INSTITUTE OF ENERGY TECHONOLOGY GROUNDING FOR OFFSHORE WIND FARM ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GROUP WPS2 – 864, SPRING SEMESTER 2010 Title: Semester: Project period: Supervisor: Project group: Grounding for Offshore Wind Farm Electrical System 8th Spring 2010 Zhe Chen WPS2-864 SYNOPSIS: _____________________________________ [Lucia Pereiro Estévez] _____________________________________ [David Rodriguez Lamoso] Copies: Pages, total: Appendix: Supplements: The main objective of the project is to model and analyze different grounding philosophies for the infield cable system of an offshore wind farm. The grounding in wind farm is an important point to treat. It is important provide a correct grounding for the security of the personal that work in this place and protection of the equipment. The main problems have the wind farms are the single-line-ground faults (80%). In this project will be analyzed the system behavior with this disturbance using the selected grounding. It will be obtained the voltage and current in different points of the system. These obtained parameters will be analyzed and compared for obtain the best grounding. 4 111 3 4 CD By signing this document, each member of the group confirms that all participated in the project work and thereby that all members are collectively liable for the content of the report. i iv Abbreviations AC Alternative current DFIG Doubly fed inductor generator HV High voltage LV Low voltage MHV Medium / high voltage MV Medium voltage WT Wind turbine v vi Nomenclature XGO zero-sequence reactance of transformer RN resistance of grounding resistor XN reactance of grounding reactor ørotor diameter of the rotor Estep50 step voltage for 50 kg of reference Etouch50 touch voltage for 50 kg of reference Cs(hs,k) reduction factor for derating the nominal value of surface layer resistivity ρs wet resistivity of the surface ts shock duration in seconds I’’K short-circuit current If total zero sequence rms fault current (3I0) Sf split factor or current division factor Df decrement factor Cp corrective projection factor Rg grid resistance in transformer 150/33 kV Em mesh voltage Es step voltage ρ soil resistivity in Ω.m Km mesh voltage geometric correction factor Ks step voltage geometric correction factor Ki correction factor that into account the increase in current at the extremities of the grid Kii corrective weighting factor that adjusts the effects of inner conductors on the mesh Kh corrective weighting factor that emphasizes the effect of grid depth XcoT distributed capacitive reactance of the line Xco distributed capacitive reactance per phase R total grounding resistance VLN system line to neutral voltage IR current through the neutral resistance Ico capacitance charging current IL inductive current through the coil vii Ir resistive current XL reactance of coil f frequency of the system ZSC short circuit impedance Z0 zero sequence impedance ZL line impedance Un voltage in the neutral of the transformer In current in the neutral of the transformer ZG impedance of the grid UG rated voltage in the connection point SGcc initial short circuit apparent power of the external grid RG resistance of the grid XG reactance of the grid ZL1 impedance in line 1 ZL2 impedance in line 2 ZT1 impedance of the transformer 150/33 kV UKT short circuit voltage in percent value of the primary winding U phase to phase voltage Sn apparent power of the transformer XT1 reactance of the transformer 150/33 kV RT1 resistance of the transformer 150/33 kV ZL3 impedance in line 3 ZL4 impedance in line 4 ZT2 impedance of the three-windings transformer 33/0.69/3.3 kV XT2 reactance of the three-windings transformer 33/0.69/3.3 kV RT2 resistance of the three-windings transformer 33/0.69/3.3 kV ZAS doubly-fed induction generator impedance Iras rated current of generator Uras rated voltage of generator Sras rated apparent power of generator ILR locked-rotor current RAS doubly-fed induction generator resistance XAS doubly-fed induction generator reactance viii Table of contents 1 2 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ........................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem formulation .............................................................................. 2 1.3 Objective ............................................................................................... 2 1.4 Project limitation .................................................................................... 3 1.5 Report structure .................................................................................... 3 GROUNDING PHILOSOPHIES AND REQUIREMENTS ............................ 4 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 4 2.2 Methods of systems neutral grounding.................................................. 5 2.2.1 Ungrounded .................................................................................... 5 2.2.2 Solid grounding ............................................................................... 6 2.2.3 Resistance grounding ..................................................................... 6 2.2.4 Ground fault neutralizer .................................................................. 7 2.3 Comparison of different grounding systems .......................................... 8 2.4 Obtaining the system neutral................................................................. 9 3 MODELLING OF OFFSHORE WIND FARM............................................ 13 4 STATION GROUNDING SYSTEM ............................................................ 19 5 4.1 Design ground grid substation ............................................................. 19 4.2 Design ground grid wind turbine .......................................................... 27 MODELLING OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF GROUNDING ........................ 29 5.1 Ungrounded ........................................................................................ 29 5.2 Solid grounding ................................................................................... 30 5.3 Low-resistance grounding ................................................................... 31 ix 5.4 High resistance grounding................................................................... 32 5.5 Resonant grounding (Petersen coil) .................................................... 34 6 ANALYSIS................................................................................................. 37 6.1 Introduction to shorts circuits analysis ................................................. 37 6.2 Single-phase to ground short circuit .................................................... 38 6.3 Simulations with the chosen groundings ............................................. 40 6.3.1 Single-phase to ground short circuit on busbar 33A ..................... 41 6.3.2 Single-phase to ground short circuit on line 8 ............................... 68 6.4 Comparison of the results ................................................................... 93 7 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................... 104 8 CONCLUSSIONS ................................................................................... 108 9 FUTURE WORK ..................................................................................... 110 10 REFERENCES ..................................................................................... 111 A. Short Circuit Current from DIgSILENT ......................................................... I B. Equivalent Circuit of the wind farm .............................................................. V C. Tables of Short Circuit Currents on busbar 33A and on line 8 ................... IX x List of Figures Figure 1-1 Global installed wind power capacity 08/09 MW ................... 1 Figure 2-1 Ungrounded. ..................................................................................... 5 Figure 2-2 Solid grounding ................................................................................. 6 Figure 2-3 Resistance grounded. ....................................................................... 7 Figure 2-4 Ground fault neutralizer..................................................................... 8 Figure 2-5 Grounding in generators ................................................................. 10 Figure 2-6 Connection wye-delta...................................................................... 10 Figure 2-7 Zigzag grounding transformers. ...................................................... 11 Figure 2-8 Wye-delta grounding transformers .................................................. 12 Figure 3-1 Model offshore wind farm, 2 string with 8 wind turbine each one .... 13 Figure 3-2 Distance between wind turbines. .................................................... 14 Figure 3-3 General scheme of DFIG ................................................................ 14 Figure 3-4 Transformation of mechanical energy to electrical energy in the wind turbine. ............................................................................................................. 15 Figure 3-5 Pitch control .................................................................................... 16 Figure 3-6 Model wind turbine DFIG ................................................................ 17 Figure 4-1 Ground grid 60 x 60 m. ................................................................... 27 Figure 4-2 Ground grid 7 x 7 m with 2 rods. ..................................................... 28 Figure 5-1 Ungrounded .................................................................................... 30 Figure 5-2 Solid grounding ............................................................................... 31 Figure 5-3 Low-resistance grounding ............................................................... 32 Figure 5-4 High-resistance grounding. ............................................................. 33 Figure 5-5 Resonant grounding. ....................................................................... 35 Figure 6-1 Generic scheme of single-phase short circuit to earth .................... 39 Figure 6-2 Scheme impedance single-phase short circuit to earth ................... 39 Figure 6-3 Scheme with the measuring and simulation points ......................... 40 Figure 6-4 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A. ........................... 42 Figure 6-5 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side ................................. 42 Figure 6-6 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ................................. 43 xi Figure 6-7 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A........................................ 44 Figure 6-8 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. ................................ 45 Figure 6-9 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ................................. 46 Figure 6-10 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A...................................... 46 Figure 6-11 Voltage and current in HV side...................................................... 47 Figure 6-12 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ............................... 48 Figure 6-13 Waveform of Fault current on busbar 33A. ................................... 49 Figure 6-14 Waveform of voltage and current in HV side. ................................ 49 Figure 6-15 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ............................... 50 Figure 6-16 Waveform of fault current with solid grounding ............................. 51 Figure 6-17 Waveforms of voltage and current (solid grounding) ..................... 52 Figure 6-18 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ............................... 53 Figure 6-19 Fault current on busbar 33A. ......................................................... 54 Figure 6-20 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. .............................. 55 Figure 6-21 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ............................... 55 Figure 6-22 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A...................................... 56 Figure 6-23 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. .............................. 57 Figure 6-24 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ............................... 57 Figure 6-25 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A...................................... 58 Figure 6-26 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. .............................. 59 Figure 6-27 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ............................... 59 Figure 6-28 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A...................................... 60 Figure 6-29 Voltage and current in HV side...................................................... 61 Figure 6-30 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ............................... 62 Figure 6-31 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A...................................... 62 Figure 6-32 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. .............................. 63 Figure 6-33 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ............................... 64 Figure 6-34 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A...................................... 64 Figure 6-35 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. .............................. 