SJB Floodlighting Ltd The Robins, Birches Walk, Galleywood, Chelmsford, CM2 8TZ Tel: 01245 287911 Email: Proposed Floodlighting Design for the Five-A-Side & MUGA’s at Kettering Academy, Kettering (Ref 9235e) 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight Contents Page 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Existing Lighting and Local Environment in the Vicinity of the New Pitch 4 3.0 Extent of Illumination Requirements 5 4.0 Description of Proposed Scheme 6 5.0 Summary 10 6.0 Reference Documents 11 Page 2 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight 1.0 Introduction 1.1 These proposals have been prepared by: SJB Floodlighting Limited The Robins Birches Walk Galleywood Chelmsford Essex CM2 8TZ Tel 01245 287911 Email NICEIC No. 501167/000 – 1.1 Contact Brian Blunden Approved Contractor (Street and Exterior Lighting Installations & Maintenance of Electrical Installations) This document sets out the design of floodlighting for the proposed Two Five-ASide Pitches, Triple Tennis/MUGA Area and All Weather 7-A-Side Pitch. Floodlighting of the Pitches detailed are generally in accordance with the Guidance Document produced by Sport England, in conjunction with the Sports and Play Contractors Association – with an illumination level of 200 LUX for recreational use. Institution of Lighting Engineers Obtrusive Light, 2005 (ILE) guidance notes for the Reduction of 1.2 Lighting calculation have been processed using accredited computer software design and supplied by Philips Lighting (CalcuLux Area 7.5.0) 1.3 The scheme has been designed to minimise as far as possible unacceptable light intrusion beyond the boundary of the site. 1.4 The following every day illuminance level may help to provide a perspective on the values given in this document. Moonlight - 0.5 to 1 Lux Residential Road Lighting - 5 Lux Commercial Office Lighting - 500 to 1000 Lux Overcast Day - 5000 Lux Televised Football - 800 to 1500 Lux Page 3 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight Page 4 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight 2.0 Existing Lighting and Local Environment in the Vicinity of the New Pitch 2.1 The nearest light source to the new pitch would be the new school, internally lighting from windows and external security lighting. The surrounding roads have street lights. 2.2 The area has not specifically been designated, however we have used as a guide an area of low ambient light and would fit in to the definition in the ILE Guide (copy attached) as an Environment area E2 ‘Area of Low District Brightness’ 2.3 The following obtrusive light limitations would then apply: Sky Glow (upward wasted light ratio) - 2.5% Lighting into windows before curfew - 5 Lux Source intensity before curfew - 7.5 kilo-candelas (7500cd) The angle of peak intensity from each floodlight should be kept below 700 The front glazed panel of the floodlight should be kept as near horizontal as possible Page 5 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight 3.0 Extent of Illumination Requirements 3.1 The extent of illumination required is determined by the :‘Floodlighting of the All Weather and Multi Use Games Area (MUGA’s) would be in accordance with the details in the ‘Guidance Document produced by Sport England, in conjunction with the Sports and Play Contractors Association’ for a recreation level of light. 