RF MEMS-Based Tunable Filters James Brank, Jamie Yao, Mike Eberly, Andrew Malczewski, Karl Varian, Charles Goldsmith Raytheon Systems Company, P. O. Box 660246 MS 35, Dallas, Texas 75266 Accepted 17 May 2001 ABSTRACT: This paper overviews the application of RF MEMS switches in tunable filters as well as circuit developments for bandpass filters covering 110 MHz to 2.8 GHz. RF MEMS have several desirable features, including small size, low power requirements, and low loss. The basic operation of Raytheon’s RF MEMS capacitive membrane switch is described. An overview of the technique used to integrate the switch into a variable capacitor structure with sixteen capacitance states is provided. Variable capacitor structures are used to construct multipole lumped bandpass filter designs, each with sixteen states. Finally, measured data from two representative five- and six-pole bandpass filters are presented. Characterization data demonstrates that the insertion loss for the five-pole filter using on-chip inductors was between 6.6 and 7.3 dB, and between 3.7 and 4.2 dB for the six-pole filter using off-chip inductors. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 11: 276–284, 2001. Keywords: MEMs; microelectromechanical system; tunable capacitors; varactors; membrane capacitor; tunable filter; tunable bandpass filter I. INTRODUCTION Filters are the basic building blocks within frequency converting systems such as receivers and tuners. At microwave frequencies (1 GHz and above), filters are composed of high-Q resonators such as printed transmission line, suspended rods, or dielectric pucks. Depending on the media used to create these resonators, excellent performance can be achieved with Qs in the hundreds for printed lines to tens of thousands for dielectric resonators. The need for frequency tunability within broadband receiving and transmitting systems usually necessitates switching of multiple fixed-tuned circuits. The use of tunable filters and resonators can significantly simplify complexity and reduce losses within complex multiband systems. Unfortunately, there is not yet a tunable Correspondence to: James Brank Contract grant sponsor: Raytheon. Contract grant number: DARPA F 30602-97-C-D1 8la, © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 276 resonator component that affords the high performance achieved by fixed resonators. YIG filters come the closest to having very good filter selectivity, but at the expense of being bulky, requiring significant quiescent current, and being expensive. To date, diode varactor-tuned circuits, though simple and requiring little bias current and size, have not met the expectations of most modern receiver requirements in terms of loss. As such, inexpensive and high performance tunable resonators have become one of the “holy grails” of receiver components. The advent of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for radio-frequency (RF) applications provides new possibilities for achieving the desired characteristics of a tunable resonator. RF MEMS devices, a new paradigm in the construction of electronic devices, created mechanical structures on the microscale. Being constructed entirely of low-loss metals and dielectrics, these mechanical structures inherently have low loss. RF MEMS-Based Tunable Filters Development of RF MEMS switches has been under way seriously since about 1995 from several industrial and university groups. These devices have distinguished themselves as having very low loss, requiring practically no power consumption, and having very high linearity. The application of RF MEMS has already proven to provide revolutionary (rather than evolutionary) improvements in electronic switching performance for phase shifters at microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies. This paper explores the use of RF MEMS capacitive switches in the application of tunable filters. Since these devices are operated in a bistable manner, with either a high or low capacitance, they are a natural device for accomplishing digital frequency selection within a filter. The capacitive membrane switch is used to create a multibit variable capacitor which serves as a digital varactor. This varactor is in turn used within resonators and coupling circuits to create tunable, lumped-element LC filters for receiver front-end applications. II. MEMS VARIABLE CAPACITOR CONSTRUCTION/ ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE To create variable capacitors, fixed MIM capacitors are combined in series with RF MEMS capacitive switches as shown in Figure 1. This creates a two-state capacitor whose value is set by the series combination of the fixed cap and the capacitance of the RF MEMS. The minimum value of the twostate capacitor is limited by the off-capacitance of the MEMS, and the maximum value is limited by the on-capacitance of the RF MEMS. Generally, the value of the fixed cap is kept below the on-capacitance of the MEMS switch to minimize the effect of MEMS variation. Combinations of these two-state capacitors with fixed capacitors allow construction of variable capacitor structures, ref. [1]. Top View Membrane Undercut Access Holes Signal Path Lower Electrode Dielectric Post Cross Section Dielectric High resistivity silicon Figure 2. Views of the RF MEMS capacitive switch. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.wiley.com.] The basic RF MEMS capacitive switch is shown in Figure 2. The structure is basically a parallel-plate capacitor with a movable top plate. Applying a voltage between the membrane (top plate) and electrode (bottom plate) creates an electric field. When the field is strong enough, the membrane will flex downward and contact the dielectric. A simple electrical model of the switch is shown in Figure 3. Typical on capacitance (membrane down) is 3 pF, and off capacitance (membrane up) is 30 fF, [2, 3]. The fixed capacitor used were metal-insulatormetal (MIM) capacitors, as shown in Figure 4. Both top and bottom plates of the capacitor are gold, with a thin silicon nitride dielectric layer (r = 68). Average capacitance, resistance, and Q at 1 GHz for four MIM test structures are shown in Table I. It should be noted that when measuring high-Q devices it can be difficult to extract accurate values for Q. The Q values are RF MEMS RSE CON/OFF RSH Figure 1. Schematic of a two-state variable capacitor using RF MEMS. Electrode Buffer Layer RSE Fixed Cap 277 RSH Figure 3. Simple schematic of the RF MEMS capacitive switch. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.wiley.com.] 278 Brank et al. Control Lines C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 Figure 5. Schematic of a four-bit variable capacitor using RF MEMS. Figure 4. Layout of a MIM capacitor. very sensitive to small errors in R and can be difficult to extract. Other measurements of similar capacitors yielded Qs that varied by as much as ±100%. This large variation depends upon the specific measurement conditions, such as the calibration method used or the condition of the RF probes. The schematic of a four-bit variable capacitor is shown in Figure 5. It consists of five fixed capacitors, four of which are in series with an RF MEMS capacitive switch. A layout of a four-bit variable cap is shown in Figure 6. Depending on which combination of switches are actuated, the capacitance across the variable capacitor can be set. In the design of a variable capacitor, the fixed capacitors are designed to give even steps of capacitance between the minimum and maximum required values of capacitance. The variable capacitor layout shown in Figure 6 incorporates some subtle improvements over the previous versions of variable capacitors. The fixed capacitor values are shown in Table II. The variable capacitor structure is “straightened out” in order to place the larger capacitor states closer to the RF signal path. This was done to minimize the series inductance. Reducing the series inductance of the capacitors is especially important in the TABLE I. Average Measured Resistance, Capacitance, and Q for MIM Capacitor Test Structures Nominal C pF 0.56 1.06 5.11 10.28 R, ohms (@ 1 GHz) 1.60 0.60 0.10 0.13 Q (@ 1GHz) 179.08 251.74 302.40 120.19 Figure 6. Photograph of a variable capacitor. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www. interscience.wiley.com.] larger capacitors, as unwanted self resonance can degrade the frequency response of a filter. A side benefit of this rearrangement is that the digital control lines can easily be routed to the RF MEMS devices without having to cross over any of the RF paths. Measured data for a typical variable capacitor is shown in Figure 7. The capacitance increases in even steps except for the step between steps 7 and 8. The C4 capacitor value was slightly too large, which caused the gap in capacitance values. The capacitance is very flat versus frequency, which is due to the high self-resonant frequency of the structure. TABLE II. Fixed Capacitor Values for the Circuit Shown in Figure 6. C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 3.08 pF 0.231 pF 0.498 pF 1.18 pF 3.88 pF Capacitance, pF RF MEMS-Based Tunable Filters 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 0.050 279 then the variable capacitors must be roughly capable of tuning Cmax = α2 Cmin 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 Frequency, GHz Figure 7. Capacitance versus frequency for the sixteen states of the variable capacitor. III. TUNABLE FILTER TOPOLOGY Of the many filter topologies available, only a few are amenable