65 Figure 6-36 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ............................... 66 Figure 6-37 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A. ......................... 66 Figure 6-38 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. .............................. 67 xii Figure 6-39 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. ............................... 68 Figure 6-40 Waveform of fault current in the line 8........................................... 68 Figure 6-41 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side .............................. 69 Figure 6-42 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side ................................ 70 Figure 6-43 Waveforms of fault current in line 8 ............................................... 71 Figure 6-44Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side ................................ 72 Figure 6-45 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side ................................ 72 Figure 6-46 Waveforms fault current ................................................................ 73 Figure 6-47 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side ............................... 74 Figure 6-48 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side ................................ 75 Figure 6-49 Waveform of fault current in line 8................................................. 75 Figure 6-50 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side ............................... 76 Figure 6-51 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side ................................ 77 Figure 6-52 Waveforms of fault current ............................................................ 77 Figure 6-53 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side ............................... 78 Figure 6-54 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side ................... 79 Figure 6-55 Waveforms fault current ................................................................ 79 Figure 6-56 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side ............................... 80 Figure 6-57 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side ................................ 81 Figure 6-58 Waveform fault current .................................................................. 81 Figure 6-59 Waveforms of voltage an current in HV side ................................. 82 Figure 6-60 Waveform of voltage and current in LV side ................................. 83 Figure 6-61 Waveform of fault current in the line 8........................................... 83 Figure 6-62 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side ............................... 84 Figure 6-63 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side ................................ 85 Figure 6-64 Waveform of fault current .............................................................. 85 Figure 6-65 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side ............................... 86 Figure 6-66 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side ................................ 87 Figure 6-67 Waveform of fault current .............................................................. 87 Figure 6-68 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side ............................... 88 Figure 6-69 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side ................................ 89 xiii Figure 6-70 Waveform of fault current .............................................................. 89 Figure 6-71 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side ............................... 90 Figure 6-72 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side ................................ 91 Figure 6-73 Waveform of fault current .............................................................. 91 Figure 6-74 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side ............................... 92 Figure 6-75 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side ................................ 92 Figure 6-76 Fault currents with solid grounding (short circuit on busbar 33A).. 93 Figure 6-77 Distribution of fault current. ........................................................... 94 Figure 6-78 Fault currents with low-resistance grounding (short circuit on busbar 33A) ...................................................................................................... 94 Figure 6-79 Fault currents with Petersen coil (short circuit on busbar 33A) ..... 95 Figure 6-80 Fault currents with ungrounded (short circuit on busbar 33A) ....... 95 Figure 6-81 Fault current with solid grounding (short circuit on line 8). ............ 96 Figure 6-82 Fault currents with low-resistance grounding (short circuit on line 8). ......................................................................................................................... 97 Figure 6-83 Fault currents with Petersen coil (short circuit on line 8). .............. 97 Figure 6-84 Fault currents with ungrounded (short circuit on line 8)................. 98 Figure 6-85 Faut currents with both sectionalizers open. ................................. 98 Figure 6-86 Fault currents with both sectionalizers open. ................................ 99 Figure 6-87 Fault currents with both sectionalizers open. ................................ 99 Figure 6-88 Fault currents with sectionalizer 33 closed, left, and with sectionalizer 150 closed, right. ....................................................................... 100 Figure 6-89 Tendency of short circuit current for different situations of sectionalizers.................................................................................................. 102 Figure 7-1 Estimate of short circuit current for different number of strings ..... 104 Figure 7-2 Estimate of short circuit current for different number of strings ..... 105 Figure 7-3 Step voltage in WT1 with different groundings .............................. 105 Figure 7-4 Touch voltage in WT1 with different groundings ........................... 106 Figure 7-5 Step voltage in WT1 with different groundings .............................. 106 Figure 7-6 Touch voltage in WT1 with different groundings ........................... 107 Figure 7-7 Estimate of short circuit current for different number of strings ..... 107 Figure 10-1 Equivalent circuit of wind farm......................................................... V xiv List of Tables Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of grounding methods ......................... 9 Table 2 Parameters wind generator ................................................................. 15 Table 3 Parameters of the lines........................................................................ 17 Table 4 Parameters offshore substation transformer ....................................... 18 Table 5 Three phase short circuit in HV with the sectionalizer 150 closed. ...... 21 Table 6 Single phase to ground in LV side with both sectionalizers open. ....... 21 Table 7 Single phase to ground in LV side with the sectionalizer 33 closed. ... 22 Table 8 Single phase to ground in LV side with the sectionalizer 150 closed. . 22 Table 9 The percents of short circuit types ....................................................... 38 Table 10 Effective values and peak values of the fault current (short circuit on busbar 33A). ................................................................................................... 100 Table 11 Effective values and peak values of the fault current (short circuit on line 8). ............................................................................................................ 101 Table 12 Voltages and currents in the neutral with short circuit on busbar 33A. ....................................................................................................................... 102 Table 13 Voltages and currents in the neutral with short circuit on line 8. ...... 103 xv xvi 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background As the demand for energy is constantly increasing, lot experts expert have been looking for new forms to reduce dependence of fossil energy. Wind energy is cheaper compared with solar or renewable energy. In the past years wind power has grown more rapidly than other renewable energy in electricity generation.[1] 2.221 38.478 865 38.909 1.274 76.152 AFRICA & MIDDLE EAST ASIA EUROPE LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN NORTH AMERICA PACIFIC REGION Figure 1-1 Global installed wind power capacity 08/09 MW The offshore wind farms will become an important source of energy in the near future. It is hoped that by the end of this decade wind farms of thousand of megawatt will be installed in the sea of Europe. Europe This would be equivalent to the production of the traditional thermal power station. The offshore wind farms are a solution to solve problems like the noise, visual pollution and problems of land dispute. Offshore ore wind turbines are less obtrusive than turbines on land, as their apparent size and noise is mitigated by distance. Because water has less roughness surface than land (especially deeper water), the average wind speed is usually considerably higher over open sea. 1 1.2 Problem formulation This projects wants analyze and shows the different grounding configurations for an offshore wind farm. Four different kind of grounding have been considered: ungrounded, solid grounding, low resistance grounding and Petersen coil. The wind farm is formed of two strings of wind turbine each one. The model of wind turbine is doubly fed inductor generator (DFIG). For this purpose it has been decided to make the model of wind farm, using the software DIgSILENT PowerFactory. DIgSILENT is a powerful and specialized tool for simulating problems related to power systems. Different configurations have to be analyzed when a single phase to ground short circuit in low voltage side happens. Different waveforms of voltage and current have been obtained for the considered grounding and the behaviors in these waveforms have been studied. 1.3 Objective The main objective of the project is to model and analyze different grounding philosophies for an offshore wind farm. DIgSILENT PowerFactory simulation tool is used for simulations. The analysis compares and studies technical the advantages and disadvantages to find the optimal grounding method. The main goals of the project are summarized below: • Study of grounding philosophies. • Modeling of specific offshore wind farm. • Modeling the different types of grounding philosophies/configurations. • Analysis: Voltage, current and fault current. • Choice the best grounding. 2 1.4 Project limitation The range of work on this project could be much wider. Unfortunately there are some limitations. The most important limitations of this project are described below. • DIgSILENT key license only can work for 100 nodes, for this reason we simulated only 16 wind turbines. • In the short circuit analysis only single phase to ground has been considered in low voltage side. • The lightning fault analysis has not been considered. • Evaluate the cost and requirement equipment has not been considered. 1.5 Report structure The present report consists of 9 chapters. In the first chapter a presentation of the report is made. At the beginning an introduction to the subject is presented. The problem formulation, the objective and the project limitation are also presented. The purpose of the second chapter is to describe the different groundings and compared them. The model of offshore wind farm is presented in chapter 3. Here the different parts of wind farm are described. Chapter 4 presents the ground grind design of the system and method of calculate. In chapter 5 the different groundings are modeled. The short circuit analysis is studied in the chapter 6. An estimation of real wind farm is realized in chapter 7. Chapter 8 shows the conclusions of the analysis. Future works are enumerated in chapter 9. 3 2 GROUNDING PHILOSOPHIES AND REQUIREMENTS In this chapter, the different types of grounding and the reasons of using the system are presented. 2.1 Introduction The grounding has in several functions, which have in common the use of earth. There are two types of grounding: • Grounding of protection: to protect persons and equipment from dangerous voltage. • Grounding of system: connection between the earth and an electric system. Usually is realized in the neutral points. Below they are the reasons why the grounding is used: • Security: protection of the persons and the equipments of high values of voltage. • Set the grounding network to the earth potential: to avoid dangerous voltage due to the capacitive coupling (parasitic capacitances phaseearth or capacitances between phases of systems at different voltage). • Reduce the currents of earth fault: the connection of earth system through an impedance to limit the fault currents in case earth faults. • Reduce the overvoltages: the grounding can reduce the overvoltage by: Transitional earth faults: the faults with arc generate overvoltages in the healthy phases. These overvoltages are high in the isolated earth system. Increasing of the neutral potential: in an isolated system, an earth fault causes that the neutral of the system has a voltage equal to the phase voltage. The healthy phases increase in √3 times its voltage. If the system is put to earth, the overvoltage will be lower if the grounding is effective and the isolated level of the equipment can be lower. 