Application Note 11 September 1985 Designing Linear Circuits for 5V Single Supply Operation Jim Williams In predominantly digital systems it is often necessary to include linear circuit functions. Traditionally, separate power supplies have been used to run the linear components (see Box, “Linear Power Supplies—Past, Present, and Future”). Recently, there has been increasing interest in powering linear circuits directly from the 5V logic rail. The logic rail is a difficult place for analog components to function. The high amplitude broadband current and voltage noise generated by logic clocking makes analog circuit operation difficult. (See Box, “Using Logic Supplies for Linear Functions”.) Generally speaking, analog circuitry which must achieve very high performance levels should be driven from dedicated supplies. The difficulties encountered in maintaining the lowest possible levels of noise and drift in an analog system are challenging enough without contending with a digitally corrupted power supply. Many analog applications, however, can be successfully implemented using the logic supply. Combining components intended to provide high performance from the 167Ω Q1 – + 2M L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. RATIOMETRIC OUTPUT FOR A/D CONVERTER 150Ω A2 1/4 LT1014 + 200k 1.5k Figure 1 shows a circuit which provides complete, linearized signal conditioning for a platinum RTD. One side of the RTD sensor is grounded, often desirable for noise considerations. The Q1-Q2 current source is referenced to A1’s output. A1’s operating point is primarily fixed by the 2.5V LT®1009 voltage reference. The RTD’s constant current forces the voltage across it to vary with its resistance, which has a nearly linear positive temperature coefficient. The nonlinearity causes several degrees of error over the circuit’s 0°C to 400°C operating range. A2 amplifies RP’s output, while simultaneously supplying nonlinearity correction. The correction is implemented by feeding a portion of A2’s output back to A1’s input via the 10k-250k divider. This causes the Q1-Q2 current source – A3 1/4 LT1014 Q2 Linearized RTD Signal Conditioner 2M 200k 499Ω logic rail with good design can give excellent results (see Box, “High Performance, Single Supply Analog Building Blocks”). The examples which follow show this in a variety of precision measurement and control circuits which function from a 5V supply. 5k LINEARITY TRIM 3.01k A4 1/4 LT1014 + OUTPUT 0 – 4V = 0 – 400°C ±0.05°C 2.4k* RP 5V 274k LT1009 2.5V 50k ZERO TRIM – A1 1/4 LT1014 – 1k GAIN TRIM 8.25k 10k 250k Q1, Q2 = 2N4250 RP = ROSEMOUNT-118MF-100Ω = TRW-MAR-6 * = 5% CARBON RATIO MATCH 2M-200k ±0.01% AN11 F01 Figure 1. Linearized Platinum RTD Signal Conditioner an11f AN11-1 + Application Note 11 output to shift with RP’s operating point, compensating sensor nonlinearity to within ±0.05°C. A3, also referenced to the LT1004, voltage sums an offsetting signal at A2’s negative input, allowing 0°C to equal 0V at A2’s output. The resistive divider in A4’s input line sets circuit gain, and the circuit’s output is taken at A4. To calibrate this circuit, substitute a precision decade box (e.g., General Radio 1432K) for RP . Set the box to 0°C value (100.00Ω) and adjust the zero trim for a 0.0V output. Next, set the decade box for a 140°C output (154.26Ω) and adjust the gain trim for a 1.400V output reading. Finally, set the box to 400°C (249.0Ω) and trim the linearity adjustment for a 4.000V output. Repeat this sequence until all three points are fixed. Total error over the entire range will be within ±0.05°C. The resistance values given are for a nominal 100.00Ω (0°C) sensor. Sensors deviating from this nominal value can be used by factoring in the deviation from 100.00Ω. This deviation, which is manufacturer-specified for each individual sensor, is an offset term due to winding tolerances during fabrication of the RTD. The gain slope of the platinum is primarily fixed by the purity of the material and is a very small error term. Linearized Output Methane Detector Figure 2 is another 5V powered transducer circuit. Like the platinum RTD example, this circuit linearizes the transducer’s output, but it performs a more complex mathematical operation. The