Addressing difficult paper, plastic, metal and glass sorting p r o b h requires the devebprnent of some innovative rnethods, or simply adapting technology from other established industries. By Mark PhiZZips 60 July 1996 RECYCLING TODAY omething old; something new; something borrowed; something blue. This traditional bride-to-be rhyme could easily apply to the recycling industry which uses oid and new sorting technologies; has borrowed some technologies from other industries; and uses blue bins and bags in many cases to designate recyclables. Together, all four areas combine to make the sorting of various recyclables a productive process, but it’s the “new”and ‘‘~=rr~~~;e-j’! t e & r , ~ ! ~ m that ~ c are of W--particular interest to processors as they look for ways to become more productive and profitable. Although it is not possible to focus on every minor advance in sorting technology, processes to sort mixed broken glass, paper from cardboard, and the multiple grades of plastics are of particu!ar interest beczdse G f t!e challenges these areas present. SORTING BROKEN GLASS Several new glass sorting systems have appeared in the United States recycling market - but they aren’t actually new at all. One company, Countec Recycling Systems, Des Moines, Iowa, recently introduced into the U.S. a proven glass cullet sorting system from Europe. The system, made by SEA International, REDUCE VOLUME INCREASE PROFITS American Pulverizer’s rugged, slow speed, high torque, shear type shredders efficiently reduce your scrap metal, constructionldemolitionlumber, tires, steel drums, wire, plastic, etc Lower scrap volume up to 80%as you increase your income by producing a better, more condensed product. Statimaty or portable systems are available and every unit can be outfitted with infeed or take-away conveyors if required 5540 West Park Avenue St. Louis,MO 63110 P U L V E R I2 E R C 0 M P A N Y Phone: 3141781-6100 Fax:314/781-9209 Circle 57 on reader service card TIRE SHREDDING ON THE SPOT ,American Piilverizer’s stationary or portable tire shredders easily reduce automotive or truck tires to meet your exact specifications. On-the-spot portable units increase your revenue by eliminating double handling and hauling costs. Plus, units are available with infeed or take-away conveyor to meet your requirements. Over 85 years experience in reduction equipment, plus our full service design and installation services ensure you of the finest equipment, at the lowest possible cost. 5540 West Park Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 x PULVERIZER COMPANY 62 Phone: 314/781-6100 Fax:314/781-9209 Circle 58 on reader service card JULY1996 RECYCLING TODAY Villanova,Italy, was originally used in the food processing industiy to sort different grains of ricc, cofree beans and other foods. Then, several years ago, the technology was adapted fbr the glass recycling industry and units began appearing at @ass manufacturing plants throughout Europe. The SEA lGOV sorting machine is capable of a binaiy sort of glass cullet by using 64 optical sensors and directed blasts of air to identifjr and remove targeted materials such as ceramics, metals or colored cullet. AnocherEuropean company,S+S Metdlsuchgerate in Germany has a similar system that is being markct ed by C a r p Inc.,Jacksonville, Fla. The s+sdevice, called theJAG 8100,separates the cullet by color using mixcd-colorlasers and filters for identificahn and air blas~sfor Carpco’s new three-stage AFS p;irticle rcmoval. ‘The separator is targeted toward machinc also avoids Processing chopped wireFalse separations caused by dirt o r paper labels because the laser measures the wavelength in the colored glass. Carpco hasjust started marketing the system in the U.S. TheJAC;8100 can be combined with <:arpco’s MALA(:, 1024/4 detector/separator that uses m a p t i c s and multichannel lasers to detect tnetals and non-transparent iinpurities (such as ceramics). The impurities are removed with pinpoint blasts of air. Yet another new cullet separation machine made by Binder of Austria is also available on the market, and Magnetic Separation Systems, Nashville, has introduced its third generation glass sorter called ELKE that has an upgraded detection array sensing system. “The driving force for these types of machines in Europe has been the glass industry,” says Richard White, director of sales and marketing for Countec. “They have taken the lead in this area because the glass manufacturers want ciualily postconsumer cullet. Over there, a typical bottle has about 90 percent recyclable content. One