May and June 2015 Bridge - Barrington Congregational Church

The church calendar for May and June
can be found on pages 16 & 17 at the
end of this newsletter.
Or access the current version at
Dear Friends,
Kathleen and I are getting ready to set sail on a new life adventure. We are not certain what retirement will
bring…and we are (pretty much) at peace with that. For forty two years we have shared the joys and
challenges of ministry together – and it has been a together thing because it is an all-encompassing job in
terms of time and energy and the whole family is impacted. And the amount of ministry she has done behind
the scenes in all our years has been absolutely enormous.
I have the lists of 460 brides and grooms, 557 people baptized, and 594 funerals
celebrated but no numbers can measure the impact of so many people over all
these years that I have been able to share ministry with. I have been blessed,
forgiven, shone amazing patience, empowered by you and others as we have
shared, and will continue to share, this magical journey of faith with a God who
loves us despite who we are.
All have been special in their own way, but our time here has been the best! Thank you so, so much from
the bottom of our hearts. And any thank you on my part would be incomplete without mentioning the
wonderful church staff that I have had the privilege to work with and who will continue to be working hard
for you. You have added so much to my life!
May the peace and hope of God fill you all.
You’re Invited!
For those interested, there will be an
“Estate Sale”
at the 7 Fireside Drive parsonage on
Saturday & Sunday, May 16 & 17,
from 8 am—4 pm.
All are welcome.
Come celebrate Jeff & Kathleen’s 9 years with us at
an All Church Gathering!
Sunday, May 10th
following Jeff’s last service which will include a
Ritual of Par ng.
Where: Fellowship Hall and Terrace
Update on the Search for an
Interim Minister
The Deacons are working hard to find an interim
minister to help us through the transition after Jeff
leaves. They have received a list of potential
names from the RI Conference and will be
conducting interviews with three candidates. It is
their intention to have an interim in place by June,
and they are cautiously optimistic that they will be
able to do so.
Enjoy a light lunch and help send Jeff and Kathleen
off to their new adventure of re rement.
If you would like to help with the all church gathering
(bringing food, serving, etc) we would love to have you!
Please reach out to Chris ne in the office at (401) 2460111 or email: and someone will get
back to you. Thanks.
Sunday Services
May 3
10 a.m.
May 10
10 a.m.
After worship
May 17
Confirmation Sunday
Worship Service with Communion and Confirmation,
Church School for PreK-Grade 4 only
Jeff’s Last Sunday here
Mothers’ Day
Worship Service for All Ages with Ritual of Parting, Sing and Celebrate Choir,
Nursery Care only
All Church Gathering for Jeff and Kathleen’s leaving, Fellowship Hall & Terrace
10 a.m.
Worship Service, Church School
10 a.m.
Strengthen the Church offering
Worship Service for All Ages, Nursery Care only
10 a.m.
After Worship
Jubilation Sunday (see page 6)
Worship Service for All Ages, Nursery care only
All Church Potluck
May 24
May 31
June 7
10 a.m.
After Worship
June 14
Baccalaureate Sunday (see page 7)
Worship Service for All Ages with recognition of High School graduates
and awarding of the Kathleen Lynne Fodor Scholarships,
Nursery Care only
ANNUAL MEETING, Sanctuary (see page 4)
10 a.m.
Worship Service, Nursery Care only
10 a.m.
Father’s Day
Worship Service, Nursery Care only
June 21
June 28
July 5
9 a.m.
Start of Summer Worship Service schedule
Worship Service, Nursery Care only
9 a.m.
Worship Service with Communion, Nursery Care only
July 12, 19 & 26
9 a.m.
August 2
Worship Service with Communion, Nursery Care only
9 a.m.
Worship Service, Nursery Care only
August 9, 16, 23 & 30
9 a.m.
September 6
Worship Service with Communion, Nursery Care only
9 a.m.
Worship Service, Nursery Care only
Church School for Pre-School through Grade 8 (unless otherwise noted)
Nursery Care for ages 0-3 is available every Sunday
Handicapped Accessible
From our Associate Minister …..
Many congratulations are in order! First to the youth and chaperones who participated
in the service project! You picked up 333 pounds of garbage at the Longmeadow Fishing Area in Warwick,
RI for Save the Bay. Wow!
I also want to congratulate the 2014-2015 confirmation class. I am so proud of ALL of you! I’m so
thankful for all the wonderful contributions you’ve made to each other with your thoughts, questions,
service, creativity, and commitment. It’s been a great journey to explore together what it means to live a life
of faith. Remember that the journey continues! Remember that the whole church is so grateful for each of
you, that this is a place where we’re here for each other. We look forward to seeing where the Spirit moves
each of you and what you will bring to the church as you go forward!
Congratulations to Rev. Jeff Larsen on 42 years of ministry! What an amazing accomplishment!
Thanks to you Jeff, for your ministry and your many years of service. It has been an honor to serve this
church with you for a time. Blessings and joy to you as you begin your retirement and may the lobsters of
Maine greet you this summer with open arms!