4 Manoeuvre transients and lightning: the grounding system, although does not reduce the overvoltages from manoeuvre and lightning, allows redistribute the voltage between the phases and reduce the possibility of an isolated fault between phase and earth. Simplify the location of the faults: a grounding system generates a fault current which can be detected with easy for locating the fault point. 2.2 Methods of systems neutral grounding The grounding system can be classified according to the connections of neutral of the earth system: 2.2.1 Ungrounded The ungrounded system does not have an intentional connection of the neutral to earth. Really, the isolated systems are connected to earth trough of the capacitive coupling between system conductors and ground Figure 2-1 Ungrounded. Advantage: • It is not necessary invest in equipment for the grounding. But for the protection system is necessary. 5 Disadvantages: • • High cost of isolating of equipments to earth. A fault causes that healthy phases are increased √3 times their voltage. High possibilities of transient overvoltages by faults with arc, resonances or other causes. Its use is restricted to medium voltage systems. This grounding requires systems of fault detection. 2.2.2 Solid grounding The system with solid grounding has a direct connection of the neutral to earth. Figure 2-2 Solid grounding Advantages: • Easy detection and localization of system earth faults. • Limitation of the overvoltage by earth faults and transients by manoeuvres and lightning. Disadvantages: • The earth faults are more energetic. The protections of high speed are required for limiting the thermal and mechanical effects over equipments. They are used in HV and MHV systems. 2.2.3 Resistance grounding The system is connected to earth through resistance. The figure shows the connection of the system. 6 Figure 2-3 Resistance grounded. Depending of used value of the grounding resistance there are differentiated two methods: • High resistance grounding. Advantages of high resistance grounding: It is not necessary an instant trigger against to a first fault to earth. Decrease of the damage by thermal effects and electrodynamics. Decrease of the transient overvoltages by manoeuvres and lightning. Disadvantages of high resistance grounding: • Behaviour similar to ungrounded. The healthy phases increase √3 times its voltage. Low resistance grounding The advantages and disadvantages of grounding with low resistance are similar to solid grounding but with less harmful effects during the fault. This is because it is decreased the earth current. 2.2.4 Ground fault neutralizer The ground fault neutralizer system is to connect earth through a variable reactance, such as Petersen coil. 7 Figure 2-4 Ground fault neutralizer The induction coefficient of the coil is calculated to resonate with the earth capacity of the system, so for an earth fault, the fault current decreases until small resistive value. Advantages: • During earth fault, the current is very low and is in phase with the voltage, so the faults with arc are extinct easily. • An earth fault does not involve an instant trigger, then the continuity of supply is better. Disadvantages: • The healthy phases are composite voltage during the fault. Similar to ungrounded. • The protection system is more complex. This method is used in grounding of MV grid, especially in central Europe. [2][3] 2.3 Comparison of different grounding systems In HV and MHV grids direct grounding systems are used for decrease the solicitations by transient overvoltages and decrease the cost of the isolating. In MV grids an optimum method of grounding does not exist. The choice of the method is always a relation between costs of installation and operation. In the following table the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of grounding are shown. 8 Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of grounding methods Grounding methods Advantages Disadvantages Ungrounded Limited the earth fault currents (less than 1%) Caused overvoltages more complex Solid grounding The detection of earth faults is easier Caused high earth fault currents Resistance grounding (if it Limited the earth fault currents Required protections more complex Decreased the overvoltages Caused earth fault currents higher Nearly zero fault current Required protections more complex is compared with solid grounding) Reactance grounding (if it is compared with ungrounded) Ground-fault neutralizer 2.4 Obtaining the system neutral The normal form of obtaining a neutral point for grounding the system is use transformer with wye-connected windings or the neutral of the generators. If it is not possible, the grounding transformers or reactances are used. The different forms of obtaining the system neutral are mentioned as follows: • Grounding in generators The neutrals of generators usually are connected to earth through an impedance to decrease the single phase fault current (most common fault), either directly or through single phase transformer. 9 Figure 2-5 Grounding in generators • Grounding in transformers They following may be used the neutral points of transformers with connection wye-delta and the neutrals of the autotransformers and transformers wye-wye with tertiary of compensation in delta. An example of transformer with wye-delta connection is the following. Figure 2-6 Connection wye-delta Usually, the transformers with connection wye-wye are not used except in some cases of high-resistance or resonant grounding. • Grounding transformers 10 Grounding transformers can be used to obtain a neutral. The two types of grounding transformers more used are: • Zigzag grounding transformers It is seen in the following scheme the internal connection of the transformer. Figure 2-7 Zigzag grounding transformers. When there is not fault in the system, a small magnetizing current flows in the transformer winding. This is because the impedance of the transformer to balanced three-phases voltages is high. Instead, the impedance of the transformer to zero-sequence voltage is low so that the ground-fault current can be high. The transformer divides the ground-fault current into three equal components. These components flow in the three windings of the transformer. • Wye-delta grounding transformers. 11 An example of wye-delta grounding transformers can be the one shown below. TO UNGROUNDED 3 PHASE VOLTAGE SOURCE GROUND FAULT R IG IG Figure 2-8 Wye-delta grounding transformers This type of configuration is used for effective grounding or to accomplish resistance-type grounding of an existing ungrounded system. To provide a path for the zero-sequence current, the delta connection must be closed and the delta voltage rating is fixed for any standard value. In the figure it is shown a resistor between the primary neutral and ground, this resistor limits the ground-fault current to a level satisfying for resistancegrounded systems. [2] 12 3 MODELLING OF OFFSHORE WIND FARM The next figure 3-1 shows the offshore wind farm model.The model was done with DIgSILENT PowerFactory software. [8] Cable Nexan Sectionalizer 150 Offshore Transformer 150/33 kV Substation Sectionalizer 33 Cable JDR DFIG Figure 3-1 Model offshore wind farm, 2 string with 8 wind turbine each one 13 This model is consisting for 16 wind turbines of 5MW each, due to software lomitation on the nodes. The distance between wind turbines is of 882 m, which was calculated trough the next relation, ∅ × 7, where Ø is the rotor diameter. 126 × 7 = 882 . Figure 3-2 Distance between wind turbines. For the wind turbine has been selected a variable speed wind turbine with a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) and blade pitch control. Figure 3-3 General scheme of DFIG This system consists in a gearbox and an asynchronous generator whose stator is connecting directly to grid and whose rotor is connecting via two frequency converters to grid. The figure 3-4 shows the transformation of mechanical energy to electrical energy in the wind turbine. 14 Figure 3-4 Transformation of mechanical energy to electrical energy in the wind turbine. These wind turbines are more efficient then the wind turbines connected to the grid directly. It is due to they could be run at variable speed. Also the indirect connection to the grid can control the reactive power to improve power quality for the electrical grid. The disadvantages are the increase of price due to use a more complex control system and the power electronic. The next table 2 shows the wind turbine characteristics. Table 2 Parameters wind generator Electrical & Mechanical parameter Rated power Rated voltage Number of poles pairs Frequency 5 MW 0.95 kV 3 50 Hz Stator resistance 0.00298989 p.u Stator reactance 0.125 p.u Rotor resistance 0.004 p.u Rotor reactance 0.05 p.u 15 The applied control is the pitch control. The power control by pitch variation of the blades is a mechanical process, then the reaction time of the change pitch mechanism is a important point in the design of the turbine. The generator slip begins to increase when is near of the rated power of the turbine. There are two control power strategies depending on the generated power is over or below the normal operating regime: When the wind is strong, the obtained power is higher than rated power, and then the slip increases and the rotor rotates faster. This occurs until the pitch change mechanism of the blades takes over the problem, guiding the blades and obtaining less wind power. If the opposite happens, the wind suddenly drops, the control checks several times per second the generated power, and how to get as much power as possible, the pitch of the blades is changed. The mechanism of pitch change is often with hydraulic motors or with continuous machine accommodated in the nacelle. Figure 3-5 Pitch control When the wind reaches a speed over 15 m/s, the control regulates the pitch, to obtain less power wind. Then, the obtained power is constant as shown in the figure. 16 The figure 3-6 shows ws the model of DFIG: Figure 3-6 Model wind turbine DFIG The wind turbines are connected through the cable JDR 36kV 3x500 mm2. The cable from offshore substation to land is NEXANS TKVA 245 kV 3x1x400 mm2. Table 3 Parameters of the lines Parameters Nexans TKVA 245 kV JDR 36 kV Longitud km 50 1.264 / 0.882 Rated Voltage kV 245 36 0.72 0.812 Nominal Frequency Hz 50 50 System Type AC AC Rated Current (in ground) kA Parameters per Length L 1,2 Sequence Resistance R’ Ohm/km 0.09 0.0506 Reactance X’ Ohm/km 0.15 0.1072 17 Susceptance B’ uS/km 40.8407 87.02212 Parameters per Length Zero Sequence Resistance R0’ Ohm/km 0 0.2829 Reactance X0’ Ohm/km 0 0.0971 Susceptance B0’ uS/km 36.76189 87.02212 Max End Temperature ºC 90 80 Another place very important in the last figure 3-1 is the offshore substation. This substation are consisting in two transformer with the next characteristics. Table 4 Parameters offshore substation transformer Rated Power 160 MVA Nominal frequency 50 Hz Rated Voltage HV-Side 150 kV LV-Side 33 KV Positive Sequence Impedance Short-Circuit Voltage uk 12 % SHC-Volatge (Re(uk))ukr 0.28125 % Zero Sequence. Short citcuit voltage Absolute uk0 1.6% The connection of the transformer to earth is YNzn0. The resistance in the transformer neutral in LV side will be changed to study the different grounding. 18 4 STATION GROUNDING SYSTEM The grounding has two main objectives: • Protecting personnel from injury and damages. These connections are made to parts of the system that are not usually energized but may become energized due to an abnormal condition. • To provide means to carry electric currents into the earth under normal and fault conditions without exceeding any equipment limits on continuity of service. These two objectives are obtained taking into account the following design objectives. • Provide a low-impedance ground fault current return path in order to activate the protection and clear the ground fault as soon as possible. • Limit to safe levels, the voltages on station and accessible equipment in normal operations and during transitions electrical. • Minimize electrical noise interference in control and instrumentation systems. • Minimize the effect of lightning strikes on personnel, equipment and structures. 4.1 Design ground grid substation Before start the calculations, it is important to mention that it has been followed the guidelines given in the IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding.[4] The touch voltage and step voltage are important factors to design and insure a safe design. The touch voltage and step voltage should be below the maximum values, which are calculated with the next expressions [4]: 19 = [1000 + 6 ℎ, ] %&' = [1000 + 1.5 ℎ, ] 0.116 #$ 0.116 #$ (01) (02) Where 1000 is the body resistance (in Ω) 1.5 is the resistance of two feet in parallel 6 is the resistance of two feet in series Cs(hs,K) is 1 if there is no protective surface layer ρs is the wet resistivity of the surface ts is the shock duration (in s) 0.166 is a constant based on body weight of 50 kg In this project was used the next parameters: ρs =24.4 Ω.m because the substation are on the seabed, and the sand resistivity is the previously given one. This value was retrieved from IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding for gravel (type and size unknown) and wetted with salt water. ts= 0.115 s = [1000 + 6 × 1 × 24.4] %&' 0.116 = 392.14 + √0.115 0.116 = [1000 + 1.5 × 1 × 24.4] = 354.585 + √0.115 (03) (04) The next step to calculate the short circuit current, this value was obtained by software DIgSILENT PowerFactory, simulating the worst short circuit. Different short circuits were simulated in HV side and in the LV side. Fault impedance was considered zero as the resistance of neutral transformer, and the short 20 circuit durations is 0.115 seconds. The next tables provides the short circuit currents obtained from DIgSILENT PowerFactory. The short circuit current generated on the fault on HV side busbar is 150A and the short circuit current generated on the LV side busbar is 33 A. Table 5 Three phase short circuit in HV with the sectionalizer 150 closed. Single phase to ground and three phase short circuit were simulated and it was checked that the worst fault in HV side is the three phase short circuit with the sectionalizer 150 closed, its values can be seen in the table 6. It was also checked that the worst short circuits have been the single phase to ground generates in LV side, like it is showed in the next tables. Table 6 Single phase to ground in LV side with both sectionalizers open. 21 Table 7 Single phase to ground in LV side with the sectionalizer 33 closed. Table 8 Single phase to ground in LV side with the sectionalizer 150 closed. It has been possible to see that the worst fault is the single phase to ground with the sectionalizer 33 closed generated on the busbar 33A which causes a short circuit current of 27.49 kA. But to calculate the ground grid of the substation the worst short circuit is the single phase to ground on the busbar 33A with the sectionalizer 150 closed. The short circuit current on the busbar 33A has a value of 20.60 kA, and the short circuit current in the transformer is 22 16.690 kA as it is shown in the table 9, this last value is used to calculate the ground grid. Three phase short circuit has been calculated in the low voltage side and the results have been put in the annex A. I’’K= 16.690 kA This parameter also can be calculated by the next expression [4]: ,-" = ,/ × 0/ × 1/ × Where If is the total zero sequence rms fault current (3I0) Sf is the split factor or current division factor Df is the decrement factor Cp is the corrective projection factor (05) The grid resistance to remote earth can be calculated by[4] Where 1 1 61 ; ; × 61 + 23 = 02 × 5 + < 7 √208 920 1 + ℎ × 4 8 :: 4 (06) A is the area of the grid (in m2) L is Lc+Lr for grids with few or no ground rods, and also for grids with ground rods predominantly around the perimeter Lc in the total length of grid conductor (in m) Lr is the total length of ground rods (in m) h is the burial depth of the grid (in m) SR is the resistivity of the soil (in Ω.m) The parameters used in this project are the next: 23 A 3600 m2 (60 m wide by 60 m long) Lc 2520 m (length of grid conductor x number of grid conductor 60x21x2=2520 m) Lr 0 m (rods was not used) L 2520 m (L=Lc+Lr) h 0.5 m SR 24.4 Ω.m 1 1 6 1 ; ; = 0.1882 23 = 24.2 × 5 + × 61 + < 2520 √20 × 3600 20 9 1 + 0.5 × 3600: 4 4 : (07) ≈ 0.19 Ω The next step to obtain the design grid is to calculate the mesh and step voltages, theses voltages can be calculated with the next equations[4]: ? = ,′′- ? @ 7& + 1.157 = Where ,′′- @ 7 (08) (09) ρ is the soil resistivity (in Ω.m) Km is the mesh voltage geometric correction factor Ks is the step voltage geometric correction factor Ki is the correction factor that into account the increase in current at the extremities of the grid The coefficients Km, Ks and Ki can be obtained by the next expressions[4]: = ? = 1 1 1 1 + 1 − 0.5DEF G B + A 2ℎ 1 + ℎ 1 1 + 2ℎF 1 1F ℎ @@ 8 Hln K + − M+ NO P 2A 16ℎL 81L 4L ' A2O − 1 (10) (11) 24 @ = 0.656 + 0.172O Where (12) D is the spacing between parallel conductors (in m) d is the diameter of the grid conductor (in m) h is the depth of the grid (in m) n is the number of parallel conductors in one direction Kii is the corrective weighting factor that adjusts the effects of inner conductors on the mesh Kh is the corrective weighting factor that emphasizes the effect of grid depth And these parameters can be calculated by[4]: @@ = 1 2O FQ D (13) ' = 91 + ℎQℎ Where ho 1m (reference depth of grid) n 21 D 3m d 0.02 m h 0.5 m @@ = 1 2 × 21 FQ FR = 0.7 ' = 91 + 0.5Q1 ≈ 1.225 @ = 0.656 + 0.172 × 21 = 4.268 (14) (15) (16) (17) 25 Once calculated the above variables, now it can be calculated Km and Ks ? = 3 + 2 × 0.05F 1 3F 0.5 Hln K + − M 2A 16 × 0.5 × 0.02 8 × 3 × 0.02 4 × 0.02 = 0.7 8 P = 0.45 + NO 1.225 A2 × 21 − 1 1 1 1 1 + + 1 − 0.5FREF G = 0.4092 B A 2 × 0.5 3 + 0.5 3 (18) (19) and with this values it can be calculated Em and Es ? = = FS.S×RTTU×.S×S.FTV FFWR.R× = 311.035 V 24.4 × 16690 × 0.4092 × 4.268 = 282.27 + 2520 (20) (21) Now it can be checked that Em<Etouch50 (311.035<354.58) and Es<Estep50 (285.27<392.14) therefore our design is good. In the next figure 4-1 is possible to look the grid design.[5] [6] 26 Figure 4-1 Ground grid 60 x 60 m. 4.2 Design ground grid wind turbine The ground grid in the wind turbine transformer is calculated using the same expressions that in the last case but with the next values. The worst fault has been calculated when the three phase short circuit happens on busbar 33WT1. I’’k 477 A (this current was obtained with DIgSILENT PowerFactory). A 49 m2 Lc 42 m (length of grid conductor x number of grid conductor 8x6=48 m) Lr 4 m (2 rods x 2 m each) L 46m n 3 D 3.5 m d 0.02 m 27 h 0.5 m Rg 1.9 Ω Using the previous parameters it can be calculate Em and Es. = 209.78 + (22) = 131.52 + (23) < $Z[\ℎ50 (24) Now it is possible compare the Em with Etouch and Es with Estep50. < $]^50 (25) Therefore this model is correct. The next figure 4-2 the ground grid model can be seen. Figure 4-2 Ground grid 7 x 7 m with 2 rods. 28 5 MODELLING OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF GROUNDING This chapter is focused in computing the different parameters used in the analyzed grounding types in this project. These grounding types were mentioned in the chapter 2. The grounding types used in this project will be the followings: • Ungrounded. • Solid grounding. • Low-resistance grounding. • High resistance grounding. • Resonant grounding (Petersen coil). The grounding types are analyzed separately below. The grounding location is the substation transformer (33/150 KV). 5.1 Ungrounded In this case, there is not an intentional grounding connection of transformer. The ungrounded system is in reality a capacitance grounding system like the figure 5-1 shows. 29 Figure 5-1 Ungrounded In the previous figure, it is shown the distributed capacitive reactance to ground, Xco, which is assumed to be balanced. To obtain the value, it is analyzed with the DIgSILENT model. • R = 2.083 _` (positive-sequence capacity) Then the distributed capacitive reactance is: a&b = 2.083 _` This value is the total distributed capacitive reactance of the line, so if this value is divided per three to obtain the distributed capacitive reactance per phase. [2] a& = 0.694 _` 5.2 Solid grounding The solid grounding is obtained when there is a connection between the neutral of a transformer or generator and ground. This connection is direct, without any intentional intervening impedance. The next figure 5-2 shows the solid grounding in the transformer of the high voltage side. 30 Figure 5-2 Solid grounding In this grounding type only the grounded resistance is considered, that is to say, the resistance of ground grid calculated in the chapter 4. Then, the existing resistance between the neutral of transformer and ground is: [2] 23 = 0.19 Ω 5.3 Low-resistance grounding Low-resistance grounding is designed to obtain a ground-fault current between 100 A and 1000 A. To limit this current, it is used a neutral resistor which is calculated with the next formula [2]: 2c = Where: • +dc ,e (26) +dc is the system line to neutral voltage. In the model, the voltage in the low side is 33 KV but it is line to line voltage, then: +dc = • 33 √3 = 19.05 + (27) ,e is the desired ground-fault current. It is chosen 400 A for be a typical value. ,e = 400 8 31 Using the equation 26, it is calculated the neutral resistance: 2c = 19.05 · 10g = 47.62 Ω 400 (28) To obtain the total ground resistance, it is should add the neutral resistance and the ground grid resistance. The latter was calculated in the chapter 4. 2b = 2c + 23 = 47.62 + 0.19 = 47.81 Ω (29) When this resistance is used in the model, the ground-fault current is 0.44 KA, it is checked that the current is limited between the values desired. The figure 5-3 shows the low-resistance grounding in the transformer in the high voltage side: A B N IR C R N V LN = IG GROUND FAULT IG Figure 5-3 Low-resistance grounding In the figure 5-3: • IR is the current through the neutral resistance • IG is the ground-fault current before mentioned. 5.4 High resistance grounding This grounding type is similar to low-resistance grounding but in this case the resistance has a high ohmic value. The resistance is calculated to limit the 32 current Ir, current through of the neutral resistance. The value of Ir should be equal or slightly greater than the total capacitance charging current, 3Ico. The figure 5-4 shows the high-resistance grounding in the transformer of the high voltage side. It also shows the current Ir mentioned before. RN ≤ V LN 3· I G Figure 5-4 High-resistance grounding. The calculated resistance should be checked because usually when there is a line-to-ground fault with a fault current greater than 10 A, this grounding type should be avoided. The reason is the potential damage caused by an arcing current greater than 10 A in a confined space. So, it will be calculated the neutral resistance with the capacitance charging current obtained of the model and after it will be checked if the ground-fault current is lower than 10 A. The formula [2], used to calculate the neutral resistance, shown in the figure 54, is: 2c ≤ Where: • +dc 3 · ,& (30) +dc is the line to neutral voltage. 33 • ,& is the capacitance charging current. Replacing the values obtained from the DIgSILENT software into the last formula: 33 · 10g 2c ≤ √3 = 476.31 Ω 40 (31) If a neutral resistance of 476.31 ohm is chosen and it is adding the ground grid resistance calculated in the chapter 5, the total resistance for introduce in the model is obtained as. 2b = 2c + 23 = 476.31 + 0.19 = 476.50 Ω (32) This total resistance is introduced in the model and the ground fault current is calculated. ,e = 0.06 i8 It is can say that it is not correct use this grounding type in the wind farm model because the value is greater than 10 A and their use can be dangerous. 5.5 Resonant grounding (Petersen coil) The resonant grounding systems are constituted by a variable reactance which is connected between the neutral of substation transformer and ground. This reactance is called also 'Petersen Coil', XL. The more important characteristic is that during the ground faults, the inductive current of the reactance eliminates the capacitive fault current produced by the grid. So, the current that flows for the fault point is decreased to a small resistive current, Ir. 34 Figure 5-5 Resonant grounding. The figure 5-5 shows the distribution of the fault current and the resistance “r” represents the reactor losses. The capacitive fault current is annulated for the inductive current of the coil as the next equation shows: [2] ,e = ,d + , + 3,& ≈ , (33) This type grounding represents a great advantage to the appearance of singleline-ground fault in the lines, which are the most common faults. Supposing the ground fault is in an insulator flashover, it may be self-extinguishing. This method permits network operation during long time in these fault conditions, it permits to decrease the transient triggers of the protections. This means an improvement in the service and the decreasing of the maintenance in the switches. For correct operation of this system, the Petersen coil should be correctly tuned, so the distributed capacitance of the grid (Xco) could be compensated by the inductance of the coil. Due to continuous variations in the grid, the resonant of the grounding systems need a tuning and control system that control them dynamically.[2] 35 For obtaining the reactance value, XL, the formula following is used [7]: ad = Where: • • 1 3j (34) j = 2Ak, where k is the frequency of the system. is the distributed capacitance of the system or Xco, with a value obtained of the model. = F.Vg lm g = 0.694 _` . So the reactance value will be: ad = 1 = 1,528.86 Ω 3 · 2 · A · 50 · 0.694 · 10ET (35) 36 6 ANALYSIS This chapter will present the short circuit calculations. The model analysis is focused on the grounding methods selected in the chapter 5. With each grounding type, the voltage and current graphics will be obtained. The different of grounding types are compared and analyzed. 