1 © 2003 Hunter Fan Company 41822-01 10/22/2003 2 ® Your new Hunter® ceiling fan is an addition to your home or office that will provide comfort and performance for many years. This installation and operation manual gives you complete instructions for installing and operating your fan. We are proud of our work. We appreciate the opportunity to supply you with the best ceiling fan available anywhere in the world. Before installing your fan, record the following information for your records and warranty assistance. Please refer to the carton and the Hunter nameplate label (located on the top of the fan motor housing) for the proper information. Model Name: __________________________ Catalog/Model No.: ______________ Serial No.: _____________________ Date Purchased: ___ / ___ / ______ Where Purchased: _______________________________ Please also attach your receipt or a copy of your receipt for reference. Easy LockTM Blade System Your new Hunter ceiling fan includes our exclusive Easy LockTM blade assembly which locks the blades in place without tools and eliminates up to 40 parts. It also allows easy removal of the blades for cleaning. cautions and warnings • • • • • • • Read een ntir o ok l et ccaare full in iree bbo ullyy bbee fore bbeeg inn innin ingg in insst all ati on. SSaave tth he s e in insstruc ti ons . Us nl un Usee oonl nlyy H Hun untter rreep l acement p paar t s . To rree du he rrii sk ooff p jur he ffaan ducce tth peers onal in injur juryy, aattt ach tth din he bbuil uil he ssup up p or t ssttruc tur dir o tth uildin dingg aaccuree ooff tth upp diree c tly tto nl he hhaardnd uuss e oonl o tth hes e in cordin nlyy tth inss tr ucti ons , aan dingg tto up p lilieed. w are ssup upp To aavv o id p os sib ho ck , bbee fore in po sibll e eell e c tri c al ssh inss t allin llingg y our ffaan, di he p ow er bbyy ttur ur n in he ccir ir diss conn nneec t tth po urn ingg ooff f tth ir-cui o tth he oou utl et bbo ox aan nd aass s o ci ate d w uitt bbrreaker s tto waall s wi tch llo o c ati on. IIff yyo ou ccaann ot llo o ck tth he ccir ir nno irccui uitt bbrreaker s in tth h e ooff f p osi po sitti on, ssee cur ureely ffaas ten a p prromin ineent w ar nin uch aass a ttaag , tto o tth he sseer vi ce p ingg d deev ice , ssu paanel. All w ir in nd wir irin ingg mu muss t bbee in aacccordance w wii th n naati onal aan l o c al eell e c tri c al cco o des aan nd A N S I/N F P A 70. I f y o u a AN I/NF If yo arre un f a m ili a r w i t h w ir in g , y o u s h o ul d u s e a q u a li unf ilia wi wir irin ing yo sh uld us qu liff i ed eelle ct r i ci a n . To rree du he rrii sk ooff p jur on ot bbeend tth he ducce tth peer s onal in injur juryy, d do no b l ad e aatttachm hen in hmeent ssyy stem w wh insst allin llingg , bbaal ancin ingg , or ccll eanin he ffaan . N oreig n oob b j ec t s bbeeingg tth Neev er in inss er t ffo t we en rro o tatin ingg ffaan bbll ad es . To rree du he rrii sk ooff ffir ir ho ck , oorr m o to r ducce tth iree , eell e c tr ic al ssh mo d am a g e , d on ot uuss e a sso o liliddp e e d cco o n tr o l w do no d-sst ate ssp wiith thi s ffaan . Us nl un p e e d cco o n tr o l s . Usee oonl nlyy H Hun untter ssp 41822-01 10/22/2003 getting ready To install a ceiling fan, be sure you can do the following: • Locate the ceiling joist or other suitable support in ceiling. • Drill holes for and install wood screws. • Identify and connect electrical wires. • Lift 40 pounds. If you need help installing the fan, your Hunter fan dealer can direct you to a licensed installer or electrician. gathering the tools You will need the following tools for installing the fan: • Electric drill with 9/64" bit • Standard screwdriver • Phillips-head screwdriver • Wrench or pliers considering optional accessories Consider using Hunter’s optional accessories, including a wallmounted or remote speed control. To install and use the accessories, follow the instructions included with each