REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX September 2015 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX IMPORTANT NOTICE Purpose AEMO was requested by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council Senior Committee of Officials (SCO) on 13 April 2015 to provide advice about security and reliability in the context of changing generation mix. AEMO prepared this document in response to the SCO request. This publication is based on information available to AEMO as at the end of September 2015. Disclaimer SCO requested that the above advice be provided by 30 September 2015. This response has been prepared to meet the timelines specified by SCO. AEMO has made every effort to discuss the technical issues raised by the request, however, a detailed program of work is required to comprehensively understand all challenges. AEMO makes every effort to ensure the quality of the information it provides, however it cannot represent or warrant that the information, forecasts and assumptions are accurate or complete or appropriate for particular circumstances. This document does not include all of the information that an investor, participant or potential participant in the National Electricity Market might require, and does not amount to a recommendation of any investment. Anyone proposing to use the information in this document (including information and reports from third parties) should independently verify and check its accuracy, completeness and suitability for purpose, and obtain independent and specific advice from appropriate experts. Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by law, AEMO and its officers, employees and consultants involved in the preparation of this publication: make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the currency, accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information in this document; and are not liable (whether by reason of negligence or otherwise) for any statements, opinions, information or other matters contained in or derived from this publication, or any omissions from it, or in respect of a person’s use of the information in this document. © AEMO 2015 2 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In April 2015, the Standing Committee of Officials (SCO) requested that AEMO provide confidential advice to the COAG Energy Council on power system security and reliability. The first report provided in May, and later published1, focussed on power system security and reliability in the context of generation exits. This second report focuses on power system security and reliability in the context of the changing mix of generation. Investment in low inertia, solid-state connected renewable generation is continuing at a substantial rate in the National Electricity Market (NEM). This is currently in the form of embedded photovoltaic (PV) generation and wind farms, but is expected to be supplemented by storage devices and growth in commercial PV as projected in the 2015 National Electricity Forecasting Report. The consequences of these investments are that: conventional synchronous generating plant2 is progressively losing market share, leading to reduced financial viability and gradual withdrawal from the power system either for short or extended periods, or in some cases permanently. Embedded generation is becoming a greater proportion of the total mix, with around 1.3 million rooftop PV installations in the NEM in 2014-15. This represents a shift in market and power system control from large scale generation which are transmission connected and centrally regulated in terms of technical attributes, monitoring and dispatch, to a mix that includes an increasing proportion of smaller scale, distribution connected plant which is not centrally regulated in relation to its technical attributes, monitoring or dispatch, and potentially not even visible. This progressive change in generation mix, through displacement of synchronous generation with different technologies will gradually change the dynamic response of the power system to events such as contingencies and changes in demand. These changes will raise questions as to the adequacy of existing System Standards, which tend to assume a historical pattern of power system operation and performance. Implications of the change in generation mix for the operating limits and characteristics of the power system, including interconnector limits, oscillatory stability limits, frequency control and system restart processes and emergency procedures to name a few, need to be understood and adapted to the future generation mix well in advance. Some of the services provided to the NEM by generation facilities such as “inertia”, voltage control, frequency control, and even the ability to vary production levels in response to five-minute dispatch targets, have been abundant to date, as they are normal attributes of a portfolio of synchronous generating plant. However, if over time the Generators providing those services leave the power system, or do not operate for periods of time, those services will become progressively scarce, with implications for managing power system security. In response to the questions posed by SCO, this report identifies some of the anticipated technical challenges of managing a low inertia power system, considers how equipped AEMO and the industry are to forecast and manage these impacts, how emerging technologies may be positioned to either reduce or exacerbate the identified issues, and outlines a forward work program that AEMO suggests is required as a means of identifying the full range of prospective technical risks to power system security and reliability. This report builds upon the technical issues raised in AEMO’s May advice, but focuses primarily on challenges related to the changing generation mix with a focus on inertia. 