6.1 Introduction to shorts circuits analysis The short circuit analysis is based on the calculation and determination of the magnitudes of the fault currents and the contributions of each element to the fault. These characteristics permit the breakers design and the adaption of the protection mechanisms. The short circuit current of the system, permits establish the characteristics of the protection elements that should remove the fault current, then it is necessary make the calculation for all system voltage levels. From electric point of view, a short circuit is the accidental or unintentional connection, through a resistance o impedance of low value, of two or more points of a circuit that is working at normal conditions and different voltages. A short circuit generates surges in the system currents, it can damage the equipment. The values of short circuit current to be considered are: • The short circuit maximum current. • The short circuit minimum current. The short circuit maximum current is calculated for design the protection equipment, protection adjustments and design of grounding. In electric systems can produce different fault types, these are: • Three-phase short circuit. • Single-phase short circuit to earth. • Two-phase short circuit with or without earth contact. 37 The single-phase faults to earth can generate fault currents whose value can be higher than the three-phase fault current. However, this more frequent happens in the transmission or distribution systems in medium voltage, usually when the fault appears near of the substation. The single-phase fault current seldom has a value higher than the three-phase fault current. The percentages of the short circuit types in a system are: Table 9 The percents of short circuit types SHORT CIRCUIT TYPES IMPACT (%) Single-phase short circuit to earth 80 Two-phase short circuit 15 Three-phase short circuit 5 However for simplify, this project is focused in the single-phase short circuit to earth. 6.2 Single-phase to ground short circuit The single-phase short circuit is responsible for the greatest number of short circuits in the system (80% of the short circuits are single phase). This short circuit causes short circuit currents that depend on the fault impedance and the connection to earth of the transformers in the line. This is the short circuit more frequent and violent, appearing more frequently in solid grounding systems or through impedances with low value. The computation is important due to the high currents and the connection to earth. This permits to calculate the leaks to earth, the touch voltage or step voltage to assess the interferences that these currents can cause. 38 The single-phase to ground short circuit is unbalanced and presents energy losses, so it is necessary use the three sequences grid (positive, negative and zero) for its calculation. Figure 6-1 Generic scheme of single-phase short circuit to earth Figure 6-2 Scheme impedance single-phase short circuit to earth The short circuit current between a phase and earth has a value[9]: oQ √3 ,n = pqr + p Where: • • (36) o is the line to line voltage. pqr is the short circuit impedance, being the positive and negative sequence. • p is the equivalent impedance of return from the earth or zero sequence impedance. 39 The equivalent circuit has been developed in more detail in the annex B. 6.3 Simulations with the chosen groundings The short circuits have been realized in two different points of the system. One is in the busbar 33A and the other point is on line 8, between WT7-WT8. A single phase to ground short circuit has been calculated and the voltage and current for the high and low voltage side have been obtained. The measuring and simulation points (M1, M2) are showed in the figure 6-3. Figure 6-3 Scheme with the measuring and simulation points The two short circuits will be analyzed separately. The results with the short circuit on busbar 33A and on the line 8 will be obtained, these will be analyzed and compared. When the short circuit is simulated, the following conditions were chosen, impedance fault is zero, the neutral cables resistance is zero. The simulation time is 200 ms and the fault is cleaned in 115 ms as it was write in the chapter 4. As it was written in previous chapters the solid grounding, low resistance and 40 Petersen coil configuration are analyzed in the following simulations. The parameters used in the software are as follows: Solid grounding : Rg=0.19 ohms Low resistance : RN=47.81 ohms Petersen coil: Rg=0.19 ohms and XL=1528.86 ohms Below, the behaviour of the system is analyzed against a single-phase to ground short circuit on busbar 33A using the different groundings of the chapter 4. The system is analyzed in three different situations: • Both sectionalizers open In this case the two strings of generators are connected to the grid through the transformer and the connection between them does not exist. • The sectionalizer 33 is closed and the sectionalizer 150 is open Now the sectionalizer 33 is closed and the two strings of generators are joined as seen in the figure 6-3. • The sectionalizer 150 closed and the sectionalizer 33 open. This is the opposite case, the closed sectionalizer is the 150. The two strings are connected after of the transformers. The analysis is divided in these three states. In each situation the results with the different groundings will be obtained and they will be discussed. 6.3.1 Single-phase to ground short circuit on busbar 33A BOTH SECTIONALIZERS OPEN • Solid grounding In the first place, the fault current is obtained when the system has a solid grounding. 41 Figure 6-4 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A . The fault current reaches a value around 20 kA when the fault starts and then its value decreases to 16.5 kA approximately. The graphics of the voltage and current in the high voltage side (point M1) are the following: Figure 6-5 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side 42 The voltage suffers a transient period, decreasing its value, while the fault is kept until the time 0.115 seconds, in this moment the fault is cleared and the voltage comes back to normal level. The current also suffers a transient period but its value increases and reaches a value around 2 kA in the fault phase. Theses transient periods are due to the high fault current which affects the high voltage side. In the other measurement point (line 1, LV side) the graphics of the voltage and current are the following: Figure 6-6 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. In the low voltage side, the voltage in the fault phase has a value almost zero but with variations, the phase C decreases its voltage until a value of 21.50 kV approximately and the voltage in the phase B decreases until a value around 12.5 kV. When the fault is cleared the three phases suffers a transient period and after they come back to normal level. The current when the fault appears 43 suffers a peak value of 3.15 kA in the fault phase. After the fault current goes decreasing and the phases B and C goes increasing. When the fault is cleared the current in the three phases starts to decrease until reach to its normal level. It can be observed that the current in the phase C increases more than in the fault phase, this may be due to the generator control. • Low-resistance grounding The obtained fault current with this grounding is the following: Figure 6-7 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A. When the fault appears, the fault phase suffers a peak current reaching a value of 1.9 kA approximately. The peak current disappears very fast and the fault current keeps a value around 0.65 kA while it is not cleared. The fault current value is quite low if it is compared with the solid grounding. To follow, they are shown the graphics of the voltage and current in the point M1 (HV side). 44 Figure 6-8 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. These graphics show that the voltage almost does not suffer any variation, it is kept practically in its normal level. So, the current suffers a small transient period while the fault is kept but practically without importance, returning to normal level when the fault is cleared, this is due to the low fault current which does not affect to the high voltage side. Now, the graphics in the point M2 are obtained like the figure 6-9 shows. 45 Figure 6-9 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. It can be observed that the voltage in the fault phase falls to zero and the phases B and C increase √3 time their values until 49 kV approximately in the moment that the fault is produced. When the fault is cleared, the three phases come back to the normal level. The current in the fault phase suffers a peak in the moment that the fault appears but during a short time period, after the current increases its value to 1.0 kA approximately in the fault phase while the fault continues. The phases B and C are not influenced by the fault. • Petersen coil To continue, it is analyzed the system with Petersen coil. The following graphic shows the fault current when it is used this grounding type. Figure 6-10 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A. 46 The fault current reaches a value around 1.45 kA when the fault is produced and as time progresses, the current is decreased quite fast until a value around 0.03 kA. If it is compared this fault current with the two previous fault currents, it can be said that this has a low value and its behaviour is good. The voltage and current in the point M1 (HV side) are shown in the figure 6-11. Figure 6-11 Voltage and current in HV side. It can be said that both voltage and current do not suffer practically any alteration. The fault has almost no influence on the phases. The graphics of the voltage and current are shown in the next figure. 47 Figure 6-12 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. In the figure 6-12 it can be observed that the voltage, when the fault is produced, falls to zero in the fault phase and increases √3 times its value in the healthy phases until a value around 50 kV. When the fault is cleared the voltage in three phases is unbalanced. This is due to the behaviour of the wind turbine control. In contrast, the current in the fault phase in t=0 seconds has a peak value of 1.75 kA approximately and a transient period during a short time period, after the current comes back to the normal level. • Ungrounded The fault current with this grounding is shown in the figure 6-13. 48 Figure 6-13 Waveform of Fault current on busbar 33A. In this case, the current reaches a value around 1.4 kA and it decreases with the time. Its behaviour is very similar to the Petersen coil due to the capacitances of the line. The voltage and current in the point M1 (HV side) are in the next figure 6-14. Figure 6-14 Waveform of voltage and current in HV side. 49 Its voltage and current is practically the same that the Petersen coil and its values match. In the point M2 (LV side), the obtained current and voltage are the following. Figure 6-15 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. The voltage, in the moment that the fault appears, falls to zero in the fault phase and in the other two phases suffers a short transient period with a overvoltage, after the voltage has a value of √3 times its initial values, around 46 kV. When the fault is cleared the DIgSILENT software losses the reference point, but the peak to peak voltage is the same before the fault. The current presents a peak value and after it comes back the normal current. 50 SECTIONALIZER 33 CLOSED • Solid grounding Below, it is obtained the waveform of fault current when it is used the solid grounding. Figure 6-16 Waveform of fault current with solid grounding The fault current reaches a value around 32 kA when the fault starts and it goes decreasing with the time until a value around 19 kA approximately. This current has a value higher than the obtained when both sectionalizers are open. This is due to the closing of the sectionalizer, as for this path the current flows until the busbar 33A. In the figure 6-17 are shown the voltage and current in the point M1 (HV side). 51 Figure 6-17 Waveforms of voltage and current (solid grounding) When the fault starts, the three voltages suffer a transient period decreasing their values until a value around 40 kV in the fault phase. In the moment that the fault is cleared (t=0.115 sec), the three phases suffer again a transient period. The current on the contrary, when the fault appears, increases its value in the three phases. The fault phase reaches a value around 1.5 kA and when the fault is cleared, the current suffers a transient period due to voltage fluctuations, when the voltage is steady the current recoups its normal values. The figure 6-18 shows the current and voltage in the other measurement point, M2. 52 Figure 6-18 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. The voltage of the fault phase, like in the case with both sectionalizers open, takes a value almost zero while the fault is kept. The voltage in the others phases decreases until that the fault is cleared, then every phases suffer a transient period and come back to normal level. The fault current presents a peak value of 3.10 kA when the fault happens and after the current goes decreasing. The current increases its value in the other two phases but also suffers a transient period when the fault is cleared. The behaviour is very similar to the case with both sectionalizers open. • Low-resistance grounding The fault current when the sectionalizer 33 is open is quite higher than when the both sectionalizers are open. 53 Figure 6-19 Fault current on busbar 33A. In this case, the current reaches a value around 3.8 kA when the fault appears, this is because when the sectionalizer is closed, the fault current is the sum of the current coming from the transformer and from the other string of wind turbines through of the sectionalizer 33. After of the peak current, the current decreases until a value around 1 kA and this value is kept while the fault exists. The obtained voltage and current in the point M1 (high voltage side) are shown to following. 