,@avi750 LB. V%S~.~~~D .~ 99 SWORDFISH STEAKS........$7 $799 SHRIMP.................................... SNYDER'SMINI PRETZELS 0. 15% LEC CRAB MEAT 749 Syrah, Zinfandel &: Vloanler *2°9 CHILI-LIME PORK CHOPS .._.. $299..... BRATWURST •••.•.•.•.•.••.•.••.•.••.... YOUR CHOICE REMEMBER • HALLOWEEN SPECIAlS ~ S::~K*1~~(1J ~. $ ~ 99 ::.: $ FROZEN SPECIALITY PIZZA RICE PUDDINC CINNIRAISIN "T'h. TV?: .1_ B Buy " RANDAL .I. ~ 1$ WeeKS est · PINTO Chardonnay SPRINCWATER "" 1~,,,CALIFORNIAPIZZA .~.. KITCHEN M~R~ MOIR'S It~lIan SMOKINC LOON LB. BARRYS BAKERY 750 ML Favorites I d 15 LT - ~\ $1249 BOLLA $299 CHICKEN CORDON BLEU :E~~F:I:::~N$239~~~@$3~'!r :~:: ~ .. 750 ML All Your EVIAN~149 SNACK BOX STRONC MADE FRESH AT VILLACE FOOD MARKET 80Z ~, FRENCHALPS '1' • YOURCHOICE 4~ White Zinfandel. ,;;".,. 5auvlgnon Blanc . ...,.. , & Camay Beaujolais BROIL BUTTER SAVE $1.00 i ')OO FROZEN • MOZZ STJ( RODNEY ALLFLAVOR YOURCHOICl: Or$599@aVe100%WHOLEWHEATLITEBREAD$3 99 2 TGI Chardonnav$899 Cabernet & Merlot YOOURT $219 $}49 34 OZ S.\.\'E Wines I 2% MILK _ DANISH KOEPPLINCER'S CLEN ELLEN SEALTE T STEAK ENGLAND CROU N D , CHUCK lS399 'I.! 6t\L II, '$}29 White • NEW 10# 8/\6 6 PACK • REGULAR ... DEL RACCOLTO ~ LB • ROUND 99 I' YOURCHOICE • UNSALTED IMPORTEDITALIAN REDVINECAR French I S" 99 V~N.n~.Il. MilK • CHOC ICLAIR 750ML • Sweetor $339 Extra Dry 12 Pack case price DOURTHE ..E~~~~~ GOOD HUMOR ICE CREAM TREATS Coed $7. gy : ••••••••••••••• : YOU'CHO,a ~ STOCK VERMOUTH Re~ <t~ ~ ",agel"ne-c .•••. ~12.!:I'9 & M"ng~ ====fi iv' DAIRY lJ ~ 0 NOT INCLUDING ALASKAN 2. ~~a!:~~~n!'y.~.: .....~.:.....~~~.~~. r BREASTS _~S.D.A • Pk6 !S •.•.••.•.•...••....•........ P7~ ~l.4 2 750 ML .•••....•............. SQUEEZED" ~' .~ S;Vfl ~ $ '89~ML MUSHROOM ORANGE JU ICE ••••.••.•.•••.•••••.•••...••...... "ACID-FREE" PIGHIN PlnotGrlglo SPLIT HICKEN '7Q~__ D~Aa.I~ NEW CROP IDAHO POTATOES 750 ML FALL WHITE SALE BONE-IN fil$2fMt ••.••.•••..•.••.•.•.•..•.....••.......•.•••.. SND WHITE LINDEMANS S > ~;E:~;R~;";~~'~~'~~.~~~~;'."'.""""""'."".: .... ~$"'99 TOP ROUND 99~;;;I; I $849~ Grand Estclte Merloi Crand Estate Cabernet ~ ~ + DEP "TENDER" I BUTCHER I. ...__ ~ _~~C!LE_~,=.~. I-':I I.D J'l{EEjf~ TI:NIJEKLUIN ON THE VINE 1'1I20lkt''Pl'''''''9'CRAPEFRUIT -------. crest ~~ Columbia - VEGETABLES LACER ~~~ ru;:,a:;- ~ FR~I~~ $1059 "sUPPORTYOUR RED WINCS" ~ Large Face Pumpldns + DEP l WHITE ~ PAPER .31 APPLE PIE -J TOWEL ~ 5~\!I OVEN FRESH 8 R!,~:~~. '"!~] 6;~~. ~~.~.:.:_.219_i.5.0.I.9_.~ .. _$•.•2.__ 8_'S9.p.A.c.K_, ~~~NEo~~I:~:MON $3 1 I I o.. 6A News Octobei H" ,G02 Grosse Pointe News , THROUGH PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS Purse stolen A Grosse Pomte Woods \\ oman's purse was taken lie 111 her car parked m a lot till 16900 block of " ,1,,\<11 III the City of ,,, l'rnnte between 10 ,I d m on Saturday, wmdow ",af> allowlllg the sustel remove the purse th' driver's seat It !)dch , I , j.Jt'1l Ie, I 1'\ on woman's 1998 Ford Bronco travehng 57 mph on eastbound Vermer, then skiddIng across tole southbound and northbound lanes of Lakeshore before commg to a stop at 5 15 am A contractor arnvlng at The woman was not Ius Job In thp first block of Injured, but she recorded II FIsher m the City of Grosse blood alcohollevd of 21 perPo1Otediscovered back doors cemon a PET lucked-m and a 4 by 12-foot - Bonme Caprara pane of glass broken on Sunday, Oct 6, at 11 30 a m Nothmg In the house While chaperomng a appeared to be dIsturbed The house was last occupied sE'ml-formal dance at a pnaround 930 Tuesday, Oct 1 pm Break-in, no entry? Pistol scare , l.J) "v 1 _ .\.. "' -1 \.., &'''' ..... ..., .. a . J ....~.,+.... C' .... h ..... nl "'''\ tho 1O(l() 'hl,",,,,"1r 3 30 p m The owner was not of Cook the evenmg of' Saturday, Oct 5, a Grosse at home Pomte Woods public safety A CIty of Grosse Pomte officer became SUSpiCIOUS of \\ oman was Injured as an four male Juvemles who unl<nown man assaulted her arnved m casual attlre and sto.e her purse and wedThe officer mvestlgated dll1g nng set In her garage The Grosse Pomte Farms In the 500 block of Department of PublIc Safety the youths' vehIcle and UIll\ erslty on Saturday, Oct Ib lookmg for a man who found what appeared to be a 5 bhortly after 8 30 p m stole a checkbook from a Smith & Wesson handgun The unknown man walked store In the 18800 block of on the floorboard Poltce and mto the woman's garage Mack on Sunday, Oct 6, school offiCials rounded up the youths, who were after she parked her car, around 2 30 p m pOInted a handgun at her A Llvoma woman aCCiden- DetrOit reSidents ages 13 and said, "Give me your tally left her checkbook at through 16 and had pernuspurse, or I'll shoot you" The the check-out lane of the slOn to attend the dance The pIstol turned out to be woman kicked the man In store A store surveillance the face and chest before he tape showed a man pick up a gas-powered BB gun the pIstol-whipped her In the the checkbook and leave the Officers confiscated weapon, asSIgned a youth face She then relented store before bemg forced to he The man IS descnbed as a officer to pursue the matter, f!lce down In her car black male between 25 and and let the teenagers return In the meantime, the 30 years old WIth short harr to the dance woman's husband, who saw and a heavy build wearing the struggle and heard the glasses, a black turtleneck screams from the house, and dark pants. The results of a recent called 911, but the man took break-In were mscovered ill off beforE'publIc safety offithe 1500 block of North cers arnved Renaud on Wednesday, Oct A FUjitsu laptop computer Grosse POInte Farms and 2, at about 4 45 p m was reported stolen from a Grosse POinte Park public Thousands of dollars of safety officers assIsted m an house on Beverly in Grosse high-end Video eqUIpment unsuccessful search for the Pomte Farms on Sunday, were stolen along WIth tapes man A K-9 umt from the Oct 6, at 3 p m. The computer was last of a DetrOIt Model Yacht DetrOIt Police Department Club race The h:Jmeowner wa" unable to locate the seen around 10 pm on sald a mIssmg Sony TRV990 Friday, Oct. 4 There were man as well dIgital video camera was The man IS descnbed as a no signs of forced entry mto worth $2,300 black male In hIs mId-30s, the house. Officers saId someone between 5 feet, 8 mches and entered the house through a 5 feet, 10 mches taIl with a WIndow and left footprints stocky build, pudgy face, flat that detectIves are investlnose and medIUm complexgatmg Ion He was weanng a dark • Eggs and shaVIng cream kmt wmter hat, a dark were strewn about a Grosse green or brown canvas Jack- Pomte Farms school parkmg A home III the 20600 block et and black leather gloves lot sometime between 8:30 He was armed With a semi- pm on Thursday, Oct 3, of Wedgewood m Grosse automatic gun and 6 30 a m on Fnday, Oct. POInte Woods was broken mto sometIme between 10 The VICtlm suffered two 4. a.m and 9 50 P m on fractures In a cheekbone and Unknown persons also laceratIOns on her nght entered the school dunng Fnday, Oct 4 A thIef or thieves broke cheek a'ld forehead that time and defaced a open a breezeway door, locker m the boys locker room WIth a profane draw- splintenng a door Jam, on therr way to stealIng numermg m magic marker ous pIeces of women's Jewel• An employee of another ry A reSIdent In the 200 block Grosse POinte Farms school MISSing Items mcluded a of Fisher m Grosse POinte literally held down a 15- $5,000 dIamond nng, a year-old Grosse Pomte Farms, who came home to stnng of pearls valued at file a repo-t of a preVIOUS Woods boy until Farms pub- $1,000, a gold necklace WIth larceny, caught a 17-year-old lIc safety officers arnved at a dIamond cross worth $300, City of Grosse POInte male the school on Fnday, Oct 5. and three Tiffany pieces The boy was seen expresstryIng to break Into hiS $140 cham bracelet, $90 ball house on Monday, Sept 30, mg hIs school spmt WIth bracelet and $100 silver spray pamt on the football at 10.17 am ring The youth, who was sus- field press box at about 9.45 pected of takIng $100 In p.m The boy told Farms offichange out of the house five days earlIer, was attemptmg cers there were two other to gain entry mto the home boys With hIm, both from the Woods, before he was through a milk chute. BIke thieves cruised released to hIs parents Grosse Pomte Park last The matter IS bemg week. At least rune bIkes referred to the Farms' youth were taken between An employee of a Grosse officer Tuesday, Oct, 1 and Fnday, Pomte Farms l1brary report• Grosse Pointe Shores Oct 4 ed her purse taken whIle she publIc safety officers roundThe first mCldents took was away from her desk ed up a group of youths to between 2 30 and 2.40 p m clean egg off four cars on place between Oct 1-2 when a 20-mch black BMX on Monday, Sept 30 Webber Place on Sunday, Mongoose mountam bIke The employee saw a Oct 6, at 1046 p m and 20-mch Silver BMX young man leave her office The youths told the offias she returned She mscov- cers that the eggmgs were stunt razor were taken from ered the purse miSSIng connected to theIr school the bike racks at Trombly Elementary SdlOOl about 15 mmutes later spmt week On Oct 2, a men's The purse was later found SpeCIalIzed mountam bIke In an 8ls1e m another part of With chIld seat contammg the bUlldmg Ten dollars A 2002 black four-door stam glass was taken from a was miSSIng The suspect was descnbed Subaru Impreza WRX was locked garage m the 1200 as a wlute male In Ius late taken from a dnveway of a block of WhIttIer The next day between teens to early 208 "l~t~ a house m the 800 block of medIUm to slender buIld Lakeshore In Grosse POInte 8 30 and 11 45 a m In the weanng a tan sweater, dark Shores on Wednesday Oct 1400 block of Kensmgton, a 2 ' Silver women's Giant pants and dark shoes The car was last seen III Sedona, red and black men's the dnveway at 8 30 P m Giant Boulder mountam but was noticed mlssmg bike and boy's Schwmn Frontier were taken from a around 10 p m gRrAge ThlC\ cs also took three bike helmets Someone deCided to get a Between Oct 4-5 m the Jump on the snowblower 1200 block of Bedford, a 26theft season A 25-year-old WarrE'n A Toro snowblower was woman sludded off the road- Inch men's Raleigh tandem dlscovered miSSIng from a way and crashed mt{) a Sign 10-speed and 26-mch men's Giant bike was taken from garage In the 200 block of before a Grus"'e POInte Chalfonte ;n Grosse POInte Shores public safety officer an unlocked garage' Dunng the same penod 10 Farms could pull her over for Entry was believed to speedmg and dnvmg under the I~OO block of Somerset, have been gamed through the mfluence of alcohol on a 27-mch boy's Royce Umon bike was stolen from an an unlocked ~arage door Sunday, Oct 6 assaulted Checkbook checked GPWB&E Laptop stolen Spirited mischief Jewelry stolen Caught the second time Nine bikes stolen in GPP Library larceny Car stolen Ahead of season • Crash landing 1'1,,, heard ,."o •.-l"nt her ""Hi "hI' dogs barkmg ml.. .1 I.IL rl'" VlL a..t:::f t'Hi W tne Ojit:u ~IH"ge See COPS, page 115A Harper Woods October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News 7A Durbin named HW fire chief By Jason Sweeney Staff Writer agreed about the need to replace the second-lIne After nearly half a year ambalance wIthout a leader, the Harper "There are a lot of Issues Woods FIre Department has to be dealt With, " WhIte been put under the watc~ of saId, "but the ambulance IS ChIef MIke Durbm the most pressmg " DurbIn, a 27-year veteran Once the purchase IS of the force quahfied In made, both wagons In the advanced lIfe support, hazCltV Will be eqUIpped for ardous matenals (HazMat) ad~anced !lfe &Upport berenclosed area rescue and vice Imtlal mdlcators from other facets of the Job, was the cIty and fire department sworn In dunng the Monday, pomt to the final presentaOct 7 cIty counCil meeting bon for the new ambulante Fellow firefighters lIned bemg ready WithIn the next the back wall of the counCil f;n ,hv" chambers In support of Another challenge before ',. ~ (-: Durbin and many members . ~ Durbm, accordmg to WhIte, Chief Mike Durbin of the audIence openly conWIll be the <.ontract negotiaPhoUl by Jason Sweeney versed With and con6Tatu- a chIef has been hard on the tions later tlus year statIon "I have to catch up lated the new cruef The heutenant pOSItion "I've worked WIth MIke for on some thmgs " left vacant by Durbin wIll From left to right, Michael Jaczkowski of St. Peter the Apostle, Paul Durbm saId that the hkely be filled WIthIn the 17 years," saId city manager Bramos of Poupard Elementary, Brian Folmar of Tyrone School, and Melanie JIm Leldlem "I'm posItive length of the vacancy has ""vt two months, With staff Zynel of Our Lady Queen of Peace were honored at the Monday, October 07, to pile shlftmg around mSlde the he'll do a good Job for the allowed paperwork city councll meeting for thelr outstanding service as crossing guards. up, that the day-to-day runcity" That vote of confidence department Each received a plaque. a certificate from Sgt. Ralph selvaggioMayor Poynfrom Leldlem and hIS famIl- mng of the statIOn may need A new hIre IS also hkely ter and the city councll and a $50 savings bond, donated by Vegas market. ianty WIth counCIl led to a some small reView, and fin- once everyone IS settled Into Ishmg the speCIfications for unammous vote to approve the new regime the new ambulance IS a very hIS appomtmel1t "I'm proud to be able to "We're gomg to start work Important Issue serve the CIty," Durbm saId Leldleln and Ullion repreagam," saId Durbm, who to the council, "and I Mike White knows that the time Without sentatIVe promise to gIVe It my best" By Jason Sweeney Phone calls to the home on wants her daughterreturned Staff Writer Washtenaw and to other home safely and she IS wIllThe mother of a 14-year- frIends throughout the city mg to do whatever It takes old Harper Woods girl IS have bPen unable to turn up to achIeve that turmng to the community any trace of the 14 year-old In order to draw more for help findmg her daugh. girl informatIOn pertaInmg to ter Budget delay an added bonus, Leldlem reported that the "She's got a lot of frIends Gloster's locatIOn and health h cost of the calendar will be sIgruficantly NIcole Thomas, mother of m Harper Woods," Thomas Th to the attentIOn of mvestlga. e sc h e d u led b u d ge t h earIng w h IC less for the upcomIng year (,hante Gloster, had hved m saId, "but none of them have tors. a reward IS bemg was supposed to follow the cIty council Ex ct the calendars to amve In the secHarper Woods for less than seen her" offered meetmg was canceled after the meetmg d fD be a month when Thomas had Pollce are Investlgatmg ran long and an executIve sessIOn was on a o. ecem r Anyone who has seen her to go to the Harper Woods the case and are actively or has infonnatlOn about her required The council wIll still meet Lot spht PolIce to report that her searchIng for Gloster. but as whereabouts should call the Monday, Oct 14, at 7 p m to begin the dls- Another lot splIt came before counCil, daughter was mlssmg of yet have no strong leads Harper Woods Pohce at CUSSIOnof the new year's finances The dlVldmg 21145 and 2186 Van Antwerp "I'm \\ omed that she IS In Thomas SaId that she Just (313) 343.2540 public IS welcome to the budget meetIngs, Althou1?h some of the property lIes over the a dangerous Sltuutlon and held In the CIty councll chambPrs oound.ary to Grosse POInte Woods, It was she's never been gone from unaffected, and the spht was approved 7-0 @I~l!l home for thIS long," Thomas .....' Guards in high regard Harper Woods girl still missing , City Council Briefs Iilf Park advisory City Manager James Leldlem SaId that the mqUlnes as to when action could be taken to meet and dISCUSSthe parks In the CIty WIll take place after the electIOn of new members to the Park AdVISOry Board In November ThOSE mterested m SItting on the board should contact cIty clerk MIckey Todd at (313) 343-2510 City calendar LItho pnntmg servlces has been selected as the pnnter for the 2003 CIty calendar The current pnnter dId not satIslY the cIty's expectatlOns and lost the contract As Bills bills bills The councIl approved three measures at to pay for servlces and Improvements the reSIdents have benefiteri from The City'S oblIgatIOn to its road bonds was due The combmed payment on the 1995, 1999 and 2001 bonds was $535,76250, whIch IS more than a dollar for every mmute m a year A payment of $157,903 64 to Wayne County for the use of the sewer system Fmally, work done throughout the cIty and the resurfacmg of Bournemouth were pmd for Councll, SIgned over $222,18262 to the Florence cement company Police Brief Help wanted? To suggest a story for the Harper Woods page, call Staff Writer Jason Sweeney at (313) 343-6293. Gros~ Pointe News (USPS 210 400) Published ever> Thur,day By Anteebo Publishers 96 Kercheval Avenue Grosse POinte, VII 48236 PHONE: (313) 882-6900 P, Slage pa d " lad Cli and ott~CC"io SurljGlpl on R~les mad In Ih( '1('lr( Mel~O nudmi!, S 1"1 per year area S6') POlnl(' 48216 ThE' deadl n( l}f nrw\ ~(JH'rll~ lJ!J'" I ~ nlhf III :w d (In I\1nncL'\v ffi()(" I"> tro 1m ~)()1 (l,Mn I('\( <;,11): «(D'i)l I)ln If'\. n0l NH)( llm( ng otlhl kM Th< Yl In l"l lJl ..t «( \\Ot tnt'f th( N( ......, hr\t th€' pt an ach \ 11'1">('/ e,ll Available l,}..i'f!(,,('f iJl II __ ,__ ..:. ~~2t..Uli!. ,1 K.B. SERVICES, INC. (313) 792-2855 Licensed & Insured In October Quality With Concern Smce 1991 with any Broadloom Carpet Purchase • Fabrica • Karastan CITY OF HARPER WOODS WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN SYNOPSIS: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2002 The regular City Couocil .., 30p rr £RESIiliL was called to order b) Mayor Kenneth A Poynter at MOJJO:'!S 2 '1 Mayor Ke"""lh A Poynter Cooocilperson(,) Oleryl COSla11' no Hug~ Marshall Michael P Monashan Damel S Palmer and VIVian M Sawlc-~a Mayor Pro !em Jolut M Sryman,ICI Al!.Sf.l'lL I PASSED To excuse Mayor Pro tern John M Szyman.sb from tonlgrl1 1n«1.mg because of a pnOf commllment To rr.cC'lve approve and file the mmutes of the Regular City Council Meetmg held on Seprember 4 2002 and (he mmules of Ihe: Sptcla.1 City CounCil Meehng held ~epCember 9 2002 To appro'e 'Ile 1003 Budget MeetlOg Sclledul< worl,hops be held at regular and speclal meetings 00 October 7 Octobel 14 and October 21 and further to hoki J: pubhc heanng on tht: Budget on November 4 2002 That the agenda of ..he Regula.r City Council Mettlng h.avlT1gbeen acted upon the: meelmg 1<;herehy adJOUrned.at R 19 P m "In '0 R.ESQJ..\illQ..~ 1) 21435 Mack Avenue (between 8 and 9 Mile Roads), St. Clair Shores (586) 776-5510 Hour~ !\1on, Thurs. 9.30-7'30, Tues., Wed, Fri , Sat. 930-6:00 meetmg ROLL CALL 2) ~) 41 To apprc"e ~ folloW1ng Ifemo; 10 !.he ('(.,,-.enr A~tMa l) ApprO'oe Ire Aaoont~ Payable lLstlng for C~\:. 'Lmto.ef'l; 64~"'4 through 647()4 In t~ amoont of Sl 4 I 'Ii 241 ,0 lb <;.uhmlttt<t by the C t) ~ana~er.and City ('onlf( Iler and further authonlC lhe Mavor and ':11)' O('rk to l:.lgn Ole lJn ng 2) Approve pay menc I' <)partan Dlstnbutof1i for the puf~hase of .\l\ Aera \ator machl~ With brush anachmenl<; If1 the amount of $l123 and In [he amou,t at $1867 % fO( the spnnkler S)"iftm Inl:.tAlle<tat Johmton Par\: (Of L~ hall diamond .. To Plih ..(' (m In[rodu('rlon .and !-'Ln.1 Reading an ordlnAfkC entitled An Ordlnance 10 Amend ~CI on l <, 20 of Article II of lhe Code (If Ordm.aoc(''ll for the Clly If Harper Wood.... (J()umlng Tra{fl~ and furtw-t to direct ~ CHy CleO: to publlsh a oollre of I"l~ III 30cord2loc.(' wllh City Ch:artrr rt"..qulR.mc:nt~ To approv~ I"'~ addendum tC'l che Agreemenr wllh IAFF l...o<:.al 118S regardiM; promo[lC'lnal procedurtli. MKI furthc: '(I Illlhonu 1tJ( ell) Man.lger and ell)' CItric 10 ~I.em the .1grr('menc Tn ~~"'f rh ... 1m-, 'h vl~:~l 'U ~m"'''~M Kenneth A. Poynter, rx~r Mickey D. Todd, Mayo< '''yOer1< J)~ n lolth" PJ ' ~ de r , , , , nf """>'lr aoo ool\- p.lhll( M )('l )t 1'1 ad r t ('rT'( <;r 1 I ( llol;,f'h If' r n 1 .k(i~~ I .J!lIlr~' 10% off ::All10%off,,~ Basement RepaiiS"1 I" Complete House Brick • Waterproofingl r, ~ ~ ~0S!.21...~~ nv"'(1or ~('<. CARRY-,OUTS SAT1;1-9" 'l,' SUN 2-9 • Cracks • Mold • Leaks • Brick Waterproofing. Wall Repairs rx- '(~ nn \"i:rlf1~ I '1)( I."," I~ 0 OFF I ~ WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS rnu<..lh.- ('(1m ((If ~ In runf)( fOfOfil( r--.. ~ f1~ ltnl 1v.< C1t'('f rr (' 100A I BASEMENT WATERPROOFING' . I~ nt I)r H M-ll°~;" ---------------------- Ed Maliszewski Carpeting )t'\ lfH~rK)fl()lthe(hln;( thP ~ (I block S. ofCJty Hall) r.:! Gros"'" Pointe Woods u ~ -FAX (313) 882-8139 "" TO'" A"D AIlIL<;T\\f'JT, nllllY lor dl<..plav ."Ind {Iaol;,~r (Id advt.~1~11~ I 19873 Mack Ave. Interior & Exterior s "'1ood.;p" 10 .vht rll~ re, (r)r'" Se<"lll n A 0;. ~ 00 p m Vl")(1J~ .... R:~)()()<; ~ Stop The Water & Damage It's Doing To Your Home. 4(, drldJlnr (ORRf( ~;;;;rsary-eeTeb~';-n:~ 01 it&.(>fll~rc,d(,~':Hl m ~ ~ Celebrating our I year ~ !Annwersary! ree FMm) \11 I '>f'rt,on II tOt In (313) 882-8138 .... VI) oUl New\ (OP~ 10Ir<;Uf( n"'J merl ~ '(l1d 'ddrclS ,hJo~c\ lroo:;'.l(" POinte m ~ 2 j(er(ne\ai 1 00 P ~ ~~~ _"J.;J1", uC"a POqM~STtR 10 Crosse "'( [lelroll add llonal 1M ~ CHINA CHEF CHINESE & SZECHUAN ~ Carry Out ~ '0' .... ' SlOn M dHgan ~ * , A 30-year-old Harper Woods man was arrested at 3 50 a m Sunday, Oct 6, after runnmg around the semor care facllity m the 19800 block of Harper The man wandered the halls and hId from staff members before runnIng northbound on Harper When captured, he told pohce that he had been seekmg employment and medIcal attentIOn Harper Woods pohce took hIm mto custody on the charge of breakmg and entenng WIthout perrms- Pc saId of the 6.foot tall, 140 pound glfl Chante Gloster was wearIng a paIr of blue Jeans, a red and whIte stnped shIrt and a paIr of Nlke shoes at the time of her dIsappearance Thomas saId Gloster left theIr home on Elkhart at approximately 1.30 a m Sept 14 When she awoke the next day, Thomas said she sUbpected that the girl had stayed at a fnend's house on Washtenaw 1011012002 JI thighs It WIll also have a movie theater that can be uf,ed to entertain Park kids - and adults - through_ out the cold, wmter months and even through the dog days of August Heenan said the Park IS able to make the park unprovement Without extra taxes because of the generosIty of the Park FoundatIOn and the em clency of tb", ",t) ad,mmstratlOn and employees The mayor pomts opt that the Park functIOns With fewer employees and managers than many other cIties Its size The lower overhed allows the Park to spend money on programs that ""Ill directly benefit the rpsldents such as thp pldnned bathhouse Kudos to Heenan, KraJmak, the Park City Council and the CIty tmployees who make the Park such a Boom. boom, boom! J us~ hke that, It'S done No rdncoraus publIc heanngs, no ad hoc committees, no city-wide adVisory ballots Boom, boom, boom' A new, twostory, year-round bathhouse and actiVities center Wdl> Hot only approved for Grosse POInte Park's Wmdmlll Pomte Park, but the old bUlldmg has already been razed, and the foundatlOn for the new structure IS bemg laid Mflvnr Pfllmpr HppnAn r,f'rht" manager Dale KraJmak for the speed With which the city IS able to move Krajmak, a certified pubhc accountant by tramlng and a hardworkmg farmboy by real'lllg, doesn't pussyfoot around when It comes to thmklng a SituatIOn through Heenan said KJ'ajmak was able to look at the finanCing, cOJl1bmed With Grosse Pomte Park FoundatlUn fund- (',tv mlJ' "nn """" "hi" tn '" Robert G, Edgar Pubh~her John Mmms EdItorand General Manager Robert B Edgar Founder and Publisher (313) 343 5590 (1940-1979) Gross PoI.ntn N~ws ...., ~ '" ,J: .yo< Margll!' Reins Smith A%I~tant 1:dltor/J-e"tult' Ch.ck "lank., ~ "'",. .a.~~":fL~ "0' J'; ./1~~,",; t ......... ~rl ..2 "::",rl ...... "'.'~n... ",l ..."ll0 ,v(Yrlnn~ thplr CLASSIfIED - (313) 68H900 B.rb.r. '",bock V<thack. Manager Editor Sports Ed,to, 8<:InOie Cilprilra ~taff \\onler Brad Llndberg. Siaff \Inler Jason SWfene\l Staff Wnler Ida Bauer !\d\ erhslnb II Gt05st' PDlnt!!'Famu Belt) B,osseau l'""r",ade, Grt'g Repre,;,C'ntah\(' JulL. R Sullon 1 1 ."U,I,n ..L..l.'-'L Mandger BartOSIeWICZ Dav,d Hughes Pal T.pper '\1 r lit:' .... turlJn Ad"'('Ttl'''U1~ Rrpre"lntau\{' Penny Kathleen D Bowles '\lh lrl,<.,mg Rlpre ...ent'l.h\ to Ad,mn"lrall\e \""I,nl ,.." 1 ...- ~..... Ken Sl..hop \d\trh ..mg Rl.pr~rtatl\e Ken C Ong, M,ller Staff \IInte' CIRCULATION 131313435578 Diane l\1ofE'IIJ, :rdliOr111 AssLstant K.ala Altevogt Mnfld,l;?;t r M148236 Made-Ielrt SO'Cla, ~pt.>(nl \"\ooler Carol MJlIlgan ...- (313) 882-6090 PnxluctlOn Mary Ellen VanDusfn, Mahon.) Leslte Mannino "' PRODUCTION KIm M Macke) A"' ....,>l:anl to the Ad\ ertlsmg t\1anager !\.alhle(ln M ~tevenson Ad\lrtl<,.mg ReprE""tntah\C Ro>alyn Balto.. r ..... ,.l"...,_ ....... 1 ....." ...................................t"' DISPLAY ADHRTISINC. (313)832 '500 Fun VelardQ, A'i.';>l'ltant Manager M.I .... .. Peter J Birkner .. Ad\ t>rhSll1g II,,1anagu 96~bKt~.",boch~.Pv:,blfA"kvh.I:':YJ.nn,. Vol. 63, No. 41, October 10, 2002, Page SA :::",~:fi._~~ '7 EDITORIAL (313) 682-<)294 l I" ... .h" c!:<> ,!Tn mllhon activitieS bUlldmg doable and WIthout any dddltJonal burden to Park taxpayers ¥lhat IS even more mnovatlve than sonl(' other cltle,,' activIties bUJldlllgs IS that the Park IS makmg "ure It IS usable all year long The Pa;1'; building will have an exercise faclhty on the second floor, allOWing stalr-steppen, to Vl€W the Dernck. ....t ~ JF,r nl\.Jll Carol Jd.rmall '\, .. , ... ~ I 'I. j r' nil \ ....,.,,1 "l '" r' U.N. support needed on Iraq hile PresIdent George W. Bush pasSIOnately called Monday mght for pubhc support m hIS effort to get congressIOnal approval of a possible preemptive strike agamst Iraq, we remam concerned about the consequences and world publIc opmlOn should we go It alone, Currently, our only allIes m support of a U.S.-led attack on Saddam Hussem are Israel and Bntam. In the latter case, Bntlsh prime mlmster Thny Blalf faces strong publIc msapproval for rus support Though we are a loyal supporter of the RepublIcan president, we have reservations about Bush's push for pre-emptlve-stnke authonzatlon FIrst, we are not entirely convmced mIhtary force 1S needed at thlS time. At the very least, we are not sure that every effort short of war has not been exhausted Sure, Hussem IS mcgalomamac He ]S not even "benevolent" as a mctator But, then agam, before the Gulf War, IraqiS reportedly were among the most lIterate, cultured and prosperous people 10 the Middle East What we do know IS that Hussem at thiS time does not possess nuclear weapons There IS strong eVIdence, though, that he continues to manufacture chenncal and bIOlOgical weapons. But, we suspect, the same trung can be said for Chma, Korea, Israel a.."ld the United States Second, we fear that Wlthout Umted NatIOns support, we Wlll bnng down upon us the mspleasure of all other Arab countnes and people of Arab descent worldWIde, WIth our msatlable need for oil, many 10 the world Will View an overthrow of Iraq as a ploy by the Umted States and ItS powerful OIl conglomerates to gam control of the world's second largest OIl depOSit. Even though Bush has strong ties to the 011mdustry, we do not b~heve hiS animOSity toward Hussem has to do With OIl We do not doubt Bush's smcere fear of what Hussem IS capable of domg should be get hiS hands on weapons of mass destructIOn We Just don't belIeve mIlItary mterventlOn has become mevltable MIchIgan Sen Carl LeVIn, chairman of the Senate Armed ServIces Committee, pomted out to WJR mornmg post Paul W Snuth recently that while H ussem IS a madman, he's not crazy Levm malOtams that Hussem enJoys the posh hfe of an OII-nch dictator and has no deSire to Jeopardize It He may be a bully. a thug, a sadIst, but he's not sUlCIdal, LeVIn says We tend to dgree W Also on WJR, Mitch Alborn recently mtervlewed an Alaskan U S senator, who reported that the Umted States Imports sometrung hke $12.5 mllhon worth ofIraql OIla day, If we recall correctly An Internet search found U S Sen. Frank H MurkowskI of Alaska reportmg that we currently Import 700,000 \ barrels a day of 011from Iraq - more than tWice the 300,000 barrels We Imported 10 1998 "Iraq IS our fastest growmg source of Imports," the senator said, "yet Just mne years ago we fought a war 10 the PersIan Gulf to keep Saddam H ussem from conquermg the OIl fields of KuwaIt and possihly Saudi Arabia" Alborn, understandably, was incredulous. "Is it Just me," he asked, "or does It seem odd that Saddam HusseIn Address comments to cartoonist Phil Hands at HANDSP@kenyon.edu IS bad enough that we have to take rum out, but we can still buy IS OIl?" Alborn questIOned Why no one else was pomtmg thIS out beSides the good senator from Alaska We wondered the same thIng parents need to educate reports seemed more like Another Internet searc~ found a Respect begins theIr children about respect prebS release~ from the Washmgton Post story that sald. yes, mg others If they want to be board of educatIon 1here Amencan 011 compames have been at home respected were no hard questIOns bUYIng 011from Iraq Wlth the Dmted To the editor: It all starts at home, and asked as to how the eleTills letter IS m response NatIOns' bleSSIng The Post explams' the teenagers are makIng a ments of the project were "Although Iraq has been subject to to last week's letter, "Respect bad name for themselves developed, how cost estiTeens" (Oct 3, Grosse Pomte U N. sanctIOns since It mvaded whE'n they don't respect the mates were ebtabllshed, News) Kuwrot m 1990, the Secunty CounCil After readmg Donna property and feelmgs of oth- what transact,on fees are for estabhshed the OII-for-food program m Schultes' letter that scolded ers a bond Issue of this size I reahze that these teens 1995 to allow Iraq to sell 011 to buy Grosse Pomte Woods resI r know others had SImIlar food and memcme and to rebUild ItS dents who reSide near are our future, but what a questIOns and looked to your mfrastructure. " Grosse POInte North High scary thought that IS when paper for some of the see how some of them answers The 011compames give their money School for not respectmg the you behave I A strong free press IS the for Iraqi Oil to the Umted NatIOns, teenagers, I felt the need to Wake up parents and start whICh holds It in escrow and uses the share the other SIde to her talking With your kids about backbone of our natIOn and 1 fully subscnbe to the tenets od funds for food and pubhc works pro- complamts respectmg others before you of the press as the "watchI am a reSIdent and educagrams for the Iraqi people blame others for not respect- dog" of our society Your edIBut the UN's aim to keep the 011 tor m that commumty who mg them It IS a two-way tOrial, therefore, IS doubly happens to have two money out of Hussein's pocket wasn't teenagers of my own I can street! dlsappomtmg to me because J. Granger entirely successful He apparently has honestly say that thiS the recent remarks prOVided Grosse Pointe Woods chllhng effect on our commubeen blackmailing 011buyers by exact- "respect" Issue needs to go mty mg kICkbacks and selhng 011secretly both ways Misguided I hope our canng and eduto nelghonng countnes to the tune of I am sorry that the par- To the Editor: cated commumty contmues more than $1 8 billIon a year In IllICit ents of these hIgh school stur have been a reSIdent of to questIOn our pubhc offidents are not allowed to pick Grosse Pomte for over 30 011sales The Umted States and the Umted up their 'ltudents near the years and enJoy lIvmg In a CIalson fiscal and other matNatIOns arE>fightmg back, though, and Wedgewood gatf' but the commumty that IS canng, ters to assure that the best results are achieved for all closmg up the loopholes that have danger outweighs the conve- dIverse and educated Margot Parker mence However, thE're IS an underbeen ennchmg the dictator Grosse Pointe Park The mtersectlOn of HIdden Iymg current In the commuAs fasclnatmg as all thiS IS, It does Lane and \Vedgewood not mean we should mvade a sover- becomes ,ery congested at mty on some policy matters Defends votes that ISvery troubling e,gn nation To the Editur: drop off and pick up, and one I am speakmg speCIfically I found the Sept 26 We are too qUIck to go to war We of these days a student IS to SItuatIOns where therE' IS Grosse Pomte Newb opmlOn have had wars on poverty and drugs, gomg to get hurt By drop- concern and, perhaps, diSboth unsuccessful Now we have a war pmg off students a block or agreement over an Issue that artIcle '71 '/( of voters OK on terronsm that may be gomg the two awa), It allows the con- detenorates mto rancor b~ needed school bond" offensive I dId not vote agam~t same way We have yet to bring OSdma !;('ltlOn to be spread out the proponents rather tha~ the school bond Issue, but I If pIcking up your child a bill Laden to Justlce dlscouNe or CIVildebate v.1I1defend the right of the Let's make a chOice as a natIon to block away from "dwu] wlH J'he most eVIdent example people who did \ ot{ "ndv" help keep everyone safer, of thiS ISthe Sept 26 Gros~e make war the last resort, not the first The former USSF w()n then why are paren!.'l com- Pomte New'l edltonal, '7V~ Wn~ Congress and the preSident and plammg') .nO'lt(,f theIr ISbUl~ b) ,otes of voterb OK needed school tell them to g1Venon-VIOlent coercIOn a Since I have hvC'dIn thl'l bond," on the outcome (If th(> of99 to 100 pC'rcpnt but thpy chance neIghborhood, I have Wlt- .,chool bond 1"'lUe The an: not ,0mNJnP I wl'lh to ne",ed many dIsrespectful remarks m the edItorial cat emulatp The Nt v., ,hould acts by our teenagC'rs egorlzed tho.,e reSIdent,,,who be thankful that the bond Dunng the day It Isn't had some 'lenous questIOns 1~~lIev.as pa'l<,ed by nearl) uncommon to find G P about the project and the 75 percent of the voter", Retail Adverti~ing - (313) 882.3500 m'tead, you re,ort to nameNorth btud(nts camrwd out proce~s Your Home - - Noon Fnday 3<; "Scrooges" callIng anri downright on front lav.n~ ,mokmg and Featurc, Sport, ~CLllOn<; - 10 30 a m Monday Further demgratlOn was In"ult." eatmg NpC'dlp,", t o 'lay tne~e Main New5 <;cctlOn- 'i P m Monday madp to "omt-hone"t cItIzens The ,'pll'lOn pI(ce n'f!'1 ,tudent, Ipave behmd theIr m thIS community a~ "nar Classified Adverh<;mg - (313) 882-6900 cncC'to 2,070 ScroogC',"anri cigarette butt:, and trd"h TOW mmried" and "'hort- 'narrow mlndpd, Your Home (pictures log()~and border ad'» - noon M md,ly, Word ad, - 4 ,hort I havC' \~ltnC'""ed "ghted" becau~e thC'y pm MO'1day I" unwilr tpC'nager'l cutting through "xpr(>''led concerns about 'tghted voter, (Jeneral Cla~~lficd~- Noon Tuc,da) ~ard, dno hopping fC'nce~ fi'lcallnu'gnt" and outcomes rantt'd A, lonv a~ I~P )1\ ( In.l frC'( Gro<;<;ePointe New<; Editorial(313) 8H2-0294 [wcau,e It " thC' fa,ter way of a vC'ry expt-nslve bond nation \ of( r' ,h,nIitl br hon1(' or to work Whprp l'l I"IJC' f'ea:ure, - 1 pm rnda) (<-hur<-hhealth entertalnmcnt, <-hant.lblecvenh, mctro allo ..... d to V( 1('(' the Ir Opln thp rr 'lp,-ct that th., pC'opleIn c.llend.lr, and famtly fcature,) In ldd) ,Jut)1 the Gr()",,~c Ion \~Ithout !par ilnrl ITltll111 thh nC'lghborhoodriC',Prv(>') POint!- New, prol11l'lC'dthe "port, ~oon Tuc<,da)(<,pa<-e permlttmg) YC",) ou do pa~ t'lXC', 111 cltlzpn'l of thiS commllmt~ It datIOn Mdln New~ -- 1 P m Monday new" <'<-hool<', aUlo<"hu'me,,, "CTlIOr",mu leltcr<, I blllC'v( lhl N' W~ "'"P<' th,lO; r()rnn"'lo'lnl.~ I .~~ r.-i"" "'lJUHI provlaC' mtormatlOn the ppopl" of Gro<,<,pPOIntp ohllu.me<, (vl<;IlallOn/"crvKe,not pendIng). I0 a m Tue"da~ ohltuane" (\ I"" wpl 10,1,',,11 nf n]"rmO' Ih" UIJ lilt J1!rlIlIH'U tetpl Lal ,ltlOn/"erv1Ce<, pendmg) blame on th" n'~ld"n!.; near ">.ppndlturC'"and \\hy they an ap()lo~ Charl('s H. Lapo M D. Call 313 882-6900 in advance for holida d:;;.e.,a;;.;d ..'_'"_c;.;,, _ th" hIgh ~chool mdybC'morC' are nece",ary Th" NC'w'l' Grosse Point€' Woods ... ".I Letters Grosse Pojnte News deadlines ~I l I Baby sitting your mother caught you Sitting on the front porch step" on a chIlly autumn evenmg, you were told to go m31de and get a cu"hlOn Or stand up, for Pete',> sake Ralsmg decent /hlldren IS "Why?" We a"ked backbreakmg, eKhaustmg, The an"wers vanecl, thanklebs work I m glad I accord 109 to whose mother took the time ted" It caught you, but If all the It \1 ab touch and g, fur a answers were added togeth \1 hIll', back \Vb-'n I ....a" ,It er and dIVIded by the numhng on the front porch of my ber of mother" who aduall) gtrlhood holTV-, Leggmg my re"ponded, the reason balled parl'nU, to 1ft me jam the down to 'You'll rum your Girl Swuts 11l"ld"" and nLver be able to I \\ ai:> bl"J\\ "l'g around have babw" " eBay recen'h, llldrvelmg at Thl" didn't "ound like the fact t!¥lt old Life maga i:>ulh a terrible wn"equence ZlllL" art' \Iorth about 30 to me time" th"lr urJl!lllal pur Bemg a G.rl Scout wai:>n't chase prv:e" The blddmg for all It wa'> cralked up to be a 54 yellr old I""ue of Life either I jomed becaui:>e all .1 "of I T""\ VU m) g1rJjrlend~ "en' '>coub t1w LOVH"tarh at $6 99 It wFt 20 cenb 10 1948 The good part was the When I wa" gro\\mg up, uOlform, whIch we got to gtrls \I ere warned - mostly wear all day 10 school on by theIr mothers, who knew Thurbdays Our meetlllg abou' all kllld" of dangerous was held atter slhool, m the prac'lce<; - not to '>It on cold gymnasIUm I felt Impor cem"nt or wId ground If tant, like 1 belonged, hke t I ..... October 4. .... I\,.- .. ~ 1 \.r!.l. h)f> salt III those days (or magazll1es are w.utmg to be reclaimed They're ;,tJtched these days, for that matter) wouldn't recogmze a Slt- up III faded red-and-whlt!' oilcloth Sit upon!> upon If It bit hIm on the chelked The magazllles have been butt Our leader came to the protected and preserved and un-yol meetmg one Thursday after- ar" "till pnstme noon With a ;,tack of Life lowed and un-dog-eal ed God bleb" the Girl Scouil> magazines, a couple of balls becal'"e "romp gIrl" really of yarn and "ome patterned oilcloth cut mto reltanglei:> enjOy thlb btuff But If the orgamzatlOn ever nepds to WIth pmklllg "hears raIse ;,ome muney, It "houlJ wa" a Illunbpr ut the lho;,en outdoor tOIlet;, We placed a piece of OIl- put out a reque"t for all forfe\1 I thmk thar" what unl Why "I( ep oublde, I woncloth on the top and bottom mer Girl SlOUtS to dig up tOI111,ar" for dered, Whll1 I had a LOmf~ I IIkpd tht badg(:b too I bed ;t htJlTH WIth a plllk and of a "talk of four Gr five Life and turn In their i:>lt-upons Then "e Tudav';, Girl Swuh could IIkpd \\eanng th"l11 mor" wlllt" rufl1ul b"d<;pread m a magazll1es punched hole" all aruund lip off all that old olldoth than altually l,lrlllng them J oom With ro"es "tenllled on WIth papf'r and put till' magaZlll! b up 1hL do" n"lde wa, <ill that till' \I ,ill, ,1Od"creel\<., on the thp rectangle;, punlhe~ and wove the) am for bale on eBa~ It wuld bl' lamplllg trap \\lOdow" m and out of the holes to be" a bplendld troop prOjelt In ordu to go campIng 1 dIdn't I1kt' "Ieeplllg 10 up the magazmes lO<;lde the They'd ralbe a fortune and In ordpr to earn our "ome Godfor~aken fore"t 10 ( 11l'1nln,r h ..-In'(" ~. h ....~ +.." OIlcloth 1'hf'v'rl Iparn ilhout rec\d tern OJi d lULl'\. Jidl U L.Ul 1he hI1lbhed product, the cling, about the Internet, under 1110~qlllto netting I make ~"l(';,~, trumped-up much ballyhooed bit-upon, about the auctIOn procbs craft projects didn't like to <;Wlmunle"" It was a waterproof cUf>hlOn and the economIc" at supply "db 90 degrees or higher I SIt upon", for example We were suppobed to carry and demand didn't partIcularly like We made these thll1gs these everywhere and use trompmg ar'Jund In wiled ,It upons By the way, that stuff All GIrl them when we sat on the bwampb, dealing WIth large Scout<; had to make them ground about not bmng able to have unfanlllial InbeLtb, dnnklng before they went campmg Today, III attlls all o~er babIeS If YlJU "It on cold Icky tabtmg water or U,Ing III bpt any Boy Scout worth Amenla, valuable old Life cement I" balonp~ too ISay Margie Reins Smith 10, 2002, Page 9A Q~ • SSE..-'PE>INT:E~D0 M~-N€)IO-{Om- Pointe events Dr. Tom Cole of the Woods has a SImilar record r....o year-old Blake on a bIcycle Stackpoole, son of Tory On Sept 21, m hiS latest and Harold Stackpoole of feat, he bIcycled 100 miles the Park, attended hIS sec- dunng the lOth annual ond University of MichIgan CelebratIOn of CyclIng Ride football game thIS year, a m western Wayne County contebt durColes' faVOrite chanty IS the 1I1g Whllh the National Alhance for Wolveflnes Research on Schlzophrema \Iere thumpand DepreSSIOn (N ARSADl Ing Western If you are mterested m l\ltchlgan at learmng more about half time, 21NARSAD you can contact 6 A" the U-M Coles at (313) 885-0632 team ran back on the field at the Ben Burns Recently Johanna and end of the watched half time break, Blake Rob Diepenhorst PhoUl by Karen Rem~r ob<;en ed to hiS mother, as a mother sqUIrrel Johanna and Rob to drag her 'Look mom, the players are attempted helped a back from their naps" The babies across a Fisher Road Diepenhorst mother squirrel gather lawn The baby ;,qmrrels final bco:-e wa" 35-12 Jitter after they were all stuck together With her became stuck together pme sap m theIr matted by pine sap and fell from tails Mike Vethacke, a finanThe couple used bClbsors their nest in a pine tree CIal analyst from Grosse to carefully cut the furry on Fisher near Mack. POinte, won $29,000 by ask- puzzle apart whIle the anxIng thl' nght questIOns on IOUS sqUIrrel mom watched Mack That's where you can thp natIOnal qUIz show, from a nearby pine Former catch a glimpse of a much ,Jeopardy," aIred last Grosse POInte News photog- happIer sqUIrrel family month The MH,hlgan State rapher, Karen Reiner, who alum confe;,sed to bemg the no .... hves m Haslett, record Ben Bums of thp ('/1) of 1\ orst player on hIS MSU ed the event for postenty, Grosse Pomte .S director of qUIz bowl team when he a •.d the DJepenhorsts the JournalLsm program at fir"t got to the East Lansmg Wayne State Unl,;erslty He returned the tnmmed schoo] He lost on hiS second babIes to the last bIg pme can be reached at appearance but walked tree on FIsher on the west burnsben@comcast net or by awa) a big wmner SIde of the street before phone at (313) 882 2810 An aVId Spartan fan, he al,o ;,ald he planned hIS Ill'ddmg around an MSU football game and has been gOIng to all of the games for 11 :lears 13, the way, Mike IS the October 18th & 19th n( phew and godbon of Gro<;se POinte News classItipd advertISing manager, Barual8 Yazbeck Vet!lacke, but she IS IIOtthe one \\ ho tipped oif FYI r Dogs website: http://gpdogs.keenspace.com Sticky squirrels • treetwlse Question of the Week: -- -- What wato the best Halloween costume ever 1I ore, toGU or had an zdea for? you Jeopardy By Suzy Berschback "A woman was an airplane and her husband was the pIlot When my mece and nephew were httle, I thought they would make a great Drew Carey and hIS secretary" Cathy Plcat, Grosse Pomte Park Cathy "I borrowed a very scary mask and wore a ramcoat to work and no one even wanted to get on the elevator With me" Tom Gould, Grosse Pomte Farms Picat ~IDALGO TRUNK Tom Gould "Do J ou know the big red polyp on the TV commercial? Now there's an Idea" Gu)' ('ohn, CIty of Grosse Pon;,te Kitchen glamour 'I \~as a chicken With Its head cut off It made for a \ien long and thIrst V e\ienmg But It was a great costume Mary made" -- Raymond Gelmeault, Wmdsor Guy Cohn Raymond Gelineault with Mary lIng' Rpn pp Tro~cl n "kl Gro,,",( Pomtp Park Renee Marie Troscinski I dre,,~ed a~ m~ bo,,- and If \OU knew my bo"",, \OU \\ ould know how funn) that W1'- (olm Ortnn, POIntp Pilrk Gr ),~P Colin Orton II. r<rh/>([() {,ro,,/ 1'0 nIl "IIZ\ I L " II I ~~rJ In 1/0111< 1'1 HI (J(ldrl'~~ al Rl'rl( hO(l< kCr"llol rom pllOrn;;roph('/ .-)f!I 11/{(om" In (,n",,1' 'II;;Rr,IIOIl' Gro;,~p Pomters Jill and Lewi .. Cooper graced the cO\er of The DetrOIt News HOIlH,,,tvle sectIOn last Saturday It wab part of an article promotIng the Cottage Ho<;pltal Au:xl!lary Kitchen Tour of mne new or remodeled POintes' kItchen;, Othpr Pomters pIctured 1I1clud('<! .Jennlfer Perry .Jnd her daughter<;, Samantha 6, and Noelle, Tlckeh for the Sunday, {Ilt 13 norm to Ii pm tour \I ( $1'i at Cottage Ho~pltal (dft Shop, POint ... l'lr,pI'Ltl\e, Hur,t \ppl1allcp, and the POIntp f'< dhr For more mformatlon lall (~1.1) 8840218 or 111188') 2197 For the full '\11rg( Colhurn "tory, go to 1)('1Il( w" coni on your In It'rnpt COil !l('cl I un and hTll\1~p to Oct ;; anrl look fOf j)/ ,oratmg 'A fpw ,pdr" ilgO tnplPls c.wl(' to thp park a" thrpp blmd mice They wpre dar Of .b.Y.B.en_Bu.r_ni', Truth time I) Visit t~e Grosse __f~_i j'Oll1tl' (or rllr"I' </1/!'"/lon< and to 1'0 )//,I Marathon men ollthor ( 1/1011 raul ::'llanO n pOnt'llIV ~tartpd marntl10n funning at age 67 ,llld ,0 far ha" com pll'ted 20 of the 26 nlllp plll<; SHOVV • .. •• ... ... -- • pat S~jeWelers ~ wwwpatSCO"1lewenrscem 19495 Mack. Grosse POinte Woods 41 313-881-5882 October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News -=- 10A ..."We' don't think funerals~should \ r ----'\ have' to cost s'o much." . I I I ---_.- .. / Price List I . We believe you should control the cost by selecting only services Important to you. Our General Price List offers a full range of traditional and not so traditional services. That way you and your family can select services appropriate to your needs and budget. When we assist an Informed customer to make an Intelligent decIsion, we can assure the best value In funeral service. We inVite you to call us to find out how much the services you want will cost I 1 I I • Itemized List of Services: Use of Facilities & Staff for Visitation $350 Embalming $450 Use of Facilities & Staff for Ceremony $350 Other Preparation of Remains $175 Transfer of Remains to Funeral Home $265 Caskets start at $500 Hearse $300 Outside receptacle (grave liner) start at . . .. $460 Cremation Urns Start at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $120 Basic Services of r- I P"""IIIr.. r-uneral Ulfector • "..,..,,. .... &. ~taTT ••••••••••••••• A complete copy 1'\1"\ .. ;:j>77.J of our Ge'1eral Price Ust is Qvailable BRING US ANY CURRENT LOCAL FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION MANDATED PRICE LIST THAT SHOWS A LOWER PUBLISHED PRICE .FOR EQUAL SERVICES AND WE WILL .BEAT IT!' ' I (Prices subject to change Without notice) A family that has Ser~ed Local families for Generations Still Is. We're not a big impersonal corporation headquartered in a far distant city or even foreign country. We're a family. And, like you, we make decisions that suit our community ... not necessarily someone else's. We think that makes a great difference in the care and service we offer the families who come to us . .