The Los Angeles Times and Singleton form advertising - WAN-IFRA

The Los Angeles Times and Singleton form advertising/financial alliance
The Los Angeles Times and Los Angeles Newspaper
Group (LANG), which is operated by Dean Singleton of
Garden State Newspapers, have formed a marketing alliance that will give advertisers more effective preprint
coverage of the greater Los Angeles area. Also, the Times
Mirror Co., publisher of The Los Angeles Times, confirmed
that it has made a financial investment in Garden State
Newspapers, which owns LANG, to strengthen the relationship between the two companies, which may identify
other opportunities to work together in the future.
Under the marketing agreement, LANG newspapers in
Los Angeles will be included in The Times’ advertising
program called Times Direct, which combines home-delivered newspaper and mail distribution of preprinted inserts
to reach almost all of the households in the Los Angeles
marketing area. The agreement with LANG will increase
the program’s newspaper distribution portion.
LANG publishes the Los Angeles Daily News, the Long
Beach Press Telegram, the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, the
Pasadena Star News and the Whittier Daily News.
Advertisers will be able to buy preprinted inserts in the
Los Angeles Times and the Wednesday editions of LANG’s
newspapers. For those households not subscribing to either
The Times or a LANG paper, the inserts will be delivered
via mail on Tuesday or Wednesday. The Times’ and
LANG’s combined weekday circulation is 1,517,592. The
weekday Los Angeles Times’ circulation is 1,095,007 and
LANG’s weekday circulation is 422,585.
The Los Angeles Times, the second-largest metropolitan
newspaper in the United States, publishes four daily
regional editions covering the San Fernando Valley, the
Los Angeles metro area, and Orange and Ventura counties.
The Times recorded a year-over-year daily circulation
gain of 26,195, or 2.5 percent, and a Sunday increase of
23,385, or 1.7 percent, for the reporting period ending
March 31, 1998. This marked the fourth consecutive
reporting period in which The Times has posted a daily
circulation gain and the second consecutive reporting
period in which its Sunday circulation has increased.
Garden State Newspapers, headquartered in Denver,
Colorado, is an affiliate of Media News Group, which
publishes 36 daily and 96 non-daily newspapers in 12
states. Media News Group is the nation’s seventh-largest
newspaper company.
The Times Mirror Co., a Los Angeles-based news and
information company, publishes the Los Angeles Times,
Newsday, The Baltimore Sun, The Hartford Courant, The
Morning Call (Allentown, Penn.), and The Advocate of
Stamford, Connecticut and Greenwich (Connecticut) Time;
professional information for the legal, health sciences,
health promotion, aviation and training markets; and consumer magazines.
– Jules Tewlow
Goss “Ready” for World Association of Newspapers’ Year 2000 project
Goss Graphic Systems, the worldwide supplier of newspaper and commercial printing systems, recently became
the third Strategic Business Partner of the World Association of Newspapers in the READY for the Year 2000
As the exclusive press sponsor, Goss will make a sizable
investment in the project, enabling WAN to broaden
initiatives to help newspapers improve their competitiveness, management, and products.
Timothy Balding, Director General of WAN, which is
the global association of the newspaper industry, said:
“The Goss Partnership will allow WAN to enhance and
expand its READY project to the great benefit of newspapers worldwide. In the next two years, READY will
launch new initiatives for management training and operational benchmarking, and will at the same time promote
closer contact between the industry and its suppliers.”
“The contribution of Goss Graphic Systems is vital to
these objectives. It is very important that we reflect
together on the needs of newspapers in the coming century,” he said at WAN’s 51st World Newspaper Conference and Fifth World Editors Forum in Kobe, Japan.
“We are excited about this Partnership,” said Robert
Kuhn, Chairman and CEO of the U.S.-based company.
“The READY partners and the membership of WAN share
a common mission: a commitment to the future prosperity
of newspapers worldwide.”
The four-year READY project, created in 1997, promotes the development and well-being of newspaper companies through research and idea exchange. It has already
led to the creation of a Research Centre at the WAN
Secretariat in Paris, a new database on “best practices”
within the newspaper industry, as well as other projects.
The other READY Partners are Cepiprint, the association representing the newsprint and magazine papers industry sector within the Confederation of European Paper
Industries, and PubliGroupe, the Swiss-based international
advertising and promotion group.
“This partnership represents an important catalyst for
fostering new and creative approaches for newspaper
publishing in the next century,” Kuhn added. “There are
some exciting press technologies on the immediate horizon
which offer a strong future for the printed newspaper and
its integration with electronic media use.”
WAN, which represents 15,000 newspapers around the
globe, is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to the defence and promotion of press freedom and
the development of newspaper publishing worldwide.
newspaper techniques
July/August 1998