1 2 Available at A brief introductory description of the technical concepts of synchronous generation and power system inertia is provided at Appendix A. © AEMO 2015 3 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX The level of inertia in the power system has broader challenges for system security which then can ultimately impact supply reliability. AEMO’s day to day operation of the power system focuses on maintaining the system within the secure operating limits, and AEMO has a range of mechanisms available to it under the National Electricity Rules (NER) for achieving this. Examples include imposing constraints on generation to keep network flows within safe limits, and procuring frequency control and network control services. Ultimately, AEMO might need to shed customer load to maintain power system security. Given the emphasis on inertia, this advice largely focuses on the challenges and implications on system security that arise from low levels of inertia. The report outlines the role inertia plays in power system operation, and the potential attributes of a lowinertia power system. The regions of the NEM where low inertia levels are likely to first arise are identified, and the technical, regulatory and information challenges associated with forecasting and modelling the dynamics of a low inertia power system are discussed. Some of these challenges have been explored at a preliminary level in AEMO’s current program of work on the integration of renewables in South Australia, but further detailed analysis is required. The importance of understanding these challenges cannot be underestimated, as without the ability to accurately model and forecast the power system, AEMO will not be able to operate the markets and power system. Some challenges have already been discussed in the New Products and Services work led by the SCO Energy Market Reform Working Group, but a large number of others remain to be identified or acknowledged. Regardless, there is little doubt that these challenges will have implications for current operational and regulatory frameworks. Additional to the work AEMO is doing to progressively model and adapt its processes to the evolving power system within current regulatory arrangements, it is important to separately look further ahead to understand the need for regulatory changes and operational strategies that can maintain a secure and efficient power system when there is little synchronous generating plant. AEMO intends to continue its current modelling work with the initial focus on South Australia where challenges are likely to arise first, and recommends that SCO establishes a means of monitoring and co-ordinating the findings that might emerge from the work of various agencies including AEMO, in relation to the integration of emerging technologies with a view to considering the need to advance any necessary policy developments. At present, and in the immediate future, AEMO, and the market as a whole, is able to respond to these challenges and continue secure and reliable operation of the power system. However, with the potential future exits of conventional generation, the market topology will continue to change and challenges will become more frequent and significant. This creates an imperative to act now to develop the appropriate models and frameworks to address issues before they arise. The role of inertia in the power system Inertia is a function of the mass of the rotors of conventional generators, which are synchronous, or all rotating in lock-step with each other across the interconnected power system. This inertia of conventional generators acts to resist rapid changes in power system frequency, in a similar way to a very fast frequency response service. It therefore acts to dampen the rate at which frequency can change on the power system as a whole. Deviations in system frequency occur when there is an instantaneous imbalance between demand and supply. The greater the amount of inertia available on the power system, the slower the frequency of the power system will change in response to a particular disturbance, such as that trip of a generating unit. Conversely, for a system with low inertia, the faster the system frequency changes for a given disturbance. An increase in the rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) has implications for power system security because traditional control systems such as contingency frequency control ancillary services (FCAS) and under-frequency load shedding (UFLS) schemes might not respond quickly enough to © AEMO 2015 4 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX arrest and contain a frequency disturbance. Further technical analysis needs to be performed to determine at what point RoCoF due to reduced power system inertia becomes unmanageable under a range of normal and abnormal scenarios. Currently there is an inconsistency in the NER which require generating units to remain connected through an event where RoCoF reaches 1 Hertz per second, but there is no System Standard which requires the power system to be operated so the RoCoF during any contingency event is always maintained at this level or better. The changing generation mix also has implications for the provision of other frequency control services. FCAS are provided by conventional generators, so the availability of services is affected by the operational availability of generators. Withdrawal of conventional generations can therefore give rise to FCAS shortages in parts of the power system that can separate to form islands such as South Australia and Tasmania, unless the services can be provided by emerging technologies or through special operating arrangements. Where will issues arise While the national grid remains intact and stable, electrical frequency is the same across the whole grid. AEMO is able to recruit FCAS from any source regardless of its location. Similarly all generators synchronised to the system contribute to the overall inertia