circuit’s frequency output is directly proportional to the methane concentration detected by the transducer specified. Figure 3 shows that the transducer output varies as: ≈ 1 Concentration The circuit linearizes this function and its frequency output is also plotted. The sensor’s resistance vs methane concentration is converted to a voltage by A1. The LT1034 serves as a reference. A1’s output feeds A2. The exponential relationship between VBE and collector current in transistors is utilized to generate a current in Q3’s collector proportional to the square of A2’s input current. This operation compensates the sensor’s square root term. Q3’s collector current sets the operating point of the A3-A4 oscillator. A3, an integrator, generates a positive going linear ramp (Trace A, Figure 4). The ramp is compared with Q3’s current at A4’s summing point (Trace B). A4 is configured as a current summing comparator. The feedback diode-bound network minimizes delay due to output slew time. When the ramp forces the summing point positive, A4’s output (Trace C) swings negative. CMOS inverter A (Trace D) goes high, turning on the CD4016 switch to reset the A3 integrator. Simultaneously, inverter B goes low (Trace E), supplying AC positive feedback to A4’s “+” input (Trace F). When the positive feedback decays, A4’s output goes high, A3 begins to integrate, and the entire cycle repeats. Q3’s collector current determines how long A3’s ramp runs before A4 resets it. The ramp time is directly proportional to Q3’s collector current, meaning that oscillation frequency is inversely (1/X) related to the current. The overall circuit transfer function is: 1 X2 This linearizes the sensor’s output. In practice, the sensor’s response slightly deviates from the equation shown, actually being: 1 1.9 Concentration The reset time constants at A4’s input introduce enough oscillator “dead time” to partially compensate for the deviation. The dead time’s frequency retarding characteristic effects the oscillator’s high frequency range, providing a first order correction. The overall linearization achieved is within the sensor’s manufacturing tolerances. The slight “bump” in the circuit’s response curve is due to the mismatch between the sensors term and the circuits X2 function. an11f AN11-2 Application Note 11 CD4016 0.033 2.7k 390k* – LT1034 1.2V A3 1/4 LT1014 – 100k* + 5V A A4 1/4 LT1014 + 470pF –5VOUT 5 8 LTC1044 10μF 10 2 10k C OUTPUT Q1 + 5V Q2 SENSOR 1000pF 5V SENSOR = CALECTRO-GC ELECTRONICS #J4-807 OR FIGARO #813 = 1N4148 150k* – A1 1/4 LT1014 100k* + 2k –5V Q4 Q3 HEATER 5k 1000ppm TRIM 470pF 3 + 4 B 5V – 2k 12k* A2 1/4 LT1014 + Q1-Q4 = CA3046 ARRAY A1-A4 = LT1014 QUAD, RUN *1% METAL FILM RESISTOR INVERTERS = 74C04 PIN TO LTC1044—V OUTPUT –5V AN11 F02 Figure 2. Linearized Methane Transducer Signal Conditioner 12 DASHED LINE = IDEAL LINEARITY 1000 CIRCUIT RESPONSE 8 800 6 600 4 400 SENSOR RESPONSE 2 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 METHANE CONCENTRATION (ppm) 200 0 10000 AN11 F03 Figure 3. Transducer vs Circuit Response CIRCUIT OUTPUT (Hz) SENSOR RESISTANCE (kΩ) 10 A = 200mV/DIV B = 5V/DIV C = 2V/DIV D = 20V/DIV E = 20V/DIV F = 10V/DIV HORIZONTAL = 200μs/DIV AN11 F04 Figure 4. Linearized Methane Detector Waveforms an11f AN11-3 Application Note 11 The dead time correction in the oscillator smooths this error out above 4000ppm. The LTC®1044 voltage converter generates a negative supply directly from the 5V rail. This approach provides necessary negative circuit potentials while maintaining compatibility with 5V supply only operation. The sensor’s heater is powered directly from the 5V rail, as specified by the manufacturer. To calibrate the circuit, place the sensor in a 1000ppm methane environment and adjust the 5k trim for a 100Hz output. Accuracy from 500ppm to 10,000ppm is limited by the sensor’s 10% specification. Cold Junction Compensated Thermocouple Signal Conditioner Figure 5 shows a 5V powered, complete thermocouple signal conditioner. Cold junction compensation is included, and the circuit allows one leg of the thermocouple to be grounded, desirable for noise considerations. The LTC1043 combines the cold junction network differential output with the grounded thermocouple’s signal