to construction of a tunable filter. The capacitively coupled LC resonators bandpass filter, shown in Fig. 8, was chosen as the baseline design [4 5]. The redundancy of the elements allows an extra degree of freedom in the choice of component values, which allowed the inductance to stay constant as the center frequency is tuned. Choosing the component values is challenging, and several design and simulation iterations are necessary. The designer is given electrical requirements, such as frequency range over which the filter must tune, bandwidth, insertion loss, and number of tunable states, that must be satisfied. Unfortunately, it may be impossible to simultaneously satisfy all requirements. For example, if a constant bandwidth is required, the insertion loss of the filter will vary across the tuning range. If a constant insertion loss is required, the bandwidth must vary across the tuning range [6]. Choice of the inductor is determined primarily by the Q of available devices, as in a fixed filter design. An added constraint is that if a tunable filter using fixed inductors has a tuning range of α= Cs01 fmax fmin L1 IV. TUNABLE FILTER REALIZATIONS The designs presented here incorporate the improvements in variable capacitor design Cs12 Cp1 Figure 8. The implications can be seen in the following figures. Two tunable filters were designed. Both were five-pole capacitively coupled 0.1 dB Chebyshev bandpass filters with sixteen states and fixed 180 MHz bandwidth but with different tuning ranges. Both filters used a fixed 2 nH inductor. Using a spreadsheet, the series and shunt capacitances of Figure 8 were calculated for each frequency step. These values are shown in Figures 9 and 10. The starting point for these calculations is given in ref. [1]. The filter of Figure 9 had a tuning range of 885 to 986 MHz, or an 11% tuning range. The series and shunt capacitor values versus tuning state have very slight curvature, and can be approximated quite well with a straight line. This works well with the variable capacitor structure described in Section III. Step size for this filter will be even, and bandwidth will be relatively constant across the tuning range. The filter of Figure 10 had a tuning range of 996 to 2068 MHz, or a 108% tuning range. The series and shunt capacitor values versus tuning state have a noticeable curvature, and a linear approximation is not as good. In practice, the variable capacitors will be designed to have the correct value at the maximum and minimum tuning ranges, and vary linearly with state between the extremes. Step size for this filter will be uneven, with larger steps at the high end of the tuning range. As the values of the coupling capacitors are somewhat flat, the bandwidth will be roughly constant across the tuning range, with a slightly larger bandwidth in the center of the band. L2 Cs23 Cp2 L3 Cs34 Cp3 L4 Cs45 L5 Cp4 Schematic of a capacitively coupled five-pole bandpass filter. Cs56 Cp5 280 Brank et al. 14 Capacitance, pF 12 10 Cp1, Cp5 8 Cs12,Cs45 6 Cp2, Cp4 Cs23, Cs34 4 Cp3 2 Cs01, Cs56 0 885 935 985 Center Frequency, MHz Figure 9. Variation of capacitance with tuning state for a five-pole filter, fc = 885–986 MHz. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www. interscience.wiley.com.] Capacitance, pF described earlier, as well as processing improvements related to the metalization. These designs have improved electrical performance, have a better control structure, and demonstrate the ability to incorporate these devices into higher level assemblies. Improved wafer processing also reduced the filter insertion loss and improved device quality. To date, seventeen different tunable filters using RF MEMS have been built. They range in complexity from simple one-pole structures with 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 996 twelve MEMS devices to six-pole filters with 139 MEMS devices. Both on-chip and off-chip inductors have been studied. The filter frequencies covered 70 MHz to 2.8 GHz. As space is limited, only two representative designs will be discussed. UHF Tunable Filter A five-pole 0.1 dB Chebyshev bandpass filter design, denoted as the UHF filter, is presented Cp1, Cp5 Cs12, Cs45 Cs23, Cs34 Cp3 Cp2, Cp4 Cs01, Cs56 1496 1996 Center Frequency, MHz Figure 10. l=2057 um w=125 um 0.075 pF 0.12 pF 0.12 pF 0.24 pF 0.24 pF 0.32 pF 1.62 pF 0.71 pF 0.52 pF 0.52 pF 0.71 pF 8.55 pF 5.32 pF Schematic for the UHF filter. 0.22 pF 7.21 pF 3.43 pF 0.17 pF 1.87 pF 6.96 pF 0.80 pF 2.13 pF 0.39 pF 0.89 pF 0.42 pF 1.62 pF 7.69 pF 0.17 pF 1.87 pF 0.80 pF 0.22 pF 3.43 pF 6.96 pF Figure 11. 