Application Specific Intelligent Power Modules - A Novel Approach to System Integration in Low Power Drives Eric R. Motto - Powerex Inc., Youngwood, Pennsylvania, USA ABSTRACT Abstract - This paper reviews the system requirements and key technologies driving the development of highly integrated Application Specific Intelligent Power Modules (ASIPMs). New ASIPMs with power circuit topologies, control functions and packaging optimized to meet the performance, cost and size requirements of specific small motor control applications will be presented. I. INTRODUCTION When used with an inverter, three phase AC motors are smaller, more efficient and more reliable than the universal AC and brush type DC motors that are commonly used in light industrial and consumer applications. In order to realize these advantages, the cost of the inverter must be offset by energy savings, improved performance, and increased reliability. The widespread use of inverters in heavy industrial and precision motion control applications is evidence that these advantages are being realized. On the other hand, the use of inverters with small AC motors (100W - 2.2kW) is often limited by the cost and complexity of the inverter. In addition, limited space often prevents the use of general purpose inverters with fixed shape, size, and cooling requirements. For these applications, it is becoming increasingly desirable to simplify and miniaturize the power section so that the physical size, form factor, and cost requirements can more easily be met. This paper will examine the Figure 1a: Conventional IPM system requirements of some typical small motor drive applications and present five examples of LV ASIC Power Chips Application Specific Intelligent Power Modules Isolated Control Gate Drive (ASIPMs) targeted to address these requirements. Signal Interface (Opto Couplers) The examples illustrate how power circuit Over Current, Control supply Isolated Power topologies, integrated functions, and packaging can failure C Supply be optimized to meet the requirements of specific P LV ASIC applications. Isolated Control U Gate Drive Signal Interface (Opto Couplers) II. THE ASIPM CONCEPT Conventional IPMs (figure 1a) integrating power devices with low voltage ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) to provide gate drive and protection functions have been widely accepted for general purpose motor drive applications ranging from 200W to more than 150kW [3][5][7]. The success of these modules is the direct result of several technical advantages including: (1) Reduced design time and improved reliability offered by the factory tested, built-in gate drive and protection functions; (2) Lower losses resulting from simultaneous optimization of power chips and protection functions; (3) Smaller size resulting from Over Current, Over Temp., Cotrol supply failure Isolated Power Supply Temp. Sensor User Supplied Interface Figure 1b: ASIPM HVIC Level Shift C P U Power Chips Gate Drive and Protection LV ASIC Input signal conditioning Gate Drive Protection, Fault Logic and Analog Current Feedback Processing Current sensor(s) Temp. sensor the use of bare power chips and application specific control ICs. (4) Figure 2: HVIC Chip Improved manufacturability resulting from lower external component counts. Unfortunately, in spite of these advantages, the conventional IPM’s generic, general purpose, design does not provide enough functional integration to meet the demanding cost and size requirements of some small motor control applications. In these cases, it is often desirable to increase the level of integration to include functions such as level shifting, high side power supplies and current sensing. The ASIPM shown in figure 1b has been developed to address these requirements. The ASIPM takes the integration a step farther than conventional IPMs by introducing HVIC (High Voltage Integrated Circuit) technology. The ASIPMs described in this paper utilize custom high and low voltage integrated circuits to provide input signal conditioning, protection logic, analog current feedback signal processing, level shifting and gate drive for the Figure 3: ASIPM Integrated Functions integrated power semiconductor devices. A photo of a typical high Under Boot Voltage voltage integrated circuit (HVIC) is Strap Lock-Out Supply shown in figure 2. III. SELECTING THE INTEGRATED CONTROL AND PROTECTION FUNCTIONS Control n CPU/ DSP Status n ShootThrough Interlock Level Shift Gate Drive SC Prot. Fault Status Feedback P Over Temp. U,V,W TS The addition of HVIC Analog Current technology to the ASIPM makes it Gate RS n Drive possible to integrate a wide range of N sophisticated functions. Figure 3 is a Under SC Prot. Voltage Control Current block diagram showing some of the Lock-Out Power Sensor(s) functions that can be implemented. In general, the cost and size of the ASIPM increases with increasing complexity. To determine which functions should be integrated for a given application, it is necessary to consider the fundamental trade-off between performance, size and cost illustrated in figure 4. The key to developing a cost effective ASIPM is to integrate only the functions that provide both system and cost advantages. Table 1 gives a breakdown of the required functions in four different applications. By examining the requirements shown in table 1 and considering the trade-off of figure 4 an