3.2 3.2 MUGA Minimum maintained average illuminance on horizontal plane to the principle Play Area of the pitch - 200 Lux Uniformity ratio (minimum to average illuminance) - 0.60 Maintenance factor 0.80 Glare Rating < 50 Colour rendering factor - ≥ 65 Colour temperature (K) - ≥ 4000 All Weather (5-A-Side & 7-A-Side Pitches) Minimum maintained average illuminance on horizontal plane to the principle Play Area of the Football pitches - 200 Lux Uniformity ratio (minimum to average illuminance - 0.60 Maintenance factor 0.80 Glare Rating < 50 Colour rendering factor - ≥ 65 Colour temperature (K) - ≥ 4000 Page 6 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight 4.0 Description of the Scheme 4.1 General All Weather 5-A-Side Pitches The scheme proposed comprises 4 No. Lighting columns, located outside of the perimeter fence of the Pitch. The height of the columns is nominally 10 metres above the court surface, together with 2 No. Columns that serve the adjacent MUGA’s. The columns would carry a total of Eight floodlights (Four per Pitch) to illuminate the pitches as detailed on the attached computer print Ref 9235e. MUGA & All Weather 7-A-Side Pitch The scheme proposed comprises 6 No. Lighting columns, located outside of the perimeter fence of the Pitches. The height of the columns is nominally 10 metres above the court surface. The columns would carry a total of Eight floodlights (Four per Pitch) to illuminate the Pitches as detailed on the attached computer print Ref 9235e. 4.2 Description of the data included in the computer print Ref 9235e. Page 2/16 is a Table of Contents. Page 3/16 shows a 3D Project Views indicating the floodlight aiming grids and layout of the Pitch, together with the slope of the surrounding land. Pages 4/16 & 5/16 detail a Summary of Data used to calculate the results. We would point out that a Maintenance Factor has been used to model the resultant illumination levels throughout the life of the system – this is to comply with the requirements of the Sport England and gives ‘Maintained Values’. It should be noted that all calculation are based on an area without obstruction from trees etc., (worst case situation). Page 6/16 details the horizontal illuminance level across the MUGA 1 (Triple Tennis/Basketball MUGA) in a graphical table format (maintained Average - 215 Lux, Min/Ave Uniformity 0.61 Min/Ave). Page 7/16 details the horizontal illuminance level across the MUGA 2 (All Weather 7-ASide Pitch) in a graphical table format (maintained Average - 241 Lux, Min/Ave Uniformity 0.61 Min/Ave). Page 8/16 details the horizontal illuminance level across the 5-A-Side 1 in a graphical table format (maintained Average - 227 Lux, Min/Ave Uniformity 0.69 Min/Ave). Page 9/16 details the horizontal illuminance level across the 5-A-Side 2 in a graphical table format (maintained Average - 239 Lux, Min/Ave Uniformity 0.68 Min/Ave). Page 7 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight Page 10/16 details the horizontal illuminance Spillage (footprint) over an extended area with all floodlights illuminated in an ISO contour format at 5 Lux (the Grid of the area includes for the slope of the ground). Pages 11/16 to 14/16 detail the vertical illuminance over an extended area with all floodlights illuminated when viewed in the major compass directions. The values are shown at 1.5 metres above the ground level (eye level). These contours have been combined and superimposed onto the attached drawing No. 2009-235-03 to show the combined 5 Lux contour. Page 15/16 details the characteristics of the floodlights proposed. Page 16/16 details the column positions; floodlight mounting height (Z), aiming points and aiming angles. 4.3 Upward Waste Light Ratio The proposed floodlight sits in a close to ‘flat glass’ Orientation, (ie the glass is parallel to the ground). Page 5/16 indicates Upward Waste Light Ratio (ULR) for each switching mode as 0.00 this indicates NO direct light is emitted above horizontal. The ILE requirement for an E2 environmental zone should be less than 2.5% – therefore the proposed scheme complies with ILE E2 Requirements. 4.4 Obtrusive Light Calculations Pages 6/16 & 7/16 indicate the maximum source intensity (cd) at the observer positions indicated on Drawing No. 2009-235-03. OB 1 OB 2 OB 3 OB 4 Aa Bb Cc Dd 4558cd (4.558kcd) 1196cd (1.196kcd) 5854cd (5.854kcd) 6289cd (6.289kcd) The ILE requirement for an E2 environmental zone is that no value should exceed 7500cd (7.5kcd) – therefore the proposed scheme complies with ILE E2 Requirements. 