--------------., ~ et~. How to Avoid Questions & Confusion on Social Security and Medicaid Benefits. Nothing is more frustrating than the "red tape" surrounding government benefits. It IS especially upsetting during the difficult time after a death in the family. That's why we want to help you "Be Prepared." Our counselors can answer your questions and help you with all the detaJ!sof funeral planning. Send for your free copy of this family gUide to "Being Prepared Brochure." The one thing to do BEFOREgoing on public aid ~ Today,more and more people are making funeral arrangements In advance. Pre-arranging funerals is espeCiallyimportant to anyone considering public aid. In addition to set amount of cash assets, the Michigan Department of Public Aid allows a pre-arranged funerallncludmg -. -.casket, vault, cemetery property, grave marker or burial crypt. If you or someone you know are considering aid, consult our funeral home for information on pre-arranged funerals. It IS wise to make funeral arrangements before applying for aid. We are glad to answer your questions about pre-planning funerals any time. II"""" I«~~ . ... I~'" "'/ ."": ~ ..... \1)~ "'~':.III Cremation options. Let Us Answer Your Questions 16300 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48230 FUNERAL to: \ II Phone Number: ( ) Most convenient location: 0 Grosse Pointe 0 Warren I I would like to know more about: I 0 Death Away from Home Brochure I 0 Cremation Options Brochure I 0 Guarantee Travel/Insurance Brochure I 0 General Pnce List and Funeral Costs I 0 Being Prepared Brochure I 0 Advance Planning Funeral Arrangements I 0 Veterans Benefits I 0 Social Secunty and MedicaId Benefits I 0 Support Groups and Gnef Resource Library I 0 Michigan Funeral Facts o Funeral EtIquette Brochure GPN 5 L ------------28499 Schoenherr Warren, Michigan 48088 DIRECTORS (313) 881-8500 (586) 756-5530 Brian A. Joseph, Manager Valerie Wlnckowskl Miller. Manager *R", • Ir", rn v,.,t .' _ n"r F'lnpr,,1 R",.n"rrp rpnt",r fnr "II vnllr i I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I II ,:) FleXible FinanCing ChOices Many people today are considering cremation as an alternative to the traditional burial. It IS Simply a matter of personal preference. We believe you will make the best deCISion when you have a thorough understanding. Whatever your deciSion, our staff will be proud to serve you. I Requires No Obligation • Mail c~upon I Chas. Verheyden, inc. ! Brian A. Joseph, President I ~O. Box 36248 I Grosse Pointe, MI 48236-0248 IName: IAddress: I . IClty: IState: Zip: II nppci~ Rpfnrp Durin" and After a funpr:ll INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1908 I I I ... I Obituaries October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News nephew, Elton Eckbtrand and her dear fnend, KI~ CIOlek Mrs Howard was predeceased by her husband, William, and her Sister, Eleanor Wheeler Arrangements were made by Verheyden Funeral Home of Gro"se Pomte Interment 11,at Forest Lawn Cemetery Evelyn McLuckie GrO"be Pomte Woods rebl dent Evelyn McLuckw, 83, pabbed away on Wednesday, Oct 2,2002 Born m DetrOIt In 1919, Mr5 McLuckIe graduated Helen R. Bania ~ ~. UVJ.U Rochester E Mihelich, her children, Interment 11, at Holy Jayne (Jorge) Cortez, Sepulthre Cemetery In Joseph M (Karen) Mlhehch and Juhe (Chns) C1oney, Southfield Arrangement,<, were made four grandchildren, Amy, by Pixley Fun{'ral Home Au;,ten, Skyler and Andrea, Memonal cfJIltnbutlOnb and two step-grandchIldren, Calthn and Andrew, her 1,11,- may be made to the ters June and Vera, and Alzhelmpr\ A.,,~oclatlOn ma;y relatIVe;, and fnends A memOrial servIce WIll be Robert M. Surdam held on Saturda), Oct 12 at GrObse POlIlte Fanm, re,,1 11 a m at A H Peterb dent Robert 1\1 Surdam, 84, Funeral Home In Grobse p<l"'>d dway on Fnd:ly, Oct Pomte Wood" 4,2002 due to wmphcat)(lDb Memollul contnbutlOlls from cancer may be made to Hospice by Born III 1917 III Albany, the Sea, 1531 West Palmetto Ne.... York, Mr Surdam Park Rd, Boca Raton, FL attended Deerfield Academy 33486 and \\ ilham;, College, grad- (~Clont("l.r TT vVUl.'lCGlI""t:::1U .........I"ulb .1.11bU Duane "Pete" Schoul and was a hfelong Helen R. Bania member of Girl Scouts Moore Fifty year Grosse Pomte In 2002, ",he was the Woods resident Helen R City of Grosse Pomte reSIreClpwnt of the "Thanks Bama, 83, passed aWdY on dent Duane "Pete" Moore, Badge" for over 44 years of Thursday, Sept 26, 2002 53, pasbed away on Fnday, dedicated service to Born m 1918 In DetrOlt, Oct 4, 2002 after buffenng Metropohtan DetrOit G1rl Mrs Bama graduated from from cancer Scouts CounCil Cass Tech at the age of 16 Mr Moore graduated from Mrs McLuck1e was a She worked as an adml,usGrobse PaIUte HIgh School member of the LadJes Altar trahve assistant for the m 1967 and receIVed a bach Society at Our Lady Star of Federal Bureau of elor's degree IU engmeenng the Sea Church and a memInvestIgatiOn III Wayne from Oakland Umverslty ber of Flemish GeneologJcal County He was a rehred pensIOn Society Mrs Bama was a member consultant .,.,..rl She ..., JvJ'-'...... u ......... .I&b, ot the lJetrolt Northeast He IS survIVed by hIS chll scrapbookmg and genealogy Busmess and ProfessIOnal dren, Peterson and Knstlne, Mrs McLuckie IS sur-'lVed Women's OrgamzatlOn and hiS mother, Evelyn by her husband, Alex, her St Joan of Arc Church She Richardson, hIS father, daughters, Suzanne (Damel) Dilbert Moore, lus brother, also enjoyed sewmg, needleKardasz and Jane (Alan) pomt, readlllg and travelmg Wendell Moore; hIS 51ster, Lendway, her grandchl!the US, MexIco and Jamce Brandenberger, and dren, Michael (KIm) many longtIme frIends Canada wIth her husband Kardasz and Ross and pnOl to h1S pasblllg AlI;,on Lendway, and her She IS survJved by her Vera V. Pasny 5.lsteJ-li"I-1aiv, ~1adchnc daughters, DIane BldIgare Former longtlme Grosse Mareydt and Jamce Wmn, her son, 5he was predeceased by Pomte Park res1dent Vera V RIchard Bama, SIX grandPasny, 90, passed away on her brother, Albert Mareydt cluldren, John Paul Bama, A memonal Mass was cel- Sunday, Oct 6, 2002 at her Mehssa Bama, Brett ebrated on Saturday, Oct 5 home m Rochester HIlls Kmgswell, Sarah DIGlUsto, Born III 1912 III at Our Lad) Star of the Sea KatIe DJGlUsto and Ashley Mrs Pasny Church In Grosse POInte Pennsylvama, Wmn, and her brother, Max was an active member of St Woods 'Pongzek Arrangements were made Clare of Montefalco Catholic She was predeceased by by A H Church while liVIng III Peters Funeral er husband, Ned A Bama, Grosse Pomte Park Home, Grosse Pomte Woods nd her sIster, Ehzabeth She was also IIIvolved MemOrIal contrIbutIOns ongzek may be made to the actively WIth St Andrew A funeral Mass was cele- MI~hIgan CaLhohc Church, the Older Arthntls rated on Monday, Sept 30 FoundatIOn, CommiSSIOn and 17117 West 9 Persons t St. Joan of Arc Church M11e Rd, Southfield, MI was a past preSident of the angements were made Rochester Chapter of AARP 48075 by A H Peters Funeral Mrs Pasny IS survived by Home Interment 1S at Mt her daughter, DIane M JoAn H. Mihelich Ohvet Cemetery (Ralph) Scott, and her slbter St Clair Shores and Boca Memonal contributiOns Raton, Fla reSIdent JoAn H Joan Bogedm may be made to Cdpuchms She was predeceased by Mlhehch, 71, passed away Monastery III DetrOit her husband, Ned J Pasnv on 'rhursday, Od 3, 2002 A funeral Mass Will be celMrs Mlhehch was an aV1d ebrated on Thursday, Oct golfer and bndge player She 1S survIVed by her 10 at 1030 a m at St Andrew Cathohc Church 1II hUbband of 50 years, Joseph n r'II'I .. \,.,UUI j Howard Ethel Eckstrand Howard Former Harper Woods reSIdent Ethel Eckstrand Howard of RoseVille, 95, passed away on Tuesday, Oct 1,2002 Born III Pennsylvama, Mrs Howard came to DetrOlt before World War I She graduated from Southeastern High School ill 1926 Mrs Howard graduated from Mlch1g:m State Normal School ,JlU" r:;""tern MJchIgan Umverslty) wIth a teacher's degree She also receIVed a bachelor's degree from H111'idale College Havmg helped open Richard Elpmpntary School III 1930 Mrs Howard taught for 39 ) ear" m the Grosse POInte Pubhc School Dlstnct, mcludmg at both the old and the new Kerby Elementary School She wa" d member of the Order of Eastern Star" No 420, now railed Lakepomte East Chapter She was a member of Sigma Alpha Iota NatIOnal MUSical Society, the DptrOit RpvIPw Club, the AmerIcan A",oc1aLlon of Umver'nty Women, a ,up porter of the Mlchlg'an Opera and travelt>d ('xtl'n slVely She I' ,uf\lvt>d b) her ...._"' ...\..,.._ T"' ...... _l v ...l" + ....... Y'I~ hnr ldUUL- .U VUI Hpr(H,=m R ... tho OT\,.I Q nn t h p T T nlt(lon FoundatIOn, Vice preSident of the Umted Way Commumty ServJces, trustee of the Mat1lda R WlIbon Fund and the McGregor Fund, dJrector of the DetrOIt Execl'tl\ e Sef\lces Corp", the DetrOIt Renal"sance and the DetrOIt Sy mphon y Orchestra He also actJ\ e!y worked WIth the DetrOit 'Economlc Growth CorporatIOn and the Economic Alhance for MIchigan Mr Surd am was a member of the Grosse POlnte Club, the DetrOlt Club, Wilham" <11 1939 w1th a degree III bU"lllesb He wa" a highly decorated bervlceman III the US Navy MObt notable was hiS ay, ard for hlb rescue effom to "ave those servIcemen thrown overboard durmg a typhoon that attacked the PaCific Fleet III 1944 Mr Surdam's courage earned him the Navy Manne Corps Medal for £'If tho war, h-ehadJrl~~~ t~'th;~;;;k of heutenant commander Country Club of DetrOIt, the Ll~tle Harbor Club, the Jup1ter I"land Club, Rolling Rock Club and Yondotega Club He also enjoyed huntmg, ballmg and golf He J" burv1\ed by hiS wde, Mary Buhl, hlb bon5, Peter Buhl (Lynda Corcoran) Surdam and Robert McClelldn (Patricia Elhb) Surdam Jr, hi" daughter, Carol Surd am (Thoma, 1\1 ) Smith, live gralldchlldren, and tv. 0 ~lsterb A funeral bervlce Wdb held un MonddY, Oct 7 dt Chnbt Church Gro;,be Powte Arrangernent6 \\ ere made hv thp (i.rnp"hp('k ('hap,,! of the WlIham R Hamllton Co Memonal contnbutlOllb may be mdde to WJ1LJams College III Mas"achubettes, Little Traverbe Conservancy In Harbor Spnng'i or Harper Ho,>pltalm DetrOlt Mary Savage Taylor Longt1me Gros"e POinte Farms reSident Mary Savage Taylor, 88, passed away at her home on Sunday,Aug 25,2002 See OBITUARIES, page 13A RUDY FARMS CIDER MILL Fresh Cider & Donuts Country Store • Antique Shop • Carousel • Pony Rides • Scenic Wagon Tours Winner of Treasure Award 2002 by AAA of Mich. Hours: 11 :00 am • 5:00 pm Saturday (, Sunday Phone (810) 324-2662 Ruby Forms Is located in Ruby. MI. about 9 mIles west of PONHuron and the Dlue Wa1er Drldge to Canada, Approx. one hour from DetrOit. via 1-94 freeway. 1-94 east to Exit 271. follow to 1-69 west to Exit 196 Wadhams "'el, Turn I,ght follow signs. Obituary Guidelines ) ~Ethel Eckstrand Mr Surdam JOIned the NatIOnal Bank of DetrOit (Now Bank One) after the war, and by 1966 wab elected prebldent and a member of the board of dIrector" Soon thereafter, he wa" promoted to chlCf pxecutlve officer, d pOSitIOn he held for 14 year" until hi" retirement III 1982 Mr .suJ dam "erved a" a director of "everal corpora tlOn", mdudmg Huhl L<lnd Compan" Bundv CorporatiOn, Parke Davl', Compan, dnd Unl,y" CorporatIOn He albo berved as chairman of the DetrOit Medical 11A . ' . The deadline for submitting obituaries Is 3 p.m. on the Monday pelor to the Thursday pUblicallon. An obItuary, unlike a eulogy, Is a brief, factual, biographical account of an Individual's life and Includes memorlallinterment Information. The Grosse Pointe News and The Connection provide a form for obituary Informallon and all prewrltten submissions will be edited for content and newspaper style preferences, Please limit written obituaries to 300 words, The fees are $100 for placement In the Grosse Pointe News or $50 for placement In The Connection. Only funeral homes Will be blUed. Family or Individual submissions must be paid prior to publication. They can be paid by check, Master Card, Visa or cash, Receipts are available upon request Color or blaCK and White, 35 mm or high-resolution digital (.JPG format) photographs may be submitted for publication For addltlonallnformatlon, call (313) 343-5592 . . October 1o-OCt( )ber 14 Save 1E/)() StC)re\ \!iCll'~. 1(1)6 ()ll I~llrrlitllre ~ Make eoole di~covel t" 01 i. \ lurnl!ure and 3C,;P',$_1 ~ >" , You'll Love the Way, it Looks! -. II,eoo revoluoonary replaCement one-piece seamless alumJrlurn ck>g free guttenng systems catch and rOufe water but divert loaves and pine needles to the ground !i't..;ot on add-on cOlier $Cleen" !,AI AhfflfllJTl "",'0(1 frt..JSt Ufe"'rne no ck'Q gJCYoofefJ RepiOC8 yO0\" "7'0 ~ eor firM QUOfonfOO B>:lsNr;ggutter "NoSl:1OCor1troctoo Installed by te7fGJord elT'pkJ~oos L£e'l~I~~Gu~~,.."l;11.800-tIE~'j:SGUARD U,. U,l ", (8005323482) i .,,4&-4;;317.a7oo NOWI V1~1tour website at www leaf\luard com 29250 Lyon OakS. WIXom, Ml483~5 BLOJVtEl[ .. i93\ST, (North 0' o~, (2t: ." '- L ,j) Schools 12A October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Students flood side\Valks By Jennie Miller Staff Writer ChIldren flooded the SIdewalks on their way to school last week, many carrymg SIgnSand weanng costumes It was not a premature celebration of Halloween, bULWalk to School Day On Wednesday, Oct 2, elementary scnools acrOb::' Grosse Pomte partIcipated m the mternatlOnal event, whIch promotes ph) slcal activity and concern for the envIronment Through promotion of the ev~n L d t" ~~.i dH t' r:J.~ U..h...J.1l<...u. - Homecoming Friday night Gro!:\se Pomte South High School's Homecommg schedule has changed from prevIOus years The parade Will be held on FnrlAV nll!ht Oct 11 at Photo b} Jenme Miller Nearly every student at Maire Elementary School participated in Walk to School Day. by a fire engme, officer LIsa MontJcclOlo, who biked around the school, and officer Mike SeIdel, who rode his motorcycle around the school An assembly was held at the start of the school day, dunng whIch the officers spoke WIth kids about safety Each class then voted for the best decorated student, who then receIved a $5 gift certificate from Borders Books and MUSIC Ed Jackman, owner of the Hungry ROWles on East Warren, offered to prOVIdea pIzza party for the class With the hIghest number of walkers Due to the slgmficant particIpation ot students, the PTO helped arrange a pizza party for the entire school "The effort put mto the event was beyond what we antlclpated,~ WeIpert Said The school WIll contmue promotmg the same Ideas throughout the year The City of Grosse POInte Pubhl. Safety Department donated bicycle helmet:, to the school, which wJ11 be awarded to students who contmue walkmg or blkmg t,() school Emstem's Bagels has agreed to donate a monthly bagel party for the claEts WIth the hIghest percentage of walkers or bIkers each month Most of the elementary schools across the district partIcIpated in Walk to School Day, includmg Richard, Defer, Ferry, Kerby, MonteIth and Trombly Richard students received certIficates, penCils and stIckers for theIr efforts Those students m IUd's Club, who are transported to school, were allowed to walk 10 !fin!! around the l!VID to qualIfy for havmg partiCIpated The school also held an assembly, where speakers such as Grosse Pomte Farms public safety officer Steve Puckett, safety patrol leader Corey Ernst and phySical educatIon teacher Chnsty Platts educated students about safety and physIcal fitness Women's College m GamesvIlle, Ga , and received h~r teacher's certificabon from Berry College m Rome, Ga Camival at St. Clare Will be celebratmg Its 10th reumon on Saturday, Nov 30, 2002 at the Grosse Pombo Hunt Club For more mformatlOn, call (404) 842-l'099 Academy showcases technology St Clare of Montpfalco WIllhold Its second annual Neighborhood Club m the Make-a-DlffertJ"lce The Grosse Pomte City of Grosse Pomte and Carmval on Saturday, Oct fimsh at the hIgh school 26 from 11 a m to 2 P m III Academy IS among more than 100 schools m The football game will the Church SocIal Hall follow the parade, held Proceeds from the event Michigan that particIpated Rnnn'li ""rt",. th" hl!hts at 730 .... 11 "" th,.0l117h thp 11 R 1n thp RP('onn pm agaJlst -East DetrOit P~-ac; Corps ~to support AT&TIMACUL Student HIgh School youn~ people m Gambia, Technology Showcase on The Homecommg Dance West AfrIca so they may Tuesday, Sept 24 In the Wlll be held on Saturday attend Jumor h1gh school State Capitol Bulldmg III Lansmg night, Oct 12 and }ugh school Groups of students used computers and other electromc deVIces to show elected members Jf the Michigan State Senate and The Grosse Pointe Grosse Pomte North the House of Academy welcomes three lhgh School will present Representatives how technew teachers to the school "Arsenic and Old Lace" at nology IS being used III the Darby Brownscombe, Kelly Parcells Auchtonum Oct classroom to faclhtate O'Shell and Hamett 17 through 19 learnmg WhItaker. Thursdav and Fnday's 'T'aklng part In the Darby Brownscombe, the performances w111 be at demonstratior,s from The new first-grade teacher, is 7.30 pm and Saturday's Academy were seventha 1993 graduate of the will be at 8 p m. Tickets are and eighth-graders, academy 1997 graduate of $7. Chelsea Baumgarten, Grosse Pomte South High For more mformation, MIchael Gray, Jay Raubolt, School and 2002 graduate call (313) 882-1673. FranCIS SImpson, Juhe of the Umverslty of Stockmann and Ashley M1chlgan with a bachelor's Tlubodeau and teachers degree in elementary eduDIana Hicks, Mary cation Johnson and Nancy Kelly O'Shell, the acadeWilliams my's new second-grade Th luck off the year-long teacher, IS also a Grosse celebration of Grosse Pornte South High School's Pomte natIve She- graduated in 2000 75th anniversary, the from Michigan State school IS inVIting alumni University and has two from the early classes to years of teaching experi- participate m the ence m Roseville Homecommlr Parade. to be Thp I1roBse Pointe She is currently working held on Friday, Oct. 11 at 6 Academy will be holdlllg Its toward a master's in ele- pm HIgh School InformatIOn mentary education at For more informatIOn Fair 2002 on Thursday, Wayne State University about the parade or any of Oct 24 from 6'30 to 8 30 Harnett Whitaker JOins the anniversary festJ.vitles, p m. In the Tracy the academy as a part-time call Cathy Leverenz at 884- FIeldhouse language arts t.eacher 0404 The fair IS free to the She recently moved With community, and the school her family from Newton, will host 24 different hIgh NJ schools at the event She receIved her bacheGrosse Pomte South For more mfomabon, call lor's degree from Brenau High School Class of 1992 (313) 886-1221 I> j School, every student but four III grades one through five walked or biked to school, accordmg to Jean Weipert, who helped orgamze the event "We had almobt 100 percent particIpatIOn," Weipert saId, addmg that one of the four students ISon crutches Students at MaIre were encouraged to dress the part, makmg hats, T-shirts and SIgns to showcase their enthusIasm for Walk to School Day The eVent was accompamed by commumty-wlde support Grosse Pomte Pubhc School System Supenntendent Dr Suzanne Klem, City of Grosse Pomte Pollee Chief Al Fmcham, Deputy DIrector Denrns Van Dale and councl1man Patrick Petz stood on street corners near the school, passmg out goody bags filled WIth surpnses from Village Thy Company Also ill appearance was Lt Ed TuJaka, accompanIed SCHOOL NOTES . . p. m -It Wlll begm at the Academy's Arsenic and new teachers Old Lace Celebrating 75 years High School Information Fair 2002 Class of 1992 Since 1954, Mutschler Kitchens has been enhancing Grosse Pointe Homes ... now we've given Grosse Pointe a new Mutschler Kitchens. Mutschler Kitchens is proud to announce that it has joined The Blake Company. We've reorganized the company to provide the same quality products and experience that customers have learned to expect from Mutschler over the last 50 years. c\{'ood.Mode ....., "Many of our friends have told us horror stories about renovatlng their kitchens. Our experience with Mutschler was the opposite. They started with a personallzed design with unique details. They completed the work on time, wlthfew extra costs and great service. Our new kttchen has transformed our house. Karen and Bill Stefam 1/ MUTSCHLER KITCHENS, lNC. A BLAKE COMPANY 128 KERCHEVAL AVENUE • "ON THE HILL" 313-884-3700 1& Grosse Pointe IN THE VTLLAGE KERaIEVALatNOTRB DAME 313-885-93?5t! ~tmr"'~+a. SHOWROOM HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY By ApPOINTMENT DURING CON'STRUCfION SATURDAY 10:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. Schools Students make turnaround at Retired principal district's Community School takes on North October 10,2002 Grosse Pointe News 13A By Jennie Miller By Jennie Miller Staff Wnter Non-traditIOnal education IS expandmg m Grosse Pomte Through the effort;, of admmlbtrators, alternative educators and coun;,elorb, Grosse POll1te CommunIty School reache;, out to students who reqUIre a different type of learnIng environment from the tYPH.al hIgh school settmg The CommunIty School prOVIde.. a dIfferent approach to instructIOn and asse3sment that IS hands-on and proJect-based The students who attend the school are those who demonstrate SIgnIficant academiC abIlIty, however, do not flounsh m the typical hIgh school settmg "I thInk It Ib Important to honor and celebrate the dIfferences In our students," ",nn Dpb 1'rflpp l'oorrhn"tnr at the Commumty School "The truth IS, not every chIld processes informatIOn the same way Not every chIld learns the same way Our students are mcredlbly bnght and creatIve but very non-tradItIOnal m theIr approach to learning" In Its third full year of operatIOn, the CommunIty School has seen enrollment expand l>lgmficantly Last year, the Grosse Pomte Buard of EducatIOn approved the addItion of a freshman class, which doubled the number of students ~nroned Hi the lllgh ~l,liuul program Students are referred to the school by a parent, eacher, counselor or by ~ themselves They are then mtervlewed and evaluated, Staff Wnter In order to determIne that a non-tradItIOnal educatIon would prov~ benefiCIal to theIr academIC carper A Student Contract for Succebs mUbt be Slimed mdlcatIng the student aSbumes respon<;lbllIt) lor hiS or her learning, sets goals for hIS or her Improve ment, agrees to partICipate In communIty servIce, and promIse;, to commumrate ....Ith parents on 9. dally baSIS regardIng p"rtormance The student's parents then must agree to partiCIpate m the Parent Partnership Program offered by the CommunIty School, whIch are evenmg sessIOns that explore the students' successes and challenges Pnor to the additIon ofthe freshman class, the CommunIty School hosted upper class students from both Grosse P!Hnte North and South hIgh schools for a half day of classes The students would spend the i emaInder of the day at their respective high schools The new freshman class has been enrolled for a full day of courses Although located m the Industnal Arts bUlldmg at South, students who attend Co.nmumty School are stIll conSIdered to be North or South students They are stlll elIgible to partIcipate In athletIcs, clubs and other actiVItIes l>w.h 3b Homecommg ana student government Accordmg to Trapp, students do not miss out on the SOCial aspects of the typICal hIgh school experIence, although North students fhe door., of change revolved last '" l'ek as Gros,e Pomte North Ihgh .schoo!'b long-time pnncIpal Caryn Wellb btepped out and Jarne~ Stpphy walked In Steeby, a Troy rebldent, retIred In the bprlng of 2002 after servmg ab prmopal of Avondale H.gh School for four years [j Ho rp(>;pntlv Photo b) JennIe Mliler Students who attend the Community School are "bright and creative," according to Deb Trapp. the school's coordinator, pictured above with students. have more difficulty travelmg across town when mcorporate a great amount of dIfferentiated mstructlOn ~),'J'~hpth ~("hlllt7 ~ and proJect based leaiTung N;'th--'-'-freshman ' at ThIS year, a pIlot program IS Commumty School, finds It bemg offered at Commumty challengmg to maIntaIn her School entItled Microsoft IT frIendshIps, but not ImpossI- Academy ble She plans to play "It IS a pro-actIve attempt lacrosse at North In the to ensure the success of all spnng cmldren," Trapp said Students see the school ThiS attempt seems to be lIke an extended famIly, w\,rkmg accordmg to last Trapp SaId year's academlr statI<;tIcs Smaller class sIzes make Every graduatmg semor's It pOSSIble to form closer grade pomt average went up relatIOnships WIth teachers one entIre letter grade after They receIve a greater one year at the Commumty amount of support from School Evpry semor except theIr classmates. one went on to post-hIgh "Students here feel con- school eduratlOn nected to one another and to "I am honored to be able to the Idea of the schooi: saId work WIth these students Shannon Byrne, full-hme l'hey are wonderful kids," EnglIsh teacher at the Trapp ~ald "It IS eXCItmg to Community School "They see them change and make a say that It feels hke a faml- turn-around It IS the greatly" est JOY there IS m educaThe clas<;es themselves tlon" Obituaries James Steeby School, Umon High School m Grand RapIds and Burton JUnIor HIgh School m Grand Rapllls He also served as the a<;sl<;tant supermtendent for the Avondale School Dlstnct for mne years Steeby spent a few days With Dr Wells before her departure and bhe helped hIm learn about the school communIty and current programs On hiS first day as pnnclpal, a group of student leaders took Steeby on a tour of the campus "People have been welcommg and I appreciate that," he Said Would you like to save $$$ on your auto and homeowners insurance? announcing PRIME of LIFETM Plan! member of the League of CatholIc Women and a member of the Country Club of DetrOIt Mrs Taylor also had an Interest m art, lIterature and genealogy She IS survived by her son, Mark L of Cedar CIty, Utah, her grandson, Ryan M, her brother, PhIlIp J (JustIne B) Savage Jr of Bloomfield Hills, and eight nephews and nIeces She was predeceased by her husband, Robert F, and her daughter, Cathenne F A funeral Mass of the ResurrectIOn was celebrated on Thursday, Aug. 29 at St Mary Savage Taylor Paul CatholIc Church Entombment IS m the St Born III DetrOIt m 1913, Mrs Taylor graduated from Paul Church Columbanllm Arrangements were made the Academy of the Sacred Verheyden Funeral Heart and the Umverslty of by Home, Grosse Pomte Park Michigan Memonal contnbutlOn5 She was a long-term panshlOner of St Paul may be made to the St Paul Cathohc Church, a lIfetIme EducatIOnal Trust, 157 Lake From page llA '.:.f"(',p.ntiP,1thp posItion as North"" mtenm pnnclpal for the remaInder of the 2002-03 school year "I wIll do the best I absolutely can to make sure the school IS In the perfect posItion (when a permanent replacement IS hired)," Steeby saId Steeby receIVed hIS bachelor's degree from Central MIchIgan Umverslty and hiS master's degree m educational admInIstratIOn from MIchIgan State UnIversity He began hIs career In educatIOn as a teacher at Ottawa HIlls High School and has smce worked as pnnclpal of Ottawa HIlls, Rochester Adams High Shore Rd, Grosse POll1te Chapter Southport, Ind She IS survived by her Farms, MI 48236 or the daughter, Kathryn York Capuchm Soup KItchen, 1820 Mt EllIott Ave, Baker of BargerSVIlle, two grandsons, TImothy V DetrOIt, MI 48207 Baker of Franklm, Ind and Beulah Marie York WIllIam D. Baker of BargerSVIlle, and SIX greatFormer Grosse Pomte resgrandchIldren Ident Beulah Mane York, 94, She was predeceased by of BargerSVille. Ind., passed her husband, Lawrence away on TIlesday, Oct 1, Russell York, and her broth2002 er, Lowell Kenneth Johnson Born In Fowler, Ind , Mrs A funeral service was held York graduated from on Fnday, Oct 4 In IndIana Southeastern High School In Interment IS at Mt Pleasant DetrOIt Cemetery m IndIana She was a hbranan for the Arrangements were made Grosse Pomte PublIc by VandiVier-Tudor Funeral LIbrary for 30 years, havmg Horne retIred III 1975 MemOrIal eontnbutlOns Mrs York attended St may be made to Greenwood Andrews AnglIcan Church ChrIstIan School and was a member of the ScholarshIp Fund, 512 S Mother Church of Chnst, MadIson Ave, Greenwood, Sc.entIst In Boston, UnIon Village OES No 587 and IN 46143 Ifyou are 45 and oldet and have both your auto and homeowners Insurance WithState Auto you can receNe an entirepackage of enhanced coverages PLUSsubstantial prerruumdISCOunts' PREMIUM SAVINGS for your AUTO and HOMEOWNERS rrsurance' (InadditIOnto any discounts you alrrody receIVe) EnJOY allthe prMl€2esof belng a member of the PRIME of LiFE PI an .0 for Iifel VrwJik.PM ~ &: Ckp~ .. INSURANCE AUTO, HOMEOWNERS, LIFE & BUSINESS INSURANCE Kathryn Pierce (313) 343-0000 STATE AUTQ8 18118 Mack, Grosse Pointe I",",,-ance~ Samuel Bryan Daughters of the AmerIcan RevolutJon Only InVISible Fence- brand can give your family's dog the protection he/she deserves. InVISible Fence- brand, the onglnal electroOlc pet fence, keeps dogs hke yours safely at home .. since 1973. Call for a FREE In-home, consultation today. 1-800-824-DOGS (3647) 5399 DENALI ICE CREAMS. Calrtoml3 I,GAl. AVOCADOS Red DeliCIOUS APPLES AVALON IntemallOllal Breads FARMBREAD_~ LB www.invisiblefence.com )$1 ~ . Deli Black Forest -Shore POinte Pie Co. SC99 HICKORY SMOKED TURKEY BREAST __ PIES. all varielies __ -CHEESECAKES .:g $ BABY SWISS --- $549 LB E.l 4~ Zucchini, Banana Nut, Pumpkin Spice ~$1~ SAHLEaN'Sked Honey a H $429 $289 STEWING HENS or ROASTING CHICKEN am__ LB $399 LB .. $2~ $1 09 ,.......... 19. Fish LB Domestic SWISS CHEESE___ YVETTE S BAKERY ----- --, LAMB PORK TENDERLOIN BoarS.HeOO CHEESECAKE SHOPPE All Vanel1eS 13111>.- t L8 '" $2 $249 PATTIES ...... ,_,.. LB. LEG OF LAMB ...... ,..... 79LB 89 Fresh SALMON FILLETS....... SEA SCALlOPS..... --- $499 La $TJ9" Fresh ~~~ ~~eaL__ _ _ $2l~ LAKE PERCH "" .. , . sg99LB. 14A Business October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Stocks fall for sixth consecutive weekly loss Every week feels hke the week before Last week, the Dow suffered another 173,polnt loss, closing at 7,528, or do\\ n 2 3 percent At Fnday's close, the Dow .. wah at its lowest level smce; November' 1997, or almost five years, and down 24 9 percent smce Jan 1 thl'> year xxxx The NASDAQ Composite last week fell 59 pomts, uff 4 9 percent, to close at 1,140, itS lowest level Sillce September 1996 For the year-to-date, the NASDAQ was off 41 6 percent Barron's (Oct 7) quotes Fred Hickey, proprIetor of the Nashua, N H. based HIgh Tech StrategIst, a monthly newsletter, who has bc~n bcunsh C:1 teo:l). stfl,..k~ for many months Hickey expects the NASDAQ to contmue to crash, bottomlllg out down to 700 or 600, with many large-cap tech names to be taken down to usafe levels,~ havIDg been thought of as relatively safe by many, even at theIr current "rIdIculous" PIE levels LTS has never seen the NASDAQ forecasted that low, down another one-thIrd to one-half from present levels On the other hand, HIckey sees hundreds of small compames sellmg below their net cash on hand HIS strategy has been to look for software stocks that have lots of cash and aren't Uburmng" It and have a steady flow of service revenues He feels these compames won't go speCIfic stocKS that pay dIVIaway, even If the economy dends m certam months Thub, three stockh regulally takes a turn for the worse pay a "check a month" every month Dividends payoff Some stocks also pay a Just as "diamonds are a gIrl's best frIend," cash dIVI- year-end "extra" dIVIdend In dends are an lllvestor's best addition to the regular quar. fnend Thev sav a good diVI- terly payments Wall Street UJU-LUU~l::1:3lt)' t.1Hu ... t.,,"J.u ' dend-paymg btock Just gIVes Wflgley stock paid a late and gIves and gIves Many cornpames have December extra for decades paid cash dIVidends for 50 so the famIly's grandchilyears or more Bett<lr still dren would have so:ne extra are those stocks that have ChrIstmas spendmg moneyl Stocks that regularly pay mcreased theIr annual cash diVidend every year for 30, cash diVIdends seem to hold up better, In bad markets, 40 or 50 years ' Pomters tell than non-dIVIdend-paying Many Grosse stocks Standard & Poor's LTS that theIr most favonte stocks are those whose weekly adVISOry newsletter, annual cash dlVulends each the Outlook, report<ld that for the rune months ended year exceed theIr ongInal September 2002, dlvIdendcost of the shares Some say they stlH prefer pavers In the S&P 500 were down only 17 percent, whIle to receIve their quarterly diVIdends as checks m the the 500 mdex Itself was off maIl Others prefer the con- 29 percent But walt, the non-diVIvemence of dIrect deposit ,Jr dend-payers were off 39 perautomatIc credit to then cent for the same penod' brokerage money msrket Ofthe 7,500 publIc compaaccount Many have the mes reportmg dIVIdends to issumg company's automatic dIVIdend rem vestment plan, S&P. 1,046, or 14 percent, In WhICh pays mcreaslllg dlVl- increased disbursements the first rune months of dends on the mcreasmg 2002 Wouldn't you lIke to shares owned help yourself to some more Some mvestors ear-m..rk dessert? a specific diVIdend check Let's lalk...STOCKS each quarter for a special event, like a gourmet dinner out' Many mvestors selected Oops! How many? Floor traders on the NY::'!!. were abuzz a weeK ago Wednesday about a freak error In "program tradIng" at 3 40 pm, Just 20 mInutes before the bell The NYSE reported that Bear Stearns & Co, an old. hne tradmg, brokerage and cleanng firm, entered orders to sell $4 bdhon worth of stocks of the S&P 500 Index VIa the computenzed "program trad1n~ Systeffi Wlthm mInutes, the program was termInated beca~se B~ar ~HpATn~ reported It had only mtended to sell $4 mIllIon of stock Then the company scrambled to try to buy back the $622 mIllIon of shares that had been sold by mIstake I The NYSE reported that the Bear Stearns sell orders showed up m blocks of 50,000 shares each of numerous stocks. Based on market capItalIzatIon, a $4 bIllIon sell order would mvolve sellIng 5.2 milliOn shares of General Electnc Schedule B The S&P 500 Index stood at 829.57 at 3 40 P m. when amended the sellmg commenced The The IRS announced that mdex fell more than 3 pomts taxpayers reportIng less In five mInutes but recovthan $1,500 of dIVIdends ered about half of that by and interest mcome by the close source will no longer be Bear Stearns assured the required to file Schedule B NYSE that "the rIsk from WIth theIr tax returns. Even JOHN ~313) 886-Q450 though thI;; mfOl'matIOn was filed WIth the IP..S by the Issuer, taApa)ers WIth more than $1,500 of dIVIdends and Interest must continue to file Schedule B M. RICKEL, CERTIFIED PUBLIC C.P.A., ACCOUNTAIH 63 KERCHEVAl. SUITE' 00 GROSSE PoINTE FARMS MICHIGAN 482.36.362.7 TELEPHONE 3131881 82.00 EMAIL rlckel b'l.un@home com Make your home look as good as this rate. Stretch your home improvement dollar with one of the best Home Equity rates around. With the attractIve rate on a Standard Federal Home EquIty Lme of CredIt, you can get a handsome sum for home lffiprovements, WIthout the unsightly mterest charges of hIgh-rate credrt card bills Our Home EqUItyLme offers ether benefits as well, mdudmg no pomts or clOSmg c()<;t~:posSible tax deduetlOn~:' and ea")' access to your funds SImply by wntmg a check So beautIfy your home and your loan VISitany Standard Federal location, call 1-877-732-8240, or ap~ly onlIne at ~tandardfederalbank com Standard Federal Bank. A new way to get there no 'T~ Ar1 ~I P-rcenlagp Rale ADRI 's b~sed on Ihp Prme Rale PI ere 15I~e" gMst P '"'' ~ale 's pUbl 5~ed n I~e Money Rates secllOn of The Waf SrreetJDurn.f onetne I.~t > lbl sl1ng d \ olloe -alendar moot~ Immed ately preced ng I~e billing c,c e On AJgusl 30 200? Pr 'l'e wa, 4 70', ard the APR o~ Standard Federals ~"C1e [que L n> )1 "rod t pndu~lS ~aI ed be1"een 4 00', ard 7 75', depend ng Gn,our approved ,nmmrtmenl amourl and produ~ Pr me 5 a vanable rate as rt chdnqes the APR or yo JI accounl ," r~1nge The max mum APR 'S 11', A bJlloon P<1yment1'1111 [psun at tne eM 01me ten year d aw peood Staodard Federal s ~OJ'f'"eEqult) L ~s 01 L..r,:.dl'are lrl ted 10 wr.er occup ed 1 41amlry pr nClpal reSidences and are sub:tcllo n1Jless than a second hen pnsltIOn Of your Droperty v If uot earry 1SU nle on I~p P Oper1'1 'na' secures !IllS loao Flood msu"nce reQu led II oecessary There sa $50 annual lee after the I rst year 1you are not a C~:dlt txt.dS .es rne~b" ~ee YOur baI1~e e.qard. ng Credit Exclus ves membersh p ClOSing costs Pd d by Standard teoP'ral Ban~ ~atlOnal A.ssoclat on are 1I'Tl~ed 10 ,OP a" 'lie 1sUla118 I ood cen,f1car01 and recorCng lees Any add~lonal fees or cond~lOns mposec bv lhe clly slate 01counry I~at the subject prop~rty <; located'" 'I I t;P t~~ Mnouer s re<;;pon~bl'1) C015U 1 your iaX" adVISor corcem Standard Federal Bank Member ABN AM~O Group st2~danlfederalb3nk CIlm I~ ng tlle dedlJct b llty of mteres • the executed orders had been subbtantlally hedged" but dechned to gIve addItIOnal mformatIOn Thus It IS still not known If the freak error was a sell order on beha:f of a customer or from the flr:n's own tradmg department Stock ~arket at a Glance Friday Close, 10/4/02 Dow Jones 100 7,528 NASDAQ Comp 1140 Dell, again S&P 500 Index If you don't see It on the balance sheet, look for the dlbclosure In the pages of fine pnnt In the footnotes $ In EUROs ~ .;)v ~l:J.yo ~, ~~ U1t..~""HCH .... Vi.61f..,. .. Crude 011(Bbl ) 2962 Gold (Oz) 32210 3O-Yr T-Bonds .4 72% "'vu m the New York TImes (Sept 22) The treasure hunt mvolves a $1 bIlhon liabIlIty for put optIOns that Dell preVlously sold agamst 22 mIlhon of Its own shares, \Hth all average stnke pnce of about $48 Last Fnday, Dell closed at 24 76, down about 50 percent from the put pnce, which makes the put optIOns extremely valuable The comoanv can Dav offthp nnt options "by payulg $1 bllilOn cash or by Issumg $1 billIon 801 09791 101)70 of Its UnIssued shares Why lio such smart compames do such dumb thIngs? Jf)~eph Mengden tS a rest. dent of the Ctty of Grosse Pomte and former chazrman of Fzrst of Mzchzgan "Let's Talk Stocks" tS sponsored by the followmg Grosse Pomte znvestment.related firms. ,Tnhn M ~,rlu,/ t"PA pf' Rzckel - & - Ba;~ -pC '~~d Investment Counsel Inc Look 'boo'tiful on this Halloween ointers on Technology h:. ' ..B _.Mi~~ Maurer TIred of the same old Halloween ghost and goblIns costumes? The Internet offers a varIety of costume Web sItes for the big and httle monsters In your famIly The Costume Gallery (CostumeGallery.com) has been around smce 1996 and IS one of the best fashIon and l'ostume Wph ~ltR~ "Fashion?~ you ask "Yes," I say The Costume Gallery has sectiOns arranged by date For example, "1500s Costume SIteS" WIll lead you to Internet lInks of RenaIssance and ElIzabethan fashIOns The Web SIte also mdudes Information on hlstoncal patterns and ho'" to obtam matenals for makmg costumes One of my faVOrIte SItes IS called uThe Costume ManIfesto" (costumes org) TIus Web SIte claIms to be 'Your free, one-stop SIte for costume InformatIOn and Images" in addItIon to Halloween costU'11eS, It has a costume-hIStory section One note TIus WebSIte may be a bIt overwhelmmg for chIldren, but Its VarIOUS links prOVIde great pIctures of hIstoncal dress If Amenca OnlIne (AOL) IS your Internet service prOVIder (lSP), drop by The Costume Page (users aol com/nebula5/costume) They have over 2,000 lmks to a varIety of costume resources If you are strIctly Interested In Hallo","een costuTlles, here are some Web SIteS that are a must VISIt Everythmg Halloween (EverythmgHalloween com) has Internet links to thousands of SiteS that Will teach you all you need to know about makIng or buymg costumes for the spooky season Can we talk kids? You know, the lIttle misunderstood monsters that mhablt your house Drop by Halloween fuds (H&lIoweenKds com) The Web Site IS deSIgned for younger mon<;ters er, kIds Besldeb costume suggestiOns, It also offers Halloween party ~uggE'Sbons, pumpkIn carvmg and decoratIng tips and "Ghost Cards" that ran be e malled to fipnds, er, fnends If you don't want vour youn~~ter<; gomg tflck ortreatlll~ thl<; YE'ar, "top b) HallowcE'n Magazme (HllllowE'€'nMaga7me com) ~:'~.2Z':"C cf;.::., • ~....,.:;:-.~:::~ games, recIpes and a bunch of other ldeas for home Halloween actIVItIes The activIties do not requIre chain saws, pItchforks or butcher knives 'flme to make-up, WIth no apolOgIes needed The makeup I'm refemng to IS the kmd you put on your face 'T'hP Web Slt~ I'm tallU.11g about is called uMake Your Own Halloween Make-up" (osweb comIkIdscorner make up) The best 'l"ords to descnbe thIS SIte are messy, monsters and scary The cosmetics deSCrIbed are easy to make and easy to dean up (That IS what they say I wIll not be held accountable fur any cleamng bIlls ) With all that has been going on m this country over the last year, patnotIc costumes WIll be m vogue The PatrIOtIC Costume Ideas Web site (FamIly EducatIOn. com and follow the lmks), suggests easy-to-make costumes Four costumes I found were for Betsy Ross, a fireman, soldier and Johnny Appleseed How John Appleseed fits mto the patnOtlC category I haven't a clue (Of course, thIs Isn't the only thing I haven't a clue about Just ask my monsters, er, kIds) Need some decoratiOns for the front wmdows or door? I liked the Cavern of Chp Art (Halloween-chpart com) Categones on thIS Web SIte mclude bats, blood, candIes, black cats, ghosts and other appantlOils, mummIes, Frankenstem and Halloween SIgnS The SIgns, by the way, are for the tombstones In thE' front yard My favonte tombstone says USee, I told you I was SIck ~ , If yuu want some Halloween grub for your small forces of darkness stop by Wanda's Hallowee~ Cookbook (HalloweenKItchen com) You'll find reCIpes for Wltches Brew Tea, Bloody Popcorn, J ack-O-Lantern P!z7a and VampIre Punch I thought the Bloody Popcorn would be a neat idea for movie theaters shOWIng horror movies I touched bnef1y on pumpkm carvlr J, but If you really want to be a cut abovp the rC'<;tof your n€'lghbors, stDp by The Pumpkm Patch Ipumpkm-patch coml I lIked the pumpkm JokE''' For example How do you mend ~£;:; ':'ECH, pagtc' IbA October 10, 2002 News Grosse Pointe News 15A Emerald ash borer is a good-time Charlie Tree-killing insects breed like rabbits, pose greater threat than gypsy moths and Dutch elm disease By Brad Lindherg Staff Writer The little green bug.., threatening ..,outhc,ht Mldllgan's al>h tree.., pnter the world "px charged and go from there "From what we ob"ened In June, they lame out of the trees and their fir"t IlIlhna tlOn was to wate," I>ald Carl Dollhopf, a hortlLu!lur,dl"t In Westland who \~a.., the first on c('(ocn ,n '\',r,h America to capture the tree Tech From page 14A kdhng emerdld al>h bon'r In ~ hat am(JUnt" to dou ble trouble 111 the light to ".1\ p a..,h trpp", bO!er" are not only prohlIc, but female" Ill'lh' !,uud I uth( r" SII1Cl Il1ld ,ummer, ))ollhupf 'lI1d '"uentJ"t, ....Ith thc C 11I ted ~,tdte" DcpdrtnlPnt u! AgTllulture hm (' bpcn ob..,en mg how a f('male borer protectpd hpr l'gg" ~h 1 r 1 .. l'-H here he "did, pmntll1g to a "eltlOn of tree Then ,he rnovpd and laid 1\10 or three more l'ggl>, and would fl) to the lIext tree and lay "0'11e more" a broken Jack-O-Lantern? You use a pumpkin patch, of course Talk about "cary (Remember, I I>ald pumpklll Jokes I dIdn't I>ay good pumpkm Jokes) Even though screen savers are no longer needed wIth today'l> perbonal r.omputer momtors, a lot of folks stIli use them Just for fun If you want one for the spook) season, \ ISlt Halloween Scream Savers (screen saverb com) Note the dIfferent spellings for the Internet 10catlOn of the site and the tItle of the sIte My favortte IS the Hallowf>en Haunted House The house slOWly bUIlds Itself from pIeces failing from above After the house IS complete, It slowly falb apart Have a safe Halloween If jou're not :mre how, btOP by the Halloween Safety Web sIte (Halloween Safety com) And If you dnnk, have a des Ignated hI uunI"tllJ. dll Vel Have a tech questwn or subject you would lIke addressed In thl!, column? Want to comment or add your two cents worth? Mv e mall address l~ mmaurer@blz'erve "0"1 overlooked by predator.., r.one of whIch have been lOnfil med outSIde their natlvp AMan habItat - and pe"tlude ..,prayl> That'., bdd," I>atd Joc Shock, Clt) fore"ter In Gro"..,e POlntp Wuod" 'Even the elm bark beetle la)" It;, egg" In one place Emerald al>h boren, are behe\ ed to have arrIvpd m II ('"tern \Va) ne Count) a B) not putting .Ill thplr eggl> 1I1 one ba"ket, emerald a"h borer;, lllcrea"e the oddb of unhatched om,pnng be:ng Cops-From page 6A Rehab rej ect A 19 year old Grosse POlllte WOOdbman, who bald he's an alcohohc frebh out of a rehabt htdtJOn program, wal> caught mllluteii after allegedly ~tlo'ahng bottles of whiskey from a store III the 20700 block of Mack A store employee cornered the man III the men's room of a nelghbonng bU"llless Pohce amved to capture the suspect Officerb recovered only one of two mlsslllg bottles of whiskey Officers Sald the suspect b blood alcohollcvel was 227 percent Car recovered A red, 1999 Jeep four-door that was stolen 1'uesda\, Oct 1 from the 800 block ~f , Brys 111 Grol>se POlllte Woods J. wal> recovered the next day 111 the 600 block of Hawthorne Police found the undamaged vehIcle WIth Its keys 111 till' Ig111tlOn _ Brad LlI!dberg , )lvo.J.';' e,..tbU ,::,\.-v~~"'-'u ......~~") wooden crate of automobile pdrh Tht' lIlsects hal e been reproducmg unchecked dunng a mIgratIOn eastward mapped b) thousands of dead ash trees Borer~ ~nd dymg treel> bpgdn "ho~ mg up m the Grosse Pomtes a jew weekb ago At least four trees have been diagnosed In Grosse Pomte Park Unhke other non-native Inbect~ ranl>acklng M1Cl-t1g~r.., ~Jch ns the gyp~) moth, whose egg mabS IS the sIze of a golf ball and can be ..,een by pesticide (.rews 30 feet away, mdlvldual emerdid ash borer eggs are mVlslble to the naked eye Dollhopf did hIS sleuthing WIth a magmfymg glass, Sherlock Holmes style "Eggs are laId lllslde httle bark flaps. cracks or crev!ces," he saId, holdmg a foot-long sechon of lllfected hmb cut from one of SIX dymg ash trees m hiS back yard Accordmg to field observatlonb, eggs take several weeki> to hatch Tmy, white, sqUIggly larvae kJlI trees by eatmg mto the VItal cambiurn layer dIrectly beneath th~ bark 1 It makes a httl chamber that IS protected from normal bprays" said KeIth , Cray, chief deputy dIrector of the MIchIgan Department of Agriculture. C b d t b t am tUrn I" n u es nutnents from roots to the III .I n top of thp crown As larvae grow, the) lhew tunnels through cambIUm, cuttmg the 11011 of nutrwnts to br'lI1che" ,tnd le~vel>, endmg 11. the trel''' death l'pl/n tldll::.forllllllg lrom ,qulrmmg ....hlte larvae to me talhc grec'n l1ymg m..,lch, l merald a"h borerb low their appetite for ....uod -\dulh do httle but procre::,t~ a~d depol>lt eggs, VV1UHJ.fJJ 'Id~ Ul)hCl Vt;U The) eat next to noth. mg," he ,aId "It'~ aver) ulllque and mva"lve ..,peues - a major challenge," I>ald Ian Gray, (llrector of the MIchigan Stdtl' Umven,lty agncultural exppnment statIOn m East Lan::.mg "It poses a greater threat than the gyp,,) moth and Dutch elm" Dollhopf antiCipates the ldrvae btage remallls until a blX week l)de," Shock saId If bprdYS are the an~wer, Dollhopj said at lea"t tlH) apphcatldns will be necded to llJI er the ..,IX11'( pk pm, r genct "Thlb I.., <l tenaCIOUI>pP..,t, h, "a:d "It" not gOlllg tll be eabl!) wntrolled " At thll> time of ) edr 111 the borer's one year !tjp cycle, egg;, have hatched, adult!> 1"lve awu, ana) oung, worm lIke larvae are l'atlllg cambium Ash trees, on the other hand, are approachIng dor mancy The) are beiSlIInmg to shut down their flow of nutnents m preparatIOn for wmter Although Shock hal>n't seen emerald ash borerb III Grosbe Pomte Woods, the real test Will come next spnng B~ then If 1.11"\ de hd\ l bcpn pre"pnl ')~er ~ Inll! udllted 'hh tll'C' \~l!l "hl" Chdl .1< te n..,tlc "lgn" of Inll , tdtwn dlC-udlk 1Il tll( 1I OIlI ,1IId ..,udden gTowth 01 ",uLk er' from thl lOll ('r tl unk Trunk, lIld luno" \\ III b, dotlpd \\ Itll !.ard-too find D "h.tped c "It holt'" tron. whlch dn ever Incn'''~lng populatwn of adult boru" WlII havp ",tappd The~ \', III mate qUlckl,> ~catte'r Pgg, and "t<lli th" relentle,," ,1Ild expandmg c) de over agatn Deb ~lcCullough, d ton ,j c!ltomologl"t at ~hdllgan State L' III\ er"lt" \', ho hd' been \', orkmg ~'n ho~ to stem the borer tide, ",lid more and more of .,OUthhl'l MIchIgan'.., a,h tree, an ",uclumbmg eVPr) year 'It \\111bE'e\en worl>e 11l',,1 )e8.r," she "aid May ""r~ TH ... .J~_' ... UUJ1 lr 1 _ J\.J1Ut'\! t'ACU. ... 