at the LTC1052. The LTC1052 provides stable, low drift gain. To enable swing all the way to ground, the LTC1043’s other switch section generates a small negative potential. This allows the LTC1052 output stage to run Class A for small outputs, permitting swing to 0V. The table gives proper values for R1 for various thermocouples. Output scaling may be set by RF/RI to whatever slope is desirable. Cold junction compensation holds within ±1°C over 0°C to 60°C. 5V Powered Precision Instrumentation Amplifier Many transducer outputs require a true differential input “instrumentation” type amplifier. Transducers with singleended outputs do not, in theory, require a differential input amplifier but common mode noise often exceeds the signal of interest. For these reasons, transducer systems often employ these type amplifiers. No commercially manufactured instrumentation amplifier will function from a 5V supply and achieving good precision in a design is difficult. The circuits in Figure 6 meet these requirements. They also feature input protection, filtering capability and a shield driving output. In Figure 6a, A1, A2 and A3 accomplish the differential input-to-single-ended output conversion, with RG setting gain. The LT1014’s high open-loop gain permits accurate circuit gain. Offset and drift performance allows use with low level transducers such as thermocouples and strain gauges. The 100kΩ-1μF combination filters noise and 60Hz pickup; the amplifier is never exposed to high frequency common mode noise. The transistor-diode clamps combine with the 100k resistors to prevent high voltage spikes or faults (common in industrial environments) from damaging the amplifiers. A4 is used as a shield driver to reduce the effects of input cable capacitance. It drives the shield at the input common mode voltage, which is derived from the input amplifier’s output. Performance characteristics are summarized in the table. Figure 6B achieves greater DC precision at the expense of bandwidth. Here, the LTC1043 switched-capacitor building block alternately commutates a 1μF capacitor between the circuit input and the LTC1052’s input. This stage, accomplishing a differential-to-single-ended transition, allows the chopper-stabilized LTC1052 to take a ground referred measurement. The LTC1043’s other switch stage generates a small negative potential, allowing the LTC1052 output to swing all the way to 0V. DC precision is excellent, surpassing all monolithic ±15V instrumentation amps, although bandwidth is limited to 10Hz. The LTC1043’s switching action, set at about 400Hz by the 0.01μF value, forms a lowpass filter. This permits extremely high rejection of noise, allowing the CMRR to remain above 120dB at 20kHz. Overall performance is summarized in the table. an11f AN11-4 Application Note 11 1k 5V + COLD JUNCTION COMPENSATION** 100k THERMOCOUPLE INPUT 1N914 (2) VT – R1 5V LT1004-1.2V 1690Ω 5k† AT 25°C 4 5V LTC1043 7 187Ω 3 8 1820Ω 7 + 11 1μF 6 LTC1052 2 R VOUT = VT 1+ F RI 8 – 4 1 1μF 0.1μF 0.1μF RF CF* 12 13 14 6 5 RI 43k 5V THERMOCOUPLE TYPE J K T S 2 + 1N914 + 1μF NEGATIVE BIAS GENERATOR 1μF 3 18 15 0.0047μF 16 17 ≈–0.5V 10k R1 232k 301k 301k 2.1M †YELLOW SPRINGS INST. CO. AN11 F05 PART #44007 *CHOOSE CF TO FILTER NOISE **LT1025 CAN BE USED FOR COLD JUNCTION COMPENSATION Figure 5. Cold Junction Compensated Thermocouple Signal Conditioner an11f AN11-5 Application Note 11 – TO INPUT CABLE SHIELDS OFFSET VOLTAGE OFFSET VOLTAGE DRIFT GAIN DRIFT CMRR PSRR GAIN ACCURACY COMMON MODE RANGE A4 + 200k* 5V – 10k* “–” INPUT 100k 10k* A2 + 1μF 10k RG 2k TYP 5V 200k* 10k – – 1μF “+” INPUT 10k* 100k 500μV 4μV/°C RESISTOR LIMITED 100dB 100dB RESISTOR LIMITED 0V TO 3.5V + A1 + A3 10k* OUTPUT AN11 F06a *1% FILM RESISTOR MATCH 10k’s 0.05% A1-A4 = LT1014 QUAD OP AMP 5V GAIN EQUATION 200,000 +1 RG = 2N2222A A= = 1N4148 Figure 6a. Precision Instrumentation Amplifier 5V LTC1043 7 + 3 8 7 + 6 LTC1052 2 11 INPUT 1μF 8 – 4 1μF OUTPUT AV = 1000 1 0.01μF (2) 12 R2 100Ω – V+ 5V 13 A = R1 +1 R2 R1 99.9k 14 0.22μF 43k 6 5 OFFSET VOLTAGE OFFSET VOLTAGE DRIFT 2 10k + 1N914 1μF 1μF CMRR PSRR 3 18 16 GAIN ACCURACY 15 17 GAIN DRIFT BANDWIDTH COMMON MODE RANGE ≈–0.5V 5μV 0.05μV/°C SET BY R1 DRIFT R2 120dB DC–20kHz >120dB SET BY R1 ACCURACY