54 Figure 6-20 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. It can be said that the voltage is not affected by the fault and the current only suffers a small transient period while the fault exists. This behaviour is similar to the case with both sectionalizers open. The measurement point M1 is not influenced by the closing of the sectionalizer. To continue, the voltage and current in the other measurement point, M2, are shown in the figure 6-21. Figure 6-21 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. 55 In this point the voltage and current do not vary if it is compared with the situation where the both sectionalizers are open. • Petersen coil In this case, the peak current is higher than when both sectionalizers are open, practically 2 times 1.5 kA. In the figure 6-22 is shown the fault current for this case. Figure 6-22 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A. The fault current in this situation reaches a value around 2.8 kA when the fault appears. Like in the case with both sectionalizers open, the fault decreases with the time to a value of 0.05 kA. The voltage and current in the point M1 are shown to following. 56 Figure 6-23 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. The obtained results are the same that when the both sectionalizers are open, the voltage and current in this point are not influenced by the closing of sectionalizer 33A. In the same way that in the measurement point M1, the obtained voltage and current in the point M2 (LV side) are very similar to that obtained with both sectionalizers open like the figure 6-24 shows. Figure 6-24 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. 57 These results show that the current and voltage in the point M2 are not influenced by the closing of sectionalizer 33A. • Ungrounded The fault current in this situation is shown in the figure 6-25. Figure 6-25 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A. When the fault appears, the fault current reaches a peak value of 2.9 kA approximately, with the time the current goes decreasingly until a value of 0.080 kA. This behaviour of the current is very similar to the Petersen coil and if it is compared with the case with both sectionalizers open, it can be seen that the fault current also is high. The obtained voltage and current in the point M1 (HV side) are shown in figure 8-26. 58 Figure 6-26 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. The obtained results are very similar to both sectionalizers open case and also to the results of Petersen coil. Both voltage and current are almost not influenced by the fault. In the measurement point M2 (LV side), the obtained results are shown in the figure 6-27. Figure 6-27 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. 59 The voltage and current in this point is the same as that in the case with both sectionalizers open. This measurement point is not affected by the current flows through sectionalizer 33. SECTIONALIZER 150 CLOSED • Solid grounding The fault current, when the sectionalizer 150 is closed, is the following. Figure 6-28 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A. In this situation, the fault current reaches a value around 24 kA, this current is higher than when both sectionalizers are open and lower than when the sectionalizer 33A is closed. The current also decreases with the time until a value of 16 kA approximately. Below, the graphics of the voltage and the current in the measurement point M1 are shown. 60 Figure 6-29 Voltage and current in HV side. If it is compared the voltage in this case, figure 6-29, with the case which has both sectionalizers open, figure 6-5, it can be seen that the voltage behaviour is very similar. In contrast, the current behaviour changes. In this case the current increases but not as much as in previous situations of the sectionalizers. Now the graphics show the obtained current and voltage in the point M1. 61 Figure 6-30 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. In this situation the current and voltage behaviour is the same that in the case of both sectionalizer open and very similar to the case with sectionalizer 33 closed. It is due to that the current from the sectionalizer 33 does not flow for the point M2. • Low-resistance grounding The obtained fault current for this case is the following. Figure 6-31 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A. When the sectionalizer 150 is closed the fault current almost does not vary against the case with both sectionalizers open. It reaches a value around 1.95 kA in the moment that the fault appears and after decreases until a value of 0.6 kA approximately. 62 The following figures show the voltage and current in the point M1 (HV side). Figure 6-32 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. The graphics of the figure 6-32 show that the behaviour of the current and the voltage is the same as that in the case with both sectionalizers open and in the case with sectionalizer 33 closed. The measured voltage and current in the point M1 are shown in the figure 6-33. 63 Figure 6-33 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. In the point M2 happens the same happens as that in the point M1. The current and voltage coincide with the case with both sectionalizers open and with sectionalizer 33 closed . • Petersen coil The fault current in this case where the Petersen coil is used reaches a value of around 1.4 kA in the moment that the fault appears. Figure 6-34 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A. The fault current is practically the same as that in the case with both sectionalizers open and its variation also. The voltage and current in the measurement point M1 are represented in the figure 6-35. 64 Figure 6-35 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. The obtained values are very similar with the result with both sectionalizers open and with sectionalizer 33 closed. As the currents, the voltages almost are not affected by the fault. Their behaviour is ideal. The currents and voltages in the measurement point M2 are obtained, like that the figure 6-36 shows. 65 Figure 6-36 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. The obtained results are the same that in the case with both sectionalizers open and with sectionalizer 33 closed. The current and the voltage are not affected by the fault. This behaviour is ideal. • Ungrounded Finally, it is obtained the fault current with the ungrounded system. The next figure 6-37 shows the waveform of this current. Figure 6-37 Waveform of fault current on busbar 33A . The current value in the moment that the fault appears is the same as that in the case with both sectionalizers open. Also coincide with the fault current in Petersen coil. The graphics of the voltage and current in the point M1 (HV side) are shown in the figure 6-38. 66 Figure 6-38 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side. The obtained results coincide with the obtained in the other three situations of the sectionalizers. The results in the other measurement point, M2, are shown to following. 67 Figure 6-39 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side. The same happen in the point M2, LV side, because this measurement point is not affected by the current flows through of both sectionalizers. 6.3.2 Single-phase to ground short circuit on line 8 BOTH SECTIONALIZERS OPEN • Solid Grounding It is started with the analysis of the fault current in the line 8, the graphic is 9showed in the next figure 6-40. Figure 6-40 Waveform of fault current in the line 8 In the previous figure 6-40 it is possible to look at that the current almost reaches a value of 15 kA and it keeps this value while the fault is not cleaned. 68 The next figure 6-41 shows the waveforms voltage in high voltage side which are measured in the point M1, it can be seen that the voltage in the phase A and B are decreased but the phase C is increased, while the fault happens. It can also be seen that the voltage comes back to the normal voltage after the fault. Figure 6-41 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side The waveform of current in HV side measured in point M1 shows that the current in the phase A is increased and it reaches a superior value of 1 kA and the other phases increase but to a lesser extent like it is seen in the last figure 6-41. This behaviour is due to the high value of the fault current which influence in the voltage and the current in the high voltage side. If the current is compared with fault current case on busbar 33A it is possible to see that the current is low in this case, this is normal due to the line resistance. 69 Now the voltage and the current in low voltage side are analysed in the next graphics. During the fault the voltage in the phase C has a little increment, but the other phases are decreased their values at half voltage, and after the fault is cleaned and the voltage come back to normal value. Figure 6-42 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side The current obviously in the phase A is increased its values at 10 kA during the fault. The phase B increases but in a little value and C is decreased in their values. • Low Resistance As in the solid grounding the fault current is showed in the figure 6-43. It is possible to see the current and it is seen that it reaches a peak value of 1.5 kA in the phase A when the fault happens, but this value is lower than the fault current in the solid grounding case. It is seen that after of peak current, it keeps a constant value during the fault. 70 Figure 6-43 Waveforms of fault current in line 8 The next figure shows that the value of voltage in the high voltage side does not vary, this is a good behavior. If it is remembered the solid grounding case the voltage in high voltage side varied its nominal values during the fault. Therefore this configuration is better with regard the voltage in the solid grounding. The current neither varies its values too much with regard its normal values. 71 Figure 6-44Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side In low voltage side the voltage is increased, its values in the phases B and C √3 times their values reaching the values of 50 kV and the voltage in the phase A is lower. Figure 6-45 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side 72 On the other hand the current in the phase B and C decreased their normal values a little and the current in the phase A is decreased below value of 0.5 kA and it is kept constant during the fault, this problem was analyzed in detail and it was checked that this is due to the wind turbine controller. • Petersen Coil The fault current in this case almost reaches a value of 1.5 kA in a peak current, but these values are being decreased in the time, to reach extremely low values, as shown in the next figure 6-46. Figure 6-46 Waveforms fault current The next figure shows that the waveforms of voltage and current in high voltage side do not vary their values during the fault. This configuration is better with regard to the current than in the low resistance configuration. There are not differences between the voltage in the low resistance case and the Petersen coil case. 73 Figure 6-47 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side In the low voltage side the voltage in the phases A and B is increased to almost 50 kV like the low resistance case but the difference is that after the fault is cleaned the voltage is unbalance. This characteristic was analyzed and it was checked that the voltage unbalance is due to the behavior of wind turbine controller. This problem and the transients in the beginning did not exist with the low resistance configuration. 74 Figure 6-48 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side The current too has transients during the short time when the fault happens, after the current keeps the normal values, in this case the current has better characteristics that the current in the low resistance case. • Ungrounded The next waveform is similar to the waveform of fault current with the configuration Petersen coil, peak values are practically the same too. Figure 6-49 Waveform of fault current in line 8 The figure 6-50 shows that with this configuration the waveforms of voltage and current are not affected by the short circuit in the line 8. 75 Figure 6-50 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side In the low voltage side the voltage is affected, the phase A is practically zero and the other phases increase their values almost to 50 kA, when the fault is cleared the DIgSILENT software losses the reference point, but the peak topeak current is the same before the fault happens.By other hand the current suffers some little transients when the fault happens, but it rapidly gets its normal values during the fault. 