available to the grid and provide FCAS. At present, there is sufficient inertia and sufficient FCAS available from conventional generators, and accessible across all the NEM regions connected synchronously, to maintain system security and for AEMO to meet the frequency control standards set by the Reliability Panel except for South Australia. The South Australian jurisdiction in 2001, due to concerns about limited FCAS services being available in the region, formally requested AEMO (then NEMMCO) to operate to a more relaxed standard for credible contingencies that result in separation of the South Australian region from the remainder of the NEM. It is unlikely that the changing generation mix will give rise to material technical difficulties for the NEM power system as a whole in the foreseeable future. However, there is potential for technical issues to arise much earlier in parts of the network that are experiencing high concentrations of low inertial renewables, AND which can readily island from the rest of the power system. For example, South Australia, Tasmania and potentially also Northern Queensland. Low levels of inertia become more likely with reducing operation of synchronous generation. This includes some regions or sub-regions during periods of low demand and high renewable generation when conventional generation is offline. Tasmania is not synchronously connected to the NEM and so cannot access mainland inertia. In Tasmania, periods of low inertia are more likely to occur when demand is low, and the hydro units are offline. Unlike conventional coal and gas fired generation, hydro generation is less likely to be withdrawn from the market on a permanent basis because of their renewable status and flexible operating capability. Furthermore, some hydro generation can operate in a “synchronous condenser”3 mode which allows them to provide inertia and voltage control services at a modest cost, providing a means of managing low inertia that is unlikely to be available in other NEM regions. South Australia is synchronously connected to the NEM via the Heywood interconnector. In the (non-credible) event of the loss of this interconnector, South Australia will need to operate as an islanded system, relying on local generation to provide the required services. As more 3 Operation in synchronous condenser or syncon mode involves synchronising the hydro generation to the power system, so it is rotating at normal synchronous speed, but not generating energy and not using water resources. The generation therefore operates effectively as a large motor with no mechanical load. © AEMO 2015 5 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX conventional generation withdraws, the South Australian system will be weak. AEMO is currently progressing an exploratory study of the integration of renewables in South Australia in the context of synchronous generation exits, and a report on that work is scheduled to be published in late 2015. Challenges of forecasting a low inertia power system The changing dynamics of the power system will challenge traditional models used to carry out technical analysis of the power system, and potentially some of the processes used to operate it. Over recent years, the market has been shaped by a shift from centralised decision making to investments based on economic and behavioural decisions at the consumer level, including households. AEMO matches supply and demand at the transmission level through the five-minute central dispatch process, complemented by FCAS. Generation dispatch is determined using a variety of forecasts including operational demand, generation availability, wind generation, and shortly solar generation. AEMO has extended the Australian Wind Energy Forecasting System (AWEFS) to incorporate utility scale PV in the Australian Solar Energy Forecasting System (ASEFS). The AWEFS and ASEFS forecasts are used in a number of market forecasting processes such as Medium Term and Short Term PASA, and pre-dispatch processes. The existing processes for registration of participants in the NEM, central monitoring, control, and security constrained dispatch provide the information required for AEMO to operate the power system and forecast outcomes in all timeframes. This approach will be challenged by the emerging generation mix which will present: o a large number of small scale, embedded generation and potentially storage batteries o limited avenues to obtain information on the location, size and performance of embedded generation and storage o limited controls on the technical standards applying to these generating units o no ability to control the output of many of these generating units to maintain security. This will make it increasingly difficult to forecast demand, supply and the behaviour of the power system, and to manage the operation of the power system within its security limits. At present, AEMO is not fully equipped to analyse such a power system and forecast all the potential technical issues that could arise, as current modelling tools are designed to represent the dynamics of a power system centred on large synchronous generating units. This presents an ongoing challenge, as the ability to accurately model and forecast the power system is essential to its operation. More suitable modelling tools do exist, and AEMO started to explore their applicability during the recent SRAS tender process. In building the tools to model a low inertia power system in both real-time and offline, there are key modelling, regulatory, and information challenges: Modelling: ○ The increase of renewable generation introduces probabilistic elements into power system modelling, which has traditionally been a discrete exercise. Unlike renewables, the production level from conventional generating plant is not reliant on extraneous variables such as sunshine or wind. Rather than a few central generating units providing a set value