GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 28, NO. 7, PAGES 1199-1202,APRIL 1,2001 First Lidar Observations of Middle Atmosphere Temperatures, Fe Densities, and Polar Mesospheric Clouds Over the North and South Poles Chester S. Gardner, GeorgeC. Papen, Xinzhao Chu, and Weilin Pan Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA Abstract. An Fe Boltzmann temperature lidar was used to obtain the first measurementsof middle atmospheretemper- tially deployedto the North Pole in Jun/Jul 99 aboard the NSF/NCAR Electra aircraft and to the South Pole in Nov atures, Fe densities,and polar mesospheric clouds(PMCs) 99. During these campaigns the instrument made the first measurementsof middle atmosphere temperatures, Fe den- over the North and South Poles during the 1999-2000 summer seasons. The measured temperature structure of the mesopauseand lower thermosphere regions in mid-summer sities,and polar mesospheric clouds(PMCs) overboth Poles density profiles of the normal Fe layer between 80-100 km during mid-summer. To illustrate the measurement capabilities of this new lidar technique, we summarize those initial measurements and discusskey differencesbetween the North at summer and South at both Poles is consistent with solstice are similar the MSIS90 at both model. the North The and South Pole observations. Poleswith maximumdensitiesof about 2000cm-a. Sporadic Fe (Fes) layerswereobservedat both Poleswith peak densities at 106 km altitude. The maximum densities of the Feslayerswere232x10a cm-a at North Poleand 6.52x10a Experimental Configuration The altitudes of PMCs over the South Pole were consistently 2-3 km higher than those observed over the North Pole. The University of Illinois Fe Boltzmann temperature lidar system is designed to measure temperatures from 30-80 km using the Rayleigh technique and from about 85 to 105 km in the mesopauseregion using the Fe Boltzmann technique Introduction [Gelbwachs, 1994]. The systemincludestwo 0.4 m diame- cm -a at South Pole. PMCs were detected above both Poles. ter telescopesand two injection-seeded pulsed Alexandrite Modelling studies and observations have shown that lasersthat are frequency doubled to probe the Fe resonance global change resulting from trace gas variations is not con- lines at 372 and 374 nm. The nominal averageoutput power fined to the lower atmosphere but extends into the middle of each laser is about 3 W in the UV. The lidar can operand upperatmospheres as well [e.g.,Robleand Dickinson, ate during both day and night. It was first deployed on 1989; Aiken et al., 1991]. DoublingCO2 concentrations is predictedto coolthe stratopause(•50 km) by 10-12 K and the mesopause region(•80-100 km) by 6-12 K [Portmann et al., 1995]. The Polar Regionsare moresensitiveto global the NSF/NCAR Electra aircraft to make observationsof Fe changeeffectsthan elsewhereand profiles of atmospheric parameters and constituents at the Poles can provide a convenient means of validating and calibrating global circulation models. However, measurements of key parameters such as temperature profiles, have only been conducted in the troposphere and lower stratosphere at the Poles with bal- et al. [2001a,b]. In Jun/Jul 99, the lidar systemwas again deployedon loon borne sensors to altitudes less than 30 km. While it is meteor trails over Okinawa during the 1998 Leonid meteor shower[Chu et al., 2000]. Additional information on the system characteristicsand capabilities can be found in Chu the NSF/NCAR Electra to make temperature and Fe density observations over the north polar cap during the Arc- tic MesopauseTemperatureStudy (AMTS). AMTS began on 16 Jun with a ferry flight from Broomfield,CO (40øN, 105øW) to ResoluteBay, Canada (75øN, 95øW) where the clear that polar middle atmospheredata are vital for testing campaign was based. One roundtrip flight was made to Sonthe atmospheric circulation models that underlie our under- drestromfjord,Greenland(67øN, 50øW) on 19 Jun and four standing of global change, collecting data from this remote flights were made to the geographic North Pole on 21 Jun, and inaccessibleregion with sophisticated remote sensing I Jul, 2 Jul, and 4 Jul. On the last three flights to the geoinstruments is challenging. graphic Pole, the return flight path passeddirectly over the To help address this crucial measurement need, our magneticNorth Pole (79øN, 105øW). On 5 Jul the system group, in collaboration with The Aerospace Corporation wasflownto Anchorage, AK (61øN,150øW)andoneaddi- and the NCAR