piant, for instance, has 13 of these glass sorting machines doing various sorts.” The SEA 160V should pay for itself in about a year, accoi ding to White. “If a MRF is receiving about 1 to 8 tons of mixed broken glass an hour, then the payback can happen hirly quickly.” BORROWED FROM MINING More borrowed technology for recycling comes fi-omthe mining industry. Deister Concentrator Co., Fort Wayne, hid., has been making its concentrating tables for mining operations since 1906, but it was only last year that the company began to truly target the recycling industry. The technology was first used to recover particles of gold from soil. - - - ----I- :- *-:+L ‘,-,A ,“T.l,-lCnPE fn ,-prnx,pr I ne iauirb WUIK 111 ~aidr;iii ---. targeted materials from chopped, flaked or fine waste streams that contain numerous types of materials. By immersing the material stream in water, the system can sort out a target ” 1 1 -m ... WkLlL ..-- cv A __ materialby concentrating on that material’s specific gravity in relation to water and the specific gravities of the other materials. Thus, those particles with the same specific gravity concentrate together and can be effectively separated and removed. Deister is currently targetingwire chopping operations, shredder fluff and material streams from computer and integrated chip recovery operations. The company will accept samples of materialstreams and conduct separation tests for free at its Fort Wayneheadquarters. “From the last show we were at we received about 50 samples of various material streams for testing,” says Nick Griffith,president of Deister. “So,we arejust beginning to see what we C;UI do.” Ciffith says that the company is going another step further toward enhancing and customizing its system for the recycling industiy by developing add-ons that will make the tables and cyclones part of a new closed-loop recycling system. “Basically,all you will have to do is push a button and stand back,”says Griffith. In addition, the company is working on buildinga prototype site somewhere in the South that will be a working recycling opemtion. “Itwill allow us to better demonstrate our capabilities,”adds Griffith. Another company that has transi tioned mining technology over New Binary Bottlesort systems from to the recycling industry is Carpco. “It MSS await shipment to France to be installed in a plastic recycling facility. really is a natural fit because of the commonalitiesbetween separating mineral particles and recyclable Kinematics, Barrington, Ill., develcommodities,”saysJulie Holloway of oped its DeStoner first for cleaning Carpco. “In both industriesthe natural up sawdust from lumber mills, then properties of the material are being found that, with slight modifications, examined and evaluated - is it conducthe iliachine could be used in the tive or not, is it heavy or light - so that recycling industry.The De-Stoner is it can be separated.” currently being used to sort commingled streams based on density and Carpco has a new processor,just particlesize using vibratingand air commissioned at press time, that fluidizing sections. targets chopped wire. The new system, desibmated AFS, is a threescage machine that uses dispersion,tlotat ion SPECIAL SCREENS and screening to separate the metal In the fiber processingarea, special screens have been adopted or dcvelfrom the plastic without contaminating the end products. oped to effectively sort old corriigxtcd In another crossover area, Geneid cardboard from p p e r . Van Dyk lkiler For more information, call today. 64 JULY1996 RECYCLING TODAY I B.H.S. OCC/Separator TM Circle 59 on reader service card I Corp., Stamford, Conn., has adapted a sorting screen called Starscreen that is made by Lubo Equipment in the Netherlands.The screen was originally designed for the composting and construction and demolition debris recycling industries about 18 years ago, but was crossed over to the fiber recycling arena only recently. It uses rubber star-shaped disks that rotate in a pre-configured series. The fingers of the stars bounce the OCC over the screen, and grab the paper downward through the rotating disks. According to Erik van Dijk, vice president of Van Dyk Baler, the screen can also sort commingledcontainers, q a r a t i n g whole bottles and cans from broken ones and other contaminants, or it can sort a fiber mix with occasional non-fiber conmiinants. Anothernew OCC/paper screening system is made by Bulk Handling Systems Inc., Eugene, Ore., and it also uses specially-shapeddisks. The sorter has been on the market for-justmore than a year. The machine