Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Vol. 12, No. 4, August 2009, 481–490 Computer simulation of the effects of shoe cushioning on internal and external loading during running impacts Ross H. Miller* and Joseph Hamill Department of Kinesiology, University of Massachusetts, 110 Totman Building, 30 Eastman Lane, Amherst, MA 01003, USA ( Received 20 August 2008; final version received 16 December 2008 ) Biomechanical aspects of running injuries are often inferred from external loading measurements. However, previous research has suggested that relationships between external loading and potential injury-inducing internal loads can be complex and nonintuitive. Further, the loading response to training interventions can vary widely between subjects. In this study, we use a subject-specific computer simulation approach to estimate internal and external loading of the distal tibia during the impact phase for two runners when running in shoes with different midsole cushioning parameters. The results suggest that: (1) changes in tibial loading induced by footwear are not reflected by changes in ground reaction force (GRF) magnitudes; (2) the GRF loading rate is a better surrogate measure of tibial loading and stress fracture risk than the GRF magnitude; and (3) averaging results across groups may potentially mask differential responses to training interventions between individuals. Downloaded By: [Miller, Ross] At: 15:46 13 August 2009 Keywords: running injury; computer simulation; internal loading 1. Introduction External force variables associated with the rapid loading of the body during the impact phase of running have discriminated between runners with and without a history of tibial stress fracture (Milner et al. 2006a,b). These external loading variables, such as the ground reaction force (GRF), are often used as surrogate measures for internal bone loading and injury since direct measurement of bone loading is difficult in human subjects (Crossley et al. 1999; Bennell et al. 2004; Milner et al. 2006a,b). However, most of these authors have recognised that the GRF is only one of many factors that contribute to internal loading. Along with external measures, a useful outcome from mechanical analyses of human running is the estimation of individual muscle forces during the stride (Scott and Winter 1990; Glitsch and Baumann 1997; Neptune et al. 2000a; Thelen et al. 2005). Muscle forces provide information on the neuromuscular control of the movement, and play a major role in determining the internal contact forces at the joints. Joint contact forces are often implicated in the aetiology of bone stress injuries to runners (Crossley et al. 1999; Bennell et al. 2004; Sasimontonkul et al. 2007). Knowledge of both internal and external loading would allow for an assessment of how factors that may modify external loading influence internal loading. Running injuries in general are thought to arise from the internal loading of susceptible tissues at stress magnitudes *Corresponding author. Email: ISSN 1025-5842 print/ISSN 1476-8259 online q 2009 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/10255840802695437 and frequencies beyond their capabilities to remodel (Hreljac 2004). A drawback to investigating running injuries with markers of external loading only is that relationships between internal and external loading are often complex and nonintuitive. Scott and Winter (1990) reported that the peak vertical impact force had little effect on peak forces estimated at chronic running injury sites. Sasimontonkul et al. (2007) reported that compressive bone contact forces at the distal tibia estimated by static optimisation were primarily due to muscle forces spanning the ankle, which are not mirrored by GRFs or the resultant ankle joint forces. Wright et al. (1998) suggested that changes in peak muscle forces with simulated footwear conditions were not reflected by changes in the peak impact force, and that responses to footwear conditions varied widely between subjects. Changes in peak muscle force magnitudes were less variable, but the authors did not investigate in detail how these changes may influence injury potential. Bates et al. (1983) reported statistically significant subject – shoe interactions when comparing GRF parameters between five different running shoes. These findings suggest that our understanding of running injuries may benefit by a shift in focus from external to internal loading, and by a greater emphasis on subject-specific investigations. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to demonstrate a computer simulation technique for investigating subjectspecific relationships between training interventions, 482 R.H. Miller and J. Hamill internal loading and external loading during running. In this example, we focus on the impact phase, shoe cushioning, distal tibial loading and stress fracture aetiology. The design of the study is similar to other modelling studies of running (Gerritsen et al. 1995; Cole et al. 1996; Wright et al. 1998), but is distinguished from these studies in three regards: (1) the inclusion of a swing leg in the musculoskeletal model, (2) an emphasis on subject-specific simulations, results and conclusions and (3) a focus on internal loading at a specific site of a common running injury. Methods 2.1 Subjects Data were collected from two subjects who participated in accordance with the local university institutional review board. The male subject (age 27 years, height 1.84 m, mass 77.1 kg) was an experienced recreational distance runner with no history of major lower extremity injuries. The female subject (24 years, 1.66 m, 58.2 kg) was a former NCAA Division I track athlete with a history of tibial stress fractures, but healthy at the time of data collection. 2.2 Experimental setup Coordinates of retro-reflective markers (diameter 15 mm) were sampled at 500 Hz using an eight-camera optical motion capture system (Oqus 300, Qualisys, Gothenburg, Sweden). GRFs were sampled synchronously at 5000 Hz using a strain gage force platform (model OR6-5, AMTI, Watertown, MA, USA). 2.3 2.5 Musculoskeletal model A sagittal-plane musculoskeletal model (Figure 1) was developed using Autolev 4.1 software (OnLine Dynamics, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). The model’s equations of motion were derived using Kane’s method of dynamics (Kane and Wang 1965). The model had nine segments [bilateral toes, foot, calf and thigh, and a combined head-arms-trunk (HAT) segment] and 11 degrees of freedom. The segments were connected by ideal hinge joints. Segment anthropometrics were defined according to de Leva (1996). Wobbling masses representing soft tissue oscillations and the dynamics of segments not explicitly modelled (e.g. the arms) were attached to the calf, thigh and HAT segments by linear spring-dampers (Appendix A). The model was actuated bilaterally by 16 Hill-based muscle models representing iliopsoas, rectus femoris, glutei, hamstrings, vasti, gastrocnemius, soleus and tibialis anterior. Details on the muscle model algorithm are given in Appendix B. Mechanical properties of the muscle models were defined for each subject using a dynamometry and optimisation procedure described by Gerritsen Protocol Clusters of retro-reflective markers were placed bilaterally on the forefoot, rearfoot, calf, thigh, pelvis and trunk for the measurement of three-dimensional (3D) segment kinematics. Subjects performed a standing calibration trial and eight trials of overground running while the camera system and force platform sampled marker coordinates and GRF. The subjects ran in their own shoes at their selfreported 5-km training paces (male: 4.5 m s21; female: 3.1 m s21). Each subject completed five acceptable trials. HAT Downloaded By: [Miller, Ross] At: 15:46 13 August 2009 2. a Cardan rotation technique (Davis et al. 1991) and a flexion/extension – adduction/abduction – internal/external rotation sequence. The stance phase of each trial was isolated based on the magnitude of the vertical GRF component (threshold ¼ 15 N). Joint angles and GRF from each trial were interpolated to 101 points and averaged across trials. Between-trial standard deviations were also calculated. g Th igh Calf 2.4 Data analysis Marker coordinates and GRF were digitally filtered by a fourth-order lowpass recursive Butterworth filter. Cut-off frequencies were selected by residual analysis (Winter 1990). Bilateral sagittal angles of the trunk, hips, knees, ankles and metatarsophalanges during the stance phase of the right leg were calculated from the marker data using N2 t Foo s Toe N1 Figure 1. Musculoskeletal model. HAT ¼ head, arms and trunk. Swing leg muscles are not shown. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Downloaded By: [Miller, Ross] At: 15:46 13 August 2009 et al. (1998). Equations for muscle lengths and moment arms were polynomial functions of the appropriate joint angles fit to data from the OpenSim lower extremity model (Delp et al. 2007) after scaling the model’s segment lengths to those of the subject. Passive joint moments were defined at the hips, knees and ankles according to Silder et al. (2007) and at the metatarsophalanges according to Yamaguchi (2001). Ground contact of the stance foot was modelled by three elements located beneath the heel, toe and metatarsophalange. The elements modelled vertical contact force as a nonlinear spring-damper (Anderson and Pandy 1999) and horizontal contact force as an approximation of Coulomb friction (Song et al. 2001). 