product. For quiet and optimum performance of your Hunter fan, use only Hunter speed controls. checking your fan parts Carefully unpack your fan to avoid damage to the fan parts. Check for any shipping damage to the motor or fan blades. If one of the fan blades was damaged in shipment, return all the blades for replacement. NOTE: If you are installing more than one fan, keep the fan blades in sets, as they were shipped. If any parts are missing or damaged, contact your Hunter dealer or call Hunter Parts Department at 888-830-1326. ® understanding Installer’s Choice This patented 3-position mounting system provides you maximum installation flexibility and ease. You can install your Hunter fan in one of three ways. The steps in this manual include specific instructions for the fan mounting method of your choice. For a ceiling 8 feet or higher, standard mounting is recommended. Flu oun ingg (Figure 1) fits close to the ceiling, for low ceilings lussh M Mo unttin less than 8 feet high. 10” Fi gur lu o un uree 1 - FFlu lussh m mo unttin ingg © 2003 Hunter Fan Company 3 S t a n d a rd M oun Mo unttin ingg (Figure 2) hangs from the ceiling by a downrod (included), for ceilings 8 feet or higher. For ceilings higher than 8 feet, you can purchase Hunter extension downrods. All Hunter fans use sturdy 3/4" diameter pipe to assure stability and wobblefree performance. 30” From Wall or Nearest Obstruction 8’ Minimum Ceiling Height 7’ Minimum to Floor 12” Fi gur in imum m oun uree 4 - M Min inimum mo unttin ingg di disst a nces Fi gur o un uree 2 - SStt an d ard m mo unttin ingg Angl e M oun Mo unttin ingg (Figure 3) hangs from a vaulted or angled ceiling. 34º Max 8 Pitch 12 using an existing fan site If you are preparing a new fan site, go to the p rep arin ingg a n neew ffaan sitte section. si If you plan to use an existing fan site, complete the following checklist for the support brace, ceiling hole, outlet box, and wiring. If you ingg a n nee w ffaan si sitte seccannot check off every item, see the prep ar in tion for instructions on properly preparing the site for your new fan. fan support system • • Fan must attach directly to building structure. Fan support system must hold full weight of fan and light kit. ceiling hole Fi gur ngl e m o un uree 3 - A An mo unttin ingg preparing the fan site These guidelines are designed to help you select the best location for your fan and to prepare the site prior to installing the fan. Proper ceiling fan location and attachment to the building structure are essential for safety, reliable operation, maximum efficiency, and energy savings. choosing the fan site Within the room where you want to install the fan, choose a fan site where: • No object can come in contact with the rotating fan blades during normal operation. • The fan blades are at least 7 feet above the floor and the ceiling is at least 8 feet high. • The fan blades have no obstructions to air flow, such as walls or posts, within 30 inches of the fan blade tips. • The fan is directly below a joist or support brace that will hold the outlet box and the full weight of the fan. See Figure 4 for the minimum mounting distances. © 2003 Hunter Fan Company • Outlet box clearance hole directly below the joist or support brace. outlet box • • • • UL-approved octagonal 4" x 1-1/2" outlet box (or as specified by the support brace manufacturer). Outlet box secured to joist or support brace by wood screws and washers through inner holes of outlet box. Outer holes of outlet box aligned with joist or support brace. Bottom of outlet box recessed a minimum of 1/16" into ceiling. wiring • Electrical cable secured to outlet box by approved connector. • Six inches of lead wires extend from outlet box. See Figure 5 for an adequate existing fan site. 41822-01 10/22/2003 4 Ceiling Joist Support Brace installing the outlet box Approved Connector 1. Figur d equate ex uree 5 - A Ad exii stin ingg ffaan si sitte Obtain