This Week

Rev. William B. Leone: Pastor
Sr. Clare Brown, SSJ: Pastoral Associate
Deacon Thomas Ecker
Rev. William Endres: In Residence
207 Garfield Street
East Rochester, NY 14445
We, the members of the Church of St. Jerome,
believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of
the world. Empowered by this belief, we seek
through the celebration of the Mass, to be
Christ’s presence in the world. Having
celebrated the Liturgy of the Word and the
Liturgy of the Eucharist in the Holy Mass, we
strive to build Christian community through
prayer and service. We humbly place all our
efforts under the special patronage of the
Blessed, ever Virgin Mary, the Mother of God
and our mother in the faith.
October 2, 2016
Dear Parishioners,
“Thank you” to all who came and all
who worked so hard to make this
year’s picnic a grand success. The
Lord provided a beautiful afternoon!
Special recognition goes to the Picnic
organizing and set-up/clean-up: Tim
Bates, Ann and Tom Barton,
Yvonne Benson, Mary Brigida,
Michele and Tom Conners, Skip
Farchione, Dan Foster, Dennis Leo,
Ed Parrone, Jim Riordan, Christa
Stewart, and Steve Warner.
Thank you to Tom General, for the
music, Bob Gullo, for the trivia,
Linnea Loughran, Natalie and Jack
General for the childr en' s face
painting, Dermot Loughran for
emceeing the event, Joe Galante for
running BOCCE and congrats to the
repeat winners, Joe Galante and Tony
Special thanks to all who donated
door prizes, with a special thanks to
JoAnn Caiola, who' s contr ibution
delighted all the youngest members of
our parish.
Many thanks to the Tom Conners
family for the pastr ies and Mark
Leeper and his team for pr oviding
the delicious food. The Strawberry
Shortcake was amazing! A great time
was had by all!
God bless you all and Thank you,
Father Leone
Today is Diocesan Respect
Life Sunday Mass
Bishop Matano is celebrating this
Mass in honor of 20 years of Project
Rachel ministry in the Diocese of
Rochester. He will bless and
commission all who are involved in
Project Rachel. There will be a
reception afterward in appreciation of
Fr. James Hewes, whose vision and
18 years of Project Rachel leadership
and loving care over this ministry
have been instrumental. Mass is
Sunday, October 2nd at 2:00 p.m. in
Sacred Heart Cathedral, 296 Flower
City Park, Rochester.
It is fitting to have this celebration
during this special Year of Mercy.
All are welcome, and encouraged to
attend! If you cannot attend, please
continue to keep this important
ministry of our Church in your
prayers, especially remembering all
those women (and men) that still long
for the Lord’s forgiveness and
healing. To learn more about Project
Mass of Healing
For Miscarriage and Infant
Saturday, October 15, 2016
at 11:00 a.m.
Christ Our Light Mausoleum
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
2461 Lake Ave., Rochester, 14612
Celebrant: Rev. John Loncle
Light refreshments immediately
following. The Church provides a
means for mourning and support
through the Liturgy of the Mass.
Parents and siblings, grandparents,
family members and friends are all
welcome to attend this Mass in
remembrance of their child(ren).
Sponsored by Elizabeth Ministry of
the Life Issues Office of the Diocese
of Rochester and Holy Sepulchre
Cemetery. For further information
please contact: Janene Loughran: at
329-1974 or Molly Hickey at:
St. Jerome Music Ministry
The St. Jerome Music Ministry is
recruiting for the following: Adult
Choir, Youth Choir and Cantors.
For information please contact
Teresa Galbier, Music Director, email
at or call
Page Two
Church of St. Jerome, East Rochester, NY
Monday, October 3, 2016
7:30 a.m. Mona Hess by Husband, Bill
Dr. Paul Benz by Sheila
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Saint Francis of Assisi
7:30 a.m. Don Davis by Bill Hess
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
7:30 a.m. Paul Cimicata by J ohn &
Patricia English
Barnes & Noble
Book Fair
Save The Date.