2.6 Simulation Forward dynamic computer simulations of the stance phase were formulated as an optimal control problem to find the muscle excitation histories u(t) that minimised errors between state variables XM(t) and target states XE(t). The entire stance phase was simulated, but only the initial impact phase (first 40 ms) was analysed. The state variables entered into the objective function were the model’s hip, knee and ankle joint angles and horizontal and vertical GRF components, while the target states were these same experimental means from the human subjects. Simulations were performed on a subject-specific basis, with the model’s segment lengths and inertial parameters, wobbling mass parameters, and muscle model parameters defined for the subject in question. The problem was reduced to a parameter optimisation problem (Pandy et al. 1992) by defining each muscle excitation history as a piecewise linear function of nine nodal values spaced evenly across the stance phase. Each node could take on any value from zero (no excitation) to one (full excitation). The four stiffness and damping parameters of the HAT wobbling mass and the initial muscle active states were also allowed to vary as controls, for a total of 164 control variables. The objective function minimised was: OF ¼ " tf ! 8 X X X M;i ðtÞ 2 X E;i ðtÞ 2 i¼1 t¼o SDi ; ð1Þ where SDi is the average between-trial standard deviation of the ith target state and tf is the duration of stance. Optimisations were performed using a simulated annealing algorithm (Goffe et al. 1994) on a 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo CPU (Intel, Santa Clara, CA, USA). Optimisation terminated when 16,000 consecutive function calls had not reduced OF by 1% of its current lowest value. Initial generalised coordinates were taken from the experimental data at heel-strike. Initial wobbling mass coupling forces 483 were zero, and initial muscle model series elastic lengths were set to their unloaded lengths. After identification of the optimal controls, simulations were repeated with the vertical stiffness and damping parameters of the ground contact elements adjusted to approximate harder or softer shoes (Aerts and de Clercq 1993). The parameters were adjusted such that simulated impact tests on the heel element produced forcedeformation slopes of approximately 50 kN m21 for the ‘softer’ condition and 400 kN m21 for the ‘harder’ condition. These values were chosen to approximate the ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ force-deformation slopes from impact tests of commercial running shoes (Aerts and de Clercq 1993). The initial ‘normal’ stiffness was 214 kN m21. Simulations with the ‘softer’ and ‘harder’ parameters were then performed using the controls from the optimised simulations. An assumption inherent to these simulations is that changes in footwear do not affect muscle activity during impacts. Previous research has found no differences in lower extremity muscle activity (quantified via electromyography) in the temporal domain when running in different types of shoes (Komi et al. 1987; O’Connor and Hamill 2004), although differences have been found in the frequency domain (Wakeling et al. 2002). Outcome variables were the peak vertical GRF, vertical GRF loading rate and peak ankle joint contact force in the calf reference frame (i.e. the contact force on the distal tibia). Vertical loading rate was calculated as the slope of the vertical GRF component between 20 and 80% of the time from heel-strike to the impact peak (Milner et al. 2006b). Tibial contact force was computed as 90% of the difference between the resultant ankle joint force and the vector sum of ankle muscle forces (Lambert 1971; Funk et al. 2004; Sasimontonkul et al. 2007). 3. Results 3.1 Computational performance The optimisations met the termination criterion after approximately 400,000 function calls per subject. Figure 2 compares the optimal simulated and experimental joint angles and GRF for the male subject. The state variables generally fell within two between-trial standard deviations of the experimental means, with the exception of the horizontal GRF and the stance leg ankle angle. Agreement between the model and experimental data is not entirely unexpected (recall the optimisation problems attempted to match these data as closely as possible), but provides confidence in the model’s ability to represent the salient kinetic and kinematic characteristics of the