a UL-approved octagonal 4" x 1-1/2" outlet box, plus two #8 x 1-1/2" wood screws and washers, available from any hardware store or electrical supply house. Orient the outlet box so that both the inner and outer holes in the box align with the joist or support brace. Drill pilot holes no larger than the minor diameter of the wood screws (5/64") through the inner holes of the outlet box. Attach the outlet box directly to the support brace or joist with two #8 x 1-1/2" wood screws and washers. The bottom of the outlet box must be recessed a minimum of 1/16" into the ceiling as shown in Figure 7. he cceeilin If your existing fan site is suitable, go to the in insst allin llingg tth ilingg p l ate section and begin installing your new Hunter fan. Support Brace 2. 3. Washer Ceiling Wood Screw 4. Outlet Box preparing a new fan site To prepare the fan site follow four steps: • Cutting the Ceiling Hole • Installing the Support Brace (if necessary) • Installing the Outlet Box • Preparing the Wiring Washer Wood Screw cutting the ceiling hole 1. 2. Locate the site for the hole directly below the joist or support brace that will hold the outlet box and fan. Cut a 4" diameter hole through the drywall or plaster of the ceiling as shown in Figure 6. You will use the hole to install the support brace and outlet box. Ceiling Joist Support Brace Ceiling Fi gur uttin he cceeilin ole uree 6 - C Cu ingg tth ilingg hho preparing the wiring 1. 3. 4. C AUTIO N: A ll w ir in aAll wir irin ingg mu muss t bbee in aacccord ance w wiith n nao de s aan nd A NSI/N tio nal aan n d llo o c al eell e c tr i c al cco I/NFFPA 70. IIff yyo AN ou are un ir in ou ssh houl d uuss e a qqu ualiliff i e d eell ecunff amili iliaar w wiith w wir irin ingg , yyo uld t r i ci a n . Make sure the circuit breakers to the fan supply line leads and associated wall switch location are turned off. If you cannot lock the circuit breakers in the off position, securely fasten a prominent warning device, such as a tag, to the service panel. Thread the fan supply line through the outlet box so that the fan supply line extends at least 6" beyond the box as shown in Figure 8. Attach the fan supply line to the outlet box with an approved connector, available at any hardware store or electrical supply house. Refer to Figure 8. Make certain the wiring meets all national and local standards and ANSI/NFPA 70. installing the support brace If there is a ceiling joist directly above the hole which will allow the outlet box to be recessed a minimum of 1/16" in the ceiling, go to in he oou utl et bbo ox section. insst allin llingg tth If there is not an adequate ceiling joist available, do the following: 1. Attach a 2" x 4" support brace between two joists. The support brace must allow the bottom of the outlet box to be recessed a minimum of 1/16" into the ceiling. See Figure 7. 2. Check the support brace to ensure it will support the full weight of the fan and light kit. 1/16” Recess Figur nst allin he oou utl et bbo ox uree 7 - IIn llingg tth 2. 4” Diameter Ceiling Hole Outlet Box Approved Connector Wire Leads Fi gur he w ir in uree 8 - Pr Preep arin ingg tth wir irin ingg 41822-01 10/22/2003 © 2003 Hunter Fan Company 5 Ceiling Joist You have now successfully prepared your ceiling fan site. For instructions on how to install your ceiling fan, continue with the inst allin he cceeilin llingg tth ilingg p pll ate section. 2 x 4 Brace installing the ceiling plate 1. 2. 3. Drill two pilot holes into the wood support structure through the outermost holes on the outlet box. The pilot holes should be 9/64" in diameter. Thread the lead wires from the outlet box through the hole in the middle of the ceiling plate. Your fan comes with four neoprene noise isolators. Position the isolators between the ceiling plate and ceiling by inserting the raised areas on each isolator into the holes in the ceiling plate. Refer to Figure 9. Isolators Flat Washer Outlet Box 3” Wood Screw Fi gur n st allin he cceeilin uree 11 - IIn llingg tth ilingg p pllate assembling the fan assembling the fan for a standard or angled ceiling 1. 