During our service project, Hawk Henries, the Native American flute player and storyteller who
spoke to our group encouraged us to remember that we are each responsible for taking care of the circle
around us. He invited us to see how when individuals doing that are brought together, the possibilities for
healing and transformation expand! Finally, I want to congratulate the whole congregation for being a
community of people who each individually are committed to taking care of the circles around them. It has
been a blessing this year to see what we can accomplish as a whole when we come together in the living
spirit that we serve! May you all have happy and safe summers, and remember that we can still keep coming
together, even though it’s summer!
Francis Seader (star), Susan Seader,
Pat Rude, Stephanie Edwards,
Susan Rotblat-Walker
Abby Ashley (star), Larry Ashley,
Greg Voigt, Cheryl Muth,
Liz White, Chris Brady
All the deacons
In the event of a pastoral emergency
after hours, if you cannot reach Jeff
(247-1787 home until May 10th only)
or Brendan (245-3467 home) or the
Interim (info not yet available).
please call on one of the deacons.
Staff and Clergy away
Christine Wallis will be on vacation from May 18—June 2.
During this time the office will be open each morning from
9 am—Noon, and all day on Tuesdays.
Rev. Brendan Curran will be on vacation from June 8—July 6.
MAY 18—JUNE 2 Office open 9 am—Noon and all day Tuesdays.
MON, MAY 25 Office closed for Memorial Day.
JUNE 22 - SEPT 8 Mon – Thurs 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Fridays - Closed.
Office closed for Labor Day.
Except when on vacation, the ministers
will be available as usual during the summer.
ANNUAL REPORTS due by Thursday, April 30th.
Church officers, ministry team chairs and clergy should submit their report as an a achment to although reports are accepted in any form.
FYI—the 2014 Annual Report is on the church website under Get Involved > Informa on for Members.
All are invited to attend the
Barrington Congregational
United Church of Christ
The Annual Meeting of the Barrington Congregational
Church, United Church of Christ is hereby called to
take place on Sunday, June 7th, 2015 in the Sanctuary
immediately after Worship.
Article I: To call the meeting to order.
SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2015
immediately following worship
in the Sanctuary
Article II: To receive and vote on the slate of
nominees for officers, ministry teams
and delegates.
As always, church members are encouraged to
make every effort to attend this very important
church meeting. In addition to other business,
the proposed church budget for July 2015
through December 2015 will be presented for
approval by the membership.
Article III: To review and vote on the proposed
church budget for July—December
Article IV: To consider any other business that
may properly come before the meeting.
Child care will be provided.
Article V: To adjourn the meeting.
Coffee hour will take place in Fellowship Hall
after the Annual Meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Greg Voigt, Clerk
Changes to our Custodial Staff
2015-2016 Calendar Dates
Many, many thanks to two of our custodians
who have served this church for a very long
time and are leaving us: Jack Salvaggio (39
years here) is retiring and his son, Jimmy (20
years here) is moving to a new job. The care
and love both have given to our facilities
over these years has been amazing. They
will be very much missed.
Team leaders and chairs of the various
church groups are asked to start thinking
about dates they’d like to schedule
events/activities/meetings for the
2015-2016 church calendar.
Paul Dziedzic will increase his hours and,
very capably, step up to the plate.
The information will be needed early summer for
calendar planning (stay tuned for the deadline date!)
Our on-line Church Calendar can be viewed at or from the link at the
bottom of any page of our website
The RI Conference Annual Meeting will take place on Saturday, May 2nd
at Riverside Congregational Church UCC, 15 Oak Ave., Riverside RI 02915.
It will start at 7:45 am with breakfast and end before 1 pm (no lunch).
The event is free, but they ask that you register. When registering, you can choose the 'Conversations' that
you would like to participate in (there are two sessions). For a list of the conversations or to register, visit
“Be the Church” July-Dec. 2015 Stewardship Campaign
There’s still time to make a pledge of financial support for the July – Dec. 2015 financial
period (as we transition back to a calendar fiscal year for the church). Of course, we are
also soon to be in a period of transition with an Interim Senior Minister and the
subsequent search for a settled Senior Minister.
Your continued financial support is important to all that is to come!
If you plan to pledge for the July-Dec. 2015 financial period, we ask that you complete
and return the green pledge card that was mailed to you. Our Finance Ministry Team is
already working on a budget for the 6 month period; an accurate picture of our pledge
income is needed to complete their work and present a responsible budget to the
congregation for their approval at the June 7, 2015 Annual Meeting.
If you need another pledge card, please contact Financial Secretary Pat Stoddard
[ or 246-0111, ext. 102].
Please fulfill your 2014-2015 pledge
Barrington Congregational Church, UCC,
passed a budget at last year’s Annual
Meeting, based upon the amount the
congregation had pledged. The church relies
on the income from those pledges in order
to pay its bills, fund programs, give money
to missions, and pay the staff.
respectfully request that if at all possible, you
fulfill your 2014-2015 financial pledge to the
church before the end of our current fiscal
year, June 30 .