optimum combination of integrated functions can be realized. Clearly, the optimum combination will be different for different applications. To date, five families of ASIPMs have been developed to meet the needs of specific applications. These devices will be described in more detail Figure 4: ASIPM Design Trade-off Figure 5: ASIPM Power Circuit Requirements Performance Efficiency Control Precision I/O Functions Reliability Size Cost System Requirements Form Factor Functional Value Development Time Manufacturability Inverter IGBTs & Free Wheel Diodes Brake IGBT & Diode Converter Diodes Table 1: ASIPM Control and Protection Application Requirements Control and Protection Functions Gate Drive Level Shift Boot Strap Supply Diodes P-Side Gate Drive Under Voltage Protection P-Side Short Circuit Protection N-Side Gate Drive Under Voltage Protection N-Side Short Circuit Protection Shoot Through Interlock Over Temperature Current Sensors and Feedback Fault Status Feedback High Performance General Purpose Industrial Inverter Compact High Precision AC Servo and Vector Drives Basic General Purpose Industrial and Commercial Speed Control/Smart Motors Low Cost Consumer Appliance and imbedded inverters Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required due to unstable nature of boot strap supplies Required due to unstable nature of boot strap supplies Required due to unstable nature of boot strap supplies Required due to unstable nature of boot strap supplies Desirable, but may not be needed when high performance output current sensors are used with a high speed CPU Generally required for reliable power up/down Desirable, but may not be needed when high performance output current sensors are used with a high speed CPU Generally required for reliable power up/down Desirable if low enough cost. However, acceptable protection can usually be achieved using bus current sensors Generally required for reliable power up/down Usually unnecessary in imbedded inverter applications Desirable for low impedance faults and shoot-through survival Desirable for low impedance faults and shoot-through survival Good safety feature. May be required depending on users design philosophy Desirable Good safety feature. May be required depending on users design philosophy Desirable Desirable for low impedance faults and shoot-through survival. May be implemented using bus current sensor. Good safety feature. May be difficult to justify cost Desirable for low impedance faults and shoot-through survival. May be implemented using bus current sensor Desirable, but may not meet cost requirements Desirable if cost effective Three phase output current feedback is required Three phase output current feedback is required DC Bus current feedback signal is usually sufficient Usually unnecessary in imbedded inverter applications Current feedback signal is usually not required Multiple diagnostic fault signals are desirable Multiple diagnostic fault signals are desirable Single fault status signal is usually acceptable Single fault status signal is usually acceptable Generally required for reliable power up/down in the following sections. IV. SELECTING THE POWER CIRCUIT TOPOLOGY The power semiconductor requirements in the inverter power stage also differ from application to application. Figure 5 shows the typical power devices that may be included in a small motor control. Table 2 gives a breakdown of the requirements in four different applications. For lowest cost, the power stage should only include the necessary power devices. It can be observed from table 2 that the optimum power circuit topology depends on the application requirements. V. ASIPM EXAMPLES Table 2: ASIPM Power Circuit Requirements High Performance General Purpose Industrial Inverter Compact High Precision AC Servo and Vector Drives Basic General Purpose Industrial and Commercial Speed Control/Smart Motors Low Cost Consumer Appliance and imbedded inverters Converter (Rectifier) Usually requires three phase rectifier Usually requires three phase rectifier May require three phase, single phase, or doubler* configurations Brake Usually required for rapid deceleration Usually not required Usually not required Inverter Required - High PWM Frequency (5kHz - 20kHz) Required for stand alone units Not required in DC feed multi axis applications Braking function generally required but may be implemented in the bulk power supply of DC fed systems and size requirements vary widely depending on the application Required - High PWM Frequency (5kHz - 20kHz) Required - High PWM Frequency (5kHz - 20kHz) Required - High and Low PWM frequencies Power Circuit Component The following subsections present five Figure 6: PS212XX “DIP” ASIPM examples of actual ASIPMs that have been optimized to meet the needs of specific applications. In each example the power circuit topology, package design and integrated functions have been tailored to a specific class of small motor control applications. At the same time care has been exercised to keep the integrated functions as generic as possible so that the module is suitable for a wide enough range of applications to take advantage of the economies of automated mass production. Figure 7: “DIP” ASIPM Package Cross Section These examples each follow one of the Power Pins Control Pins application categories outlined in tables 1 and 2. Al Bond Wire Power Chips IGBT, FWDi HVIC Au