impact phase. The discrepancies between the simulated and experimental ankle angle and horizontal GRF are likely due to the limitations of the foot model and the weighting scheme of the objective function (Equation (1)). The foot model Downloaded By: [Miller, Ross] At: 15:46 13 August 2009 R.H. Miller and J. Hamill Hips 0 Knees Ankles 200 40 – 10 10 20 – 20 0 0 –30 –10 –20 – 40 – 20 80 – 60 15 60 – 80 0 2000 10 0 –120 0 – 100 – 300 –100 20 100 – 200 5 40 300 20 AP GRF (N) 60 VE GRF (N) Left joint angle (deg) Right joint angle (deg) 484 –5 –140 –10 –20 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 Right Leg Stance (%) Right Leg Stance (%) Right Leg Stance (%) 1500 1000 500 0 0 25 50 75 100 Right Leg Stance (%) Figure 2. Comparison of lower extremity joint trajectories (left six panels) and GRFs (right two panels) during right leg stance between the optimised simulation and the experimental data for the male subject (77.1 kg) running at 4.5 m s21. Zero percentage stance denotes heel-strike and 100% stance denotes toe-off. The shaded areas are two between-trial standard deviations around the experimental means. Solid lines are the simulation results. Data prior to the vertical dashed lines denote the impact phase. consisted of two rigid segments with no intrinsic muscles and only three discrete contact points, while the real human foot has at least four functional segments (Wolf et al. 2008), many intrinsic muscles (Basmajian and Stecko 1963) and a continuum of contact points. We have found the weighting scheme (based on experimental between-trial variability) tends to favour the vertical GRF, which we felt was appropriate since the vertical impact peak was a primary outcome variable. 3.2 Effects of shoe cushioning Between the simulated ‘softer’ and ‘harder’ shoe cushioning conditions, the magnitude of the impact peak increased by 17 N (2% body weight) for the male subject but decreased by 40 N (7% body weight) for the female subject (Figure 3). Between the ‘softer’ and ‘harder’ conditions, the vertical GRF loading rate increased from 44 to 55 kN s21 for the male subject and from 47 to 58 kN s21 for the female subject. Table 1 shows the simulated peaks of angular position and velocity for the subjects’ right ankles. Between the ‘softer’ and ‘harder’ conditions, the peak ankle angle became more dorsiflexed, and the peak ankle dorsiflexion velocity increased. As shoe cushioning increased from ‘softer’ to ‘harder’, the magnitude of the peak tibial compressive force increased by 136 N (18% body weight) for the male subject and by 120 N (21% body weight) for the female subject (Figure 4, top panel). The peak tibial shear force increased by 32 N (4% body weight) for the male subject and by 35 N (6% body weight) for the female subject (Figure 4, bottom panel). 4. Discussion The purpose of the study was to demonstrate the utility of computer modelling and simulation for subject-specific investigations of training interventions and internal/external loading during running. The two subjects studied exhibited different kinetic responses to the simulated footwear adjustments. One subject showed a small increase (þ2% body weight) in the impact peak from the ‘softer’ to ‘harder’ conditions, but the other subject showed a moderate Figure 3. Simulated vertical GRF peaks during the impact phase with different shoe cushioning levels. Filled bars are the male subject (77.1 kg). Empty bars are the female subject (58.2 kg). Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Table 1. Peak simulated ankle angles (u) and angular velocities (v) during the impact phase for the male and female subjects with each shoe cushioning condition. Shoes Downloaded By: [Miller, Ross] At: 15:46 13 August 2009 Male Softer Normal Harder Female Softer Normal Harder Ankle u (8) Ankle v (8s21) 8.5 9.9 12.0 299.1 323.2 360.0 7.6 9.2 10.8 211.5 237.5 279.4 decrease (27% body weight). However, both subjects exhibited increases in peak tibial compression on the order of 20% body weight between the softer and harder conditions. Peak tibial shear and the vertical GRF loading rate also increased for both subjects. These findings support the conclusion of Wright et al. (1998) that the effects of shoes on internal loading are not reflected by changes in external loading. While Wright et al. (1998) concluded that shoe cushioning had no effect on peak impact forces based on statistical analysis of nine subjects, inspection of their results suggests substantial Figure 4. Peak compressive (top) and shear (bottom) tibial contact forces predicted by the simulations with different simulated shoe cushioning levels. Filled bars are the male subject (77.1 kg). Empty bars are the female subject (58.2 kg). 