Outline Electrical Drive Systems 324 Synchronous Motors 1 Dr. P.J Randewijk Stellenbosch University Dep. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Chapman, Chapter 5 5.1 – Basic Principles of Motor Operation 5.2 – Steady-State Synchronous Motor Operation 5.3 – Starting Synchronous Motors 5.4 – Synchronous Generators and Motors 5.5 – Synchronous Motor Ratings Stephan J. Chapman Chapter 5 (5th Edition) 1 / 14 5.1 Basic Principles of Motor Operation 2 / 14 5.1 Basic Principles of Motor Operation (cont.) Although the equivalent circuit is essentially the same, the stator current now flows (per definition) into the machine, i.e. the machine now absorbs electrical energy Generator Operation – Fig. 5–3 The KVL equation for the machine is thus Vφ = EA + jXS IA + RA IA (5–1) Motor Operation – Fig. 5–04 Magnetic Field Perspective The biggest difference between motor operation and generator operation is that: for generator mode of operation, the rotor field, BR , pulls the stator field, BS , and hence EA is leading. . . but for motor operation, the stator field, BS , now pulls the rotor field, BR , and hence Vφ is leading. . . 3 / 14 4 / 14 5.2 Steady-State Operation 5.2 Steady-State Operation (cont.) The torque in terms of known phasor quantities (remembering that P = ωτ Torque-Speed Characteristic “Curve” Because it is a synchronous machine, the speed is constant regardless of the load – i.e. 0% speed regulation τind = 3Vφ EA sin δ ωm XS (4–22) The maximum torque the motor can deliver is at δ = 90◦ and is called the pullout torque If the mechanical load’s torque exceeds the torque the motor can deliver, the stator field will start to “lap” the rotor field with disastrous consequences this is called pole slipping 5 / 14 5.2 Steady-State Operation (cont.) 6 / 14 5.2 Steady-State Operation (cont.) The effect of Load Changes on a Synchronous Motor From Fitzgerald Fig. 5–1, the torque, T (or τ in Chapman) as a function of δ, can graphically be depicted as Similar to that of generator mode of operation, just with EA lagging – see Fig. 5–6 (b) For stability reasons, generators and motors are operated at |δ| < 90◦ – see operating points g and m respectively. . . 7 / 14 8 / 14 5.2 Steady-State Operation (cont.) 5.2 Steady-State Operation (cont.) The Effect of Field Current Changes on a Synchronous Motor The Synchronous Motor and Power-Factor Correctioning Similar to that of generator mode of operation, just with EA lagging – see Fig. 5–8 (b) By over magnetising a synchronous motor, the power factor for the rest of the plant can be corrected – see Example 5–3 + Ignore V-curves – Fig. 5–9 9 / 14 5.2 Steady-State Operation (cont.) 10 / 14 5.3 Starting Synchronous Motors The Synchronous Capacitor or Synchronous Condenser The following methods can be used to start – i.e. synchronise – a synchronous motor with the AC supply: Power utilities (e.g. Eskom in South Africa) have large synchronous motor connected to their power grid at strategic places (e.g. Muldervlei, near Stellenbosch) that are operated at no-load (mechanical) with the sole purpose to do reactive power (i.e. VAR) compensation on the power system – see Fig. 5–15 11 / 14 using a variable voltage, variable frequency AC supply – i.e. basically a power electronic “drive” using a non-synchronous motor, e.g. an induction motor, as a pilot motor to start the synchronous motor using a synchronous motor with damper – or amortisseur windings – i.e. basically “squirrel cage” windings (will be discussed when we do induction machines) 12 / 14 5.4 Synchronous Generators and Motors 5.5 Synchronous Motor Ratings The following is a nice summary of the four modes of operation for synchronous machines – see Fig. 5–20 Similar to generator ratings. . . With the only difference, that for a generator, the power factor rating was given as lagging – for a motor it is leading. . . In both cases this has to do with how much the machine can be over excited, i.e. the maximum value of the field current. . . 13 / 14 14 / 14