Bond Wire A. ASIPM "DIP Series" For Consumer Appliance Applications The "DIP" ASIPM, PS212XX series, is designed for basic speed control in consumer appliance applications. For these applications, the ASIPM must provide a small, low-cost, efficient power stage that can be easily Mold Resin Aluminum Heat Sink integrated into the finished equipment. In order to achieve these targets, a new transfer molded package was developed. A photograph of the Table 3: “DIP” ASIPMs new package is shown in figure 6 and a cross section “DIP” ASIPM Inverter Rating Line-up 400W 750W 1500W diagram is shown in figure 7. Low cost is achieved by assembling bare power chips along with custom HVIC Low PS21205 PS21204 Frequency and LVIC die on a lead frame like a giant integrated Type circuit. The lead frame assembly is molded in epoxy resin High along with an aluminum heat sink to provide good PS21213 PS21214 Frequency thermal characteristics. This process reduces cost and Type manufacturing time by eliminating the need for separate packaging of the power devices and control ICs. In addition, the IMS (Insulated Metal Substrate) or ceramic substrate that is Figure 8: Doubler Circuit used in conventional hybrid modules is not required. The transfer molded package is also well suited for high volume, low cost mass production. The input voltage for these applications is generally between 330 VDC 100VAC and 240VAC. To cover this range, IGBTs and free wheel diodes 120VAC with a 600V VCES rating were selected. Most of the target applications are powered from a single phase AC source but flexibility to accommodate three phase sources and voltage doubler (figure 8) topologies was desired. Due to these requirements and the limited capabilities of the lead frame design, it was determined that the rectifier converter should not be integrated in the DIP ASIPM. The IGBT inverter section is a standard three phase bridge containing six IGBT+FWDi pairs. For optimum system cost, the decision was made to develop two different types of IGBT chips. High speed chips are used when the application requires switching frequencies greater than 5kHz and low speed (low saturation voltage) chips are used when the required switching frequency is less than 5kHz. At this writing, there are four DIP ASIPMs in production and several additional types under development. Table 3 shows the typical application and type names of these four devices. Figure 9 is a block diagram showing the DIP ASIPM’s integrated control and protection functions along with some of the required external support circuitry. The input signal level shifting function and under voltage protection for the p-side IGBT chips is accomplished using three custom HVICs. Over current protection and n-side drive under voltage protection for the three low side IGBTs is provided by a custom low voltage ASIC. The DIP ASIPMs built-in 5V Logic level shift eliminates the need for Interface to MCU opto-couplers and allows direct connection of all six control inputs to the CPU/DSP. The detailed operation and timing diagram for the level shift function is shown in figure 10. The falling and rising edges of the p-side control signal (A) activate the one shot pulse logic which generates turn on pulses (B, C) for the high voltage MOSFETs. Narrow on pulses are used to minimize the power dissipation within the HVIC. The high voltage MOSFETs pull the inputs to the high side driver latch (D, E) low to set and reset the gate drive for the p-side IGBT (F). Power for the high side gate drive is normally supplied using external boot strap circuits as shown in figure 9. The operation of the boot strap is outlined in figure 11. When the low side IGBT is turned on, the floating supply capacitor is charged through the boot strap diode. When the n-side IGBT is off, the energy stored in the capacitor provides power for the high side gate drive. Using this technique it is possible to operate all six IGBT gate drivers from a single 15V supply. The boot strap circuit is a very cost effective method for providing power for the high side IGBT gate drive. However, care must be exercised to maintain the high side supplies when the inverter is idle and during fault handling conditions. This usually means that the low side IGBTs must be pulsed on periodically even when the inverter is not running. At power up, the boot strap supplies must be charged before the PWM is started. Normally, this is accomplished by a burst of pulses on the low side IGBTs. The module is protected from failure of the 15V control power supply by a built in Figure 9: “DIP” ASIPM Block Diagram VUFS VUFB P VP1 UP +VCC Input Signal Condition Level Shift HVIC VVFS Gate Drive & UV lock out VVFB VP1 VP +VCC Input Signal Condition Level Shift HVIC VWF Gate Drive & UV lock out U VWF VP1 WP VPC +VCC Input Signal Condition Level Shift HVIC VN1 UN VN WN FO CFO V Gate Drive & UV lock out Motor W +VCC Input Signal Conditioning Gate Drive Fault Logic & UV lock out Protection Circuit CIN VNC N LV-ASIC + RSHUNT RSF 15V CSF Figure 10: High Voltage Level Shift Floating Supply (P) High Voltage Level Shifters D E PIN A One-Shot Pulse Logic R Q S Gate Drive (U,V,W) B C F +15 Gate Drive NIN (N) A B C D E F under voltage lock out circuit. If the voltage of the control Figure 11: Boot Strap Supply Operation supply falls below the UV level specified on the data sheet, Charging Floating Supply the low