485 variability in the impact peak responses of different subjects, with apparent changes on the order of 2 100 to þ 200 N depending on the subject. Similar betweensubjects variability in impact peak responses to midsole hardness, particularly at faster running speeds, appeared in Nigg et al. (1987), although they did not report the consistency of the responses between subjects. Bates et al. (1983) reported that five runners with similar body weights varied widely in their individual impact peak responses when running in five different shoes. The present results suggest further that relationships between internal and external loading should be reported on a subject-specific basis, since different subjects do not appear to make identical external loading responses when faced with an intervention, even if internal loading responses are similar between subjects. Recent studies of running have drawn inferences on internal loading from measures of external loading, based on ensemble results from groups of subjects (Barrett et al. 2008; Cheung and Ng 2008; O’Leary et al. 2008). We suggest that additional insights on the aetiology of running injuries and strategies for injury prevention can be gained from subject-specific investigations and simulations of internal loading. Most simulation studies of running have used muscle model mechanical properties referenced from literature sources (Gerritsen et al. 1995; Cole et al. 1996; Wright et al. 1998; Neptune et al. 2000a,b; Thelen et al. 2005; Chumanov et al. 2007). Since simulated GRF magnitudes can depend strongly on the input muscle model mechanical properties (Scovil and Ronsky 2006), we suggest the use of subject-specific mechanical properties is justified, and perhaps critical, when simulating the responses of individual runners to a training intervention. A final conclusion relates to the investigation of tibial loading during running. Because increases in tibial shear and compression estimates for both subjects were accompanied by increases in the vertical GRF’s loading rate but not its impact magnitude, the results provide evidence that the loading rate is a stronger surrogate measure of the tibial contact force than the impact magnitude. In these subjects, the increased loading rate of the GRF appeared to increase the speed of ankle dorsiflexion during impact (following the rapid plantarflexion immediately after heel-strike), which stretched soleus eccentrically and shortened tibialis anterior, placing these muscle models at locations on their force– velocity and force– length relationships, respectively, where they could generate larger forces, resulting in greater tibial contact forces. Hardin et al. (2004) found similar results in human runners: running in harder midsoles increased the peak ankle dorsiflexion velocity for 12 male runners. However, since we did not establish a direct causal relationship between these variables and have only simulated two specific individuals, the conclusion that Downloaded By: [Miller, Ross] At: 15:46 13 August 2009 486 R.H. Miller and J. Hamill loading rate is a better measure of tibial loading is suggested only on the basis of correlation, and may not be generalisable to all runners. Some interesting questions are motivated from the present results: by what mechanism(s) are external impact forces maintained across different footwear conditions? Why does this maintenance happen, and what are its physiological costs and benefits? This effect has been demonstrated in previous simulations (Wright et al. 1998) as well as experimental studies (Clarke et al. 1983; Nigg et al. 1987), although it is unclear if this effect is consistent across subjects (Bates 1989). The present results support the findings of Wright et al. (1998) that impact force peaks can be modulated by passive mechanisms, i.e. by changes in muscle kinematics with no change in muscle activation. Here, ‘passive’ refers to changes in muscle forces in the absence of changes in muscle activation, rather than forces generated by purely passive structures such as ligaments. In simulations of these two subjects, the increases in tibial contact forces with increasing shoe hardness were primarily due to concurrent increases in the peak forces of tibialis anterior and, to a lesser extent, soleus, as noted earlier. The increased muscle forces in the ‘harder’ condition may contribute to the greater oxygen costs observed when running in harder shoes (Frederick et al. 1986). Since these changes occurred with muscle activations held constant across all conditions, they must have been modulated by changes in ankle joint kinematics (see