Come support the
East Rochester Library on October
22, 2016, at the Pittsford Barnes &
Noble Book Fair. For each sale
made, the Library will receive a small
part of the sale. The Café is included.
A book is a great gift! Start your
Christmas shopping early and support
the East Rochester Library.
Pick up a flyer with voucher at the
back of church.
Mickey & Isabel Flynn by
JoAnn & Jack Vienne
Thursday, October 6, 2016
7:30 a.m. Joseph Russo by Phil &
Marti Barcomb
Marie “Billie” Hartigan by
Terry Meng
Friday, October 7, 2016
Our Lady of the Rosary
7:30 a.m. Joseph DiFelice by Cousin,
Adina & Sam Lopez
All Souls in Purgatory
Saturday, October 8, 2016
4:30 p.m. The People of the Parish
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary
8:00 a.m. Paul Cimicata by Teresa
Quinzi Willette
Deacon Kenneth Arnold by
Rosalie Rosini
Thomas Walles by Elizabeth
10:00 a.m. Mario Ballatori by Teresa &
Nino Spano
Dr. Robert H. Huddle by
VNS Family
Paul Cimicata by Carol &
Manny Medeiros
St. Jerome CYO Basketball
Registration for 2016-2017
Saturday, Oct. 8th only
9:00am -12:00pm
At St. John Bosco School
Garfield Street Entrance
Fee for registration:$70.00 per child
Make checks payable to St. Jerome
The following divisions available:
All Teams - 12 player limit
Preference will be given to members
of St. Jerome’s Church & St. John
Bosco School to fill rosters**
3rd & 4th Grade Boys
3rd & 4th Grade Girls
5th & 6th Grade Boys
5th & 6th Grade Girls
7th & 8th Grade Boys
7th & 8th Grade Girls
** All Teams are tentative due to
proper qualification, selection and
approval of volunteer coaches.
For questions, or if you are
interested in coaching, volunteering
to score keep, sell concessions or help
in any way, and you are willing to
take a mandatory on-line CYO
“Creating a Safe Environment”
Training Course, and clear a
background check, please contact:
Tim Henry, St. Jerome CYO
Basketball Director, at 509-1019 or
call the Rectory Office at 586-3231.
Please Pray for Those
in the Military:
Lord, hold our troops in Your loving
hands. Protect them as they protect
us. Bless them and their families for
the selfless acts they perform for us in
our time of need. We ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
Sgt. Joseph V. Alfieri
PVT. Kyle Anderson
Specialist Aaron Brochu
Airman Rachel Brock
EMN2 Virginia Boy
2LT Katherine Boy
BM3 Mary Carr USN
1LT Craig Carlisle
Commander Todd Cimicata
Sr. Master Sgt. Matthew Clancy
PVT. Robert DeMaria US Army
AO2 Timothy Fennell USN
Captain Brian Findlay
Lt. Kurt Findlay
Sgt. Daniel Frate
CW4 Thomas Grove
Lt. Col. Daniel Guinan
Master Sergeant Richard Guinan
Cpl. Kevin Harte
LTJG Bart Hicklin USN
LCprl Brennan T. Jackson
Corporal Ryan Jackson
Ryan LaFountain
PVT. Jack Leonardo US Army
SR. Marcell Levato USN
Bryan McAuliff USN
Hm3 John Ross McCarthy USN
Staff Sgt. Nathaniel McAvoy
1 Lt. Richard R. McPhee
2nd LT Shannon McPhee
Richard Nguyen USN
Captain Jeffrey Piazza
Master Sergeant Jobette Rosati
Col. Martin J. Schmidt US Army
Airman Alesa Whelehan
Sgt. Christopher Whelehan
Let Us Pray
Please remember in your
prayers those members of
our parish in the hospital,
the sick at home, and those in nursing
In your Christian charity, you are
asked to pray for those who have died.