side IGBTs are turned off and a fault signal is Path V(U,V,W) asserted. In addition, the p-side gate drive circuits have (P) independent under voltage lock out circuits to protect + Boot Strap Gate against failure of the boot-strap power supplies. Supply Drive The DIP ASIPM uses the voltage across an Diode (U,V,W) external shunt resistor inserted in the negative DC bus to monitor the current and provide protection against overload and short circuits. An RC filter with a time constant of 1.5 to + + Gate 2µs is inserted as shown in figure 9 to prevent erroneous 15V CIN(n) Drive fault detection due to di/dt induced noise at switching events. When the voltage at the CIN pin exceeds the VSC (N) reference level specified on the device data sheet the lower arm IGBTs are turned off and a fault signal is asserted at CIN(n) the FO output. The IGBTs remain off until the fault time (tFO) has expired and the input signal has cycled to its off state. The duration of tFO is set by an external capacitor CFO. V(U,V,W) The DIP ASIPM has seven microprocessor compatible input and output signals. All signals are 5V Figure 12: “DIP” ASIPM TTL/CMOS compatible and referenced to the common ground Interface Circuit of the control power supply allowing direct connection to the ASIPM + + MCU. Figure 12 shows a typical external interface circuit. On VD 5V 15V and off operations for all six IGBTs in the ASIPM are controlled by the active low control inputs. Normally, these inputs are pulled high to the 5V logic supply of the MCU with an external resistor. The MCU commands the IGBT to turn on 5.1KΩ 5.1KΩ 6 by pulling the respective input low. Hysteresis is provided on CPU/DSP UP, VP, W P, UN, VN, W N all inputs to prevent oscillations and enhance noise immunity. The fault signal output is in an open collector configuration. FO When a fault occurs the ASIPM pulls the fault line low. GND B. ASIPM "Version 3" For Basic General Purpose Industrial Speed Control (Smart Motors) Table 4: “Version 3” ASIPMs Short Circuit Type Typical Motor IGBT Rating Inverter Output OC The “version 3” Level (SC) Rating (kW) (IC/VCES) Trip Current IO PS1103X series of ASIPMs was (Amps) (Amps) (ARMS) developed for applications such 4A/600V 1.5 5.3 8.0 PS11032 0.2/220VAC as pumps, hoists, and conveyors 8A/600V 3.0 10.6 16 PS11033 0.4/220VAC that require limited control performance consisting primarily 15A/600V 5.0 17.7 30 PS11034 0.75/220VAC of speed regulation. In these 20A/600V 7.0 24.7 40 PS11035 1.5/220VAC applications, it is often desirable 30A/600V 11 39 60 PS11036 2.2/220VAC to miniaturize and simplify the power stage so that the inverter can be mounted on, or integrated into the motor. The “version 3” series of ASIPMs consists of five types designed for 0.2 to 2.2kW micro inverter applications. Table 4 summarizes the key characteristics of each of the five module types in the PS1103X ASIPM family. The packaging selected for the “version 3” ASIPM is a low profile design using an aluminum base IMS (Insulated Metal Substrate) substrate. A photo of the “version 3” ASIPM is shown in figure 13. A cross section diagram of the low profile IMS package is shown in figure 14. The power chips, control IC and support components are assembled on the IMS substrate much like a conventional surface mount printed circuit board. This process is easily automated, low cost and quite flexible. A block diagram of the “version 3” ASIPM is shown in figure 15. Careful selection of integrated functions and advanced processing technologies allowed a single HVIC to be used for the gate drive and protection of all six IGBTs. This single IC design yields low cost and extremely compact size. The ASIPMs integrated functions are powered from a single 15V control power supply referenced to the negative DC bus. Built-in, boot strap circuits supply power for the high side gate drive circuits eliminating the need for separate isolated Figure 13: PS1103X “Version 3” ASIPM power supplies. Incorporating the high side power supplies Figure 14: Cross Section of IMS ASIPM Package and level shifting into the Signal Epoxy Power Terminals ASIPM reduces high voltage Plastic Terminals Case Resin spacing requirements on the control PCB allowing a significant savings in circuit board space. The PS1103X “version 3” ASIPM’s power circuit consists of six rectifier diodes Multi Layer Insulated Aluminum Bond Gate Drive and Control Silicon forming a three phase bridge Metal Substrate Wires Circuits Chips and six IGBT, free wheel diode pairs forming a three phase inverter stage. The brake circuit is not required for most of the target applications so it was omitted to reduce the size and cost of the module. A circuit diagram of the power circuit is included in figure 15. Openings are provided in both the positive and negative DC bus connections. All of the IGBT and free wheel diodes are the latest Mitsubishi/Powerex third generation technology utilizing shallow diffusion and 2~3µm design rules [1]. Built in short circuit and over current protection allow maximum utilization of power device capability while avoiding nuisance tripping. This is achieved using a time dependent fault trip level. Figure 16 shows the time dependence of the Figure 15: ASIPM “Version 3” Block Diagram over current and short circuit protection functions. When a severe low impedance fault P1 causes the current to exceed R S more than two times the Gate