ResearchAviation Facility, has developed tional flight was made on 8 Jul to probe NLCs (noctilucent a robust new lidar system for measuring temperature pro- clouds)overthe Gulf of Alaska. A total of 52 hrs of airborne files from the middle stratosphere to the lower thermosphere that can be deployed on researchaircraft or operated at remote sites. This Fe Boltzmann temperature lidar was iniCopyright 2001 by theAmericanGeophysical Union. lidar observationswere made during AMTS. In Nov 99, the Fe lidar system was installed in the Atmospheric Research Observatory 488 m north of the geographicSouth Pole. Observations began on 2 Dec 99 and continued through the austral summer and winter. A total of 470 hrs of measure- Papernumber2000GL012622. ments have been made through Sep 00. In this paper we focus primarily on data collected during the few weeks near 0094-8276/01/2000GL012622505.00 summer 1199 solstice at both the North and South Poles. 1200 GARDNERET AL: FIRST LIDAR OBSOF TEMP, DEN, PMC OVER N/S POLES 1 !5 , , , i i • 11 I i , i ' ' ' ' 11 i , i IllIll • I I I I I: 115 MSIS90 @21Jun99] 110 -- ••e !10 I Laye• ,•orth21 JunPole 99 105 ".-' --:" 100 .- --" 95 95 ..-•.• 90 . • _._•.• • _ __--"• 85 ß , , i , llll 1000 i , , At= 3hr Az= 1 km South Pole 2'7 Jan 00 At = 6.5 hr , 90 85 North Pole @ 21 Jun99 -- -- - SouthPole @ 21Dec 99 , 100 At=30min /.•/_• 1.d1'•111 _ NormalFe Layer ." 80100 150 i 200 250 300 350 Temperature(K) 10000 (cm_,) 10' Fe Density Figure North 3. Temperatureprofilesobtainedover the geographic and South Poles on 21 Jun 99 and 27 Jan 00. FigUre 1. Fe densityprofilesobtainedon the 1999 summer solsticesat the geographicNorth (21 Jun 99) and South Poles (21 Dec 99), approximately2000cm-3. The abundanceof the normalFe layeris 0.90x109cm-2 at North Poleand 1.55x 109cm-2 at South Pole. Fe Densities The mesosphericFe layer typically extends from about 80 to 100 km altitude with sporadicFe (Fes) layerssometimes observedat altitudes as high as 115 km. The layer is created by meteoric ablation and depleted at its lower boundary by chemical processes.Fe chemistry is temperature dependent. The primary sink reaction FeO + 02 -• FeO3 on the layer bottom sideproceedsmostrapidly at low temperatures[Rollason and Plane, 2000]. This reaction drivesthe seasonal variationsin the Fe columnabundance[Kane and Gardner, 1993; Helmer et al., 1998]. Lidar observations at Urbana, IL (40øN) haverevealedthat the Fe abundancevariesfrom a summertimelow of •5x109 cm-2 to a wintertimehigh of •15x 109 cm -2 with an annual mean of •11x109 cm -2 [Kane and Gardner,1993]. Becausemesopausetemperatures are extremely low over the polar caps at mid-summer, the Fe densities are also expected to be quite low. Existing models predict peak densi- These abundances are about a factor of 5 less than thoseobservedduringsummerat mid-latitudes[Kane and Gardner, 1993]. Both profilesalsoexhibit sporadicFe layers with peak densities near 106 km altitude. At the North Pole the peak density and abundance of the Fes layer are 232x10a cm-a and 122x109cm-2, respectively.The corresponding valuesat SouthPole are 6.52x10a cm-a and 2.18x 109 cm -2. The sporadic layers dominate these Fe profiles at both sites but the 21 Jun 99 North Pole Fes is quite unusual because of the extremely high peak density and abundance. This prominent feature was observed on the subsequent three flights to the North Pole, however the peak densities and abundances of the Fes on these later flights were much smaller and comparable to the 21 Dec 99 South Pole observations. Although more than 300 h of Fe lidar observations were made at South Pole during the 1999-2000 austral summer, the Fes layer was only observed on summer solstice 21 Dec 99. Additional observations conducted in Nov and Dec 00 at South Pole exhibit numerousFes. Sporadic metal tiesof about103 cm-3 comparedto severaltimesthat value layersare linked to sporadicE (Es). Fes appearsto result at mid-latitudes[JohnPlane,privatecommunication, 1999]. from the releaseof Fe from Fe+, FeO2+, and FeO+ in the Plotted in Figure 1 are the Fe density profiles observedover presenceof the enhancedelectronand Fe+ densitiesin spothe geographicNorth Pole on 21 Jun 99 and the geographic radic E layers[Kane and Gardner,1993]. Es is commonly South Pole on 21 Dec 99. The normal Fe layers between 80 and 100 km at both sites exhibit very low densities of 120 I 11o _ At- 12 min lOO _ Az- 1.5 km Temperatures are derived using the Rayleigh technique by summing the 372 and 374 nm molecular scatter