sorts OCC and paper by using a unique, patented screen called a Debris Roll Screen. The screen is made up of non-circular, in-line disks that, through their rotation, create an agitation. The action throws OCC foiward and lets paper drop down. The company currently has three models up to a 25-ton-per-hourcapacity. “Thesystem can also be used for commingled streams, where there may be broken glass or other contaminants in the fiber streani,” says Sean Austin, sales and marketing manager for Bulk Handling Systems. Austin dso says that die disks in his separator can be made of rubber or steel,but the rubber is becoming more popular because it grabs the OCC better when throwing it. A FASTLR PLASTIC SORT In the plastic bottle sorting arena, MagneticSeparationSystems has recently developed a followon generation sorter that has a higher throughput than previous systems. It’s called the Binaiy BottleSortSystem. This new systemjust went on the market, and it differs from the original BottleSort machine that was introduced in 1991 in two major ways. First, the Binary system only sorts out one target resin at a time, whereas the original BottleSort sorts multiple resins at once. Secondly, the Binary system has a much higher throughput because it looks at the bottles across a single layer (calleda non-singulatingprocess),whereas the other system examines each bottle individually(a singulatingprocess). “In the original Bottlesort, each bottle was examined as it came down the line,” says Derek Vaughan, marketing director of MagneticSeparation Systems.“But in the Biilaiy system, the bottles are laid across in a single layer and the detecting array looks at the grouping as it passes by. If it finds a bottle that is not the target resin, then a jet of air above the layer blows it out. Because of this method, and because the machine is only targeting one type of resin, the throughput can be up to 5,000 pounds per hour per line depending on the model chosen, as compared lo only 1,250 pounds per Are you reading someone else’s 1 I 4 To become a 5ub w i ber ca 1I: RECYCLING TODAY JULY1996 65 SUPERSONIC SEPARATION hour for the original BottleSort. Plus, the Binay machine is only about 20 feet long, compared to 60 feet for the original BottleSort system.” Depending on the desired sortation, the Binaiy system can be aligned in series to conduct multiple sorts like the originalBotdeSort. National Kecoveiy Technologies Inc., Nashville, is working on a laserbased plastic sorting system using a detection array that would also he nonsingulatingand would kick out targeted resin types via an air blast or other method. “The system can he used for all forms of plastic streams, and notjust bottles,” says Guy Wentworth, vice president of NRT. “We already have a working model, and wejust need to add the ejection method.” Last year, NRT introduced its nonsingulatingMultiSort plastic sorting system that uses optics to sort bottles by color or resin. One plastic sorting area that has had little development is in the sorting of (continurd on page 98) If the recent movie “Twister” has you feeling just a little helpless and terrified of the vile vortexes, then think of what it would be like as a oiece of comoosite olastic inside an Ultrasonic Vortex Geneiator as you spin faster than the speed of sound. The new ultrasonic separation system, which is made by the Swiss company Result AG and marketed in the United States by Result North America (formerly HGI), Asheville, N.C., uses the super high-speed USVG to accomplish two steps, First, it neutralizes the material bonds and adhesive forces that hold the different types of particles together. Thus, plastic is liberated from metal, and so on. Second, it turns plastic particles into flakes and metals into small spheres. Once this happens, the materials can be separated according to their densities. The complete system employs other pieces of equipment such as a preshredder, metal separator, screw conveyors, shaker tables and air knives all connected by various types of conveyors. According to Jerry Hoffmann, vice president of Result N.A., the system allows a very efficient separation and classification of materials with purity levels of up to 99 percent. Hoffmann claims that the system can effectively recycle all types of composites and laminates including fine plastic-coated wires, automotive dashboards and trim items such as chromed plastics and bumpers. Even automotive shredder residue can be separated, says Hoffmann, along with computer circuit boards and other computer and electronic waste material. “The advantage