Drive 230VAC T UV Lock Out modules IC rating, short circuit Level Shift N1 protection is activated and Gate Drive +V UV Lock Out shut down occurs very quickly V P2 Level Shift 15V ~2µs. Under overload Gate Drive UV Lock Out U conditions, the trip time Level Shift U V V Motor extends to 10µs. Over current W Input Signal W Gate Drive Conditioning U 5V Logic UV V protection is activated when Interlock Lock Out Interface W to MCU Fault Output SC the peak current indicates that Protection FO Logic the load current has exceeded Analog Current V Feedback 250% of the modules IO(RMS) HV-ASIC N2 GND rating. A buffered analog bus CC D P P P N N N AMP Figure 16: ASIPM “Version 3” Short circuit and over current protection function Figure 17: ASIPM “Version 3” Analog Bus Current Feedback Signal Performance 5 IC (A) Short Circuit trip level IC(rated) X 2 4 VAMP(200%) Conditions: VD=15V, Tj= 25C Protection Level Over Current trip level VAMP (V) 3 2 IORMS(rated) x 250% x √2 VAMP(100%) 1 Typical IC Waveform 0 0 Current Feedback Signal Output Characteristic 2 tW (µs) 10 0 100 200 300 Bus Current (%) Normalized to IORMS(rated) x √2 Figure 18: ASIPM “Version 3” Shoot current feedback signal is provided for system Through Interlock Protection control. The signal is derived from a shunt that measures the sum of the currents in the Active Low P-Side off VCIN(P) control input emitters of the low side IGBTs (see figure 15). on The HVASIC amplifies the signal from the Active Low N-Side V off CIN(N) control input on shunt to provide a scaled analog feedback signal of 4V when the peak load current P-Side IGBT Gate VGE(P) Voltage 0 reaches a level equivalent to 200% of the N-Side IGBT Gate modules rated IO(RMS). Figure 17 shows the VGE(N) Voltage 0 characteristics of the analog feedback signal. The HVASIC also provides shoot Normal N-Side erroneous P-Side on command Operation “noise” rejected delayed until N-Side off through interlock logic for additional protection against noise and control signal anomalies. Figure 18 is a timing diagram showing the Table 5: “Version 3” ASIPM Control Signals Signal Name Designation Description operation of the interlock function. The interlock function rejects input signals that command the Control Inputs UP, VP, WP, Inputs for controlling on/off UN, VN, WN, operation of the IGBTs in the IPM. upper and lower IGBTs in a leg to be on Fault Signal FO Fault output signal simultaneously. Operation of the interlock in the Analog Current V Analog current feedback signal AMP “version 3” ASIPM does not produce a fault Feedback signal. The module is protected from failure of Figure 19: ASIPM “Version 3” the 15V control power supply by a built in under voltage lock out Interface Circuit ASIPM circuit. If the voltage of the control supply falls below the UV level + + VD 5V 15V specified on the data sheet, the low side IGBTs are turned off and a fault signal is asserted. In addition, the p-side gate drive circuits have independent under voltage lock out protection to protect against failure of the boot-strap power supplies. 5.1KΩ 5.1KΩ The PS1103X series ASIPM has eight microprocessor CPU/DSP 6 UP, VP, W P, compatible input and output signals. All signals are 5V UN, VN, W N TTL/CMOS compatible and are referenced to the common FO ground of the control power supply to allow direct connection to 10KΩ the MCU. Table 5 summarizes the ASIPM's input and output VAMP signal names and function definitions. Figure 19 shows a typical 0.1nF GND external interface circuit for the “version 3” ASIPM. On and off operations for all six IGBTs in the ASIPM are controlled by the active low control inputs. Normally, Figure 20: Miniature motor drive using “Version 3” ASIPM these inputs are pulled high to the 5V logic supply of the MCU with an external 5.1KΩ resistor. The MCU commands the IGBT to turn on by pulling the respective input low. Hysteresis is provided on all inputs to prevent oscillations and enhance noise immunity. The fault signal output is in an open collector configuration. When a fault occurs, the fault line pulls low. If the fault is caused by an SC or OC condition, the output asserts a fixed 1.8ms pulse. In the case of a UV lock fault the signal is maintained until the control supply Table 6: “Version 2” ASIPMs returns to normal. An example of a compact inverter Peak Output Short Circuit Inverter Type Typical designed around the “version 3” ASIPM is shown in Protection Current at Output Motor figure 20. C. ASIPM "Version 2" For Precision Vector and AC Servo Drives Rating (kW) Current (ARMS) CL Warning (AMPS) Level (SC) (Amps) PS11021 0.2 0.8 5.3 10 PS11022 0.4 1.5 10 20 0.75 3.0 17 38 1.5 5.0 25 40 2.2 7.0 35 60 PS11023 The "Version 2" ASIPM, PS1102X series is designed for miniature high performance servo and PS11024 vector drives. In these applications, it is desirable to PS11025 integrate sophisticated control functions such as a current limit warning and three phase analog current feedback. The increased integration simplifies the power stage and reduces its cost. A simplified power stage also helps to improve the reliability of complex multi-axis motion control systems. The “version 2” series of ASIPMs consists of five types designed for 50 to 750W servo drives or 200 to 2200W high performance inverters. Table 6 summarizes the key characteristics of these devices. The packaging selected for the “version 2” ASIPM is the same