2. Ceiling Plate Figur n s er tin h e iiss o l ator s in he cceeilin uree 9 - IIn ingg tth intto tth ilingg p pllate 4. Ceiling Ceiling Plate Align the slotted holes (refer to Figure 10) in the ceiling plate with the pilot holes in the wood support structure. Note: The isolation pads should be flush against the ceiling. For Angled Ceilings: Be sure to orient the ceiling plate so that the arrows on the ceiling plate are pointing towards the ceiling peak. Refer to Figure 10. 3. Insert the downrod through the canopy and canopy trim ring as shown in Figure 12. Feed wires from the fan through the downrod. Screw the downrod into the fan assembly until tight. IMPORTANT! Tighten downrod set screw as shown in Figure 12. C AUTIO N: T he ddo ownr o d hhaa s a ssp p e ci al cco o atin n tth he Th nro ingg oon g; tth he cco oatin thr on ot rreemove tth his cco oatin ingg p prre vent s Do no ing; hree ads . D the ddo ow nr o d ffrrom un nce aass s emb on ot nro unss crew in ingg . O On mbll e d, ddo no remov e tth he ddo ownr o d. nro he ffaan section. ingg tth Continue to the hang in Hanger Ball/ Downrod Assembly Slots Canopy Canopy Trim Ring Set Screw Arrows for Orienting on Angled Ceiling Fi gur o catin h e ssll ot te d hho o l es tto o uuss e uree 10 - LLo ingg tth 5. 6. Place a flat washer on each of the two 3" screws and pass the screws through the slotted holes in the ceiling plate as shown in Figure 11. Tighten the screws into the 9/64" pilot holes; do not use lubricants on the screws. Do not overtighten. Fi gur lin he ddo ow nr od uree 12 - A Asss emb mblin lingg tth nro assembling the fan for a low ceiling 1. Remove the screw on the hanger ball to disassemble it from the downrod as shown in Figure 13. Screw on the Hanger Ball Hanger Ball/ Downrod Assembly Figur he ssccrew ffrrom tth he hhaa nger bbaall uree 13 - R Reemov in ingg tth © 2003 Hunter Fan Company 41822-01 10/22/2003 6 2. 3. 4. Remove the hook from the assembly. Completely remove the set screw (identified in Figure 12) from the fan adapter. Put the set screw, previously removed, through the two black neoprene washers and the hook as shown in Figure 14. Hook must be installed in same orientation as shown in Figure 14. Black Neoprene Washer Hook Set Screw 6. 7. Securely tighten the blade iron assembly screws. Repeat steps 4 through 6 until all blade irons are assembled. Blade Iron Two Notches and Blade Iron Assembly Screws Shipping Blocks Fi gur lin he sseet sscc rew ffo or llo ow p uree 14 - A Ass s emb mblin lingg tth prro fililee as s e mb mblly 5. 6. 7. Reassemble the set screw to the adapter as shown in Figure 14. NOTE: The rubber washers should be tight enough to keep the hook standing straight up, but the set screw should not be completely tighten as to keep the hook from being able to swing. Place the canopy trim ring then the canopy over the adapter as shown in Figure 15. Place the low profile washer (lip up) into the canopy as shown in Figure 15 fitting the notch in the low profile washer over the adapter set screw and hook. Tab Hole Fi gur lin he bbllad e ir on uree 16 - A Ass s emb mblin lingg tth iro hanging the fan 1. Low Profile Washer Raise the fan and place the hook through the loop on the ceiling plate as shown in Figure 17. Use the note and arrow engraved in the ceiling plate to assist in determining the direction to assemble. WAR N IN G: FFaan m ot aasss emb maay ffaall iiff n no mbll ed aass dir diree c ted in thes e in insst allllaatio n in insstruc ti ons . Canopy Canopy Trim Ring Hook Arrow on the Low Profile Washer Loop Fi gur lin or llo ow p oun uree 15 - A Ass s emb mblin lingg ccaa no py ffo prro f ililee m mo unttin ingg 8. 