Re: 2014-15 Reimbursable Expenses.
The end of our fiscal year is June 30th. If you have
any invoices or expenses that you need to be
reimbursed for, please fill out vouchers (which must be
signed by the leader of your ministry team) and send them to
the church office, with receipts attached, as soon as possible.
Vouchers are available from the folder at the front of Pat’s
desk in the church office. Expenses turned in after
Monday, June 15 will be charged to next year’s budget !
Pledge envelopes for our next fiscal period
beginning July 1 will be available for pick up
from the table in the narthex (near where the
greeters stand) before the end of June.
We are aware that circumstances change
and that you may no longer be able to meet
your commitment, in which case we ask that
you please call the church office and speak
with our financial secretary, Pat Stoddard
(246-0111 ext 102) to let her know. Thanks.
Please contact our Financial Secretary,
Pat Stoddard at 246-0111 x. 102 or
if you didn’t request a set but would like one, OR if you are
allocated a set and you don’t need them.
Honoring Pat Stoddard
On Saturday, April 18th a group from BCCUCC went to the
Honored Lay Person’s Breakfast held at the United
Congregational Church of Westerly, UCC in Pawcatuck.
CT. The breakfast was to honor lay people who had been
chosen by their respective RICUCC churches.
After the delicious breakfast, the honorees were
acknowledged and given a gift bag of goodies. A guest
speaker from Literacy Volunteers of Washington County
gave an interesting and informative presentation.
Many congratulations to Pat for the well deserved
recognition of all that she does here at BCCUCC.
On Sunday, May 3rd at the 10 a.m. worship service, 12 of our 9th
grade youth will be confirmed and become members of our church.
Following the service the congregation will move outside for the
traditional release of doves by the clergy and the newly confirmed.
Prior to the service, our Membership team will host a special
reception for the confirmands and their families at 9:15 a.m.
This is a special day in the lives of these young people. To prepare for their confirmation they met and
studied regularly with the Rev. Brendan Curran since the fall. We hope you can attend this very special
worship service that is the culmination of all their hard work.
The congregation is invited to greet and congratulate the newly confirmed at coffee hour after the service.
All are welcome including the extended family of those being confirmed.
Church school registration will begin after worship in the foyer
outside Fellowship Hall on Jubilation Sunday - May 31st
All children from nursery through 12th grade must be registered
to participate in church school or youth activities.
We request that a registration form be secured for EACH CHILD who participates in our CEYM programs.
If you registered your child last year, you’ll only need to update & initial your current form.
To register a child for the first time, please obtain a registration form from the registration table in the foyer on
Jubilation Sunday, or from the church office, or download one from the church website The
information you provide helps us provide safe and welcoming programs for children and youth. Thank you!
Mark your calendar for . . . . .
June 7th
At the 10 a.m. worship service, high school graduates (no matter what their school) are
invited to process in their gowns. During the service the graduates will be recognized,
honored and celebrated.
The service will end by 11 a.m. to allow time for graduates to get to the ceremonies being
held later the same day.
The annual Kathleen L. Fodor Scholarships will also be awarded at the service (see article below).
The Christian Education and Youth Ministries Team announces that applications for the Kathleen Lynne Fodor (KLF)
Memorial Scholarship are available to members of the Barrington Congregational Church, UCC, who are pursuing
education or training beyond high school. Two $400 scholarships will be awarded. Selection will be made by random
drawing, and announced on Baccalaureate Sunday, June 7th.
Graduating seniors, as well as those students presently attending a secondary or graduate school, who have
completed the confirmation process, and are currently a member of Barrington Congregational Church, UCC, may
apply. Students who applied previously are welcome to apply again. Application forms are available from outside the
church office, on the church website on the ‘Information for Church Members’ page. The deadline
is May 31st, 2015. We encourage all who are eligible to apply. Questions? Call Andrea Bullard at (401) 246-0111.
These scholarships are made possible through donations by family and friends of Kate. We thank them greatly.
Jubilation Sunday
Sunday, May 31st
Worship Service for ALL
10 a. m. on the hillside by the labyrinth
(weather permitting)
Come celebrate the church school children as they share the Parables of the Sower and the
Mustard Seed in story and song (and with spirit!). The Sing and Celebrate Choir will also be
sharing a song.
Please bring yourself, family & friends, blankets to sit on picnic style or camp
chairs, and a favorite dish to share at the pot luck.
Please watch for more details in the weekly bulletin and email announcements. Contact
Andrea Bullard ( or Rev. Brendan Curran ( if you’d
like to volunteer to help or be part of the service—children, youth and adults are all welcome
to participate.
Following the service a POT LUCK will be hosted by CEYM for the whole church
outside on the terrace. ALL ARE WELCOME
THANK YOU to our
Summer Worship Services
Church School Volunteers
June 28—September 6
for helping our children grow in spirit.