1 .. l.lY, ,.. he bald, "but that's the pattern of thiS type of lIIsect " - Unhke mOl>t borers that emerge from trunkb and branches m one bIg swoop, emeralds have been seen takmg I'dng dUring at least a ~l},-lI'eek penod from late May to mId July On top of that, a test populatIOn captured from Dollhopf's trees lived SIX week~ "That s pretty long," Dollhopf said "Other bugs last two to three weeks If they're domg good" That's more bad news m an age when long-Iastmg pestllldes have been watered down for envIronmental safety "Most pesticIdes nowadays are short.hved," saId the agricultural department'~ Cray "It's pretty tough these days to get a long-term reSidual on a trunk "tern " "It makes It much harder to treat somethmg that has Do you have a CD maturing soon? Looking for a stronger rate? Would you like to have: 4.25% Interest Rate guaranteed for five years A++ rated company (A.M. Best) AA+ rated (Standard & Poor's) Give us a call today Infinity Counsel Group, PC 313-886-0807 313-886-9694 This is our 43nd Anniversary. For this 43 hour period, save 43110 • YEARS BOURS '~CTOBER 10, II, 12, 13 & 14~ .Frilja, .•••••.•••••.• _.9:30 am • 8:30 p~ .Sal ... day•••••••••••• 9:30 ..... -S:30 Plft Sunday 12 noon: -4:00pm Monday.~ •••••••.••••• 9:aO __ aID- 8:3 Jlm~_ __ . ._-~.- ... _.~. .',.~ .-:._'---_._ ..- ., ANY PURCHASE OF IN-STOCK OR SPECIAL ORDER MERCHANDISE WILL BE REDUCED 4UIII% f -'" S ;u.:e ;«:;::q 4301 /0 -..-"'- .. ----- .......... nm-..-** REGULAR PRICE. --~--~-l( U.-.~'" 'WM4""'6.,Qi SOFAS, CHAIRS, BEDROOMS, DINING ROOMS, GRANDFATHER CLOCKS, END TABLES, ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS, LAMPS, PICTURES AND ACCESSORIES ARE ALL INCLUDED. PERCENT THOMASVILLE** Thursday •••••~••12:30 pm • 11:30'pm _ ......:-- • • '~"""" " , •••••••••••••••••SAVE 43% SLIGH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SAVE 43% PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE** ••••5AVE 43% PETERS-REVINGTON •••••••••••SAVE 43% STANLEY SAVE 43% CAROLINA CLASSICS ••••••••••SAVE 43°/u ~ • BRADINOTON-YOUNG ••••••••••SAVE 43OJo LEXINGTON** ••••••••••••••••••••••SAVE 43% DURHAM •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••SAVE 43% HOOKER••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••SAVE 43% THE CUSTOM SHOPPE ••••••••SAVE 43% CANAL 1I0VICR•••••••••••••••••••••SA1IE 43°/0 LA-Z-BOY** •••••••••••••••••.••.•••.SAVE 43% II 1III1IlIIlEC ••••••••••••••••••••••..•.....l)~~~ -~- .~.~~~(t\~~~tl(,~:l-.;, 11Inpp ]J1uruifurt 183 South Main, Mount Clemens Phone (586)469-4000 1 11:'>miles north of ~etropolltan Parkway (16 MI Rd) .J • Uctooer IU, ~uu~ Grosse Pointe News 16A n n InAV 1 U 11 V MAn 1-.1 1 I , 11 1 I 1 T I -I-< It 1 1 Grosse Pointe War Memorial • 32 Lake Shore Dr.• Grosse Pointe Farms FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm C"T~T'r' .l'T ~Ul~U.t\.I, "l1\...L V1.J.LJ.'-~Vll1, n~TnD1JD V\J.l ~TI"\I"\l\.T ~ _1\1\ --- ~ - J;UV pill 1. 'VVl SPECIALTY SHOPPING AT ITS FINEST 30 PREMIER MERCHANTS FROM ACROSS THE COUNTRY HOME DECORATIVE MENS Country Tinworks Fabulous Pewterware Heather Lane Pottery Histoire de France resprit Sally Irish Sweet Peas Lee Allison JEWELRY . eccoml Elsa's Embellishments Leah Nestel Valerie Peyton Horn Collection LADIES Brushstrokes Caron B. Ltd. Regalia FOOD Cherry Republic Mrs. Mason's Two Sisters Gourmet CHILDREN'S Great Turtle Toys Kidstuf, Ltd. The Magic Wardrobe GIFTS Canio Comfort and Joy Common Planet Elm's Puzzles Enchanting Gifts Enterprising Kitchen Heavenly Honies Mary Frances Phillippi Windy City Weather Co. JOIN US FOR THE PREVIEW PARTY Thursday, October 17 • 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. HORS D'OEUVRES AND COCKTAILS SERVED BY: • Cup---A---Cino• The Hill Seafood and Chophouse • Meaghan's • Sierra Station • Tom's Oyster Bar $60.00 per person • For tickets call (313) 884-7624 or at door FREE Valet Parking Y Admission is $5.00 Per Person V FREE PARKING STROLLERSWELCOME ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT PlANNED PARENTHOOD OF SOUTHEAST .MICHIGAN'S COMMUNITY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS, WHICH INCLUDE WORKSHOPS ON AIDS, CHILD DEVEWPMENT, PARENTING AND PREVENTION OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE. { I Museum gives glimpse of Grosse Pointe's past By Jennie Miller Staff Writer Imagme ,our"ell tra,el mg down conble;,tone road" ndmg In a hor"e-dl awn car nage and plJ.rcha;,mg goods at the local fivp-and-(!lmp Gro;,se POlllten, can "tep IOta the pa"t at the DetrOIt Hlstollcal MUbeum, \\ hlch leature" man, mteractlve exhIbit;, ;,ho\\'ca,mg the hI, tor) 01 ;,outheabtern MichIgan Its newe;,t e\hlblt, ConnedlOn" Metfl' DetrUlt ~elghb0rhood" tlll~ the story of the e,oluI, n " Ddrolt" "uburlh <ind nelghborhomj;, after 1800 It dl"pla,,, 23 comlUUlll tIC" mdudlng Grob"e Pomte and St Clair Shores, detalhng their wnneltlOm to each other and to tne old ("pntr ... ~l('It v nf np.trn1t Gro;,be Pomte re"ldent and rnu"eum dOtent Am, Booher finds the new exl1lbIt benefiual to ;,tudents and other mUbeum patrons 'It IS Important for student" to know theIr own "ense of 11l,tory and thmk about how Detl OIt" hl"tory wnnett'- to theIr own," ~he "'lid (Iln'lpl!IPn," l~ bd~Ld on Gene Scott, nLw book, Detro!t Bl'f-,'1nlllng, " dnd I, a colldboratlun of many hiS toncal "oLlelIL", "thoob, hbrane" and utlzens GroS;,l PUl11teb dl,play \, ,,"'.. (nntl'"lhntO',..l h, •h Street;, of Old DetrOlt " "Thlb exhIbit simulateb what hfe was really hke," Booher "ald 'Patron" are able to step back In tllllC and bet' what l,.,....l-,,,,. ...hrH "., ,.,.,,1,.1 l-. ...... " n Grabbe Pomte HI,tOlICdl SOCIPt) and IllLlude" ph\! tographs such a" S' P<iul Catholic ChuTLh, the GrosbP Pomte War Memonal and the Village shopping dlstnct It tell" the stOT) of French worn, \\ he:e the) ~\ auld ha\ e gonp to "chool where lhl i \\ou1d have shopped and what the Important Issueb werp back then" "Streets" replicates three dIfferent time penods and showcases a drugstore, a pnntll1g press, a dentISt's ~..J __ ottlce, an Ice I • farmers cream shop, a . " .-I who settled schoolhouse _.~ along Lake and other ---St Clalr's stores typIcal unmhabltof that century Photo by Jen",e M.ller cd mar"hes Patrons Booher sits in Henry stroll down III 1750, Ford's Model T, one of cobblestone, later to be several early cars on dis- cedar block Jomed by play at the museum. EnglIshmen and bnck-l31d and streetl:. as they BelgIans pass through A century later, Grobse the streets of DetrOIt as It POlllte wa" the sIte of elabo was In dIfferent time penrate Lottages of vacatlOmng ad':> DptrOlters, which were The museum also hosts replaced by year-round the "Motor CIty ExhIbItIon," mansIOns after 1900 whIch tells the story of By the 1950s, the area DetrOIt's rapId growth and had evolved mto four how It became the world mumclpalItleb and the leader In automotIve proVIllage of Grosse Pomte ductIOn Shores "We lIve In Motor CIty The exhIbIt also featur"" Seeing how that came to be three rooms that replIcate gIVes patrons a sense of the typical slthng rooms of pnde for 'Vhere they come the 1700s, the 1800" and from," Buoher said the 1900s At thIS exhIbIt, patrons Thl" portIOn of can view a model of the "ConnectIOns" IS a tabte of first car made In DetrOIt by the hIstory one can hterally Charle;, Brady KIng, Henry 'itep mto III the mu"eum s Ford's Model T, Ransom E permanent exhIbit, 'The Olds' first car and a model ("t ......., I.UU~u .. J -- Photo b" Jennie \fllier Grosse Pointe resident and Detroit Historical Museum docent Amy Booher demonstrates "Name That Neighborhood," the museum's game of Twister using Detroit's suburbs. in "Connections: Metro Detroit Neighborhoods." of dB db"ernbly hne that has a real body drop "The assembly Ime brought more than 10,000 people to the cIty fronl all dIfferent countnes - It helped make the suburbs hke Grosse Pomte what they are today," Booher saId The museum shows thiS evolutIOn of DetrOIt from farmland to an mdustnal gIant, and commumtJes lIke Grosse Pomte from settlements to suburbs Located at 5401 Woodward at KIrby, the museum IS open Tuesday through Fnday, 9 30 a m to 5 p ill and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a m to 5 workshops, outreach programs and curnculum matenal" For more mf0rmatlOn call (313) 833-1805 or ,lblt WV,\\ detroltlll~toncal org pm AdmISSIOn IS $5 for adults and $2 50 for semors and students For groups of 10 or more, the fees are reduced by $1 The museum\ educatIOn department offen, tours, Photo by J en",e MIller The "Land. Lives and Legends" exhibit. which provides an in-depth view of Michigan Native Americans. will be at the museum until November. OCTOBER SALE AREA RUGS & CARPETING AREA RUGS CONTEMPORARY TO TRADITIONAL • ORIENTAL RUGS ......EEDLEPOINT • flBETAN • ,\IICROHOOKED • SISAL RUG GROSSE POINTElS LARGEST SELECTION Of CUSTOM DESIGNED RUGS • Boarder Pattern .. • I n.,et • lO;er~ed • Hand Crafted Cu ..tom Dl'.,ign and Color~ 30 . 50% Off AREA RUGS IN STOCK. '25% Off ,l.d(hllonal Siles 17G70 ;\L\CK ,\VE, ,\'1' l ':'\I\'EHSIT' ~~ i :1-KK4-2~J~J I lOll '[J be GlAIJ you B()UGHT our Pad!!! , , En 28 ements ChevalierTeitge October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News ter, Barbara A Forster, to College She IS a project Rohl'rt E Peberdy, son of mnnagcr \',Ith FJrd Motor Mr and Mrs Edward Co Peberdy of Kemlworth, Peberdy btud1ed mechalll England A No\embl'r "'ed cal and productIOn engUleE'r. dmg h pLlIlnL'd Ing at Mid Warwlchhlre FlJr~tll l iI 1\t I I I, Ilil I'li College In LeamIngton Spa, ut '-lit llU d ,..., r t r ngland He 1f:, a proJect dnd Old-k, 111 -, q H lJ ,ndger with Durr \tltomatlOn Mr and Mrs Robert John Chevaher of Grosse POinte F drms have announced the engagement of the1r daughter, Tara Mane Chevall('r to Dr Stefan Robl'rt TeJtge, "on of Dr and Mrs Robl'rt All, r, Tl'Jtge of Gro"'be POll1tl ShOll'~ I Br01.vnscombe -Collins Dr and Mrb WlIlJam Bra\\ n'>combe of the C1ty of Timothy Rowen Husband and Elizabeth Moore (~r( Fuger FugerHusband Fromm- Mr and Mrs DaVid K Fuger of Grosse POlOte Robert E. Peberdy and Farms have announced the Barbara A. Forster engagement of their daughMr and Mrs RIchard J ter, ElIzabpth Moore Fuger, Dr. Stefan Robert Teitge Fromm of Bloomfield HIlls and Tara Marie Chevalier to TImothy Rowen Husband, have announced the engageson of Richard W Husband of Marblehead, Mass, and ment of theIr daughter, LmdbdY F arreii Fromm, to A July weddmg IS the Jate Julia U. Husband Jonathan Haynes Vlasak, An Augu"t weddIng IS planned planned son of Mr and Mrs David E The bnde earned a bacheVlasak of the City of Grosse Fuger graduated from lor of sCience degree m Demson UniverSIty She Pomte A Decemb<'r weddmg mdustnal and operatIOns IS planned III engIneenng from the works m real estate Jackson, Wyo Fromm earned a bachelor Umverslty of Michigan of sClwce degree 10 p",ycholHusband graduated from the New England Culmary Meghan Ehzabeth LeWIS, ogy from Michigan State She IS a semor consultant Umversliy She IS worlung daughter of WillIam and Institute and m IS a chef wIth Clarkston Consultmg Jackson Hole, Wyo on a mastpr of arts degree m Karen LeWIS of Buffalo, NY, mamed John Charles labor and mdustnal relaThe groom earned a bachtIOns at MSU Jet Trey Barlow, son of John elor of SCIence degree m bIOland Martha Barlow of Vlasak earned a bachelor ogy from Stanford Grosse POInte Woods, on of arts degree 10 supply Umverslty and a doctor of Sept 28, 2001, at FIrSt cham management from medlcme degree from Presby ten an Church In Michigan State Umverslty's Wayne State Umversity Buffalo Ell Broad School of The Rev Gen Lyon offiCIBusme"s Mr and Mrs Ronald G He IS a third-year emerated at the 4 p m ceremony, He IS a product matenals Forster of the City of Grosse gency reSIdent at the manager with CISCO Umverslty of Massachusetts Pomte have announced the whIch was followed by a receptIOn at the Niagara Systems m San Jose, CalIf engagement of their daughMedical School Falls Country Club In Niagara Falls, N Y The bnde wore a whIte silk tWill gown that featured a bor.t neck, a partly open back and covered buttons She carned a bouquet of Vlasak ........ ~l PA11"1tn h"'lUO Dalby U:~ Bro\lT!18t'ombe announced the engagement and Brett Collins of their daughter, Darb) Lee Brownscombe, to Brett becond-grade teacher at CollJns, f:,onof Mr and Mr'> Gro..,se POInte Academy J C Collins of the City of Grosse Pomte A June wed CodInb earned a bachelor ding IS planned of art;, degree In masb com mUlllcatlOns from the Bro'" n&combp earned a Umverblty of Pittsburgh bachelor of artb degree from He IS an account executhe Umvprslty of Michigan's tive wIth .J Walter School of EJucatlOn She IS a Thompson 'IT,... ~ .-J ~ __ ~_ y, ~UU.1~l~_~ _ Lew IS· Barlow Denison University and IS working on a doctoral degree III chmcal psychology The groom earned a bachelor of arts decree from Demson UllIvers~ty and a JD degree from Case Western Reserve University He IS a,>soclated with Roetzel & Andress, LPA, m Cleveland, OhIO The couple traveled to the Domlllican RepublIc They llve In Cleveland Heights, OhIO ForsterPeberdy ~. ~M!Cii!GAN Grosse POinte New, and The Conneclion ne~lpapers are planning Ihm 8th annuallpeclal edItIon featurmg rhe bable, of the past 1ear We hope you (and the lmle one) ~Itl partlclpale by lupplymg Ul with a photograph of lour child (only 2002 bablel, please) for publtcanon In thlS lecnon ThiS tablOid wIll be published January 23, 2003. Your child s picture, along ~lth other 1002 babies, Will be the mam attraction I Nm and adl'ertlsmg about clothmg, feedlrg, educating and canrg for lour child "Ill also be Included It w111be lery mfonnatlle as \lell as a commemOTatl\e edllion for loul Please lend a cute, clear pholo (color or black & white home or studiO produced, not computer generated, preferably smaller than a 5x7\ to Gro>sc Pomte News & The ()mnewo~, 96 Kerchml, Grosse Pomte Farffi.l, Michigan 48136 AttentIon Kim Macley, Display Adlertlsmg Complete the mformatIon slip WIth lour child s full name date of bIrth and hospital and return It 1llth lour photo Pleale print the baby's name un the back ot the photo 50 10U can pICk Il up at out oHIee after prmtmg at mclude a self add.elsed STamped emelope Your picture mUll be recmed m our otfrce no larer tha1 'Wednesday December 18th earlter lIould assist our proJUL!IOr schedule ILate NOlember and December bl,th photos mal be <Jbmltred until ]anuarl 3, 1003 ) 'We lool fomard to prodUCIng our annual 'Baby Edl!ion' and are sure IOU \Ian! your lilde one mcluded A limited number 01 extra cople, ~tli be available tor rurcha;e to glle to family and rnend.s The Grosle Pomte !\e~, & The CJnnection reyulre a $1700 fee to co\er production costs Please mclude a ched, money order or credit card rurrber ~lth lour photo Call or Drop by the Grosse Point~ N~ws &<:OSNECiiON N r W 10 , ... , I l S The bnde earned a bache lor of art,> degrep from naVIeS Audrey Lynn Turner Please Print Childs Name <\lIyson and Blll 'Turner of Gro"e POlntl' Far'l1" are the parent, of a daughter Audrp, Lynn 'Turnpr, born \ug 17, 2002 :-'laternal Grosse POinte News & The ConnecM~ 96 Kercheval Grosse POinte Farms Michigan 48236 photo of each child) Attenbon Kim Mackey Display AdvertiSing I U'rannr1r{ nf.... (FIrst & lastl _ P"rents Name (FIrst & last) _ ONe of Blrth Vila:mt MC.# Slgnature Hospltal Phore _ _ . ...,. , ------------------------jTwlns $25 00 please send one Jenmfer Ann Kosky, daughter of Terrence Kosky of Grosse Pomte Woods and the late Frances Kosky, marned MIchael John Sclabassl, son of Geno and Judl Sclabassl of NorthVille, on Sept 14, 2002, at St Paul Catholic Church The Rev Tom Urban offiCIated at the 2 30 P m cere mall), which wa" followpd by a receptIOn at the DetrOIt AthletiC Club The bnde carned a bouquet of peach and rust-col ored flowers The maid of honor was Susan Lumetta of Lake Onon Bndesmalds were Mrs Bethany Mack of St Clair and Danre!le Lumetta of Troy Attendants wore satm lavender dresses The best man was the groom's brother, Dr Gary Sclabassl of Milford Groomsmen were DaVid Kosky of Manhattan, NY, Don Sweeney of Evanston, Ill, and Nick Sclabassl of Northville The bnde earned a degree m economics and polItical bCIence from the Umverslty of Michigan She IS emplo.red 1Il marketmg and advertlsmg The groom earned a d-li;ree m marketing from Western MIchigan Umverslty He IS also m marketmg and advertlb1l1g The couple honeymooned 111 Rome and Amalfi, Ital) The) !I\ e m Rochester Hills bprrICS 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236 Attention: KIm Mackev, Display Advertising (313) 882,3500 FAX 882,1585 Send photo and$17 00 to KoskySclabassi Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Jeffrey Barlow autumn colored roses, hosta, thistle and bernes The maid ofhonO! was the bnde's SIster, Kathenne LeWIS of BuffalO Bridesmaids were the groom's Sisters, Manmartha Barlow Clark and Kathryn Barlow, both of the City of Grosse Pomte, MaggIe McFeely of New Canaan, Conn Wend) Brploff of Buffalo, NY, and Clare 'Tucker of New York City Attendants wore celadon green Silk shantung empire WaIst dresses With spaghettI straps They carned bouqupts of roses, hosta and bernes Mark Brewster of Grosse Pomte Woods was the best man Groomsmen were the groom's brother, Robbie Barlow of the Glty of Grosse Pomte, ~he bnde's brother, Patnck LeWIS of Buffalo, Matthew Seltz of Garden City, NY, ro.hchael Campbell of Rye, NY, Bnan Blddmger of Bay Village, OhIO, and Tom Jefson of Kalamazoo The mother of the bnde wore an ohve green Silk column dres" • Ith a lliatchmg chiffon Jacket She camed a nosegay of ro'>es, hosta and bemes The groom's muther wore a mldmght blue peau de ~Ole SUlt With Je\, el-co"ered but tonb and three quarter length sleeve'> She carned a no~egay of ro"es, ho ..ta and _ Exp Date _ ~r(1o ~'I-..~n ''''opr of Ea~tpOlnt(' :md \llchael S\\ ope of ..,tl rl1ng Bf'lght.~ Patprnal grandpar l nt, are L, nn and BIll Turnl'r of Grc,,~e Pomte Farm.., Great grandparent" are ('( anw 1nd .hm ~mart of D,'arborn, Glad~, Emope of Yp&llantl, and Joe Swope of Brooklyn, NY Andrew Michael Vallan Shelly and Tonv Vdllan of (}ro,,>e Pomte Wood.., are the pflTfnh of a "on Andrl'\\ ;\llchacl Vall:m born .July 11 2002 7Ilatl'rnal grandparent .. are :>llk" and Barb BaHew of '3t (']mr Paternal granrl par,'nt.., arp Ron and SuP Vallan of Gro",e POll1tc Farm, AD_WOlD CAll 313-882-3500 Dunk It1\l ~"d rlca.-,e rerum no hter than [hemr.er 18th, 2002 • Decemher hltln rhott}'; allerteJ until January 3 2003 To r["PTVi' 0 ;!-IO'; AdvertiSing , space bV ? p m Fndav ) • Faces & places October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News 36 Benefits earmark funds for children, local charities Make a DIfference Day IS a natIOnal volunteer ImtJabve 10 which I1lQrethan 2 8 mJlhon people 10 the nation umte for a common cause It was created m 1991 by USA Weekend MagaZine and held 10 partnership With the Pomts of Light Foundation DetrOit's largest proJect for Make a Difference Day, Saturday, Oct 26, IS an effort orgamzed by the Cluldren"s Center, r'nmmnnltv ('Qro ServlceslC~mpeer and Famdy Services and Learmng Center The "CelebratIOn of Care" proJect consIsts of collectmg Items - non-penshable food, new and gently used clothmg, boots and shoes, coats and school supplies dunng a 10-day pen ad and delivenng them to SiteS m the tn-county area One local drop off site IS the Children's Home of DetrOIt 900 Conk 10 r.rn""p Pomte Wood" Anyone may drop off Items between 9 a m and 5 p m Monday through Fnday between Oct 14 and 23 More than 20 different nonprofit metropohtan Detro,t ag~nclelS will be aIded by these donatIOns For more mformatlon about donations or voluntef'nng, call Amy Devone of the ChIldren's Center at (313) 831-5535, ext 1130 or contact adevone@lhildrensctrnet Degas at the DIA: DetrOlters WIll soon be abl~ to expenence the world of the 19th-century Pans Opera ballet as seen through the eyes of one of Its most passIOnate observers, French ImpresslOmst Edgar Degas The DetrOit Institute of Arts'long-antlclpated "Degas and the Dance," opens Sunday, Oct 20, and runs through mld-January of 2003 In DetrOIt the show IS sponsored by D81mlerChrysler CorporatIOn Fund ThIS IS the first exhibition to fully examme Degas' work m the context of 19thcentury ballet, With costume deSIgns, maquettes of stage sets and photographs of dancers mcluded to proVIde a more complete pICture of the Pans Opera ballet Degas' unlimIted access to the dancers' world e:labled hIm to spend hours observmg and sketching III classrooms and m the wmgs and backstage areas of the bal- c, J, ,Ij let ThIS "backstage pass," along WIth hIS exceptIOnal artistIC abIlity, resulted m some of the most revealing and mtImate Images of dance ('ver boen "Degas and the Dance has already generated a great deal of eXCItement," said Graham W. J. Beal, DIA director "We have sold more than 20,000 tickets, With a month to go before the exhIbitIOn opens Our staff IS gearing up to wel... .. v The Grosse Pomte umt of The Herb SocIety of America Will hold an herbal craft sale fromeam to5pm on Wednesday, Oct 16, and Thursday, Oct 17 at the Grosse POInte Academy, 171 Lakeshore, m the Moran Road entrance hallway Farm, Garden Association and G.P. Park Garden Club The Grand MaraiS branch of the Women's NatIOnal Farm and Garden ASSOCiatIOn Will meet at noon Monday, Oct 14, at the ChIldren's Home of DetrOit The program WIll be "Botamcal Imagery" by LInda Wells of the DetrOit Rose Society The Grassl' POInte Ro'>e Society met on Oct 9 to hear a talk by James Farquhar, owner of Grosse POInte FlOriSts He bpoke about plantIng bulbs AAUW The Gro'>sc Pomte branch of the American A.,soclatJon of University Women WIll meet at 6 30 p m 'IUesday, ~ _ u ~ 1>'" .... h ....r-.ff' ...........~ ..... the world and from our own backyard to see Degas' f'xqUlsite works of art and to expenence a bit of hIS hfe" Degas and the Dance showcases more than 100 pamtmgs, sculptures and drawmgs from 97 collections III 11 countnes T1med tickets are reqUIred and mclude museum admiSSIOn and an adult or youth audIO tour There Are no eXPh"nep,> Of refunds For mdlvldual tickets call (866) DEGASTIX or VISIt the DIA box office A handling charge applies to phone orders Advance reservations are mandatory for groups of 20 or more Groups should call (313) 833-1292 Pnces range from $8 to $18, dependmg on age and day of the week for the VISIt DIA members wIll be admitted WIthout a charge For more mformatlOn, call (313) 833-7971 For children: The Greater DetrOIt AUXIlIary of C1uldhelp USA WIll hold Its tlurd annual wille tastmg, dmner and auctIOn on Fnday, Oct 11, at a pnvate club m Grosse Pomte The annual fundralser raises money to support treatment, preventIOn and researcn of abused and neglected children Founded III 1959 by Sara O'Meara and Yvonne Fedderson, ChIldhelp USA IS a national nonprofit orgamzatlOn dedIcated to meetmg the phYSIcal, emotIonal, educatIOnal and spmtual needs of abused and neglected children Efforts and resources are focused In the areas of treatment, preventlOIl and research ThIs year's event wIll benefit local efforts as well as the ChJldhelp USA NatIOnal ChIld Abu"e Hothne and a planned resIdential faclhty - the ChIld help USA AssessmentlI'reatment Center of MIchigan which WIll prOVIde shortterm shelter and assess- ~, ...I...l " ..., Indigo blues: Jazz In Oct 15 at Andlamo's In St Clair Shores for dmner and a wme tastIng Reservations may be made for the dmner, tastmg and lecture ($41 50) or for dmner and the lecture ($2950) by sendmg a check paYdble to AAUWGP by Saturday, Oct 12, to Melissa Ryan, 23J09 Gaukler, St ClaIr Shores, 48080 Garden Clubs of Michigan Cool the heart of DetrOit's hold Its annual fall meetmg on Th ....rsday, Oct 24, at the Farmmgton Hills Manor m Farmmgton Hills The meetmg IS open to members wlthlll Dlstnct No 1 The LIVOnia Garden Club IS host Classical Music League The Grosse Pomte ClaSSical MUSICLeague WIll Garden at 10 30 a m Ine WIll meet The Federated Clubs of MIchIgan c ~_..... \.-., (.... , t-.. ~ _ ..... 0 the senous Issues surroundmg abused and neglected children "The rebponse and '>upport from the commumty and those workmg III the court system has been Illcredlble," saId Elizabeth Brazilian, preSIdent of the Greater DetrOIt AUXiliary "We know that It IS ImperatIVe that thl" faclhty IS buJlt so that we can better support the needs of the most '>evefely ahn'>ed and neglected chIldren III our commumty The success of thIS event WIll bnng us closer to our goal of buddmg thIS faclhty" The evening, "Celebrate the Child: wIll feature a hVe!auctIOn of such Items as deSIgner gowns worn by actress Charhze Theron at the Oscar Awards, a DaVId Yurman sIlver and 14K gold quartz watch, a fiberglass reproductIOn of an antique wooden carousel horse, a 1992 KawasakI Vulcan 1500 customIzed motorcycle, travel packages for Italy, Sp81n, Hungary, the Canary Islands or Iztapa, a week's vacatIOn in a five-bedroom condo m Park CIty, Utah, a week's stay at a condo on Smger Island, Fla , and one week's stay m Aspen, Colo The evening Will begIn at 630 p m With a wme tastmg and a strolhng dmner Guests can enJoy the sounds of Intngue, a 10piece band A Silent auctIOn of Items, IncludIng dmners at some of metro DetrOIt's finest restaurants, exclUSive bottles ofwme, rounds of golf and hand-paInted chIldren's furniture, Will precede the live auctIOn T1ckets for the evemng are $75 a person (35 years and under), $125 a person (36 years and older), $500 for Patrons and $1,000 for Benefactors To order tickets or get more InformatIOn for "Celebrate the ChIld: call Char Terry at (248) 642-8719 ,Meetings ~ Herb Sodpty L"_ ~ .."v Cultural Center IS on tap Saturday, Oct 19, ab the DetrOIt DI~covery Museum hostb It!>second Indigo NIght fund raiser Currently, a group of wmmumty leaders and a(,tlvlsts arc workmg to cre ate the DetrOit DI"covery Museum, whl(,h Will be the metro area's firbt lllterac tJve InJppendent chIldren'!> museum Indigo Night will begin at 7 p m at the hIstone ment servIces as "'ell as longer term reSIdential care Each year the event honors someone who has made P0"ltlve jJlogre"b In the fight agamst child abuse and negle(,t '" .th an award called the CompassIOnate Angel ThiS year's recIpIent, Angelo Nicholas, IS the DIrector of Macomb County's Family Independence Agency NIcholas I!>beIng recogmzed ~ ... __ ... ...., ..... DetrOIt Guests can look forward to a mght of musIc and dance With performance!> by Ulsula Walker, accompamed by plamst Buddy Budson and the Dave McMurray band A weekend at The Inn on Ferry Street, pieces from Ahee Jewelers and a chance to be a co-DJ at "Smooth Jazz" 98 7-FM radIO statIOn are a few of thf' Items up for bId dunng the f'VPnJnp"" ",lent auctIOn "Thl; year's Indigo NIght WIll be a Jazzy chiC event, full of great food and entertaIllment,~ bald Alyssa Martina, co-preSident of the DetrOit DIscovery Museum 'We are eXCIted by the amount of support Farm, Garden ClubClub The Grosse Pointe Farm and Garden two first place awards for outstanding ment in horticultural therapy. Prizes were awarded by the Michigan division and the Women's National Farm and Garden Association Inc. Susan Durant, left. and Shirley Bradley were co-chairmen of the project at the Parker Cottage at the Children's Home of Detroit. Assistants were Harriet Port and Leslie Sloan. Golden Jubilee of Queen The Queen Daughters Ellzabelh of the British Empire celebrated Sept. 15 at the Detroit Yacht n on .; we are recelVmg from the metro DetrOit commumty and hope thIS Will bnng us one step clo"er to our goal of bnngmg an Interactive children's museum to DetrOIt" T1ckcts for IndIgo Night are $100 Call (313) 438- 1277 Belle Isle walk: October I" Breast Cancer Awareness Month The Amencan Cancer SOCIety wants men, women and chIldren to celebrate brea~t cancer survIVors and raIse funds to support breast can. cer research by partlclpatmg In the fifth anniversary "Makmg Stndes A,.gamst Breabt Cancer~ walk The 5mde non competItIve \\ alk WIll be held un Saturday, Thursday, Oct 17, at the Oct 12, at Belle Isle Park Grosse Pomte Hunt Club RegIstratlOn begIns at The busmess meetIng WIll 830 a m and the walk be followed by cocktads at begIns at 9 30 a m For 11 30 a m and luncheon at more mformatlOn, call (248) 1230 P m 557 -5353 or "ISlt www tan The progrdm, beglllmng cer org at 1 30 pm, wIll feature Coupons help kids: DavI'> Gloff at the plano The !{roger Co ot ~hchlgan Tickets are $20 and and Kessel Food Markets checks should he sent to LOUIse Lee, 9 Shorecre<;t C"d,. G"", t Shoppers pIck up a "Cash for Klds" coupon tablOId from any of the partlclpatmg store!> and use the enclosed coupons to purchabe the products at speCIal pnces Fund" Will help Vanety prov Ide mpdlcal, therapeutiC and recreatlOnal faclhtIC::- "s well as educatlOnal "ervlte" to children With -,peclal needs In Southeastern r..hchlgan - Mar;;;leRein' Smith -- ] .. .. ~l-In'AI ....., "" WITH JAY LENO our "Headlmes" 'r\\. WEDDING CAKES ~ Anne Mane of will rally for the chIldren m need be~nmng Sunday, Oct 13 and contIllumg through 'IUe"day, Oct 22 The "Cash for Klds" campaIgn, d coupon redemptIOn. program, WIll benefit Vanety-The ChIldren's 'Chanty TI-IF .. TnNI~J.iT 5160 ,. M jubilee AS SEE NON Poml< ~ Shores, 48236 T1ckets Will be held at the door For ;nore mformatlOn, call (313) 886- pleasedlo announce fhe [uzmesl mem6ers <' the golden Club. Surrounding the last official copy of the Queen's portrait are, from left. Grosse Pointers Eleanor Marsh, Carolyn Ricca, Marleine Ricca, Doris EnckseD, Maryan Binns, Mildred MWTay. Maureen SeUm. Beulah Wells, Joan Carter. Jean Carter and Mildred Wilson. +~I~ND~ ~~I~ ~ N~ll~ 10 slaJ/ IS won achieve- llLeaning Tower of Love;; (falling in love with you) Renee Grnny "Over 30 deSIgns to choose from" 7hese halrslyltsls formerly 0/ txlaJln '7Jaul,are now auatfabfe,for 'lOll al +~I~HD~~~I~ , H~IU INNOV~TlH ID~~~ ~ND (~~~TlH nVllHG H(~H10U~~ Frrends IS a Full SeNlce Salon Offering H8Ir, Nail and Skin Care Services For Your NeX1 Appolnlinent Please Call 313.886.2503 19877 Mack Avenue • Grasse Pomte Woods Convenient Public Parkmg AvaIlable For You Adjacent To The Salon L- __ SEE IT ON OUR WEB SITE www josefspastryshop.com -I de~'3t1by JOSEF'S PASTRY SHOP 21150 Mack. Grosse Pointe Woods 313.881.5710 Churches 48 October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Shores resident named Peacemaker at church The Pastor's Corner VIrgInia HIll RIce of Grosse Pomte Shores nas been named Peacemaker of t.he Year by Grosse Pomte Memonal Church She IS a nurse and Wayne State Umverslty profe::.sor whose efforts have Impacted "J:~.. • nll'LdH n.HlenldIl::. ann ArdO Americans In Metro Dt'trOlt The pUblic IS invited to presentatIOn CE>remOIlle" at the church dunng .ts ser vices at 9 a m and 11 a m on Sunday, Oct 13 Rice was lfistrumentdl m acqumng two notable grants In 2000 she won a 9/11 and other fall days By the Rev. Gustav Kopka Jr. 81 James Lutheran Church A sunny wmdy Wednesday It was WIth St James church bell!, nngmg PatnotIc songs, famIliar hymns Ai! pollce car and fire engIne Wound theIr way through Imd-town Kercheval WhIle HJ11Ai!soclatlOn outsIde TheIr shops and daJly hvehhood sang "God Bless Amenca" and cIty's leader Proudly the largest among flags halled ............. Nllle eleven Anno DOmInI Two thousa.'1d two It IS good Always to remember downs and ups Thgether, lest we dIsmember In Some sort of evJ1 dlscnmmatmg ApartheId of body, mmd or soul Two thousand one towers among us As prayer call to Shalom Salaam Keepmg us from gOIng to pIeces 11 ,+,..1. V JUUUVU On the way toward ten eleven I recall FranCIS of Assisi, TIns prayer attributed to hIm "Lord, make us Instruments of your peace Where there IS hatred, let us sow love, Wnere there IS InJury, pardon, Where there IS dIscord, union, Where there IS doubt, faIth, Where there IS despair, hope, Where there IS darkness, lIght, Where there IS sadness, JOy. "Grant that we may not so much seek To be consoled, as to console, Th be understood as to understand, Th be loved as to love For It IS m gIvmg that we receIve, It IS In pardoning that we are pardoned, It IS In dyIng that we are born to eternal e! ,... cUlL !UJ ...... n.:')u:.-. College of Nur ...mg that embodIeS a five-year chmcal trial, "Arah Amencan Youth Tobacco Use a-ld InterventiOn" She proposed the study after learmng that tobacco use IS extremely hIgh m the MIddle East AccordIng to the World Health OrgamzatlOn, natlOns With the highest rates of tobacco use are Iraq, PalestlIle, KuwaIt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan and Tumsla, where 76 percent of the people use tobacco Amencan's tobacco use rate IS 23 percent RIce's goal IS the creatIOn of a teachlIlg program through schools and local televlSlOn In Dearborn, where approxlmatel) 50 percent of the students are Arab AmerIcan The grant was awarded by the NatlOnal In::.tltute for Child Health and Human Development Rebults of the trial are cApected In 2005 An earlIer grant trom the W K Kellogg FoundatIOn re ...ulted m lreatlOn of a free dmlc at DetrOIt s Tned Stone BaptIst Church m 1998 Rice ar>d a colleague at the Umverslty of MIchIgan responded to tindlllgf>that 100 of the church's 1,200 members had dIed III a ::.mgle year, mo::.tly from preventable dl::.eases She became the first dIrector of the Imdm FamIly ChnH.! WhlLh tcnlporanly clo::.ed pendmg re'mlt.~ of an dppllcatlOn for addItional fundmg RICe also volunteers her nursmg skIlls at Crossroads, a DetrOlt CrISIScenter for the needy She was a volunteer nurse at one of the 12 commumty cllnlCb In the black churches of DetrOIt and ser\'ed o!' the Project Health on Wheels board of dIrectors Marcub Shelley, chaIrman of the Outreach CounCIL at Grosse Pomte Memonal Church, SaId the Peacemaker Award IS glVen to "somt'one who has chanlred metro DetrOit throu-gh a hIstory of voluntary actIOns that pOSItively and Significantly Impact others" The Outreach CounCIl names Peacemaker Ay,ard recIpients 'I am very honored to be recogl1lzed by Gros::.e POInte Memonal Church and It::. very dCt!\ e leaderbhlp and member::.h.p for the 2002 Peacemaker Award There dre ::'0 many m thl'> church who gIVe of their valuable time and talents to make thlb a better world to live III 1 lee! pnvI!egeCl to be wunted among them" RIce teaches at the Karmanos Cancer Institute and IS d professor at the WSU College of Nursmg She hab berved on the Arab Health CouncIl, whIch IS part of the Arab Commumty Center for EconomIc and SOCIal ServIces (ACCESS), smce 1988 J.~ Throughout the 1990s, RIce was g1Ven awards and recogmtlOn by the MIchIgan Public Health Institute, the MIdwest Nursmg Research SOCIety and the MIchIgan Department of CommuOlty Health She was recogmzed by Gov John Engler for her contrIbutIOn to the Tobacco- Sonneman WIll be hccompamed by clannebst Sam Martm and pismst Geme Ball m a vanety of vocal Torro :P3ce; the 9 30 a m Sunday School 170 McM lilan Rd near Kercheval Grosse Pomte Farms • 884.Q511 Sunday Schedule 9 00 a m EducatlOn TIme 9 4S. m Refreshments and Fdlowsh.p 10 15 Dr Walter A Schm,dt, Paslor Rev Banon L Beebe, Associate PasI<Y Raben Foster MUSLC Coordmator Grosse Pointe UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Worship and Holy COmrnUnHln Nursery Provld ed •• , "~" Wednesdays :015 ~. ;,,",,1 • tr _, ..., a m Noon Sel"Vlceof Word and Sacramenl rI Rev Gustav Ko k.a Jr , Ph D ~_ ... l\~Cum: IitiJ A I'nendly Church for All Ages nmbrose 211 Mo~Rd. GrossE: Pointe Farms 886-2363 Parish m td GRACE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST I~ 1175 Lakepomte al Kercheval Grosse Pamle Park 8~~-3823 Sunda) Tuesda) Worship Thnfl Shop IJI ~ GROSSF POINT£::UNITED CHURCH Vigil Mass \ •.....t Sunday Masses at 8:.30 & 11: 15 a.m. 5t Ambrose Roman r .thohc Ch urd1 , 5020 Hampton Grosse Porne Pari<; One bIod< north of Jefferson at Maryland "w'e L'lye 0 ur F'alth" Grosse Pointe WOODS ~~.il~ 886-4301 PRESBYTERIAN Church 19950 Mack (between Moross & Vernier) 9:00 a.m, & 11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship m Nursery 8:30 a.m, to 12:30 p.m. E-mail gpwochurch@aolcom.Website wwwgpwpcorg Jefferson 9lvenue Presbyterian enure", ~U(U'l£'O ~n\t' (hnsr In Ihl' milts. t Uht' Of', Sunday, October 13, 2002 a.m. The \92& Boo. of Common PraYer <;10 a 10 Hal) CommunIon 10 l'i a m Adult Btble Stud) Hol) CommunIon Church Sund.1V School and t-Iur'>Cf\ • Manners ford 313.259.2206 wwwgpunlted org mdrme"churchordelroit (hrL~1 ( entered and (ann!' (omfTll/ted 10 }em/II find ( omnlllml) Peter C Smith preaching Church SChool Cnb 81h Grade la, 1ff'I~/.~' n) hrnur I'To," POInt, 'I\""r1, BR 1 1'H'1 86 25 E Jeffers<>n lit Burns, Detroit V'Slt our webSite www lapc org Rand) 'i. Boelter, Paslor Tlmoth) \. Holzerland, A~ Paslor SUNDAY, Octobcr 13 8:00 a.m .• Holy Euchamt RIte II THE GROSSE POINTE MEMORIAL CHURCH Hlabllshed 186S The Presby1ellan Church (U SA) 9:00 a,m. and 11: 15 a,m .• Holy Euchamt ~,hoo1, Youth Grollp~, Adult Forum, Il) III Sunda~ TODA V'S FORUM: Chlldrcn'~ Chn'llan EducJtlOn at Chr.~t Church (( rib and loddler care R 4, HBitI 822-~456 ~, \ ~I H'IH' '!I'll" 1fl\ 'nd I ()(.l" ( on~r~~arll,n lhlak.~or{"()n\(" (,rn"l.'otf'olnlrtdlrm, KH2 Ci\'\(, I ~'W'" ~m("hlJr('h Rite II BIble Study preaching Noe Bemler Secured Parkmg I!II l!i!r.i1 SATURDAY, October 12 5:10 p,m. - Holy Euchamt Rltc II 11:45 a.m. Sunday Forum ECIJmemcal ASSOCiate from Port Au Pnncl' SurU\Lltd ~ """Pj Prolldcd ~ ~ ~ (hlltthellnggp nrg ALL ARE WELCOME! U/fJdIR "('hool }olJlh 71lRel TlJewlrl) ~ (II fJ Wpm "em'lT lllp:h }"lIth nwet "lIndrr) \ rrl fJ W fl III (l Mack at Lochmoor 884-5090 Christ Church Grosse Pointe (Episcopal) ~ Sllnda~ \\ or,hlp - 8.30 UI dnd I] 00 \\1 Sumlay Srhool 9 ~5 HI for .\~I':2 \dult "hoOf' • Christ the King Lutheran Church &. BLhie C1as>e' A'''lahkl 884-4820 org Chl!r~h hro ...... e PoLnte Raptist Hol\ Eu.haml Chur<h ';,hool l hNalruchamt l'Iu,,<'> 881-0420 MInister & 15& 1045am WOf\hlpSmtCe 9 10 a m Sunday ~chool ~unda) Xi)()a m 10 1< d 01 111111a", Reclor Kennelh J S"eetman, OrganI~t and c.hOlrma~lt'r Rev FA Br4Y Past1lr Rev Scott Da\1s A,,<oc Pa't1lr 20475 SUnnIngddle Park near I ochmoor Club Grosse POlnle Woods ~ Worship •• "/""...- Rev Jonn Corrado ST MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Iarage IloodM.rd & j'fJe"on The R~v. Richard 'n Ingall~, 9 00 & II 00 d m \'.Ior"hlp <;en Ice, 10 10 d m - Ch'i'lloln rdlJc~:lOn f,)r (hildren Y(luth 8.. '\dull'R 4'i ,I m 12 l'i P m (nhrroddlcr Cne Meditation "Cholcesl" Based on EpheSians 4 1 6 \J/ am 17150 MAUMEE on Harr PlaUJ al rhe Tunn.1 free !'Jecured Parking. REV. DR. V. BRUCE RIGDON, Worship servIce ~ / "Just War?" 10 JO R... FI1!dencl< Harms, Past'" R... Morsal Callier Assoc. Pastor Hol) CommunIOn 10 Grosse Pomte Umtanan Church Nursery AvaliaD e ~ fnleraJ A M FAMILY WORSHIP (CRrB R<X)M AVAILABLE) 10 00 A M CHURCH SOfOOL \'- 1010 a m EducatIon lor All a THURSDAY 12 lOp We Welcome You In Worship, Service, Fellowship 9 00 B m Adult Bible Study 10:30 A HOUSE OF PR>\) l:R FOR ALL PEOPLE II 00 a m Rev. Scott DavL<., preaching ... 375 Lothrop at Chalfonte 881-6670 900 & 11 15 a m Worship Air C,mdl/lmred • 21 H6 \Iark ~ 4-,(101 St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church SUNDW 884-3075 ca.. >.~~ .. ~.... a <:3''''~ 1 _ 1000 Rev Rober D Wnghl-Semor Pa>;tor Rev Mary Ann Stupley-A'l5OCIale Plsor :;'1(ttlt 'l-~ ~~~~T~~+ ;fOe Wednesda) Amazmg Grace Semors e, ery second Wednesda) at The Tom pl-m S Cen ler at Wmdmlll Pomle Park 11 00 300 COME JOIN US Pastor Rev Henry I Relnev,a'd at 4.00 p.m. A STEPHEN MINISTRY and LOGOS Congregation 1030 am 1030 330 240 CHALFONTE AT LOTl-tROP Saturday Scott SERVICES AmUATED Wfnt fflE UCC AND ABC 9 303m Worship 1045 a m Sunday School Rev. Davis, president; PlI.tricla Worrell; Genevieve Casey; and Dr. Cat WorreU. Sonne man St. James Lutheran Church Vernier Rd at Wedgewood Dr Gros.e Pomte Woods 884-5040 8 15 a m Thursday SefYIce 9 30 a m Contemporary SefYIce II 00 a m TraditIOnal Semce RIce and her husband WIlham, an par, nose and throat surgeon who cofounded and IS medIcal dIrector of the Holley Ear Institute for the Deaf and Hard of HearIng m the St John Health System, have lIVed In Grosse Pomte SlUce 1968 They have two grown sons, Grant and Garrett A receptIOn for Rice wIll be held at 10 am, between worship services on Sunday, Oct 13 The church IS located at 16 Lakeshore In Grosse POInte Farms The new Lay Theological Academy board members for 2002-03 are: (back row. from left) the Rev. Fred Harms. Patricia Cae and Ken Block. In the middle, from left. are Helen Hart. Marian Impastato, Doris Brucker. Ethel Burwell, George Port, Sharon Snyder. Regina Gersch and Vicar Benjamin Sandin. In the front, from left, are the Rev. lIfe" WORSHIP First English Ev. Lutheran Church 1989 LTA board m U SIC selectIons TIckets are $8; $5 for semors and students and WIll be avaIlable at the door Virltinia Hill Rice Free MIlhlgan ActIOn CoalitIOn and has been a fellow In the AmerIcan Academy of Nursmg smce Photo by Roger Sku Ily FELe presents concert on Oct. 13 The Open Door senes at First EnglIsh Ev Lutheran Church will present Nanette Sonneman, soprano, at 4 pm Sunday, Oct 13, at the church, 800 Vernier m Grosse Pomte Woods. I com t !2 45) Health October 10, ')002 Grosse Pointe News Consequences n ..• _U I Women's Health Symposium slated 1_ .... , \lell ~a'i Special Writer The young man re;,ponslble fO! the death of three compamon" last summer has recentl) been "entenced to a pn;,on term by a local court It\ Imp0;,;,lble to talk about Justlce In the flce of i>uch a sen"ples" tr"gpri~, but at lea"t there", III !JL pUfl\"hment While the ;,entencp meted out b} the wurt Ii>prop erly apportIOned to the:> oung man, the greateht suf ferlng Will be borne by thp Llrger ffToup of \ Ictlms II ho will agOnlW 01 er the ,,1,lUghler for the I P'it of their lives There no \lay to fathom the [Jain of the falm he;, who had a }oung one kdled on that \\arm summer mght Thm e I;' no recm ery and no closure l1me will not heal thh \lound, but It will mercifully form a scab that vdll allo\l hfe to gll on 1, 'T"'h" ........ 1 L ... 1 • 1 ".u ...~,,-~ HLI1 58 ol...,U .,UJHA 111 WdY':" that are equall} Incalculable Although they dId not comImt the cnme they will be intImately aSSOClated with It and tainted for all time with questIOns unanswered The young man himself may have hoped ',0 buIld a hfe In our commuillty, but regardless of the debt he pays to SOCIety,It IS doubtful he could ever ral;,e a family In thl'> tnwn In workmg with Jeff Jay the families of chemIcally dependent people, I see many umntended consequences of addiCtive disease An alcohohc mother may not care about the breakup of her marriage, scoffing at the love of a beWildered spouse But she never mtends to harm her young clnldren, even as she forgets to buckle their seat belts shortly before the car crash An addicted father may be cavaher m the face of losmg hiS IIvehhood, beratmg hiS former boss and vowing to get a better job But he has no thought of ph)'slcally lashll1g out at hiS son, and may not remember It the next dav RelatIOnships, ~hIldren and careers are easily chewed up and SPit out by alcohoItsm and drug addiCtIOn To the disease, they are meanmgless, as addiCtiOn seeks only to feed Itself Perspective may be the only sure reward of age, albwmg one to look across the generatIOns With expenence rather than conjecture Over the course of our hves we all become mttmatelv acauamted With the law of umntended consequences ThiS maxim states that the actiOns of people cause a ripple effect that goes far beyond their ongInal mtentlons In times of tragedy thiS pomt IS brought home With a vengeance We will never know all the horrors that result from last summer's temble crash nor all the hves It touches Eut m the qUiet life of addictIOn, often played out behlOd C'loi>eddoors and double pane wmdows, the law of unmtended consequences can be even more pervasIVe Addlctton tWISts the lives of everyone It touches, breedll1g dishonesty, anger and abuse, or conversely, depreSSIOn, gUilt and disgrace Once set m motIOn, a tragedy that happens at 70 mph may be as unaVOIdable as ItS consequences are mexorable But a Silent tragedy that plays out over monchs and years can be stemmed, the blood staunched, and the wound healed If we have the courage to act Jeff Jay and Drbra Jav are the authors of, "Love Flrst A New Approach to InterventIOn for Alcoholism and Drug AddlctIOTI ' publtsl>ed by Hazclden They are professlOnallmen f'ntwnlsts who lwe In Grosse Pornte Farm" Thn 111m bf' contacted at (31.'1)882 6921 or through tl1< r \I, l' ~Ite WllW lovefirst net at Assumption Cultural Center One good habit, particularly when It replaces an unhealthy onc. can change a person\ life for th" better Catch the msplratlOn you need to Improve your health and well-beIng at the Bon Secoun, Cottage Women's Symposium 2002, "The P""'er of ONE GOOD Habit" on Wednesday. Nov 6, at AssumptIOn Cultural Center lfi l::lt Clair ~hores J om m the fun as n u tntlOn and wellness expert Zonya Foco shares her i>olutlons to gettmg and i>taymg motivated for optimal energy and health All thiS IS done With a Simple focus YOU plus the complete adaptatIOn of ONE GOOD . When IS the la;,t time you laughed i>0hard, and walked ay, ay cured from an unhealthy habit?" Foco ask'> "Ha!:> the suggei>tlOn of a good habit ever hit you so hard Letween the eyes that you Immediately started dOing It and kept at It from that very moment on? You won't believe how the tlmest. most palO less habits. I,nen practiced dally, can add up to a huge change m the wa) .)au look and feel about yourself" According to Foco. you can forget dletmg forever "With a d1ffprent ttJOlce here and a htUe movement there, yOU can map out a ;,trategy to rev up your metabohi>m and Jose 50 pounds or 50 POlOt...off your cholf';,terol mane yt>ar, and keep It off," she ,atd 'It's really that simple" The eveOlng wIll begm With an hors d'oeuvre T?Cep tlOn between 5 and 6 p m and mcludes a relaxmg dmner, the featured speaker, displays and useful gifts and mformatlOn Each attendee . receive;, Foco';, book, "Th; Power of P",>,hvp Eatmg,~ and her cookbook Will b~ avatlable for purcha"e . The entIre evenmg IS 'l>3~ a per'>on Due to the popu; lanty of thl" event, table;, of 10 are as"lgned as reservatIOn, are !"ct'lved • Register today for the BaR Secour;, Cottage \\fomen's Svmno~l\lm ?002 - "1'hQ Power of ()NE GOOD Hablt~ - on Wedne;,day, Nov 6: For a personal inVitatIOn and rei>ervatlOn form, call (58617797900 Don't flu arotlnd; get your shot: The Wayne County Department of Pubhc Health IS encouragmg Foco IS known for surpnsmg her semmar and teleVI- senIOr Citizens and those sIOn audiences With a 24- w,th chromc Illnesses to get ImmuOlzed agamst mfluenfoot human gastrolOtestmal za before the start of the flu tract from her travehng which typically cooler If you've caught her season, Il1 November and on HGTV, Knowledge TV, start3 Discovery Health, PBS or runs through Apnl "MaXimum protectIOn the home ShOpplOg channel, mfluenza occurs QVC, then you know how agamst she can make you laugh at when the vaCCll1atlOns are hfestyle faux pas, then ever given early, before the flu beglOs," said Dr so gently nudge you onto the season Donald Lawrenchuk, medpath to better health Ical dIrector for the Wayne As a registered dietitian, County Department of certified health and fitness "Persons Instructor and author of the Pubhc Health best-selhng hfestyle cook- aged 50 and older, anyone With chromc heart, lung and book "Llckety-Spht Meals kidney diseases and those For Health ConscIOus People on the Go," Foco has With diabetes and weakened the solutIOns needed for a Immune systems should get a yearly flu shot" healthier, more balanced In addlt,on to Influenza, lifestyle Il1dlvlduals 50 years and HABIT older ai>well as those at nsk for pneumococcal disease, should i11soconSider gettlOg pneumococcallmmumzatlOn If they have never received thiS vaccme preVIOusly, or If they need a booster dose "A $10 donation for the flu shot and $16 for pneumOl11a vaccme are belOg requested However, these lllnesses are caused by other vlruse~ or bactena and are not relat. "However, no one Will be ed to IOfluenza The NatIOnal Centers for turned away due to mabillty Disease Control and to pay," Lawrenchuk satd IOdlcate;, thai ',,{,hese shots arc also cov- PreventIOn 20,000 Amencans dle year!j ered services under from flu and related com ph: MedIcare " catlOll and lUore than County health workers 100,000 people are hospital: Will ask clIents to present Ired • their Medicare cards so that IndiViduals seeking flu these services may be billed and pneumococcal shots can to Medlcar!' " Flu symptoms may get them at Wayne County'S health centers mclude fever, headache, St. John Hospital offers free screening for depression A tree lecture and pnvate tonfidentJal depreSSIOn screeOlng Will take place Thursday, Oct 10, at St John Hospital and Medical Center, durmg Nattonal DepreSSIOn Screenmg Day Have You Heard? Glnette Lezotte, Au.D., CCC.A Doctor of AUdiology teehng restless or Imtable as well as sleeplOg too much, not bemg able to sleep or thmkmg about death or SUICide No registration IS necessary For more mforrnatlOn call A psychlatnst Will give a (313) 343-7054 or tall (888) lecture and answer ques- 757-5463 ttons beginOlng at 5 30 P m IndIVIdual, confidenttal selfassessment depreSSIOn tests and OpportuOlttes to speak With mental health profesSIOnals follow until 7 p m The Grosse POlOte The events Will be held m CommuOlty Blood CounCil St John Hospital's Will hold a blood dnve from ProfeSSIOnal BUlldmg One 1 30 to 7 15 p m Thursday, t22151 Morass at Mack), Oct 17, at the Grosse Pomte SUIte G-30 UOitanan Church, 17150 DepreSSIOn affects almost M!'umee one m 10 adults In the Babyslttll1g and transUmted States Symptoms portation are avaIlable on may mclude feehng sad, request For mformatlOn or empty, fatlgued, hal,mg an appomtment, call (313) trouble concentrating or 823-3952 Oct. 17 is fall blood drive extreme tJrednei>s, dry cough, sore throat, runny o~ stuffy nose and muscle aches Accordmg t(} Lawrenchuk, the tenn "stomach flu" IS somettmes used to descnbe vomiting; nausea or diarrhea . ''What Causes Hearing Loss?" GROSSE POINTE AUDIOLOGY A few about weeks the Today what causes outer ago three W~ talked parts of the we are going b~come fu~ed t.ogethu) ear to discuss hearing los9 middle and inner in the ear the ear canal and th: card rum I t channels sounds from the surrounding environment Into the hearing system The surtele helps ex.cessive accumuladon the natural effect bones In Ihe of ear aging proc('is of you cerned your con about hearing or what aused your current hearing lo~s eome to GROSSE POINTE AUDIOLOGY 19794 Mack Avenue In Grosse Poinle Woods for a profeSSional evaluation by a doctorate level licensed Audiologist Call uo at 313 343 5555 to make your appointment ear .SlepS 'n G<'tllng Healing AdvertJ~menl- Alds' EARLY DETECTiON IS BETTER PROTECTION Call to schedule your appointment today. r~()'1 "Ct ours (ottage ,0, ), I, Health Services reminds you to tollml, these ,rd good hrpa<;t health \ 1. Monthly breast self.exam from age 20 2. Annual physical including clinical breast exam 1. Annual mammogram from age 40 or as prescribed In \-our Bon Secours Cottage primary Cilre physician 'h I' de mammographj llllllllanS l I ',( centefs are statted hI, USing the most advanced diagnostic and ,Ilnlques to minimize dlscomtc,rt and mdXlmlze the Ur,Kj ot }our mJmmogram Call your physician for an appointment and mammogram • ~prescription, or call our physidan referral line, 1-800-303-7315 time. For you. SECOUR" COTTAGE HEAl TH SERVin" "\. ( execs some are J( the ear scar" middle NEXT WEEK: the the and the semIclr medications The middle ear 10 an air tilled caVity which contains the small est bones In the human body (the malleus Incus and stapes) Problems wlU .,..... n"Ilddl~ ~ar Include perforation of the ear drum infection or fluid In the middle ear and otosclerosis (a condition Ihat occurs when the tiny nerveS slve exposure to noise head inJ u ries and the side to gather sound waves and the auditory canal then directs them to the ear drum Typical prob lems In the Oll fer car Include wax and infection of canal such as "swimmer Inner ear Includes which contatns hearing cuJar canats whIch help control balance The majority of hearing problems results fTom damage to the cochlea Typical causes are The outer ear Includes the aUfl e1e (or plnnaJ In th~ cochlea I , ~~'-~ '0 \ Health 68 M .L Y ... October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News believe all Juana -- ri~kier than most people ... .. • 1~ o Increased n"ky behavAmencans age 12 years and New users ages 12 to 17 dou- lnr Young manJuana users older, the percentage of cur- bled from 800,000 111 1990 to are more hkely to engage 10 16 mJllton m 1996, the rent manJuana users (those Tlbky behavlOrs such as havwho u"ed at least once m the number of new U"l'rs m that mg bex, commlttmg acts of age group ha" rl'm.unl'd at l!.'st month) mcreased from \ :alt>nte "nr! dnvml! under about 1 b mllllOll I'lull t("r 4 8 percent m 2000 to 5 4 till' mf1uence Weekiy users smce 1996 percent m 2001 .Irt' five time" more hkely to EspeCIally 1l1.1l1l1l11jo( 11\ tlw ManJuana IS by far the "to'1l1 and four time" more most Widely used tlhClt drug reCl nt drul: 1I1-l' "Ill' .,\ \' hkl'1v to engage m VIOlent that ) ounl: p""l'k' ,It II among Amencan youth ,!l't.. than those who don't abollt 111,\1 \\1I'\1l,1 Sixty percent of young peo- tude" \1M' ple who use llhclt drugs use remam ~otl TIll' 11"1\ "lIt.