9. Rotate the canopy until the arrow on the low profile washer aligns with the tab hole on the canopy as shown in Figure 15. Align the holes in the low profile washer with the holes in the adapter and assemble securely with the three #8-32 x 1” screws. installing the blade irons 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Turn the fan upside down. Use the ceiling fan package to support the fan while assembling the blade irons. Loosen all of the blade iron assembly screws. Do not completely remove the screws. Remove and discard all of the shipping blocks. Slide the blade iron under the switch housing plate aligning the two notches with the two blade iron assembly screws as shown in Figure 16. Pull the blade iron forward under the loosened blade iron assembly screws to fully engage the blade iron. 41822-01 10/22/2003 Fi gur n gin h e ffaan uree 17 - Ha Han ingg tth wiring the fan 1. 2. Disconnect the power by turning off the circuit breakers to the outlet box and associated wall switch location. You can use either one or two wall switches to control the fan and/or lights separately. Use connection 1, as described in Figure 18, to • control the light with a wall switch and the fan with a pull chain (one wall switch required), • control the light with a pull chain and the fan with a wall switch (one wall switch required), or • control the light with one wall switch and the fan with another (two wall switches required). © 2003 Hunter Fan Company 7 3. Use connection 2, as described in Figure 18, if there is no separate wall switch power wire for the light fixture. NOTE: Wall switches not included. Connect the wires as shown in Figure 18. To connect the wires, twist the bare metal leads together. Place a wire nut over the intertwined length of wire and twist clockwise until tight as. C AUTIO N: BBee ssur ur o bbaare w ir ir uree n no wir iree oorr w wir iree ssttr ands aarre vviis e r m a k in g c o nn e c t i o n s . ib l e a f t ibl af ma ing conne All w ir in nd llo o c al wir irin ingg mu musst bbee in aacccord ance w wiith n naatio nal aan el e c tr i c al cco o des aan nd A NSI/N ou aarre un AN I/NFF PA 70. IIff yyo unff amili iliaar d uuss e a qqu ualiliff i e d eell e c tri ci an . w ith w ir in ou ssh houl wir irin ingg , yyo uld 2. 3. For Flush Mounting: The arrows on the low profile washer and on the ceiling plate should be pointing in the same direction and should be pointing towards the tab hole on the canopy. Hook the tab hole over the tab on the ceiling plate as shown in Figure 20. Raise the canopy, be sure the holes in the canopy and the ceiling plate are aligned, and loosely assemble the canopy screws one at a time. When all three screws are assembled, securely tighten all three canopy screws. Refer to Figure 20. Tab Hole and Tab (Note: Wall Wall Switch Wire for Separate switch must be acceptable as a Control of Light Fixture general-use Power switch.) Black Wires in White Ceiling Bare or Green Canopy Screw Fi gur n st allin he ccaan opy uree 20 - IIn llingg tth 2 x 4 Brace Outlet Box installing the canopy trim ring 1. Ceiling Plate Approved Connectors Connections: 1. Connect Blk/Wht 2 wire from the fan to the wall switch for separate Blk/Wht control of the light 3 Wires fixture, or from Fan 2. Connect Blk/Wht wire from the fan to the ceiling black wire if there is no separate wall switch wire for the light fixture. White Black 1 Green Ground Wire from Hanger Pipe (not present with flush mounting option) Canopy Press Here when Removing installing the canopy Rotate the fan 180º clockwise from the initial position when hanging the fan. The arrows on the hanger ball and on the ceiling plate should be pointing in the same direction and should be pointing towards the tab hole on the canopy. Refer to Figure 19. Press Here when Removing Canopy Trim Ring Figur ir in he ffaan uree 18 - W Wir irin ingg tth 1. To easily install the canopy trim ring, locate the two tabs on the canopy trim ring. See Figure 21. Tab Fi gur in uree 21 - C Caan opy ttrrim rrin ingg 2. 