We are very grateful to the 2014-2015 Church
School Volunteers for the time, care and energy
that they brought to this year’s program.
When you plant a seed of love, it
is you that blossoms.
~ Ma Jaya
at the earlier time of 9 a.m.
We hope to see you in church some Sundays when
you’re in town.
Find out what’s happening, where and when at
church from our on-line church calendar at
RICUCC Summer Camps: Four camps will be run at Irons Homestead this summer, each with 3 age groups –
elementary, middle school, and high school. There will also be a Family Camp.
See the flier on the bulletin board for more info or visit their website which has a lot more
details including the application forms
There are discounts if you sign up for more than one week or have more than one child.
Camperships are also available.
Visit the link above for all the details.
Volunteers and some paid staff are needed to run these camps. Info at the link above.
Youth Service Project
The Junior Youth Group (JYG) leaders
Laurie Dubel, Ginger Stabach and Kim
Zelznick along with our Associate Minister
Brendan Curran, would like to THANK many
who made this April's Service Project and
Earth Day Celebration weekend a HUGE
Brendan did a wonderful job organizing and
planning for Hawk Henries a local Nipmuc
Nation Native American elder, storyteller and
flute player that 25 people from the congregation enjoyed on
Friday night!
7 of the youth spent the night IN the pews, rang the bell at
10 pm then watched a movie along with other fun activities! They
were joined by 8 other youth in the morning from the
Confirmation Class and spent the morning eating pancakes and
other treats prepared by Steve Peck and Francis Seader!
Thanks also to Kathy Sullivan, Pat Rude and Tom Odjakjian for
driving and helping to collect 333 pounds of trash to 'Save The BAY!'
Junior Youth Group (for Grades 6—8)
We were unable to coordinate a meaningful event with the animal shelter as originally intended, so we'll table it for
next year. Instead….
We will prep and paint a classroom at church!
All helpful hands are welcome.
When: Sunday, May 3rd, 3-6 pm
Where: Room 9 (across the hall from grade 5/6 classroom)
Details: Wear appropriate clothing for pain ng.
Dinner: A Pizza dinner will follow (gluten-free also). Please bring $5.
RSVP and direct ques ons to or contact your Junior Youth
Group leaders: Laurie Dubel, Ginger Stabach or Kim Zeleznik.
It's that me again...JYG goes to the Seekonk Grand Prix!!!
Sunday, June 14th, 11:45 - 2:30 pm
In the church library a er coffee hour to depart at 11:45. Return to
church for parent pick up at 2:30 pm.
$20 - This covers a pizza lunch, 3 mes around the track and 12
All 6th-8th graders as well as current 5th graders as a prelude to next
year's program. Bring a friend.
Laurie Dubel, Ginger Stabach, and Kim Zeleznik at
Our Whole Lives — Sexuality & Our Faith
Lifespan Comprehensive Sexuality Education
offered 2015—2016
for Grades 10, 11 and 12
at Barrington Congregational Church UCC
After successfully offering the OWL program to 7th and 8th graders during the 2014-2015 program
year, we are excited to be able to offer it this coming year to 10th, 11th and 12th graders.
Our Whole Lives is a series of comprehensive sexuality education resources (Kindergarten-Adult) written by human
sexuality educators appropriate for use in a variety of congregational, school, and community settings. Although
developed by two religious organizations (UUA & UCC), Our Whole Lives contains no religious references or doctrine.
Religious references are provided in a Unitarian Universalist and UCC companion publication, Sexuality and Our
Faith. BCCUCC will be using the UCC companion publication to complement the foundational program. Core values
of OWL include self worth, sexual health, responsibility, justice and inclusivity.
Letters with the preliminary schedule will be sent to families with 10th-12th graders early this summer. Watch both your
email inbox and your regular mailbox!
For more information about OWL:
What is expected from parents?
What if I want my child to participate but he/she isn’t sure? We recommend that you encourage your child to
participate in 4 sessions before he/she decides whether or not to continue participation.
Is there a cost? Yes. We are asking for a $100 donation to reserve a spot in the program. This will help us cover a
portion of lunch expenses. The OWL program (training, books, supplies, ministerial support) is made possible by
members’ annual pledges to the church, as well as donations of time and money by all of the facilitators.
What if my child can’t attend all the sessions? We encourage and prefer full participation but we realize that
schedule conflicts occasionally occur.
To sign up: contact Andrea Bullard at or 246-0111 x 107.
² ² ² ² ²
We are also recruiting more Our Whole Lives Facilitators!
If you are interested in possibly being trained as an Our Whole Lives Facilitator and being part of a
growing teaching team, please let us know!
Please speak with OWL facilitators, Kristen Westmoreland, Andrea Bullard, Brendan Curran, Ray
Zarlengo or Phyllis Buckley if you have questions about the training, content, teaching experience, and commitment
The 2015 softball season will soon be here so it’s time to get out your gloves and dust
off those cleats!! Every summer, BCCUCC fields a co-ed softball team to participate in
the Barrington Churches Softball League and any interested men aged 30+ or women
aged 16+ who would enjoy playing should contact Tom Strolla at or
(401) 246-0936.