~I' o poor academiC perfor manJuana only, and tWice as of young pl'llph' 11ol"" \ '.! III 11\,1 nt.p Research suggests 17 who VII'" 1ll.1I \\\1,\1\.1 11"1' many elghth graders today IhIlt maTlJuana IS hnked a" a "gTl'lIt 1\"1." d,',lnll'd have tned marijuana as \\ ,I h dl'creased motwatlon l~lVIU ~c t-' .......... ~ lnl\{' in compared to a deca<1e agu ,llld 1'l1l'rgy and manJuana The new users of thIS psy- 53 5 peTLl'llt 111 200 I 1'111" \1"1'1 ~ don't do as well III reduced p<.'rll'pt 11m III I \"k I" choactlVe drug have been an Important prt'Ol.:tOl lit "l'!lllol Young people WIth an gettmg younger smce 1972 Ilvl'rnge grade of D or below future drug u...p Thus. thl' high IIIcHil'nCl' \\ l'rl' more than four times nt. lIkE'ly to have used manof maTlJuanll USl' among young people IS E':l.pect('o to JUllnR than those With an average grade of A contmue To help reverse children With the truth" drugs combined Walters' remark" were "ManJuana IS nskler than people thmk, espeCially for made to help kick off the NatIOnal Youth Anti-Drug kid.,: saId John P Walters, dlreltur at the uffice of ~leJ.ld CuiTIpalgn, a maJor manJuana preventIOn ImtlaNatIOnal Drug Control Pohcy (ONDCP) "It can lead tlve launched m September and 17 to "lgOlficant health and by the ONDCP orgamzatlOn", behaVIOr problem" for youth natIOnal the Amencan _ dlsruptmg famlhe~ and mcludmg Medical Assollatlc.n The Jeopardlzmg our children's effort IS In response to the futures The nsks associated of mariJuana, With manJuana have been populanty among young tnvlal:zed and our kIds are partlcularly T"'r ............ ln ~t:\..\..1Jlt) I,.U\..- ... VUb .::..b"2' "It .s hme to dispel the ... Accordmg to the recently 2001 NatIOnal myths about manJuana We released Household Survey on Drug must arm parents, teachers, commumty leaders and our Abuse, a survey of 70,000 The perceptton ofmanJua. na as a harmless drug gamed steam durmg the '60s and '70s Rock groups and other pop culture figures frOt.) that era unwlttmgly characterized the drug ah beOlgn Nov., several decades later, that "oft perleptlon a mlsperceptlOn contln ues, even though manJuana IS much mOle potent and more dangerous than ever belOre 1hat "Olt perlep~lUll contmues, even though more teens enter treatment for marijuana addlctlOn each year than for all other Ilhclt .L H~ u ..... ..,.... I I Van Elslander Center offers free breast exams PhySICians are offenng free chnlcal breast exams Wednesday and Thursday, Oct 16 and 17 between 6 p m and 8 p m at the Van Elslander Cancer Center at St John Hospital and Medical Center m Grosse POinte Woods A nurse from the LIggett Breast Center WIll also be on hand to teach partiCipants proper breast self-examination techniques October IS NatIOnal Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Results of the screerung can be sent to each person's own phYSICian for follow-up There Will be no mammograms gIven dunng these exams, but the phySICians Will address questions about breast cancer To regIster for a free appomtment, call (888) 7575463 Monday through Fnday between 8 a m and 5 struatlOn o Late onset of menopause o No chlldbeanng or late chlldbeanng Takmg hormone replacement therapy for long pen ods of hme o Increased breast denSity o RadiatIOn therapy before age 30 • Alcohol use pm The Van Elslander Ca :er Center IS located behmd St John Hospital at Mack and Mor(,ss, east ofI-94 The exams wIll check for SignS of malIgnant or bemgn tumors Although most people thmk of breast cancer as affecting women, men can develop breast cancer as well The maJoTlty of the The followmg nsk factors may mcrease the chance of women who are dIagnosed With breast cancer are not gettmg the condltloJn considered to be h.gh nsk More commonly, women who o Female get breast cancer have as o Age 50 or older o Personal history of few as one of the nsk factors hsted above, other than the breast cancer o FamJly members With nsk that comes With growmg older breast cancer DUTlng a clImcal breast o Changes m breast tissue exam the doctor carefully o Changes m certam feels the breast for lumps genes • Increasl:'d exposure to and the surroundmg tIssue If a lump IS found, the doctor estrogen over a hfetlme through early onset of men- exammes Its size and tex- ture and determmes whether the lump moves easily Because the cause of breast cancer IS unknown, findmg It early and treatmg It IS thp best way to prevent dymg from the disease Because It does not always cause symptoms m the early "tages, It IS lffiportant to have screemng tests to find the cancer before symptoms appear It IS recommended that women between the ages of 20 and 39 have a chmcal breast exammatlOn by a health profeSSIOnal every three ye111" After age 40, women should have a breast exam by a health care profeSSIOnal every year Women age 20 or older should perform a breast selfexammatlOn every month World-rerwumed doctors, DedICated breast center, Umnng your body, unnvaled technology pedUltne center, mind and spmt and multuilSClplmary radUltlOntherapy center, team of experts Infimon center No other In CANCER CENTER thiS trend, preventIOn speclahsts urge parents and young people to learn more about the facts of manJuana For instance • MaTlJuana today IS much more potent The average THe content (delta9-tetrahydrocannabmol) of manJuana, or the chemical that produces the "hIgh," has mcreased fivefold, from 1 percent m 1974 to 5 percent 10 1997 • Acute effects ManJuana can Imparr speech, thmkIng, Judgment, short-term memory, coordmatlOn and balance It can cause drowsl- the quest to heal compares. There is ordmary cancer care. And then there's the Van Elslander Cancer Center, at St. John Hospital and Medical Center. Where world-renowned doctors work hand-m-hand to give you the best possible care for all types of cancer. Unrivaled technology, state-of-the-art equipment and a multidiscipli- nary team of experts Includmg medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and surgeons are on site for diagnosis and treatment for adults and children. If you are diagnosed With cancer, one of our physicians will see you promptly (a process which can take weeks at other centers). EverythlTlg you need is here: A radiation therapy center, infusion center, and accessto advanced research and national c1mical trials The entire faCIlity is deSigned with one objective' to unite your body, mind and spirit in the quest to heal. The Healing Arts StudIes show that parents are the smgle most powerful m£luence m theIr chIldren's hves Parents who are mvolved and talk to their Iuds about drugs can keep them drug-free For more lllformatlOn on mariJuana, VISit the NatIOnal Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Web Site at www theantidrug com Downloadable copies of "Keepmg Your KIds DrugFree A How To GUIde for Parents and CaregIvers" are available, or call (800) 7882800 to receive a free hard n€.5S, dch;~lC!lS, !mr.cllTPn copy "Dangerous Drugs An VISion, severe vomltmg, Reference for headache and dlzzmess, all Easy-to-Use Parents and ProfeSSIOnals," hazards to anyone attempta Hazelden book by Carol mg to dnve Falkowski, prOVides mforo Respiratory problems matlon on manJuana and and cancer Chronic manjuana use contnbutes to res- other drugs, call (800) 328prratory atlments such as 9000 coughs, sore throats, bronThiS health column offers chItiS and pneumonia mformatwn needed to help ManJuana contams cancersubstance abuse causmg agents Similar to prevent problems and address such tobacco smoke o AddIction About problems It lS prOVided by Hazelden, a nonprofit 200,000 people who enter drug treatment each year agency based m Center Cay, report manJuana as theIr Mmn, that offers mformapnmary drug of chOIce twn and treatment serVlces For more SIxty percent of teens m on addlctwn resources, call (BOO) 257drug treatment for Ilhclt drugs are there because of 7800 or go to www hazelden org manJuana Bon Secours Nursing Center seeks volunteers If you have time to elVe, conSider volunteenng at the Bon Secours Nursmg Care Center or Charlotte's Place Sentor Day Care Center Both are located on Jefferson at Lakeland between 10 and 11 Mile roads III St Clair Shores IndiVIduals of all ages and ablhtles are needed to nsSISt speCially tramed mUSIC, art, and recreatIOn therapists, dietItians, chaplams and other profeSSIOnals Members of corporatIOns, servIce organizations and commumty groups also are welcome "VolunteeTlng IS a temfic way to explore areas of mterest and even Identify potential career paths," said Bnan Oberly, admmlstrator at the NCC ~The older populatIOn Will contmue to grow slgmficantly m th!: future and wIll £lounsh between 2010 and 2030 as Baby Boomers reach ag( 65 Center offers massage, yoga, Tai Chi classes and much more There's a valet to There Will be many rewardmg career options m the elder care field For mdlvIduals of all ages, Simply offermg the gIft of time and companionshIp to another human bemg IS a rewardmg expenence" Because recreatIOn and SOCialmteractlon are Important components of elder care, volunteers can asSist WIth transportmg reSIdents from the NCC and guests at Charlotte's Place to group smg-a1ongs or arts and crafts actiVIties, or they can asSISt m pet therapy sesSIOns and outmgs to local restaurants There also are opportumhes for volunteers With domestic pets to VISit With re"ldents and guests Volunteers are needed weekdays, weekends and evenings To find out more about volunteer opportumties at the NCC or Charlottl:"s Place, call (586) 7797011 DON'T TAKE A HERO'S SPACE park your car An art gallery, a labynnth garden, a lit:.rary ... even a music therapist We offer more than other cancer centers. The reason is simple. To give you every possible advantage I The Van Elslander Cancer Center at St. John Hospital and. Medical Center. "That's the kind of doctor I want. " 1-866-246-HOPE (4673) A S~9li~. VAN ELSLANDER See . • l ~ Disabled Amerlcan Vctc,rans a'>ks ('vcryor)(' to r~p(':('t pa~ spaces rCS<.'rvoofor handicapped people CANCER CENTER St. John Hospital & Medical Center MV~~P.o Pal vanelslandercancercenter org • Ba>l1430I.Q>dITatl,OH~1 l Seniors October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News I ~,~:,,~a?',~~" ?!.~~~~ ~~~~~~::~affi::~'S~'~~:5SSCS [SOC Options the community at the Healmg Arts Center m the Van Elslander Cancer Center at St John HospItal and Medical Center In Chiropractic may help seniors stay healthy By Sharon Maier bons Tbuugb dhbU\..latt-U v-dth Getting older doesn't rebef of back pam, chlromean you have to "feel" pra\,t!c was ongmally old - or act It You prob mtendeo to promote overably know people III their all health, and stili can 60s, 70s and bey,md With ofTer effective rehef for thf' energy, enthUSiasm, many different Illnesses activity and zest for life You may be surprised of people half their age to learn that one 10 five If that's your goal too, adults, ages 55-64, has <."".tl"'lrl ':\ ,..h,rnnrA("tnr It's ~h~tth;d~c~t~~ ~;de~~d e~tlmated that people wellnesb care rflther than over 65 make up nearly the treatment of pam, one-fifth of a cruropracdIsease and ~ymptom" tor's practice While a number of people VISit their chiropractor for back pam or headache, many patients report Improvement With symptoms of arthntls or other chromc ailments associated With aging Chiropractors are tramed to recogmze that older people have speCial needs Your chIropractor understands care and management goals must be tailored to each umque health SituatIOn and hfestyle Cruropracbc can help to restore and mamSharon Maler tam Jomt, muscle, nerve and soft tissue health. This IS Important as Cruropractlc helps you you get older because it mamtam your good keeps you fit and fleXible, health over the entire feehng good and able to course of your hfe enJoy many types of physmcludmg your golden Ical activity Your cruroyears practor's mvolvement III A recent study found that older people who use your total wellness goes far beyond spmal adJustchiropractic care report ments He or she can better overall health, • Counsel you on how fewer symptomatic chronto employ fleXlblhty and IC conditions, shorter welght-beanng exercise .,tays 10 hospitals and for better health nursmg homes, and more • Offer gUidance on moblhty than senIOrs who were not uSing chiro- diet, nutrition and supplements practic care Tlus three. • AdV1se you about conyear study, headed by Ian trolbng weight and mamCoulter, Ph D , of the taming healthy blood Rand CorporatIOn pressure and cholesterol Research Institute, also levels showed that older people • Help you cope wlth who use chiropractic on a osteoporosIs and regular, periodIC baSIS osteoarthritiS were less hkely to use In addition, cruropracpreSCriptIOn drugs and tic adjustments can safemore hkely to exercise ly and effectively addres~ regularly and partiCipate a Wide range of problems in commumty actlV1t1es older people typically For more than a centuencounter Should the ry, Doeters of diagnOSIS deterrmne that Chiropractic (D C s) have the patient's condition been devoted to "wholewould respond better to body" natural healthcare that does not rely on cost- treatment WIth another healthcare dlsClplme, a ly surgery and hospitalreferral IS made. Ization or medicatIOns More and more men Most of all, chiropracand women rely on chirotors are tramed m mampractors to help remove tammg wellness through some of the underlying gentle, safe and effective spmal, skeletal and mustechmqueb and counselcular causes of the diSIng that can help you tress and deblhtatlOn stay vlbrant and active that plague older mdlvldno matter what your age uals Chiropractors have Chiropractic IS as comthe umque skills to help mitted tv helpmg older reduce pam and infirmipeople look and feel years ty, prOVide greater moblhyounger as It IS to handsty, robust health and a on natural heahng pOSItive outlook for enJoyChiropractic IS based mg life to Its fullest upon the sCIentIfic fact If you would like to that your nerve system learn more about what commumcates With and ChiropractIC care can do controls the function of for semor Citizens, attend Virtually every cell, organ the free Cluropractlc and system m your body Care and Semors lecture Chiropractic gets results presented by Dr Lisa by openmg and keeping Price at Semces for open these lines of comOlder CItizens (SOC), mUnicatIOn b) safely and 17150 Waterloo, on specifically adJustmg the Wednesday, Oct 16, at vertebrae of the spme sac 1 Exec..,uLlv~ DHt:H..tUI ... ~_ \.. ~.. .. The goal of chiropractic care IS to relieve pressure on your nervous and musculoskeletal S)stem so tbe nerves and mus. deb LdJ1 resume thelf normal functIOn Thl'> IS achieved b) adJustmgyour bone., and returmng theP1 to their proper pOSI- 11 30 78 am The lecture IS part of SOC's food and fnendshlp program which offers lunch five days a week for $1, exercise five tImes a week, weekly tnps and free lectures of speCial mterest tv spmors every Wednesday mclude \,an ue wllJullI"d tv enhance McdltntlGn BegJnnPT on Aromatherapy 1, on one's sense of well-bemg and Saturday, Oct 19 from 10 Tuesday, Oct 15, from 6 to 8 promote relaxatIOn Each a m to noon, provides a pm, Will demonstrate how participant will \'reate his or powerful class begmnlllg aromatherapy, vlbuallzaher own aromatherapy With the basIc mformatlOn lotIOn, 011or bath salt on stress, and how It affects Fc'e tor the ~la"" IS $35, onf' phy<;lcall). mentally and whl\'h mcludes supplies emotIOnally PartiCipants Autumn Herbs, on WIll learn techniques of Saturday, Oct 19 from noon relaxatiOn, breath work, and to 2 pm, offer~ an opportubablC meditatIOn practice The fee IS :\>25 As colder weather optIOns, accordmg to Mary mty to learn about healthful ClabS Size" are limited approacheb, people tend to Guerra, an advanced prac- herbs and how they are u'>ed For more mformatlOn or to btay inSide more, almobt tlce registered nurse 10 the as well as Important saf"ty Herbs histOrically reglbter, call (313l 6473320, ready to "hibernate" for the SenIOr Assessment Center of Issueb ubed for the Immune bYbtem Monday through Fnday wmter You can greatly Mount Clemens General and home remedies for the between 9 a m and 4 30 ,mnl"rw<> ,rmT hPRlth onnni! HO'lPltal p m th~ wm~r months, however, "Many people like to part- cold season Will be explored The CObtIS $25, plus a $10 The Hedlmg Artb Center SImply by staying active ner With a fnend to keep supply fee Ib located on the third floor PhYSical activit) helps motiVated," Guerra said Relkl Levell, on Saturday, of the Van Eblander Cancer Improve mental health "They can get Involved In an behmd St John because endorphinS released exercise class at a local gym, Oct 19, from 930 a m to Center, pm, teache" an Hospital at 19229 Mack and dUring exercise fight depres- walk In a mall or outSide, 4 30 SlOn ActiVity also keepb bWlm at a commumty pool or ancient Japanese "hands on Moross, east of 1-94 It prohea1Jng" method Studf'nts vldes an environment where Jomts fleXible, mcreases bal. go to local dances" Will be attuned to thiS all people, not only those ance and agility and If you are Just beglnmng Life Energy, touched by cancer, may Improves cardIOvascular an exercise program, consld- Universal learnmg the rustory of Relkl enhance their quahty of life health er the followmg tips (ray-keel, the baSIC hand through programs that wm. The first step In startmg • Keep hydrated posItions and ways to use plement medical care and any exercise program must • Start slowly and bUild thiS energy In their own focus on the mmd, body and be to check With your phySI- up to about 30 to 60 mmlives and m service to oth SPirit CIan utes a day ers Students are inVited to The Van Elslander Cancer Once cleared for exerCise, • Remember tv breathe return to pract)(.p these Center at St John Hospital people have a variety of • Rest when tired techmques at the monthly and Medical Center IS a member of St John Health, Even If you're 111 poor "Intro to Energy Evemng" a network of commumtyhealth nght now, exerCise offered to the commumty can help, perhaps even the fourth Montla)' of every based hospitals and health month care servICes In Southeast reducmg your need for med IcatlOns (work With your Cost for the all-day pro- Michigan phySICian to determine thIS) The Presbyterian Women "The human body can of Grosse Pomte MemOrial actually repair Itself With Church Will sponsor an proper condltlonmg "Evemng With Lmda through regular McKechme," on Friday, Nov achieved exercise and good nutrition" 1 at the Grosse POinte War Guerra said This IS true for Learn about the causes of parkmg IS free for semmar MemOrial, the muscles, JOints, heart, arthntls hip and knee pam attendees 32 The Hip and Knee Center lungs 3IIn hones and mornmg stiffness at Lakeshore Without exerCise, negative and free monthly semmars spon. at St John Hospital McKechme effects occur sored by the Hip and Knee Medical Center IS a member Will offer of the JOintCare Centers of Center at St John Hospital traditional • Fat displaces muscle, America a natIOnWide and Medical Center, DetrOIt Cbnstlan making it easier to gain '-These semmars Will pro- network comprised of hospi hymns weight and put stress on the Vide information about the tals and orthopedic surgeons blended who are dedicated to excelheart, lungs, and jomts latest nonsurgical treatWith power• Muscles become smaller lence m the dehvery of total ments, new arthntls mediMcKechnie ful themes and relatand weaker, makmg your cines and advance phYSical JOint replacement of master posture worse and making therapy If necessary, we can ed care composers "The St John Hip and you look older Dally activI- make referrals to phySICians such as Bach, Beethoven ties hke chmbmg st9.1rs, get- speclallzmg m orthopediCS," Knee Center follows a model and Mozart McKechme emphaSizes high tmg out of a chair or clean- said Heidi Kalinowski, pro. that earned a bachelor's degree patient batisfactlOn m terms mg the house become more gram director for the St m sacred musIc from Nyack of quality care and customer t3X1ng. John fup and Knee Center College and has served m service Semmars are held monthPresbyterian churches m • Balance and aglhty "We are proud to be the ly from 10 a m to 11 a m at New York, Oklahoma and decrease, increasing the posSt John Hospital and only hospital In the metro Tell.as as orgamst and direc- SIbility of shps and falls DetrOIt area to be members Medical Center, Medical tor of adult and children One key to staYIng indecfthls network," KalinowskI EducatIOn BUlldmg located smglng and ringing chOirs pendent m your semor years said the hospital's rear The evemng Will begm at IS to stay strong enough to near For more mformatlOn entrance Semmar dates are 6 30 P m With a strolhng care for yourself and your dmner, followed by the con- home PhySical activity can Oct 16, N ov 20 and Dec 18 about the Hip and Knee Center at St John Hospital To register, call the St John cert Dessert and conversahelp m that goal If you'd Center, call at (888) 751- and Medical tion With McKechme follow hke to talk to someone about HealthLme Kahnowskl at (313) 3435465 the performance Tickets are your health, call Senwr The hospital IS located on 7785 or VISit Ub on the $75 and may be purchased Health Services at (586) Morosb near Ma\,k Self- Internet at www stjohn org by calling (313) 886-4829 or 493-8500 (313) 882-8461 Seniors: Stay physically active during winter Musical evening slated at War Memorial St. John offers free seminars on hip and knee pain Makmg the change [,Ull I home to a senJor hvmg commuruty can be difficult for everyone Involved You can be sure that you've made the nght chUlcewhen you choose St John Seruor Commumty Un<lerthe medlCaidlrect.1Onof a genatnclan we offer excellent nursmg care and personal assIStance m our beautlful eastside location What's more we proVIdemany on- and off SIteactlVltles and ameruues Illcludmg o o o o Deadline for features section is 3 p.m. Friday ... Spiritual Care staff 0 Beauty Shop 24-hour assistance 0 Transportation Laundry and housekeeping serJ1ce C::;()('I:'II w()rI<f>r~ th:'lt :'Irf> <:;neclahstsIn aging And our vanety of hvmg optlOns mcludmg resIdential and aSSistedhvmg as well as nursmg care, means that If our reSidents health or \tfe CIrcumstances change their home doesn t have to. For more mfonTIatlOnor a tour please call 313 343 8265 • Reslder.t1alllvmg • ASSisted liVIng • Short-term RehabilitatIOn • Skilled NurSing Care t Parkinson's affects everyone differently While there IS no known cause or cure for Parkinson s disease - The St John Hospital and Medical Center Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders CliniC offers help to ease symptoms and Improve quality of life DUring one convement VISit,our team of phYSICiansand rehabilitation speCialists prOVide a complete medical evaluation and will develop an mdlvldua\ treatment plan For more mformatlon or to make an appomtment please cali 313 343 3073 A phySICIan TPfpTTill I~ not TPqUlred OCtober 10. 2002 Grosse Pointe News 88 The Best Protection is Early Detection I II OCTOBER IS tlKEAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH I BE GOOD TO YOURSELF Be good to yourself you're important YOurhealth, your life, your goals Depend on the time you take And the lovefor yourself you show If you take the time to give A gift of life to yourself Mammography can open the door TOwarda future of good health A minute to examine your body Saves hours of worry and stress learn how to carefor yourself So you'll have time to carefor the rest Cancer in your breast is scary Bttt how much scarier it would be To know that early detection Would have been as easy as 1. 2. 3. 1. -An annual doctor exam 2. -Self examine at home 3. - Schedule a yearly mammogram And remember you're never alone October is the Month of Awareness Don't wait, take time, be sure A moment you take for yourself is a tomon'ow you may ensure Kathleen Bliss Grosse Pointe Physicians X-Ray Center, P.C. has been serving the community since 1957, with top quality personalized care from board certified radiologists and support staff. With the increasing stress of everyday life most of us don't take the time for ourselves. October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month is the perfect opportuI!ity to h~ve th~t ~!ln.,-!~Jbreast exam that you may have been putting off. At Grosse Pointe Physicians X-Ray Center, P.C. we are on the cutting edge of the latest technology, being one of the FDA approved sites in Michigan for Digital Mammography, including C.A.D., which is a computerized second reading of your I mammogram. We offer convenient appointment scheduling, won't you please call (313)881-0411. Give yourself the gift of good health. c-W~ GROSSE POINTE PHYSICIANS X-RAY CENTER, P.C. \eb-' OWNED AND OPERATED By EASTPOINTE RADIOLOGISTS, P,C'I ,\.+,~~ I 1/ PROUD TO BE SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR OVER ~- ?-._-_ .._-- 21003 MACK AVENUE t 313.881.04111 FAX 313.881.3099 BILLING #'5 313.881.2400/586.741.3772 FAX: 586.741.4604 HOURS' MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8 AM TO 5 PM SATURDAYS 8 AM TO NOON 9MU. _::Il ~..... u H.mplon 8 Md. (Vernlerl I , FREE PARKING IN REAR I I I i GROSSE POINTE WOODS AT HAMPTON PHONE: 45 VEARS ... 3 Entertainment October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Hilberry opens 40th season with Simon's 'Good Doctor' T anger "lowly In the role of a high rankmg bureducrat sneeled upon b) a pesky underlmg I>howban ability to nJodulate emotIOn!> HIS control ::.hould also do well m future dramatIc productions MIchael Anthony, a rookIe from ConnpctlclIt nIRV" thp "neezcr The character wor nel> that hiS mIscue Will blow a promll>lng career In the Mmlbtry of Pubbc Parks dlvlblOn of trees and shrubs Will he be demoted to branches and tv, Igs? LIsa Betz, a first yedr actrebS who did her undergraduate work m Wyommg, evokes good and evll m the same role "If you thmk of yourself as mfenor, that's how people Will treat you," her character tells a sheepIsh governess Betz then pretends to cheat the young governess of wages due Although the governess finally receIves her money, the lesson learned sends a hard message "You're much toC'trustmg In thIS world, that's very dangerous," says Betz's character Second-year actress Chnstl MarSICO of Montana IS hIlanous as an unbndled wlfp rI....... .Pr-1""l.,;:ld to rpcelVe SpeCial Writer Mark your calendarb for Saturda), Oct 26, so you don't miss our Book and Author Luncheon at the War Memondl, 11 45 a m to J p m Chance" are you've been to our Book" on the Lake gathermgs m the past, when we've brought you everyone from DaVid Halberstam and .Jonathan Kozol to 1'rames Mayes and Charles Baxter ThiS year Will be dIfferent because we're havmg a SIt-down lunch WIth our four authors speaking at the luncheon and slgmng books afternard ",,'n CollInb, In hIS second year WIth the HlIberry, plays the part With a knowIng InSight that conVInces the audl€nce he knows more about the actIOn on stage than he's lettIng on uDoctor" IS directed by DaVid MagIdson, who teaches dlrectmg and play wntIng at WSU He has also dIrected at the AttIc Theatre and JeWish Ensemble Theatre In «Doctor," MagIdson bInds a senes of snapshots Into a panorama that proVides mSlght to comedy, human relatlOnslups and new members of the Hilberry company We cover everythlllg from fictIOn to travel to decoratIng to entertammg With style and grace A lot of you have been fans of author NIcholas Sparks ever smce he appeared on the scene m 1994 With a runaway bestseller, "The Notebook" Smce then, you've snapped- up hiS books as soon as they've come out and you've never told me you were dlsappomted There was "Message m a Bottle," «A Walk to Remember," "A Bend m the Road," and now, "NIghts In Rodanthe' The Htlberry Theatre tS located on the campus of Wayne State Unwersltyat the corner of Cass and Hancock In Detroct TIckets range from $12 to $20 "The Good Doctor" plays until NOD 21 Forthcoming shows fhe S€IIPn-lJ!(lv Rick Steves, host of the PBS sene" "Rick Steves' Europe," and author of the "Europe Through the Back Door" senes of books and Videotapes (we have a lot of them), wIll regale you With hvely and Irreverent travel adVice on findmg the perfect lIttle out-of-the-way places less savvy tounsts mIss renor1t1MJ season Include "Kuig Lea~," beginning Oct 18, and "The Phtladelphw Story, " startIng Nov 15 For show tunes, ttckets and more, call the box office at (313) 577-2972 Decadent ingredients are chocolate, liqueur In the dICtIOnary, decadence IS defined as a penad of declme or decay This week's reCipe, Chocolate Decadence, IS a flourless cake that Will bnng chocolate-lovers to their knees (hence, Its name) ThiS luscIOUS dessert comeb from a restaurant called Sanders 1907, located m Grand Forks, North Dakota A LA ANNII:l By Annie Roul~~u Schenff I Chocolate Decadence Set aSide until cool or lukewarm Meanwhile, usmg an 1 12-oz. package semielectnc mixer, beat togethsweet chocolate chips er the eggs and the sugar 4 I-oz. squares bitterIII a large bowl at high sweet chocolate speed until the mixture 10 tablespoons tnples III volume - about unsalted butter (I 1/4 five mmute:" Fold about sticks) one-fourth of the egg mIx2 tablespoons Grand ture mto the chocolate Marnier liqueur mIxture and turn the 1 tablespoon cognac chocolate mllcture back or brandy mto the egg mixture Fold 1 tablespoon instant untIl the batter IS consIscoffee tent and smooth, but don't 6 large eggs overdo It 3/4 cup sugar Transfer the batter to the prepared pan and Preheat oven to 350 bake at 350 degrees for 45 degrees Generously mInutes Promptly remove grease (butter, not spray) from oven and place pan and flour a 9-mch spnng on a coolmg rack for sevform pan Set aSIde eral mmutes ThE' cake Melt together the butter wlil fall as It cools and both chocolates m a Carefully run a klllfe or large, heavy saucepan a thm spatula around the over low heat Stir until cake and release the SIde smooth Remove from heat of the pan SlIce the cake ~nd whIsk III the Grand mto 12 wedges and serve Marmer, brandy (my With homemade whIpped chOIce) and mstant coffee LTA presents JReligion and the Technical Mindset' The Lay TheologIcal Academy WIll pre"ent "The Mechamcs of God RehglOn and the Techmcal Mmd~et: at 7 p m W('onp"oay, Oct 1b, In r-.lIlIer Hall at Chmt Church Gro""e POInte 61 Gro"se POInte Blvd The present('r, Brother Guy Con:-olmagno a VatIcan astronompr, will examme nl' .... una('r"tanamg" of the great rellglOu<' quc"tlOn" For mor(' mformatlOn about the free presentatIOn, call (313 88,,)-4841 AD_WORat CALL 313-882-3500 To reserve Display AdvertiSing ~poce by 2 pm ~ .. Let s ao lunch Roady, a nt!rvou" patient Eddie Coil illS, III the ;,ole of narrator, plays a WrIter \\ ho IS never satIsfied With hIS work but thInks of hiS characters as fnends "What force IS It that compels me to wnte Incessantly? I'm a wnter," he In financIal compensatIOn for her husband's nervous breakdown Mark Robson IS a medical student With the skIll of a carpenter who tnes to pull a tooth for Chnstopher .. By Helen Gregory First play of season sho'ws new talent By Brad Lindberg Staff Writer uThe Good Doctor" II>a perfect IntroductlOn to the HJiberry Theatre's 40th sea son The Nell SmlOn comedy, based on early wntIngs of Anton Chekhov, COnl>lstsof 11 stonf'1> that requlfC an ensemble cast at broad talent and all-out energy Each piece IS about 10 mInute I> long Hilberry actors sWitch convIncmgly from character to character and mood to mood m a "tnng of anecdotal tales ranging from absurd to pOIgnant There's slapstick, hIghbrow farce, pohtIcal satIre and class conscIOusness Also, m a bittersweet sketch performed m song, a lonely WIdower and Widow finally get the nerve to arrange for a cup of tea together At the last mmute, the woman backs out mls takenly behevmg her Me IS too late for happmess "There's stili time to answer yes, but Just not today," SIngs second-year actress NIlcln Ferrv Ferry IS one of only three veteran actors m "Doctor's" eIght-member cast FIve actors make theIr debut as members of Wavnp Shtp Umverslty's three-year, natlOnally-known graduate repertory theater program Aaron Moore, of Lmcoln, Neb, IS an entertammg newcomer Big and bOIsterous, hiS abilIty to build ., He shows you how to (economIcally) submerge yourself In European culture, make fnends With the locals and aVOId has sles Steves Isn't our only teleVISIOn personalIty and cream and fresh raspbernes ThiS dehclOus cake WIll crumble a bit around the edges and crack on the top as It fa;ls The center, however, Will hold together WIth a texture and flavor that needs no frostIng Don't leave the cake m the oven longer than 45 mmutes or It Will fall dpart when you handle It Make chocolate decadence a day m advance and store It tIghtly covered at room temperature ThiS IS a faIrly Simple recIpe for a really speCial, decadent chocolate des'lert Amencan Heart , AssoCIation. " F'fInI ileMIllseuI nI 51.... Choose Healthful Foods mg, worked as SOCial ~ecretary III the Amencan Embabb) m Pans, worked a" "pecIRl """I"tRPt to Cldlre Booth Luce III Rome and becam(' the first v. oman executIve for TIlfan) &. Co She hal> <lB A from Va~l>ar, dId graduate work In p"ychology In Geneva <lnd hab numerou!> honoran degrecs Still hu 1 Io.hV Gourmet. W1ne 1 a';:'l-,:') at 1 lJ.i 1 LjJ fhl" carnes the Beach BOyb, 'Be True To Your School" further than a plebe like me Cdn begin to Imagme Thll> IS lIke Exeter and Eton - they always tell you Is thiS some sort of braml'olashmg? No matter what you accomphsh or how far you go, your prep school gets mentIOned It's got to be good advertIsmg But that's way off topIC \vnat you need to know IS that thiS year's program WIll be great and m order to cover the cost of lunch, wp're askmg $16 for tIckets You can get them at your branch of the Grosse Pomte PublIc LIbrary A selectlOn of the authors' books wIll be for sale on site before lunch from 11 a m untIl lunch at noon, followed by the pre~enratJons The authors Will be slgmng autographs afterward, at about 3 p m author If you move furmture for fun and change color schemes With the beasons or Just daydrt!am about dOing bO,) OUv. on't want to ml"s HGTV'I> Chns Cabson Madden In addition to hostmg her teleVISIOn show, she hac; written many books, mcludmg the popular "A Room of Her Own Women'b Personal Spact!s" She was Oprah Winfrey's mterwr decora tor as well as deSign correspondent for the show She has decorated spaces for Tom Momson and KatIe Counc, among others I've enjoyed her weekly newspaper decoratmg adVIce column for years Her books on home desl~ are downnght msplratlOnal Fmally, we have Letitia Baldnge, whose adVice on etIquette has nvaled Emily Post and MISS Manners Her newest book, 'A Lady, FIrSt My Life m the Kennedy \\Illite House," Ib a more personal follow up to 1998's, "In the Kennedy Style Magical Evemngs III the Kenned) White House" For more mformatlOn, VISit your favonte lIbrary branch, our web Site, www gp lIb ml us, or phone (313\343-2074, ext 200 It Will be lovely We can do lunch WIthout takmg a meetmg You can reach Helen Gregory onlcne at hgrego I",,@gpllb ml us or find her at the Grosse Pocnte Central Library Here, I must take a Side tnp about somethmg that puzzles me M'l Baldnge pubhbhed 15 books on manners and entertam The Riding School at ~{Ug-~g-arnv offers limited 8:30 a.m. weekly Saturday Shuttle Service from Grosse Pointe Instruction in English Equitation, Hunter & Jumper Riding and by Dorothy Campbell, V.P., H.J.A.M., USA Equestrian-Recorded Judge . Bo..rding Exhibition Beginner to Advanced 248-231-5879 Cell 248-628-5879 Barn Oxford, Ml Consulting '. Sales/Leases U1nnerl featunng tUmcs from thc r1.sher 'Vmeqards and fiue delectable gourmet sclccttons from OUT GxeC'Utl1JC Chef and Co-Propnctor 'Uzesdm:{, 0dDber 29 600 pm Has "0' Oeutm:s 700 pm Gommc:t dlrmcr ~patred" wtib wtnes Bccausc of 1'red r4Shers tics to the commumtq, we haue rcseroed the enure restaurant f-or thIs evcnt F"'" _e the Nepa on the slope nestled & Of supe<ll d"ner \ ptnn&CIe J~n "' R...",al!on. Only Mountall"lS betNeen at The H II only'Mth a on<! only for 110 indIVIdual' J"'" those wI10 el1er1sh tIlese select re!"Menlllle the Mayacama$ Son""'<8 val"Ys of C.ellf"",," wItIl of _Ie WIOe1 the wnemak'" that S craft Tr..~ __ nl.,........,..~t>\. o. I!"IItf'\'&P\oO'Iof""'C"lllf\~ W'<11 II." 3pm ~ F....". ewer 5.". 10pm M:nloy Dmor'pm "pmF!ldor& S""1i11j~4 fill 9rrn <31<3-886-8101 Ffldoy • Tn""'" A VEE Corporation Product on Presented t<ooght to supe<lll~e by Fred & Juelle FISher from the FlSI1er Vneyard$ (lfc.:.:l'1 __ 1 ..,l..UUVJ [\11:"" Porter'l> Return Children/Adult }I 98 by • lli CommunI-tv Bottled water: Is it any better than tap? October 10, 2002 G.r.os.s.e.po.i.nt.e.N.ew-s 108 By Anne Christiansen Bullers Special Writer It's a ral e day that Kellj Harn.,on, a mother of five from Thlsa. Okla doesn't II nd her'lelf chauffeuring kId., to "ome kmd of "port" practlle 01 ...chool actl\ Ih As .,hc' check'l to "ee that edch child IS seat-belted mto the t.lnllly''l Immvan, Harn ...on al.,o make'l sure they've got the c""entlals the nght ...port'l eqUIpment, the nght doth£'l and what <;hp C'J11 ...lder., to be the nght drink - bottled water When she was grO\\ mg up, Harrison, 34, might have grabbed a soft dnnk or JUIce on her wav out the door But for her kid ..., Harrison mSlsts on what she thmks IS a healthier chOice - water She says her chIldren's young bodJes need water as they play III the Oklahoma sun Bottled water also containS no caf feme, no calones and no '>ugar Plus, bottled water comes m convement bottles, easy to tote from home to wherever the bus) famIly goe" "I really thmk thiS IS best for a lot of different rea"onb," says Hamson ~ ho often tucks a bottle for herself mto the basket III her minivan that con tams other on-the-go mom necessIties, such as a paperback book and her cell phone Once, most Amencans ..... 1 loUt....JJ _ yy a. t:J 1 UJUJ r U UUJ got ,,1... ..... I.U'Lo tap Now, hke Harrison, they're often buymg their water m a hottle At work, after a workout, or Just about any time, Amencans are dnnkmg bottled water In record numbers a whoppmg 5 bilhon gallons m 2001, according to the InternatIOnal Bottled Water ASSOCiatIOn (IBWA), an mdustr~ trade group That's about the same cf water that falls £rum the tunenc.an Falls at 1'\ll.£"_ra Fall,.. :n nn hours sm0unt an.,wcr'l To decide, con- thousands of years In ~ul11er~ need to drm them- Europe, water from nnneral ~,'lve~ With knowledge about spnngs was often thought to what they're buymg before ha,e curatl"ve and somethe) grab the next bottle of tmwb rehglOus powers Da~anI, E, lUll or Perner off PIOneers trekkmg west thl' .,heif 'It really pays to across the UlIlted States do ) our homework," saYb dunng the 19th century also Stt.\\ Thornley, a watertYPlcdlly conSIdered dnnkquality health educator With able (potable) water a staple the l\hnnel>ota Department to !if' pUflhd:>ed 111 antiCIpaof Health tion of the long tnp across the and West Today, of courbe, there are Different varieties dozens of brands of bottJprl Bottled woter may seem \Vater, of cour"e, h l,.,,,l'n water Rnd mRnv rldfprpnt , \ l .. 1 1 1 " '"" ...... l..., .. , ...... 1... ..... ~ ,ri ........ 1..1a! LV Ul,.iu ......u klllds, lllcludlllg flavored or Dnnklllg enough \\ ater to one oorn dunng the heightfizzy, to choose from of fitness replace \\ hatever I" lo",t ened awarenes" through bodlh funltlOn" H, and potential water poiluImportant But "un ey~ lI1dl- tlOn dunng the last two or Federal regulations decades However, The Food and Drug cate that 1110"t of U:>mlght three regulates not be dnnkmg' enough Is ....ater has been bottled and AdmllllstratlOn bottled water part of the sold far from It!> source for bottled water products that are III mterstate commerce under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) Under the FD&C Act, manufacturers are responsIble for producmg safe, wholesome and truthfully labeled food products, mcludmg bottled water products It Ib a VIOlation of the law to mtroduce Into mterl>tate commerce adulterated or mlbbrandea products that VIOlate the vanous prOVISIOns of the FD&C Act 'lhe l'UA also has estab. hshed regulations speCIfically for bottled water, Includmg standard of Ide'1hty regillatIOns, whllh dehne dIfferent types of bottled water, and standard of quality regulations, which set maxI- ExplOSive gro\"th m the mdustry for more than d decade has pla:ed bottled water 111 nearly every "upl'r market, convenience "torl' dnd vendmi! n1dchme from coa"t to coa~t, w here doZ('n~ of brands comppte for con "umer,,' dollar., In four ) ears, :ndubtry exp"1 h antiCipate that hottll'd water WIll be SPlOnd onh to "oda pop ab Amenca ~ be, er age of chOice ~ ..... '-" ,J For man) people, autumn's cooler weather signals shorter daj s and more time spent llldoors Stay m bhape thiS fall by taklllg advantage of special fitness programs offered by Bon Secours Cottage Community Health PromotIOn All classes are taught by natlOnally CPrtified, expenenced fitness lllstructors at the Bon Brae Center, 22300 Bon Brae m St CI81r Shores RegIstration and payment are reqUired bpfore the start of class Call (586) 779-7900 'T'hp npxt "p<;<;iontakes nlace Oct 28-Dec 14 - Research suggests that weight trammg can help reduce the nsk of osteoporoSiS and Improve your muscle strength and bone denSIty Jom us for a safe and effective workout Nautilus equipment The program IS from 4 45-5 45 pm, 5 45645 pm, 7-8 pm or 7458 45 P m Monday and Wednesday and from 6 307 30 p m Thesday and Thursday The cost IS $49 ThiS lOW-Impact, personahzed fitness class mcorpor!1to~ ~---- thp. "O:.npf'l<:11 -s,- npp~"O:. - ---- f'f - lIIUIVlllud':> 1"'1'5 WIth diabetes The class includes Senior Fitness I and II blood pressure momtonng, exercIse and resistance This program for anyone work Call (5861 779-7900 to over age 60 offers a warm and request a up, lOW-Impact aerobiCS, register phYSICian conwalkmg, strength and floor mandatory exercises Semor Fitness I IS sent form The program IS from 10 to 11 a m Tuesday more mtense than Semor FItness II Both take place and Thursday $49 Monday, Wednesday and Fnday Semor Fitness I IS Senior Strength and from 915 to 1015 am, Conditioning Program Semor FItness II IS from ThiS program mcludes 1035 to 11 35 a m $45 exercises to Improve and develop Better Bones upper body strength Stretch bands, hand-held weights and chair exercises are Incorporated The class IS offered from 1 30-2 30 P m Monday, Wednesday and Fnday for $63 It also IS oftered from 1 30-230 p m Thesday and Thursday for $42 Senior Vigor and lower PRESENTS THE THIRD ANNUAL Yoga Learn suppleness and staolnlity from a certified yoga ,nstructor Work WIth an energetic spme sensItizer for proper alignment of the SplnP TlTlprove your mental and phYSical abIlitIes The program IS from 7 45-9 a m Thesday and Thursday The cost IS $62 for two days and $35 for one day ThiS strength traIning class uses Nautilus machmes to hpln lnC'rp>l<;p bone denSity class IS from 12 15-1 15 pm. Monday, Wednesday and ~1"""n'lV fnr ~74 ~nn frr-Yn i2-15~115-p ~ The;da;-;~d Thursday for $49 lenglng workout that combmes kIck boxmg techmques With t!"adltIonal aerobiC moveb Tne class IS from 7-8 p m Monday and Wednesday The cost IS $49 FLEXFIT CardioMix ThIs IS a great additIOn to your cardlO fitness program BaSIC stretches and flexlblhty exercises help promote maXImum range of motIOn In yom everyday movements FLEXFIT IS offered from 8 15-9 a m Monday, Wednesday and Fnday for $48 (~26 If registered m another fitness class) ThiS high-energy class mcludes hlghand lowImpact aerobiCS, fleXIblhty, balance and strength trammg It IS from 6-7 am, 445 -5 45 pm or 6-7 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday for $58 The Diabetes FITness THE GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC LIBRARY ThiS IS the first of a threepart senes about bottled u..'cte-" A.n"" rhrJ"t1fln~pn Bullers IS a freelance writer In Prame VIllage, Kan Tai Chi Th.Js class IS for anyone 18 -108 It tcaches an ancient Chinese martial art form that blends slow movements ,nto a standmg medItatlOn It IS offered from 7-8 am Wednesday and Fnday $53 for two days, $30 for or.2 day Cardio Kick Boxing ,."" ~U:lb~ ON THE L_ ~v) Step and Sculpt ThIS workout Will enhance cardIOvascular endurance Weights, tublllg and body balls also are used to ::;trengthen and tone major muscle groups The program IS from 7 30-8 30 p m Thesday and Thursday $42 Core Combo (PHates and Core) __...:I .............. ,u ..l .... _ ~.._ (1.L.1U U.,lUO,",ULo...L " ......"" .....