NORMAL CHECKLISTS NORMAL CHECKLISTS CESSNA 172 - GYPN CESSNA 172 - GYPN PRE–FLIGHT Documents / Keys Airworthiness W+B Airworthiness Insurance Registration Licenses Operators H. Book Logbook 2. Windows ---------------------------- Clean 3. Control Lock ------------------------- Out 4. Ignition ---------------------------------- Off 5. Avionics Master ---------------------- Off 6. Master Switch ------------------------ On 7. Fuel Quantity indicators --------Check 8. Flaps ------------------------------------ 40o 9. Battery Switch ------------------------ Off 10. Fire Extinguisher ------------- Charged 11. Walk around ---------------- Completed POST–START 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ammeter ------------------------- CHECK Gyro Instruments -------------------- Set Magneto Check --------------- L/R/Both Mixture ------------------------------- Lean Flaps ------------------------------------- Up Avionics Master------------------------On Intercom/Radio ----------------------- On Nav-Aids -------Test/Set as Required 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Transponder ---------- 1200 / Standby Fuel Selector ----------------Right Tank ATIS -------------------------------- Obtain Altimeter ------------------------------- Set Taxi Clearance ------------------ Obtain Transponder -------------- Set Squawk TAXI PASSENGER BRIEFING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Doors and Exits Seatbelts E.L.T, First Aid, Survival Equip. No Smoking Controls PRE–START 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Controls ---------------- Free / Correct Trim -------------------------- Full Travel Beacon --------------------------------- On Fuel Selector -----------------Left Tank Mixture ------------------------------- Rich Throttle --------------------- Set 1/8 Inch Carb Heat --------------------------- Cold Avionics Master ---------------------- Off Master Switch ------------------------ On Breakers -------------------------- Check Prime --------------------- As Required Magnetos -------------------------- Both Brakes -------------------------------Hold All Clear ----------------------- Confirm ENGINE–START 1. 2. 3. Magnetos -------------------------- Start Oil Pressure --------------------- Green Throttle ---------------------- 1000 RPM C172 Checklists – March 2014 1. Brakes --------------------------------- Test 2. Flight Instruments --------------- Check RUN–UP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Area ---------------------------------- Clear Brakes --------------------------------- Set Fuel Selector-------------------------Both Mixture ------------------------------- Rich Throttle ----------------------- 1700 RPM Oil Temp / Press ----------------- Green 7. 8. Suction ------------------------- 4.6 – 5.4 Magneto Check ---------------- L/B/R/B Max Drop = 125 RPM 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. PRE–TAKOFF VITALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Dash & Floor Area --------------- Clear Harnesses & Doors ----------- Secure Baggage ------------------------- Secure Trim Set For Takeoff -------- Confirm Flaps ----------------------------------- Set Take Off Briefing ----------- Complete Fuel Selector -----------------------Both Fuel Quantity ---------------- Sufficient Primer ---------------------------- Locked Master Switch ------------------------ On Magnetos --------------------------- Both Avionics Master ---------------------- On Circuit Breakers ----------------------- In Carb Heat --------------------------- Cold Mixture ------------------------------- Rich Alternate Static ------------- Check/Off Left to Right Instrument Check 1. 2. 3. Lights As Required ----------------- On Transponder -------------------------- Alt Time up ---------------------------Record 1. 2. 3. Flaps --------------------------- 0-10 Deg. Throttle ------------------------ Full Open Rotate ------------------------- 55 KIAS LINE UP CHECK 1. Primer ---------------------------- Locked 2. Master Switch ------------------------- On 3. Magnetos ---------------------------- Both 4. Breakers --------------------------- Check 5. Lights as Required ------------------- On 6. Carb Heat ----------------------------- Hot 7. Mixture ------------------------------- Rich 8. Fuel Selector -----------------------Both 9. Oil Temp / Press ---------------- Green 10. Alternator --------------------- Charging 11. Brakes ----------------------------- Check 12. Harnesses & Doors ----------- Secure POST–LANDING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Flaps ------------------------------------ Up Carb Heat --------------------------- Cold Lights ---------------------- As Required Time Down ---------------------- Record Transponder ------------------- Standby Trim ------------------- Set for Take Off Mixture ------------------------------- Lean Taxi Clearance ------------------ Obtain TAKEOFF ENROUTE CLIMB AND CRUISE 1. 2. Max Diff = 50 RPM Mixture ---------------------------- Check Carb Ice Check ------------- Complete Carb Heat ----------------------------- Hot Throttle -------------------------------- Idle Oil Temp / Press ---------------- Green Alternator --------------------- Charging Carb Heat ----------------------------- Off Throttle ---------------------- 1000 RPM PRE–LANDING 3. 4. 5. 