low profile, aluminum base IMS utilized for “version 3”. A photo of the “version 2” ASIPM is shown in figure 21. A block diagram of the “version 2” ASIPM is shown in figure 22. In order to provide the sophisticated control functions required for high performance applications, it was necessary to use a LVASIC for the control and protection of the low side IGBTs and a HVASIC for the level shift, gate drive and protection of the high side IGBTs. Like the “version 3” ASIPM the “version 2” ASIPM has built in boot-strap supply circuits and P and N side under voltage lock out. The “version 2” ASIPM power circuit consists of six IGBTs and six fast recovery free wheel diodes forming a three phase inverter stage. The input rectifier was omitted because many of the target applications are DC fed inverter modules for multiaxis systems. For stand alone inverters a separate matching three phase rectifier module is available. A photo of the matching rectifier module is shown in figure 23. The braking circuit was not Figure 21: PS1102X “Version 2” ASIPM Figure 23: Matching Converter Module for ASIPM Figure 22: ASIPM “Version 2” Block Diagram CBU- CBU+ Gate Drive UV Lock Out CBV- CBV+ Gate Drive UV Lock Out CBW- CBW+ Gate Drive UV Lock Out Level Shift R 230VAC S U T S T V Motor W Matching Converter Module - RM**TN-H Analog Current Signal Processing CU CV CW Gate Drive & Short Circuit Protection Fault Logic CL FO OT Control UV Protection UN VN W N UP VP WP Analog Current Feedback 5V Logic Interface to MCU GND VD 15V integrated because the requirements of the target applications range from no brake in the case of regulated, DC fed, multi-axis systems to very large braking devices in systems with heavy regeneration. A circuit diagram of the power stage is included in figure 22. In the “version 2” ASIPM the low side IGBTs are protected from short circuit conditions by circuits that monitor the current mirror outputs on the IGBT chips. If the current through the device exceeds the SC level shown in table 6, the IGBT is immediately but softly turned off. The soft turn off is used to help minimize transient voltages that can occur during an emergency shut down. The SC level is set at about three times the IGBTs nominal rating. At this current level the IGBT is in imminent danger of being damaged so an immediate shut down is warranted. If the short circuit protection is activated the module will assert a fault output signal. The short circuit protection is automatically reset when the fault timer (tFO expires) and the control input signal of the IGBT involved returns to the off state. If the current through any of the low side IGBTs or free wheel diodes exceeds the current limit level shown in table 6, a warning signal will be asserted on the CL output of the module. At the CL level, the device is not in imminent danger of being damaged so the power devices are not disabled and normal inverter operation will continue. The CL signal is a warning that is intended to be used by the system control to either stop inverter operation or attempt output current regulation depending on the requirements of the application. The current limit warning is derived from the analog current feedback signals described below. The “version 2” ASIPM has a built in temperature sensor that monitors the base plate temperature of the module. If the temperature exceeds the OT level specified on the device data sheet, all six IGBTs are turned off and a fault signal is asserted. The temperature sensor is particularly useful for detecting conditions such as cooling fan failure, extreme ambient temperatures, improper mounting or heat sink problems. Normal operation of the module will resume when the base plate cools below the over temperature reset level. The built in temperature sensor simplifies manufacturing by eliminating the need for mounting and calibrating external heat sink temperature sensors. In many high performance applications inverter output current sensors are required for system control. In order to simplify the power stage design and eliminate the need for hall current sensors, the “version 2” ASIPM integrates three phase current sensing and provides analog feedback signals proportional to the inverter output currents. The feedback signals are generated by sampling the low side arm currents and processing them to create an analog voltage proportional to the output phase currents. The process for deriving these signals is illustrated in figure 24. The current in the low side IGBT Figure 24: Three phase and free wheel diode is analog current feedback (U,V,W) converted to a voltage I C using the shunt RS. The Gate Drive voltage across RS is then amplified by amp 1 so that it VIN swings ±1.1V when the Delay output current is at 200% of RS AMP 1 N the modules IO(RMS) rating. Vhold The non inverting input of AMP 2 amp 1 is supplied with a + 2.25V reference that sets + VC V0 the zero current output Chold voltage (VC0). The zero current level is shifted up to VC0 so that the output signal off is always positive with VIN respect to logic common on and can be easily V HOLD connected to the microprocessor's analog inputs. The output of AMP 1 IC is connected to a sample and hold circuit that is activated by a delayed low side IGBT gate drive signal. During the negative half VC cycle the phase output current is reconstructed from the IGBT current samples taken on every high frequency PWM cycle. If gate drive signals are applied to the low side IGBT while its free wheel diode is conducting the positive half cycle of the output phase current will also be reconstructed. The output of the sample and hold circuit is buffered by AMP 2 to produce the analog current feedback signal VC. The performance of the analog current feedback is shown in figure 25. The “version 2” ASIPM Figure 25: Three phase analog provides analog current feedback signals for all current feedback performance three output phases. 