profiles and using the Boltzmann technique by ratioing the 372 and 70- 60 - 374nm Fe densityprofiles[Gelbwachs, 1994].Plottedin Fig- 5o40- i 100 ure 2 is the temperature profile obtained at night near Rapid Fe Lidar - - - MSIS90 30 20 ionosondeobservationsat ResoluteBay and Eureka (80øN, 85øW) duringthe periodof our North Pole flightsdid reveal the presenceof Es [JohnMacDougall,private communications, 1999]. Middle Atmosphere Temperatures - 80 observedat high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, and i i i I 150 i City, SD (44øN, 103øW) at 0415 UT on 16 Jun 99. The i i i I • • • 200 , I 250 , , , , 300 Temperature(K) Figure 2. Middle atmospheretemperature profile obtained from the NSF/NCAR Electra aircraft at night near Rapid City, SD (44øN, 103øW) at 0415 UT on 16 Jun 99. MSIS90 model profile for this latitude and date is plotted for comparison. The lower mesosphereis about 20 K warmer than MSIS90, while the mesopauseabout 10 K colder. The observedthermospheric temperatures near 110 km are comparable to model predictions. The mesopausetemperatures near 92 km are very cold (145-150K) and in the rangeconducive to the formation of NLCs. Just six days after these GARDNER ET AL.' FIRST LIDAR OBS OF TEMP, DENSITY, 120 Polar Mesospheric 100 Fe/Rayleigh • 80 At(Fe) Az- j 1 km LidarData 1201 PMC Clouds Polar mesosphericclouds and their visual counterparts, noctilucent clouds, form between 82 and 86 km at high latitudes during the three months around summer solsticewhen mesopause regiontemperaturesfall below 150 K [Thomas, 1991]. The PMC and NLC volumebackscattercoefficient profilesobtainednear the geographicNorth Pole (> 85øN) on 4 Jul 99, over the Gulf of Alaska (58øN) on 8 Jul 99, At (Rayleigh) =1;% / and over the geographic South Pole on 18 Jan 00 are plotted for comparison in Figure 5. More extensive data on •A•z =l•j' < 40 the seasonal variations of the South Pole PMCs can be found in the papersby Chu et al. [2001a,hi. The •_. Balloon Data 20 0 I I I I , I , , , I , , , I I I , I •"1'"'""11 , I I I I I I 150 200 250 300 Temperature(K) Figure 4. Compositetemperature profile measuredover the geographicSouth Poleon 8 May 00 usingballoonand Fe/Rayleigh lidar and diurnal data. most striking difference among these profiles is the altitudes of the scattering layers. The centroid altitude of the South Pole PMC, 85.6 kin, is closeto the seasonalmean of 85.5 km reportedby Chu et al. [2001a].The centroidaltitude of the North Pole PMC, 83.3 km, is only slightly higher than the values typically reported for Northern Hemisphere observa- tions [e.g., yon Zahn et al., 1998],but is 2.3 km lowerthan at South Pole. The centroid altitude of the NLC observed at night over the Gulf of Alaska, 81.8 km, is 1.5 km lower than the PMC observed 4 days earlier at the North Pole. Chu et al. [200lb] and yonZahn et al. [1998]haveshown measurementswere made, noctilucent clouds were observed that the altitude of the PMC layers are strongly influenced by the cm/s vertical windsoscillationsassociatedwith tides near Salt Lake City, UT (42øN, 112øW), the first time the and waves. Chu et al. [2001a]also showedthat the seaphenomenon hasbeenobservedthat far south[Mike Taylor, sonal variations in the PMC altitudes at South Pole apprivate communications, 2000]. This figure illustratesthe pear to be influencedby the cm/s upwellingover the polar impressive capability of the airborne Fe Boltzmann lidar to cap associated with the diabaticcirculationsystem[Garcia make temperature measurementsin the upper stratosphere, and Solomon,1985]. The upwellingis strongestover the mesosphere,and lower thennosphere. Because of the extremely low Fe densities over the North and South Poles in summer and the high background noise from the daytime sky, it was not possible to measure temperature profiles over as large a height range or with as high a resolution as the nighttime observations at Rapid City. The temperature profiles obtained in the thermosphere over the North Pole on 21 Jun 99 and in the mesopauseregion over the South Pole on 27 Jan 00, are plotted in Figure 3 along with the MSIS90 model profile for 21 Jun 99 at 90øN. Both observationsare compatible with the MSIS90 model. Several groups have reported data that suggest the summer mesopauseregion in the Southern Hemisphere is a few degrees warmer than in the Northern Hemisphere. Recent rocket measurements of summertime temperatures at poles and becomes progressively weaker at lower latitudes. Thus, the altitude difference between the PMC