May the Lord strengthen their
families and friends at their time of
Page Three
Church of St. Jerome, East Rochester, NY
Dear Padre
October 2, 2016
October 2, 2016
Ordinary Time (C)
Hb 1:2–3; 2:2–4 2; Tm 1:6–8, 13–14; Lk
I have a little jar of mustard seeds on
the bookcase in my office. They were
given to me as a going-away present
by a priest I knew, a little reminder to
keep the faith. Every time I hear the
Gospel about the mustard seed, I am
reminded of him. He was a mentor
and friend, one of the many people
who have inspired my faith from
young adulthood until now. He is also
the example of what I hope to be for
the students I teach. The faith which
we explore is a rich inheritance,
indeed, and I can only hope to
influence my students as much as he
influenced me.
Being a faith-filled person isn’t for
cowards. As Paul tells Timothy, God
gave us gifts of power and love to be
able to stand against evil and to love
those who seem unlovable. God called
us to a holy life which means that we
occasionally have to turn away from
what the world has to offer and
embrace a different way of living.
Christ’s disciples are called to help
make the world holy through word
and example, by inviting others to
know Christ and acting in such a way
that knowing Christ seems the only
possible response. Finally, God gives
us the Holy Spirit, who makes it
possible for us to live lives that are
worthy of the calling to which we
have been called.
“Stir into flame the gift of God,”
Paul exhorts. Fire is the perfect
metaphor. It lights our way and gives
us warmth. It also purifies us for the
work ahead. Who inspired you in your
faith? How will you become a better
disciple today because of them?
—Mary Katharine Deeley
Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m..
Why does the priest break off a
small piece of the consecrated host
and drop it into the chalice before
Communion is distributed?
This action has a spiritual and
historical meaning. Let’s look at the
historical significance first.
In the first centuries of Christianity,
it was important for churches in
outlying areas to express their unity
with Rome. The pope would send a
small piece of the consecrated bread
to each church. During Mass, the
priest would place the portion in the
chalice to recognize the union
between Rome and the local church.
But sending pieces of consecrated
bread from Rome to each church
became impractical as Christianity
grew, so a practice was adopted to
allow each priest to drop a piece of
the host he had just consecrated into
the chalice.
Spiritually, this action serves to
remind us that Christ is wholly and
truly present in both eucharistic
forms: the host and the wine. When
we receive the Most Holy Body or the
Precious Blood, we partake in the
entire person of Christ, the same Jesus
Christ who lived, died, and rose from
the dead.
The Real Presence, the singularity of
the Mass, and the unity of the Church
are all realities that point to the
communion of saints and life beyond
death. These things are not merely
beliefs or promises; they are God’s
greatest gifts to us.
Excerpted from the
November 2011 issue of Liguorian,
© Liguori Publications
October 2, 2016
Saturday at 4:30 p.m.,
Sunday at 8:00 & 10:00
Please consult Bulletin
Mon.-Fri. - 7:30 a.m.
Consult bulletin for changes
Call Rectory Office 586-3231
Saturday: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
(or by appointment)
Gina Louth, Religious Education
Janene Loughran, Youth Ministry
Denise Peterson, Secretary
Patrick Vogt, Business Manager
Teresa Galbier, Music Director
Sr. Monica Weis, SSJ, Organist
Faith Formation Office......... 586-3231
We welcome you to worship regularly
with us and to join our Parish
Community formally, offering your time,
Newcomers are wholeheartedly received
into membership by simply registering at
the office at their convenience.
Monday, October 3, 2016
7:00 p.m. - Ladies Auxiliary (Hall)
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Rel. Ed. (K-5) (Hall)
7:15 - 8:15 p.m. - Rel. Ed. (6-7) and
Confirmation Prep I & II (Hall)
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
7:00 p.m. - Liturgy Committee (Hall)
Youth Group meets the 2nd & 4th
Sunday of the Month 7:00 –8:30 p.m.