5 The “version 2” ASIPM has 11 Current Feedback Signal Output Characteristic microprocessor compatible input and output signals. All signals are referenced to the 4 common ground of the control power supply Conditions: VD=15V, TC= -20 ~ +100C allowing direct connection to a CPU. Table 7 Worst Case Error Band summarizes the ASIPM's input and output V 3 150mV C signals. Figure 26 shows the recommended (V) 2 interface circuit for the “version 2” ASIPM. On and off operations for all six IGBTs in the Analog signal feedback ASIPM are controlled by the active low control 1 hold range inputs. The fault signal and current limit warning outputs are in an open collector configuration. 0 When a fault or current limit condition occurs -300 -400 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 Load Current (%) Normalized to IORMS(rated) x √2 the respective output turns on and pulls the Figure 26: ASIPM “Version 2” Interface Circuit 5V + + 15V 5.1KΩ Table 7: “Version 2” ASIPM Control Signals ASIPM VD Signal Name Designation Description Control Inputs UP, VP, WP, UN, VN, WN Fault Signal Current Limit FO CL Analog Current Feedback CU, CW, CV Inputs for controlling on/off operation of the six IGBTs in the IPM. Fault status output signal Current limit warning signal Analog feedback for output phase currents 5.1KΩ CPU/DSP 6 UP, VP, W P, UN, VN, W N FO, CL 10KΩ signal line low. CU, CV, CW 0.1nF GND D. ASIPM "Version 1" and “1200V” For compact high performance general purpose motor drives The "Version 1" PS1101X and “1200V” PS1201X ASIPMs are designed for compact high performance general purpose industrial motor drives. These modules have basically the same three phase analog current feedback, level shifting, and boot strap supply schemes as the “version 2” ASIPM. The main difference is that shoot through interlock and p-side short circuit protection are added, multi output fault signaling is Figure 27: PS1101X provided, and the power circuits are more complete. These “Version 1” ASIPM additional functions make the “version 1” and “1200V” Table 8: “Version 1” ASIPMs Type Typical Motor Rating (kW) Inverter Output Current (ARMS) Peak Output Current at CL Warning (AMPS) Short Circuit Protection Level (SC) (Amps) PS11011 0.1 0.8 3.1 6.0 PS11012 0.2 1.5 5.8 12.0 PS11013 0.4 3.0 10.8 24.0 PS11014 0.75 5.0 17.3 43.0 PS11015 1.5 7.0 24.7 53.0 Figure 28: PS1201X “1200V” ASIPM ASIPMs the most complex of all types currently available. Table 9: “1200V” ASIPMs Type Typical Motor Rating (kW) Inverter Output Current (ARMS) Peak Output Current at CL Warning (AMPS) Short Circuit Protection Level (SC) (Amps) PS12012 0.2 1.0 3.9 14.4 PS12013 0.4 1.6 5.8 14.4 PS12014 0.75 2.6 11.0 26.8 PS12015 1.5 4.0 15.6 38.0 Figure 29: ASIPM “Version 1” Block Diagram DC Link Capacitor Brake Resistor & Precharge Circuit P1 B P2 CBU- CBU+ Gate Drive SC Protection UV Lock Out CBV- CBV+ Gate Drive SC Protection UV Lock Out CBW- CBW+ Gate Drive SC Protection UV Lock Out Level Shift R 230VAC S U T S T V Motor W N Analog Current Feedback Signal Processing CU CV CW Gate Drive & Short Circuit Protection Logic Input Signal Conditioning UP Analog Current Feedback VP W P UN VN W N Fault Output Logic Br CL FO1 FO2 FO3 5V Logic Interface to MCU Over Temp. Control Power UV and OV Protection VDL GND VDH 5V 15V The “version 1” series consists of five types designed for 100 to 1500W inverters operating from a 240VAC line. The “1200V” series consists of four types designed for 200 to 1500W inverters operating from a 460VAC line. Tables 8 and 9 summarize the key characteristics of these devices. These devices also utilize the low profile, aluminum base IMS package design. A photo of the “version 1” ASIPM is shown in figure 27 and the “1200V” ASIPM is shown in figure 28. A block diagram of the “version 1” ASIPM is shown in figure 29 and a block diagram of the “1200V” ASIPM is shown in figure 30. Like “version 2” a LVASIC is used for the control and protection of the low side IGBTs and a HVASIC is used for the level shift, gate drive and protection of the high side IGBTs. The “version 1” ASIPM’s power circuit consists of six rectifier diodes forming a three phase bridge, six IGBTs and six fast recovery free wheel diodes forming a three phase inverter stage and a seventh IGBT and free wheel diode for dynamic braking. A circuit diagram of the power stage is included in figure 29. An opening is provided in the positive bus for limiting inrush current. The IGBT chips have current mirror emitters that are used by the module’s internal circuits to provide short circuit protection. The “1200V” ASIPM is the same except that the three phase rectifier is omitted. The power circuit is shown in figure 30. A separate matching converter module is available for use with the “1200V” ASIPM. The gate drive circuits in the “version 1” and “1200V” ASIPMs are powered from a single 15V