4.4 Mast Height The mast height has been calculated to reduce the potential visual impact to the surrounding area and confirm to the requirement of the afore-mentioned guides from consideration of the angle at which the floodlights are to be aimed. Page 8 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight A column height 10metre above the pitches would be used to be within the guidelines and allow the floodlights to be mounted in a close to ‘flat glass’ orientation. The proposed floodlight has a maximum peak intensity angle of 620. The maximum Tilt angle of the proposed floodlights is ≤690, therefore the glass of the floodlight would be elevated a maximum of 7.50 above parallel with the pitch surface. The is less than the maximum peak intensity angle of 700 stated in the ILE guide - therefore the proposed scheme complies with this requirement of the Standard. 4.5 Masts Mast would be steel, tapering to the top. The finish would be hot dipped galvanized unpainted. They would incorporate a base compartment housing the floodlight control gear, local electrical isolating and protection equipment. These masts would have a hinged arrangement to facilitate maintenance and lamp changing of the ground. Lowering orientation of the masts would be set-up to suit the fence arrangement of the pitch (ie lowering parallel along the fence). A fix crossarm arrangement would support the floodlights at the top of the masts. Once correctly positioned all floodlights they would be securely clamped to prevent movement. Foundations for the columns would be cast in-situ concrete of adequate mass and formulation to suit the ground conditions and loads imposed by the column and floodlights under design wind conditions for the location of the site. 4.6 Floodlights The floodlight selected has been specifically developed by Philips Lighting for this type of application. It embodies very close control of the asymmetric light beam, precise optics for accurate aiming and minimising spill. The calculations have been based on the Philips MVP 507 ‘Optivision’ floodlight using 1 & 2kW MHN-TD (metal halide) lamps in Medium Beam Project as detailed on pages 4/16 & 16/16 of the computer plot 9235e. 4.7 Controls It is envisaged that a timing control be provided to ensure that the floodlights are not used after an agreed time. Switching arrangement would be incorporated to enable each pitch to switched separately. Page 9 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight 5.0 Summary From Section 4 of this document – Description of the scheme, it is our contention that the proposed scheme meets the requirements of the following: Sport England’s Guide Notes Institution of Lighting Engineers (ILE) Guidance notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light 2005 for E2 Environmental zone. Page 10 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight 6.0 Reference Documents Proposed Column & Floodlight Philip ‘Optivision’ Ultra Low Glare Floodlight Computer Print 9235e Drawing No. 2009-235-03 Lighting Spill Contour ILE Guide Page 11 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight Proposed Column & Floodlight Page 12 9235e – Kettering Academy Sports Pitch Floodlight Philip ‘Optivision’ Ultra Low Glare Floodlight Page 13 Kettering Science Academy Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides Project code: Date: Customer: Customer Representative: 9235e 21-05-2010 Charles Lawrence Craig Ford Designer: SJB Description: Vertical Spillage Contour 5 LUX - E2 Environmental Zone E2 Zone - Area of Low District Brightness (Rural, Small Village, or relatively dark urban location) - from ILE Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light issued 2005 REVISED PITCH LAYOUT 20-5-10 The nominal values shown in this report are the result of precision calculations, based upon precisely positioned luminaires in a fixed relationship to each other and to the area under examination. In practice the values may