0.15 pF 0.54 pF 1.22 pF 1.62 pF 2.13 pF 7.21 pF l=2057 um w=125 um 0.29 pF 0.65 pF 0.32 pF 5.32 pF 0.54 pF 1.22 pF l=2057 um w=125 um 0.075 pF 0.15 pF 0.17 pF 8.55 pF l=2057 um w=125 um 0.06 pF 2.16 pF 0.65 pF 1.62 pF l=2057s w=125 um 0.06 pF 0.39 pF 0.29 pF Variation of capacitance with tuning state for a five-pole filter, fc = 996–2068 MHz. RF MEMS-Based Tunable Filters 281 Figure 12. Layout of the UHF five-pole filter. Die size is 3.5 mm by 14 mm. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www. interscience.wiley.com.] VHF FILTER A six-pole 0.1 dB Chebyshev bandpass filter, denoted as the VHF design, is presented here. This filter had a center frequency tuning range of 110 MHz to 160 MHz with a variable bandwidth from 37 MHz to 58 MHz. A lumped element design was derived for the maximum and minimum tuning frequencies with constant resonator inductances of 27 nH. Off-chip inductors were used in this case because the required value of inductance was too large to incorporate on-chip. Also, the improved Q of the off-chip inductors improved the insertion loss compared to the onchip designs. As with the previous design, four-bit variable capacitors were designed to cover the required tuning ranges based on the lumped designs. Some of the larger capacitor states used multiple MEMS devices to switch large capacitancies. The schematic and layout are shown in Figure 14 and Figure 15. The measured insertion loss and return loss of the five-pole filter is shown in Figure 16. Center frequency insertion loss across all tuning states was from 3.7 to 4.2 dB. Return loss 0 10 -5 5 -10 0 -15 -5 -20 -10 -25 -15 -30 -20 -35 -25 Return Loss (dB) Insertion Loss (dB) here. This filter had a center frequency tuning range of 885 MHz to 986 MHz with a constant bandwidth of 180 MHz. As described earlier, the capacitively coupled LC resonator design was chosen. A lumped element design was derived for the maximum and minimum tuning frequencies with constant resonator inductances of 2.9 nH. On-chip inductors were used to demonstrate the potential for integration of entire filters on a chip, with the path to ground provided by ribbon bonds to the carrier plate. Four-bit variable capacitors were designed to cover the required tuning ranges based on the lumped designs. The schematic and layout are shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12. The measured insertion loss and return loss of the five-pole filter is shown in Figure 13. The filter tuned from 880 to 992 MHz, with the center frequency insertion loss across all tuning states from 6.6 and 7.3 dB. Measured bandwidth varied between 168 and 174 MHz. Return loss was better than 10 dB for all tuning states. The bandwidth and passband shape stayed relatively constant as the center frequency of the filter was tuned. -30 -40 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Frequency (GHz) Figure 13. UHF frequency response. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www. interscience.wiley.com.] 282 Brank et al. 90.0 pF 12. 99 0 pF 6.4 1.5 0.6 9.9 90 60 20 20 pF pF pF pF 127.45 pF 127.45 pF 27 nH 27 nH 43.290 pF 43.290 pF 14.620 pF 14.620 pF 5.20 pF 5.20 pF 24.150 pF 24.150 pF 12. 99 0 pF 6.4 1.5 0.6 9.9 90 60 20 20 pF pF pF pF 12. 99 0 pF 6.4 1.5 0.6 14. 90 60 20 71 pF pF pF 0 pF 71.73 pF 71.73 pF 27 nH 27 nH 28.34 pF 28.34 pF 10.78 pF 10.78 pF 4.15 pF 4.15 pF 20.92 pF 20.92 pF 12. 99 0 pF 6.4 1.5 0.6 14. 90 60 20 71 pF pF pF 0 pF 12. 99 0 pF 6.4 1.5 0.6 9.9 90 60 20 20 pF pF pF pF was better than 15 dB for all tuning states. The passband shape stayed relatively constant as the center frequency of the filter was tuned, while the bandwidth increased as the center frequency was tuned higher. This resulted in the filter having less insertion loss at the highest tuning state than at the lowest tuning state. When compared to a conventional switchedfilter bank, the advantages of RF MEMS-based filters are remarkable. Analysis indicates that compared with a typical switched-filter bank, use of RF MEMS tunable filters allow a 60X reduction in size, 150X reduction in weight, and a 10X reduction in the number of RF support switches. A single MEMS-based filter can have sixteen tunable states, replacing sixteen fixed frequency filters. The low power requirements of RF MEMS can reduce filter assembly power requirements 8X. Such size, weight, power, and circuit complexity reductions are crucial in modern communications designs. V. CONCLUSION Two tunable bandpass filters designs using RF MEMS were demonstrated. Insertion loss for the five-pole UHF filter with on-chip inductors was measured to be between 6.6 and 7.3 dB, and between 3.7 and 4.2 dB for the six-pole VHF filter with off-chip inductors. Both filters exhibited good return loss across the tuning range. Passband shape was also maintained across the tuning range. With their high degree of integration, RF MEMS show great potential for weight, power consumption, and size reduction. Ongoing design and process improvements will reduce the insertion loss further, as well as extend the operating frequency range. 