76 Figure 6-51 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side SECTIONALIZERS 33 CLOSED • Solid Grounding The fault current is similar to fault current in solid grounding case with the sectionalizers open, it is obvious that the fault current in this case is higher than the last case due to the fault current is the sum of fault current from transformer and from second string of wind turbines. Figure 6-52 Waveforms of fault current The voltage in high voltage side is practically the same that in the solid grounding with the sectionalizers open case. In the current there are differences, it is possible to see that the current in the phases A and B are 77 increased and the phase C is decreased, but if this waveform of current are compared with the waveform of current in the case with both sectionalizers open, it is possible to see that the current increase a low value than with both sectionalizers open, this is normal as the current from high voltage side is low. Figure 6-53 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side In low voltage side the waveforms of voltage is the same that the waveforms of voltage in the case with both sectionalizers open. The waveforms of current are higher than the case both sectionalizers open, as in this case the waveform of phase A above the 10 kA. 78 Figure 6-54 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side • Low Resistance In figure 6-55 it is possible to see that the peak current in the fault is higher than the peak current in the case with both sectionalizers open, in this case the fault current reaches the 2 kA, after the peak current the short circuit current has a constant values during the fault until that the fault is cleaned. Figure 6-55 Waveforms fault current The waveforms of voltage and current in high voltage side are the same as the waveforms of voltage and current with both sectionalizers open. It is possible to see that the voltage and current almost do not vary. 79 Figure 6-56 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side The waveform of voltage in this case and the case with both sectionalizers open is practically the same, but the waveform of current in this case is low in the phase A than in the case with both sectionalizers open and also the phase A is unbalance, this problem did not exist when the case with both sectionalizers open was studied. As mentioned the phase A has a low value than the other phases due to the wind turbine controller. 80 Figure 6-57 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side • Petersen Coil If comparing the fault current waveform in figure 6-58 with fault current when the sectionalizers are open, it is possible to see that the waveform in figure 6-58 is higher than the other case. This is obvious as the fault current is the sum the two fault currents one coming from the transformer and other coming from the other string of wind turbines. Figure 6-58 Waveform fault current The waveform in figure 6-59 has the same values as the case with both sectionalizers open. Therefore it can be seen that the waveform of voltage and current are not affected with the changes in the sectionalizer 33. 81 Figure 6-59 Waveforms of voltage an current in HV side The waveforms of voltage and current in the low voltage side are the same like the case with both sectionalizers open. The only difference is that the next waveforms have more transients when the fault happens. 82 Figure 6-60 Waveform of voltage and current in LV side • Ungrounded This waveform has the same peak values that the last case, but the current during the fault is higher than in the last case like the next figure 6-61 shows. Figure 6-61 Waveform of fault current in the line 8 As when the sectionalizers are closed the waveform of voltage and current in high voltage side are not affected by the short circuit in the line 8. 83 Figure 6-62 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side The below waveform shows the voltage and current has a similar behavior than the case with the sectionalizers open, the only difference is that the current has a peak current greater than the previous case. 84 Figure 6-63 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side SECTIONALIZERS 150 CLOSED • Solid Grounding The fault current waveform in this case and the case with both sectionalizers open are very similar, the fault current in this case is a little more high. Figure 6-64 Waveform of fault current The waveforms in high voltage side of figure 8-66 are the same that the case with both sectionalizers open, the phases A and B decreased and the phase C is increased. 85 Figure 6-65 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side Practically the voltage waveform in this case and the case with sectionalizer 33 closed is the same, the only difference is current value is a little smaller than the case with sectionalizer 33 closed which reaches to 0.5 kA. When both sectionaliters are open this current is higher. 86 Figure 6-66 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side The waveform of current in phase A in this case is smaller than in the case with the sectionalizer 33 closed which reaches around 12.5 kA during the fault, also it is possible to see that the waveform of current during the fault are unbalanced. • Low Resistance The next figure 6-67 shows fault current waveform and if it is compared with the fault current when both sectionalizers are opens it is possible to see that the waveform is practically the same. Figure 6-67 Waveform of fault current 87 The next waveforms are the same to the different situations of the sectionalizers (both sectionalizers open, sectionalizer 33 closed). Figure 6-68 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side The next waveform of voltage and current were seen previously when the case with both sectionalizer are opened. 88 Figure 6-69 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side • Petersen Coil The figure 6-70 shows the waveform of fault current and this current is the same that when the configuration Petersen coil was analyzed with both sectionalizer open. Figure 6-70 Waveform of fault current The waveforms of voltage and current have their normal values during the fault, therefore the fault does not affect to the voltage and current like in the low resistance case. 89 Figure 6-71 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side The next graphics are similar to the other cases studied with different situations of sectionalizers for the Petersen coil configuration 90 Figure 6-72 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side • Ungrounded With the next figure 6-73 has been checked that the fault current is the same regardless the position of the sectionalizers. Figure 6-73 Waveform of fault current The same thing happens with the waveforms of voltage and current in high voltage side and in the low voltage side. The waveform of current in low voltage side has a peak value lower than the seccionalizer 33 is closed. 91 Figure 6-74 Waveforms of voltage and current in HV side Figure 6-75 Waveforms of voltage and current in LV side 92 6.4 Comparison of the results In the first place, the fault currents have been compared in the different situations which have been raised in the chapter 6.3. • Both sectionalizers open. • Sectionalizer 33 closed. • Sectionalizer 150 closed. Below, the analysis has been performed when the fault appears on busbar 33A. The different groundings have been analyzed in these situations in the same graphic. The comparison has been started with the solid grounding. Figure 6-76 Fault currents with solid grounding (short circuit on busbar 33A) The figure 6-76 shows that the closing of the sectionalizer 33 produces an increasing of the fault current. Instead, the closing of the sectionalizer 150 does not produce any variation practically with regard to the case with both sectionalizers open. This increasing is due that the fault current has a component more, that is to say, the fault current is now the sum of the current from the string of the wind turbines, the current from the transformer and the current from the other string of wind turbines like the figure 8-78 shows. 93 Figure 6-77 Distribution of fault current. The same happens with the rest of groundings. The figures 6-78, 6-79 and 6-80 present the fault currents in the three situations of the low-resistance grounding, Petersen coil and ungrounded respectively. Figure 6-78 Fault currents with low-resistance grounding (short circuit on busbar 33A) 94 Figure 6-79 Fault currents with Petersen coil (short circuit on busbar 33A) Figure 6-80 Fault currents with ungrounded (short circuit on busbar 33A) It can be seen that the behaviour of the fault current in the cases with Petersen coil and ungrounded is very similar. This is due that the fault current in the ungrounded system goes decreasing its value due the capacitances of the line and in the case of Petersen coil, the inductive current of the coil cancels the capacitive fault current, so the intensity flows by the fault point is decreased to a small component resistive. 95 In the other case, when the fault appears on the line 8, the system behaves of similar form but the values of the fault current change as the short circuit happens in another part of the wind farm. The figure 6-81 shows the fault current in the three situations if the solid grounding has been used. Figure 6-81 Fault current with solid grounding (short circuit on line 8). The fault current increases when the sectionalizer 33 is closed, it reaches a value of 14.93 kA, instead, when both sectionalizers are open the fault current reaches a value of 12.46 kA. This last value is very similar to the obtained with the sectionalizer 150 closed, 13.01 kA. The other three types of grounding have been presented in the next figures (low-resistance grounding, Petersen coil and ungrounded). 96 Figure 6-82 Fault currents with low-resistance grounding (short circuit on line 8). Figure 6-83 Fault currents with Petersen coil (short circuit on line 8). 97 Figure 6-84 Fault currents with ungrounded (short circuit on line 8). The previous figures show that the fault current also increases when the sectionalizer 33 is closed in every groundings. This is due to the current flows by the sectionalizer 33. In the second place a comparison has been realized between the different grounding types with each position of the sectionalizers. To begin, the fault currents have been obtained when both sectionalizers are open and the fault appears on busbar 33A. Figure 6-85 Faut currents with both sectionalizers open. 98 It is possible see that the fault current with solid grounding is more high than in the other grounding three types. With the other two situations, sectionalizer 33 closed or sectionalizer 150 closed, happen the same. The fault current with the solid grounding is more high. Figure 6-86 Fault currents with both sectionalizers open. The graphic 6-86 presents the different fault currents with the sectionalizer 33 closed to the left and with the sectionalizer 150 closed to the right. When the fault appears in the line 8 and both sectionalizers are open, the fault current comes back to have the higher value with the solid grounding. Figure 6-87 Fault currents with both sectionalizers open. 99 In the other two situations, sectionalizer 33 closed or sectionalizer 150 closed, happen the same like the figure 6-88 shows. Figure 6-88 Fault currents with sectionalizer 33 closed, left, and with sectionalizer 150 closed, right. The next table presents the effective values of the fault current and its peak values when the fault appears on busbar 33A. Table 10 Effective values and peak values of the fault current (short circuit on busbar 33A). Maximum peak fault current (kA) Fault current (kA) Both open 24.057 18.07 33 closed 37.128 26.85 150 closed 28.183 19.85 Both open 1.91 0.41 33 closed 3.819 0.81 150 closed 1.966 0.41 Both open 1.511 0.02 33 closed 3.025 0.05 150 closed 1.505 0.02 CONNECTIONS Sectionalizer Solid grounding Low-resistance grounding Petersen Coil 100 Ungrounded Both open 1.513 0.04 33 closed 3.030 0.08 150 closed 1.508 0.04 As the table shows, the solid grounding is the worst case as it presents a high value of fault current. The next figure presents the effective values and peak values of the fault current when the fault appears on the line 8. Table 11 Effective values and peak values of the fault current (short circuit on line 8). Maximum peak fault current (kA) Fault current (kA) Both open 13.787 10.29 33 closed 16.287 12.13 150 closed 14.407 10.75 Both open 1.576 0.40 33 closed 2.081 0.79 150 closed 1.594 0.40 Both open 1.417 0.03 33 closed 1.599 0.05 150 closed 1.434 0.03 Both open 1.419 0.04 33 closed 1.599 0.08 150 closed 1.434 0.04 CONNECTIONS Sectionalizer Solid grounding Low-resistance grounding Petersen Coil Ungrounded The conclusion is the same that in the previous case. The solid grounding has a bad behaviour for the system. 101 To summarize, the next graphic shows the tendency of short circuit current and the peak fault current, for the different situations of sectionalizer. 