+\.. .l-6 ........ J. as well as mmd and body awareness The class IS from 5 45-6 45 a m Thesday and m1 __ ..1 __ 1 llUl ~U(1J .£'__ lVl ~ .. n lP~V' Yoga Fitness Workout EnJOY a complete body wor&.out that involves strengthening, toning and stretchmg all major muscle groups through Isolated movements and poses. ThIS IS rpcommended for begmner and mtermedlate levels and IS from 9-9 50 a m Saturday for $26 Triple Cardio Challenge ThIs class offers a hIghenergy workout by combmmg cardlO condItIOnIng, Includmg step, luck bOXlng and intensity dnlls, WIth strength work usmg tubmg and weights The program IS offered frulu 8 to 8 50 a m Saturda) for $26 24h,. TeleVISionfor the Whole Community LAKE DAV"TlNE PAcGRP'"JW111N13 At the Grosse Pointe War Memorial Saturday October 26th WITH AUTHORS Letitia Baldnge, "A Lady FIrst. My ufe ln The Aennedy WhIle House". Author of 15 books on manners and entertaining. Served as ChIef of Staff f'lT Mrs. Kennedy and Social Secretary to the White House. She also ,erved as an adVisor to fOUTother First Ladles UHr the years. NIcholas Spar".s, "NIghts In Rodanthe". Author of "Message In A Bottle", "A Bend In The Road" and "A Walk To Remember". He wrote his first novel, "T};e Notebook" as a freshman at Notre Dame in 1985 while recovering from an injury recehed during a relay race. Rick Steves, host of the PBS series, "RIck Sieves' Europe" and author of 22 European travel books. Slarted a bu~iness in 1976, called Europe Through The Back Door, "hich offers 200 annual bus tours that escort more than 5,000 Americans through EUTOpe. Chris Casson Madden, host of a weekly prime-time HGTV show, Intenors By DeSign, and authoT of 13 best-seiling bloOks mcludmg "Creatzng The StylISh, Comfortable Room Of Your Dreams '. She also wntes a weekly ne\\spaper column and has her own furniture line FeR n-E WEEK PROGRAM 11:00 a.m. Coffee, tea and BOOK 11:45 a.m. Fries Ballroom opens NOON LUNCH AUTHORS' BOOK PRESENTATIONS SIGNING, Alger Library 14- Or~ ilL S:OO AM VITALITY PLUS A half-hour aerobIcs e,erclse class Mldmghl 2:00 PM THE LEGAL INSIDER Guest Eugene H BOlle Jr Media Laws Hosls local attorneys DaVid Draper and Dougla, Dempsey take an inSide look at current legal ISSUes Repealed 5 AM 6 PM Repealed 9;30 AM POSITIVELY POSITIVE GuPSIS Tim et Mal"\ann Warner & Aln Suczek Halts Jeanie Ml~ell and L1ZAIken an uphftmg halfhour of posllive alllludes dnd Ideas Repealed 12 10AM (930 PM M WF & Sun) 10: 00 AM WHO'S IN THE KITCHEN? Guest Allchelle Bomrwnlo Host rhuck Kaes' cOOKSwIlh local celebnues R~pealed 1 AM 630 PM 10:30 AM WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP \Var Memonal fronl Gard,,' Parr I Renowned local artlsl Carol LaChlusa demooltrates watercolor techmques SImple enough ror begmner~ yel chaJlengmg to lhe e~penenced artl'il Repeated 1 10 M1 730 PM 11 :00 AM THINGS TO DO AT THE \HR MEMORIAl GUeI'S Bunm Bmo!..s.{ Murk Weber Bunny Brooks hosts an mformallve look al whal s happenmg al the War Memonal Repeated 2 AM 8 12 ;00 PM THf. aOlltOMIC CLLB Of DFTROIT GIIP'{ The HOllOrahleChns,me Todd Whilman Featurel nallonally kno\Ooo~uest ,peakerl dlswI'1Og current tOpIC' 10 the hUIIOC" COmmJnlly Repealed 1 A\1 1010PM .1.lC.Q.pM ... "OR ~ THE JOHN PROST SHOW Gllests Michael Bennell Lt JO} Woell.ers et Deborah Wemgan US NOI') HOSIJohn Prost mtervlew<;local celebntles aboulllme Iy tOPICSRepeated 5 30 AM 10 PM 3;00 PM THE EASTGJDE EXAI\fINER :,r Pall141<Cllon Host JUlia KeIrn mtervlews people of mleresl from Grosse Pomle and the Detrolt Area bnngmg current information to Ihe communIty about speCial events Repealed 6 A\1 7 PM 3:30 PM MUSICO\LSTORYTlME JAMBOREE Ml5' Paula Ihe Merry Muslc Maker half hour of liane, and musIc for Repeated 6 30 AM offers a chlldren 4:00 PM \,ITALITY PLllS A half hour of body 10nll1g and step/J(\ckbo~1Og exercIse ria" MI\VIF/Sun Steplklckbox1Og Repealed 7 A\1 (9 PM M W F & Sun) Tone Repealed (9 P\1 Tue T & Sat) YOl"'G \' m\" POINTK'i l 'pbeat youth show featunng stud~nlS reporting on a vartety of educatlOnalloplcs Repeated 7 ,0 AM (8 10 P\1 M W F & Sun ) ~iKLPM 6;00 PM POINTK" OF HORTICULTLRE Mil Anthon) Hort,cullUnll Co Ho'1s Mtl Anthony & J,m rarquhar Ihdrc IIp' gIve' ddvlce dod mtervlews local authonlles on gardemng Repeated 8 A'~ "lEN'S ( I VB (,IIi'<I Ne,,1 :'!lIne Re/ln'd l'"hil,her Dr/mil fn'e 1'n''S Repealed 4 A\1 , ,() P\1 Attendance Include'i a chance to Voln "The Pampered Reader', Ba,ket" TICKET~ ($16 00) ARE AVAILABLE AT ALL BRANCHFS www.~Dhb.ml.us Cc Ie 1 :30 PM CONVERSATIONS WITH COLLECTORS Guests. lndra & Clms Eschenburg Tudor House Host SUlan Hat1Lfocuse, on local tnlerestlOg collee!lons Repealed 430 AM (8 30 PM, Tue. T Sal) 1 1:30 AM OUT OF THE ORDTN O\RY.. I'l/TO THf FXTRAORDL ....ARY GUel/l Paul f)u~l"s MD 1\url~dlc Medlcme HOIIRobert Taylor prelCnt, an e~traordmary hall hour of pc'lple places and Idea' Repeated 2 30 AM (9 10 P\1 Tue T Sal) SALES CF 8:30 AM THE s.o.c. SHOW Guesl MOT) Natschke RN Healing Arts Center HOSIFraI' Schonenberg and her guests diSCUSS10PICS and evenlS at part!cular mlerest to semor CIII/ens Repealed II 30PM PM Vl'ilt our v. cbslte Streamhne your fitness program With thiS body, ball and bar techmque format The combmed Pilates and yoga approach to your mornIng stretch Improves fleXIbIl- , , il:t UU~lh Morning Mat Science (Pilates and Yoga) 1.1ldJ. CY' 1 ~J11::S ThiS class offers a combination of Pdates-style movements and body sculpting It IS offered from 6-7.15 j.I m Thesday and Thursday $49. wNiTV5 BOOKS f or more mfom13tlon From a repJlatory standpOint, the 1'VA debcnbes bottled water as water that IS mtended for human consumptlOn and that IS sealed m bottles or oth"r contamers With no added mgredIents, except that It may contam a safe and SUitable an.Imlcroblal agent Fluonde may also be added wlthm the llmlt.> beL UJ Ule FDA Stay fit with the help of Bon Secours Cottage Book and Author Lllncheon 3:00 p.m. mum levels of contammants (chemical, phYSical, microbIal an,l radIOLOgical) allowed In bottled water • Srhedule or call (3 J 1) 141-2074 X200 ( In ("h::ln-:;:A \AI ItKll t nOTice For further nformaloOo call 313831 7511 S JtJjwt Thin s to Do October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News - by Madeleine Socia a m -4 pm, Fnday, Oct 11 or 10 a m 4 pm, Saturday, Oct 12, Wilham Gllstorf Mpetmg Room, 22500 11 Mile, St Clair Shores Free (58b) 771-9020 First English Lutheran Church 11th Annual Craft Show and Bake Sale: 10 a 111 4 pm, SatuIUd.), Oct 12,10 the Fe!low"hlp Hall, 800 Vernier $1 (313) 884 5040 Grosse Pointe North High School Choir Department Rummage ~ale: l:l a m -.:lpm, Saturda), Oct 12, 1Il the lobby of the GI usse Pomte Performmg Art .., Center, 707 Vernier Free (313) 4328325 Quilt We Built Opening Reception: Benefit receptIOn for the Karmanob Cancer Institute, 6-9 pm, Saturday, Oct 12 Mam~calco Galler), 17728 Mack $25 "uggested donatlOn (313) 886-2993 Detroit Historical Society Fall Flea Market: Benefit for the DetrOIt Hlstoncal Museum, 10 a m -4 pm, Saturday, Oct 12 and Sunday, Oct 13, HI"tonc Fort Wayne, 6325 W Jefferson, DetrOit $25, vl'ndor table $2 Fort Wayne tours, $1, secured parkmg (313) 821-7795 Delta Zeta Flame Fantasy: Luncheon and tashIOn show by l'albot's, to honor the 100th anmversary of Delta Zeta Soronty and benefit the Deaf, Heanng & Sign Language Center, 11 30 am, Saturday, Oct 12, Grosse Pomte War Memonal, 32 Lakeshore $35 ReservatIOns requested (313) 343-0184 Cottage Hospital Auxiliary Kitchen Tour: Includes mne homes • Strolhng Supper Preview Party 4-8 pm, Saturday, Oct 12 $30 and $50 • KJtchen Tour, noon-5 pm, Sunday, Oct 13 $15 Advance tIcketb are aVaIlable at the Cottage HospItal Gift Shop, Pomte Perspectives, Hurst Appliances, The POInte Pedlar They Will be sold on the day of the tour at 37 Lochmoor and 816 Grand MaraIS (313) 884-0218 Holiday Mart: Sale of goods from 30 of the nation's top speCialty shops benefits Planned Parenthood of Southeastern MIchigan • PrevIew party, 5 30-9 Ambleside Galleries: Mmg Shl Hu,mg, Oil!,on canva" ImpresslOmst Id.ndscape" and genre pamtmgs, through Thursda), Dec 5 17116 Kercheval Free (313) 885-8999 College For Creative Studies: • Tony Hepburn Exhil)ltlOn, In"tallatIons creatld In collaboratlOn ' with CCS studenb, which lOvest!gate the concept of f"Clntr,fllO'p n c.:: .. hll"'rl""~ f- 19 Satu;day, Nov 16 • A1umm & Faculty Hall, Drawmgs and sculpture by Harry Borgman, alumnu" and former chairman of the AdvertlslOg l)eblgn Department for the DetrOit Society of Arts & Crafts 102 E KJrb), DetrOit Free (313) 664-7667 Grosse Pointe Artists Association Art Center: 64th Annual Juned • ExhibitIon, through Thursday, Nov 7, 1-5 pm, Wednesda) -Sat 1005 Maryland Free (313) 8211848 Detroit Institute of Arts: • Art In Focus Lacquerware, through Sunday, Oct 1.:l • Degas and the Dance, Sunday, Oct 20-Sunday, Jan 12 Free for DIA mem- I hl)r~ - _. ~ on ~ i4 .... _ l-ulrlyoo.n ., b T , r.::. ..... C" .., and under 5200 Woodward, DetrOit $4 adults, $1 children (313) g~~ 790~ Maniscalco Gallery: New Abstract pamtmgs by Mark Wolak, through Saturday, Nov 9 10 a m -5 pm, Wednesday, Fnday and Saturday, 10 a In -9 pm, Tuesday and Thun,day 17728 Mack Free (313) 8862993 Art Courses Grosse Pointe Artists Association Art Center: Acryhc Pamtlng for Adults, noon-2 30 pm, Saturdays, Oct 12, Oct 26 and Nov 2, 11 a m -1 30 pm, Sunday, Oct 20 1005 Maryland $100 (313) 821-1848 - Benefits Heritage Presbyterian Church Rummage Sale: 10 a m -noon, Fnday, Oct 11,23415 Jefferbon, St ClaIr Shores Free (586) 770-0730 Friends of the St. Clair Shores Public Library Fall Book Sale: 10 am. 8 pm, Thursday, Oct 10, 10 Last week's B A NG '" A B '" E '" W L '" B T T U AO K N I 0 4 5 12 o T o L A ~ '" l G A I T A l G H 0 l E l E NO'" N OON A V ON '" E N SA E '" T '" E a 7 9 10 11 14 13 1 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 119 I I [ tL 28 1 T ,2ll 27 25 I - I I 29 32 I JO I I 33 35 137 3a ,39 14\ 1 49 I I I 51 BaSIn acces sory DOWN 1 BI2 deg 2 SICk 3 Western st 4 Coiled 5 -<It:ucey 6 Sheepish relNrt? 7 Left to fend for onese~ 8 Drink gAd 10 Tramcars conter!; 11 Fast time I 42 43 501 20 $5 Gros:oe POInte War Hemonal, 32 Lakeshore (313) 8847624 Grosse Pointe United Church Rummage &ale: 9 amI pm, Fnday, Oct 18 and Sd.turdav, Oct 19, 240 Chalfonte Free (313) 884.:l075 Concerts North On Broadway Pops & Pastries Concert: FeaturIng Om""" Pomtf> North HIgh School's Concert Band, SymphOniC Band, Stnng Orchestra, Sympholllc Orchestra, Jazz Band and ChOir, 7 30 pm, Saturday, Oct 26, m the gymnaslUm of Grosse ?OInte North Hlgh School, 707 Verlller $7 or $4 for btudentb and semors (313) 432-3200 Dance Sabre Dance: The Macomb Symphony Orchebtra presents a celebratIOn of Armeman MUSIC and Culture, 8 pm, Fnday, Oct 18 Macomb Center for the Performmg Arts, 44575 Garfield, Mount Clemens $18, adults or $14, students and selllors (248) 851-5769 ~$1 1.\£ 5200 Woodward, DetrOit $6 or $5 for DIA members (313) 833-3237 IMAX Dome Theatre: • "Chma The Panda Adventure," 1 pm, week day,>, 1 and 4 pm, Saturday" and Sunday~ • . Jane Goodall'" Wild Chimpanzees," 10 a m and noon, Fndays, noon, 3 and 5 pm, Saturday, 3 and 5 pm, Sunday • ' Space StatlOn," 11 a m and 2 pm, MondaysSaturdays and 2 pm, bunuays The Human Body, noor, and 3 pm, dally DetrOIt SCIence Center, 5020 John R, DetrOit $7 adults, $6 semors and children al!"es 2 12 $4IMAX Dome (313) 577-8400 IMAX Theatre: • Space StatIOn 3D • Lewlb and Clark Great Journey Webt • Shackleton's Arctic Adventure Screenmg" hourly In the mornmg, on the half-hour m the afternoon and eveOlng, 9 a m -7 20 pm, weekdays, 9 a m 8 45 pm, weekends Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village, 20900 Oakwood, Dearborn $10 adults, $8 semors and chl1dren 12 and under (3131982-6001 ~ Assumption Cultural Center: • KalosomatIcs ExerCIse Fall SesslOn, through Saturday, Nov 2, hmes vary $52 for two-day sessIons $74 three.days, $94 four-days Twenty-five percent semor discount • Free KIddie KalolBaby SIUmg, 930-10 am, Monday-Thursday, for registered parents Nonregistered parents pay Tuebday Saturrlay and noon 4 pm, Sunday $6 adulL~ :j,"i~l llIor~, $4 chlldren, :j,5 gruundb only, $18 dnnualpas'> Ground" admlttanU' free when hay IIlg lunch m the Tea Room, 11 30 a m 2 30 pm, Tue"day Sunday 1100 Lakeshore l.H 3) 884-4222 Provencal.Welr House: GrOSbe POlllte Hlbtoncal Society om'r~ tour" of thp house and Log Cd.blI1, 1-4 pm, Saturda), Oct 12 376 Kercheval Free (313) 884 7010 Selinsky.Green Farmhouse Museum: St Clair Shores Hlstoncal Commls"lOn offer., tours, 14 pm, Wednebday" Directly behmd the St Clair Shores Public LIbrary, 22500 11 Mile Free (586) 771-9020 Detroit Historical Society Programs: • Mabomc Temple Dmner Sene" Tour, 6 pm, Fnday, Oct 11, 500 Temple $80 or $70 for DHS members ReservatIOns reqUired • Elmwood Cemetery Sunday Stroll, 2 pm, SundaY,Oct 13,1200 Elmwood $15 or $10 for DHS members Reservations reqUired DetrOit Hlstoncal Museum, 5401 Woodward Free (313) 833-1419 GP Historical Society BIcknell Lecture: Guest lecture by Matthew Daley, curator of the Father Dowlmg Great Lakes NautIcal CollectlOn, 7 30 pm, Wednesday, Oct 23, Grosse Pomte War Memonal, 32 Lakeshore Free ReservatIOns requested (313) 884-7010 Seniors Bon SecoursiCottage Grandparents Class: 7-9 p In Monda), Oct 14, at Bon Secour" Ho,>pltal, 468 C adl€ux Free I b1:i6) 770J 7~OO Alzheimer Support Group: 6 30 1:$ pm, Wednl.'bday, Oct 16, ('dlv,H) SLnlOr Cl'nh'r, 49')0 Gate<;head, DetrOIt Free (313) 881-3374 S?C e .. J..... UL Pro~ams: uuu ....... ,1.- 144 [45 40 I : )51 13 'Blrth ofa ~abor' group 19 Mid May hooorees 20 Mnoy 21 RouleUe bet 22 Smo~e 23 Auto .lyle 2~ Empower agam 26 Eager 27 Mah jongg piece 29 Leno s feature 31 2002 Bn~sh Open Winner 33 Elton John s real last name 34 It comes w1lh adell~ 30 '\Isque 37 The M~ Donald place 38 Chills and fever 39 'Golder, G 1s' rOle 40 WorXon !he docks 43 Troubddour s song 44 AAA lob 45' Got a Secrer 46 Arways tl,L Plannmg Splakl'r 11 30 a m Monda), Oct 14 Free • Scam", Scheme" dnd Sv. Indle" Con~umer Safety Conlercncp, 9 a m -1 pm, TuPbda), Oct 15, Gro,,!.e POinte War ?l1emonal, 32 Lakebh'lre Free • Chiropractic Mpdlcme Speaker, 11 30 am, Wednesda\, Oct 16 Free fup" lOcludc round tnp motorcoach tran~portatlOn, which depart.<; from the SOC Neighborhood Club officeb, 17150 Waterloo Preregl,>tratron IS reqUired (313) 882-9600 St. Peter Lifelong Learning/Senior Education: • IntroductIOn to ComputersIBeginner • 3-5 p m or 6-8 pm, Wednesdays, Oct 23-Nov 20 St Peter the Apostle Cathohc Church, 19800 Anita, Harper Woods rltaC~l:'L!dLlUU 1~4UlJcJ (586) 421-1193 Raku Party and Silent Auction: Glaze and fire a Spiritual custom-made clay pot, tour Resources the hlstonc pottery and bid on Raku ceramICS, 10 a m Men's Friday 10 pm, Saturday, Oct 12, Ecumenical Breakfast: Personal Pewablc Pottery, 10125 E Share food, fellowshIp and a Jefferson, DetrOlt $60 for Enrichment lecture, Fndays at 730 one pot, $90 for two pots $1 am, Grosse POlnte ReservatlOns reqUired (313) Assumption Cultural • Nautilus Weight Memonal Church 822-0954 Trammg Room, 8-1030 Center: • Fnday, Oct 11, PhIlip am, Monday-Thursday and Indian Corn Project • Healthy Nalls By Jackson of Chnst Church 5-8 30 pm, Fnday $50 two Workshop: Sponsored by Yourself, 7-9 pm, DetrOit days-per-week, $70 three the Grosse POInte Garden Thursday, Oct 17 $10 16 Lakeshore $5 (3131 days-per-week, $4 drop-ms Center, 10 am, Saturday, 21800 Marter 882-5330 21800 Marter, St ClaIr Oct 12, Grosse Pomte War PreregistratIOn reqUired Lay Theological Memonal, 32 Lakeshore Shores PreregistratlOn IS (586) 779-6111 Academy Programs: $5 (313) 881-4594 reqUired (586) 779-6111 • The Mechamcb of God Comedian Mike "Mad Depression Seminar: . Health Religion and the Techmcal Dog" Adams: Every Day presented by Lynne MlOdset, 7 pm, Above Ground Is A Good Grosse Pointe War Thomas, M A and Pastor Wednesday, Oct 16, :tvhller Day Tour 9 pm, Sunday, Memorial: DaVId A Rutter, 7 15-845 Hall, Chnst Episcopal Oct 13, Jack'" Waterfront • MarnmogramslBarbara pm, Wednesday, Oct 23, Church, 61 Gros<;e Pomte Restaurant, 24200 Ann Karmanos Cancer St Paul's Lutheran Church, Boulevard Free (313) 885Jefferbon, St Clair Shores Institute MobIle Umt, 930 22915 Grl'atrr Mnrk, St 4841 $15 (586) 445-8080 a m .3 pm, Monday, Oct Clair Shores Free (313) H.A.B.A. Halloween 21 Insurance coverage or 884.5855 Theater Party: Open to St Clair $136 Divorce Recovery Hilberry Theatre: "The Shores reSidents only, noon• OsteoporOSIS Testmg Workshop: 7-8 30 pm, Good Doctor,"8 pm, 3 r m , Sunday, Oct 13, MobIle UOlt, 930 am -3 \Vednesdays, through Dec Thursday-Saturday, matl' Lakeland Manor, 26211 pm, Monday, Oct 21 11, Lake Shore neeb Saturdays and Harper, St Clair Shores 32 Lakeshore Presbytenan Church, 27801 VVednesdays, through Free (586) 777-1516 Preregi~tratlOn reqUired Jefferson, St ClaIr Shores Saturday, Dec 7 4743 Cass (313) 881-7511 Community Movie $30 (586) 773-7243 In DetrOit $15-$20 (313) Night: Featunng "Pay It History 577-2972 Forward," 7 30 pm, Fnday, Grosse Pointe War Oct 18, Rentage Eu~t:~1&. ~h::n.uu.l iiii"d r1'feillur~al: Studio Theatre: Presbytenan Church, 23415 House: tours of house, • Ta!.tmg" The FlIle grounds, chIldren's playJefferson, St ClaIr Shores Wme Group/Great Wines of PamtlOg Churches, ThUl sda), Oct 17-Satllrday, Free (586) 779-0730 house and powerhouse Fall SpalO, 7.9 pm, Tuesday, Oct 26, 8 pm, ThursdayNeighborhood Open Color Grounds Tourb, dally, Oct 15 $56 Saturda), 4713 Cass, House: Luncheon and VIdeo $3 per person over the age 32 Lakeshore DetrOlt $8 or $6 for stupresentation on the Helfer of 5 $2, audlOtape tour dents and senIOr" (313) House tours offered on the ProJilct, an agncultural PreregistratlOn reqUlred 577-2972 assIstance program, 12 30 half-hour, 10 a m -4 pm, (313) 881-7511 pm, Fnday, Oct 18, Grosse Pomte Woodb Presbytenan Church, 19950 Mack $7 ReservatIOns reque"ted (313) 886-4.3lH Halloween Dinner Dance & Costume Contest: 6 pm, Saturday, Oct 26, Veterans of Foreign Frll out thIS form and send It to War~ Bruce Post 1146, Madeleine Socia • 96 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 28404 E Jefferson $17 50 or fax it to (313)882-1585 by 3 p.m. rridd~ • r uf n.o •.: 'ilfoiIiiat;on, call (313)884-8691 RbervatlOlls reqUlrf'd by Saturday, Oct 19 (586) 777-9486 Grosse Pomte Public Ubrary's Books on the Lake: Author Luncheon f('atunng Letitia Baldnge, ]\;lchola'i Spark'i, Chrr'i Ca~"oo Madden and Rick St('\c." 11 45 am, Saturda), Oct 26 GrO~'ie POInt(' War Memorral, 32 Lake.,hore $16 (313)343 2074 TO BE LISTED Event 40 43 47 I 36 1 I I 131 34 I pill, Thursday, Oct 17 $60 RebervatIOns reqUIred • Hohday Mart, 9 30 a m -5 pm, Fnday, Oct 18 and Saturday, Oct 19 Noon 5 pm, Sunday, Oct in Things to Do or Family Fun I 23 20 121 :?2 I '" y us '" E 6 5 He l E LEV R 0 A'" OAK 5 K N E E H OLE TOO A 3 2 HAL ODE COD E L 00 PH OLE NEE R B o E 0 n" v NO 1 50 P 0 A I E E A 5 puzzle solved ACROSS 1 Silicate::llleral 5 'SIX-paC~' muscles 8 Mabnee12 Bad-Iud beast 14 Inappreaa ble 15 Danger s-end Signal 16 •- there done that' 17 Shaft of Iigrt 18 In the thICkof 20 JOKmg~ 23 Nose m.theair 1ype 24 Profligate 25 Beef for example 28 I(lpllng lad 29 RelmqulShes 30 Compete 32 LUCIlleBall, eg 34 Dosage perhaps 35 D,Xie Stores Inc 30 Camwal attracbOns 37 Cereal meal 40 Varnish Ingredlent 4' Enthus astlC plus 42 Formal 47 Hurry 48 Inamorata 45 Encountei 50 VIeWer 11 B _ Sponsoring organization Date _ Time _ Place, including street address Film Detroit Film Theatre: The Dl'trOlt In.,tltute of Arb ,llOWLrl"e., con temporan ,lOd cla~'ilc world cme _ Cost ----------------------------Contact person's name and phone m,l • Happ\ Tlm('~ ~ 7 !lod 910 p m Frrda) Oct 11 and Saturdil\, Oct 12 and 4 ann 7 pm, Sunday Oct 13 • SPCT<'tBallot," 7 and q10pm Fnday, Oct 18 and Saturda\ Oct 1<"1 and 4 ana i pm, Sunda) QLl 20 Phone number to hp onhHli:hpd I; - -- -- - - ----------~-- If this is a charitable event, what organization will be the beneficiary? _ , \ I Family fun 128 Acad~mlc Enrichment Detroit Historical Museum: • Pewablc Pottery The Legacy of Mary CIJa;,e Perry Stratton, through Sunday,Od 13 • Gho;,t A(b, through Sunday, Nov 30 930 a In 5 pm, Tue"day-Fnda), 10 a m 5 pm, Saturday and Sunday 5401 Woodward, DetrOIt (313) 833-1805 Detroit Institute of Arts: Marshall Field's Fndays at the DIA promIse Idmlly run, Jnuuomg ardW109 m the gallene"" gUided tourb, hve mU;,IC, drop-m workshops and artl;,ts demonstratIOns • Fme Arts Friday, 6 pm, Fnday, Oct 11 5200 Woodward, DetrOIt $4 adult;" $1 children (313) 833-7900 Detroit Science Center: • Meet Dr Jane Goodall at the premiere of Jane Goodall's WIld ChImpanzees III the IMAX Dome Theatre, Saturday, Oct 12 • Marshall Field's Sunday Fun Day - Wild About Chimps, Sunday, Oct 13 • DTE Energy Sparks Theatpr • IMAX Dome Theatre • Dlgltal Dome Planetanum "Autumn Nights," 1 and 3 pm, Saturday and Sunday Kumon MnthlReading: Af,bumptlOn Cultural Center offprb these courses 10 bUild skllh, and conf! dence, 3 45-6 45 pm, Wedne;,day::, or 10 amI pm, Saturda) ~ 21800 ~larter, St Cilm Shore", $80 per month pIll" a $50 reglstratlOn tee (581) 7796111 Attractions £"'ll.. ~ __ 1 r. ", , , .e.".'" 4- Museum of AfricanAmerican History: • l\hddle Passage White Ship", Black Cargo, through Sunda.), Nov 17 • Pictures Tell the Story Erne::,t C WIthers ReflectIOns 10 HIstOry, through Sunday, Jan 5 9 30-5 pm, WednesdaySaturday, 1 5 pm, Sunday 315 E Warren, DetrOIt (313) 494-5800 Chiidren's Museum Detroit Public Schools: • Second Saturday Family Fun Programs, 11 am2 pm. Saturday Oct 12 • Dlbcover the Autumn Sky m the Planetarium \Vorkshops, noon-2 pm, Thur;,days and Fridays, for children, 6-12 9 a m -4 pm, Monday-Frida) 6134 Second, DetrOIt $3 per program (313) 873-8100 L_ by MadelemB "The Search for Life 1ll the Un!\ er;,e," 2 pm, Fnday, 11 am, noon 2,4 and 5 pm, Saturday;, and 2, 4 and 5 p .n , Sunday;, 9 a m ,3 pm, Monday Frida), 1030a111 6pm, Sa:urda), noon 6 p m Sunda\ 5020 John R, Det I OIt $7 adult;" ~6 "enlOr" ancl children, 2 12 $4 IMAX Dome $4 plane- ll! Lne C&NTE~ Now open untL! 11 p m MonThurs. YOGA - featurmg Yoga TIm m our upstmrs yoga room $0 down, $39 per month. Add spouse, son or daughter for $18. 313-8853600 at 19556 Harper / HarperWoods I Grosse Pomte Woods. IJ('dl IVIJl1l1Ie I I SP:FURDAY MORNING SEMINARS offer free, mformal dtscusswns of all you ever wanted to know about bed and bath lmens and accessones but were afraul to ask. S<:33WiiS start at 10:30, A contmental breakfast wlll be served. Topic: October 19 "Wmdow Treatments" Last of the senes to be repeated m Spnng 2003. 16906 Kercheval, 313-881-9890 ~mo~~ I I Fashions & Furs Designer Resale Boutique I ; J FJw Food. CodUIII SIau Events Arbor Antiques Market CAFANA'S ~ Expenence the finest III quabty dry cl ednIng and expert alteratIOns at CAFANA'S Located at 17233 Mack Avenue at Notre I I I ~kbND~ ~~ ~ N.J11~ IHHOV~nv{IDUl\~HD(Wnn ITVUHGm~HIQlJ{\ I Fnends 1.., pleased to announce the Ill'west memlX'rs to our staff1 Ir .....-....v.> '/ • / '"~/ :';d,"'vt"'UJ..(A.:teJt-t; EmbrOIdery and <.,crepn prmtmg :n3-642-1l90 ()ctobl'l Or/('Il!al RUM Solei All ruf{<;1l1-"to('k 30r~ 6W/{ o(f Order addltwnal "IZ(,~ and 1 ('('e1/r 2S'r, off at 17670 Un W('T'>I t, (313)8842,9,9] Mock G ro" <;e Ar (nue at Po In tr Anne ~lanE'" Renee and Gmmf', all fOn1wrlv of Edwm Paul, are now a\ mlable for you at FRIENDS For 'lour next ,lppomtnwnt, please call 1:113 )886-2's08 at 19877 Mack, Gro~~f' PomtR Wo(xL" Theater PuppetART: "Kolobok," 2.p m , Saturdays, through Oct 26, DetrOit Puppet Theatre, 26 E Grand River, DptrOlt (313) 961-7777 Youthentre: • "Alice In Wonderland," 11 a m and 3 30 pm, Saturday, Oct 12 2 pm, Sunday, Oct 13 • Mad Hatter's Tea Party, 12 30 pm, Saturday, Oct 12 $9, chIldren, $11 adults MIllennIUm Centre, Southfield (248) 557-7529 Custom Framing & Floor Stock Sale October 3 thru October 26 Receive 20% OFF complete custom orders and all framed art work m stock Plus check out our mce selectlOn of gIfts, art prmts and folk art furnIture at 20709 Nme MIle Road, St ClaIr Shores, (586)7742787 I Dame, (313)881-1224 Pa.. nllng ADHD StrategieslPeer Problems: 7 15-845 pm, Tue;,day, Oct 15 8t Paul's Lutheran Church, 22915 Greater 1'l'Iack, ~t l,lalr ~horeb Free (313) 884 5855 Middle School Parent Coffee: The Gros"e Pomte Pubhc Schools sponsors thIS forum for diSCUSSIOn between parents and educabon profeSSIOnals, 8 30-9 30 am, Tuesdays, Barnes School, 20090 Mormngslde Free (313) 432-4622 I would LLke to thank Gmnie, Renee and Anne Mane for understandIng the need for change. The way m whIch they left was done wah class and dlgmty, I learned alot from them! Also more good news lS that Vlckl, Shen and Patti are back from ongomg educatwn m New York. They will be teachmg the best of our staff these new techniques and procedures this week. I Only the best IS at Edwm Paul. I Nllmber one m serVlce and educatzon. Book today, Edwm Paul, 20327 Mack Avenue, Grosse POinte Woods (313)885-9001. www.edwmpaul com BOOK SINDBAD'S "SOHAR" ROOM TODAY!Perfect for your private parties and speCIal occasIOn Call (313)8227817 for more mformabon at 100 St Clair on-the-RIver ANTIQUE LOVERS Jom us at the famous ANN A.RBOR ANTIQUES MARKET The happemng IS Sunday, October 20th. One of the natwns largest and longest runnzng regularly scheduled antzques shows wlth ouer 300 dealers all under cover Dealer" lTl qualrty antzques and select collectzbles WIth every ztem guaranteed as epl esented HIghly dwerslfied show with emphasls on furniture, accessones and most speclQltzes ThIS IS Ann Arbor Antiques Market 34th season On szte dclwrry t>entce, ::,euerczlsnack bars wuh ::ustom made foods Locator ",ervzc('for findmg specwl Items and dealers AdmISSIOn $500 per per<;on The tune IS 7'00 a m to 4 00 p m at 5055 A'1n Arbor Salllle Road (E;ut #175 off I 94, then south 3 mzles) Washtemw Farm CounCIl Ground<; FREE parkmg Eleanor Ford House, 1100 Lakebhore $7 (313) 8844222 Trick or Treating in the Village: 3 30 4 45 pm, Thursday, Oct 31, Kercheval between N elf and CadIeux Free (313) 8867474 • ,,.9 the rIver whIle the mce season lasts October we'll have fall evemng dmBer speCIals Plus, be sure to enjoy our SUNDAY BRUNCH from 11 00 a m. - 230 p m I _ Halloween Party and Video Presentation: 12 30 pm, Fnday, Oct 18, Grosse Pomte Woods Presbyterian Church, 19950 Mack $7 Reservabons reqUired (313) 886-4301 Grosse Pointe War Memorial Halloween Middle School Dance: For ;,tudents In grades 6-8 With ,alid Grosse POinte War MemonalldentlficatlOn card, 730-10 pm, Fnday, Oct 25 32 Lakeshore PrereglstratlOn reqUIred (313) 881-7511 Little Goblins' Night Out: For children under the age of 8, 5-7 30 pm, Sunday, Oct 27 and Monday, Oct 28, Edsel & J om us for a relaxmg dmner on since 1982 your one stop gIft store. We have a large selection of fme wines, gourmet foods and items, special candy, fine cologne, liquor, liqueurs, pIcture frames, Grosse Pomte T-shIrts etc, etc .at 16926 K ere h e val In - the -V I1lage (313)885-2154 J .)V (. bed. both & window Fashions IS Samlra's '" rr n II ,n <;rn1p consIgnment shop that IS quamt and personahzed It offers the best of quatltv wears In sUJeaters, SUItS, euemng, shoes, handbags and furs (Furs we a('cept ca<;h, trade 1I1 or cr/11slgnmcnt) Samlra's IS the place to ,hop and ,aue on de<;lgner labels <;uchas Prada, Gucel, Chanel and others We accept all major credIt cardc; Located at 21027 Mack Alienue, a'forth of 8 MIle) Grosse POlllte Woods, (.'313)886-5043 :» I,} Ann Lookmg for a umque gIft that's unusual for that certam someone who's so hard to buy for The DAME PHARMACY ;:'0 JV Mail Boxes Etc. Extra C."edit: Mall Box~s Etc Will donate a portIOn of Its pack and shIp proceed;, to the Gro;,se Pomte Public School of your chOIce through SaturddY, Nov 30 Teacher AppreCiatIOn diScount program" a1;,0 avaIl able 830 a m -7 pm, Monday-Fnday and 10 a m -5 pm, Saturday 18530 Mack (31318848440 Lake St. Clair Symphony Orchestra Spaghetti Dinner: 6-9 pm, Monday, Oct 14, Jefferson Yacht Club, 24504 Jefferson, St Clair Shores $9, adults or $4, children I NOTRE UOIIl Ben.flts In honor of our. wonderful library users, for Customer Service Week, October 6-12, 2002, the Grosse POlnte Public LIbrary is celebratmg WIth mstant pflzes daily - grab bag mstant WlOners every day Random drawmgs at Central, Park and Woods No fines all week on any mateflal returned from October 6 12,2002 Courtesy of the Customer SerVIce CommIttee, Grosse Pomte PublIc Library . Cours.~ Gro!tse Pointe War Memorial: T.ea With MISS Camelha, for ages 3-5, 4-5 !J III , 1 nUl "'U,iy, VCL ':'1 .:I': Lake"hore $16 PrereglstratlOn reqUIred (313) 881-7511 J\lu"eum IMA..XTheatre, ~10 adult;, $8 "enlOr" dnd chlldrcn, 12 and under (313) 982 6001 I ~,,~~ Detroit Symphony Orche!ttra Young People's Concert Sprips: 'Character" of Note," 10 and 11 30 am, Saturday, Oct 12, Orchestra Hall, ,3711 Woodward, Dt'trolt $10 $26 (313) 576-5111 • IMAX Thedtre 9 a m 3 pm, MondaySaturday and noon 'ip m , Sunda.) 20900 Oakv.ood, Interpretive Gallen through Saturd,,', J al1 18 • ArctiC HillIS of LIfe exhibit, 4 2 acres of arctic ammal., and a clear, underv.ater Polar Pa;,bage • NatIOnal AmphibIan Con;,ervatlOn Center • Wild Ad\ enture SImulator 10 a m -4 p rn , daily Ten Mile at Woodward, Royal Oak $8 adults, $6 senwrs and children, 2-12 $4 sImulator ndes $4 parkmg (248) 398-0903 Dossin Great Lakes Museum: • Workmg the Inland Seas Stones of Afncan Americans on the Great Lakeb, through Apnl 2003 10 a m -5 pm, Wednesday-Sunday Belle Isle, DetrOit Wedne;,days are free (313) 8152-4051 Henry Ford Museum .4> POINTE (586) 777 8944 27 Detroit Zoo: • nfi \Vddlif., M,!fr371ne Photographer ot the Year 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe New!» and Greenfield VIllage: • SlInply VaudevdJe Show 10 dO a m and 1 pm, Monddv-Saturday or 1 and 3 p III Sunday, through Sund::I\. Oct 20, Ander<,on Th('atl e • F dll In Anv'Tlcd, mter actIve exblblt." art;, ana crath dnd dmh program", through Wedne",da), Nov taTium (313) 577 8400 eXl111.Jlllon October Socia I KISKA JEWELERS NIce selectwn of NEW dzamond enRagement rings and weddzng bands have arrzved at Klska Jell'eler"J, (or both men and women Choos£' from a large vanetv of white gold, ve/101(' gold and platllwm In styles to make epery budget happy at 63 Kercheval on-the-HIll (3]3)885- 5755 aro- Point~ ~ws or South starts MAC White basketball season with two wins By Chuck Klonke Sports Editor nro,,,e POinte ~(Juth'l> b,l~ hetball team nearly learnrd the hard way labt Yo eek that you can't relax until the final buzzer The Blue De\ ill> were leadmg ~abt DetrOit b) 11 pOint;, In theIr :'Iiacomb Area Conference \Vhlte DIVI'ilOn opener wIth only a minute Norsemen • remaIn undefeated Grosse Pomte North's sac cer team keeps adding to .tb vIctory total The Norsemen pIcked up three wms last week, mdudmg a paIr III the Macomb Area Conference \Vhlte DIvIsIOn, to Improve to ll-O1 overall and 6-0-1 In the league The week began With a 1o WIn over Chippewa \Talley Besmlr Bega got the game's only goal, assIsted by RJ Scherer Goalkeeper Anthony DIloreto recorded hIS fifth shutout of the season In theH other leal<ue game, the Norsemen rolled past Romeo 5-1 Bega scored tWIce, while Shane DavIsson, Steve Bahr a~<\.&a]l_~M!-~!). ~r adA~ a a'fl~Tor tH:(i Norsemen In between the t~ 0 MAC \Vhlte vlctones, North posted a 4 1 nonleague wm over Auburn HIlls Avondale Bega had another twogoal game, whIle Bryan Benn",tt and Symmgton each scored once dnd a half remdllllng r11,,'n till Shamrocks ..,t,lrted to ']lake thmgb Intere..,tlng and \~hen the game tin,1I1 y ended, South had e,caped WIth a 58 57 \ lttvr) 'Eabt DetrOIt shot 15 IEal>t DetrOit lOach MIke Franubl thought It wab ven fUllIn, but after the game I told hun, 'I'll bet you can't do that agam' On their firht one, (Stacey) Peppler had a hand In the glTl's face The next day she admItted that free throw!> to gIVe the Blue Devlb a four-pomt <-u~hl/In They needed It, too, because the Shamrockh hit another tnple ab time expIred "The) had to foul us after theIr lir"t two threE-b and we nllb"ed four I> tralght fl ee ~~? till Ct" lUll teL lJUlll L iiLJl..i goals) and made four of them all HI the last mmute and a h.l1f," bald South coach Peggy Van EckoutC' "I don't t11mk that ~llke :::>11t- uau LUU1t.-U Ul.-l .1.JH .., UCJI"\, two went In oil the backboald" All of a sudden It wab 5654 WIth 15 !>econds left East Dt'trOlt fouled South's LIZ HalplIl and she bank both LJlIlVVOl ~1 1 ~ " .....H ........ \,..n.vu LA., ""U.iU 'I'm Just glad Halpm hit those two or we'd have 10bt the game' South led by three POllltS at halftIme and the Blue Devils took a beven pomt lead mto the final quarter aS~lstb and mne steab Colleen Buckley had an outstandm;:; game on the boards as she pulled down 16 rebounds Buckley also had five steals and seven pomts 'She started to !>tep up m Four South playerb scored double figures, led by Lauren Harnngton, who had 17 pamtb, lllcludmg a 9for-9 performance from the fuul lme Harrlllgton albo had SIX rebounds and three bteals 1Tl ...... 1 ,... ....1a.apuJ 1 HUJ.,UCU 1 l 'I"l',1l"J! .. .. lJ .... ..... J.J. T" 1 U(.1n..V"", b<-L ........~ ,...... l .. .....v ..... ago) and she'b been playlllg well ever hInCe," Van Eckoute saId "We need her WIth (LIZ) RIdgway out" Ridgway had tendinitis m her ankle and win mIss at least a couple of ~eeks There was no suspense m South'b next game as the Blue DeVIls overpowered Romeo 59-9 m the MAC W!ute pOInts, five aSblsts, two bteals and three rebounds Beth Mumaw collected 11 pomt!>, four steals, three abslsts and four rebounds Peppler wound up With 10 pOInts, four rehounds, three Cranbrook hands LE teams big IO'sses "We called off our press In Sophomore Shana the fir"t half and we went to a zone for the entlre second Pntchett scored five pomts, Staff writer half," Van Eckoute saId "We semor Knstm Lutheran East's girls bas- whlle haven't played a zone slllce ketball team began confer- Altenburg had four WIth one The Lutheran East bas- we expenmented ence play last week, losmg (Grosse POInte) to favonte Bloomfield HIlls ketball team fell to 0-2 In agaInst Cranbrook Kmgs\Vood and the Metro Conference and 4- North early last season" 5 overall Lutheran Westland South led 38-4 at halthme Commg up for the Eagles Head coach J asol" WIlson and contInued to dommate wasn't hdppy after hiS Ib an away game on Tuesday, the second half, even though 15, agamst Eagles lost by 30 pomts at Oct Hamtramck, and a home everyone on the Blue Devlls Cranbrook HIS Eagles played a sohd game on Thursday, Oct 17, squad got a chance to play .!:/Igruficant mmutes agamst Lutheran first quarter agalnbt vIsIting ! Buckley led South w1th 11 Lutheran Westland, but 1t Northwest POlllts and seven rebounds went downhIll from there III ,~n .. !¥J.t;l t:U.1\;U n JUJlJ~ UdU d ~U ..IU a 37-26 defeat performance WIth eIght East scored only 14 pomts pomts, SIX steals, fourLutheran East's football after three quarters, but and two asSISt!> defenSIvely It gave up only team followed the,~ketq,aIL ,rebounds 20 dunng the same time squad's scnpt, rosing 28-0 at V&3te See fimshed w1th 10 pomts and four rebounds Bloomfield Hllls Cranbrook frame and Jenmfer Marsh collectThe Warnors scored each Kmgswood ''We had a bad week of ed three asSISts and three of theIr eight fourth-quarter practIce," head coach Don steals basketb on pull-up Jumpers, South, whIch IS 2-0 In the JustIce saId "The intens1ty and they added a free throw MAC Wh1te and 3-5 overall, wasn't there, and 1t showed The Eagles were led by Photo oy Rosh SLila", Ch1ppewa Valley by our perfonnance on the hosts Lutheran East sophomore Shana Pritchett, above, JUlllor Ashley Schult and field" tomght, Oct 10 sophomore Kyera James looks for a teammate during the first half of the With SIXpomt<, apIece By Bob St. John " Eagles' game against Lutheran Westland. 1.1 1 1 See EAST, page 2C NEW 2002 BUICK '45297 RENDEVOUS FWD USI""" LWI,..... '33,988"' •• $23 59 $17 69 $ 1 000 00 Ul'tlIUY lWl '''''IT $750 00 $41169** $33.23858* MSRP SJ5084 2003 CORVETTE • $591&6"' ."'1'IIIJ1 lWlltlllJ1 GMS Sale Price GMS 36 Month Lease $2425 $1816 $43.699' •• ... ,nm $1 00000 LWIlf'llI1 ~750 00 $540923** $41,94918* Slk #430019 so Down LeaS" STK. 320565 Dea 0.., l $251 #~eJ2.j &a dl,,(J @ S-Kjj J.3QOO6 S g'" ng w ,ease oya~y 2003 TRAILBLAZER • '28437-. ... ,owrr $22 29 "...."."" $1672 $24536 *- $22640"- us,,,,,,, lLl!lLI!'Nf"I S 1 000 00 575000 $20,89015* 1 s orts October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News North starts MAC Red with two wins By Chuck Klonke that Rose pullpd do'vu she better team We had to deal had to battle for It With With some thIngs and we they play m the games," hp SaId Grosse Pomte North coach Stevenson's Chnstllla Ttseo, dealt WIth them" Bennett said that he Gary Bennett isn't one to who fimshed With 19 pomts Ko~rber had several key expeL tea the MAC Red dwell on the past, but he and eight rebounds baskets as she fimshed wlth DIVISIOn to prOVide a tough can't help wondenng what "TIseo would fit nght m 12 pomts Shelby Slmmon test every mght He wa~ hiS gIrls babketball team With our team," Bennett fimshed With 10 pomts and proven correct m North\, mIght have accomphshed If said "She works so hard, five rebounds Bigham had first two gamlS Stephame Rose had been too " elght pOlnts and dIshed out healthy the last two seaThe Norsemen opened the It was a fine all-around 11 assIsts and Megan bans league season wlth a 35-32 performance by the Warren had seven pomts I don't thInk people real- Norsemen, WIn over Utlca, and It wasn't who never It was one of North's best easy Ize just how good she is, but traIled after a 15-2 run that offenSive perform!' nees of you saw her tomght," The ChwftalIlb led 19-14 bndged the first and second the season Bennett saId after Rose quarters, at h:llftime UtICa held a 25 but were never "We did some great pass- 21 advantage gomg mto the scored 18 POllltS, pulled able to comoletE'lv 'lh"k" tho "'"g,''' ~::::: ..... tt ':'0.,111 I~ VH1:' d iiud1 quarter uuw 11 '='lgllL reDounds and pebky Tttans until they went lot dlffelent from the Utica played her usual aggressive North, which outscored' on an 8-0 run late 1Il the game (two days earher) We defense to help the fourth quarter Utica 14-7 m the fourth were temble on offense m Norsemen beat Stevenson went up b) five Two baskets by that game I thmk the gIrls quarter, 63.50 m a Macomb Area pomts but the ChIeftaInS cut Stevenson's Holly Meler, wel e embarrassed" Conference Red DIVISIOn mcludmg the margin to one on a a three-pomter, BIgham dId an excellent game three-pomt ba&ket WIth less 'cut North's lead to 52-45 Job of beatmg Stevenson's "We'd have been a better than a mmute remammg With 2 20 remammg double team team If she had played BIgham then secured the On North's next posses"She changes speeds so WIn by hlttmg a pair of free agamst (DetrOIt) King (m an SIOn, Rose fed a perfect pass well," Bennett SaId "That's overtime loss m the state to Lmdsey Koerber, who the best thmg you can do throws WIth 33 seconds to go regiOnal two years ago) and scored to extend the agamst that defense One of If we'd have had her last Norsemen's margIn to nme Once agam, North had a the dnlls we've been work- balanced year (when North lost m the offenslve attack POInts Rose then rut four Ing on m practice IS puttmg dlstnct champIOnshIp game straight led WIth eight free throws and two defenders on the dnb- Koerber to RegIna)" pomts, but Mary Embree Beth Bigham hIt a paIr to bIer Thmght we executed Although Rose fimshed cap the run and gIVe North a what we've been domg m scored seven and \Varren With only two assists and Rose each scored SIX 60-45 advantage With 1 15 practIce" pomts agamst the Tttans, she also to go Bennett sald that the dId her usual fine Job of Rose also had seven "We seemed to be able to hard work III practice is assists paSSIng the basketball and 11 rebounds, answer whenever Stevenson what has made the while Koel ber pulled down Bennett has called her one would come back agamst of the best passer'l he has us," Bennett SaId "That bas- Norsemen successful dunng mne rebounds and BIgham the games coached had four absiSts ket by Lmdsey was huge ''They practIce the same And nearly eveI'J' rebound North IS 2-0 m the MAC "ThIs game Will make us a way - Just as hard - as Red and 6-2 overall Sports Editor ~ I 1<P11 '"O....+rt~,,_ -"":J r ~,J v, II I PhotobyDrJRlChardDunlop "r;, I Colleen Buckley turned in solid performances in both of Grosse Pointe South's girls basketball v!!:t"rl:::; I... t w<;<;iL. , I---------------------- East--From page The Eagles moved the ball, gammg 350 total yards Semor quarterback Brandon Lostutter completed 10-of26 for 101 yards WIth one mterceptIOn Jumor runnmg back Matt Johnston rushed for 81 yards on 16 carries, and senIOr runmng back Dexter Shorter had only 45 yards -on 10 attempts "Our offense dldn't make the plays when we needed them," Jushce said "I thmk Cranbrook was ready to play because they executed very well " The Luthera'l East football team dropped to 3-2 m the Metro Conference and 42 overall N ext for the Eagles is an away game on Fnday, Oct 11, agamst three-tIme defendmg conference champ LlvonIa Clarencevtlle "We have to play our best gamE; to beat them, but 1 know \\ e can do It " Justlce saId Cross country SenIOr" Kelh Zoellner and AnJam Mahablr filllshed fiT';t and second III the Waynp County Hlgh School ChampIOnshIp on Oct 2 at Bl'lie 1<;]1'Park 11'1 DetrOit Zorllner posted a hme of 20 'ill 93, whtle Mahablr was at 22 J 635, .vhlch was two ,ecrmd" fa"ter than Cabnm'h Jamne Jankowski (221841) Karpn Wltte and Je"'lca Hen) ak fi n Ished 16th and 18th, rr"pectlvcly, With tImr... of 272618 and 29 2'i 24 For the boy", ,f mar Matt \1achpmer wa" fifth With a tlfnr of 18 04 9fi Hlverv,pw'" Neil Mlltthp\\" \\un thr mrpt With a tlmf' of 16 '59 '54 The Lancers couldn't stop Ravens qUlU'terback Tony Lawrence, who completed 8of-11 passes for 171 yards mcluding TD passes of 65 and 32 yards, and ran for 116 yards Lawl;.ence wab a one-man wrecktn!tcrew It was 12~before Tnmty scored and 24-'7-at the half The Lancers never got closer than 15 pomts throughout the final two quarters "We made some mistakes early that allowed Benedlctme to get ahead by two scores," Masserang said. Basketball Ie By Brad Lindberg StaH Writer For race car dnver Mlkp McCarthy, the only number , IS InwonhiS final Lancers crunched By Bob 51. John Staff wnter DetrOIt BenedIctine stuck it to Tnmty Cathohc's football team for a second straight season, takmg a 38. 23 deCISIOn "They're a good football team, and we dId not play our best game," asslstant coach Tom Masserang saId "We had to play our best to Will and we dIdn't" The wmner clmched first place m the Catholic League Tn-Secbonal DIVISIOnand a spot m the Prep Bowl McCarthy is double champ at Waterford race of the sea. son Sept 28 at Waterford HIll Road Course, McCarthy drove as he had most of the year He WOn hIs Spec Racer Ford contest from the pole and set the fastest lap of the race "I kept telling myself to dnve smooth and smart," Said McCarthy, a detective from Grosse POInte Farms who dnves for Mr C's Racmg McCarthy won 16 of 19 races In amateur club competltlOn thls year at Waterford The vlctones earned him the champIOnshIp m hIs first year m Spec Racer Fords In a double honor, he was named the racmg club's top driver overall Team owner and fellow The Tnmty Cathollc gIrls basketball team dropped Its league games last week, losmg to Manne City Cardmal Mooney and DetrOit A balanced attack and an Dc.ffilnlcan excellent kickmg game has Head coach Derek the Grosse Pomte Red LeFpvre watched as hIS Barons Jumor V8l'Slty undeLancers fell behmd Cardmal feated and, nght now, Mooney 23-10 at the half unstoppable and never recovered "We have a real balanced Two nIghts later, attack," saId coach Doug DommIcan won by 22 Luttenberger "When they shut down the run, we pass When ~;lt:ltshut down the pass, we run n dnver BIll Catalfio of Grosse that breed champIOnshIps Pomte Shores fimshed the He started 17 races from fin!'.! !'!'