Games are played on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays starting late June, beginning at
6 p.m. at Bicknell Field located at the end of Walnut Avenue. A great time is had by all
and new players are always needed and very welcome.
Supporters are also invited to come and cheer on the team. Copies of the schedule will be put on the vestry
table and also posted on the church website, once available.
Welcome to our New Members
On Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015 we welcomed 6 new members into our church:
Joe and Joanne Judge have lived in Barrington over 15 years. They are parents of three young
adults and their wonderful Westie “Tucker”. They both enjoy outside activities – walking,
jogging, biking and kayaking. Joe and Joanne are also active in local community groups.
Chris Morton and Tom Wegner moved to Barrington 3 years ago. Chris, a native of Maine is a
real estate attorney. He enjoys the challenges of house renovating and yard work. Tom works
for a medical software company. He was born and raised in New Jersey. Tom enjoys cooking
and baking. They have a seven year old Boston Terrier named “Chase”.
Tim Milisauskas and Amy Barkat recently moved to Barrington and are the proud parents of
Sophie age four. Tim is an educator in the Providence Public Schools. In addition to coaching
basketball, Tim is doing grad work in administration. Amy works in children’s media and her
interests include reading and yoga.
Congratulations to our 2015 Graduates!
Bruce Bendheim - son of Kathy and Tom Bendheim - graduates from Moses Brown School and
will attend Clemson University.
Caroline “Ellie’ De Witt - daughter of Bill and Mary DeWitt - graduates from Barrington High
School and has not yet made a final decision as to which college she will attend.
Madison Fairbanks - daughter of Steve and Maura Fairbanks - graduates from Portsmouth Abbey
School and will attend Providence College majoring in Finance
William Hemingway - son of Andrew and Camilla Hemingway - graduates from Barrington High School and will
attend Tulane University.
Charlotte Jenkins - daughter of Peter Jenkins and Kim Godfrey - graduates from Barrington High School and is
Grace Restituyo - daughter of Betsy Restituyo - graduates from Barrington High School and will attend Springfield
College where she will major in Biology and play Basketball.
Elizabeth Roach - daughter of Doug and Susan Roach - graduates from Barrington High School and will attend Union
Isabella Solanot - daughter of Cynthia and Sergio Solanot - graduates from Barrington High School and will attend
Boston University as a Communications Major.
Rebecca Brenner - daughter of Betsy and Jeffrey Brenner - graduates from Mount Holyoke College with a BA in
History and Philosophy. In late August she will begin a Masters program in Public History at American
University in Washington, D.C.
Emma Edwards - daughter of Van and Stephanie Edwards - graduates with a B.A. from Syracuse University. She
leaves on June 22 for Benin, Africa, where she will spend the next two years as an Environmental Action
Advisor with The Peace Corps.
Kelsey Hoyt - daughter of Mike and Tracy Hoyt - graduates from Lehigh University with a BS major in Supply Chain
Management and minor in Marketing.
Bridgett McCoy - daughter of Lory and Charlie McCoy - graduates from Bowdoin College with a triple major in
Environmental Studies, Government, and Spanish.
Mobile Loaves and Fishes Truck Run
BCCUCC will be taking out the Mobile Loaves and Fishes (MLF) truck on
Wednesday, May 27th. We will travel to various locations in Providence serving
those in need, offering fellowship, food, clothing and toiletries.
Preparations begin at 4:00 p.m. at BCCUCC. We will head to Providence around
5:00 and return to BCCUCC around 7:30 p.m.
There are many jobs involved in getting the truck stocked and ready to serve; much help is needed with:
donations of food items* (refer to for specifics)
donations of men’s new underwear, socks, and toiletries**
Preparation of food
going out with the truck and passing out food and clothing from the truck
cleaning out the truck when it returns to BCCUCC
* Food items needed for stocking the truck include: granola bars, single-serve applesauce and pudding,
cookies, potato chips, peanut butter and jelly, hard boiled eggs, fruit, water bottles, and juice bottles.
** Collection boxes will be available in Fellowship Hall.
Please sign up if you can help......
There is an online sign up at for either donating items or helping
with preparation, or going out on the truck. Click on the 'Find a Sign Up' tab near the top,
and then search by typing in the church's e-mail address The next page will list Active
SignUps for our church - click on 'Mobile Loaves and Fishes Wed, May 27' to access the sign up sheet.
Alternatively, you can click on this link:
You will need to create an account by giving your first and last name and your e-mail address. You can then
sign up for whatever you would like and your name will appear on the sign up sheet as you listed it when
you created your account. You can even schedule it to send you an email reminder a few days beforehand!
If you can't sign up online and want to help, or just have questions, please contact Jay or Phyllis Buckley at
401-245-1098 or, or Liz White at 401-245-0825 or
For more info about Mobile Loaves and Fishes visit .