127.45 pF ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 127.45 pF 27 nH 27 nH 43.290 pF 43.290 pF 14.620 pF 14.620 pF 5.20 pF 5.20 pF 24.150 pF 24.150 pF 90.0 pF Figure 14. VHF filter schematic. Raytheon, RF MEMS group, DARPA contract number F30602-97-C-0186. REFERENCES 1. Charles L. Goldsmith, Andrew Malczewski, Zhimin Jamie Yao, Shea Chen, and David Hinzel, RF MEMS variable capacitors for tunable filters, International Journal of RF and Microwave ComputerAided Engineering, 9 (1999), 362–374. 2. Zhimin Jamie Yao, Shea Chen, Susan Eshelmann, David Denniston, and Charles Goldsmith, Micromachined low-loss microwave switches, IEEE microelectromechanical systems, 8 (1999), 129–134. RF MEMS-Based Tunable Filters 283 0 10 -5 5 -10 0 -15 -5 -20 -10 -25 -15 -30 -20 -35 -25 -40 0.05 Return Loss (dB) Insertion Loss (dB) Figure 15. Layout of the VHF five-pole filter. Die size is 4 mm by 16 mm. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www. interscience.wiley.com.] -30 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Frequency (GHz) Figure 16. VHF frequency response. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www. interscience.wiley.com.] 3. Charles L. Goldsmith, Zhimin Jamie Yao, Susan Eshelmann, and David Denniston, Performance of low-loss RF MEMS capacitive switches, IEEE microwave and guided waves letters, 8 (1998), 269–271. 4. Anatol I, Zverev, Handbook of filter synthesis, Wiley, New York, 1967. 5. G.L. Matthaei, L. Young, and E.M.T. Jones, Microwave filters, impedance-matching networks, and coupling structures, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964. 6. Thomas R. Cuthbert, Broadband direct-coupled and matching RF networks, TRCPEP Publications, Greenwood, AR, 1999. BIOGRAPHIES James Brank received his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1982. He received his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Southern Methodist University in 1987. From 1983 to 1987 he was employed at E-Systems, Garland Division where he performed integration and test of electronic warfare receivers. From 1987 to 1988 he worked for Raytheon in Bristol, Tennessee where he designed components for the Standard Missile 2 program. From 1989 to the present, he has been employed by Raytheon Systems Company (formerly the Defense Electronics Group of Texas Instruments) where he has been involved in a wide variety of projects, ranging from the design of X-band radar modules to the application of phased array antenna technology for cellular telephone Smart Antennas. Currently he is designing low loss MEMS tunable bandpass filters. Zhimin J. Yao received her Ph.D. from the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in 1995. She then worked as a post doctoral research associate at the School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University for one year. Her research emphasis was on silicon bulk micromachining. Dr. Yao is currently working at Rockwell Science Center in Thousand Oaks, CA. Her research interests 284 Brank et al. include design, fabrication and characterization of microelectromechanical systems. Michael Eberly has been a member of the IEEE since 1988 as a student member. He earned his BSEE from the University of South Florida in 1992. He was with the United States Navy, on active duty, from 1992 to 1994, transferring then to the Naval Reserve. He has continued with the Naval Reserve to the present and currently holds the rank of Lieutenant. In 1994, he began studying part time for his Masters degree, while teaching basic courses in Electrical Engineering Technology at Tampa Technical Institute. In 1996, he was selected to study as the Texas Instruments Fellowship Student at the University of South Florida. He worked for Raytheon since the summer of 1997 as an engineering intern as part of the previously mentioned fellowship and permanently since August 1998. He was awarded his Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering in the fall of 2000. He is currently working in the Applied Research Laboratory at Raytheon on RF/MEMS. Andrew Malczewski was born in Warsaw, Poland in May, 1973. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1996. Since 1996, he has been involved in the design and development of microwave and millimeter-wave circuits for Raytheon Systems Company (formerly the Defense Electronics Group of Texas Instruments). He is also involved in the development of RF MEMS technology for receiver and antenna applications. He is presently pursuing his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering. Karl Varian photo and biography not available. Karl Varian photo and biography not available.