.ce cf the ;yea, Ul Lhe pole. leu most laps and tlurd. set fastest laps m 17 races Catalfio ended hiS first year In the Spec Racer Ford diVISion by taking thIrd In the championshIp POInts standmgs "It was a great year," Catalfio said "1 emoved myself thIs season, but stIll have a ways to go to catch Mike" Although McCarthy won the diVISIOn With a vlrtUal lock on first-place fimshes, It wasn't an easy season He was dogged all year by former champ Mike Moore of Shelby TownshIp, who dnves the DaVid Kimberly Doors car "It was fun racmg Mike," SaId McCarthy "When you have close races, you go for broke n McCarthy's season was marked by posItive extremes age "I hope some of our competItors at Waterford come With us to regional races so In early September, McCarthy set a lap record m we can mamtam the cama. the Ford diVision He hit radene and frIendship we've speeds well over 100 mph to enjoyed, n McCarthy said At Waterford over the last complete Waterford's 12McCarthy has turn, 1 5-ml1e course at an few years, won five champIOnships and average 71 184 mph Later set three track records m m the race, :1 suspenSIon s'='paraw diVISIOns He's used failure and broken frame forced him to drop It was to lookmg from hIS cockplt to a clear track on the way to hIs only non-pOdium finish another checkered flag of the year Bemg firstest With the Next year, by facmg a bigmostest IS the goal of motor pool of dnvers, sports, but It'S time to up the ger ante when hard fought VIC- McCarthy nsks becoming an also-ran tones become routme "It wIll be frustrating at "We plan on movIng from first, but we'll go from local club racmg to regiOnal there," he saId events," McCarthy saId "We For the first time m may go to St Lows at the years, he may look over the end of the month for a race" wmdscreen and see a stnng Other regIonal races are held m Grand Rapids and of tailPlP'OlS pass hIm by "That's OK as long as OhIO McCarthy wants there's a stnng of t81lplpes Moore to JOIn the pIlgnmbehmd me," he sald Red Barons JV team remains undefeated The Barons (4-0) weren't for-4 m conversIOns tougher each game I thmk stopped often as they defeatThe Barons used their we have been stronger ed Huntmgton Woods 32-12 potent runnmg game to defenSively than any of our at Grosse Pomte South score the second touchdown opponents " First, there was the pass- WIth John-MIchael Guest Luttenberger smgled out l:Ig game, WhICh has sconng on a three-yard run defenslve lInemen Joe excelled all season With WIth 1 33 left m the first Dempsey, Phll Dilone, quarterback Mark Rlashl quarter The touchdown was Garrett K1dd, Joe Konen and top receiver JImmy set IIp by Andrew Phllbnck's and Charles Thorton and Saros mterceptIOn Imebackers Roger Less than two mmutes The Barons made It 24-0 Vandenbussche, Frank mto the game, Rlashl threw m the third quarter when Ttbaudo and TIm a 54-yard pass to Saros for a Rlashl handed off to the ver- Ferretti, St John touchdown 11m 11baudo's satile Jack Monark, wbo Four 1-2 fimshes helped St John and conversIOn kick made it 8-0 then threw a perfect 13-yard Vandenbussche carry Grosse POinte North's each had Tlbaudo IS a terrific touchdown pass to Saros gIrls sWlmmmg team to a fumble recovenes weapon for the Barons In After two Huntington 107 -79 vIctory over Ann LULtenberger also pr81'ied Ram WIped out a couple of JUlllor football, a kIckmg Woods scores, Saros fiOlshed the offenSIve Ime pIa) of Arbor Huron last week dual meets for Umversity conversIOn IS worth two the sconng wlth a 60-yard .Mehsba Jamenno and Peter Mlller, Patnck Deters, LIggett School's gIrls tenms pomts, whIle a run or pass run on a reverse Anne Kopf took the first two Peter Hamann, De~ m team last week, so the conversIOn IS only worth one "It wasn't only our Grobbel place" III the 200-yard and Kevlll K..'1lghts got an unexpected pomt In the Huntmgton offense," Luttenberger saId freestyle Carohne Jacobs GInnebaugh vacatiOn Woods game, Ttbaudo was 4- "Our defense IS gettmg and Lauren Remhard finWhen they finally came Ished 1-2 m thp 50 freestyle See BARONS, page 4C back, they might have been Jamenno and Remhard got a httle blt rusty m a 6-2 loss the top t\\O spot" m the 100 to Blrmmgham Seaholm freestyle and ,Jacobs and One of the hlghlIghts for Rachel Boul) "ere 1-2 m By Bob 51. John squad against the Cosmos, "We ULS was a 6-2, 6-3 wm at didn't have an) the 100 backstroke StaH writer while freshman Shana King turnovers or penalties, but No 2 smgles by Beth Jacobs ml"sed a "tate Harper Woods' gIrls bashad 14 POints agaInst the they Just took It to us " Sanders quahfvmg tIme ln the backMustangs "Beth !J,,:> been havmg a ketball team made a statestroke by five-hundredths of ment last week m Its Metro The Harper Woods b3.sreally solId year for us," saId Je<;u" Melendez '>cored the a second Conference games ketball team IS 1-1 In the Pioneer,,' only touchdown on coach Chuck Wnght "ThiS Other Wlnnerb for North Head coach MIke Metro Conference and 4-3 a 75 jard fumble return has been her best year" \\ er(' Knsten Shelden m the wanted hIS overall ULS' other wm came at Rowmskl 200 mdlVldual medlpy and No 1 smgles where the PIOneers to come out, play"It was a tough ria) fJr Kopf m the 500 free 'it) Ie Football team of LIZZIe Campbell and 109 With confidence agamst liS," Fllber sald 'Phy!.lcally Xorth Improved to 2-0 ITI hosts Hamtramck and Gabby Miloslc posted a 2-6, they were thf' bettf r tram" thr Macomo Area Macomb Lutheran North i\n) chance of the Harper 7 6, 6 3 VICtory The 1o"" drop" the Conll Tl nce Red DIVISIOn In year's past, the WOOds football team of mak- PlOneer'l to 2-4 overall "The fact that we hadn't wlth a 148 d8 ~lctOI) over PIOneers would have strugIng the 'ltate playoffs went played for a week sho'\', ed m Next for FllbeT's football Dakota gled to beat thl' Cosmos and out the wmdow last week, team IS a game on Fnday, Jamenno won thl 200 and thplr first two sets," Wnght 'hould have been blown lOSlllg .'14-6 at Waterford Oct II, at Hamtramck 100 free"t\' If' ralP'i and saId "All of our doubles away by the Mustangs Lakes The 'iquad IS lfi the "dme ,Jac()h~ was first m thr 200 teams played really well " Rowmskl's POSit!~e Head coach Heath Fl1ber '>lluntlOn a'l a jellT ago Callie Shumaker and mdlVldual medley and the approach lS workmg as the told hls player<; that thiS Chnsble Keersmaekers lost hrlldmg lPtO wepk r-,'o 7 100 back"troke crushpd wa<; a make or break game With a 2-4 mark 7.fi 7-'> at No 2, AllIson PIOneers Other fir"t<; for North Hamtramck '50 30 and 'here and unfortunately hiS .Jones and KatIe BoccacclO Fllber wn" nble to rall~ hi" camp from Sheldrn m the North PlOneer<; weren't up to the "quad to end tht> <;ea,on ,'54 lost 6 4, 7-,5 at No 3 and the edged by Lutheran Ion buttprf1y Remhard, 50 3533 tahk of bratmg top 10- Can hI' (10 lt ai!alll? No 4 double'l team of Kelly frPf"tYJe, Meh"~a Cleary, JunlOrs Ashley Marshall ranked Lakes Kmg and Carly Cro,key "I would rather br ') 4, '500 frpestylr, and MeredIth scored 20 pomts, and Khara bowed 4 6, 6-4, 6-1 ''They ran thr ball down than 4 S,' FJlber '>'lld 'It MoorE', 100 hrea"l"troke Fox added 12 to lead the our throats," FJlber saId will be a game of pnde " North wins two meets Weather spoils Knights' plans Pioneers gain split in conference II - sports 3C Early lead helps South tn Sometlmes a cross counraLe IS won In the early gOlng That was the case wIth (;rosse Pomte South's glrls tl'am last weekend at the Sagma'v Hentage jnvltahonal The Blue Devils estabII'-heo. an early lead III the 3 I-mile race and never let It go en route to a convlncmg first-place fimsh In the 12team meet ~.::; ....:~ ~.:.~ ~-: pVUJ~ l,.V UJ for runner-up Mount Pleasant Bay City Western and Sterhng Heights grabbed the next two places South';, tvp ;,IXrunners all ran 20 30 or faster They were led I)', the becond-place fimbh of JlbblCd PalflY, who broke the ~o Illiflute mark for the second tIme thh bea son with a 1946 South's first ii\ e I unner;, placed III the top 10m the field of 72 LIZ Petit wab thIrd overall In 20 05 LIZ Baxter was fourth (20 06), Megan Zaranek, seventh (20 17), and HIlary Zaranek, 10th (2030) Natalie Humphry fimshed 18th In 20 52 and Kat Carmody completed the course 10 21 59 for 38th place The Blue DeVIls had 33 ""d.bUIl-~bt tImes ana contInued their season-lf'pg dommance of he Jumor varSIty races by takmg the first seven POSItIons and 25 ofthe top 30 spots 10 the 100-runner field South wa" led b, Jenny Gerow II ho fimbhed first ovprall III 21 01 f ollcl\\ mg nght bthmd \\ l~ h,! '-I,tu KatlL L<J\d~(<I (;prul' In' \1..1 [ dULl Will GIlpIn, Olga Frlappova and Sara Petit Sandy Chu and Lauren McLaughhr. alba placed III the top 10 Gllplll and Filappova ran their best times of the seahon AI<;oraCing to theIr fa::.test tImes thl;, year were AleXIS MIller, RobIn Callab, Tereza Schlable, Julie Howe, MlbSY Shook, Carlin Hauck, Huth Murawbkl, MIchelle O'Donoghue and Kara Steeland Other" WIth personal best t-''':'~~t :~~!:.:::!~j 8urah FornJ, Elena Satut, ChrIstina Jacovldes, Emily Shook, Laura Lepczyk, Eileen Fitzgerald, Rachel Canon, Amy Canon, Sam Lamberti, Emily DaVIS, Jean MarIe Beaupre, Enca Taub, NatalI(' Novak ,Mpgan Hoban ,Jdlll' Smgch 11 and H ,cluJ \ I.,g, r j)"ltt'll\ Grosse Pointe North's girls cross country team took first place at last weekend's Ypsllanti Invitational. In front are Patricia Winterfield, left, and Allison Mikula. In back, from left, are Katie Uppleger, Kelly Szymborski, Laura Fisher. Meghan seago aDd Lauren Leto. Fisher was first overa11 In the race. North girls are first at Ypsilanti By Chuck Klonke injUry dunng much of her theIr best times of a year ago career at North "I could tell were Katie Rabldoux, at the mIle that she was FranCIne Vandenbroeck and startmg to take charge of NIcole Vitale the race" The strong showmg at FIsher was followed by YpsIlantI helped erase some teammate;, Kelly of the dISapPOIntment from Szy~bcr3kl, a.tllLld ~dfher In the week when Wmterfield, Lauren Leto North dropped a 27-28 decI' and Alhson MIkula North's SIOn to Sterhng HeIghts In a sIxth runner, freshman Macomb Area Conference Katie Uppleger, also earned Red DlvIsI6n meet The a medal Norsemen beat EIsenhower The Norsemen also did 25-32 In the other half of the weil In the JUnIor varsIty double dual race. KatIe Horne was the overall wmner, while JIlhan "We should have won Kronner and Mehssa both," Cooper said "But we Claravmo also earned ran flat We Just weren't medals there mentally For the first North had five runners tIme that I can remember, who posted better times we dIdn't have any PHs " than theIr best efforts oflast season The one bnght spot for One of them was Karen North was FIsher, who was Koski, who moved mto the first overall spot Norsemen's top 12 "Laura ran a great race," "I was really pleased WIth "She was so happy to get Cooper saId "She was only the meet," Cooper baId "It's there for the first time," Jessica Palffy, left, and Liz Petit helped lead Grosse Pointe South's girls cross 15 seconds off her best tIme not usually a fast course but Cooper SaId Almost everybody else was country team to a first-place f1nJshat last weekend's Saginaw Heritage Invitawe had 36 gIrls get PHs (perBefore the race, Cooper two or three mInutes off tional. PGlffyand Petit placed second and third. respectively. in the 72-nmner field. sonal records) " had a talk WIth KnstIna Eisenhower's best runner North's Laura Fisher was Seago has done 18 50 and she ran first overall m 20 05 and "I .old her she .vas ~apa- In the 22s" was 20 seconds ahead of the ble of runmng In the 27s, so Roundmg out North's top second.place runner what does she do? She broke five were Szymborsla, :seto, By Chuck Klonke In 20 seconds on theIr first "It's good to see her up 27 mInutes - and she had Wmterfield and MIkula team In the league, regIonal Sports Editor two spltts and a handful was awl state meets " there agam; Cooper saId of been runmng In the 32s all The splIt In the double Grosi?e Pomte North's even closer than that," FIsher, who has been season," Cooper said North also had SIX medaldual left North WIth a ~-2 boys cross country team W!lson said "ThiS IS the ists In the JUnIor varSIty plagued by Illness and Others who Improved on record In the MAC Red shook off the effects of a dls- first tIme we've been that race, mciudIng Dave Secord, appomtlng meet earlIer m successful " who moved mto the the week to take thrrd place Stefan Cross was North's Norsemen's top seven WIth a at the YpSIlantI InVitatIonal lead runner as he fimshed second-place fimsh Secord "We ran a very sohd race," 12th overall By Chuck KJonke each of the losses But we'll ULS moved the ball well at IS roundmg mto shape after saId coach Pat Wilson "We Sports Editor "That's the second tIme mlssmg the first part of the be fine Now every game IS a tImes A costly fumble WIth had a lot of season.best SometImes a good effort playoff game for us " that he has broken 18 mm- seabon WIth tendImtIs m hIS 3 22 left 10 the game ended tImes" Isn't qUIte enough utes," WIlson SaId The stretch dnve starts knee the KnIghts' final threat WIlson said that he and UmversIty LIggett The next five Norsemen With a game Saturday at 1 Others earnIng JV medals "We haven't had many Dan Qumn have been School's football team also earned medals They were John p m at Cranbrook Br"mer, Alex turnovers, but they tend to stressmg more consIstency played well last weekend were Rob Matouk (22nd), Lutheran North opened Kapordelrs, Kevm come at the worst tImes," between the mIle anlj twobut the Knights lost 14 7 to the sconng Enc Burton (24th), DaVId KWIatkowskI, PhIl Saffron With a Irttle Sewell saId mIle splits The coaches had Watson Lutheran North In a Metro more than a mmute remam (25th), Andy and Nate Loree ULS got another fine perhoped to ~et the runners to Kapordehs (29th) and Matt Conference game mg In the first quarter on a formance from cornerbacks Postmg personal records do the first mIle and the sec- Greer (33rd) "Overall, It wa" a good 20-yard run by Mark were Matouk, Burton, Jonathon Wnght and Barre' ond mIle wlthm 20 seconds game," said coach Tracy DzsIeskowskl "There was a 28-second Mackie Greer, Bremer, Loree and of each other Sewell "We Just came up a gap between our second and freshmen Anthony CapIzzo, On the first pia) from "They've turned out to be "We had 15 runners wIth- ,fth runners and a millute httle bIt short We made "cnmmage after the kickoff, Drew Fayad and Jeff Kurtz one of the best pair of corsome good plays but we ULS' Leython Wilhams went between first and fifth," "Bremer has had a PR III ners In the league: Sewell couldn't make the next bIg 75 yards for a touchdown Wilson said every race but one thu, "ea bald "TheIr one on one covplay to get over the hump" Matouk '5 runmng cross son," Wilson saId and Kevlll Heaney kIcked erage has been incredIble" The loss left ULS WIth a 3- the extra POint to put the country for the first tIme North's week started on a CurtIs Lowe led the 3 overall record and 3-2 KnIghts ahead 7-6 thIS year after playmg foot- dlsappomtmg note WIth a KnIghts With 11 tackles and mark In the Metro The ball hIS three prevIOUS 15-48 That's the wa) It "ta)ed loss to StPrhng Wilhams fimshed With 10 KnIghts have to Will their years untIl there \\as 115 left In Heights and a 15-41 defeat Wilhams ""as the leadIng last three games agaInst "He has really helped us a by the first half ""hen the rusher WIth 113 yard;, In 13 Eisenhower In the Cranbrook Kmgswood, lot," Wilson saId "He can Macomb Area Conference Mustangs' Tom Doerfhngcr carnes and MIke Benson Anchor Bay's runmng Cl arencevIlle and Harper make a dIfference III our Red DIVISIOn hit Jason Hanlon WIth a 21- pIcked up 36 yards In beven game was the difference as Woods to be assured of a yard sconng stnke attempt;, the Tars blanked Grosso berth III the state playoffs DoerflInger then pas;,ed to "Joey Cobb dId a great Job North 30-0 m a "All th" games ""e've 10bt Lance \Veber for the two- of blocklllg on the sweep," Pomte Macomb Area Conference have been close," Sewell POint conver<;lOn Sewell said "HIS blocks WhIte DlvIswn football YOUTH said "One or two ml;,takes There \\as no ;,conng In allowed us to turn the corgame have been the dIfference In the second half, although ner" LACROSSE COACH Sports Editor Scott Cooper didn't know what would happen when hIS Grosse POinte North girls crm,s country team dISappeared mto the woods for the <;PC'onn. ml1~ 0f the YpsilantI InvItatIOnal last weekend But when they emerged, he got a pleasant surpnse "We weren't wmnmg at the mile when they went mto the woods, but when I saw them next, I could tell that we were ahead," Cooper SaId The Norsemen mam. tamed that lead and finIShed WIth 40 pomts to 48 for runner-up SalIne A year ago, North was thIrd In the meet as Salme nosed out the Norsemen by a pomt for the runner-up r North boys are third at Ypsi Good effort not enough for ULS Anchor Bay runs past Norsemen South runner emerges from shadow By Chuck Klonke Sports Editor Andv Vlsgpr ha~ L Illl'rged from Pat Dant7rr'.., shdoo"" to becomp onp of the bnght est <;pot<; In Gro<;<;p POinte South'<; boy., cros" countr) s('ason "Andy 1<;haVIng a grt>at <;ea~on: <;alrl coach Tom WI<;p dft"r VI~gpr ~ t Ighth placp fill! ,h hp]pC'd tlw Blup Dpvil<; fill!~h .,pvrnth In ]n~t werk'<; Saglnnv. Hrnt.lgr InVItatIOnal 'Hr wa<; qUIetly puttmg together a b~eat track <;ea ~on In tlw Itlilp amI tllO mIle In Pat <; ,-had ow, so I knew that he Wd;, gOing to havp a fine cro.,s country ~ea<;on He has albo taken a great Iraoershlp role on our tcan1 hi" bteady Improvement as South'.., No 2 runner v.hlle freshmen Jacob Wernet and Adam PZlUba moved Into the third and fourth spot;, In the Blue DeVIl'" hneup n Other<; who ran well for South were Will Chu, Ryan VI<;gl'r ha~ meda]C'd m ZUld('ma, Brian C',lch of tlw Blu£' Dpvil" mVI Gmnlbaugh Mike LIang tntlOnal 1111'(>1"- '-0 f1r thl<; 1nd frr'lhman Andrew "p,hon ann With Dant7£'r''l Davenport graduation ha" bpPl1 South'.., No 1 nmnl rail ,rar Sean 0 Donnp]] Paudhn Enc BaCkman contlnu( d fim~hed fourth overallln JunIOr \ ar'llty race thl' Jamar Jack'lon did most of the damage against the Norsemen, who shpped to 24 overall Jackson ran for 178 yard~ and two touchdowns Tom Ro\\ ley also ~cored a palr of ru~hlllg touchdo""ns a<;Anchor Bay finI<;hed With 401 yards on the ground Anchor Bay IInproved to 2 2 10 the league and 3-3 overall ~()rth, which I~ 1 4 10 the M.\C' Whltp, hO'it<;Fra"er on Fnday game m Its final dlvlswn The Grosse Pomte lacros~e Assocl3tlon IS seekmg a boy s lacro~,e coach for the spnng 2001 ~ca~on The'lca'lon beginS m March and I~ concluded In thc first wee" m June at the MSLA Youth I acro~se h~ll\al at Cranhrook The Ideal candidate will have at lca~t pla)'ed lacrosse In high ~chool and have some post high ~chool cxpenence The IOdlvldual must enJov working \11th middle ~chool boys There arc u~uall) 4 praLtlce, and or gam~ each week The club"" III pa)- for attendance at a coaLhe~ dmlc This is a pa~ ing po~ition. If Interc~ted plea~c contact Michael We~t at 311667-&227 or mall re'llme to YOU GPLA PO Box 36043 Grosse Pointe, MI 48230 _4C __ Sports October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News South ties for MAC Red title The Grosse Pointe Redbirds Hi-year-old team won its fourth MacombAmateur Baseball Federation division championship In five seasons and also won its third Battle Creek Mayor's Tournament title. In front, from left. are J.R. KIng, Scotty Schart and Ryan Stewart. In the middle row. from left, are Fiore Man,one. Mike Hackett. David Hoffman, Kenny Hunter, Jayson Ruhlman and Matt Middleton. In back. from left, are coach Don Giffin. Taylor Morawski, Richie Gi!ftn. Dennis Czuchaj, Ryan Meerschaert, coach Bob Meerschllert and manager John Hackett. Redbirds win another crown The Grosse POinte Redbirds l8-year-old baseball team recently ended a 15ve-year run m the Macomb ~mateur Baseball federatIOn With ItS fourth league champlOnsrup , All of the tItles have comE' In the A DIVISIOn the MABF's most competItive I;n the five years, the teams posted a 78-12 record The ltedblrds also advanced to the champI' onslup game of the presti!pOllS Battle Creek Mayor's Tournament and won the event three bmes, mcludmg trus season , The team also competed In two natIOnal World Senes . Players who were on the team for the enbre run were Illhke Hackett, Chns Getz, Matt MIddleton, Paul BuscemI, Scott Schaft and JR Kmg Others who played on the team were Ryan Stewart, Kenny Smith, Ryan Meerschaert, Mike Whateley, Adam Post, Kenny Hunter, RIch GIffin, Jayson Ruhlman, Taylor Morawslr..1, DaVId Hoffmaii, FlOre Mangone and Denms CzuchaJ Manager John Hackett thanked several people for helpmg make the team as successful as It was for the last five years "Tony BuscemI helped start tlus team With spvnsorship m the very begmnIng as the BuscemI Bulldogs,~ Hackett said "We would also hke to thank Dave Bergman and the enbre RedbIrd organlzabon for theIr sponsorshIp and support Through tills sponsorshIp and the leader- ship of Dave Bergman, tlus program has become known II" one of t..he el!te programs In the state at all age levels With Bergman and Dan Gnesbaum as coaches With other RedbIrds teams, the orgaruzatlOn IS know for Its "AL"lIellt LUddullg" btdff~ and for bemg a first-class program "Thllnkc ~l"o to ,,11 of th" players who have made this group so successful and enjoyable the past five years Thanks also to the parents who have been so supportIve throughout these seasons" The coachmg staff has mcluded Thny BuscemI, Art Getz, Bob Meerschaert, Joe Kmg, Art Post, Bill Hackett, Sean Bruce and Don GIffin The batboy has been Johnny Hackett Rain blunts Blue Devils' attack By Chuck Klonke Sports Editor Say all you want about a wet field bemg equal for both teams, but you'll have a tough tIme convlficmg Grosse Pomte South football coach MIke McLeod that last Fnday's ram didn't hurt the Blue DeVIls more than It hurt Warren-Mott "I thmk the ram and the f).eld condltlOns hurt us more than It hurt them," McLeod ~dld after Mott's 9-0 victOry In the Macomb Area Conference Blue DIVISIOn game "Mott's weakness IS pass defense and we weren't able to throw the ball as much as we'd have hked to because of the weather We wanted to start passmg earlIer" South showed at the end of the game that It could move the ball m the all' agamst the Marauders, who lost 67-56 to Port Huron a week ago Quarterback TJ.m Kasebtz completed seven of nme passes dunng one stretch as th.e Blue De'vlls marched from theIr 10-yard hne to the Mott 32 before the dnve &ailed With about 4 1/2 mlllutes left m the game Kyle Haclas was on the receJvmg end of five of those pas~es, wh.le Brendan Butler and Ben Jenzen also had receptIOns "Haclas played hl~ best game," McLeod SaId "He made some mce catches and took some pretty good lIcks He's domg a good Job since we moved hIm out on the edge" South's defense turned In another outstandmg game That umt couldn't be faulted for eIther of Mott's scores The Marauders' touchdown was set up by Steve Traub's fumble recovery at the South four WIth Just under seven mmutes remammg m the first half It took Matt four tnes to get mto the end zone WIth quarterback NIck Thurman sneakmg m from the one Matt's extra pc>mt attempt was WIde to the nght and It stayed 6-0 until another costly turnover led to a 26yard field goal by Joe Jones on the first play of the fourth quarter RIchie Koch pIcked off the pass and returned It mne yards to the South 23 On first down, Thurman hIt Scott Schlaff for a 12-yard gam, but the Marauder" got only one yard on their next c,u"" pidy::' ab FJ Janutol and Taylor Morawski each made key stops for httle or no yardage Because of the wet, slIp pery conditions, Thurman dIdn't rIsk many handoffs and he camed 31 tImes for 141 yards Most of hIS yardage y, as well-earned agamst South's defense "CUi tal..kle~ - tThom&s) Krall, (RIchard) Brace and (K'Juan) Dalton - dId a great Job of stoppmg theIr fullback," McLeod saId, "Matt had to use three guys to block our two mSlde peopIe" Fullback Tom SaWicki had a strong game for South, althc>ugh McLeod didn't reahze Just how good untIl he watched the game films "He wab m my doghouse dunng the game because I thought he was mlssmg the block on theIr hnebacker, who was makmg a lot of tackles on our backs," McLeod saId "But at'tPr watchmg the films, I had to put Thmmy on a pedestal He dId a great Job of plck.mg up the defensive tackle, who was the first man through That was Tom's best game vf blockmg He dId a beautiful Job of plckmg up someone else's man One of the first thmgs I dId after watchmg the films was to tell hIm how well he played" South continued to get strollg speCIal teams play Cole Van Assche put hiS only klc\..offmto the end zone and ~!att Reynaert did a good Job of puntmg, despIte the wpather And long snapper A J Stanlbzewsk! had a f1awle"s performance WIth a slippery ball South, now 22m the MAC BlUl and 3-3 overall, hosts I::a,t DetrOIt on Fnday m the Blue DeVils' homecommg game By ChUCk K Ionke ''There were 20 to 2,,5hIts on Sports Editor some of the po lOts The record will show that South also won at No 2 Grosse Pomte South and and No 4 doubles Port Huron Northern tied The becond doubles team tor the champlOnslup m last of Carolyn Rohde and \\ eek's Macomb Area Emery Bnnk beat North's Conference Red DIVISlOP Molly Gayda!> and Andrea gIrls tenms tournament Hoslet 6-0, 6 3 10 the final But III hlb heart, South match ('o"ch Mark SobJera!e!u IS Tn fourth rlOllbles clamllng a vIctory ,Ja~quehne Vandermale and "I look at the head-to-head Patti Harrell of South beat and we beat Port Huron PHN 5-7, 7-5, 62 m the j~orthern m two smgles champIOnshIp match flIghts and two doubles South's VIcky SeIter posttllghts," :::lobleralskl said ed an Imprebslve D-'!, D-": "We didn't play them at No wm over PHN's Ann Grant, 3 doubles, but we've beaten but lost III the final at No 1 them every time we've smgles to St ClaIr's Brooke played them ear bel' 10 the BeJel' year" The Blue DeVIls' No 1 South and PHN each fin- doubles team of McCall Ished WIth 32 pOlnts, whIle Monte and Sunny Jeffenes Grosse Pomte North was lost 6-1, 6-1 to PHN m the tlurd WIth 24 St ClaIr had finals 19 pomts and Romeo finBrett Carroll lost her first Ished WIth 13 match at No 2 smgles, but The Blue DevIls won won the next two to fiPISh champiOnships m three thIrd Stephame Royer was flIghts also thIrd at No 3 smgles, South's Stepha me Manos South's No 3 doubles beat a PHN player 6-4, 4-6, team of Dana SchweItzer 6-4 m the champiOnshIp and AleXIS Pavle also match at No 4 Singles dropped Its first match and "It was a three-haUl came back to wm the next match," Sobleralskl said two ';:;UUll:'t ,U"IU "diU l'lorth played Port Huron Northern' m the final and won In straIght sets ~ ThE' followmg day, SOuth rolled to a 7-1 VIctOry over Ann Arbor Huron "We had two real ImpresSIve wms at first and second Singles from VIcky and Brette," Sobleralski saId "We only lost seven games In smgles" Royer and Manos also won their smgles matches, wlule the teams of Monte and JefferieS, Rohde and Bnnk and Vandermale and Harrell were also victonous ULS hooters have a good week By Chuck Klonke back Ottaway sent a pass to Sports Editor Todd Callahan, who oneLast week wasn't a perfect bmed the ball mto the net week for Umverslty LIggett from about 20 yards out School's soccer team - but At that pomt It began It was close rammg and the field turned "It nas pLuLd.LI,y UUl Ueb.L bhppery That led to the week of the season," saId Roughnders' second goal coach David Backhurst after when ULS goalkeeper Joe the Kmgh'ts beat KIsh slIpped while tl')'1ng t.o Blrmmgham Roeper 5-3 m a make a save nonleague contest FIVe mmutes later, ULS The wm over Roeper was answered agaIn Todd the second of the week for Damren made It 5-2 after ULS, whIch beat Lutheran takmg a crossing pass from Northwest 8-1 10 a Metro Tun Hamel Roeper scored Conference game, then lost Its final goal WIth about two 4-3 to unbeaten Lutheran mmutes left m the game . North, wluch IS the stat~'s "We played outstanding top-ranked team m DIVISion team defense," Backhurst III saId "We haven't played Backhurst admItted some that well before Everybody concern before the Roeper on the defense was covenng game up for each other" "It came the day after our Callahan scored three game WIth Lutheran North," goals and collected three he saId "The last time we aSSIsts In the romp over played two quahty oppo- Lutheran Northwest nents back-to-back, we He opened the sconng played a terrIble game after takmg a crossmg pass agamst Elk RapIds after from Hamel about 15 mInbeatmg Grosse Pomte utes mto the first half A South I feared the worst ~ mmute later, he knocked III But Backhurst's fears hIS own rebound were unfounded Freshman Spencer Logan 8tlx mInutes mto the made It 3-0 WIth about a garfIe, Chns MacGnff sent a mmute remammg m the pass to Ted Ottaway, who first half and Callahan set opened the sconng for the up MacGnff WIth five secKmghts With 16 mmutes onds left m the half to gIve left m the first half, ULS a 4-0 advantage MacGnff scored off a corner The Kmghts dIdn't score kIck and WIth 28 seconds agam until there were 12 remammg m the half, mmutes left m the second MacGnff scored hIS second half Tlus bme, Hamel congoal of the game to g1Ve ULS verted a pass from a 3-0 lead at the break Callahan Roeper scored seven mmAfter the Crusaders utes mto the second half, scored theIr only goal, ULS but aqaut five mmutes later came back WIth three more the ~Ights got that goal from Logan, MacGnff and Callahan "Their goalIe was firstteam all-Metro last year but we were able to cash m on our opportumbes," Backhurst saId The Lutheran North game dIdn't start well for the KnIghts The Mustangs scored tWIce 111 the first 20 mmutes and outshot ULS 17 -3 m the first half "They were all over us," Backhurst said "ThIngs looked pretty bleak, but m the second half we really picked It up "We couldn't get the ball to our forwards m the first half but we dId a much better Job of domg that m the second half" 'l\vo mmutes mto the second half, Hamel was brought down III the penalty area and ULS was awarded a penalty luck that Callahan converted North scored 16 mmutes mto the second half to take a 3-1 lead, but WIth 14 mmutes left In the game, Callahan took a free lack that bounced around III front of the net until Ottaway kIcked It m A mInute later, the Mustangs scored on a breakaway while ULS was pressmg for the tYing goal_ With three mmutes left, Damren scored on a shot that bounced off a North player "We kept pressIng and had some chances m the last three mmutes," Backhurst SaId "Even though we lost, I was pleased WIth our performance We fought hard nght to the last second" Barons From page 2C Freshmen There were many fine performances m the Red Barons freshman team's 27. 7 victory over Huntmgton Woods but coach Tony Clmmarusb chose to smgle out a normally forgotten group for praise "Our second team offensive hne was speCIal today," SaId Clmmarustl, whose t('am IS 4-0 ''They really opened up holes I am proud of what they dId" Fightin' Irish drop heartbreaker to De La Salle By Bob St. John Staff wnler The oeecmg for No 3 doubles was dllclded by a com fl!p because North, South and PHN eacp l:!ad 3 1 records In dl\ ISIOn play PHN, whIch was probably the weakebt of the three teams, got thE; No 1 seed and had an easy first-round match while North and South had to play p~rh other to gam a bpot m the finals "We had to play Nonh (Katie Dl.MagglO dnd Sarah Kurtz) In the first round and we lost a three-setter," chances to ~core, mcludmg lost 1b6 174 to Orchard Parent saId havmg the ball at the PIlots' Lake 8t Mary la~t week SenIOr Dave Kuntz took The Notre Dame football one-yard hne m the ,econd "NClthpr t"am shot very fir'lt place among the team faIled Its first big exam quarter, but turnovrr, kIlled well, but tlll'y wpre better Flghtm' Insh performers on last weekend, losmg 7 0 to the dnve" than we were v. hen It count. 0001' exerrlse, stili rmgs, arch nval Warren De La Belcrest''l defense played ed thr 1!I0~t" head coach vault and hIgh bar Salle well, glvmg up only one Doug Ander'lon ,aId Semor Johnny CollInS Heact coach Ed Belcrest touchdown dunng thp game, took fir"t on pommel horse, said the FlghUn' Insh's whIch was played In the dn Gymnastics whIle 'lenlOr Loul~ Kendnck games agamst De La flalle, VIng ram and wmd g-u"!.'l of al"o took first on vault and Dearborn Dlvme 0hIld and up to 4'i mile, per hour Thp Notn DdlllP gymna'l. parallel bars DetrOIt St Mllrtm dePorres The Notre Damp football tlr~ team "pht a rlouhlr dual Other In"h contnbutor'> were cntlcal to the team''l team fell to 4 2 overall mret la'lt '" ( k !Jpatmg were "emor Jason Calabro, chances at makmg Il~ tirstBnghton 1417132 1nrl lo'l JunIOr Shane C'hetcuh and ever state playoff appearGolf mg 144.'i 141 7 to Hartland ",Jphomore'l Kevlll Rodd" ance "Altog£>ther, It wa" a great and Damon Kendnck . The host Insh had their Notre Damp s golf team evenmg: head roath Ken Included m the umt were Mltch Vermet, Alex Avouns, Sean McGUIre, BrIan Cleary, Paul Kappaz and Scott Boynton "They moved the other team off the Ime and allowed our backs to hIt the holes," Clmmarusti Sald The big holes allowed the Barons' runnmg backs to have Dig games Bobby Peltz scored the first two touchdowns on runs of seven and three yards Charles Getz scored the final two touchdowns on a 20-yard run and a 12 yard pas'> from quarterback PatrIck Kennedy Kennedy and Alex KoskI also had strong game'> runnlfig the ball Kennedy had hIS best g&me of th" year as he completed five of SIXpa'lse'l The defense played anothlr 'ltrong game Clmmaru'ltl 'lmgled out the play of ends Charh£> West, Ben Fry, ,JJmmy Guest and bcott Kudlahs, Ilfipbackers Anthony Rlashl, Spencer Ray, Brandon O'Agnrsp and Mlchapl Gerlach and defen slve tackles Matt Starrs Mlrkey Gentry, JamIC J Gentry, Cody MIller Cooper Hartman and Varsity The score of the Red Baron~ varsity's 30-6 loss to Huntmgton Woods doesn't mdlcate how hard the team's defense played ~The defense played well,~ saId coach Brett Kunly, whose team IS 2-2 "They were a very good team WIth supenor team speed That IS the best team we've played, by far" Kunly had speCial praIse for d('fen~lve bark Mark Schott and Danny Walsh, defenSive linemen Damel Karam and JC'!'n Stemmger and lInebacker Paul Bro;,nan "Stemmger had a ternfic week of practlre and contmues to play relentlessly on the football field: Kurdy 'laId "Walsh IS only 110 pound~, but hp hIt!> harder than any 170 pound player out then" and Bro"nan has Ix>en r('lentle~'l welk 10 and wpek out" Thp Barons' only 'lcore came on a 28 yard pas~ from Matt Koppmger to Jonathan Ross Thursday, October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection Classlfleds (313)882.6900 ext. 3 : Designers DiarY "1'.\l~Tlj~G "EJ\'1UUOR.IJ\TI:RlOR "POWER WASHING "~TAI~IJ\G "FI:'oL."'T MATIRlAIB "rLEL'TROSTATI( 1',\1;\ TI~G \IITA.L rl'RXITITRI:. 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",Ily DUPlEX WOO OS ~r1l $Ing REAl ESTATE FOR RENT i_ "" 'WIlt, (.o!! t opprO"t'Ol "" """" nfonoo""" I'f>ono J... ,00 be bu.y on Me> .day b- raies & 700 m Tuetdoy gh, 10 ed.t or reree' ad cop)' svbm tied f.o, ~~~ ~~~ I.;y & ADJUSTMENTS lot dass ~ odvE!ft I ng t+>o/O'f a rDrvellot-.on re N'l 01 thE porlloo n 8(ror be 9 _-en .r time lor COO8(hOO 5S UE' E: 0' the We auume no r«.pons b ohe<"",j,,,,,_ E!rTO( IS chorge 01' a Not ftca~Cfi ITll,;st I1Ihc I'y 701 Apls/Flot>/Dupl",,Gro .. e Po nle/Horper Woods Apt>(FIOl>/Dopl ....De troIf/Bolance pIooso 'oN early & CENSORSHIP w. ~ !he nghllc deli ~IJr flCh.h ad U(1<W h opprop.'lOle heod"19 l'he fXlbl sher r~ the Re$ponl.b m !red ~ acc~ ~!o.Jred POINm/HAR~U hodvled (red Of CO~ECnONS WQfd Ads 12 wOfd", S 1J 35 odd tlonol word I 65« each ~ So<; ClASSIFYING AD STYLES & PRICES, Abbre-,lOhOOS mult .......... Pf"ePOYrneo DoocII<... PAYMENTS Pr-t2qymeN ,) FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS' toJ/ow r-..g 10.- h W'Tlt! Wayne County 7lJ2 ApIs/Flotsl CNplox$1 Cia r Sho. .. IMocomb Cccoty 703 Ap,,/Flol>/Dople.<Wonted to RWI 70. Hous.e~ 5t :=10 (County 705 Hou.>e~ - Gosse POHlte/ 706 707 70a Harper Woods Dil-Iro I/Balance Wayne County HOU~5 $, Cia r ohore,1 Maca 'T1 b County HOl.!les Wonted lIo Rent 709 710 711 712 713 71A 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 Townhouses/Coodo, For Renl Townhou'e,/Condo, WMted Garages/M n Storage for Renl Garages/M n Storage Wanted Indo," ol/Wo'ehoo>e Rental L ...n9 Quo tefS to Share !YloIU[ 724 725 Homes For Rent Off,ces/CommerclOi Off ces/Commerc For Rent a Wonted ry No.o rl\.lgemen t Renl ... ,th Opl,on 10 Buy 726 Vocallon Rentol- Re~t Rentol,(lecllng North M.d. gon Wolerfro", Rental HOMES FOR SALE 'See 0\,.' Mogoz roe SectlOo"'l 'rC>..lrHom! tor a~ Ckm!led Real Esiole ods PfOpt:'r Rooms for Rent Va,a~ on Ren~1 flo' do Voco;jon Renlol--0ul of State Vocahor. Rental- Nor,"ern M ch on - LAND FOil SAlE 802 806 807 809 811 Commercial Property Flonda Property In'leslment Property Walerf-.-cnllots lol> Fe< Sole 70 I APTSjFLATS/Dllll(X DETROIT /WAYNE (OllNTY 702 APTS/FlATS/DUPLEX S.CS/MA(OMI (OUNTY ~ ~ bedroom condo near 389 Neff/ Jelfer"::m- up- CARRIAGE house, GROSSE POinte Park SOMERSETspacIous EAST English V"ldg .. St John Hospital per, 5 room, 2 bedGrosse POinte Farms, 1137 Maryland Lower 3 bedroom upper, area SpacIous 1 bed GROSSE POinte CoverEid parking rooms, pnvate base2 bedroom, newly flat 2 bedroofT' 1 hardwood floors new. room upper With fireWoods, 2650 Vernier $625/ month ment, garage appllpainted, neWly carpetbathroom New applier kitchen separate place Appliances & Circle 3 bedroom up (248)683-0018 ances Air carpeting ed stove refrigerator, ances "dlill wood oasement With \\rasher garage With opener dates garage Window treatments dishwasher, heated floors, garage Nlcel bedroom studiO apart& dryer No pets $5801 month Also $1195 (810)499 (313)884-1375 alter garage utilities Includ$800 No smOking, no ment In deSirable 10 $850/ month plus utilavailable Mo'oss & 4444 4pm ed no pets $1 200 pets Stephan, 313 ~~~ cation, no smoklngl Ities (313)822-3009 Kelly area 2 bedroom (313)885-2722 587-1185 GROSSE POinte pets, $4501 month 811 NeTl 5 room upper "OW I'fiJC" LONGER lower Appliances TROMBlEYsmall 1 (313)8243228 Woods 3 bedroom CAN YOU LIVE fenced yard, garage screened porch, near CARRIAGE bedroorn Utilities Inhouse- GROSSE Po nte Park $1 2001 negotiable WITHOUT WATER $5801 month Call Vllfage and tennis bedroom upper In Vileluded $700 No small, cozy 1 bedMaryland 2 bedroom rent to buy Als0 1 (248)588-5796 courts Includes applilage, 606 St Clair, pets (313)822-4709 room liVing room upper Appliances HARBOR CLUB bedroom $450 ances water heat $700 (313)885-4725 $5001 month basement storage off 1.941 Whittier- StudiO (586)773-2035 SOUTH TWO bedroom upper No pets $9001 month (313)884-3784 street parking No heat Included, $315 bedroomWindmill Apartments & Yachl Ilarbor flat LIVing room large (313)882-0340 GROSSE POinte smoking No pets has plus security POinte area 1 person kitchen, sun porch, CLEAN upper 2 bed1& 2 5edroom Woods- 3 bedroom $700 (313)824-1342 (313\417-0179 after spacIous 3rd floor 838 Neff near Village 2 dec~ Stvv~ ferfl~eralaKelronf dpartments room flat hardwood brick colonial Family 6pm apartment Large I,v, bedroom upper AppllRight 011 Lake St (Jaa' tor, washer and dryer floors Garage $645 GROSSE POinte, south room, finished baseEnJOY IngJ dining room With ances available Included Heat and lARGE 2 bedroom 'ow of Jefferson, Nice New t.uro-Style plus utlll'les ment garage, washerl air conditioning Utillt(313)882-2079 water Included Off er flat Available Im~Hchens qUiet hardwood floor (734)498-2183 dryer, central air, les Included $6501 --------Prwale Yacht Harbor street parking Very mediately $550/ Units Laundry, no fenced yard $1 395 -fREE HEAT & WATtR' month (313)823-0627 848 Beaconsfield, 2 clean $6801 per month (313)885CLEAN upper near Cotpets lease $565 -Enormous Wood --------bedroom lower In a (248)681-8868 3410 month month and a Decks &: pallos tage Hospital, private (313)215-7613 1041 Beaconsfield, 2 non- smoking buildPool &: FItness nalt secunty depOSit NOTTINGHAM, GROSSE POinte entrance $675 In. oeoroom upper, $650/ Ing Available Immedl3619 Facility (313)331-5734 Woods Updated 3 cludes heat Plus de- HARCOURT-Pnvate -Waler fronl month, no pets ately Includes kitchen near Mack SpaCIous driveway New carpet Clubhouse bedroom bnck colo POSit No dogs (313)823-4071 appliances, $6501 lower 3 bedrooms 1 bedroom fr1endl) .lloatTowo. air, appliances patio UPPER (313)882-8799 mal New appliances carpeted, alarm 1112 Lakepornte upper month No pets, Atmosphere 1332 Beaconsfield $850/ month P0 family room, 25 $500 (313)882-2544 2 bedroom flat, appli(313)822-1235 Immediate Availability $650/ month heat Box 36184 Grosse COMPLETELY updated baths, basement, 2 Included No pets REMODELED ances, $7501 month -8-79-B-e-a-c-o-ns-f-le-ld---c-l-ea-n POinte Branch 18640 2 bed2 bedroom lower, car $2,0001 monjh D (586)791-1441 Newly decorated (313)886- 7098 2 bedroom upper Mack Grosse POinte, room upper Walk. In Beaconsfield, applian& H ProDPr!,pc: lbo, 1~t.lbdJr"; {31 3)822 e644 UI MI, .. 8236-9998 Closets :ii5BO .m !>tItmtI1mtlt ces, garage parking, ,;<:16 6ec1consfielo, upNewly remodeled, ap(248)737-4002 (248)672-8118 (586)755-4301, $750/ month per, 1- 2 bedrooms pliances No pets HARPER Woods, HARPER Woods- cute 2 (586)344-4282 cell (313)881-8775 l $595 313-824-9174 $700 (313)331-3559 bedroom apartment VERY c1ean 2 bed10S HOUSES FOR RENT bedroom, garage rooms, hardwoods SPACIOUS 1 bedroom 1300 Maryland In the 886 Nottlnoham 3 bed- DUPLEX. upper unit.. on K rgsv !Ie New POINHS/HARPER WOOOS washer, refngerator fireplace, dishwasher upper apartment With Park Soaclous 2 room ~pper FlreGrosse Pomte Park 2 kitchen $5351 month stove $850/ month washer/ dryer Must liVing room dining bedroom apartment, place, basement atbedrooms, 2 baths, (313)884-0501 Section 8 accepted 1221 Falrholme In the seel 1136 Beaconsroom kitchen With apnewer appliances, tiC, porch, garage Ap(586)7094331 liVing room, den, KINGSVILLEnlcP field (313)350-5563 heart of Grosse pliances walk out sun laundry faCility, lighted pliances, water Includ. kitchen With nook, all clean Single bedroom POinte Woods, prime LE.6.SE- 895 Harcourtdeck, large walk In parking, ample stored (313)824-4258 VILLAGE. Nice 2 bedappliances attacred apartment Convenlocation corner lot 4 upper unit Gorgeous age Includes heat closets Includes room upper Novemgarage, 1660 sq It lent shopping, hospi bedrooms, 2 112 2 bedroom With full shared use of baseand water $650 954 Beaconsfield, 3 ber 1st 1 year lease (586)739-9162, Montal, restaurant Many baths Formal dining wall closet, FlOrida ment! garage $475/ Open house Sunday, bedroom lower unit $825 (313)881-4306 day. Friday, 9am. updates $650/ month room, large kitchen room, huge kitchen, 1- Jpm or by appoint1,200 square feet, all month Ineludes heat & 701 ArTS/FLATS/DUPLEX 5pm 313.215.1766 With eating area T V natural fireplace sepment (248)543-4566 appliances new bathwater No pets ExcelDETROIT/WAYNE (OUNTY room recreation arate basement cen. lent area (586)775. 1367 Beaconsfield, 2 room Off. street park- EXECUTIVE rental, by LAKEPOINTE. clean & 1 bedroom, $575 2 bedroom natural fire7164 tral air garage Beaubedroom lower, up'ng $8201 rronth the month Touraine spacIous 3 bedroom place finished basetiful home With nice dated kitchen and (313)345-0532 In the Farms Just lower, new carpet, room $775 3 bed- UPPER 2 bedroom ment, central air ADT landscaping, new Winbnng your SUitcase, freshly painted appllroom townhouses Nice area- 3666 Devbath No petsl smok- ABSOLUTELY fabulous Secunty System 2 dows for high efflclen $1 750/ month all Inances laundry & ~875 All newly decoonshire Water includ'ng Available Immed,lower 355 St Cfalr car attdched garage cy Excellent price, elusive (313)220parking $700 rated Many extras ed $585 (586)296ately $7501 month $900 All appliances fenced yard, $22001 $1,175( month Ca" 4905, (313)885-8843 (313)881-4893 Ready to move Inl 9420 (313)886-1864 attached garage month Also available Jim Saros for private Call for appointment 1378 Somerset, nice Iv Available November FABULOUS newly re- lOCATION I LocatlOni 702 APTS/FUTS/DUPLEX furnished (586)792. (313)964 2560 viewing Jim Saros decorated, 3 bedroom 1st (313)885-5725 S.CS/MA(OMI (OUNTY 3990 Locatlonl 2 bedroom --------modeled 2 bedroom Real Estate Compaupper. Retlnlshed 2 bedroom apartment on lower Fireplace ap- AFFORDABLE townlower near Village ny, (313)886 9030 bedroom condo 2032 Vernier 2 bedhardwood floors new Mack Ave, across Gourmet kitchen bath pl11lnCeS, 011- street house liVing In Grosse Ground floor applianroom, appliances m. PARK. 3 bedro-:>m, 2 from Grosse POinte With JacuzzI and stall parking $895 POinte Woods 2 bedkitchen updated bath $4501 month ces carport, basecluded 1 car garage, bath bungalow on shower, sunken den, (313)885-8843 rooms, 1 bath Private all appliances Includ(313)8853410 ment Harper/ Mason$895 2017 Vernier, 3 Maryland $9751 ed, off street parking _ prlvale patiO, hard1380 Lakepolnle- 2 bederWa1ces, appliances IC area (313)884bedroom, appliances monlh 313-822-6366 wood floors, washer/ $650 (313)304-6686 2 bedroom duplex, East 7186 room lower, bungarncluded, central air, Included, section 8 dryer Furnished! unROSL YN Road Grosse State Falrl Gratiot low Central air, hardcable ready No pets welcome $925 Harcourt, 2 Section 8 accepted 11 1/2 Mile/ Jefferson, 1 furnished (313)886- LUXURY POinte Woods, 2 bedwood floors, freshly Starting at $7501 (586)412-5930 bedroom, heat! water 112 bath duplex, cen$725 each (313)5759497 room bungalow Apphpainted Breakfast month (248)848.1150 tral air, new carpeting 9628 Ineluded Section 8 -3-b-ed-ro-o-m-h-o-u-se-m-th-eances new carpet, sunroom, updated AMAZING!!! Clean 2 FARMS, Ridge Road all apphances Large welcome (313)885Park Newly decoratgarage no pets se. kitchen enclosed family room, private 2 bedroom upper flat, _o_8_7_7______ Long t"rm tenant deed, new kitchen, bathfront porch All appllbedroom lower Appll' cunty reqUired $8501 basement Available sired for sunny 2 bedeast Side of DetrOit 9/ Greater Mack, large 1 room, central air, off ances Garage Excel. ances, cable ready, month Available NoDecemberl January, room upper Charm$4501 month Avallabedroom apartments street parkmg $9251 lent condition No cat fnendly Available vember 1st (586)770$1,250 (313)822 Ing With n"tural fireble Immediately Heat hot water Inmonth (313)885-8843 pets $735 (313)885-. November 1 Mary0005 4161 place/ air $9751 In(313)885-3410 eluded $600 (313)660-0101 9468 land Starting $675 SPACIOUS 3 bedroom cludes water, lawn -M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D-, -r-e-fu-r-b-Is-h-------(313)885-8384, 2 bedroom upper Deco(248)887 6251 -3-b-e-d-roo-m--2-b-a-th-b-u-n colOnial Carpet appll 14933 Hamplon, Grosse http Ilhome att.neV service, garage parked 1st floor, 2 bedrated Securel qUiet A.1 location, 10 1/2 & POinte Park Sunny 1 -bellaproplindex htm galow, walk- In c1osances dishwasher Ing Non-smoking no room New carpat, ap$400 plus secunty deJefferson 1 bedroom bedroom, completely ets, new kitchen, sunny breakfast room pets Available Immepl,ances pnvate POSIt (313)506-3003 appliances Heat! warenovated With hard- AVAILABLE Immediatefamily room Ilvlrg & $900 1 1/2 security dldtely (313)640basement laundry (313)882-4469 ter Included No pets wood floors new dining room $1,5001 (313)886-1924 Iy 569 Neff BeautIful 1857 garage Available 1m20910 Moross St $5701 month kitchen & dishwasher 2 bedroom upper flat, --------mediately $700 Se month (313)570-4092 WATERFRONT house Johns area $6751 (586)757.6309 Heat Included $550 open floor plan up- FURNISHED. short CUrily references on Lake St Clair 3 (313)331-7554 month Utllltll:'S not In- BORDER of Grosse 4520 Farmbrook 2 beddated kitchen bathterm- 802 NeH In(313)886-8058 room bungalow, all bedroom boat hOist room, profeSSionally cludes all furnishings eluded no pets non. POlntel St Clair 2 bedroom Lakepornte appliances 2 1/2 car 90 frontage $1 500 decorated v.asherl T V garage AC 3 NEFF Lane Apartmentsmoking First last Shores 1,000 sq ft upper air, hardwood, garage wood deck month (313)881 0905 dryer Perfect Village month minimum 2 bedroom 1 bath months rent plus $300 apartment Call for de no pets, appliances, $9001 month ~ location $1 350 $1 6001 month plus central air elose to :,ecunty Call after tails (313)282-5776 $675 References (248)348 3975 ~ month (313)8853553 utilities (313)510Village carport baselOam (313)839-4935 JEFFERSON/ MasoniC (313)881-3149 AVAILABLE Immediate8835 ment lease no pets FABULOUS renovated 2 bedrooms 1 1/2 Large 1 bedroom In2 bedroom lower excel-------$725/ month farm house 2 bedbaths appliances Iy Maryland & St FURNISHEDI unfurnlshcludes heat, water lent condition central Paul corner view 1 ed- 757 Harcourt 2 (313)882-99/2 rooms 856 St Clair basement With family Non smoking $550/ air new carpeV pamt, Available end of Octoroom 2 car garage bedroom upper In. bedroom lower sun NEFF Road duplex 2 8 Mile & Kelly Charmcarport, garage large month (586)293 6016 ber $9501 month alarm back yard eludes heat, water & room Short term In bedrooms hVlng storage, $750 Ing clean 1 bedroom KELLYI Stephens (313)331 2476 $880 first last secur kitchen appliances c1udes all furnishings, room dining room (313)881-2806 $475' month Large clean 1 bed$650/ month TV air garage, basekitchen basement Ity (313)618-7038 (313)8847404 room 1st tloor non GROSSE POinte Park 2 bedroom upper flat (313)824-4100 ment storage Fur. central air appltan 1001 Cadieux 1900 5293 Galeshead appll s"loklng $530 With appliances, fireJefferson (586)2936016 nlshed $1600 unfur ces securlly system ALTERJ sq ft 3 bedrooms 25 ances Inrluded walr<place, garage No BEACONSFIELD, POinte Manor apart _ Grosse POinte Park nlshed $975 plus $850 (313)4079306 baths family room mg distance to St pets $725/ month ments Stud os $350 ST Clair S'1ores 2 bed Lower 2 bedrooms utilities (313)319- NEFF. 2 bedroom lown office apphances 1mJohn s Hospital <.ec plus secunty 1 bedrooms $400 All room on Avalon small 8050 mediate occupancy ton 8 welco'Tle $725 (313)8241439 No smoking! no pets house Clean new utilities Included With washerl dryer $16001 month plus (586)4125930 heat Included off -G-P-,O-S-S-E-D-o-n-'~-~-2-b~-ndrrtrpetlng fresh paInt (313)331 6971 $725 plus secunty 2 bedroom, dishwasher security (5 t 7)927 (586)7739108 street parking com room upper carpeted Central air garage ----------stove refngerator, 7 Mile' Mack 3 & 4 bed 7906 BIG, clean 1 bedroom laundry appliances stove & refngerator $820 3135749561 central air washer room bnck Newly upper flat on UnlverSI UPPER 1 bedroom con hardwood 1100rs 892 Rivard $8Cl51 d')ier storage cardecorated Ren! Witt' Pomte Iy $4501 plus secunty do Lakeshore Village GROSSE $6001 month OUTSTANDING furnishport Heat Included option to bu\' $6501 Schools 3 bedrooms monlh plus security (313)4384238 Clean & cute air con (313)886 4820 ed 2 bed room 1J0per $800 (313)882 7897 month (3 T 3)640 1850 2 baths updated ap dltlonlng $625 Heat Included fireplace large kltcf) (586)774 7553 pilances $1 190 (313)8399717 en cable televl~lons CADIEUX! Harper area 2 bedroom, hardwood BEACONSFIELD, neWly CADIEux.OidTown modern renovated 1 (586)7751055 decorated 5 room low garage (313)886 floors washer dryer Fairmount 2 bed bedroom apartment er appliances hard- GROSSE POinte City 1924 CLASSIFIEDS the cable modem 400 carooms basement ga GROSSE POinte Woods wood $665 heat In R,vardl Jefferson 2 Stove refrigerator PLACE to be' ble channels $7301 rage $6S0 $725 3 bedroom 2 bath heat! waler Included cluded (313)343 bedroom large I vlrg PENTHOUSE on Bea montn (248)249 6592 Crpd t chec~ 313 fenced $900 Immedl n rent $4751 monlh 0255 room din ng kltche'1 consf,eld New kltcr ------8824132 ate occuparcy 21235 Kingsville 1 bedWith eating space en appl ances hard (':.86)7260004 (248)6133079 SIX Washerl dryerl waterl wood laundry Park room $5251 month BEACONSFIELD. CHALMERS/---G--;:aTot CADIEUX! Mack 1 and room upper Washerl piuS 1Jllilies Available heal Included $8001 Inq $7001 heat Includ QUiet area 2 bedGROSSE POINTE2 bedroom Includes drver garage hard month Immediate oc ed Available Decem now With approved rOOI1'S Immedlatp orWOODS 'eat! water Credit wood floors Ask for cupancy (313)886 ber 1st Secur ty & ref credit (313\4179872 cupancy $395 C & T HOLLYWOOD check $385 $550 Tom (586)558 6505 3515 erences (313)886 {248)4405746 $49 OFF MACK CALL 3 bedroom liVing room --------(313)882413;> fee 8058 2 bedroom brlrk dining room kitchen BEACONSFIElDI Jef GROSSE POinte C ty 2 DEVONS HIA EJ -Warren .3 bungalow central air sunroom Air 1 car ferson SpacIOus 2 bedroom fireplace SOMERSET: -- Grosse NOnINGHA~ Mack 2 bedroom lower newly decorated garaqe Handicap ac bedroom available Hardwood floors ga COl I updated 3 iJ.,d POln'E' Park 3 bed $650 plus utilities InGaraqe $1 200 cesslble $1 200 Ap Gr~ IbmtQ f\JQWS excellent condition rage parking $850 room ne'lr sr~ ools room uppPr Appllan cludes garage water Lease security depoSl1 pilances Included recently updated plus utilities dnd tlansprrtatlon CO:\N;(W>N c es ce nira, a,r $800 Idundry faCilities References No pets (313)882 2772 (248)882 5700 $:'00 C & T (24R)440 (313)4991694 (313)8822667 (248)5592616 (313}884-1340 ')746 $49fep I (€h- r} /313 ... 