Strengthen the Church Offering 2015
Every year, our church takes donations for the four different national UCC
offerings and on Sunday, May 24th, we will take the Strengthen the Church
offering. Informational inserts and special offering envelopes will be included in
the bulletin that day. Please make checks payable to ‘BCCUCC’, and write
‘Strengthen the Church’ in the memo line.
So, what is the money used for? Each day, visions and dreams are created in the hearts of many in the
United Church of Christ. Through the Strengthen the Church offering they can become a reality. As God
calls our congregations to be “church” in new ways, your gift will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in
existing churches, and develop spiritual life in our youth and young adults. Because of this offering, many
more will hear the good news that “God is still speaking.” Your offerings are
directed to the local church Conferences (in our case RICUCC), Local Church
Ministries, and The Still Speaking Ministry for these purposes.
The RI Bloodmobile will be
in our church parking lot on
Our church is scheduled to
provide and serve the meal at the
Christian Community Soup
Kitchen in Pawtucket on
May 9th and July 18th.
Contact our Soup Kitchen Coordinator
Diane Todd at (401) 245-4681 or
if you would like to help by donating food, and/or
help serve, or with any questions.
Sunday, June 28th,
from 9 a.m.—Noon.
No appointment necessary.
Please consider taking a few minutes after church
to give the gift of life. What a GREAT way to
start your summer!
The RI Blood Center must collect 240-280 pints of
blood daily to meet the needs of its community,
relying on the generosity of volunteer blood
Teams responsible are:
May 9—Mission & Justice, and Chancel
July 18—CEYM
From Your Justice and Witness Ministry Team…..
‘Reading Changes Lives’ Continues…
On Sunday, May 17th, there will be a special presentation in the library to conclude our March Forth for
Literacy Initiative programming.
Elizabeth McDowell, the Director of the Literacy Volunteers of East Bay, will speak to us about the services
this organization provides as they carry out their belief that the ability to read is critical to personal growth,
individual freedom, and the maintenance of a democratic society.
The Mission and Justice Team invites you to grab some coffee and goodies and join us around 11:20 a.m. in
the library to learn more.
But wait, there’s more…
The search is on to find someone willing and able to build a Little Free Library
to put on the church grounds. We have a willing apprentice – Brendan would like
to help out with this project, but feels he needs someone more experienced to lead
the way.
Could this be you? Help us to share books with the community with this project.
To learn more about how the Little Free Libraries work, go to
During Coffee Hours in Lent,
church members and friends
donated $172.50, enough
funds to purchase 5 cases (25
pounds) of Fair Trade coffee.
This coffee is sent to chaplains of various denominations, who
provide it and spiritual support to our troops serving in war-torn
parts of the world. There are cafes located across the globe, in places
such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Israel, Turkey, Germany, Italy,
Romania, Poland and in Africa. At home, Holy Joe's Café is found
in every Veterans Administration hospital throughout New England
and Pennsylvania, as well as 127 different military bases—from
Camp Lejeune in North Carolina to Camp Pendleton in California.
One Egg Haiti is Egg-alicious and
BCCUCC just made it even more
so. Because of your generosity, we
are sending $2000 to the Rhode
Island Conference in support of the
One Egg Haiti Project. That will
provide an egg a day for a year for
about 33 children in the five child
centers served by the Haiti Task
Thanks to all who contributed to this very important
outreach ministry.
The CEYM and M&J Teams thank you
for your Eggcellent Eggstravagance!
The Women’s Faith Group will meet on
Thursdays, and May 7th& 21st from 1:30—3 p.m. in the library.
They are reading and discussing the book Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.
Copies are available for purchase from the church office for $12.80
The group will also meet on Thursday, June 4th at Noon for the third annual
Women of Faith - Senior Ladies Lunch
Sandwiches, salad and strawberry shortcake will be served. This will be the group’s last meeting
until the fall. The Women’s Faith Group welcomes all women from BCC UCC as well as
women from other faith traditions. For this gathering we especially welcome senior women
from the congregation to share lunch and fellowship.
RSVP for the lunch by Thursday, May 28th. Please contact the church office 246-0111 or to let us know if you plan to attend and also if you need transportation.
Dine-Out Group
will meet on
Friday, May 8h
at 6:30 pm
at Venus de Milo restaurant,
75 GAR Highway, Swansea MA.
This will be their last get together
until the fall. All are welcome both singles & couples.
RSVP by Wed, May 6th
to Sue Black at 245-2772 or
Book Group will meet at 7 p.m.
at The Coffee Depot, 501 Main Street, Warren.
Tues, May 12th Mona Lisa: a Life Discovered by Dianne Hales.
Biography, history, and memoir are woven together in Hales' (La Bella
Lingua, 2009) lyrical biography of Lisa Gherardini, the donna vera (real
woman) captured in Leonardo da Vinci's early sixteenth-century
masterpiece, Mona Lisa.