40 35 30 Short circuit in busbar 33A Maximum peak fault current (kA) 25 20 15 Short circuit in busbar 33A Fault current (kA) 10 5 Solid grounding 150 closed 33 closed Both open 150 closed 33 closed Both open 150 closed 33 closed Both open 150 closed 33 closed Both open 0 Short circuit in line 8 Maximum peak fault current (kA) Short circuit in line 8 Fault current (kA) LowPetersen Coil Ungrounded resistance grounding Figure 6-89 Tendency of short circuit current for different situations of sectionalizers In last place, it is presented a table where have been compared the currents and voltages in the neutral of the transformer with the different groundings, except with the ungrounded as it does not have neutral connected to earth. The table 16 shows the obtained values in each situation when the fault appears on busbar 33A. Table 12 Voltages and currents in the neutral with short circuit on busbar 33A. Fault in Busbar 33A Sectionalizers Open Sectionalizer Sectionalizer 33 Closed 150 Closed Solid Un 3.4336 kV 2.5511 kV 3.7718 kV Grounding In 18.0718 kA 13.4270 kA 19.8515 kA Low Un 19.3264 kV 19.3284 kV 19.3440 kV Resistance In 0.4092kA 0.4043kA 0.4046 kA Un 19.3720 kV 19.3815 kV 19.3699 kV In 0.0127kA 0.0127 kA 0.01277 kA Petersen Coil 102 The results have been compared and it is possible to see that the solid grounding has the higher current in the neutral, reaching a value of 19.85 kA when the sectionalizer 150 is closed while the low-resistance grounding reaches a value of 0.4046 and in the Petersen coil a value of 0.0127 kA. In the other hand, the solid grounding has the lower voltage with the sectionalizer 150 closed (the worst case) with a value of 3.77 kV. The lowresistance grounding and the Petersen coil have a value very similar, 19.34 kV and 19.37 kV respectively. The table 17 shows the voltages and currents in the neutral of the transformer when the fault appears in the line 8, between WT7 and WT8. Table 13 Voltages and currents in the neutral with short circuit on line 8. Fault in line 8 Sectionalizers Open Sectionalizer Sectionalizer 33 Closed 150 Closed Solid Un 1.9562 kV 1.1522 kV 2.0422 kV Grounding In 10.2960 kA 6.0641 kA 10.7485 kA Low Un 19.1723 kV 18.8581 kV 19.188 kV Resistance In 0.4010 kA 0.3944 kA 0.4013kA Petersen Coil Un 19.5279 kV 19.5533 kV 19.5260 kV In 0.0128kA 0.0128 kA 0.0128 kA It is possible to see that the solid grounding has the higher current and the lower voltage with regard to the other two grounding types. The same happens when the fault appears on busbar 33A. 103 7 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION The analyzed model is not the real system, due to the limitation of nodes in the DIgSILENT software. The following points show an estimate of the short circuit currents for the real system which has four strings with 8 wind turbines in each busbar 33. The studied model has only one string with 8 wind turbines in each busbar 33 as it is possible to see in the figure 3-1. The next estimate has been carried out in the case of four strings when the fault happens on busbar 33A. kA Short Circuit current on Busbar 33A 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Nº Strings in busbar Short Circuit current on Busbar 33A (kA) 1 2 3 4 16,56 19,9 23,24 26,58 Figure 7-1 Estimate of short circuit current for different number of strings The figure 7-1 shows the increment of short circuit current in the busbar 33. With each string the short circuit current increases 3.34 kA reaching a value of 26.58 kA for four strings. The figure 7-2 presents the estimate of short circuit current in the transformer. It is possible to see that the increase is of 0.35 kA with each string. When the busbar has four strings the short circuit current is 14.62 kA. This could influence in the design of ground grid realized in the chapter 4. The touch voltage and step voltage have been obtained for this case and the results are: Vstep=247.26 V Vtouch=272.45 V 104 These values are lower than the reference values Vstep=392.14 V and Vtouch=354.58 V. kA Short Circuit current in transformer 160 MVA-A 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Nº Strings in busbar Short Circuit current in transformer 160 MVA-A (kA) 1 2 3 4 13,57 13,92 14,27 14,62 Figure 7-2 Estimate of short circuit current for different number of strings The touch voltage and step voltage have been checked for the different grounding in the WT1, when the short circuit happens on busbar 33A. Figure 7-3 Step voltage in WT1 with different groundings 105 Figure 7-4 Touch voltage in WT1 with different groundings The figures 7-3 and 7-4 show that the touch voltage and step voltage do not reach the reference touch voltage and step voltage. The short circuit currents used to calculate these voltages are presented in the annex C. When the fault happens on line 8 short circuit current is lower than the short circuit current in the busbar 33A, so the touch voltage and step voltage also are below of reference touch voltage and step voltage. Figure 7-5 Step voltage in WT1 with different groundings 106 Figure 7-6 Touch voltage in WT1 with different groundings The previous cases have been analyzed for one string in each busbar 33. An estimate will be done for the case of four strings below . It is possible to see that the increase is of 0.0016 kA with each string, these current was calculated when the short circuit happens on busbar 33A. The obtained currents are lower than the short circuit currents on busbar 33WT1, which is the worst case, as it was calculated in the chapter 4. Therefore, the touch voltage and step voltage are lower than the reference touch voltage and step voltage. Short Circuit current in transformer of WT1 0,397 0,395 kA 0,393 0,391 0,389 0,387 Nº Strings in busbar Short Circuit current in transformer of WT1 (kA) 1 2 3 4 0,3901 0,3917 0,3933 0,3949 Figure 7-7 Estimate of short circuit current for different number of strings 107 8 CONCLUSSIONS As it has been checked in the previous chapter 6, there are two extreme cases of grounding. • Solid grounding system presents a fault current very high with regard to the others grounding. • Ungrounded system has a short circuit to ground current of capacitive nature, which can produce a re-ignition of single-phase to ground fault. The figures 6-27 (when the fault appears on busbar 33A and the sectionalizer 33 is closed) and 6-63 (when the fault appears on line 8 and the sectionalizer 33 is closed) show that in this grounding type an overvoltage appears after the fault is cleared. This behaviour can be harmful for the system. For these reasons, these two groundings are not selected for the issue of this project. In the other hand, Petersen coil and low-resistance grounding have been analyzed. Petersen coil presents a good behaviour in every situations that have been analyzed. This grounding also presents a low fault current and does not produce overvoltages. But this method has some disadvantages. • Risk of Ferro-resonance. • More complex. • More expensive. These disadvantages make that it may not be recommendable for the wind farm. Finally, low-resistance grounding also presents a good behaviour against the single-line to ground short circuit. Its maximum fault current (with sectionalizer 33 closed) is of 3.819 kA when the fault appears on busbar 33A (the worst case) and not presents important overvoltages. 108 To summarize, the best compromise for reducing earth fault currents and transient overvoltages has been obtained with low-resistance grounding. 109 9 FUTURE WORK Some additional tasks could be performed: • The short circuit analysis could be studied for three phases short circuit or two phase short circuit. • Analyze the short circuits in wind farm with ring topology. • Study of different turbine types are also interesting (SCIG,...). • Economical study about the different groundings. 110 10 REFERENCES [1] Justin Wilkes and Jacopo Moccia, “Wind in power 2009 European stadistics”, February 2010 [Online]. Available: 0401_General_Stats_2009.pdf. Accessed : May 15, 2010. [2] Donald W.Zipse and Gene Strycula, “System grounding”, IEEE Std. 1422007. Grounding of industrial and Commercial power systems. 2007. [3] Douglas C. Dawson, “IEEE Guide for the Application of Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility Systems-Part I:Introduction” in IEEE Std C62.92.1-2000. Guide for the application of neutral grounding in electrical utility systems.2000. [4] John E. May, John P. Riganati and Sava I. Sherr, IEEE Std 80-1986 Guide for safety in AC Substation Grounding. 1985 [5] E.G. “AL” Kiener, Donal C. Loughry and Andrew G. Salem, IEEE Std. 665-1995.Guide for Generating Station Grounding.1995. [6] A.P.Sakis Meliopoulos, Power system Grounding and Transitients, USA: Marcel Dekker,1988. [7] B.M. Weedy and B.J. Cory,Electric Power Systems, Fourth edition,UK, Wiley.1998. [8] DIgSILENT PowerFactory, DIgSILENT PowerFactory Version 13.1, 2004. [9] B. de Metz-Nublat, F.Duma and C. Poulain, “Cahier technique nº 158”, Calculation of Short Circuit Currents.2005. 111 112 A. Short Circuit Current from DIgSILENT The next tables have been obtained from DIgSILENT PowerFactory, and it is showed the different short circuit (three phase short circuit and single phase to ground short circuit) in high voltage side in the busbar 150A and low voltage side in the busbar 33A with different situations of the sectionalizers. High Voltage Side: I II Low Voltage Side: III IV B. Equivalent Circuit of the wind farm The equivalent circuit of the wind farm is presented in the figure: Figure 10-1 Equivalent circuit of wind farm. The values determination of the different impedances are shown as follows the equations and explanations from are used for computing [9]. • External grid For obtaining this impedance, the follow formula is used. pe = oe F 0e&& (01) Where oe is the rated voltage of the connection point, 0e&& is the initial short circuit apparent power of the external grid. Substituting the available values: Like as showed from [34], st ut 150F pe = = 22.5 Ω 1000 ≈ 0.1 at 150 KV and: (02) V ae 2e F = v1 − w x pe pe (03) ae = 0.995 pe (04) ae ≈ pe (05) If the values are substituted Then, it is possible to suppose that: The obtained impedance will be: pe = 2e + ae = 2.25 + 22.5y Ω • (06) The line impedances of high voltage The impedance value depend on the cable type used. In this case, the impedance is obtained from the DIgSILENT software where a cable NEXANS 400 mm2 is used. The impedance is: pdR = pdF = 9 + 15y Ω • (07) The transformer impedance 150/33 KV To calculate the transformer impedance of high voltage side the following equation[9] is used: pbR = Where onb o F · 100 0D (08) onb is the short circuit voltage in percentage value of the primary winding, U is the phase to phase voltage and 0D is the apparent power of the transformer. The values of these parameters are: onb = 12% o = 33 + 0D = 160 |+8 Substituting the values of the transformer: pbR = 0.816 Ω VI From [34], the resistance and reactance of the transformer are: pbR ≈ abR 2bR = 0.2abR (09) (10) Substituting the values, the value of transformer impedance is obtained: • pbR = 0.163 + 0.816y Ω (11) The line Impedances of the low voltage side The obtained line impedance is between busbar 33 A or 33 B and the first wind turbine, figure 8-1. This impedance depends on the used cable, in this case JDR 500 mm2 and the length of the cable. The impedance is obtained from DIgSILENT software. pdg = 0.486 + 0.393y Ω In second place the impedance between wind generators is obtained. The cable is the same but the length is different. pdS = 0.339 + 0.275y Ω • Transformer impedance of three-windings 33/0.69/3.3 KV The calculation is the same as the transformer of the high voltage side. The same equation is used. pbF = The values in this case are: onb = 5.36 % onb o F · 100 0D (12) o = 33 + 0D = 5.6 |+8 Substituting the values in the equation, the transformer impedance is: pbF = 10.42 Ω From [9], the resistance and reactance of transformer are obtained: VII abF ≈ pbF 2bF = 0.2abF (13) (14) The transformer impedance is: pbF = 2.08 + 10.42y Ω • The doubly-fed induction generator impedance To obtain the doubly-fed induction generator impedance, the following expression [9] is used: p}q = 1 o~ 1 · = ,ds √3 ,~ ,dsQ Q, ,~ ~ o~ F · 0~ (15) Where ,~ , o~ and 0~ are respectively rated current, voltage and apparent power of the generator, and ,ds is the locked-rotor current. These parameters are obtained from the DIgSILENT software and the values ,ds Q, = 7 ~ are: o~ = 3.3 + 0~ = 5891.47 +8 Substituting the values into the equation, the impedance is obtained: Z = 0.264 Ω That the relation between the resistance and reactance is: 2}q = 0.43 a}q (16) And like the reactance may be comparable to impedance, a}q ≈ p}q , the doubly-fed induction generator impedance will be: p}q = 0.1135 + 0.264y Ω VIII C. Tables of Short Circuit Currents on busbar 33A and on line 8 The step touch voltage are shown in the next figure for the different short circuit currents, when the fault happens in the busbar 33A and on line 8. Short Circuit on Busbar 33A SOLID GROUNDING LOW RESISTANCE PETERSENCOIL UNGROUNDED BOTH SECTONALIZERS OPEN SECTIONALIZER 33 CLOSED SECTIONALIZER 150 CLOSED BOTH SECTONALIZERS OPEN SECTIONALIZER 33 CLOSED SECTIONALIZER 150 CLOSED BOTH SECTONALIZERS OPEN SECTIONALIZER 33 CLOSED SECTIONALIZER 150 CLOSED BOTH SECTONALIZERS OPEN SECTIONALIZER 33 CLOSED SECTIONALIZER 150 CLOSED Fault Current (kA) Vs (V) Vt (V) 0,3901 107,49 171,49 0,3924 108,154 172,5 0,3921 108,072 172,37 0,0916 25,247 40,268 0,0951 26,211 41,806 0,0908 25,02 39,91 0,0827 22,794 36,355 0,0827 22,794 36,355 0,0827 22,794 36,355 0,0828 22,82 36,399 0,0828 22,82 36,399 0,0827 22,794 36,355 IX Short Circuit on line 8 SOLID GROUNDING LOW RESISTANCE PETERSENCOIL UNGROUNDED BOTH SECTONALIZERS OPEN SECTIONALIZER 33 CLOSED SECTIONALIZER 150 CLOSED BOTH SECTONALIZERS OPEN SECTIONALIZER 33 CLOSED SECTIONALIZER 150 CLOSED BOTH SECTONALIZERS OPEN SECTIONALIZER 33 CLOSED SECTIONALIZER 150 CLOSED BOTH SECTONALIZERS OPEN SECTIONALIZER 33 CLOSED SECTIONALIZER 150 CLOSED Fault Current (kA) 0,2654 Vs (V) Vt (V) 73,15 116,672 0,2378 65,543 104,538 0,2599 71,6345 114,25 0,0916 25,2471 40,268 0,0954 26,294 41,938 0,0909 25,054 39,96 0,0827 22,794 36,355 0,0827 22,794 36,355 0,0827 22,794 36,355 0,0828 22,82 36,3995 0,0828 22,82 36,3995 0,0827 22,794 36,355 X