vary due to tolerances on luminaires, luminaire positioning, reflection properties and electrical supply. SJB Floodlighting Ltd The Robins Birches Walk Galleywood Chelmsford CM2 8TZ Telephone: 01245 287911 Fax: 01245 200350 Mobile Phone: 07704 177334 E-Mail: CalcuLuX Area Kettering Science Academy 9235e Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Table of Contents 1. Project Description 3 1.1 3-D Project Overview 3 2. Summary 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 General Information Observer Information Obstacle Information Project Luminaires Calculation Results 4 4 4 4 5 3. Calculation Results 6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 MUGA 1: Graphical Table MUGA 2: Graphical Table F-A-Side 1: Graphical Table F-A-Side 2: Graphical Table Footprint: Iso Contour Verticals +Y: Iso Contour Verticals -Y: Iso Contour Verticals -X: Iso Contour Verticals +X: Iso Contour 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4. Luminaire Details 15 4.1 Project Luminaires 15 5. Installation Data 16 5.1 5.2 Legends Luminaire Positioning and Orientation 16 16 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area Page: 2/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 1. Project Description 1.1 3-D Project Overview B B A B A A A B B A B AA A Y Z X A MVP507 MB/62 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area B MVP507 MB/60 Page: 3/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 2. Summary 2.1 General Information The overall maintenance factor used for this project is 0.80. 2.2 Observer Information Code Observer Aa Bb Cc Dd OB 1 OB 2 OB 3 OB 4 X (m) -50.00 15.00 32.00 67.00 Position Y (m) -61.00 -61.00 -50.00 -49.00 Z (m) 71.50 70.50 65.50 62.50 X (m) -34.50 -0.26 -34.50 -0.26 31.75 31.75 -74.00 -74.00 -74.00 -40.50 Position Y (m) -29.50 -29.50 29.50 29.50 -27.00 27.00 -19.75 24.15 2.20 2.20 Z (m) 69.80 69.80 69.80 69.80 69.80 69.80 73.00 73.00 73.00 73.00 2.3 Obstacle Information Obstacle Transparency (%) Col 1 0 Col 2 0 Col 3 0 Col 4 0 2.4 Project Luminaires Code A B Qty Luminaire Type 8 MVP507 MB/62 8 MVP507 MB/60 Lamp Type 1 * MHN-FC2000W/400V/740 1 * MHN-FC1000W/230V/740 Power (W) 2119.0 1105.0 Flux (lm) 1 * 210000 1 * 93000 The total installed power: 25.79 (kWatt) Number of Luminaires Per Switching Mode: Luminaire Code Switching Mode A B MUGA 1 4 0 MUGA 2 4 0 All On 8 8 F-A-S 1 0 4 F-A-S 2 0 4 Number of Luminaires Per Arrangement: Luminaire Code Arrangement A B Col 1a 2 0 Col 1b 1 0 Col 1c 0 1 Col 2a 0 1 Col 2b 0 1 0 Col 2c 1 Col 2d 0 1 Col 4a 2 0 1 Col 4b 0 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area Power (kWatt) 8.48 8.48 25.79 4.42 4.42 Power (kWatt) 4.24 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.21 1.11 Page: 4/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides Luminaire Code B A 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 Arrangement Col 4c Col 6a Col 6b Col 6c Power (kWatt) 1.11 2.21 1.11 1.11 2.5 Calculation Results Switching Modes: Code Switching Mode 1 MUGA 1 2 MUGA 2 3 All On 4 F-A-S 1 5 F-A-S 2 (Il)luminance Calculations: Switching Mode 1 2 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 Calculation MUGA 1 MUGA 2 F-A-Side 1 F-A-Side 2 Footprint Verticals +Y Verticals -Y Verticals -X Verticals +X Type Unit Ave Min/Ave Surface Illuminance Surface Illuminance Surface Illuminance Surface Illuminance Surface Illuminance Vertical Illuminance Vertical Illuminance Vertical Illuminance Vertical Illuminance lux lux lux lux lux lux lux lux lux 215 241 227 239 0.61 0.61 0.69 0.68 Obtrusive Light Calculations: Switching Mode Observer Code Luminaire Code 3 3 3 3 Aa Bb Cc Dd A A A A Switching Mode 1 2 3 4 5 Position Aiming Angles X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Rot. Tilt90 Tilt0 -0.50 31.50 0.50 -34.25 29.00 26.50 29.00 29.00 79.80 79.80 79.80 79.80 -131.58 -131.00 -58.00 -58.78 68.40 67.50 65.04 66.