Tues, June 30th Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan-Philipp Sendker.
This German bestseller traces the lost romance between a blind young
monk and a poor crippled girl in pre-WWII Burma.
All are welcome!
For more info contact Helen Schall 245-4724 or
Knitting (and Crocheting) for Others
We will wrap up our work for the ’14-’15 year with a Potluck Supper on Tuesday May 5th at Marty
Kee’s house. If you haven’t signed up, please do so by sending an email to Mary Lou Slicker She needs to know how many and what type of dish you are bringing. An
email has been sent to all active members. Also, bring any finished projects with you so they can be distributed.
The Memory Impairment Support Group
will meet on Tuesdays, April 28, May 12 & 26, June 9 & 23.
from 1—2:30 p.m. in the church library.
The group is open to both caregivers and patients and is for
individuals, couples, and families looking for a safe space to share
experiences and coping strategies for dealing with the variety of
changes and losses involved with memory impairment diagnoses
such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. For more information contact
Jim or Lois McCartney at 245-3288 or The
group is open to all – not just members of this church.
Monday, Apr 27, May 11, June 1 & 15
from 10—11 a.m.
in the church library
The group is for anyone who has
experienced the loss of a loved one.
New members are always welcome.
Questions or for more info, contact Betsy
Brenner at or 245-8031.
Letter from our mailbox
Important Reminder
Please Lock Up
Dear Friends,
• Ushers are responsible for locking up
We have received many wonderful cards, phone calls,
visits and hugs, in the weeks following the loss of our son and
brother, Eric. The outpouring of love has buoyed us during
this difficult time.
the church on Sunday mornings
• Coffee Hour hosts are responsible for
making sure that all of the exit doors to
the CE building are locked and windows
closed before they leave.
• Groups meeting both during the day
and in the evening should lock whatever
doors they opened before they leave.
Your fond memories of Eric have brought sunshine and
warmth into our saddest days. We are so grateful for the
strength and support of our church family. Thank you.
Steve, Sue, Ted and Molly Terhune
Too many times the church buildings are
found unlocked L
Family Footnotes
Victor Michael Fernandez
Son of Kimberly Fodor and Luis Fernandez
Grandparents: Steve and Marion Fodor
Lucy Marie Joachim DelPoio
Walter Louis Joachim DelPoio
Ruby Poppy Joachim DelPoio
Children of
Cathleen Joachim and David DelPoio
For in the one spirit we were
all baptized into one body.
1 Corinthians 12:13
Ainsley Ann Brougham
born March 24, 2015
to Robert and Amanda Brougham
Grandparents: Lynne and Bob Githens
Great grandmother: Sheila Hu on
We welcome the following new members
who joined our church on March 29th, 2015.
Joe and Joanne Judge
Amy Barkat and Timothy Milisauskas
Chris Morton and Tom Wegner
To help you recognize our new members, their photos are
displayed outside Fellowship Hall. To learn a little about
them, read their bios that are on p. 10 of this Bridge.
Al Butler, Marci Goss, Marjorie Stumpff, Bobby Sugg,
Jack Salvaggio, Nancy Martin, Zoe Woodruff,
and Ozzie Rosenholm.
We offer our prayers, support and sympathy to….
Celeste Pacheco Knight
born April 3, 2015
to Greg Knight and Mercedes Pacheco
Bob Mason and Mark Mason on the death
of May Smith
(Bob’s mother and Mark’s grandmother).
TAPIN needs Pots and Pans, flatware etc
TAPIN has a shortage of pots and pans, flatware, and dishes for their clients. If
you have any to donate, please drop them off at TAPIN located under the
Barrington library at 281 County Road. It is open Monday—Friday, 9 am – Noon.
To learn more about TAPIN (Touch a Person In Need) as well as volunteer
opportunities, visit Questions? Call TAPIN at 401 247-1444.
Nonperishable food items can also be dropped off at TAPIN or placed in the bins in the narthex. Thank you.
Are you on our e-mail list?
In an effort to keep the congregation informed, we send out via email a weekly ‘Ennouncements’, ‘Jeff’s Weekly’, and
the monthly Bridge newsletter. Additional notifications or reminders are also e-mailed to the congregation.
If you would like to be added to our e-mail list, contact us at and be sure to include
your name.
Please Note…..Should you choose to ‘Unsubscribe’ from any one of the emails sent from the church,
we will no longer be able to send you ANY emails that we send out using Constant Contact. Instead, if
you want us to stop sending you a specific e-mail, just let us know which one by e-mailing the church
office at with the information. We’ll be happy to remove you from that specific list.
BCCUCC’s Affirmation of Welcome
We believe that all people are blessed and loved equally by God. Following the
teachings of Jesus we heartily welcome everyone into God’s covenantal
community. Whatever your race, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic or marital status,
variety of thoughts and beliefs, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender
identity or expression--whoever you are and wherever you come from you are welcome
into the full life and ministry of our church.