Table 1). An answer to the latter question (costs and benefits of regulating impact forces) is less clear. Impact force regulation is possibly related to shock attenuation and the maintenance of head accelerations (Shorten and Winslow 1992; Derrick et al. 1998). For both subjects, a small change in the impact peak was accompanied by a relatively larger increase in the estimated tibial contact force. Whether this increase represents an increased injury risk is debatable. Greater bone contact forces could induce a stronger osteogenic response resulting in improved bone strength, assuming adequate rest. Bone failure is more directly due to the resulting strain rather than the applied force, and we cannot estimate bone strain in these subjects since bone geometries and material properties were unknown. It is therefore unknown how these estimated loads compare to the strength of cortical bone in cyclical loading (Carter et al. 1981; Pattin et al. 1996). However, an increase in the contact force places the tibia closer to this threshold and could contribute to a bone stress injury, particularly if inadequate recovery time is allowed between loading bouts. It is also notable that the peak contact force during impact is much smaller than the peak during mid-stance (Sasimontonkul et al. 2007). In this study, we focused on the impact phase since previous tibial stress fracture research has identified external loading discriminators during impacts (Milner et al. 2006a,b). However, bone loading during the remainder of stance may also be an important injury factor. Until noninvasive measurements of internal forces during human movement become more practical, validating simulation-based estimates of muscle and bone contact forces will remain challenging. However, the use of subject-specific muscle mechanical properties, good quantitative agreement between the modelled and experimental kinematics and kinetics, and qualitative agreement between the simulated muscle excitations and typical electromyographic patterns during running (Novacheck 1998) provide some confidence in the estimates. Peak simulated Achilles tendon forces (6.5 body weights) were comparable to in vivo measurements (Komi 1990). The fact that the simulations predicted greater relative tibial contact forces for the subject with a stress fracture history (240% body weight) than the subject with no history (223% body weight), even when running at a slower speed, is also promising. The design of our model was similar to earlier running models (Gerritsen et al. 1995; Cole et al. 1996; Wright et al. 1998; Neptune et al. 2000a) but differed by the inclusion of a swing leg. The previous studies modelled only the stance leg segments and combined the swing leg into the inertial properties of a ‘rest-of-body’ segment. While we did not perform simulations of these two subjects with a one-legged model, in developing the present model we found that a one-legged model had difficulty simulating accurate trunk kinematics and impact forces. We encourage future locomotion simulations to consider modelling both legs, even if data from one-legged stances are of primary interest. There are several limitations to this study. The model was confined to the sagittal plane only. While running is primarily a sagittal-plane motion, kinematics in secondary planes has discriminated between healthy runners and runners prone to injuries such as patellofemoral pain (Heiderscheit et al. 2002) and iliotibial band syndrome (Noehren et al. 2007). A suitable computer model for investigating these injuries would likely need to be capable of 3D motion. The assumption that footwear does not alter muscle activity during impacts is justified in some previous studies (Komi et al. 1987) but appears questionable based on others (Wakeling et al. 2002). The advantage of this assumption is that it allowed us to investigate the effects of changing a single parameter (shoe cushioning), which would be difficult to accomplish experimentally. When running in different shoes, human subjects may, for example, strike the ground with different initial kinematics, which can alter lower extremity loading (Gerritsen et al. 1995; Derrick et al. 2002). Finally, although the simulations were limited to a single stance phase, previous research has implicated stride-to-stride fluctuations in running mechanics with overuse injuries (Hamill et al. 1999; Heiderscheit et al. 2002; Miller et al. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2008). As computers continue to increase in power and decrease in cost, perhaps simulations of many consecutive strides will be common in the future. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge Brian Umberger for advice and assistance in developing the model and Brent Edwards for comments on the manuscript. Funded by the American Society of Biomechanics graduate student grant-in-aid program. Readers interested in acquiring any of the codes, parameters, or data used in these simulations are encouraged to contact the corresponding author (RHM). Downloaded By: [Miller, Ross] At: 15:46 13 August 2009 References Aerts P, de Clercq D. 1993. Deformation characteristics of the heel region of the shod foot during a simulated heel strike: the effect of varying midsole hardness. J Sports Sci. 11(5): 449 – 461. Anderson FC, Pandy MG. 1999. A dynamic optimization solution for vertical jumping in three dimensions. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Eng. 2(3):201– 231. 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We caution against defining these distributions from bone versus non-bone cadaver tissue masses, since muscle activity influences what proportion of a segment behaves dynamically as a wobbling mass (Karlsson and Tranberg 1999; Wakeling and Nigg 2001), and since physical activity and aging have profound effects on bone density (Lane et al. 1990). Wobbling masses were attached to the skeleton by linear translational spring-dampers located at the segment’s centre-of-mass. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering The coupling force between a wobbling mass and its associated segment was: F c ¼ kDr þ cD_r; ðA1Þ Downloaded By: [Miller, Ross] At: 15:46 13 August 2009 where Fc is the coupling force, Dr the vector between the wobbling mass and the segment centre-of-mass, k the spring stiffness coefficient and c the damping coefficient. Each mass was attached to the segment by two spring-dampers, one oriented along the longitudinal segment axis, and one perpendicular to this axis, which allowed the wobbling masses to have different vibrational characteristics in these two directions. For the thigh and calf segments, values fork and c were computed from data presented by Wakeling and Nigg (2001). For the thigh, the damped natural frequency ( fDN) was assumed to be 16 Hz (longitudinal direction) and 18 Hz (perpendicular direction) and the damping rate (s) was assumed to be 34 Hz (longitudinal direction) and 29 Hz (perpendicular direction). For the calf, fDN was assumed to be 22 Hz (longitudinal direction) and 18 Hz (perpendicular direction), and s was assumed to be 28 Hz (longitudinal direction) and 23 Hz (perpendicular direction). The stiffness and damping coefficients were then computed from under-damped vibration theory. The damping ratio (z) was (Formenti 1999): s z ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; 2 s þ ð2pf N Þ2 ðA2Þ 489 length Lm was the sum of the CC and SEC lengths: Lm ¼ LCC þ LSEC ; ðB1Þ where LCC is the length of the CC, and LSEC is the length of the SEC. Similarly, the total muscle velocity vm was the sum of the CC and SEC velocities: vm ¼ vCC þ vSEC ; ðB2Þ where vCC is the CC velocity, and vSEC is the SEC velocity. Force production by the CC was a function of the active state and the CC kinematics: F CC ¼ f ðA; LCC ; vCC Þ; ðB3Þ where FCC is the force produced by the CC. A is the active state, defined as the muscle’s intrinsic capacity to produce force (Gasser and Hill 1924). Since the muscle model did not explicitly consider muscle fibre pennation, the CC force, SEC force and the total muscle force, were equivalent: F m ¼ F CC ¼ F SEC ; ðB4Þ where Fm is the total muscle force and FSEC is the force sustained by the SEC. where fN is the natural frequency of the system: f DN f N ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : 1 2 z2 ðA3Þ B.1 Excitation-activation By combining Equations (A2) and (A3), the damping ratio could be approximated iteratively: Neural input to the muscles was modelled as a single parameter E that represented the total contributions of all excitation sources. CC excitation-activation dynamics were described by a firstorder ordinary differential equation (He et al. 1991): ! " 2pf DN 2 1 þ 2 < 2 þ z 2: s z ! " E E 1 A_ ¼ ðE 2 AÞ 2 þ ; tR tF tF ðA4Þ The spring stiffness (k) was then computed from the natural frequency definition: fN ¼ 1 2p rffiffiffi k ) k ¼ mð2pf N Þ2 ; m ðA5Þ where m is the mass of the wobbling mass. The damping coefficient (c) was computed from the definition of the damping ratio: pffiffiffiffiffiffi c z ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ) c ¼ 2z km: 2 km ðA6Þ Stiffness and damping coefficients were assumed to be bilaterally identical for the left and right leg. Since the HAT segment represented all segments not explicitly included in the model, its vibrational