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Maximum Intensity (cd) 4558 1196 5854 6289 ULR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area Page: 5/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 3. Calculation Results 3.1 MUGA 1: Graphical Table : MUGA 1 at Z = 69.80 m : Surface Illuminance (lux) 30 Grid Calculation MUGA 1 A 301 269 259 271 299 278 288 246 195 229 210 190 161 131 142 148 149 145 148 151 175 212 211 174 263 252 250 261 281 154 152 280 0 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 Y(m) 5 10 15 20 25 A A -30 A -42 -37 -32 -27 -22 -17 -12 -7 -2 3 8 X(m) A MVP507 MB/62 Average 215 Min/Ave 0.61 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area Project maintenance factor 0.80 Scale 1:300 Page: 6/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 3.2 MUGA 2: Graphical Table : MUGA 2 at Z = 69.80 m : Surface Illuminance (lux) 30 Grid Calculation MUGA 2 A 25 A 367 337 295 302 317 332 273 219 247 231 226 164 147 172 184 149 165 187 187 174 226 238 210 245 264 277 290 237 244 204 281 0 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 Y(m) 5 10 15 20 331 A -30 A -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 X(m) A MVP507 MB/62 Average 241 Min/Ave 0.61 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area Project maintenance factor 0.80 Scale 1:300 Page: 7/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 3.3 F-A-Side 1: Graphical Table : F-A-Side 1 at Z = 73.00 m : Surface Illuminance (lux) 5 10 Grid Calculation F-A-S 1 B 237 241 233 214 185 156 258 300 296 248 208 173 259 290 260 240 216 209 239 230 191 157 186 218 B Y(m) -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 B -74 -69 -64 -59 -54 -49 -44 X(m) B Average 227 Min/Ave 0.69 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area MVP507 MB/60 Project maintenance factor 0.80 Scale 1:200 Page: 8/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 3.4 F-A-Side 2: Graphical Table : F-A-Side 2 at Z = 73.00 m : Surface Illuminance (lux) B 243 234 199 178 217 244 262 289 267 255 246 242 261 301 304 257 229 195 242 247 242 223 193 163 4 9 Y(m) 14 19 24 29 34 Grid Calculation F-A-S 2 B -6 -1 B -74 -69 -64 -59 -54 -49 -44 X(m) B Average 239 Min/Ave 0.68 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area MVP507 MB/60 Project maintenance factor 0.80 Scale 1:200 Page: 9/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 3.5 Footprint: Iso Contour : Spillage : Surface Illuminance (lux) 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Grid Calculation All On 120 5 5 110 5 100 5 B A AA B A AA A 5 80 B B 70 B B 5 60 AC(m) 90 B 50 B 40 A 5 5 5 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 5 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 AB(m) A (-95.00, 75.00, 74.00) (-95.00, -75.00, 73.00) C-----D | | A-----B MVP507 MB/62 (85.00, 75.00, 63.00) (85.00, -75.00, 62.00) B MVP507 MB/60 Project maintenance factor 0.80 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area Scale 1:1500 Page: 10/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 3.6 Verticals +Y: Iso Contour : Spillage : Vertical Illuminance in +Y direction (lux) : 1.50 m 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Grid Calculation Height above grid All On 5 B A 5 AA A 5 80 B B 5 B B 60 5 70 AC(m) 90 B 50 B A AA 40 B A 30 5 5 5 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 5 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 AB(m) A (-95.00, 75.00, 74.00) (-95.00, -75.00, 73.00) C-----D | | A-----B MVP507 MB/62 (85.00, 75.00, 63.00) (85.00, -75.00, 62.00) B MVP507 MB/60 Project maintenance factor 0.80 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area Scale 1:1500 Page: 11/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 3.7 Verticals -Y: Iso Contour : Spillage : Vertical Illuminance in -Y direction (lux) : 1.50 m 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Grid Calculation Height above grid All On 5 AA B5 A AA 5 B A A B 80 B B 70 B B 5 60 AC(m) 90 5 100 110 5 120 130 5 B 50 5 A -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 