control power supply and a 5V logic supply. Both power supplies are referenced to a common ground that is at the negative DC bus potential. All seven IGBTs are independently controlled with logic level input signals referenced to the 5V supply. The signals are processed by the low voltage ASIC which provides gate drive for the low side IGBTs and sends control signals to the HVIC for high side gate drive. The HVIC provides level shifting and gate drive for the high side IGBTs. Built in charge pump circuits supply power for the high side gate drive circuits eliminating the need for separate isolated power supplies. In the “version 1” and “1200V” ASIPMs all six IGBTs are protected from short circuit conditions by circuits that monitor the current mirror outputs on the IGBT chips. If the current through the device exceeds the SC level shown in tables 8 and 9, the IGBT is immediately but softly turned off. If the short circuit protection is activated on a low side IGBT, the module will assert an FO1 fault output signal. The short circuit protection is automatically reset when the control input signal of the IGBT involved returns to the off state. Figure 30: ASIPM “1200V” Block Diagram CBU- CBU+ CBV- CBV+ CBW- CBW+ B Gate Drive SC Protection UV Lock Out P Gate Drive SC Protection UV Lock Out Gate Drive SC Protection UV Lock Out PhotoCouplers R 460VAC S U T S T Motor V W N Matching Converter Module - RM**TN-2H Analog Current Feedback Signal Processing CU CV CW Gate Drive & Short Circuit Protection Logic Input Signal Conditioning UP Analog Current Feedback VP W P UN Fault Output Logic VN W N Br CL FO1 FO2 FO3 5V Logic Interface to MCU OT Control Power UV and OV Protection VDL GND VDH 5V 15V If the current through any of the low side IGBTs or free wheel diodes exceeds the current limit levels shown in tables 8 and 9, a warning signal will be asserted on the CL output of the module. At the CL level the power devices are not disabled and normal inverter operation will continue. If input on signals are asserted for both IGBTs in the same arm as if to cause a shoot through condition, the module will block the signals, immediately turn off the involved devices, and assert an FO1 fault signal. The shoot through interlock provides an extra level of protection against erroneous input signals caused by noise or controller malfunctions. Normal operation will resume automatically after both of the involved input signals have been cycled. The “version 1” and “1200V” ASIPMs have built in temperature sensors that monitor the base plate temperature of the module. If the temperature exceeds the OT level specified on the device data sheet, all seven IGBTs are turned off and an FO3 signal is asserted. If the ASIPMs main 15V control supply voltage is under the data sheet specified UV level, over the specified OV level or if the 5V logic power supply is under its specified UV level, all six IGBTs will be disabled and an Figure 31: ASIPM “Version 1” FO2 fault signal will be asserted. If any one of the high side and “1200V” Interface Circuit charge pump supplies drops below its UV level the ASIPM + + associated IGBT will be turned off. Normal operation will VDH 5V 15V resume as soon as the voltages reach the specified reset VDL 5.1K 5.1K 5.1K CPU/DSP 7 UP, VP, W P, UN, VN, W N, Br FO1, FO2, FO3 CL CU, CV, CW 0.1nF Table 10: “version 1” and “1200V” ASIPM Control Signals Signal Name Designation Description Control Inputs UP, VP, WP, UN, VN, WN, Br Fault Signals Current Limit FO1, FO2, FO3 CL Analog Current Feedback CU, CW, CV Inputs for controlling on/off operation of the seven IGBTs in the IPM. Fault status output signals Current limit warning signal Analog feedback for output phase currents 10KΩ GND levels. Hysteresis is built into the UV and OV trip logic in order to prevent oscillations. The “version 1” and “1200V” ASIPMs have 14 microprocessor compatible input and output signals. All signals are referenced to the 5V logic power supply allowing direct connection to a CPU. Table 10 summarizes the ASIPM's input and output signals. Figure 31 shows a typical external interface circuit. VI. CONCLUSION ASIPMs (Application Specific Intelligent Power Modules) consisting of a combination of power devices, low voltage ASICs and high voltage ASICs are effective for simplifying and miniaturizing the power section of small motor drives. Maximum system benefit is achieved when the package design and integrated functions are optimized to meet the requirements of specific applications. This paper has outlined these system considerations and presented a series of examples demonstrating the effectiveness of this technology. VII. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] G. Majumdar, et al. "A New Generation High Speed Low Loss IGBT Module", ISPSD, May 1992 J Yamashita, et al. "A Study on the Short Circuit Destruction of IGBT's" , ISPSD, May 1993 G. Majumdar, et al. "A New Generation High Performance Intelligent Module" PCIM Europe May 1992 TM Powerex "IGBTMOD and Intellimod Application and Technical Data Book" Second Edition, PUB#9DB-200, 1998 E. Motto, et. al. "A New Generation of Intelligent Power Devices for Motor Drive Applications" IEEE IAS Conference October 1993 E. Motto "Protecting High Current IGBT Modules From Over Current and Short Circuits" HFPC Conference May ,1995 John Donlon, et. al. 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