Barrington Congregational Church,
United Church of Christ
461 County Road,
Barrington, RI 02806
Telephone: (401) 246-0111
Senior Minister:
The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey W. Larsen
Associate Minister:
The Rev. Brendan J. Curran
Organist/Choir Director:
Marina Zabinski
Office Administrator:
Christine Wallis
Financial Secretary:
Patricia Stoddard
Christian Education Assistant: Andrea Terni Bullard
Paul Dziedzic, John Cordeiro
May 2015
Easter 5
Confirmation Sunday
9:15 AM Confirmation Breakfast, F’ship Hall
10:00 AM Worship Service with Communion
and Confirmation, Church School for
PreK-Gd 4 only
After Worship Sing and Celebrate choir
rehearsal, Room 9
3:00 – 6:00 PM JYG Paint Room 9
Easter 6
11:00 AM Staff Meeting, Jeff’s
3:30 PM Lay Visitation meeting,
6:30 PM Knitting Group
Potluck, Marty Kee’s
7:45 AM - 1 PM RICUCC
Annual Meeting, Riverside
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Women's Faith
Group, Library
6:30 PM Dine Out at
Venus De Milo
3:00 PM BCCUCC leaves to
serve meal at Soup
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Choir
Rehearsal, Vestry
7:30 PM Deacons' Meeting,
Room 6
Jeff's Last Sunday here
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Mother's Day
Bereavement Group, Library
Memory Impairment
10:00 AM Worship Service for All Ages, with 11:00 AM Staff Meeting, Office
Support Group, Library
Sing & Celebrate Choir, Nursery Care only
After Worship All Church Gathering for Jeff 7:00 PM Buildings and Grounds
and Kathleen’s leaving, Fellowship Hall
meeting, Room 6
7:00 PM Book Group,
7:30 PM Mission & Justice
Coffee Depot
meeting, Library
Easter 7
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Choir
Rehearsal, Vestry
8:30 AM CEYM meeting, Library
10:00 AM Worship Service, Church School
After Worship Sing and Celebrate choir
rehearsal, Room 9
11:15 AM 'Reading Changes Lives'
discussion, Library
11:00 AM Staff Meeting, Office
Memorial Day
Office Closed
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Memory Impairment
Support Group, Library
4:00 PM Prep begins for
MLF run, Kitchen
5:30 PM Mobile Loaves and
Fishes run
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Choir
Rehearsal, Vestry
Strengthen the Church offering
10:00 AM Worship Service for All Ages,
Nursery Care only
After Worship Sing and Celebrate choir
rehearsal, Room 9
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Women's Faith
Group, Library
7:00 PM Church Council
meeting, Room 6
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Choir
Rehearsal, Vestry
Pentecost 1
Jubilation Sunday
10:00 AM Worship Service for All Ages,
Nursery Care only
After Worship All Church Potluck
Deadline for KLF Scholarship applications
This calendar is a copy of our on-line calendar (with room locations added) and is correct at the time of printing. For the
most up-to-date information, visit our on-line calendar via the link at the bottom of any page on our church website or directly at
June 2015
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Bereavement
Group, Library
11:00 AM Staff Meeting, Office
Pentecost 2
Baccalaureate Sunday
10:00 AM Worship Service with Communion &
recognition of HS Grads plus KLF
Scholarship awarded
11:00 AM ANNUAL MEETING, Sanctuary
Pentecost 3
11:00 AM Staff Meeting, Office
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Memory
Impairment Support
Group, Library
7:00 PM Buildings and Grounds
meeting, Room 6
7:30 PM Mission & Justice meeting,
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Choir
Rehearsal, Vestry
7:30 PM Deacons'
Meeting, Room 6
3:30 PM Lay Visitation meeting,
12:00 PM Senior
Ladies' Lunch,
Fellowship Hall
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Choir
Rehearsal, Vestry
10:00 AM Worship Service, Nursery Care only 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Bereavement
11:45 AM - 2:30 PM JYG go to Seekonk Grand
Group, Library
11:00 AM Staff Meeting, Office
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Choir
Rehearsal, Vestry
7:00 PM Church Council meeting,
Room 6
Father's Day
10:00 AM Worship Service, Nursery Care only
Start of Summer Office Hours
11:00 AM Staff Meeting, Office
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Memory
Impairment Support
Group, Library
Pentecost 4
Pentecost 5
Summer Worship Schedule begins
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Bloodmobile at BCCUCC,
Parking Lot
9:00 AM Worship Service, Nursery Care only
11:00 AM Staff Meeting, Office
7:00 PM Book Group, Coffee
Office Closed
June 2015
This calendar is a copy of our on-line calendar (with room locations added) and is correct at the time of printing.
For the most up-to-date information, as well as events happening during July and August, visit our on-line calendar via the link at the bottom of any page on our church website or directly at
Please contact the church office ( or (401) 246-0111) with any corrections, additions or deletions so that the online calendar can be kept up to date and accurate.
Thank you.