3. Take both hands and push the canopy trim ring up to the top of the canopy. See Figure 21. The canopy trim ring will snap and lock into place on the canopy. removing the canopy trim ring 1. 2. Locate the tab indicators, small bumps on top of tabs. Refer to Figure 22. To remove the canopy trim ring, press firmly on opposite sides of the ring towards the canopy as shown in Figure 22. The tabs will flex out releasing the trim ring from the canopy. Figur o t atin h e ffaan uree 19 - R Ro ingg tth © 2003 Hunter Fan Company 41822-01 10/22/2003 8 Tab Indicator Canopy Trim Ring installing the light fixture Canopy Fi gur he ccaan o py ttrr im rrin in uree 22 - R Reemo vin ingg tth ingg You can install with or without the light fixture. If you want to he install without the light fixture, skip to the in insst allin llingg w wiithout tth liligght ffii xtur uree section. WAR N IN G: Us nl he ssup up p liliee d liligght ffii xtur or tth his ffaan Usee oonl nlyy tth upp uree ffo mo d el. attaching the upper switch housing 1. installing the blades 1. Open the locking mechanism as shown in Figure 23. 2. Locking Mechanism Partially install two #6-32 x 3/8" housing assembly screws into the switch housing mounting plate as shown in Figure 25. Feed the upper plug connector through the center opening of the upper switch housing. See Figure 25. Housing Assembly Screw Upper Plug Connector Switch Housing Mounting Plate Upper Switch Housing Fi gur he up p er ssw wi tch hho ou sin o tth he uree 25 - A Attt ach in ingg tth upp singg tto moun ingg p pllate unttin Figur p en in o n llo o ckin uree 23 - O Op ingg bbll ad e ir iro ingg m mee chan ism 2. 3. Align the holes in the blade with the blade iron as shown in Figure 24. Close the locking mechanism securely feeling it lock into place. 3. 4. Locking Mechanism Closed Align the keyhole slots in the upper switch housing with the housing assembly screws installed previously. Turn the upper switch housing counterclockwise until the housing assembly screws are firmly situated in the narrow end of the keyhole slots as shown in Figure 26. Install the one remaining #6-32 x 3/8" housing assembly screw into the third hole in the upper switch housing. Tighten all three screws firmly. Fi gur oun he up p er ssw witch hho ou sin uree 26 - M Mo unttin ingg tth upp singg C AUTIO N: M ur he up p er ssw wi tch hho ousin eMaake ssur uree tth upp singg iiss sseo tth he ssw w itch hho ousin oun cur singg m mo unttin ingg p pllate . FFaailureely aattt ached tto ur op nd ttii ghten aall ll tthr hr ousin uree tto prro p er ly aatttach aan hree e hho singg aass s emb o ul d rree s ul he ssw w itch hho ou sin nd liligght mbll y ssccrew s cco uld ultt in tth singg aan f i xtur uree ffaallin llingg . Fi gur nst allin he bbllad e uree 24 - IIn llingg tth attaching the lower switch housing 1. 41822-01 10/22/2003 Connect the upper plug connector from the motor to the lower plug connector in the lower switch housing assembly. See Figure 27. © 2003 Hunter Fan Company 9 NOTE: Both plug connectors are polarized and will only fit together one way. Make sure that both connectors are properly aligned before connecting them together. Incorrect connection could cause improper operation and damage to the product. Upper Switch Housing Lower Plug Connector Upper Plug Connector Housing Assembly Screw Lower Switch Housing Fi gur onn he p lu onn uree 27 - C Co nneec tin ingg tth plu lugg cco nneec to r s 2. Place the lower switch housing assembly over the upper switch housing. Align the side screw holes in the upper and lower switch housings. Attach the lower switch housing to the upper switch housing with three #6-32 x 3/8" housing assembly screws. See Figure 27. installing the Easy LockTM glass shades 1. 2. 