of generation, AEMO needs to model the likely output of dispersed wind and PV generation sources. Regulatory: ○ Currently, proponents of generation technologies less than 5 MW are exempt from registration and so are not under the same regulatory obligations as their larger © AEMO 2015 6 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX counterparts. Consequently, there is no visibility on the installation and operation of embedded technologies. Information on the uptake of rooftop PV has been tracked only due to the need to register for the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). At present, there is no obligation on consumers to register in respect of “behind-the-meter” technologies such as battery storage. This creates a key operational challenge for AEMO as increasing uptake of these technologies affects the ability to balance supply and demand. AEMO is currently working through how the provisions in the NER will relate to batteries. ○ The increase in embedded generation means that AEMO has less control and visibility over the power system. An example of this is the operational ownership of battery systems, with various potential business models emerging. This means that systems may be controlled by individual households, retailers, Network Service Providers (NSPs) or third-party aggregators, each of which will have different impacts on the operation of the power system. ○ Emerging technologies having a shorter lifecycle than market planning and operational frameworks. This means that regulatory frameworks and operational processes need to be adapted to accommodate the emergence of known new technologies without being prescriptive, so they can accommodate future technology developments with minimal barriers. Information: ○ There is an emerging need for AEMO and potentially also NSPs to have access to more sophisticated technical models of generating facilities than currently is the case. ○ The increasing incidence of small embedded generation facilities is progressively leading to a reduction in the control and visibility of supply side options when compared to large conventional generation that participates in the central dispatch process. ○ There is currently limited information available about the technical characteristics and usage patterns of emerging technologies, including battery storage, to support analysis of their impact on the power system. ○ Although it is still the subject of research, there is thought to be some potential for wind farms and storage to provide a “synthetic inertia” in the form of a very fast energy injection to the power system in response to frequency excursions. However, there has been little analysis of the performance of such a service, particularly in the context of a low inertia power system, and there has to date been no analysis in the context of the NEM. Further work is required to determine whether a form of synthetic inertia from renewables can be used to similar or equivalent effect to real inertia. There is some work internationally looking at low inertia power systems, particularly in Ireland and Texas. These have been focussed on developing new ancillary service markets to support operation within the required standards, and are still in development. The NEM is different from these systems in that it is standalone, has large portions that can separate from the main grid (island), and has regions with a high penetration of embedded generation. While the international work can provide some insights, it is critical that we understand the specific technical issues that are likely to arise in the Australian power system, or in parts of it. AEMO’s current progressive analysis The South Australian power system has been the focus of a considerable amount of initial exploratory analysis because it has a high and quickly growing concentration of low inertia renewables, and can therefore serve as a test case for the rest of the NEM. The work has focussed primarily (though not exclusively) on analysing the implications of the progressive withdrawal of conventional generation. This is consistent with AEMO’s normal operational planning responsibilities which depend upon detailed analysis of expected future © AEMO 2015 7 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX operating modes to ensure power system limits are well understood in advance. However, as a consequence of this focus, the analysis has not looked further forward to explore the implications of all, or nearly all, supply to South Australia being from low or no inertia plant on some occasions in the future. The work suggests that in the near-term, AEMO can manage power system security and supply reliability in South Australia using current modelling tools and within the current regulatory regime. A report on the work done to date will be published in late 2015, and will set the scene for a more structured approach to be taken in the next stages of crystallising future challenges. However, the analysis AEMO has done to date is limited in scope and so does not provide all the necessary insights into a low inertia power system. There is potential for the displacement of conventional generation in South Australia to continue to the point where only low-inertia plant operates for significant periods of time. The timing of that process is not known at this stage, however, it is imperative that we build an understanding of the dynamics of such a power system sufficiently early for preparations to be made, be they changes to the NER, the System Standards, Access Standards, market mechanisms or other areas. Further Analysis to step ahead of current frameworks AEMO will continue to analyse the progressive changes to the power system, its characteristics and its limit, as low inertia plant displaces synchronous plant. This work will use current modelling tools and current generating plant models to gain insights into the next few