2-6.00 I - Thursday, October 10,2002 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection Classlfieds (313)882-6900 ext. 3 706 HOUSES FOR RENT DETROIT /WAYNE (OUNTY 101 HOUSES FOR RENT/ S.U/MA(OMI (OUNTY 101 HOUSlS FOR RlNT / S.U/MACOMI (OUNTY 114 LIVING QUUTERS TO'SHARE 1160FFICE/(OMMER(IAL FOR RENT L.IVE on the water 15 NEWLY renovated 3 TWO bedroom bnck minutes to dONntown bedroom, 1 112 bath ranch Near lake New or St John 4 bed :, ~~~I~"".updo.tod batr rooms Desirable loca10 Mile near Nautical room redecorated tion l1ew paint new Mile Many updates Flonda room, finished floors Boatwell availInclude n6W kitchen, basement 2 car air able $1,1001 rl'onth bath celhngs, winyard Non smoklngl Mu~t have references dows patio etc 2 car pets Available Imme(313)823-1437 garage Great 1 acre dlately $990 fenced yard 1 112 (313)6470739 101 HOUSES FOR lENT / months secUrity, referS.CS/MA«()MI COUNTY 709 TOWNHOUSfS/ ences no pets non (ON DOS FOR If NT smoking $9951 23234 Doremus, reno month AVailable No- 12 Milel Jefferson con vated 2 bedroom vember 1st (586)268do 2 bedrooms 1 5 ranch, $1 050 Credit 0484 baths, garage base check required ment appliances (586}776- 7792 SPACIOUS ranch ga$750 (586)294 0247 rage air, neWly deco , 3 bedroom bnck ranch, rated fireplace $895 FURNISHED or unfur. St Clair Shores (586)206-6145 after nlshed 2 bedroom 2 ~""JU IIlUIILlI (586)773 0946 work Home evenlngsl weekends (586)774670b 1.c::}JIII ST Clair Shores 22510 Kramer (10/ JeHerson) r'1'?an 2 bed room ranch, appliances, attached garage $8251 month (313)824-5450 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, all apphances Monthly or yearly $1150 (313)3204:336 ST. Cia i Shores. 22973 Carolina (91 Mack) BEAUTIFUL. 2 bedroom Three bedroom bnck Between 8 & 9 & ranch, basement, Mack & Jefferson $9001 monthly plus $775 (248)559-2982 security (313)8864540 CL.EAN Cape Cod 3 bedroom 2 full baths, ST. Clair Shores 3 bedroom canal front basement attached home, no smoking or garage, new driveP..,\.:J, $"1 650 tJ'C WdY $9951 momn month (586)778-0109 (586)773- 7755 EASTPOINTE 3 bedroom ranch 1 bath, all appliances $9801 month (586)777-8728 ST. Clair Shores, 4 bedroom colOnial, dining room 1 1/2 baths basement, 3 plus car garage 586-242-1770 116 OfFICE/(OMMERCIlL FOR RENT 123 VA<A TlON RENtALS NORTHEIN MI(HIGAN LOOKING for female Grosse Pointe SUITABLE for retail or non. smoker to share Woods office bUilding for Lakes~o"e V ~lag€ Orr,cs space lor lease lease, Kercreval on condo Must have ver Whole sUite and the Hili With on site Iflaole employment IndiVidual offices parktng 313886 references dog Starting at $3751 month 6010 friendly $3501 month tncludes utilities sharE' utilities Lucido & ASSOCiates 721 VACATION RENTALS (313)882-8566 FLORIDA • (313)882-1010 _ BEACH FRONT condo GROSSE Po nte NEED A ROOMMATE? Marco Island 2 bed Woods Mack Ave All Ages Occupations between 7 & 8 Mile room breathtaKing Tastes Backgrounds Prime location 1 200 views weekly or and lifestyles square feet (31J)884"Our 20th Year" monthly 269-5617180 Home-Mate SpeCialists 2572 (248)644-6845 HARPER Woods Harp erl vernier near I 94 PORT Charlotte private PRIVATE Idrge liVing SUite of offices 1 600 home 21 2 Pool ga quarters separate sq It Very large nice rage Available week h~th h~"'.~~~ I UII l-"~ "rIVa'" "11 Iyl monthly (586)773 bath condo for rent braryl d;n Share trance kl'chenelle 3337 Lake view laundry kitchen & laundryl util area Priced right Mr storage area pool Ity room Edge of Stevens (313)886and club house UtllltCr8c::i3C rOIi'te S~0Ie~ SiESiA Kb'y- 1I1UIItf1IY 1763 les Included $1 4001 overlooking Lake St bl weekly, rentals stili furnished $1,1001 unClair $6001 monthly MACK Ave Between 7 available for 2002furnl<;hed No smok (586)775-3736 & 8 Mile Well kept 2003 season Sales Ing no pets Available updated budding also Suncoast Realty Immediately Call 313 11' OFFl<E/<OMMER(IAL 2.800 sq It or diVide FOR RENT Services, (941 )929 461-7619 Into 1 400 sq ft each 1956 Lease terms $14/ sq LAKESHORE Village 2 3 office sUites available, It NNN Parking Call bedroom condo avail 121 Kercheval, 122 VA(ATlON RENTAlS Pans DISanto 313 able Immediately (586)493 5500 OUT OF STATE (313)8813109 leave _ 884 0600 Johnston & Johl1stone message COLONIAL EAST SAN Diego for the Holi9 Mile and Hdrper day:'? Wdmea MEDICAU DENTAL ST Clarr Shores 9 Mllel 600sq It Including SUITES Grosse POinte house Harper SpacIous 1 all utilities ST. CLAIR SHORES In exchange for de bedroom newly re5 day Janitor, Plumbed for both slqner home In San modeled, carpet rea' exp'css.'.<:li 1 000.3 000 sauare feel throughout, all new Reasonable Diego, Includes luxury 42 parking spaces appliances washer (586)778-0120 car (619)725-4410 Security system lavs dryer central air car _ Front & rear entrance port Heat & water In EASTPOINTE- 3 story 123 VACATION RENTALS OFFICE SUITE eluded Must see to office bUIlding OHerNORTHERN MI(HIGAN ST. CLAIR SHORES apprecla!: ~~~~ IfIq slhqle to multiPle 1,250 ~YUdrt! feel, COTTAGE, lake View, mOnln \°(0)0\10 \1tl\1U office space Includes newly redecorated Douglas! Saugltuck, 111 'GARAGES/MINI utilities Ideal for small PrOfeSSional bUilding $650 week $375 bUSiness Offering In STOIl.AGE FOR RENT 40 parking spaces cenllves for long term weekend No smokGARAGE, 25 car at '3 .aNN '5-"TTnlll lease Call (58b)1 lb. Mile & Harper for winIngl pets (J13)885(313)204-2005 5440 8870 ter storage (586)296- KEL.LY & 9 mile- All ap- ST. Clair Shores- clean pliances 3 bedrooms, 3 bedroom ranch, ap2 baths Very clean pliances, garage, 1 $985/ month 1/2 bath finished (313)885-4485 basement, central air Pet welcome $895 9451 -E-A-S-T-P-O-IN-T-E---s-p-a-cl-o-us NAUTICAL Mile area 3 (313)885-0197 OFFICE In the Park With _ t>"'lroom with garage --~--executive ana secre- "'Lt:N LaKe Sleeping 5,528 sq ft oftlce No pets $9751 month ST. L.lalr Shores- easy TO SHARE tanal turnlshlngs Bear Dunes Ski space Ideal for smgle access to 194 and (586}948-5334 bUSiness With mUltiple common waltlflg area weekend speCials 696 ApprOXimately HOME to share $350 Interconnecting offiIncluding utilities and kitchen $775 Cathy Kegler, Broker 1,600 sq ft 21 3 bedST. Clair Shores Gorces Located on first (313)371-6116 (113)882-7784 room upper carnage geous sunnsesl Cusfloor of three story ofhouse, wood floors HOUSE to share worktom built contempoOFFICE space. newly fice bUilding OHering over Sized rooms gas rary colonial Great Ing references qUiet decorated second IncentIVes for long fireplace, 3 car gawater views from area, all the G,(tras floor 93 Kercheval term lea<e Call rage Utilities Includkitchen, fafT'lly room, Grosse POinte area on the HIli (313)268(586)776-5440 ed $1 200 a month (313)647-9751 hVlng room and all 7882 plus secunty' bedrooms Plus 600 PLEASANT house to EXECUTIVE office SUITE With receptionist (586)772-1396 II pnvate lakefront share, Includes all utilspace available, & conference room park 2 112 baths, rec WATERFRONT St Clair Itles no smoking RefGrosse POinte ChOice Mack location room, al1ached 2- car Shores $1,5501 erences required Woods 100- 2400 sq by Cook Road $5501 $2,000/ month GMAC month (586)7754135 (313)881-3934 It 313-€40 4522 month 313-885-9000 Kee (586)268-6102 WATERFRONT- S 14 NORTHERN MI(HIGAN lOTS Port CHEBOYGAN County 5 beautifUl 1'\0OOed ii-batt,; ;an-dy- be"ach acres Ideal hunllng $1 5001 week and camping location (313)8825070 Short walk to Stale Land Driveway and HARBOR Springs 4 grassy campsite bedrooms golf ten Electn~ $24 900 nls near shopping $500 down $305/ many extras cozy month 11% land (313)8231251 conlr dCt '!!!.'!iY:L ------northernlan~ LAKE Michigan Leela Northern Land ComnaL. Peninsula Beach pany 18009683118 front cottages 3 bed rooms 2 baths Bedut,_ ful view lob of Nlndol'os LOOK Available October Ihru ClaSSified AdvertiSing Winter Call John Camp 313-882-6900 ext 3 bell (231)256 7002 Fax 313-343-5569 www.leelanau.comJ Gr~ Iblnl~ News beachfront <0:£ili;mN C:~n h~ '" horl,~mL fLORIDA POMPANO BEACH NAPLES FLORIDA INTRACOASTAL 3 bedroom condo VIEW Pool, etc Short walk to 2 BLOCKS gulf on Vanderbilt Rd FROM BEACH $190Q/weel, S"al-Iuu:, 2 oearoom, Available monthly 2 bath updated condo (586)751-8822 ext 117 Monthly Rental (810)494-9440 MARCO ISLAND SOUTH FORT MYERS Beach front deluxe ? bedrooml (South Seas) condo 2 bath condo 2 bedroom 2 bath Golfer s dream on $550/ week III 15th fairway Christmas $1 5001 Close to Sanibel & week In season Fort Myers Beach (586)360-8901 Ray, (586)228-2863 I II - MANASOTA KEY GULF HARSEN'S ISLAND BOOK' 3 or 4 Day, vvee;\I:mu ur Full Week Retreat FALL COLORS WINTER SOL.ITUDE (586)530-7100 2 bedroom 2 bath P""I h""t rl,,('kc:JI. Available Dee 1st-May31st gui!-be~ch (313)331-8264, (800)764-2593 The Classifieds ... I (313}882-6900 Grosse Pointe News <:oNSlinON NEW PAP R SUBSCRIBE FOR TUE KIDS! It's a WIN .-WIN Situation! You get your neighborhood news every week in the mail and your school gets the funds for that nluch-needed project! Purchase a Grosse POinte News or The St. Clair Shores Connection subSCription and a portion Will be Qlven to the school of your chOice. Call 313-343-5577 for more information PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS: Defer Elementary School. 4th grade, Grosse Pointe Park James Rodgers Elementary School, St. Clair Shores Maire Elementary School, Grosse Pointe Pierce Middle School, Grosse Pointe Park Trombly Elementary School, Grosse Pointe Park l"UA::'T CONDO axt. 3 II Thursday. October 10,2002 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection Classllieds (313)882-6900 ext. 3 11UA'MGM AW ....... ....,., ....... ~~... I~~.j~;iD~B~S;2PM OfAOI.iNES ~ ....n rA.r- ut"lU~C: S",.oo, g' d MONDAYS 4 PM 098 ~;!I 6, Holdo, ,to.. do~l ~ 099 Ktl\ilALS & LAND FOR SAlf 100 TUESDAY 12 NCO'" 101 GENERAL CLASSIFIEDS 102 TUESDAY 12 NOON '03 Opeo .... rl ~_ 1n.d ~~ I'AYM{NT5''O"' P'Tepay=nent Wt: accepi V ~ Mm,erCaro CO'!oh Che<k Pea<.enole feetordedned<"rP<"'lIr-I1.1<: 106 07 flA S2 30, 302 303 304 305 "1g J06 /'< l OJn r"''YIn I.. 09 Enrerla men' laD $23 ~HEtQLI'UEyNANClyEOO5tISCC1010NUNTS S F~ G ve' for mul, week >eheouled od'¥ert1s. '1g Wlth prepayment or oed t oporo ....ol Call lor ra"" ar lor "",r. nfocma'O<' Phone I,ne, can be bu,y on Monday & Tuesday Deodbne. pIec", (all early <lASSlFYING & CENSORSHIP' We '''o;<ve the r ghl to clm' Ix eoch ole head ad og "der ThepJhl"a~propr ,her re .. "'e' lI>enghllO ed,' 9r 'e,ec' ad coaX ,ubm I!ed tar pub Icat on CORRECTIONS & AD.I.JSThlfNTS. Respon.,b I I)' for cl9" ~ a&';er",n9 ."0' " I m ta e mer a cancellahon ~ f charqe or a re rvn Of the ~~I~ ~~~~orn ~te ~~~hon 1!t:5ue We OW'1' ~~~:'~~0:;~n9 CI.r col ConvolMCent Care Day Car. General Hau,," Cleon ng 600 601 602 603 604 605 Bell>rob Ref n,.h na B cyde Repa'" Mo n"'nance B" Blod War' Bu Id ng RelTlOdel,ng ~ ,"I> "q House.) rtlng 000 307 308 N",., A,d., Oft ce Oeon 309 310 Sales ASslstedllvng Ca" C!'rX,lor Far General Mota" An' que/Cia" c Fa,. go Sport U "> 607 Jun' .. , 608 POfn T ng ~ ng 13 14 15 16 1~ Hobbx ud an 1oI,,"c Edu","on PorI)' Planner,/Helpe" Scnool, ~ecr;lor 01 Serv ces 4)3 404 405 406 ~~~ Ave' on, B CXcle' Compv'e" EllareSole' F re-,rw-ood ------650 651 6~2 A 'Plane' BoonAodMoto" Booll~suran"ce 409 410 411 Go<age/Yord/Bo>emes>.;ole Ho,,,,hold Sale' J el 654 B;;;;I 5";rag;/ 655 Campe" 656 oYiotorb 657 658 659 660 661 !Y\olorc)"des Motar Horne' 5nowmob,l .. Tra ler' Wa .... $po'" 0$' 119 T,an'POrlot on/Tr"".1 120 T,lor"9 EducotJon 121 Doper.' 122 Dress.mak ng!AlterotO:1S 123 Decoror ng Ser'f' ce 124 51peove" 125 F no,,- 01 Servee, 126 Con'robu'",n, 127 V doc Se<v ce, 128 Pho>ograahx " HELPWANTEO 200 Hel Wanred Genera 201 HelPp \', an red Bob l" ~ 202 Help Wa,red Cler cal 203 Hel~~I~~ed col 204 Kelp Wonted Dome,", 205 Help Wontod L090l 206 Help Wanred Parl Time 207 Help Wanled Sale, 208 Help Wanled Nu"., A des I Con ..a1escent Kelp W~nted Managemenl TIe no 412 A 13 ~:~kmeousArtldes Mvs. callns~uments IJ Pet Eql".P'r'er't Pel Grooming 509 Pel Boord ng7S,lter 510 Animal SerVIces Wonted To Buy A~to MUfonce AulC Ser .....ces RECREAnONAL 414 011 ce/bu, n." Eq, pmen. 415 Wanred To BU)' 416 Sporn EqUipment 417 Tool, 418 Tay'/ Gom", 419 Bo"d,ng Mater cb 420 R.$CI./Con"gnmen, Shop, .2 Book. _ ANIMALS 500 An mol, Adopl APe' 502 Ho" .. For Sol. 503 Ho, ..hold P"" Far Sol. 504 Humane Sac,.tl" 505 lo>l And Found 506 Pel Breedong 507 508 = Van, 11 '2 e...llbles D:xi:ng- ~es. 0 • 50<1000) HOMES FOR SAlE 's.. '" /Voog». '" 5o<1>on 1..<'""'" ..." In\ro lot ~e,..""'l r t\'Y .. .... u'''1 "tYt,.,* IIOr)ll 922 9~1 \...... "'pll'~ I.... .. '>r'lsMt ...II\.' R""'-1 91' 926 919 930 933 ,,,,",, EIe<'rcoIS .. " .... ~'CO\ahng 915 hr&?,oet!So 930 937 FlOC"Sond ng Rehn ,h'ng 938 F"n two Ref.n.h ngl Uphal,,,,nng 1\-.]\ • "I'"t" [lH5SIfI~D 1 PH" , 943 944 -y"".t1ome' GUIDE TO SERVlCES Cl • Air (ond ron n9 AJarm In'lallotJon/Repair A'_", "C~ S d,"S Appl ance Repe " A>phalt Pov' "9 Repa r Auta/Truck Rope r W"I'Wmh"9 W ndows 981 W noow WosJ ng 982 Wooduurner Serv ce 983 \Vroughl L 977 980 0f1 11>lL~ ., I HDVlHTlSINIi 96 Kercheval. Grosse POinte F-arms MI 4823 roo, 1:\,,,,,11 K"",,,"q F urnoct! Repo 975 976 ,.....,."' ....... '"....... ...... t " '''I'' \..~ 945 946 947 948 949 rooall clo",hod Reo! E,,,,. <><b 900 901 902 903 904 905 i~:\boo~ ",,'..1< Kepor Vacuum So~eslSef..., Ice Venl ~lJijon $erv ce '1/4 r SI'oM 51,.\> rt "'11 '€I P........., l:;e!'''lce Tv fo.;,nd (\ t 8 PCld.o 9 21 939 940 941 942 R£NiA LS & lOTS FOR SALE n.. Y." '-''l..~ j.er<l ce Repa (313) 882-6900 ext 3' Fax (313) 343-5569 web http Qrossepolnleoews com ""'....u.. \I ~OOhE::>::' _. AC:;C:;.FI('A,TION -'1TY _ _WORDS .J I W, GlOSS AUlOmotlY8 AMOUNT Gla" Re' denl' 01 MIrrors. __ __ .J ENCLOSED TOTALCOST PER WEEIC-- .J 4 Wl<s__ .J 3 W,s -.]2 WI<s__ :E U • SIGNATURE Garages land,cape,,/Ga,doner, Gutte" Handyman Haul ng Heo' ng And Coaling Hone Ma n Iel10nce -l-WkS _ " _ ~fXP DATE _ $1335 for 12 words AdditIonal words, 65t each PRE-PAYMENT REQUIRED Janltonal Sent ces 950 Lawn Mower! 12 "~~ 1b 11595 90 20 mss Snow Blower Repair 951 952 953 .. ~7IP r n,tnHohOl1 ------ISee 9l'" 018 919 '- '!'Gr\lng ~:wl;~;:~re 911 912 913 .;; oS ,--\1 ~~ lr ~ '>'15 C, pe" ''''0 oJ 9 6 u l-"'I('j n,)t..llkJr 0" es Aj..:ltms Rentals/leas Spor~Cors Tr\Jcb MtKLHANL.lj)t 400 Anl9ues Co 401 App !Onces J02 A ts & CroH1 'f'el - 609 610 611 0 IL 0 3 0 14 615 s Educollcn f10PP.Y Ads l1eo!tf1 & Nutr t~ 209 carrec' on n the Ia1lawmg Je~ AUTOMOnvt -------["\leI ~""r ...,.~ \Vo dAds 12 .....ords S 13 35 odd t ona v.ords 65e ead Abb e"'l0~ om nol accepted Me ed Ad, 70 per nch Be ae' Ad, $26 10 per d,",n 0<:0 SPECIAL RATES FOfl 0 ces Carr 50 9 \ {liePrag AD STYLES CO'"'0 0 SITUAnON WANTEO 300 S<t..<J!Iorl> wan10d Bc!lysnor Greet,ng, S" ne" OpporNn,l'e, AnnO<Jncemenls Praye" lo'l & Fo'nd Mornet'/l09ol, SPECIAl SiRVICES 105 Answer n Serv u reaulred 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS - LU'lOI~m Lo<:".,.1h Orgor'llzers L r.'POn. b 1,1)'tor Ihe ,ame after ,3 11400 14 11465 15 17 11&64 1B 1172S 19 ~ ll;,~ $17 U --- 114 MUSIC EDUCATION 200 HELP WANTED GENEIlAL 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 2()0 HElP WlNTlD 202 HElP WANTED CLERICAL , 20;-HELP WANTED LEGAL GENEllAl - 209 HELP WANTED I GUITAR and Bass lesstructor speCialiZing In beginners (313)8827874 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS INTRODUCING, Glory GUITAR Instructor Your of Designing Internahomel mine Sean, tIOnal CO'1venlent MSU grad (313)881shopping Fashions 1890 tor you or your nome VISit us at www glorvofdeslgnlng ~ UNIOUE & one of a kind Invitations for alloccaSionS Rush orders available Kim, (313)882-0936 - FOR 24 hour package deliveries call KL COL.rler Service Bonded Shultle servIce available (313)903-1530 (313)609-1491 WE are pleased to an'20 TUTORING EDUCATION nounce Chryll Brown has lolned the staff at CERTIFIED teacher Will Maler & Werner Saltutor reading english, on Located at 373 spelling to students In Fisher Grosse POinte Grades One to Four 313-882-6240 (313)886-1035 WRITE Minister LOUIe FORMER Grosse POlrte Clayborn POBox mathematiCs teacher, now Stdy at home 36363 Grosse POinte mom available for tuMI 48236 Send praytorrng, any level of er requ est to oray for Middle or High school you, and If you need cash tell him & he Will math Call (313)3435370 for more mforsend you some matlon -- MA THI sCience tutor Certified teacher $30 session (313)882NOVENA to St Jude 7874 May the Sacred Heart of tUlor $15! Jesus be adored glo- SPANISH hour (313)433-7663 rified, loved and pre- secretary for assIs- LEGAL FULL time, daytime SAW sharpener- steady ACCOUNTING sole practitioner wanttant Accounts payarl,,>hwasher needed, emoloyment, new ma~d Grosse POInte Olef receNaol8 & gtmover 20 years of age chines some hand Farms Hours negotiaeral ledger for mullipll? (313)884-9090, ask sharpening Days Looking 10r quality ble, expenenced reproperties Computer for Steve Benellts (313)259child care givers qUIred Please call experrence necessa3333 HAIR cut models wantTop salary, benoflts (313)886-5600 ryl Send resume 10 edl Hot sexy new _ 22725 Greater Mack, (586)739-2100 PART time secretary looks With an edge SEASONAL poSition Job A-100 St Clair Please send resume Tuesdays 5pm Aria fair Apply at Borders ADMINISTRATIVE as. Shores, \11 43080 to Shatzman & ShatzSalon, (313)884-7151 Books & MUSIC,17141 slstant for dynamiC reman law offices Kercheval, Grosse ADMINISTRATIVE al estale execullve LEGAL asslslant needas25801 Harper St ed to work With POlnle Tuesday, OcQu'c!<' learner, desistantSt Clair Clair Shores 48081 Gros'>e POinte health tober 15, 10am- 7pm pendable, dptall oriShnrAC: m lr1n~ Ie; care attorney Need ented Able to multiseeking an IndiVidual 297 HELP WANTED SALES excellent computer, SMALL downlown Detask and work indeWith exceptional cusresearch, phone & ortrolt law firm (leeds pendently MS Word tomer service skills Are You Serious About gantzatlonal skills part- time employee to proflency ability 10 and strong computer A Career In Some accounting experform filing and learn Industry soliexperience Boat Real Estate? penence a plus but messenger services, ware Part time! Job knowledge helpful but We are serious about not reqUired Fax re11am to 5pm, Manshare Emall to nof necessary Full your successl sume to 313-647dayFnday $9001 beltne@bellne.com lime POSitionWith ben'Free Pre-licenSing 0601 hour and parking alefits Must be reliable, classes ALL STUDENTS MAMA Rosa s Plzzerra lowance Pleasant hard working and able 'ExclUSive Success FALL EXPANSION workmg conditions to multitask Please needs phone help Fax resume or letter 'Systems Training apply In person at cooks, waltstaff pizza of introduction to Programs $14,05 base 24200 JefferSon (be- 'Varlety Of Commission makers & delivery (3 3)96 Guaranteed pay people Apply aher 1 1-1556 tween 9 & 10 Mile Plans FleXible schedules Roads) Monday thru 4pm 15134 Mack SPORT shop- needs JOin The No 1 We train Fnday 9am. 5pm Coldwell Banker affiliate MEDICAL Billing- Tired part time help- weekScholarships! (586)772-4204 ask for of the same old rou. days, 3- 6pm, SaturIn the Midwest' Internships available Kim tins? We are E'astslde days, 930- 4pm, SunCall George Smale at Simplel fun work Dermatology a growdays 11am3pm Ide--------313-8B6-420Q Call Monday- Friday mg medical practice al for students Apply THE Fmm of Berkley, Coldwell Banker 11am - 6pm With offices In Gr::>sse al POinte Aller, 19005 Mengel & Vining, Schweitzer Real Estate (586)498-8977 POinte Woods and Mack (313)685-1274 PC, Downtown Deworkforstudents com New Baltimore curtrolt, .~:ek~. a. ~e_ga~THE Shops of Grosse rently looking for ex- WAITRESS, experr. ;:'''''''''°'1 ""u;:'. """ POinte com IS lookmg cepled lor fulll part penenced Medical encedl Morning & afIltlgalion expenence, for commissioned time cashiers/ stock Billers Fulll part time ternoons Bob 313software expertise, salespersonsl Emall Energetic, reliable Some Saturdays, flex824-4624 and be a team player resumelo~ cheerful Must be 18 Ible hours Benetlt., With good Interpersotheshopsonmaln yorkshire Food Maravailable Send your WAITRESS, part lime nal skills Salary comstreet com or call 313ket, 16711 Mack resume to 20030 Apply Your Place mensurate With skills 300-3677 Mack, Grosse POinte Lounge, 17326 E Good benefits, paid CASHIER- local lumber Woods, MI 48236, or Warren DetrOit parking and fnendly and hardware needs fax 313-884-9756 office atmosphere..: :"'I perl>on Wltn ~Lrong WRECKER driver High Fax resume In confl- • WOKING math ability and enervolume tow company dence to Guy C VlnFOR A NEW gy No Sundays or PAINTER! full time paint pOSllJOn Must have In Grosse POinte area 11g 313-962-3823 CAREER? Holidays Benefits transportatIOn MIFlatbed and wheel 11ft Callond.. o ,f you (313)824-5550 chael (313)886-6217 experience required : All shills avallaole • 'Y" ........ d the • Customer Service _________ Apply at 18701 Mack! CHAIRSIDE dental as-. .cboo~Dg'Dmak<your' ~ (Harper Woods PICTURE framer experrence reqUired, full Gateshead (313)886slslant Small Grosse. drQlllJ CDm .. ru~ • office) needed 5 30pm- 9 30prT1Montime permanent pOSI- 2405 ask lor Doug POinte office seekmg .' (Call RJcba<d L..odUJ") '. tlon frame assembly an experienced assls- • • •.313-885-2000 '. day- Thursdayl 9am& fitting Call ~ RECEPTIONIST tanl to become a val- .' Coldwell Banker' 3pm Saturday Good phone skills & sales (313)885-3743 PART TIME ued member of our • : Schweltter ' team of aeslhetlc pro- • .... G.p. F~, .... backgr0und helplul I PICTURE framer expeWEDNESDAV.. fesslonals Part or full Il1o: ••••••••• :.III Will train Work at nence reqUired full FRIDAV- SATURDA1i1 time Includmg benefll _,......-----""'" home IS option. 32 time permanent pOSIGrlnl hlntl bllll' package (313)884year old family bUSItlon frame assembly 4014 Earn up co $30- $35 ness also needs & Wmg Call heellent .ala,. & or more per hour manager! SUpervi(313)885-3743 .ork .n~lronm.nt I COSMETIC dental pracPart}IIl~1S,eekJng sor. Excellent pay A NANNY NETWORK served throughout the TUTORiNG reading, math by certified world now and forev, l~dL.rJ~r WlLfl UI~UllB. Oh Sdl.reU nedn Gillingham training of Jesus, pray for us (313)882-8864 Worker 01 miracles, pray for us St Jude, GROSSE POINTE helper of the hope LEARNING. CENTER less pray for us Siner. 1977 Say th sprayer 9 times Our 25<- On rl!" Hill a day By the 8th day, 131 Kercheval G.P.F. your prajer Will be an313-343-0836 swered It 'las never been krown to fall, 121 DRAPERIES never Publication must be promised 'CURTAIN Calls' Cus10m made drapenes Thanks St Jude for cushions pillows Call prayers answered Anne Sullivan SpeCial lhanks to our (313)303 0860 Mother O' Perpetual He p SpeCial thanks 123 .DfCORA TING SEll VICE plan Karen 313-886- POINTE Hardware & S,nd resume to: Jesus Mary Joseph 1763 Lumber needs back I Receptionist, sevlfo' relp and gUidance WALLPAPERING room person 10 help P.O, 81. 66122, ces by Joan 15 years DIETARY server, dish. CL ~A R {II MI 48 washer utility worker, experrence (313)331loading cutting & 1L'~I_1I, stocking Benefits no ------needed for St Jo3512 102 lOST I. fOUND Sundays or holidays 201. HELP WANTED seph's \313)882-3800 IUYSITTEIl 124 SUI'COVEIIS (313)8245550 EXPERIENCED serv VIOLINI Lostl Black ~. I S50q:::~:h.:!h. II tlce looking lor dental assistant With great assisting skills and outgoing personality Full time (586)7513100 consullan" and leaders '~Ie"blc ,thcJult 'cun pam d,m"n"",,,", -No c..bh lnHstmtnr 'Crte no 11ln~ CHIEF finanCial officer Independent, growing manutacturer wan century long operations and outslandlng reputation seeks experrenced CFO to lead accoullng, HR, and MIS functions Entrepreneurral challenging envlronmenl for proactlce e1ergetlc operallonsorrented It:dU~r \,,.,r-/"V MSA preferrred Fax resume 10 (313)2021009 or mall to Chairman at Box 33062, clo Grosse POinte News & Connection, 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte Farms, MI 48236 o SITUATION WANTED 300 SITUATIONS WANTED IUYSITTERS ATTENTION: by MICHIGAN LAW DAY CARE FACILITIES (In-home & cenlers) must show their l..urrerll 1I1.t:HI~t:' lU yUUI advertiSing represenlatlve when plaCing your ads THANK YOU CREATIVE child care In your home I bnng books games crafts Empty nester available days References Susan (313)885-0660 302 SITUATIONS CONVAlESCENT WANTED CARE CAREGIVER for elderlyproVide personal care, housekeeping transportatlor Excellent references Sheila, (313)881-2504 CAREGIVER, 20 years experrence Excellent Grosse POinte references (586)294-3467 GRISWOLD SpeCial Care Adult companIon care light housekeeping bathing, dreSSing cooking transportation personal care Hourly overnight 24 hour live n (586)2540672 Bonded! Insured DENTAL office manager; front desk Full NANNY needed for toders, bartenders line SALES person mem tin"e General dentistKELLY HOME CARE dler and 2 Inlants FUll coo~s ana prep bershlp for tenn sand ry 9 Mllel JeHerson SERVICES trme 8am- 6pm, Moncooks Also part time fitness c'ub Part t me St Clair Shores Must ~"""""""r "24 YEARS day Ih.ough C1lday brewery helper Apply evenings and weekhave prevIous dental EXPERIENCE ,N out of Pleasant Ridge In person Stoney REAL ESTATE ends Penect lob for Iront desk expenence HOME hEALTH CARE" home Sarah Creek BreWing Co Opening ror "erT1ptynester" Wit" knowledge of Nurses (313)964-7646 or 237 Joseph Campau experienced or non, (313)8862944 Computer Age and! or Home Health Aides experienced agents_ Caprice (248)545DetrOit (313)877Dentrlx software Ex Will train. f'ull or live n 24 nOur cover 8025 125 FINANCIAl SEll VICES 9205 SARANDA Coney Is part tlmc. cellent salary & bene--------age "7 days per week land needs he'p wait- PART time lov ng de HAIRDRESSER wltil cliWe spec,,,'lze In Iits Resume reqUired 866-835-3385 toll free INVESTORS WANTED corporate resses & short orde pend able care g ver In entele 6000 commlS Cal' (586)773 1050 " Bonded Insured 101 (A!ERING 10°0 18°0 R 0 I , relocation ~ervires cooks 15221 E War01.. rhome 3 1/2 year Slon Ultra modern lor Intervtew appointOro...... POinte Peal estate secured ren Apply after 4pm old & 7 month salon' (')86;777 1088 ment resident prererred Advanced Funding CA.RE FOR YOU (5861716-9485 Aller ...... p Orosse Pointe L,censed Mortgage Th" U tlm~te In 10 13 (313)886 0339 DON POSition RN re resldents preferred HompCAI<' 200 HILI' WANTED GENERAL 200 HIL' WANTED GENERAL Banker 24 hour -.e v (e SOMEONE With own qUlref, lor 8t Josepil s (248 )643-9099 ..~~-~ I 1 888 626 7378 , ~,nded Since 1078 transportation to care (313)882 3800 ~_ .... ""'---"'=._--"'''.'. (586}727-9227 lor children Tuesday. Sr t'l2 Harmony I EXPERIENCED f"1ed,cal _ 817)834 845 Iv VOliR Nex1 O«a~Jf Friday 245- 630pm assistant full or par. I. 586-207-8857 Saturday 9amtime for a cliniC In " .. , ~~~~ _ 6 30pm later hours HamtramCk (313)872 POINT[ CIlRr URUIr£S 101 COMMER Sf."CE dUrlnq holidays Must 6000 PROCESS techsl shift Full Part Time Or lIl'e 'n supervisors PlastiC n Personal Care, be able to do errands TEEN computer whiZ Companfan,hlp FleXible hours for holl M-E-D-IC-A-L-o'-flc-e-as-sl-s Jectlon molding New available to assist fOU -C-Ia-s-s-If-Ie-d-A-d-v-e-rt-Is-I-n-g Baltimore all sh fts Insured Danded day schedule $10 lant needed for East ""1dr4 (,hesqulere on your corrp ller an IDEA that sellsl Fax resume to Grosse Pomte ReSident nour Roxann 313Side cliniC (586)445 ~20 hour Steve C"'_ r,..,. "' ... (586)94g 5288 ~ 1 ~ liH">-6944 580 5292 3070 (3131884 1914 ~ case Kerby School! Kerby ROdd October SIMPLY Slip Covers & Accessories Custom 2 Rev,drd 1313)882 Slip covers made to 0401 order table skirts pil lows etc Call Krysta (313)885 1829 o SPECIAL SERVICES -"-1.' ,.... ,... .j I Thursday, October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection Classlfieds (313)882-6900 ext. 3 302 SITUATIONS WANTED CONVALESCINT CUI ,'~ 'af ed ~~""g"", •CARING SINCE IQOO' Affordable Live In 24 hour coverage 7 days per we~k Home 11ealth Aides c.ornpassJOnate MUltllmgual Personal Care Meal Preparations Llqht tlousL}<c, pmg 30S SITUATIONS WANTED ~OUSE CLEANING 30S SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSE ClEANING 403 IURNITURE 407 FIREWOOD m NORTHERN FIREWOOD COMPANY 310 SITUATIONS WANTED ASSISTED LIVING COMPANION for the elderly, 23 years experience, rilferences (586)344-6409 MATURE caregiver 18 years experience IrI Grosse POinte area Excellent References (313}526-3215 303 SITUATIONS WANTED DAY (AIlE ~~~~~:o~~n an~6~: ~~ Alway~ Buying 01 ------ ATTENTION' by MICHIGAN LAW pAY CARE FACILITIES (In-home & centers) mus' !>1l0.... their current license to your advertlslrlg representative when placlrlg your ads THANK YOU Dlnnerw .....e Set.o., Partial & Full Estales 2 denim blue loveseats DINING room set (con 1 dark wood coffeeta. temporary). DIA (Gor ble With wrought Iron mon s) glass tlP ta legs & magazine ble 8 chairS, Crate & shelf Four matching Barrel, Barossal cane throw pillows, very rallan $1 600 good condllon $300 (313)8822646 _(_58_6_)7_2_5_'9_5_7_7 LAMP tables coHee ta 2 seat sofa 2 matching bles kltcnen s >1 lamps Must see drop. leaf table, Winy Make olfer (313)885 back chair (586)774 0359 6385 --, - ------------------BOY S dresser With mlr MAHOGANY enterldln ror 1947 3 piece din ment center $450 Ing room set King Antique sewing ma size headboard With chine $50 (313)886 frame (313)882.0777 9461 ' CHERRY d,nmQ set stili boxed never used $550 (586)463 9017 ---------~ uldllU rr",w ","IUW JUI) mattress set Queen size $229 Please cdll (586)463-9017 CHILDREN'S bedroom furniture, 6 pieces, excellent condition, ANTIQUE white vanity With marble top Sink $250 Eleclrlc range $150 (313)885-7047 matching mirror Bak er cherry lighted 2 SATURDAY, lOam piece cabinet Pterre Household furntture Deux buffet, 80. wldli1 and other Items Por 2 Single bed lrames celaln, pictures, etc (313)886-3120, 4410 Yorkshire (313)268-2909 (313)881-629q .Cllp & Save ThiS Ad. CAPliN Perry US Seal Commander Klumph Fleel 6290 ''Iurtl' nlVt:l1 RJ, Cast China 1 mile north of Manne City, along nv. er October 10th. 12th 9am- 5pm ExtenSive button collection nautical Items, glassware, furniture 90 years plus Huge accumulalion of very unique Items Don't miss thiS onel POLISH ladles avalla ole Housecleaning, profeSSional laundry, Ironing 8 years expenence IrI Grosse POinte area References (313)885-1116, leave message MEMBER WE ARE t.LSO WOKING TO PURCHASEs hnc Uuna. (--tyltaJ, SLIve:r. 011 PamtIDp, f'UIDlture, Conume !c F",.Je-wdty YOU'VE H'u 'IX C' 'J fl:"'C' lc.lS(' La I lor ....lort 5 ::tl:J lnlorn ,mon Bought f sovm Wanted Vintage Clothes And Accessories Paying TOp Dollar For The Following: Clothes From The 1900'S Through 1970's. -Costume -Fine JewelrylWatches .Cuffllnks -Furs .Hats .Handbags -Shoes Lingerie .Llnens -Textiles -VanIty 'Boudolr Items References, Complete Confidentiality I. H8IIl Brttag tI.NlIUIt ~~ lIemnllner \I 406 ESTATESALES 63308 ASlfBURY WASlfIl'lQ~ TOWI'ISlflP flU. OCT. 11m (9:00 :5:00) SAT, OCT.12Tlf ( 10:00.3:00) BIG SALEI 1-94 to 26 Mile, West to Old Van Dyke. l'Iorth to 29 Mlle. turn W.".L l'Iext week lwo sales. Look (or the RollnbowlII www.fjunbowestatesales.com . Cynthia Campbell 313-882-7865 and more or AKnsT SUITUES. Include easds camas plain al'e boxes unframed art dozens or empty frames framed portraits and 011paintings and more Entire Home's Furniture & Furnishings, -- -------- Stt#' ~ ...s--. ... Town 6- Country )erVlce~ /2- ~ Sales, LLC Estate .Movltlg )alps' 313417-5039 Lon Stefek I [/ www town?ndrountrve<;tdteSdko; \f J ~t ImportoJnf IIlllt 5.1Jt 1'.1 " II J '1 Appraisals if ] II com III 1\ I Ol ~ It"'.) [] So.rdIJy f.I!tI>I!IlIllml: F<1dIIY~'Hh_~ SlanB\t Clcla>ot '31 0-'-" ~ TLMdly. 0C*DIr ,,.,_ ~ I Estate LiqUidators ~~1"_~ _'-11'11_~ I I EDMUND FRANK & CO. (313) 869.5555 View The Entire Catalog On Our Web"te fealurlng Fren<h 19th C Furniture American Rococo ReVival Furniture DecoartlVe Arts &. Pamtlngs from A large Grosse POinte Mlch Eslate E:.ngllsh & American Sterling Sl~ver Hollow Ware And Flatware 18th 20th C And Large Book Serving the community since 1976.. OhIO Nallvi(! L Ava"aole American Artlfa<ts 19th C Arms American Furmture [rom The E,late Of Arthur Charle,worth Traverse CIty Ml<h A CollectIOn Of Celebnty Autographs And Unique Collecllble' In<ludlOg Neon SIgns Aod Guoflne Pumps C.. rtlfled Appraiser ror Estate Sale. In Soul/! Florid. LSTAn JII'>T NORTH I -., I .. J HI F BY VICTORIA WARRJ-N OJ- 12 Mil F 01-1- l!OOVI- R I, I' 5hort$., SUIU • .slacks, ,SWuten, ere NUMRl'RS ~- l'RIDAY9 Utica inlaid leather and decorah\ e <helt baLk chair' Hagopian Onental career clothe' from Jawb,,)n~ A.rt cUSlom Chn'tma~ and mt.ch dC\.t'r more !>upphes tools 111mI' It all' Items from all o\er U,e world mEllE ARE lIUrIDREOS OF U~IQUE A~O UI'lUSUAL ITEI'tS YOU JUST WON T BELIEVE YOUR FYE..C;THFRF WILL BE Tl\EASURE fOR ALL TASn:s ""10 I'OCKf:T 600KS WADS OF VERY Uf'OROABLE GOODIES OF ALL SORTS. nitS WEEK WE "AVE USEFUL. ()I'!USUAL, AND A Tl\ULY ONE OF A KJ~O Tl\EASURES. WE "AVEI'! T "AD A SALE QUre LIl.I! nw n.s 1'4 A VDn' LO!'li TJllE. roo IftL Ill!: I'U'ASfDI wmg rugs Cocktail and etc IlkI' new 10 18 craft 'rou custom hundreds of decoratl\e • WWW:b'::X':::.: TIt: IJOJU't: 31 J.68S.141 0 RlR SAU: DETAIS SI1IfEr ~ ItOl'()RfD AT 9AM tRmJ\Y orL Y CAlL 0lR I'LI'ftKS A VA.aAIllE 9- lOAM tRmA Y 0'<1 Y Garage Sale Shoppers Are On The Move ~OAM If you ve been thinking about planning a garage sale. now IS the perfect time The weather IS great, and garage sale shoppers are keeping their eyes on the classlfleas for the best sales In town Put an ad tn the clas<;fled section today and you II get results' () BN215 I BRAKE FOR GARAGE SALES Grosse Pointe N~ws C9NNECuoN N I .. • , • '" It. Cla~sified Advertising (313)882-6900 ext. 3 • com \fan) framed PrlOCS, oodl .. of Sluffed animal. &. decorative I flags KnIck knack., d"na ,cu, large bell collectoon, I maple dining .able, cham & hutch Cham"ng maple kuchen ,.ble & 2 cham Roll .op d•• k. 2 ch",. of drawe .... & "''II bed !looks C hmlma.. Imens Deprcu,on and mil of l\la.. warc, Ml<h'gan "late mcmorabLlla and rrcord~ J-RJI)AY Ilnl <;Af1JRDAY 121H 10 <\ II I •• , J ThIS" 'wealS, Sch", ark Also available are dozens of (>rett} table linens C\U)dil} kitchen load:, of useful furniture for all roome; and .... 7( IN PRF.'>I1)}-'I/1<; VIIIAC,J- #29~1l2 II an unu.ual .. Ic, very little fumuurc bu' lacs of I I tvCI)1hlOg else Lad'u bags de<orattd calova.• bags and holiday bags PIllS '11'i'. IADIJ- 'S ('LO rHES I I from including un,qlle cherr> "ooJ Luno cabmet Drexel Onental sofa table & m'rror Peon House cherr> ,,,x,d ftxlled armOIre & 2 end tables sUllable br L R or B R cherT) wood desk with IV Priced Sale 01 HouseholdFurnishings ProfeSSionallyConducted,n Your Home furnllure Collections lrlcJude d07cns of porcelain fJguT1ne'5 Incfuding order Uadro pieces Royal Daulton lUl10gc Minton and Coleport Wed!lewood dozen' of chcru!>s III every medium Idmps sconces .andirons figUrines pictures painted furniturE" and more Collection of IntrigUing stuff mclude small Frankllll Mint houses porcelain pigs small boxes of all sorts ladte~ costume jewelry et accessorles hundreds pieces of 1960- 1970 , clothing and more Fri., Sat., Oct. 11, 12. 10am-4pm 13973 Brookside, Sterling Heights !'ewer lit ~ Tradltwnal furnIture Includes white leather chalr and ottowan glris bedroom set cu"ed 1950 s sectional pair of wmg challS pr of 1950 s Wuld,comtl arml"ss chalTS old mahogdny buffet pr of Wicker arm chairs Flowers of the Heart Estate Sale (,orf';eou~ Oft' .uI'DISOl'l1E1\\oDl'll1lfIlroRD E"'''re C:c,.,'e....ts or th ~ I~rg~ g~c c_s 'Old::: 'h:;) ....:: be for sale The owners wtlO are vcI)' Imaqlnatlve: an<l artlsllc have moved to flonda We ha\t ..a\allablc hundreds of carefUlly c.hosen treasure ...and art by one or Gro5SC POinte s most accompll"jhed drllsls Antique pieces [nelude a large VlCtori.m tea service hugt. turkey dome opaline egg WIth ormolou mounts pr of Jacko- petite figural lamp"i Blackmoor tdmps & wall sconces ,everal Bristol vases MaJollcd oyster plates gold and green service plaice; Germorln bl'SClue figun'lC's marblc bust of Vlctorian Woman Roya! Copenhaqcn serving plate pink case glass lustelS cheru!> lamps mUSical bJrd In a glided cage 2 antIque youth chalTS older Woodard dining table and 4 chaIr'S Dunbar ..tyle chllforot>e low l><'nch t>ookc:.Jse etc needlepoint chair' and more 248-866-4389 ll< ",old MOVING? Pal" zrn. Appraisers (313)822-1445 "Paris" .. WItOIE ftOll5I'. EStATE SM.E fRnAY 81SAR.RDAY 0Ci0Iltl' I 11" AN) I 2002 I o~ 4f'I\L 832 GRAl'I) IlIARAIS. <lROSSE I'OI'lre PARK. I'-. 'f' Overwhelmed WIth Basement Clutter! Can'l Park in yo ur Garage! ., (ue S,IYer Gdt &: Jade Bell ( '900 RUSSian S,!Yer Urn By Vakov lyapunov Art GI." & Bronze lamp' InciudlOg Han~1 Durand &: Steuben Art Glass. Pewablc Pottery ~n9hsh Motohca ralr Of Me,,,en Mirrored Wall Bradels Porcelain Dinner ServICes By Royal Crown Derby Royal Wortesler Poseothal Reed N Bartoo FranCIS I Spanish Baroque tntematlOnal ROyiJ'1 Di1nlSh Sterling Flatware Fine lewelry Aod Onenlal Rug' From Anllque,o Modern • 313-886-8982 (In sub at SE corner of 19 Mile I Schoenherr Atlakcslde Mall turn south on Schoenherr 1019 _~ll1h"~ SlanB\t OOObor'W1 oIl1lX8n 000t<r _"!bn FabNg€' Clgarette HARTZ HOUSEHOLD SALES, INC. Grosse Pointe Sales, Inc. Estate Sales Appraisals MeniJerAmerlcan~qf WllK SALES ~_,r~ I 'l\f ~ 406 ESTAlE SALES MARCIA Renee A. Nixon FRESH START HOME ORGANIZING & ESTATE SALES 'J-bay Fin£" Works Of Art Anton Brallh Fredrick (arl Fnc!iocke Edmund H Osthaus Douglas Arthur Teerl Ch.luncey F Ryder McCieliao ~a",ai Edwm H Bla'hl/old r.1 fried Gerard Gautier Carved Marble Scutptllre\evres Bronze &. Porcelain Chandellcre Regina Upn9hl Mus c Box 1897 aJMPLEIE ESl'A:IE SALES SERVICES ProfesslOna~ honest & prompt. AntIques, mlsceUaneous, coUectlons, accumulations, household,farm, etc. lO%fee. Why pay mare? Free no obltgation evaluations. CtLL MELISSA (586)790-3616 248-545-4300 1I.{i 40' ESTATESALES ~ ~%M~982~.o ww¥ ii00KSTORE 248-399-2608 .(... G,.., BOOKS i...aIa~ll1: Royal Oak Monday.Sa.urday 1_ FI",f ART APPR\I\FR .. " He TlO,"HR" ..1M f ,'l27 409 F IFHlOR"OI\ A\f IlfTROIT TEL (3I3j96162H FA'" (JU) 96HII'19 www dumoucltellc:.s com i\ nd Sd I nroup;h LOCATED IN THE OLD CHUR('HAT ~I"f In Gollery For 520 Or 525 Po,tage Photo h('nn For )au 1 rhe hnc I Cl ESTATE sale. New Bal. tlmore 52585 Base 5t (west 01 Green 51 east of 24), October 12th, 13th, 9a m 4p m Household & kitchen Items (most Items never u:oed II To \rf>C" VISIT OUR GALLERY AN ,'QUE S/ COLLECTII LES Enamelf"d S,lver ((JrnU(Opla 'ill \). w II Rrs.e.atC" ~our snow ~t.f.N THF ROAD fbyr~n~,ll1tC'mlllJ;lt 400 CollectlOn From Charles 8 Crouse Jr Waorrtn OF !SA Est /983 40' ESTATESALES WANTED John King 313-961-0622 n ~ 403 fURNITURE &date --B-O--O--K-S---IR~~e;:;~s GIas ..., Fine China, ~Uver, Unens, LICENSED day care home has openings POLISH lady to clean your home Referenfor IrIfants through ces Grosse Pomle preschool Small area (586)360-8542 group Impeccable references (313)884- PROFESSIONAL clean4763, Karen Ing lady Very good Expenence! referenUCcNSED mom Will ces Anna, (313)867lovlrlgly nurture your 1962 little one dUring well structured lime Expe- PROFESSIONAL young energetic European nenced (313)886student In search of 0934 customers for housekeepmg Grosse POinte references !J.u.:! lable very de -.--pendable, extremely MARY'S Day Care LovfleXible Call Diana, Ing & Personal ActiVI(586)7740316 ties SOCial development CPR certified PROFESSIONAL, enerExcellent references getic, honest wllh exLicensed home cellent expenence are (313)882-7694 looking for house cleaning customers 304 SITUATIONS WANTED Excellent rE'ferences GENERAL available 586-775DEGREED hardworklrlg 7685 586.675-5248 uidustnous person ask for Sozena looking for work Ad. WELCOME HOME mlnlstratlve, customer Polish Cleaning service Computer litService erate Excellent al Cleaning Laundry & tendancel (313)884 Ironing Flower 9469 Planting & Weeding DO you need a personal Bonded & Insured ~~rvmn .All Pr1lntpc::. ass stan I, cook- com -- Sln~; 1985 -pan lon, someone to For a Free In- Home organize, regulate Est mate your life? Lean on me (313)884-0721 (313)881-3934 400 . ANT.lQUES/COllECTlI1ES - F~ ALWAYS reliable mom 10th year of excep. couple Will tlonal child care pro- POLISH clean your home 15 gram Openlrlg for 16 years experience Ex. months or older 9 Ira lor Windows & gaMile! Harper rage (586)774-8292 (586)777-8602 Ava,l.ble - ,,--MERCHANDISE.,J 8ondt:d Calolog 407 fiREWOOD AAA Crlstal Clean WOULD you like your GIRL'S antique walnut FIREWOOD- free stack- FIREWOOD Northern Cleaning Service Ing free delivery, free , twin bed vanity With hOUSE cleaned? With kindling Seasoned Michigan s Finest honest dep",rrodble, mirror & cnalr, $650 good relerences mixed $70! face cord Guaranteed to be the reliable For free esti(313)8821618 (586)725 0178 800-535 3770 absolute best seas mates (313)5276157 oned firewood that 40 I ApPLIANCES AFFORDABLE cleanyou have ever burned HARDWOODSeasIng hardworking, de or your money back & oned dry premium RANGE- Electnc GE pendable honest Exkeep Ihe lumber firewood $75 face CopDertone Self cellent references (586)777-9082 cord delivered PIO cleaning Very good Call Nicole (313)729 neer rree Service condition $150 3978 403 fURNITURE (586)463 3363 (586)7752064 400 CLEANING lady avalla. ANTIQUES /COLLE<TIILES TV - Derfect shaDe for a A cherry sleigh bed stili ule Weeklyl bl week boxed never used 27" NEe perfect Iy/ monlhly 27 years ANN Arbor Antiques $249 (586l463.9017 shape 13" N EC experience Grosse Market, October 20 (586)777 4448 POinte rele'ences Sunday 7am- 4pm AR Interiors- 10'}0 to (313)8857740 5055 Ann Arbor Sal. 5000 off salel Thurs 106 ESTATESALES r.xuphMAII,. rllfe. CLEANING, laundry & Ine Road ex! 175 off day thru Sunday 18th JoJ .. :.td H""~~fI~' 1n ... :':' .... h:? ........::: _:: vI l~ .;)~IVI"'t:';:,. 1.t11 t~UI Y ~lYIt;l \'Ql YttU I/"~ I l:UlrlOOrUUYfINU Wasnlenaw Farm Weekly or bt-weekly mahogany 4 poster DetrOit Easl of Ever CounCil Grounds Ad All days available Exgreen west of and sleigh King size W Outer Dr al cellent references bedroom sets Set of miSSion $500 Free McNichols Friday and (313)881-0259, 8 Sheraton chairS parking No pets InSaturday 9am- 5pm (313)319-7657 round table 4 chairS formation 850-984 Old records 1988 carved armOires, 0122 EXCELLENT Grosse Acura, art work, all Chippendale 3x 5 ofPOinte references appliances, sofas, tafice desk, secre1ary One person team Re BRIDGETTE'S Hand. bles, chairS, lamps, all desk Sideboard, cuno liable E'tllrlent LeI me carved Furniture lighting fixtures, dining cabinets console tado It Call Sherry 25931 Gratiot near set, bedroom sets bles end tables, Bom. (586)2022141 Frazho Wednesday day bed, glassware bay chest, Tiffany (586)7763430 thru Sunday 10- 5 and dishes, electronstyle lamps Windows (586)773 7006 AntiICS,weight bench With and lots more 248EXPERIENCED, have que reproductions weights, books fireworked In area for 20 _ 582-9646 607 S place fixtures, cloth years Excellent refer- LOST MemOries AntiWashington, Royal Ing computer desks Oak ences (586)790-3468 ques 23109 Gratiot (9 and printer, cosme1. ICS Everything must am available to clean 1/2 Mile), EastpOinte TuesdaySaturday go Another Bernard euery other \f.!ednes 10 30a m. 6p m Buy DaVIS estate sale day morning Lisa & sell antiques Deco(586)445 1490 rating consultant MOTHER daughter resIavailable by aPPolnl- 41~iu~~~~{~~~~L~)e~~~ dential cleaning Honment 586-585-2398 est, dependable, ref~Tatnbo~~~ .. com erences Lisa, Saturday 10am.5pm CO'rlOleteSM;'Ce (tiflR)77ti.7F>O? r for more InlormatJon. Call (:5I :5)885 4576 Re(er.,nces. Insuled Austrian 400 ANTIQUIS !COlUCTlILES Department --~---------------------------------------:'----------------------:-;------1--.:'---- I Thl Grc 409 GAUGE/YARD/ USEMfNT SALE 403 FURNITURE MAHOGANY INTERIORS (Fine Furniture & Antique Shop) 506 S Washington Royal Oak, MI Kittinger dlnmg room chairs (mahogany) oan quet dining room tables & large & small ch na cabinets by Baker lots at oed room, liVing room & d n ng room furniture oil paintings ,amps ruqs stem ware TOO MUCH TO LIST! 248-545-4110 MAPLE <t."::u::;n $150 desk bedroom ~Ioon set C::f"'1b Small glass top $150 (313)886- 9717 round RATIAN 42 glass table with 4 $100 chairs (313)882-5694 THOMASVILLE medium brown 9 - 8" queen headboard with 2 ar mOlres and mlrrorback plus matching 6 dresser $750 Day (313)884 7180, night (313)8861508 WELCH cupboard Large 2 p,ece, 3 shelves 3 drawers Very nice $1,200 (313)640-4157 I I Classifleds (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Thursday, October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection WHITE leather sofa & loveseat $700 3 glass tables $300 4 Jfilt.e l.hdllb $17.J (313)884 0092 40iJillAGliillD/ 1205 Bedford SatUiday, lOam- 4pm 4 family, household exercise equipment decorations & more 23281 Liberty (south of 9 Mile east of Jefferson), Friday Saturday, 9- 3 Christmas & Halloween decorations, household Items, tools fishing equipment n1 Lincoln Saturday 9am- 2pm AntlqJephobia and collectomania II s a crazy salel 9 Mile & Jefferson, 22907 Canterbury, Thursday Saturday, 9am 4pm Greal 11ems a bll 01 everything Don't mlssl . 