R2 10Hz 0V TO 5V AN11 F06b 4 5V 0.01μF Figure 6b. Ultra-Precision Instrumentation Amplifier an11f AN11-6 Application Note 11 5V Powered Strain Gauge Signal Conditioner Figure 7 shows an unusual approach to signal conditioning the bridge output of a strain gauge pressure transducer. The 5V circuit needs only two amplifiers and provides an auxiliary ratio output for a monitoring A/D converter. The design functions by converting the bridges differential output into a ground-referred single-ended signal which is then amplified. This approach eliminates common mode errors by eliminating the bridge’s common mode output component. Additionally, the number of precision resistors required is minimized and no matching is required. A1 biases the LTC1044 positive-to-negative converter. The LTC1044’s output pulls the bridge’s output negative, causing A1’s input to balance at 0V. This local loop permits a single-ended amplifier (A2) to extract the bridge’s output signal. The 100k-0.33μF RC filter’s noise and A2’s gain is set to provide the desired output scale factor. Because bridge drive is derived from the LT1034 reference, A2’s output is not affected by supply shifts. The LT1034’s output is available for ratio operation. To calibrate this circuit, apply or electrically simulate 0psi and trim the zero adjustment for 0V output. Next, apply or electrically simulate 350psi and trim gain for 3.500V out. Repeat these adjustments until both points are fixed. “Tachless” Motor Speed Controller Figure 8 shows a way to servo control the speed of a DC motor. This circuit is particularly applicable to digitally controlled systems in robotic and X-Y positioning applications. By functioning from the 5V logic supply it eliminates additional motor drive supplies. The “tachless” feedback saves additional space and cost. The circuit senses the motor’s back EMF to determine its speed. The difference between the speed and a setpoint is used to close a sampled loop around the motor. Because no commercially available sample-hold circuit will run from a 5V supply, special techniques are required. 5V 220Ω PRESSURE TRANSDUCER 350Ω LT1034-1.2V 10k ZERO TRIM D 39k 301k E A 100k – + C A1 1/2 LT1013 0.1μF 5V + 0.33μF A2 1/2 LT1013 – 2 OUTPUT 0V TO 3.5V 0V TO 350PSI 0.047μF 8 2k GAIN TRIM 4 LTC1044 6 3 46k* 5 + + 100μF 1.2V REFERENCE OUTPUT TO A/D CONVERTER FOR RATIOMETRIC OPERATION 0.1mA MAXIMUM 100μF *1% FILM RESISTOR PRESSURE TRANSDUCER-BLH/DHF-350 CIRCLED LETTER IS PIN NUMBER ZIN = 350Ω 100Ω* AN11 F07 Figure 7. Strain Gauge Signal Conditioner an11f AN11-7 Application Note 11 330k 100k 0.47μF 5V + – 1k 82Ω A1 1/2 LT1013 47μF Q3 + 1M 2k Q1 2k 1N4001 6.8M 1/4 CD4016 1N4148 Q2 0.068μF 0.068μF – A2 1/2 LT1013 2k S1 3.3M 0.047μF • 1N4001 + MOTOR = CANON-FN30—R13NIB NPN = 2N3904 PNP = 2N5023 EIN 0V TO 3V AN11 F08 Figure 8. “Tachless” Motor Speed Controller A1 generates a pulse train (Trace A, Figure 9). When A1’s output is high, Q1 is biased and Q3 drives the motor’s ungrounded terminal (Trace B). When A1 goes low, Q3 turns off and the motor’s back EMF appears after the inductive flyback ceases. During this period, S1’s input (Trace C) is turned on, and the 0.047 capacitor acquires the back EMF’s value. A2 compares this value with the setpoint and the amplified difference (Trace D) changes A1’s duty cycle, controlling motor speed. A2 has the desirable characteristic of assuming unity gain in the absence of a feedback signal. Start-up or input overdrive cannot force servo lock-up due to loss of sampling action. The loop is self-restoring and will establish control when abnormal conditions cease. Drive to S1’s control input must be carefully controlled for proper operation. Q2 prevents the switch from closing until the negative going flyback interval is over and the 0.068μF capacitor slows the switches turn-on edge. These measures ensure clean back EMF acquisition in the 0.047μF unit. Q2’s collector line diodes compensate the motor’s clamp diode drop, preventing destructive negative voltages at S1. The circuit controls from 20rpm to full speed with good transient response under all shaft loads. The gain and roll-off terms in A2’s feedback loop are optimal for the motor listed, and should be reestablished for other types. A = 5V/DIV B = 5V/DIV C = 5V/DIV D = 0.5V/DIV AC-COUPLED 1ms/DIV AN11 F09 Figure 9. Motor Speed Controller Waveforms an11f AN11-8 Application Note 11 4-20mA Current Loop Transmitter voltage step-up and the rectified and filtered secondary current flows through the 100Ω resistor and the load. A1’s negative input measures the voltage across the 100Ω resistor, completing a current control loop around T1. The 0.33μF capacitor furnishes stable loop roll-off and the 100pF unit suppresses local oscillation at Q4. Within the compliance limit, A1 maintains constant output current, regardless of load impedance shifts or supply changes. To calibrate this circuit, short the output, apply 0V to the input and adjust the “4mA trim” for 0.3996V across the 100Ω resistor. Next, shift the input to 4.000V and trim the 20mA adjustment for 1.998V across the 100Ω resistor. Repeat this procedure until both points are fixed. The gain trim network shunting the 100Ω resistor necessitates the odd voltage trim target values, but output current swings between 4.000mA and 20.00mA. Transmission of industry standard 4-20mA current loop signals to values and other actuators is a common requirement. Resistive line losses and actuator impedances require current transmitters to be able to force a compliance voltage of a least 20V. Because of this, 5V powered systems usually cannot meet current loop transmitter requirements, but Figure 10 shows a way to do this. This 5V powered circuit utilizes a servo controlled DC/DC converter to generate the compliance voltage necessary for loop current requirements. It will drive 4-20mA into loads as high as 2200Ω (44V compliance) and is inherently short-circuit protected. The circuit’s input is applied to A2, whose output biases A1’s “+” input via the offsetting network. A1’s output goes high, biasing Q4 to turn on Q3. Q3’s collector drives the T1-Q1-Q2 DC/DC converter, which is clocked by the RC gate oscillator. T1 furnishes 5V Q3 820Ω 0.33μF Q1 T1 10μF 10μF 150V + 0.002μF 68Ω *1% FILM **0.01% RESISTOR PNP = 2N2905 NPN = 2N2222 T1 = PICO-31080 + 1N4002 Q2 10k + 4.3k 10k* 5V LT1004 1.2V 1k 4mA 4k* TRIM 10k* A2 1/2 LT1013 10k 20mA TRIM 100Ω** 80k* + A1 1/2 LT1013 – 100pF = 74C04 820Ω 100k – 2k Q4 10k 4mA TO 20mA OUT AN11 F10 TO LOAD 2.2kΩ MAXIMUM 0 TO 4VIN Figure 10. 4-20mA Current Loop Transmitter an11f AN11-9 Application Note 11 Figure 11 details modifications which permit the circuit’s output current to galvanically float. This is often useful in industrial situations where the output lines may be exposed to common mode voltages or high voltage fault conditions. The transformer’s primary current, which theoretically reflects current delivered by the secondary, is sensed across a shunt and fed back via A2. In practice, – Figure 12’s 5V powered circuit performs a fully isolated limit comparison on low level signals. It produces a digital 10μF 150V 100k + 4.3k Fully Isolated Limit Comparator T1 A1 1/2 LT1013 TO INVERTER DRIVE current control precision is limited by non-ideal transformer behavior to about 1%. Common mode voltage is limited by T1’s 300V breakdown. + 0.1Ω 10k* 5V LT1004 1.2V + 4k* A2 1/2 LT1013 1k 4mA TRIM 68k* – 4mA TO 20mA OUT FULLY FLOATING 0V TO 4V INPUT AN11 F11 301Ω* *1% FILM RESISTOR 1k 20mA TRIM Figure 11. Floating Output Option for Current Loop Transmitter A = 100 ISOLATED VOLTAGE INPUT +ISOL + – C1 1018B – 33Ω + 20k 3k C2 1018A Q3 2N3906 1μF 4.7k 5V 0.1μF 1M 10k 10k OUTPUT PULSE 200pF Q2 2N3904 +ISOL 1M LIMIT SET 100k 100 5V + 100μF +ISOL LT1034 1.2V Q1 2N3906 500μS INPUT INTERROGATION PULSE 1k TRW #PC-SS0-32 AN11 F12 = FLOATING COMMON = GROUND GATE = 74C02 Figure 12. Fully Isolated Limit Comparator with Gain of 100 an11f AN11-10 Application Note 11 output indicating if the input is above or below a preset limit. This circuit is ideal for process control applications where transducers operate at high common mode voltages or where large ground loops exist. An uncommitted gain of 100 amplifier allow thermocouples and other low level sources to be used with the circuit. The circuit functions by echoing an interrogation pulse if the input is above a preset level. If the input is below this level, no echo pulse occurs. A transformer is used to allow a 2-way, galvanically