years of operation. As new operational conditions are progressively encountered, this approach enables AEMO to calibrate its models to the observed new system dynamics, and continuously assess their validity. However, it is anticipated that a point will be reached where current modelling tools become unable to reflect the changed power system characteristics sufficiently accurately, or current regulatory arrangements do not support the availability of sufficient information or services to have confidence in further development of secure operating strategies. To provide a means of planning beyond that point where current modelling and regulatory processes become challenged, it is important to separately look further ahead to understand and prepare strategies for management of a power system with very little synchronous generating plant. Such a process would aim to identify all the emerging and potential technical issues of a power system with little synchronous generation in both the distribution and transmission space. Once such a list of technical issues has been developed, it would inform the priorities for further analysis and the need for regulatory reform. Both these processes will be beneficial to understanding and facilitating efficient operation of a low inertia power system. The first will be driven by AEMO as part of its core responsibilities. The second should seek to include input from industry sectors, potentially through a specialist reference group, similar to the process driven by SCO in 2004 to identify the technical challenges likely to arise in relation to the integration of emerging wind generation at that time. AEMO is considering initiating and leading this process with a technical focus. Potential policy implications At this stage it is premature to specify what policy changes might be required. The technical analysis in the two streams of work identified above are designed to identify the technical issues which could drive policy and regulatory responses to accommodate the continued integration of renewable generation in the NEM in a similar way to the process carried out in 2004 for wind generation. This could be combined with other drivers that might emerge from commercial or market analysis being carried out by AEMC, AER or SCO. © AEMO 2015 8 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX Next Steps AEMO has expanded and formalised its current modelling studies on the integration of renewables in South Australia into a broader work programme that has a two-pronged approach to investigating the operational issues of the changing generation mix: 1. Business as usual operations AEMO will comprehensively model the operating characteristics and limits of the South Australian power system as synchronous generating units are progressively displaced by solidstate connected low inertia plant. This will be undertaken within current regulatory and technical frameworks to explore operational challenges that may emerge within a two to three year outlook, and identify any changes to operational procedures or the regulatory framework that may be required sufficiently in advance of the need. This work-stream will ensure ongoing transparent operating strategies that can deliver a secure power system for the two to three year timeframe. 2. Longer term operations In parallel, AEMO will look further ahead to consider a potential zero or low inertia future power system, and as a first step, aim to identify the range of technical challenges likely to arise in its operation. AEMO intends to bring together a group of industry specialists to inform this workstream. AEMO will report the progress on both work-streams to Ministers at the mid-year meeting of the COAG Energy Council in 2016. © AEMO 2015 9 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 1. INTRODUCTION 11 2. CONTEXT 12 3. FORECASTING THE IMPLICATIONS OF A LOWER INERTIA POWER SYSTEM 15 3.1 3.2 Attributes of a low inertia power system Where will issues arise? 4. FORECASTING AND MANAGING A LOW INERTIA POWER SYSTEM 24 4.1 4.2 4.3 AEMO’s operational forecasts Challenges of modelling performance of a low inertia power system How equipped is AEMO to model the dynamics of a low inertia power system? 24 26 31 5. CURRENT REGULATORY ARRANGEMENTS 5.1 System and Access Standards 6. ADAPTING TO A LOW INERTIA POWER SYSTEM IN THE FUTURE 6.1 Next Steps APPENDIX A. GLOSSARY 15 20 35 35 36 38 39 TABLES Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Proportion of rooftop PV relative to residential and commercial native consumption Comparison of South Australian renewable penetration with some international grids Summary of current operational forecasts and planning tools Example of some required information for storage systems 12 22 25 27 FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 © AEMO 2015 Installed capacity of renewable generation in the NEM Example of frequency deviations following a contingency event Forecast of operational minimum demand in South Australia Duration curve for the level of online inertia in South Australia 12 17 20 22 10 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX 1. INTRODUCTION On 13 April 2015, the COAG Energy Council Senior Committee of Officials (SCO) requested that AEMO provide confidential advice to the COAG Energy Council that covers: AEMO’s current ability to forecast, measure and manage the impact of low or no inertia generation technology on the power system. Whether AEMO is able to manage the resultant impacts under the existing regulatory arrangements, and to what degree. Whether AEMO will continue to be able to forecast, measure and manage the impact of emerging technologies, on the power system and to continue to effectively maintain the reliability and security of the network under the current regulatory arrangements, and Advise on any direct mechanisms, technologies or other measures which are required to ensure minimum levels