characteristics were unknown. Therefore the HAT stiffness and damping coefficients were entered as control variables in the optimisation. Appendix B: Muscle model The muscle model was a two-component Hill-based model (Hill 1970), with a contractile component (CC) in series with an elastic component (SEC). Parallel elasticity was accounted for by the passive joint moment functions. At any time, the total muscle ðB5Þ where E is the neural excitation. Both A and E varied from zero (no activation/excitation) to one (full activation/excitation). The parameters tR and tF are time constants that define the time lags between activation (rise time), deactivation (fall time), and excitation. B.2 CC force –length The CC force – length relationship (Gordon et al. 1966) was described by an inverted parabola (Woittiez et al. 1983): ! " 1 LCC FL ¼ 2 2 2 1 2 þ 1; Lo W ðB6Þ where Lo is the optimal CC length and W is a parameter describing the parabola width. For example, if W ¼ 0.5, the CC could produce force when it was at lengths between 0.5 and 1.5 times Lo. B.3 CC force –velocity The concentric CC force – velocity relationship was described by a double-hyperboloid, modified from the Hill (1938) original formulation to scale the maximum isometric force for the current 490 R.H. Miller and J. Hamill force – length and activation: ! " F m 2 F ov ; vCC ¼ b Fm þ a F ov ¼ F o · A · FL; ðB7Þ ðB8Þ where Fo is the maximum isometric muscle force (i.e. the muscle force when A ¼ 1, FL ¼ 1 and vCC ¼ 0). The parameters a and b are Hill’s dynamic constants (Hill 1938), which define the shape of the parabola. The eccentric force– velocity relationship (Katz 1939) was described according to FitzHugh (1977): ! " F m 2 F ov vCC ¼ S ; ðB9Þ F m 2 CS F ov ! " CS F ov 2 F ov S¼b ; ðB10Þ F ov þ a where CS is the eccentric force plateau. Downloaded By: [Miller, Ross] At: 15:46 13 August 2009 B.4 SEC force– extension The SEC force – extention relationship was described by an exponential function (Caldwell 1995): $ ! "% LSEC 2 1 2 CK ; ðB11Þ FDL ¼ CK exp K Lu F m ¼ F o FDL; ðB12Þ where CK is the SEC scaling coefficient, K the SEC stiffness, LSEC the SEC length and Lu the unloaded SEC length. B.5 Muscle mechanical properties Each muscle model required 11 input parameters that defined its excitation-activation, force– length, force – velocity and force – extension relationships: tR and tF , the activation and deactivation time constants; Fo, the maximum isometric force; Lo, the optimal CC length; W, the CC force – length parabola width; a and b, the Hill force – velocity constants; CS, the eccentric force plateau; Lu, the unloaded SEC length, K, the SEC stiffness and CK, the SEC scaling coefficient. Previous research has demonstrated that the data tracking accuracy of forward dynamics simulations depends strongly on the values assigned to some of these parameters (Scovil and Ronsky 2006). If subject-specific simulations are desired, it is therefore important that muscle model parameters be defined on a subject-specific basis when possible. The excitation-activation time constants were defined as functions of the muscle fibre type composition: tR ¼ 30 2 25 · FT; ðB13Þ tF ¼ 45 2 30 · FT; ðB14Þ where FT is the proportion of fast-twitch fibres, from zero to one (Winters and Stark 1985). Equations (B13) and (B14) give the time constants in units of milli-seconds. Data for FT were referenced from Yamaguchi et al. (1990) and the same values of FT were assumed for both subjects. Hill’s dynamic constants a and b were also defined as functions of FT (Winters and Stark 1985): aR ¼ 0:1 þ 0:4 · FT; ðB15Þ bR ¼ aR ð4 þ 8 · FTÞ; ðB16Þ where aR and bR are the relative (dimensionless) dynamic constants. The dimensional parameter b was the product of bR and Lo. The dimensional parameter a was the product of aR and Fo after scaling Fo for the current force– length and activation levels: a ¼ aR · F o · FL · A: ðB17Þ Finally, a was multiplied by A 20.3 to account for the activationdependency of the force – velocity relationship (Umberger et al. 2003). The eccentric force plateau was assumed to be CS ¼ 1.45 for all muscles, which is the mean value presented by Zajac (1989). The SEC stiffness and scaling coefficients were defined such that each muscle model produced Fo when the SEC was extended by 4% of its unloaded length (Ettema and Huijing, 1989). This assumption corresponded to values of K ¼ 92.08 and CK ¼ 0.0258 N. The remaining four parameters (Fo, Lo, W and Lu) were determined for each subject using the dynamometry and optimisation procedure described by Gerritsen et al. (1998). K, CK, CS and FT were also allowed to vary within a ^10% range during the optimisation.