to this system is that it does not employ heat or chemicals,” says Hoffmann. “It takes place under ambient conditions, so there are no toxic vapors or other harmful substances emitted.” Efficient, performance proven vibrating classifier for MRF systems With three decades of experience in custom design and building vibratory equipment,General Kinematics brings new efficiency to recycling operations The single knife DE-STONER IS capable of separating and classifying MSW, RDF fuel, and other commingled materials, even in the toughest applications Completely dly system operation. Unique vibratory action plus high velocity/low volume air streams fluidize and separate materials Adaptable to a wide variety of mixed materials and combinations. Few moving parts Virtually jam-proof Heavy-duty construction For details, request your free copy of Bulletin 1091 today General Kinematics Corporation 777 Lake Zunch Road, Barnngton, IL 60010 Phone 8471381 -2240 ax 8471381 -1 376 KI \? Sqgatps plastic/aluminum from glass containers baaemhip in vinraiingFmcess Equipmiif General Kinematics equipment also manufactured in Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, sweaen, unltea Kingdom GK8909R ~~ 66 JULY1996 RECYCLING TODAY ~ ~~ Circle 6 1 on reader service card ROBOTIC SORTING Sorting (continued front bape 6 6 ) rigid resin containers, such as butter tubs. But according to Peter Dinger, director of technology for the American Plastics Council, Washington, research is currently progressing in this area. “We are working with a company to sort out tub resins by using size characteristics,”he says. “Thesystem is a singulating sorting system,”says Dinger, “and we are trying to run the lower profile plastic tubs through and identifythem due to their size then kick them out of the stream. The biggest concern right now is processing throughput efficiency.” Others in the industry look to special identification codes that could be integrated into the plastic packaging itself, making resin recognition and mechanical sortingeasier. The drive to make the sorting process more costeffcient, combined with advances in computer-processing National Recovery Technologies, Nashville, Tenn., recently received a U.S. Dept. of Energy grant of more than $700,000 to develop a system that would sort commingled recyclable streams using robotics. The sorting method involves robotic arms or devices on a picking line that would replace manual labor, Under this system, a programmer would view the incoming waste stream via a console and initiate signals to the robotics to remove items off the line. The company has two years to develop the system under DOEguidelines. “We have already demonstratedthat this could work while maintaining the same throughputof a manual handpicking line,”says Guy Wentworth, vice president of NRT, ”butwith reduced labor costs.” technology, will likely shape the way recyckables are sorted in the future. Because of tlie cyclical nature of‘ tlie recycling business, prices for materials fluctuate drastically. Thus, those who can sort materials more economically will have an advantage. Helping recyclers achieve that goal will be a dramatic leap in computer processingand miniaturization. “We are heading toward a time in the plastic sorting segment, for example,when the technology will allow companies to reduce the number of steps it takes to process material,” says Vaughan. “The computer processing and storage technology is moving so fast that soon the same amount of information that is now stored on a compact disk will be stored on a disk the size of a penny.” Vaughan says that these advances will allow developers of sorting equipmentto design machines that can conduct more complicated sorts faster. Plus, the technoloby will allow the machines to remain affordable. RT The author is managing editor OJ‘ RecyclingToday. Jeramy Glynn New Equipment Distributors of: Used Equipment *HRB 1C - 2 RAM Baler $1 25,000 *HRB 10 - 2 RAM Baler 125,000 0AMBACO NSB Rebuilt 350 Baler -85,000 *Ma fran ‘96 Steel Belt Conveyor 30 oot Horiz (good condition) - 45,000 0913 Jeffery Shredder 360,000 -2000 hp -Dust collection -Conveyors -Platforms OLogemann 345 2 RAM Baler - 1 15,000 *Auto Crusher Startin At 90,000 OLogemann 600 ton s ear 90,000 r Lindemann - 2 Ram Balers Guillotine Shears, Shredders International Baler - Horizontal Balers Custom Conveyors - per your specs We buy 8t sell used equipment if 1-800-696=2110 F M 704-6961219 1 nn7 A A Post Office Box i59 a Horse Shoe, NC L Circle - 109 on reader _. .. service _ _ card .. 98 JULY1996 RECYCLING TOOAY W ~ L