412 MISCElLANEOUS ARTlCLfS 409 GARA.GI/YUD/ USEMENT SAU Department sale' 4956 DICKENS FARMS- 472 LeXington MOVING 56 entire collection, LaFontaine DetrOll, (between Mack! Chal retired, make oHerl 2 oft Mack across from lonte) Saturday only 75 Baker down sofas Grosse POinte Post 10 4 Household cherry table antique Office October 12th Items furniture tWin furniture Victrola 9a,.,- 4pm Ralndate headboards Aubus(586)772 1258 October 13th Good son rug adult cloth Items' Ing shoes galore RESTAURANT furniture Much more' and equipment tables MOVING salel 5803 chairs and booth sllc FRIDAY, 9am 4pm Hereford DetrOit Sat ers mixers m cro Saturday 9am 3pm urda~ O'1ly' 9am- 5pm wave loasters shelv21705 Shady Lane E'veryth ng must be "8, d",~~~ f e cabl St Clair Shores sold furnIture kltcl,en nets china and much Items clothes & more FURNITURE! fJrnlshmore (313)886 8720 ngs from Grosse MOVING sale 424 Bar 413 MUSICAL POinte Shores home clay (off Chalfonte INSTIUMINIS SdturddY lOam 3pm soulh 01 Cook) Satur 832 Northshore Drive Stelnway grand ti"v R 10 1 ,0 <;rClI 1976 ....:>l ...... al plano mOdel L "dlln Ing down Priced to (586)307 8383 ebony With player sys go' tem Asking $28 000 GROSSE POinte City (313)882-6929 870 Washington Anti MOVING sale Furniture holiday decor sterling ques furnltJre, 4 famABBEY PIANO CO silver fur coats and ROYALOAK2485416116 Ily Every1hlng' Fnday game table Harper 9am 2pm ("lain date We Buy & sell Woods 19356 Wood Friday October 18 USED PIANOS land October 12th, 9am 2pm) Consoles-Spinels 9am- 4pm GROSSE POinte Farms Grands-Uprights 75 Cambridge (off MOVINGevery1hlng PIANOS WANTED Grosse POinte Blvd I must gol Grosse TOP CASH PAID Moross) Saturday on POinle Woods 1120 Iy 9a m 3p m More Roslyn Fnday- Sun- BUY, consign rent sell rT'erchardlse added service and teach day, 9a m - 4p m Lots of men s Polo most mUSical Instrumedium shirts wool & MULTI famlly- French ments Jerry Luck cashmere sweaters furniture, accessories StudiOS (586)775SUits pants belts & QUlmper dishes de7758 ties lots never worn Signer clothing, much Women s clothes, more Friday Satur- PIANO, Baby Grand Dark mahogany Must shoes size 6 SchWinn day, 9- 1 820 Rivard gol $500/ best bikes SkiS, skates (313)520.8000 and lots more ROSEVILLEChanty used book! bake sale' PIANO, Yamaha, black GROSSE Pomte Park, Fraternal Order of Eadlsklavler, MX80 97, 1430 Bishop Fridaygles Club 29500 Little excellent condllton, Sundav 9am- 4pm ~'lrack. io1r of 12 With benrh ~ IJISW'S, Lots • of hook<; Mile eastSide on unle $4900 (734)769shelves household, Mack OutSide weath8615 liddle clothes cunosler perrnlttlng October ties No early birds 12th 1Oam- 6pm STEINWAY console GROSSE POinte Park Honduras mahogany 830 Barnngton Fn- RUMMAGE :>dle coming Hepple White deSign at GP United Church day- Sunday, 9am$10,000 Excellent 240 Chalfonte Save 4pm A IIltle bit of evcondition I (810)982l October 18th, 19th erythlng 2354 from 9.1 GROSSE POinte Park, VIOLINS, Violas cellos 917 Grand MaraiS RUMMAGE sale Bethatrumpets c1annets (between Jefferson flutes, gUitars, saxony Chnstlan Church and Essex) Friday, phones Parts! re5901 Cadieux, OctoSaturday 9am 4pm pairs (313)886-8565 ber 12th 9 30am1st sale m 25 yearc; lpm 11am 1pm 1! 2 WANTED. GUitars Ban(Rain date October pnce sale JOS Mandolins and 18 19) No early birds Ukes Local collector SATURDAY, October GROSSE POinte Par\<. paying top cash 313 12th 930am- 12pm ' 1349 Lakepolnte 886.4522 1851 Hunt Club Thursday Fnday and Grosse POinte Saturday 10am 6pm 19'21 CUICKf:lUI'IG Woods ThiS IS no Refreshments Tup. AMPICO GRAND lnc\< ThiS IS my treal perware, couch lovePLAYER PIANO, Free lreasures lor one seat refngerator 5 8" Mahogany and all Leave handExcellent condition desk microwave bags bnng shopping (313)881.03'25 or comics mOVies, bags 3 Item limit No ( 248)649-3992 household Items, Fnday VISitors clothes b kes al'Jd BIG mulll- family sale Furniture adult! children s clothes, nouse much more 415 WANTfD TO IUY wares books 794 ST Clair Shores 21128 Notre Dame Grosse GROSSE Frazho Sa1urday POinte 19505- 60s dolls (espePomte CltV Saturday 9am- 3pm 2 house1535 EdWoods Cially Barbie) Sought 9am- 1pm Every1hlng holds Collectible ledbetween mundton by collector who pays must gol dy bears, furniture CharleVOIX, Goethe! cash (313)886-4392 hand tools jewelry, Saturday, Friday CHURCH Rummage more No presales 9am2pm BUying Sale' Fnday 9amDIAMONDS lpm, Saturday, 9am- GROSSE Pomte ST, Clair Shores 23336 Estate, Anlique Jewelry 3pm Greater Mack (3 Woods 1535 South ShoreView October & COinS blocks north of 9 RenaUd, Saturday 10 11 12 9am- 7pm Pongracz-LaLonde mile) 12th 9am- 3pm Red Multl- lamllyl Jewelers tubular bed SDOrtS DETROIT, 5036 Lan& POinte Gemological equipment golf balls, ST Clair Shores 29345 noo Friday Sunday, Laboratory mlsc Items 8am ? Household Rosebnar south of 12 91 Kercheval Mile 2 blocks west of baby small electron- GROSSE POinte on The Hill Harper October 12th ICS furniture, clothes, Woods 1760 HampGrosse POinte Farms 13th 9am5pm antiques ton, Saturday 9am. (313)881-6400 2pm Mlkasa for 16 WOODS, 853 N Brys BUYING old furniture, car seat CD stereo Fllday, 9am- 2pm Erglassware, china and scanner, leather chair tertalnment center other Interesling lots more' Pottery Barn area rug EASTPOINTE- St PeItems John 313 882ter's Lutheran Rum GROSSE coHee table womens POinte 5642 clothes sizes 6 8 Woods 1878 Premage Sale October kids clothes toys FINE china dinnerware stwlck Friday & Satur10 9a m 7p m Oc sterling silver f'atware high chairs strollers day 9am- 6pm M,sc tober 11 9a m ' p m and antiques Call (GratIOt norh 9 Mile) GROSSE POinte 411 JEWElRY Jarv Herb (5B6)731Woods 789 Canter 8139 bury Fnday- Saturday BEAUTIFUL ESTATE sale plus St engage ' lOam 4pm Newer ment r ng 66 round OLD Lionel or Arlencan Clair Shores 23187 Flyer t'a ns Collector vintage fur'1lture Gladhill Lane (MarterWith plat num band bUylnq 1 piece to en Computer $950 (313)433-7663 Jefferson) Friday tire collection any Saturddy 9am 3pm HARPER Woods 20007 ~12 MISCELLANEOUS condition (313)885Household rr Int kids ARTICLES Country Club Fnday 9777 clothes crystal fabnc 9am 2pm Kids stuff BLACK 3 piece enter ESTATE! mult' family toys tlkes more talnment center $300 OLD \Noocer duck '1untsale' Furn ro..:se mg decoys and fishing Kitchen table! 8 HARPER Woods 20449 wares leen clothing tackle cash paid chairs on gin ally Lancaster Thursday ping pong table (586)774-8799 $1 800 $350 Four Friday 9am 4pm Excamp ng equ pment stools $1001 or $35 cellent condition child PAYING CASH! ral road rnerrorabil a each Sleeper! sec ren s clothes toys For antiques, COinS, computers Satu'day tlonal $500 Recliner houserold Items dlamonds,lewelry, Sunday 9am 3pm $100 Triple mirror watches, gold, Silver, Ralndate October HUGE garage sale' dresser $50 Glass paper money, 19th 109<) HawThursd'lY h day shelf unll anginal (586)774-0966 tro-ne 9am 5pm Saturday $21001 $150 TKO 8 Sunday 9am u'1til station bOXing center FARMS, 168 F sher Fri 4878 Gu Iford be $200 Basketball day Saturday 9am t _ cc,.., \A1;:.n-c.... &. UUdfU W~I~ I uc '-' 4p'Tl D nelle set fv1ack near Cad eux double stroller must free7er electror,cs sell (313)881 9240 bunkoed mo'e INSIDE garage sale I ... 1 FARMS 183 HII crest (off Kercheval) Fr day Salurdrly 10arr 3pm Mulll fam Iy Furniture baby L tlle T,kes Buntor Bullet 48 walk behind mower Lois fTlore GROSSE Po,n'p Fa'ms 25'i R dgemo'1t Sat urday g OOa n 1 OOp m Co Jer 10veseal $ 1')0 pnter talr'ne ,I cenlpr $15 mpn s 1l.Jspeed AlC k,(j, ~tuff ..... "' ......... 234 Ridge Rd CUTCO Galley set plus Grosse POinte Farm.> SIX I<nves M n' cond rr day Saturday tlon Or glna, pacKag i Oam 4pm Washer Inq $350 Sterling d'Yer furniture collecHeights (586,247 tibles books re<'ords 4432 fl<;hlnq stuff pnm t ves Somelhlnq for D-ESIGNER-sofg Robprt pveryore' 1,llen 'Ioral pnnt ir> red qreFn and yellOW MOVING sdle' 4')1 excellent cond 1or c:; rv, rly Thu'sday $100 Des gner woo' f r day Sa' Jrday carpet 9 X 11 rose 10,,11' 5p'T1 Toy~ In $300 Ollental rug ens 72 years acc-u q x 12 rose $350 f11ul<illorl Every1hlng ruS: qo (313)882 e716 606 AUTOMOTIVE '03 AUTOMOTlVf GENERAL MOTOIlS 60 I AUTOMOTIVE CHRYSLER 415 WANUD TO IUY SPORT UTILITY SHOTGUNS, nfles old 1985 5th Avenue- Good 1992 Cadillac DeVille mint, must see handguns Parker runnlng co ndItlon 53000 miles white! Browrlng WlnchesNew tires brakes burgundy leather Inte'er Call Luger othbattery 93000 miles nor, new tires, air, ers Collector $t 100 (586l777$7 800! best offer, (248)4783437 4477 (313)719-6500 416 SPOIlTS EQUIPMENT 1997 Dodge Neon Au- 1987 Cadillac Sedan tomatic air sunroof DeVille body good, 57K $4000! best CYCLE Ops FlUid olke Intenor- like new en (586)255 5960 tralnl'1g stand Excelglne needs repair (586)468-7141 lent condltlol'J $85 $1 2501 best (586)2865619 (586}7734314 1994 Eagle VISion TSI MEN 51 Ladles golf fully loaded leather 1996 Impala SS mature clubs (driver thru 9 seats power sunroof, onglnal owner 23 800 wood) Orllmar 1 owner new tires! miles all standard goodies plus, brakes $3 gOO Ada'Tls Cleveland $21 000 (586)792 (313)885 6732 (248)582 0350 6562 1991 Plymouth ~CCI~I~ r .... '\ lAN:LS) ......... ~ ....... J loaded 80 000 miles No rust! damage V-6, very reliable $2,500 (586)228-1713 500 ANIMAL ApOrT A PEl ADOPT a rellred racmg greyhound Make a fast fnend 1-800-398' 4dog Michigan Greyhound Connecllon .. _... _ '"'v.... .. _- ~nnl"l ...... ~ 1997 Sebnng convertible JX 1 Leather loaded 65 000 miles Excellent condition $7 999! make oHerl (313)886-1440 602 AUlOMOTlVE I ~Q ,o1n" 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokae Limited, 55,000 miles, 4X4, leather $13500 313-8854402 1991>Jeep Grand Cherokee 4 wheel dnve White 6 cylinder Well maillained $7,000 (3t3)886-1779 1989 Range Rover Classl' Eastnor green runs excellent BeaLtllul 145K miles, $6 8001 best offer (313)231 5702 610 AUTOMOTIVE SPORTS CARS 1997 LJ Corvette n. a...... Black! v,........... , Loaded Extended 51 000 miles Excelwarranty Black! tan len! rondlton $26,500 ledlher 17" wheels (313)331-7558 new tires Excellent 611 AUTOMOTIVE condition 62000 TIlUCKS miles $26 900 (3131995-4192 1992 Chevy pickup 1500 Sene" V-6 au1991 Oldsmobile Clera tomatiC, clean 89,000 Excellent condlhon miles $3,500 new radiO 72 000 (586)344 8896 miles $3000 (313)824 2508 2000 GMC Sonoma 4x4, extended cab, 1993 Pontiac Grand AM power Windows! locks, SE, 4 door automatic CD, bed cover! liner cold air like new Great condllion 67,000 actual miles $11 300 (586)773$3300 (586)344-889~ 3004 1991 SedanDeVllle 1993 GMC pickup club 85 000 miles runs coupe 4x4, z71 V8, great, $4 000 very clean $6,900 (313)885-8839 1Oarn313.310-5881 5pm (586\771-6306 612 AUfOMOTlVE after6pm , . VANS COL.L.IE Rescue SaturFORD . day, October 12, 11am3pm 1994 Escort LX- good PetSmartl Taylor On condllton 88000 Eureka Road miles Automatic air, (734}326-2806 alarm, cassette Blue www coll,erescue com $1900/ best GROSSE POinte Animal (313)640-8196 or Adoption Society Pet 313-885-3884 adoption Saturday 1991 Escort blue 12- 3pm Children's 141000 miles ManHome of Detroit, 900 ual $1,200 (313)881604 AUTOMOTIVE Cook Road Grosse 1575 1995 Cnevy ~1$t,.O TIara rrt POinte Woods 2000 Focus- 4 door '1 Tfl'U converSion, loaded, (313)884.1551 wagon 49,000 miles, 1928 BUick 4 door Segood condillon, auto POinte Animal air excellent condlda'1, straight SIx! stick start, keyless entry, GROSSE "n~ et'" <:;N\ (~1 ~\AA<;_ Stored over 30 years power doors oower CllrllL, f1d~ Iflai", Hus8449 -- --- - --Clean $1 1,000/ oest Windows crUise, air, key miX, 3- 4 years -------(313)384-8273 TVI VCR, $6,500! old male brown Pit 2002 Ford Focus SE --------best offer (586)293miX, 2 adult cats wagon 6 monlhs 1928 Model A Good, 9026 new, 5,500 miles, auonglnal condlton Will (313)822-5707 tomatlc 2 0 liter air conSider best offer 2000 Chrysler Towfl & ST Bernard, 22 months, power Windows & 'Ill[(313)925-6961 Country LXI mini van, excellent condillon, papers, shots, great wrohrse'esl peAedM/coFnMtr/olcto'lt WANTED! Shelbys, fully loaded 44,000 dispoSItion, very & B BI k miles $17500 fne-dly beautiful alur1lnum wheels Boss Ig oc 313)884-1279 Ternflc car, need to Mustangs Cash walt(313)881-3947 ( leave lease, $13,800 Ingl 248-672-6663 2000 Chrysler voyager(313)882-2763 605 AUTOMOTIVE 50S LOSTAND FOUND V6, 28K Rust proof FOREIGN - --Reduced $11 900 1993 ~ord '-.A ... stang --FOUND. small black! (313)881-9762 GT 50, manual, 1992 ACUIa Integra 4 white Dutch rabbit, good condition, door, 1 owner, great dead end Hollywood! 88,000 miles $52001 second car $4,200 1997 Chrysler Town & Country LXI loaded, Willow Tree best (313)885-3528 (31::)88C-2453 leather Excellent con(313)884-9545 dition Only 44,000 1994 Lincoln Conlinen- 2001 Aston Martin 087 GROSSE POinte Animal miles $11,400 tal Executlve- 85,000 convertible, only 400 CliniC has male brown (313)886-5976 miles Good condilion miles rannoch red & Pltbull mix male black $5,100 (313)881a non standard Rolls 7050 after 6pm Royce oyster top, 1997 Chrysler Town & Akita mix (313)822Country LXI FWD, 5707 1999 Mercury Sablechromed onglnal pearl white! gray fully loaded, beautiful wheels, sport exhaust leather 3 8L V6 enLOST cat- orangel white front & bac\< radar gine, fully loaded, jewel green, all high burr oak vernier tabby Neutered male 78 000 mIles, way mi'es, must see mushroom leather InKenmore! Mack area $14 5001 best offer 85k $6,8001 best tenor gas guzzler & Reward (313)886 (313)881-0925 (313)231-5702 luxury tax paid 2386 1998 Mercury Sable LS $149,900 Call Ken 1995 Ford Wmdstar GL, 53000 highway miles Carver 586-293-1284 5 I ANIMAL SEILVICES 85,000 miles, paclfrc rm_ = ° Excellent $6,500/ 1990 BMW 7351L 1m ATIENTION Dog ownbest (313)884-3410 maculate condition, ers Complete waste message $8995 (313)885removal Satlslactlon 9139 g'Ja'anteed VISit usl 1997 Mustang GT- 8 cylinder, 5 speed 1999 Honda OdysseyPoopScoopKlng com 82000 miles Black! Green, fUlly loaded 1-877 -90-SCOOP black leather Cleaol Low miles Extended $8,500 (313)384warranty $21,000/ r 8273 best (313)882-0936 1996 Probe GT V6, au1989 Mercedes converto new exhaust! tires tible 560 SL While sunroof $5500 blue Intenor 51 ,000 (313)886-0133 miles Perfec1 cond" 600 AUTOMOTIVE. tlon (313)343-0483 1998 Taurus SE, Im• CARS maculate condition 1994 red Jaguar, 23,000 Silver, sunroof, spOilTAX deduclible dona miles (313)881-4604 er, auto heal & air, CD tlon Wanted cars p'ayer and more boats Wertz Warnors 1998 Saab 900S Black! $6,900 586-775-3322 black loather 5 SpeCial OlympiCS speed CD loaded Michigan 877-366- 2000 Taurus all options 70,000 miles $9,100 moonroof 94K (all 2831 (313)885-5769 highway), great nde CASH waiting- BUying Must sell $6500 2000 Toyola Cellca GTunwanted cars lruck (313)881-4037 S 27K 6 speed man4x4s Call today I ual loaded black! 603 AUTOMOtiVE (313)384-8273 black $170001 best GENERAL MOTOILS (586)2069444 DONATE your boat! 1998 BUick LeSabre clean Lake St Cla,r' 1999 Toynta Corolla cur, Low miles excellent We are here fOJndaABS AM FM cas condition (586)179 t,OIl (586)7782143 selle a,arm 12 000 3747 100° 0 tax deductlblel 'Illes Great conl',on $11 500 bes' ("l",r non profit 1992 BUick Regal {313}622 1605 white 4 dool runs DONATE your car' Total great Good student tax write off Any conVOLVO car $2700 (313)821 dition Call (586)792 • SPECIALISTS 6021 7094 SWan Import Aut!) 1998 Cad lIac Catera 16100 East warren 41 100 miles Gold 60 I AUTOMOTIVE cc:omer of DevonsIIlnil leather loaded sharp' CHRYSLER sales Ie service $11 500 33444 Jef Monday. Friday 1985 5th Avenue Good ferson (586)2962059 8:50 -5:50 running condit on _ New tires brakes, 2002 Malibu 4 door 511-882-"60 battery 93000 miles 26000 m les power $1 100 (586)777 CD ':!xcellert condl 606 AUTOMOTIVE 4477 tlon $11 800 UTILITY (586)779 6274 2002 Chevy Blazer LS 4x 4 2 door power sun roof w ndows & locks Keyless entry alarm AM/FM CD Dlayer 12 000 miles rew1er excellent can GROSSE POINTE d tlon $19000 ST MICHAELS YE OLOE TOY (586)808 1555 L1TILE THRIFT SHOP SHOprE 1998 Ford E'xplorer 200 20475 Sunnlngdale Pdrk 27510 Harper 2 blocks 4X4 autor1atlr loadNear Mackl Verr er ed moon roof clean South 0* 11 ~.Alle Wed 1\ Frl 10arl 3pm 87000 m les $8000 New used and Sat 10am-lpm (586)344 8896 _________ collect ble toys (313)884-7840 (586)n5-7927 1998 Honda Passport To Advertise heN! call Roslyn Baltazar at 313-882.6900 en. 563 spon Grosse Jbml~ News Co;>:>LcQoN green automatic 38L V6 $3500 (313)6400189 1996 Grand Caravan 74,000 miles, everything automatiC, blue $6,800 (586)774-8292 1992 Plymouth Voyager Clean, AMI FM V6, power Windows, 155000 $1 800 (313)824-8358 613 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED TO SUY ALL junk cars wanted Serving Grosse POinte, Harper Woods, St Clair Shores & DetrOIt's eastSide 586-7791552 r e JECREATIONA~ 651 JOATSAND MOTORS 28' 1989 ElliS CllStOm downeast yaCht, 210 HP Cummins diesel, t nes' electroniCs, clear> fast sea wo,1hy, Original owner $72500 (313)8812577 CAL-2 Sailboat and tra,ler Many extras $2000 Grea1 cond,tlonl (2311352-8118 2001 Sea ray 18' Only 29 hours 5 year warran,y $13 500 (313)6678801 1991 Sea ray 220 With trailer 5 0 liter merc 580 hours Exrellent, we'l maintained $11 000 (586)7785026 (586)994-3818 STARCRAFT 9 ft alumlnum pram great kids cottagel flshng boal $150 (313}8868476 DONATE your boat! c,ean Lake SI Cla,r WI' Are Here Founda ' ton (586)778 2143, 1000, tax dpductlblel ~on Iref r I , sport package ful y MARINE WOODWORK loaded leather power Cuslom deslgnpd & built Sl nroof 1 owner Callinelry Repairs Mint cond'ion New dry rot 23 Years tires, bra~es $14300 experience Hil.e (248)582 03~0 PortfoliO & References /2481435-60411 I 904 ASPHALT PAVING RE'AIR e&p .t'I~. • P"t"M"n • Sto~r 911 UI(K/ILO'CK 1~. Dnvt"wll)'!I t' WO~K A NAME YOU KNOWl JAMES KLEINER tudlln~ 40 Yeah Fxpt'nence Basement waterproofing, masonry, concrete 25 I'ears In the POlntes 313-885-2097 free [ ~tllllate5 586-77 3-~087 '07 IASEMENT WATEIlrllOOflNG . FIVE Lakes Construc tlOn One stop shop Additions garages sidings windows more Kitchen & bath basement remodeling Intenor extenor paint Ing All f nlsh work LI censed Insured Ref erences (586)405 8121 AFFORDABLE light masonry Save on TuckpOinting brick re placement mortar col A NAME YOU KNOWI JAMES KLEINER DtI:>emem walerproofing, masonry, concrete. 25 years In the Polntes. 313-885-2097 I Thursday, October 10, ?n02 Grosse Pointe News f The Conne" i Classlfleds (313)882-6900 ur rrlcllt..I111lg .20 (HIMNEY REPAIII J&J CHIMNEY SYSTEMS, INC. BOB TOMA Licensed Master Electrical Contractor MICH L1C # 71-05125 Chimneys repaired rebu It re lined Gas flues re I ned Clean ng Glass Block Cer1lf,ed Insured 313-885-9595 t"L.A:> I t;H &. ory wa I re- ~,:s.n'1f""CIo DAD & Daughtp, I \U ,> Repair DryW,111 terlng I ' decks palntll en bath & l remodeling (586)7768961 --------- DOMINIC S REASONABLE STUMP REMOVAL SHRUB REMOVAL 34 Years Expenence Call Domlnlc!lnsured (586)445 0225 Reasonable Rates Free Estimates CommerCial Residential New, RepairS, Renovations, Code Violations '21 (EILINGS --) DERK Brown Lawn Spnnklers Service and Installations Win terllatlon $39 most sy~tems Quality and experrence Call (586)774 1777 TOMA ELECTRIC (586)795-1711 ;:'lrO'1g ext. 3 I:'I\!..I_ 111"'I::""3~~ ..... In~".... :: FAMOUS Mall Horne rep" provements carpentry g pair cleanlr plumbing since 1943 I 4300 t+nr cleaning Snow removal Serving the Grosse PO'lte area 17 years (586)2262757 references Estimates Semi retired Mike, (313)884-0985 pair All types water 934 FENCES damage 18 years ex " , penence Licensed NEW DESW/IIS INC FENCE and gate repair Insured Joe c-. KJa:II-. & Dr Fence PH D ALL masonry workIJc:JtN ~Home (313)5100950 (313)882-4406 a pre CHAS. F. JEFFREY Tuckpolnt, chimney 1~5ervo<>es scrrptlon lor good FAL.L cleanups, Installa Basement bncks, block stones .2S DE.(KS/I'ATIOS IJClf.NSlD & lJlrSUIlFD tlon speCials, commernl?lghbors J9755 Eaolwood Driv" Waterproofing Lay patio slate CeHarper Woods Cial snow plowlrg MICHIGAN Deck BUilder .40 vrs Experience ment steps Reinforce (313)884-9132 lawn service resodGriffin Fence Company mlchlgandeck com -OutSide 'Irslde Method house foundatIOns Ing grading, seeding, (586)415-9350 .Walls Straightened References 586-779'All Types Of FenCing spnnkler systems 914cAllrENTRY 7619 & Braced 'Sales Scheduellng 2002 .29 DIIYWALL/I'LASTERING .Foundatlons 'Installation, Repairs 2003 15% discount SEAVER'S Home Main- CARPENTRY- Porches Underpinned 'Sen or Discount doors, decks base- ANDERSON Plasterlng(313)882-3336 tenance Bnck re.Llcensed & Insured .44 GUTTfIlS 313.822.3000 ments Repairs small reasonable drywall! pairs porches, chim800-305-9859 313-882-1800 GARDENER selVlng the Jobs Free estimates waler ddmage Owner neys, steps Mortar ALLEMON'S Gardening finest Grosse POinte , 936 fLOOII SANDING/ 28 years experrence works on all jobs EVERYDAY color matched Insur& Landscaping Gt.lter homes since 1979 IIEF1NISHING (313)885 4609 (586)604-6143 BASEMENT ed (313)882-0000 cleaning & flushing Trrmmlng, pruning, WATERPROOFING Quality services, EXPERIENCED ca-pen ANDY Squires Plaster- 'Innovative Hardwood' weeding edging cultl SEMI retired bnck layer .Free Inspections (586)775-2525 ter since 67 Altera Ing & Drywall Stucco Hardwood Floors-1985' vatlng planting, 50 years In masonry .Free estimates Sandlng-Reflnlshlngtlons Windows repair Spray textured mulching, light paint- CJ Gentile Gulters & trade Referrals Rea.L,censed-Bonded doors, decks porch ceilings (586)755- Repairs-New Installation Ing & mo\ Ing winRoofing Repaired re sonable, licensed in'1nsured'Flnanclng Licensed & Insured eS,garage straighten 2054 dows gutter cleaning placed or cleaned Let sured (586)772-3223 .70,000 saliSfled Inn c::o~rT'Il.ac:::c:: n IHg,r-c:: TJm Tarpey .:;1' .............. .... ........ ~ ............ & more Schedule us clean your gutters LOU tllaCKwell I-'Iastercustomers (586)772-6489 Vinyl Siding ReferenSMALL repairs Tucknow for fall clean up for the last time GuarIng All lypes wet .Llfetlme transferable ces (586)7797619 POinting, porches, (313)886 1733 anteedl Since 1940, II warranty plaster, cornice cove, AA Hardwood Floors chimney repairs J W EXPERIENCED carpencensed Insured .... • ornamental 25 vears ~~~, ,. ::-k, ~es' ~'_ u.!:'--~ __........... 313-527.9090 II .......,~ .. , ~llIlr,..llJ Ullllllllll~ ",."ner Sr, (J1J)tltl~ter, finished base(586)795-0015 (313)658-8687 ces Member BBB Cleanups Lawn 0717,586-778-1372 ments, drywall repairs. (586)776-8687 (248)249-6592 maintenance Gutter FAMOUS Maintenance bUilt-In bookshelves PLASTER & drywall re VITO Cement DnveWindow & gutter cleanmg Lowest primoulding Call Doug FLOOR sanding and finpair and painting ways, garage floors cleaning Licensed ces In town' Don BASEMENT 586-764-1475 Ishing Free estiGrosse POinte referbrick! block work 20 bnnded Insur~d 5 nee (586)350 3675 WATERPROOFING mates Terry Yerke, carpentry ences Call Charles years expenence In- FINISHED 1943 313-884-4300 WALLS REPAIRED (586)772-3118 J&D Landscaping- 01work & repairs, mold"Chip. Gibson surecV bonded SEAVER'S Home MainSTRAIGHTENED ferrng yard clean up, Ing work, door Instal313884-5764 (313)527-8935 tenance- Gulters reREPLACED bulb planting SpeCial lation Reasonable PLASTER repairs G & G FLOOR CO paired replaced rates for seniors and rates Licensed & In ALLWORK painting Cheap' No cleaned Roofing 24 special abled people sured (586)776-9398 Wood floors only GUARANTEED lob too small' Call years Insured 248-808-0091 248313-885-0257 anytime Insured (313}882-0000 LICENSED 91 HARPE!JH5JALLATION 543-6818 Floors of distinction (586)774-2827 313.884.7139 UNIVERSAL Malnte since 1964 K & K L..4WN & SHRUB GARY'S Carpet S"rv- SEAVER'S Home MainSERVING COMMUNITY 32 YEARS nancegutter and Bob Grabowski SERVICES, INC. Ice Installation retenance Plaster. drydownspout cleaning Some Classifications Founder I PreSident Complete Landscape stretching ReDalrs wall textures painllicensed Insured are requIred by law to Licensed Insured, Services Carpet & pad availaIng 24 years- Grosse New customer diSbe licensed. Free estimates Sod Installation, Pavers ble 586-228-8934 POinte 313-882-0000 counts (313)839Check with proper We supply Install sand Walls, Shrub & Tree 3500 State Agency stain and finish wood SMOOTH plaster and 911 CEMENTWORK Trrmmlng! Removal, to verify license. floors, new & old drywall repairs Without Clean- Ups Fertilization , 94S HANDYMAN A NAME SpeCialiZing In sanding Other mainG.;tter Cleaning THOMAS KL.EINER Glltsa finish tenance services YOU KNOW! Snow PlOWing!Salting A Affordable Electrrcal -Hous.c Gara~c ~ Porch BASEMENT available Licensed (586)778-2050 RaLsln~ & Le-vcllng TopSOil Mulch & Stone JAMES KLEINER Carpentry Plumbing WATERPROOFING bUilde(313)824Installed & Delivered John Pnce Basement waterPainting Remodeling -Dlggmg Method 0869 VJsa Discover & V,sal MCI Discover proofing, masonry, Baths, Kitchens, acce ted astercard 313-887 46 -All New Drain Tile SUPERIOR. drywalll , FREE ESTIMATE!> concrete. 25 years Basements, Ceramic plaster stucco repair I Licensed & Insured -Light Weight 10Aslag In the POlntes. Tile Marble or AnyCustom painting pop(313)417-0797 313-885-2097 stone backfill thing 81g or Small LIcorn spray Insured AA-1 Ron's Tree Servcensed Mike -Spotless Cleanup MAC'S TREE AND Tom (313)8856991 rce, Grosse POinte (313)4386132 ANDY'S Masonry & --------_ Shrub tnmmlng -Walls Straightened & SHRUB TRIMMING Chimney repair Bnck, THE Wall Doctor since Immediate ~"'" ce COMPLETE WORK A dependable and honBraced or Replaced "Gro_ POInte'. tuck pOinting con1977 Expert In plas(313)821-1552 Reasonable Rates est Carpentry, pamt -Foundations crete Licensed Insur ter repair and oil&'torrUion SJH'C".zuto' Quality Service Ing plumbing, and Underpinned ed 313-881-3459 based pamtlng ACE Tree Expert Re - 11Ie Art of Matwlg Call Tom electrrcal If you have -Bnck & Concrete Work Highest quality craftsRllpillr w~_ k lJ'lappea, (586)776-4429 a problem need removal trim stump manShip Free CUSTOM Concrete 19 Specializing In ~O Years Experience pairs or any Installing gnndlng. hedging Will estimates Licensed SPARKMAN years experience • Joint Restoration Call Ron (586)573beat all estimates by -10 Year Transferable bUilder (313)821Workmanship guaran• ChlmneYll 0 Porch .. LANDSCAPING 6204 10°0 (800)838-8387 Guarantee ........ • Urn. Stone 9255 teed Licensed & InIrrigation Fall Clean-ups (r88tonrtlon A repa Irs) AL.L your home repairs -Drainage Systems sured Free estimates ALLEMON'S Gardening Snow Removal and remodeling 930 UfaRl<AL SERVICES • Water Sand Bluting (586)307 8872 Installed & Landscaping Fall Xmas Lighting needs Quality work -='-s~iJcenSed Licensed & Insured clean ups seeding 313-885-0993 (586)415-0153. UniverExcellent references A-l Quality trimming, snow plow.19 CHIMNEY CLEANING• sal Electnc Older 20 years expenence Stump -- Detailed Written Ing Quallt~ services STUMP Raze Workmanship home speCialists CirFree estimates " Estimate grinding! shrub re(586)775-2525 J 1J"a;z~804 (586)296-3882 CUit breaker boxes (313)640-0878 moval Free estioutdoor plugs, re- ARBOR 1ST St. Clair Shores, MI trimmers ~ltIdIard L Price 8.0. mates Reasonable ARBE Services Com cessed lights addiFive Seasons Tree CHIMNEY SERVICE Senior discount plete handyman servtions all types of elecService & Landscape 912IUILDII-lG/REMODHING (586)778-0419 Ice Call you II be glad n"mne> CleJxnng o BASEMENT tncal work Llsenced •• e,I'S lnd Tree trimming removyou did Quality work <;(((,(,r1'l WATERPROOFING Insured owner operA Affordable Kitchen, al stumping Arborvi- Tee's Lawn Sprinklers Dependable InSld k-d ated • WALLS STRAIGHTENED Bath Basement Within tae & shrt.b sculpting Winterizations (313)268-4489 Refer • \.1ortlf and AND REPLACED your Dudget' Small or Free estimates A Affordable (L censed) () In per ences upon request Owner does the work Big Jobs RepairS or .10YEAR ~ George Sperry 22nd Rrp He Electncal Small or Big Prompt effiCient BOCKSTANZ Anythlngl licerlsed • AmfT\ lJ Remova I yea- (586)778-4331 GUARANTEE~h1 '. lobs Code Violations service Slnce 1988 SERVICES Cen IIcd \\JSIf r 'WN'p Mike, (313)438-6132 service changes or Family (586)783-5861 Home Repairs painting Bark & Quarry Any1hlngl Mike TOM TREFZER BUSiness ADDITIONS, kitchens & certificate of Landscape and TREE & SHRUB (313)4386132 UCENSED (313)882-5169 all remodeling needs occupancy work Tree' Service. TRIMMING INSURED Licensed Insured 30 Call Jim FIRST Tree Removal Planting, removal fall TONY years expenence 313-408-4016 Stump Gnndlng ELECTRICAL 885-0612 clean up, guUe' clean (586)776-9398 Tree Tnmmlng John. Master Electrical COACHLIGHT CODE VJOlat,ons ElecIng Snow removal Emerge'1cy Storm CHIMNEY SWEEP CO Call Timberline ,ncal drywall plumb (586}776-1007 907 USEMENT 907 IASEMENT Sl?rvlce Insured State Licensed (313)886-3299 Ing Licensed Small C' ommerclaliResldentlal WATERPROOfiNG WATEIIPIIOOflNG (586)336-9885 5154 lobsl Free estimates Code Violations TREES, shrubs hedges CI If (313)570 4092 Serv ce Upgrade CALL Stump Busters for removed Slump D scounts all YOur stump removgrinding Free esti- WHITE Glove MainteRenovations al needs John at nance Remodeling mates Insured (313)4025524 roofing plumb ng (586)778 4459 WATERPROOFING electrical bath S & J ELECTRIC 0\ Bllsmcs; Burlr 0" Ho""t) DAVE'S Tree & Shrub IJdI '"ly elC IIHc~my & DcpcndabdJty ReSidential Tnmmlng pruning Moms Fall IS herel ~-crvl"g Thc POinte< B II (586)778 4024 CommerCial For 25 Ycars topping removals Remove ai'nuals rake No Job Too Small Free estimates Expe leaves help w th hoir Specifications 313-885-2930 ... CEMENT WOIIK r enced (248)54 7 day parties (313)882.pfywood around entire area 10 protlC1landaeape .AII1r ... shrubs buahel etc will be ptotltetlPd 4329 3748 (313)881 4759 '12IUILDING/~EMODELING R.L. STREMERSCH -m liiIiI IRICI DOCTOR lot I ---FRANK S H II Se('1 ce Sf II In small Jobs I "I carpentry '~UII plumbing H r spectlon (586)791 66B HANDYMAN','I pairs deurls I I \ minor r decks Call 11, I (810)329302:' POINTE Home Ice~ Home r, specializing II ces painting , cleaning & \ washing Ask to , or Tom (~ ,) 8055 YOUR handyman repairs, land rotOtill , 1 I r ng Very reasonabl' able Call iSl: 7422 PAT THE CiOr; I YOIAE MAINTENANCE • Smd Homp R .... • Gutler Crean"lg ... • SrraJ Roof Rpp I : TV~I~~n~e~~~~\ 'Sdlog & Deck 115 Insurea - fo rr mfor I 58&774-' { ALL POINTf BOllE IlAJITEH" 1 I" HRIOR -COOt & J \I ....OLHION -PAINT RI, NG -PLUl,lB' .CAF~P[" p~ • r -l (,H -F.., l CL(M UP .GlfTTEflUi .....jr,; I"l? .PU.<;H F- 3- D ..,~ JlO 1 }, 11'1 \ l',,\l RI[ I nt O....I .. I'\() I:' 946 HAULING &. fA . , !i" AAA Hauling f1 J ~ removal dppllo.Jrcconcrete, dirt " thing houses \ ,r basements E ~l .t We rent 101 v I dumpsters S'11 A discounts Ins' 're 5867784417 MOVING-HAULliLi Appliance remov,,1 '-' rage yard baser''' cleanou!s Con str Jr Iu debns Free estm J MR B'S 313-882-3[ 586-759-0457 ~1Pl:r'~eed SAFE FLUE - CAPIZZO CONST. t.l~E:';~ Local & Long Distance Agent for Global Von lire- - 822-4&10,,1 o Largeand SmailJ0Ls o Pianos (our spe, f) o Appllrmces • $a'urday Sun::b) ServICe • Senior D,scounls Owned & Operatfd By John S!elnlng~r 11850 E Jefferscl MPSC L 19675 L censed Insv 0 EnnimtllJt .elcavate {hafld dig} Irel 01 beMmenl w_l to be waterproo4e<1 oHaul IW1y all clay sand Mbrll ~emove &xlalJ"9 drloll\ tU. aoo replace "",tU'!:now dratn tile -serape and wire bruI" wltll rem Dvlng .'1 d(rt Inaurlng I gOOd bond -Aepalr III mal« cracks with I'"ydrlullc cemenl 'Trowel gr8de tAr Ind &-mlll -Run hOM tn blHder(lo) blMdefl{l) If nece ... v1aquene 10 Ins",. IPplleod to watl autflc .. nt draln.ac]e \.{I"V)""R'l p.,I,f-'..U'iT\X-\ B J.: fI~(1 ~ ~ rord~( h --n r~ "-Jj\ Tu(kpn J n" RL~J n r(Ollt \I; ~ F ), "" nj;ll.. rJ~" ....(I"R" I .....JHr~n'i\\(~})LJ,,\ { " f?} Tf ~"'H ',t'll , 'I' CEMENT WOIIK ~r~~~~~~~~~~~~" "''1Cb 196~ Rr.,IDF"'lTIAl DRf\'FWAY., • FI OOR" (, \RO\(,L., RAI"I-D & RFNFWrD l'IFW (.ARAC,FA" BUll T 'X"lk r"h("\ ~I m r: {, 'Ii CEMENTWORK GRAZIO CONSTRUCTION,INC, vllque~ () tm rr.ln,kr.l~ Of ",J( .,rl(/r nn(d 313/885-2097 10 "'~.;II )(iF J,!':!'l(MdJnrll'l,rJ(\1 rb ~Ijh r< tnaka ry .pea stone Of , OA .. Lag .tone ",,"thln 1:l 0' grade -FOUr Inc.h IfMlombtane tIpft Ippl~ to lop 01 HIm -Top 1011 to grlde with prop8f pftch -tnt.dOl' crack. 111~ 41MC4I... ry ITllofouph woBl'T1N'llhlp and tlNtn-up oStyrofl»m Inluletlon appt.d to .. It t1 r.-quett.ct V electric 912IUILDIHG/IIEMOORIHG lie f MJ n fx 1''''0('(1 AIlW'1l" I Hcn"tC'd (,LA"" Ie • 8r Ie k Po> er"l Hr()( 1\" In,urcd j ( O ....TR~( lOR ReC;ldcnCl.;lI • (,()mmcr\.l~l C'onnC'1(' "IH~l~tt .. [)[\t""n~I',ar.l¥:C'H "I dlC'''~ \pCCl1h~1 r Iln ~r~/,n :r~U1~'f:~I~~([Crl.fltn~("j t ('>86)-'-'- 2964 -»»»:«-:«« ::e: : >>>>>."'>>>>:«-:-x : : • WINTER CONSTRUCTION J';u111.11Z1"/ ClJl(t,.ete II( -Driveway~ -Patios -Wi'!! -Additions -Garage .. "Licenscd/Insured" l~rall!C' 1~ .11 CEMENTWO "-.D-O.M.I.N.IC-PA.LV-.Z.~.W-"''''' ( F\lF.., \h..:\"\()k • j J Thursday, October 10, 2002 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection TI G 9S4 PAINTING/OE<ORATING 9S4 PAINTING/DECORATING A+ Palnling Intenor, ex- DENNIS Painting Qualitenor Plaster & dryty work at a reasonawall repair Window ble pnce Extenorl Inglazing power washtenor CommerClal1 Ing & painting Alumiresidential Licensed num Siding Free esti(586)7763796, mates Insured Call (810)5062233 Ryan Palnhng ERIC'S PAINTING (586)775-3068 Intenorl Extenor A++ SpeCialiZing In repairing FOR ALL OF YOUR damaged plaster & PAINTING drywall, cracks peeling NEEDS CALL THE paint caulking window PROS! glaZing, power wash @ repaint aluminum siding \,jl JjJ7ii-J635 Ifl&Urec. GUdranleec References AAA Painting- Intenor, (313)884-9443 extenor Work guaran Free Estlmales leed Great pncesl References Free esti- EXCELSIOR Painting & mates (586)779 2796 Wallpaper Drywall re- Classified. (313)882-6900 ext. 3 J.l, PAINTING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Plaster repair Drywall cracks! peeling paint Window puttylcaulklng Power washing! repainting Aluminum Siding Grosse POinte Refererces Fully Insured Free Estimates 313-885-0146 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 954 PAINTING/DECOllATING DIRECT PLUMBING & Expel'ienced lIffillity wOl"k dependable.' lowest pl'ice DRAIN BY TIM 5.1-771~007 , "' ..................... r-~ -Senior Discount COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE __ Ll\,,~ ..J MICHAEL HAGGERTY Lic Master Plumber I;:"~U _A-_ I" 1\lICl;:lolC 313.886-2521 New work repairs renovations Nater <::pwpr rlf=llAnmn DAN ROEMER PLUMBING PDG Painting Over 10 yeans expenence Intenorl extenor custom palntlnj:l Insured, free estimates (810)3353122 RepairS remodeling, lixtu res Installed Copper replpes Sewers and drains Licensed and msured Repair Sewers & Drains Cleaned Hot Water Heaters Dip Tubes OQOO TOilets Violations ._. Insured (313)526.7100 REYALS Painting Intenor. minor plaster repair Rav (313)882- 0358 ft ~ ...DrSCOO." ... .j) PLUMBING .j) llj(X:'\ CON1RACIlNG I • f'r~I,it I r (';1I,,11I1l\ tf(~ .. t"'II:"(t ~tr('1:t: Ht:-tf-n'tlft~ \II \\( N1\(HJ.lI.utt~ '( d 1\)1\11 (llll) -For all Your Plumbing Needs WHY PAYMORE" Sewers & Dram' Reasonable Rates 7 DAYS 24 HOURS 586/412-5500 810.908.1962 Ie aro rsos INTIRIOI PAlnTln II ~t..,,~ co.. • A .. • 196"5 (516) 778.961 t &IXTIIIOI ImOUIION & CUSTOMMlNIIN. FUI UTIMA'U 954 PAINTING/DfCOIlATlNG '54 PAINTING/DECORATING PU~TN~~::'D uRilDddlL painting ExterIor' WOOdBrIck SIding InterIor: custom painting & Faux Finish Plaster Repairs rwalls, ceiling All tYPes Of comlce MOlding Repaired Or Reproduced caJ1)entry Speclalmng In InlenorlExtenor Painting We ofter the best In preparallon before palnllng and use only the finest ""~Ienals for Ihe longest lasting results Great Westem people are quality mInded and courteous REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES. FULLY INSURED/LICENSED ROugh & Finished ArchItectural MoldIngs. cabInetry. E Custom Millwork. Reproduction Work RUI .>',,, CALL 313-885-4867 FllL' Ml RfD FOR FREE ESllMATE &< DBSlGN' AWARD WINNING QUAUl'Y WORK 36 YEAIlS EXJ>l3IUIiNCE. IlS1lUJLlSHBI) 1966 313-886-7602 LoS Walker Company Plumbing, repair:; & drains Reasonablel Insured (586)7863900, (313)705-7568 pdger AA Roofing Best work, best pnces Licensed, bonded, Insured Member BBB (248)249-6592 ADVANCED Malnte. nance Inc Roof leak specialists Tear olfs, re-roofs, shingles, wood shakes, flat roofs, copper bays, decks. slate and Ille repair Fully licensed and Insured (313)B84-9512 SEAVER'S Home MaIO' tenance Roof repairs, Ice shields, gutter, chimney maintenance Insured (313)882-0000 Some ClaSSifications are reqUired by law to be licensed Check wlIh proper SIale Agency to verify license_ Charles 'Chip' Gibson CUSTOM PAINTING WEAVER Construction Roofmg & Siding Free estimates licensed & Insured (586}8765505 INTERIOR (} EHTERIOR PAIt~T1N6 -Water Damage & Insurancp Worle FAUH FINISHES -Wallpaper Remoual -Ragging (} Hanging -GlaZing -Plaster Repair -Sponging, elc. -Staining (} Refinishing • 25 Yaus E.xp. (586)-775-4Ut Quality Work at a QlmpetttM Price ROOFING & GUTTER SALE c.J. GENTILE ROOFING T= offi • Re Roo; RcPiU!:!l -Sea.rnlC",S.,)Gutt(!S .Gur«r C1eamng Sen.lOg rh( POlntes .SLoer 1940 kitchen remodeling WINDOW washing, gutGrosse Pomte reIerter cleaning, snow reence Call Jack Z moval Serving the (313)640-0878 Grosse POinte area 17 years (583)226BEDROCK Tile Co lI. 2757 -----~ (313) 881.3970 DETRO T' FAX 313881 3951 t=u - - 933 WIlOUGHT IRON • ~ •, ) I I INCORPORATED 977 WALL WASHING COMPLETE ROOFING SERVICE RESIDENTIAL COM1ilERCIAL HAND wall washing Intenor painting Some major cleanups Reterences Myrna, (586)291-7317 TEAR-OFF RESHINGLE CERTIFIED APPLICATIONSOF MODIFIED SINGLE PLY FLAT ROOFING SYSTEMS VENTS GUTIERS REPAIRS L1CEI\IS!:I) - 11\I<:'III"lr:n OrOSSlZ Pointe News <;o.);ir.cnoN (313)882-6900 J &J ext. 3 960 1l00FING SERVICE 960 1l00FING SERVICE ROOFING or 1 800-459-6455 (586) 445-6455 SEE HOW AFFORDABLE QUALlTY CAN BE' 10 year workmanshlp warranty 215year or longer material warranty SpeclallZlJlg m TEAR-OFFS 886-0520 Licenled CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE' TEAROFFS RESIONGLE • FLAT ROOFING ryorkjliire CBuUdinn &~atwn FREE.ESTIMATES 16837 HARPER' IlI:::lUJ i'iL.E :md marble Installation State licensed, no depOSits reqUired Backsplashes, $400 (586)498-9868 •• ViE WORK AROUND YOUR HOURS. ____ 1~t:U, SAN Manno Tile & Marole Tramed In Italy 35 years expenence (586)725-4094 "QUALITY IS OUR SUCCESS" 313-884-576 FAMOUS Maintenance Llce,sed & Insured c n"o> 1q43 Wall washing! carpet cleaning 313.8844300 Kitchens, baths, granIte countertops Neat, clean work (586)3218453 lMtJcu!<xla ~tJon • WALLJ'APfRING • DflYWAU PLASTER REPAJR • STAJN1NG • C-IUlKI'IG • WAU. WASHING • ACCOUSTICAl SPRAYlNG • VARNISHING • BRlJSHING AOLl. & SPAAY PAINTING • TEXTURJNG • WOOD REFIN SHING DEAL DIAECTLY WITH THE OWNER -Licensed Ii' Insured -Commercall Ii' ReSidential -All Worle Warranteed -References In your are WINDOW WASHING Maln'enance All tile complete new MADAR Hand wash Windows baths, kitchens & tile and walls Free estideSign 18 years exmates & relerences penence Licensed 313-821-2984 Insured Joe :313)510-0950 UNIVERSAL Malntena'1ce Window & gutAN excellent result ter cleaning licensed guaranteed Ceramic & msured New cus. 111.:1,marble, gramte tomer discounts counte' tops Com(3131839-3500 plete bathroom and \oot" ALL PRO ROOFING -ProfeSSional roofs, -Gutters -Siding, -New -Repaired Reasonablel Reliable 27 years 10 bUSiness L1CENSED/INSURED John WIUlams 586-776.51«;7 FLAT roof specialist 30 years expenence Work guaranteed VIsa/ Mastercard accepted 313-372-7784 'III A Allo <::able Old World FREE estimates. storm Tile New ceramic Windows Grosse marble Small or Big RepairS or Anytnlng' Larrj (586)530 5294 Licensed (313)438After 6pm (586)7906132 0514 A+ TILE BY SHERI FREE gutter clean ng lor 20 years experience new Window cleaning Small jobs welcome cuslomers Sail now Bathrooms Remodeled for free estimates & Re-Tlled Relerences available Free estimates J Salvador Mamte(313)570-4092 nance (313)850-4181 • TEAR OFFS :uea-d &: Insurul mEEmtMATES UC Iln' WINDCW renovallon Don t replare renovate' (313)882 7874 973 TIlE WORK ~ &5. MA,n.RPLLM8Ub 9110 ROOfiNG SERVICE & Faucets Replpes Licensed R&ROOFS FAMOUS Maintenance Houses, decks pa. tIOS, fences, dnveways Insured since 1943 (313)884-4300 DAVE'S Sewer Cleaning QUALITY Painting, plaster repairs 24 years Insured Neat Seaver's Home Maintenance (313)882. ROOFING Residenbal SpeaalN 959 POWEll WASHING (586)n2-2614 Plumb!ng K & K LAWN & SHRUB SERVICES, INC Corrm erc,al-Resldent,al 313-886-5565 Snow Plowing Salting Services La'emed tll' ured VISaJ MC/ Discover licensed & Insured FREE ESTIMATES """========"l!o.\l t;) l;)riii-\iiSi UAY1U t'I"''''IH J II .Hj.lSlSl.OO.l'J code Violations All work guaranteed KEN Scnbner Painting Interlorl extenor Custom quality since 1986 Free estimates Call (586)212.4580 Res.denualiCommeroaJ .Resb",gle .Tear-olf .F1a. Roof .N,wlR<plW ror-.y Bill - mmum Siding All .vork and matenal guaranteed Reasonable Grosse POinte referen. ces Fully Insured Free estimates 313.882.5038 EMIL THE PLUMBER }!'alher & Sons ~Jnce 1949 Plumber Grosse POinte Woods h~;lItp,rc:: 4 .... IM ... 1 .References .AII Work Guaranteed MARTIN VERTREGT Intenor Exterior SpeCialiZing In repairing damaged plaster dry wall & cracks peel ng paint Window puttying and caulking wallpaper.,J -Full Product Warranty IN$UllATlON I hanlY''''''' 1924 -Free Estimates 957 PlUMllHG & Maintenance ALLEMON'S Gardening MADAR Hand wall washing & Landscaping Snow Windows tool Free plowing services estimates & referenavailable Residential ces 3138212984 & commercial Quality Services Free esti~30 WINDOWS. ' mates (586)775-2525 Excellence '" Roofing 886-8557 977 WALL WASHING 966 SNOW REMOVAL 960 ROOFING SERVJ(( ---' INS TAlLA liON WALLPAPER REMOVAL JOHN'S PAINTING ..., .... ~U."..:JI H VIU I ~~ ..... 111111 ANDER50N t"alnllngFauxe finish claSSIC "omplete Inlenorl expapered ceilings tenor services Owner (586)791-9773 works on all jobs (586)604-6143 FIREFIGHTER! Paint. er" 1rI1enurl cAtanor BOCKSTANZ ReSidential Power SERVICES washing wall washHome RepairS painting Ing Free eslimates & certificate of (810)381-3105 occupancy work Call Jim G_H.1. Palntlng- Intenorl 313-408-4016 extenor Expenenced ProfeSSional Insured BRENTWOOD PalntlngFree estimates ReferIntenor. extenor wall. ences Greg papenng 35 years (586)777-2177 quality service Free estlmatesl Bill 586INTERIORS 7766321 586-771BY DON & LYNN 8014 10% off With adl -Husband-Wife Team BRIAN'S PAINTING .Wallpapenng ProfeSSional palnttng, -Painting Intenorl exterior 586-776-0695 Specializing all types of painting, caulking, STEVE'S Palnllng IntenWindow glazing orl extenor Speclallz. plaster "spatr liig In p1as1anng arrd All work guaranteed orywall repairs I=ll1h/lnC::ILr~l CiaC~5, peeling paInt Free-E~tI~~ie-s-and Window glazing, Reasonable Rates, call caulklnQ AlSO palnl 586-778-2749 old alu-mlnum Siding or 586-822.2078 (586)469.4565 951 PLUMBING .. 'S4PAINTING/OECORATING 954 PAINTING/DECOllATING 1ru:. {313)882.6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News ~~~~,<:oNEECI1oN NEWSPAPERS CLASSIFIED • II• II = = = = =-.J =--= = = = - - ~-= =...J ..--------, • ~ ::oJ --, ~- ~ = ==--= c ~ ~ ~ ' L =-:J = r--- _I ~ - [ c::-- C=_-=:J L__ :::J L-- ;::=-..; ,.----, =-:J == = = [--, ~ = -, ' [ "'".:-- III = = = = = == = = = = L_ _" I L --, """, ",,,,, r,rrrr,. """, October 10,2002 Grosse Pointe News 13C EW RIVALS Grosse POInte News and The Connection newspapers dre planning theIr 8th annual speCIal edition featunng the babIes of the past year. We hope you (and the little one) wIll partIcipate by supplying us with a photograph of your child (only 2002 babIes, please) for publtcatlon m thIS section. ThIS tablOid will be published January 23, 2003. Your child's picture, along wIth other 2002 babIes, will be the main attractIOn! News and advertISing about clothIng, feeding, educatmg and canng for your chIld Wll! also be Included, It WIll be very mformatlve as well as a commemorative edItIOn for you! I Please send a cute, clear photo (color or black & whIte, home or studIO produced, not computer generated, preferably smaller than a 5x7) to Grosse POInte News & The Connection, 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte Farms, MichIgan 48236. AttentIOn: KIm Mackey, Display Advertlsmg. Complete the mformatlop sltp with your chIld's full name, date of bIrth and hospital and return It WIth your photo. Please pnnt the baby's name on the back of the photo so you can pIck It up at our office after pnntmg or mclude a selfaddre~sed sLamped envelope. Your pIcture must be received in our offIce no later than Wednesday, December 18th, earlier would assist our production schedule, (Late November and December bmh photos may be submitted until January 3, 2003 ) We look forward to prodUCIng our annual "Baby Edition" and are sure you want your little one mcluded. A limIted number of extra copIes wtll be avatlable for purchase to give to family and fnends. The Grosse Pomte News & The ConnectIon require a $17,00 fee to cover productIOn costs. Please mclude a check, money order or credIt card number WIth your photo. • "'11 Call or Drop by the 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, & Michigan 48236 Attention: Kim Mackey, Display Advertising · N ews Grosse nr'Olnte ~ONNECTIO:N , 0 W $ P • PER (313) 882 ..3500 FAX 882 ..1585 $ --------------------------------------------------------~~-, Send photo and$17.00 to: Please Print ChIlds Name Grosse POInte News & The ConnectIon 96 Kercheval, Grosse POInte Farms, MIChIgan 48236 Attention: KIm Mackey, Display AdvertiSing (Twins $25.00 please send one photo of each child) ~,- (First & Last) _ Parents' Name (First & Last) Date of Blrth _ .Hospital Phone _ Slgnature _ The Babies of 2, ~~ #'-icl- Thctnk you." and please return no later than December 18th, 2002 • December bIrth photo~ accepteJ until J rlI1u-lry 1, 2003 \ ( T G . children's shop 23200 Greater Mack. St. Clair Shores • 586.777.8020 ,.I . I_._---~~I;;l) • _ --:.._ ~ ~~ L-...-/ ER SPORT SHOP SIDEWALK SALE ,, October 14th_19th Hockey Equipment - Final Sales Shoulder Pads, Shin Guards, Elbow Pads :'0 IN-STOCK ICE HOCKEY GOAUE @50 LEG PADS FERLANO.KOHO o • HOCKEY SKATE MARKDOWNS - $ ~g% $50 ~~:ce NIKE • BAUER • C.C.M. Heavy Weight MEN'S & WOMEN'S STARTER & PRO PLA YER PARKAS BOWLING Valued up to $100 on Sale '" SHOES $1)5-'" ... ~ HUGE SAVINGSl STARTEJle PRO PLAYER ..".,,"-1 " . R"i,J:, ~~${J~ ~ ~ ," ~fu..., ~,,~ ..... ""~l~ ~ .' C~:~;e $10 "'" "'l~ pi " «,l:; MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 10-7 p.m. 10-6 p.m. 10-6 p.m. 10-7 p.m. 10-6 p.m. 9-5 p.m.