isolated signal path and the energy contained in the interrogation pulse powers the circuit’s floating elements. Figure 13 shows operating waveforms for the “above limit” case. When an input interrogation pulse is applied, Q1’s collector drives the transformer primary (Figure 13, Trace A). Energy is transferred to the transformer’s secondary and stored in the 100μF capacitor. The charge in the capacitor powers the isolated circuitry (“+ISOL” potential indicated in Figure 12). If low power dual comparator C2’s output is low, Q3 biases and drives current into the transformer secondary (Trace B). This is reflected in the transformer’s primary (Trace C). Q2 and the associated gate circuitry form a demodulator which produces an output pulse (Trace D). If C2’s output had been high (below limit set), the transformer would have received no secondary drive and there would be no output pulse. The demodulator is designed so that nothing appears on the output line unless the circuit is above the preset limit. Comparator C1’s output damper network allows it to function as an op amp for low level signals. This circuit easily extracts millivolt signals buried in high common mode voltage or ground noise and delivers its limit decision to the output. The maximum common mode voltage is limited by the transformer’s 500V breakdown. A = 5V/DIV B = 10mA/DIV C = 5V/DIV D = 5V/DIV 500μs/DIV AN11 F13 Figure 13. Isolated Limit Comparator Waveforms an11f AN11-11 Application Note 11 Fully Isolated 10-Bit A/D Converter predominantly digital systems. It is also useful in industrial environments, where noise and high common mode voltages are present in transducer fed systems. Figure 14’s 5V powered circuit is a complete 10-bit A/D converter which is fully floating from system ground. It is ideal for performing 10-bit A/D conversions in the face of the high common mode noise characteristics of 50k* +ISOL 4700pF POLYSTYRENE 15k* LT1034 1.2V 0 TO 3VIN INPUT VOLTAGE 5k FULL-SCALE TRIM Q1 2N4250 + +ISOL 10k + 100pF +ISOL – 1M 1M C1A LT1018A Q2 2N4250 +ISOL – 82k 100k C1B LT1018B 4.7k 1M +ISOL 4μF POLYSTYRENE 4.7k Q3 2N3904 3k 74C906 (5 IN PARALLEL) DATA OUTPUT 74C906 = 74C04 10k Q4 2N3904 +ISOL = 1N4148 * = 1% FILM RESISTOR 47pF 5V 10k 100Ω “CONVERT COMMAND” (500μS) + 100μF = GROUND TRW PCO-35 = FLOATING COMMON AN11 F14 Figure 14. Fully Isolated A/D Converter an11f AN11-12 Application Note 11 Circuit operation is initiated by applying a pulse to the “convert command” input (Trace A, Figure 15). This pulse appears at the transformer secondary and charges the 100μF capacitor. This potential is used to supply power to the floating A/D conversion circuitry. The transformer’s secondary pulse biases the inverter-open drain buffer combination to discharge the 4μF capacitor (Trace B). The secondary pulse also biases a diode to stop the C1B 3kHz oscillator output (Trace D). Concurrently, C1A goes high, forcing the inverter in its output line low (Trace C). When the convert command pulse ceases, the Q1-Q2 current source charges the 4μF capacitor with a linear ramp. The C1B oscillator now runs. When the ramp crosses the input voltage’s value, C1A’s output switches and its output line inverter (Trace C) goes high, cutting off the oscillator. The number of oscillator pulses occurring during this interval is proportional to the input voltage value. These pulses are differentiated and fed to Q3, which drives the transformer. The differentiation causes narrow spikes to be fed to the transformer, easing power drain on the 100μF energy storage capacitor. Q3’s RC base delay and inverter-buffer combination at C1B’s output prevent Q3’s emitter pulses from triggering a ramp reset. The waveforms appearing at the transformer’s input do not reflect the circuit’s complex operation, and easily interface to a digital system. Figure 16, Trace A shows the “convert command” pulse. Trace B is the transformer primary. The differentiated oscillator pulses coming from the transformer secondary appear as small amplitude spikes. In this case, a small voltage is being converted and the number of pulses is small. Trace C, the “data output”, is taken at Q4’s collector, and the pulses are TTL compatible. A = 5V/DIV B = 2V/DIV C = 5V/DIV D = 