5 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 AB(m) A (-95.00, 75.00, 74.00) (-95.00, -75.00, 73.00) C-----D | | A-----B MVP507 MB/62 (85.00, 75.00, 63.00) (85.00, -75.00, 62.00) B MVP507 MB/60 Project maintenance factor 0.80 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area Scale 1:1500 Page: 12/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 3.8 Verticals -X: Iso Contour : Spillage : Vertical Illuminance in -X direction (lux) : 1.50 m 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Grid Calculation Height above grid All On 110 5 5 AA 5 A 80 B B 70 B B 60 AC(m) 90 B 5 100 5A B B 50 5 5 5A B A 5AA -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 5 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 AB(m) A (-95.00, 75.00, 74.00) (-95.00, -75.00, 73.00) C-----D | | A-----B MVP507 MB/62 (85.00, 75.00, 63.00) (85.00, -75.00, 62.00) B MVP507 MB/60 Project maintenance factor 0.80 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area Scale 1:1500 Page: 13/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 3.9 Verticals +X: Iso Contour : Spillage : Vertical Illuminance in +X direction (lux) : 1.50 m 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Grid Calculation Height above grid All On 5 B A AA B A AA 5 100 5 110 5 A 80 B B B B 70 AC(m) 90 B 60 5 40 5 50 5 B A 5 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 5 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 AB(m) A (-95.00, 75.00, 74.00) (-95.00, -75.00, 73.00) C-----D | | A-----B MVP507 MB/62 (85.00, 75.00, 63.00) (85.00, -75.00, 62.00) B MVP507 MB/60 Project maintenance factor 0.80 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area Scale 1:1500 Page: 14/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 4. Luminaire Details 4.1 Project Luminaires Luminous Intensity Diagram (candela/1000 lumen) 120o 150o 180o 150o 120o OPTIVISION MVP507 1xMHN-FC2000W/400V/740 CON MB/62 Light output ratios DLOR ULOR TLOR Ballast Lamp flux Luminaire wattage Measurement code : : : : : : : 90o 90o 60o 60o 0.85 0.00 0.85 Standard 210000 lm 2119.0 W LVMA700000 1500 30o : : : : : : : 0.89 0.00 0.89 Standard 93000 lm 1105.0 W LVM0799800 Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area 0o 30o C = 0o C = 90o C = 80o Imax Luminous Intensity Diagram (candela/1000 lumen) 120o 150o 180o 150o 120o OPTIVISION MVP507 1xMHN-FC1000W/230V/740 CON MB/60 Light output ratios DLOR ULOR TLOR Ballast Lamp flux Luminaire wattage Measurement code C = 180o C = 270o C = 260o 90o 90o 60o 60o 1500 30o C = 180o C = 270o C = 240o 0o 30o C = 0o C = 90o C = 60o Imax Page: 15/16 Kettering Science Academy 9235e SJB Floodlighting Ltd Date: 21-05-2010 Twin MUGA & Twin 5-A-Sides 5. Installation Data 5.1 Legends Project Luminaires: Code Qty Luminaire Type A 8 MVP507 MB/62 B 8 MVP507 MB/60 Lamp Type 1 * MHN-FC2000W/400V/740 1 * MHN-FC1000W/230V/740 Flux (lm) 1 * 210000 1 * 93000 Switching Modes: Code Switching Mode 1 MUGA 1 2 MUGA 2 3 All On 4 F-A-S 1 5 F-A-S 2 5.2 Luminaire Positioning and Orientation Qty and Code Position Aiming Angles Switching Modes X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Rot. Tilt90 Tilt0 1 2 3 4 5 1*B 1*B 1*B 1*B 1*B -73.50 -73.50 -73.50 -73.50 -41.00 -19.75 1.75 2.75 23.85 1.75 83.00 83.00 83.00 83.00 83.00 48.0 -48.0 47.0 -47.0 -132.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 - - + + + + + + + + + + - 1*B 1*B 1*A 1*B 1*A -41.00 -34.25 -34.25 -34.25 -34.25 2.75 -29.00 -29.00 29.00 29.00 83.00 79.80 79.80 79.80 79.80 133.0 141.4 60.8 -152.5 -58.8 60.0 69.0 69.0 69.0 66.4 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + - + + + + + + - + + - 1*A 1*A 1*A 1*A 1*A -0.51 -0.50 0.50 0.50 31.50 -29.00 29.00 -29.00 29.00 -26.50 79.80 79.80 79.80 79.80 79.80 119.2 -131.6 64.0 -58.0 119.0 69.0 68.4 69.5 65.0 68.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + - + + + + + + + + - - 1*A 31.50 26.50 79.80 -131.0 67.5 0.0 - + + - - Philips Lighting B.V. - CalcuLuX Area Page: 16/16