6. Airspeed -------------------- 70-80 KIAS Throttle ---------------------- Full Open Once Cruise altitude reached: Cruise Power ------- 2200-2700 RPM Elevator Trim ------------------- Adjust Mixture ------------------------------- Lean Heading Indicator ---------------- Reset DESCENT 1 1. Mixture -----------------------------Adjust 2. Power ----------------------As Required 3. Carburettor heat----Full heat as Req. SHUTDOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Throttle ----------------------- 1000 RPM E.L.T. ---------------------- 121.5 Check Avionics & Electrics ----------------- Off Beacon --------------------------------- On Live Magneto -------------------- Check Mixture --------------------- Idle Cut–off Keys ----------------------------- Remove Master Switch ------------------------ Off Control Locks -------------------------- In Hobbs ---------------------------- Record SECURE AIRCRAFT 1. Chocks / Tie Downs --- As Required V Speeds Vr= 55 Vy= 73 Vx= 59 Va= 97 Glide= 65 Short L=60 Vso= 41 Vs= 47 Xwind=15 EMERGENCY CHECKLISTS EMERGENCY CHECKLISTS CESSNA 172 CESSNA 172 ELECTRICAL MALFUNCTIONS (1) OVER-VOLTAGE LIGHT ILLUMINATES: 1. 2. Avionics Master---------------------- OFF Master Switch ----------------------- OFF 3. 4. 5. Master Switch ------------------------ ON Over-Voltage light------------------ OFF Avionics Master ---------------------- ON If high- voltage light illuminates: 6. Flight Terminate ------------------ ASAP (2) AMMETER SHOWS DISCHARGE 1. 2. Alternator ---------------------------- OFF Nonessential Electrics ------------OFF 3. Flight Terminate ----------------- ASAP ENGINE FAILURE IN FLIGHT Immediate Actions 1. 2. 3. Cause Check (Time Permitting) 1. 2. Fuel Shutoff valve----------------- BOTH Mixture ------------------------------- RICH 3. 4. 5. 6. Carb Heat ---------------------------- ON Oil Press / Temp -------------- CHECK Primer ----------------- IN and LOCKED Ignition Switch------BOTH OR START If no Re-Start, conduct Forced Landing or Ditching as required ENGINE FAILURE ON TAKEOFF ROLL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Throttle ------------------------------- IDLE Brakes ---------------------------- APPLY Flaps -------------------------- RETRACT Mixture ----------------- IDLE CUTOFF Ignition Switch ----------------------- OFF 6. Master Switch ----------------------- OFF ENGINE FAILURE AFTER TAKEOFF FORCED LANDING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Airspeed ----------------------------65 KIAS 2. Mixture ---------------------IDLE CUTOFF 3. Fuel Shutoff Valve-------------------- OFF 4. Ignition Switch--------------------------OFF 5. Flaps --------------------------As Required 6. Master Switch ------------------------- OFF C172 Checklists – March 2014 Airspeed -------------------------65 KIAS Carb Heat ------------------------------ ON Landing Site --------- PICK & FLY TO 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Airspeed --------65 KIAS (flaps up) 60 KIAS (flaps down) Approach ----------------------------- FLY MAYDAY ------------------- TRANSMIT Transponder ------------------------ 7700 Cabin Security ----------------- CHECK Passenger Brief --------- COMPLETE Engine Shutdown: Mixture ------------ IDLE CUTOFF Fuel Shutoff Valve ---------- OFF Ignition Switch ----------------- OFF Flaps ------------------ AS REQUIRED Master Switch ---------------------- OFF Doors ------------------------ UNLATCH Touchdown ---------------- TAIL LOW Brakes ---------------- AS REQUIRED Cabin --------------------- EVACUATE DITCHING Light Swells - LAND INTO WIND Heavy Swells - LAND PARALLEL SWELLS 1. Flaps ------------------20-40 DEGREES 2. Power - ESTABLISH 300FT/MIN 55 KIAS 3. Cabin Doors ------------------ UNLATCH 4. Touchdown ---------LEVEL ATTITUDE 5. Face ---------------------------- CUSHION 6. Airplane --------------------- EVACUATE 7. Life Vest / Raft --- INFLATE OUTSIDE A/C ICING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Carb Heat ---------------------------- ON Pitot Heat ----------------------------- ON Cabin Heat ---------------------------- ON Turn back or change altitude Throttle ---------------------- INCREASE Mixture ------------------------------ LEAN Land --------------------------------- ASAP Be Aware of increased Stall Speed Leave Flaps Retracted Use Forward Slip if Necessary Perform landing in level attitude Approach at 65-75 KIAS ELECTRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Master Switch ----------------------- OFF Avionics & Electrics --------------- OFF Cabin Air ---------------------- CLOSED Cabin Heat ------------------------- OFF Fire Extinguisher --------- ACTIVATE If Fire Is Extinguished 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ventilate Cabin ----- AS REQUIRED Circuit Breakers -------------- CHECK Master Switch ----------------------- ON Essential Avionics –----------------- ON Terminate Flight ----------------- ASAP ENGINE FIRE ON START 1. Cranking ------------------- CONTINUE If Engine Starts: 2. 3. 4. Power ----------------------- 1700 RPM Run ----------------------FEW MINUTES Engine -------------------- SHUTDOWN If Engine Fails to Start: 2. 3. 4. Throttle ------------------- FULL OPEN Mixture ------------------ IDLE CUTOFF Cranking -------------------- CONTINUE 5. 6. Fire Extinguisher------------- OBTAIN Engine ------------------------- SECURE a. Master Switch ----------- OFF b. Ignition Switch ---------- OFF c. Fuel Selector ------------ OFF 7. 8. Fire ----------------------- EXTINGUISH Fire Damage ---------------- INSPECT ENGINE FIRE IN FLIGHT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mixture ----------------- IDLE CUTOFF Fuel Shutoff Valve ---------------- OFF Master Switch ----------------------- OFF Ignition Switch ---------------------- OFF Cabin Heat & Air ------------------- OFF 6. Airspeed -----------------------100 KIAS If Fire Is Not Extinguished, INCREASE GLIDE SPEED 7. Forced Landing ------------ EXECUTE WING FIRE IN FLIGHT 1. 2. 3. 4. Navigation Lights ------------------ OFF Pitot Heat --------------------------- OFF Strobe Lights ---------------------- OFF Slip Away From Fire ----- AS REQ’D 5. Terminate Flight ----------------- ASAP