10V/DIV 50ms/DIV AN11 F15 Figure 15. A/D Waveforms—Isolated Section A = 5V/DIV B = 2V/DIV C = 5V/DIV 500μs/DIV AN11 F16 Figure 16. Detail of A/D Waveforms—Grounded Section an11f AN11-13 Application Note 11 Several subtile factors contribute to the 10-bit performance of this circuit. The 4700pF and 4μF polystyrene capacitors are both –120ppm/°C gain terms. Because of this, their temperature drift’s ratio and overall circuit gain drift is about 25ppm/°C. The five parallel 74C906 open-drain buffers provide an effective 0V reset for the 4μF capacitor, minimizing reset offset errors. Parallel inverters in C1B’s output line reduce saturation caused errors, aiding oscillator stability with shifts in supply and temperature. Finally, the diode path at Q3’s emitter averts a ±1 count uncertainty error by synchronizing the oscillator to the conversion sequence. The 5k potentiometer in the current source trims calibration to equal 1024 counts out for 3.000V input. The transformer used allows the converter to function at common mode levels up to 175V. The circuit requires 330ms to complete a 10-bit conversion and drifts less than 1LSB over 25°C ±25°. High Performance Single Supply Analog Building Blocks Two new components provide the basic building blocks needed for high performance 5V single supply circuits. The LT1014 quad op amp, also available as the LT1013 dual, features DC specifications nearly as good as the best ±15V op amps. The LT1017/LT1018 series dual comparators combine low power and high DC precision with speed adequate for most applications. To ease single supply operation, both units’ common mode range includes ground, and the op amp’s output swings nearly to ground. LT1014 Basic Features LT1017/LT1018 Basic Features EOS—70μV EOSΔTC—2μV/°C IBIAS—15nA Gain—1.0 × 106 Supply I—310μA Noise—0.1Hz-10Hz-0.55μVP-P Common Mode Range—Ground to (V+) – 1.5V Supply Range—3.4V to 40V Output Swing No Load (V+) – 0.6V (V–) + 0.015V 600Ω Load (V+) – 1.0V (V–) + 0.005V EOS—500μV EOSΔTC—5μV/°C IBIAS—15nA Gain—1 Million Supply I—LT1017—30μA, LT1018—110μA Response Time—6μs (LT1018) Common Mode Range—V– to (V+) – 0.9V Supply Range—1.1V to 40V Output Current—65mA Pull-Down—60μA Pull-Up Output Stage Can Pull Down Loads Above VS an11f AN11-14 Application Note 11 Linear Power Supplies—Past, Present, and Future The amplitude of linear circuitry’s power supplies has been determined by the available technology used for linear functions. Probably the first standard linear supply was ±300V, used in analog computers. The operating characteristics of vacuum tubes necessitated high voltages. Additionally, because analog computers (from which operational amplifiers descended) were mathematical machines, bipolar supplies were desirable for computational purposes. With the arrival of solid state linear components in the early 1960s, new supply voltages were necessary and desirable. ±15V was adapted because of transistor breakdown limits, as well as the availability of low voltage references (Zener and avalanche diodes). Power and size advantages afforded by the new supply standard were also obviously attractive. It is significant that while the supply drop decreased available dynamic range of operation by over 20dB, the usable signal processing range did not decrease. This was due to the lower noise and drift of the solid state components. The arrival of monolithic linear circuits in the late 1960s and subsequent design refinements expanded the available territory at the lower end of the signal processing range. Currently available precision linear components and technology shifts are causing reevaluation of the power supply issue. In particular, several trends argue for linear functions to be able to operate from the low voltage digital rail. The increasing digital content of systems makes 5V compatible linear components attractive. Cost and space considerations in these systems often make separate linear supplies undesirable. This situation is not universal, and never will be, but is increasingly common. A move to lower voltages for digital circuits, which must occur, underscores the need for low voltage, high performance linear ICs. Drops in digital supply value will be forced by increasing density requirements, which