observed near North Pole on 4 Jul and the NLC observed over the Gulf of Alaska(58øN) on 8 Jul is probablya consequence of the weaker upwelling at 58øN. The significant altitude difference between the North and South Pole PMCs is surprising. Perhaps it is associatedwith differencesin the temperature structure. If the South Pole mesopausetemperatures were several K warmer than the North Pole temperatures, then the South Pole PMCs would be expected to form several km higher nearer the mesopause where the temperatures are colder. Alternatively, the higher South Pole PMCs may Rothera,Antarctica(68øN,68øW) revealedthat mesopause temperatures are 2-6 K warmer than at Andoya, Norway 87 r-.a--. _•-._,• ...... - (69øN, 16øE) [Liibkenet al., 1999]. Polar mesospheric summer echoes(PMSEs), a phenomenon relatedto polar mesosphericclouds(PMCs), are weakerand moresporadicin the SouthernHemisphere[Huaman and Balsley, 1999], which 86- _• from the MSIS90 were observed model. in the fall over the South Pole. _---.:..--_,. - ..---- PMCs @>85øN- 83 _.r--r- 82 ....... -. NLCs (X5) @ 5g øN......... - 80 ted in Figure 4 is a composite temperature profile obtained on 8 May 00 usingballoon and Fe/Rayleigh lidar data. On 04 99 _ '"-•-' 81 •' Plot- this night it was possible to derive Fe temperatures in the lower thermosphere up to 110 km becauseof the presenceof a high altitude Fes layer. The lower mesosphereis about 20 K warmer and the upper mesosphereis about 20 K colder than predicted by the MSIS90 model. PMCs @90øS 18 Jan 00 84 Significant departures from the MSIS90 temperature model - •- .......... 85 may also be related to warmer temperatures. Our limited summertime temperature observationsdo not reveal any obvious differences - 2 4 6 08 Jul 99 8 10 VolumeBackscatter Coefficient [3(x10-9m-lsr -1) Figure 5. PMC and NLC volumebackscattercoefficientprofiles obtained near the North Pole (> 85øN) on 4 Jul 99, over the Gulf of Alaska (58øN) on 8 Jul 99, and over the South Pole on 18 Jan 00. 1202 GARDNER ET AL: FIRST LIDAR OBS OF TEMP, DEN, PMC OVER N/S POLES be an indication of stronger upwelling in the summer mesosphere over Antarctica compared to the North polar cap. Strongerupwellingwould increaseadiabatic coolingand result in a cooler, not warmer, mesopauseregion. Conclusions solstice when the Fe densities are minimum and background noise from the daytime sky is maximum, provided the toughest environmental tests of the instrument. In spite of these challenges,scientificallyuseful Fe density, temperature,and PMC profileswereobtainedover both the North and South Poles in mid-summer. These initial mea- surementsrevealed interesting and surprising differencesin Fes layer characteristicsand altitudes of PMCs. The lidar will remain at South Pole for two more years where it will be used to characterize the seasonal variations of the tem- perature structure from 30-100 km, the Fe and Fes layer structure in the mesopauseand lower thermosphereregions, and PMCs Geophys. Res. Left., 2001 Garcia, R. R., and S. Solomon, The effect of breaking gravity waveson the dynamics and chemicalcompositionof the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 90, 38503868, 1985. These initial observations demonstrate the impressive measurementcapabilities of the Fe Boltzmann temperature lidar. The North Pole airborne observations,conducted near summer Chu, X., C. S. Gardner, and G. Papen, Lidar observationsof polar mesosphericclouds at South Pole: Diurnal variations, near 85 km. Acknowledgments. Authorsgratefullyacknowledge Dr. John Walling and his colleaguesat Light Age, Inc., the NCAR flight crew, and the staff of Amundsen-ScottSouth Pole Station for their superb support. We also acknowledgeJerry Gelbwachs and Robert Farley of The AerospaceCorporation for building the lidar receivingtelescopesand detector subsystems.We offer special thanks to Sunanda Basu and John Lynch at the National Science Foundation for their encouragement and support in de- veloping the Fe lidar and deploying it to the North and South Poles. This project was supported in part by NSF grants ATM 96-12251, ATM 97-09921, and OPP 96-16664. Gelbwachs, J. A., Iron Boltzmann factor LIDAR: proposed new remote-sensingtechnique for mesospherictemperature, Appl. Opt., 33, 7151-7156, 1994. Helmer, M., J. M. C. Plane, J. Qian, and C. S. Gardner, A model of meteoric iron in the upper atmosphere, J. 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Left., 2001 (ReceivedNovember 10, 2000; revised January 16, 2001; acceptedJanuary 18, 2001.)