3. Insert the glass shade into the cup around the bulb socket as shown in Figure 28. While holding the fitter with one hand, twist the glass shade clockwise to lock in place. Install max 60 Watt medium base incandescent bulbs. NOTE: To remove the glass shade, first remove the bulb then twist the shade counterclockwise. Cup Neck of Glass Shade Figur n st allin h e gglla s s ssh had es uree 28 - IIn llingg tth © 2003 Hunter Fan Company installing without the light fixture Your Hunter fan comes with an integrated light fixture assembly and an optional switch housing. This feature gives you the option of installing the fan with or without the included light fixture. If you decide to install the fan without the integrated light fixture please complete the following instructions to install the optional switch housing. attaching the upper switch housing 1. 2. 3. 4. Partially install two #6-32 x 3/8" housing assembly screws into the switch housing mounting plate as shown in Figure 25. Feed the upper plug connector through the center opening of the upper switch housing. See Figure 25. Align the keyhole slots in the upper switch housing with the housing assembly screws installed previously. Turn the upper switch housing counterclockwise until the housing assembly screws are firmly situated in the narrow end of the keyhole slots as shown in Figure 26. Install the one remaining #6-32 x 3/8" housing assembly screw into the third hole in the upper switch housing. Tighten all three screws firmly. C AUTIO N: M ur he up p er ssw w i tch hho ousin eMaake ssur uree tth upp singg iiss sseousin oun cur o tth he ssw witch hho ingg p pllate . FFaailsingg m mo unttin ureely aattt ached tto ur op nd ttii ghten aall ll tthr hr ousin uree tto prro p er ly aattt ach aan hreee hho singg aass s emb oul d rree sul he ssw witch hho ousin n d liligght mblly ssccrews cco uld ultt in tth singg aan f i xtur uree ffaallin llingg . attaching the lower switch housing removing the wiring harness Before you can install the optional switch housing, you must remove the wiring harness and its components from the integrated light fixture. You must then install the wiring harness into the optional switch housing. Refer to Figure 29. 1. Locate the reversing switch and carefully remove the two screws holding the reversing switch to the light fixture housing. The reversing switch can now be removed from the light fixture housing. 2. Remove the patented breakaway connector from the fan pull chain. 3. Carefully loosen the bellmouth nut from the fan pull chain and remove the fan pull chain switch from the light fixture housing. 4. Locate and carefully remove the two capacitors from the light fixture assembly. 5. In the light fixture assembly you will find two different plug connectors: One multi-wire connector and two two-wire connectors. Unplug the two-wire connectors; one connector will have a black with white stripes wire and a white wire coming from the multi-wire connector. 6. You have now disconnected the wiring harness and its components from the light fixture housing and are ready to install them into the optional switch housing. 41822-01 10/22/2003 10 Two-wire Light Plug Connector Bellmouth Nut Bellmouth Nut installing the lower switch housing 1. Light Switch Fan Speed Switch Capacitor Capacitor 2. Multi-wire Plug Connector Housing Assembly Screw Reverse Switch Connect the upper plug connector from the motor to the lower plug connector in the lower switch housing assembly. See Figure 27. NOTE: Both plug connectors are polarized and will only fit together one way. Make sure that both connectors are properly aligned before connecting them together. Incorrect connection could cause improper operation and damage to the product. Place the lower switch housing assembly over the upper switch housing. Align the side screw holes in the upper and lower switch housings. Attach the lower switch housing to the upper switch housing with three #6-32 x 3/8" housing assembly screws. See Figure 27. Figur he w ir in uree 29 - R Reem ov in ingg tth wir irin ingg hhaa rn es s installing the wiring harness Refer to Figure 30. 