will lower IC breakdown limits. Lower power consumption in systems goes along with supply voltage and density issues. Increasingly complex systems are being put into smaller physical spaces, necessitating attention to dissipation. In many instances, portable operation is desirable, so circuitry must be directly compatible with battery potentials, as well as lower power. Linear components must not give up performance to function in this low voltage, digitally driven environment. Demands for precision remain high, and low voltage linear circuits, despite their narrowed dynamic operating range, must meet these requirements. This is not easy, considering that a 12-bit ±15V system typically has a 2.5mV/LSB error budget. At 5V, this number shrinks to 1mV. To deal with this, design techniques developed for ±15V components are being used in new, low voltage ICs and new approaches will also be employed. Using Logic Supplies for Linear Functions The fast clocking and transient high currents characteristic of digital systems make logic supplies an unfriendly place for linear components to operate. A key to achieving good results is considering power bus routing as an integral part of the signal processing chain. The figure shows that supply rail impedances will cause both DC and AC errors at various points in a system. This is true of any power distribution scheme, but is especially troublesome in digitally oriented systems, where fast current spiking and clock harmonics are present. Circuitry located at position “A” will see appreciable positive rail noise and ground potential will be corrupted by fast, relatively high currents returning through conductor impedances. Supply bypassing can reduce positive rail noise, but ground potential uncertainty can cause unacceptable errors. Locating linear circuits as shown in “B” reduces both positive and ground rail problems by eliminating the digitally derived currents. The linear devices lower operating currents allow lower errors due to supply distribution impedances. Appropriate bypassing techniques are also shown. LC filters can be substantially more effective than simple capacitors, especially in cases where it is not practical to route the positive rail directly from the supply. RC filtering forces voltage drop across the resistor, but is often acceptable due to the linear components low power requirements. an11f Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. AN11-15 Application Note 11 In many cases it is not possible to arrange a “clean” supply for the linear components. In such circumstances it may be possible to synchronize noise sensitive linear circuit operations to occur between system clock pulses. This approach utilizes the synchronous nature of most digital systems and the fact that supply bus disturbances are often minimized between clock pulses. Probably the most effective technique for dealing with digital supply noise is to galvanically isolate the linear circuits from the supply. The most obvious way to do this is provision of separate power supplies for the linear circuits, but this is often unacceptable. Instead, transformer and optical isolation circuit techniques allow logic rail driven, galvanically isolated circuits (see Figures 11, 12 and 14). SUPPLY RAIL LOSSES DIFFERENT SUPPLY VOLTAGES— HIGH DIGITAL CURRENTS MEAN LARGE ERRORS POWER SUPPLY TERMINALS I DIGITAL CIRCUITS I LINEAR CIRCUITS “A” TO OTHER CIRCUITS DIGITAL CIRCUITS I DIFFERENT GROUND POTENTIALS— HIGH DIGITAL CURRENTS MEAN LARGE ERRORS SUPPLY RAIL LOSSES BYPASSING TECHNIQUES SMALL LINEAR CIRCUIT CURRENTS MEAN SUPPLY LOSSES HAVE RELATIVELY SMALL EFFECTS TYPE LINEAR CIRCUITS “B” COMMENTS +V SIMPLE +V MORE COMPLEX, BUT GOOD HIGH FREQUENCY REJECTION WITH LOW DC LOSSES. INAPPROPRIATE FOR USE WITH FAST LINEAR CIRCUITRY GROUND RAIL LOSSES TO RAIL +V TO RAIL RC FILTER EFFECTIVE FOR HIGH FREQUENCY REJECTION BUT HAS DC LOSSES. LOW CURRENT LINEAR CIRCUITS CAN ALLOW THIS APPROACH. DO NOT USE WITH FAST LINEAR AN11 F17 an11f AN11-16 Linear Technology Corporation GP/IM 0985 10K • PRINTED IN USA 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 (408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● © LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1985