İzmir University of Economics EEE202 Electrical Circuits II Title of the Experiment Experiment – 7 Frequency Domain Transfer Function and Bode Plots Name-Surname of the Student Student Number E-Mail Grade for the Lab (To be filled in by the instructor.) Task Pre-Lab Task In-Lab Task Total Score Background B.1. Frequency Transfer Function of an RC Circuit When a sinusoidal voltage is applied to the input of an RC circuit (Figure 1), at steady state, all the voltage and current waveforms are also sinusoidal with different amplitudes and phases. R + vS vC C vS (t) = VSP cos ω0 t volts Figure 1. A First Order RC Circuit with Sinusoidal Input At steady state, the capacitor voltage (output) is obtained as (see class notes) vC (t) = VCP cos (ω0 t + θ) volts where VCP = VSP and √1+(ω0 RC)2 θ = - tan-1 ( ω0 RC) Another approach to determine amplitude and phase for a sinusoidal input, is “phasor” approach. Using the fact that each signal in the circuit has a general form of a sinusoidal as vX (t) = Re { VXP e j(ω0t + θ) jθ } = Re { VXP e ejω0t } = Re{ VX ejω0 t } where VX = VXP e jθ is called phasor, it is possible to express all signals in the circuit using phasors. The relationships between phasors also follows the circuit equations. VS = VR + VC Using the relations VR = R IR , VC = 1 jω0 C IR (see class notes) and using IR = IC = I it is obtained that, VS = (R + 1 jω0 C ) I or I = 1 (R + 1 ) jω0 C VS Then the phasor of the output (capacitor) voltage VC = (R 1 jω0 C 1 + ) jω0 C VS = 1 (1+ jω0 RC ) VS Then the ratio of the output and input phasors is VC VS = 1 (1+ jω0 RC ) This ratio for general is called the frequency transfer function of the system H(j), i.e., H(jω) = 1 1+ jωRC B.2. Magnitude and Phase Plots of Frequency Transfer Function Any complex number c may be represented also in polar form as c = α+ j β = |α+ j β| ejθ = |α+ j β|∠𝜃 where |∙| indicates the magnitude, θ represents the phase and ∠𝜃 represents the exponential term. Then β 2 2 c = α+ j β = √α2 + β ejθ = √α2 + β ∠𝜃 where θ = tan-1 ( ) α Since the frequency transfer function is a complex number, the polar coordinate representation of H(j) is H(jω) = |H(jω)|∠H(jω) = 1 1+ jωRC = 1 √1+(ωRC)2ejθ = e-jθ √1+(ωRC)2 where θ = tan-1 ( ωRC) The magnitude and the phase of H(j) are: |H(jω)|= 1 √1+(RC)2 and -1 ∠H(jω) = - tan ( ωRC) The magnitude and phase of the frequency transfer function are plotted separately to specify H(jω). Example Consider the RC circuit given below in Figure 2. Determine and plot the frequency transfer function. R + VS R = 7.96 kΩ C = 10 nF VC C VS (t) = 5 cos ω𝑡 volts Figure 2. An RC Circuit The transfer function as obtained above: H(jω) = 1 1+ jωRC or H(jf) = 1 1+ j2πfRC The magnitude of H(jf) is |H(jf)|= 1 √1+(2πf RC)2 and its phase is -1 ∠H(jf) = - tan ( 2πf RC) RC product is then RC = (7.96 kΩ) (10 nF) = 79.6 μsec For these values the magnitude and phase of H(jf) is plotted on the Figure 3a. and Figure 3.b, respectively. Important Notes: i. ii. Note that since the frequency domain is large between 100 Hz – 10 kHz, usually a logarithmic scale is used over the horizontal frequency axis. There is a special frequency called corner frequency fC. At this corner frequency the output amplitude drops its 1 √2 of its maximum value. For the above RC circuit at the corner frequency fC |H(jfC )| = 1 or 1 √1+(2πf C RC)2 = 1 √2 Then 2πfC RC =1 or fC = = 1 2πx 79.6x10−6 = 2 kHz For this circuit at fC, the phase is -1 -1 ∠H(jfC ) = - tan ( 2πfC RC) = - tan ( 1) = π 4 Magnitude Plot Frequency (Hz) (a) Magnitude of H(j) 10000 3000 2000 1000 300 200 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 100 Magnitude iii. 1 2πRC Phase Phase Plot 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 10000 3000 2000 1000 300 200 100 -90 Frequency (Hz) (b) Phase of H(j) Figure 3 Pre-Lab Task 1 Consider the circuit given below in Figure 4. The input is a sinusoidal waveform. The output voltage is the steady state voltage over the capacitor. R + VS C VC Figure 4 Determine the time constant and the corner frequency fC. Implementation of Pre-Lab Task 1 R = 8.2 kΩ C = 10 nF In-Lab Task 1 Construct the circuit given in Figure 5. R + VS C VC R = 8.2 kΩ C = 10 nF Figure 5 i. Using the oscilloscope, measure peak-to-peak values of both input and the output capacitor voltages, and the phase difference at the given frequencies. Fill Table 1. Note that |H(jw)| = VC(P-P) VS(P-P) Table 1 Frequency VS(P-P) (volts) VC(P-P) (volts) |H(jw)| = 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 ii. Plot your magnitude and phase values on the following graphs. VC(P-P) VS(P-P) ∠H(jw) (degree) Magnitude Plot 10000 3000 2000 1000 300 200 100 Magnitude 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Frequency (Hz) (a) Magnitude of H(j) Phase Phase Plot 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 Frequency (Hz) (b) iii. What is the corner frequency? Phase of H(j) 10000 3000 2000 1000 300 200 100 -90 Implementation of In-Lab Task Student’s Evaluation of Learning Outcomes (Write in the following box what you have gained from doing the Experiment VIII.) The knowledge of ... The skill of measuring/computing/calculating/determining/finding/simulating of... The awareness/consciousness of...