1. Insert the pull chain and fan pull chain switch through the round opening on the side of the switch housing. Thread the bellmouth nut over the pull chain and hand tighten the bellmouth nut. 2. Reattach the patented breakaway connector to the end of the pull chain. 3. Insert the reversing switch into the square hole on the side of the switch housing. Install and tighten the two screws you removed previously from the other switch housing. 4. Carefully place the capacitors in the switch housing. Two-wire Light Plug Connector Capacitor Housing Assembly Screw Fan Speed Switch Capacitor Reverse Switch Multi-wire Plug Connector Figur he w ir in uree 30 - R Reein insst allin llingg tth wir irin ingg hhaarn es s 41822-01 10/22/2003 © 2003 Hunter Fan Company 11 operating your ceiling fan cleaning your ceiling fan 1. 2. caring for finishes 3. 4. Turn on electrical power to the fan. The fan pull chain controls power to the fan. The pull chain has four settings in sequence: High, Medium, Low and Off. • Pull the chain slowly to change settings. • Release slowly to prevent the chain from recoiling into the blades. • The chain uses a breakaway connector that separates if the chain is jerked. If this happens, simply reinsert the chain into the connector. The light pull chain controls power to the light. The pull chain has two settings: On and Off. Ceiling fans work best by blowing air downward (counterclockwise blade rotation) in warm weather to cool the room with a direct breeze. In winter, having the fan draw air upward (clockwise blade rotation) will distribute the warmer air trapped at the ceiling around the room without causing a draft. Refer to Figure 31. Fi gur ir ffll o w p uree 31 - A Air paatter ns To change the direction of air flow, turn the fan off and let it come to a complete stop. Slide the reversing switch on the fan to the opposite position as shown in Figure 32. Restart fan. Fan Pull Chain Reversing Switch Fi gur ull cch hain aan n d rreev ersin w i tc h uree 32 - PPull singg ssw For cleaning, a soft brush or lint-free cloth should be used to prevent scratching the finish. A vacuum cleaner brush nozzle can remove heavier dust. Surface smudges or an accumulation of dirt and dust can easily be removed by using a mild detergent and a slightly dampened cloth. An artistic agent may be used, but never use abrasive cleaning agents as they will damage the finish. caring for blades Wood finish blades should be cleaned with a furniture polishing cloth. Occasionally, a light coat of furniture polish may be applied for added protection and beauty. Painted and high-gloss blades may be cleaned in the same manner as the fan finish. troubleshooting Problem: Nothing happens; fan does not move. 1. Turn power on, replace fuse, or reset breaker. 2. Loosen canopy, check all connections according to the wir in he ffaan section. irin ingg tth 3. Check the plug connection in the switch housing. 4. Push motor reversing switch firmly up or down to ensure that the switch is engaged. 5. Pull the pull chain to ensure it is on. 6. Remove the shipping bumpers. Problem: Noisy operation. 1. Check to see if the blade bracket is secure. 2. Check to see if the blade is secure. 3. Check to see if the blade is cracked. If so, replace all the blades. 4. Change to an approved speed control. o ck TM glass is fully engaged. 5. Be sure that the E as y LLo 6. Check and tighten the screws in the switch housing mounting plate and in the upper and lower switch housing. Problem: Excessive wobbling. 1. If your fan wobbles when operating, use the enclosed balancing kit and instructions to balance the fan. 2. Turn power off, support fan very carefully, and check that the hanger ball is properly seated. If you need parts or service assistance, please call 888-830-1326 or visit us at our WEB site at http://www.hunterfan.com. Hunter Fan Company 2500 Frisco Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38114 © 2003 Hunter Fan Company 41822-01 10/22/2003