of system reliability and security in the NEM regions are maintained without creating barriers to new entrants and is technology neutral. This advice draws on insights gained from AEMO’s range of annual forecasting and planning studies, including the National Electricity Forecasting Report (NEFR 4), Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO5), and the National Transmission Network Development Plan (NTNDP 6). These studies have started to identify the changing generation mix and explore the implications for the power system. AEMO has also had the benefit of a limited amount of work that has been undertaken internally to specifically examine the challenges likely to arise from these changes. AEMO is able to manage any issues that may arise in the short-term, although the withdrawal of synchronous generating plant in some parts of the network could give rise to increased operational challenges. In the medium to long term, however, AEMO’s ability to forecast and manage the operations of a low inertia power system with a significant proportion of intermittent and uncontrolled generation may be challenged. At this stage, the full extent of the technical challenges that may emerge have not been fully understood. Nor has AEMO determined the effectiveness of the current arrangements to deal with these challenges. It is therefore premature to consider potential long term mechanisms or measures until all the issues have been identified and considered. As a result, this report does not directly answer the questions asked. Rather it outlines the role of inertia in the power system and, in particular, its impact on frequency management. It then considers how well equipped AEMO is to forecast and manage these impacts and how emerging technologies may reduce or exacerbate identified issues. Finally it outlines our proposed approach to identify and quantify the range of technical risks to power system security and reliability. Given the technical nature of this report, a glossary of some key terms is provided in Appendix A. 4 The 2015 NEFR can be found at: The 2015 ESOO can be found at: 6 The 2015 NTNDP is scheduled to be published in November 2015 5 © AEMO 2015 11 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX 2. CONTEXT The generation mix in the National Electricity Market (NEM) has been changing over the last six years, with renewable energy becoming an increasing component, driven by a combination of policy incentives, consumer behaviour and advances in technology making alternative energy sources more cost-effective. Not only has the generation mix changed, but the ownership of generation is changing, with an increasing proportion of embedded generation when compared to conventional transmission connected generation. The 2015 National Electricity Forecasting Report (NEFR) projected that residential and commercial photovoltaic (PV) in the NEM would increase from around 4 gigawatts (GW) in 2014-15 to approximately 13 GW and 21 GW by 2024-25 and 2034-35 respectively. This growth offsets an increasing proportion of consumption from the residential and commercial sector as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Proportion of rooftop PV relative to residential and commercial native consumption7 Queensland New South Wales South Australia Victoria Tasmania 2014–15 5.7% 2017–18 9.1% 2.4% 8.4% 2.7% 3.0% 3.7% 11.9% 4.4% 4.9% 2024–25 2034–35 16.0% 6.3% 22.1% 8.6% 11.0% 20.2% 9.3% 28.5% 13.7% 17.4% Figure 1 shows the amount of renewable generation installed in the NEM by region, as at August 2015. South Australia has the highest wind and PV generation penetration of any NEM region, with about 1,475 MW of wind generation and 596 MW of PV generation installed. This represents about 41% and 16% of total installed wind and PV capacity in the NEM respectively. Figure 1 Installed capacity of renewable generation in the NEM QLD QLD Demand Wind PV Hydro 3,940 - 8,900 MW 0 MW 1,336 MW 652 MW SA Demand Wind PV Hydro 790 - 3,400 MW 1,475 MW 596 MW 0 MW NSW NSW Demand Wind PV Hydro 5,160 - 14,740 MW 649 MW 1,035 MW 2,650 MW VIC VIC – SA AC interconnection (2 lines, 1 tower, 650 km) VIC 7 3,600 - 10,580 MW 1,168 MW 759 MW 2,237 MW NEM total TAS Demand Wind PV Hydro Demand Wind PV Hydro 720 - 1,790 MW 308 MW 84 MW 2,261 MW TAS Demand Wind PV Hydro 15 GW – 30 GW 3,600 MW 3,810 MW 7,800 MW Native consumption refers to the total consumption of residential and commercial customers regardless of whether sourced from the grid or not. © AEMO 2015 12 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX Having a high proportion of wind and PV generation can present operational challenges for some parts of the network. This occurs as wind and PV generation, by themselves, are not able to provide the required control and services to maintain the power system in a secure operating state. New and emerging generation technologies, including wind, PV and storage, have a number of physical attributes that differentiate them from conventional fossil-fuelled and hydro generation technologies, for example lower inertia characteristics. New and emerging generation technologies are connected to the grid through solid-state equipment (principally inverters), and so do not have any inertia. Inertia is only one of a broad range of technical attributes that differentiate conventional synchronous generation as currently installed on the power system, from new and emerging technologies as they are currently being installed. Some of these attributes were touched upon in the earlier advice provided to COAG by AEMO. By way of example, the following attributes are some of the better known: Voltage control capabilities are inherent in synchronous generation, but not present in many embedded technologies such as rooftop PV and distributed storage. Contingency frequency control capabilities, where generating plant is configured to automatically increase or decrease its generation level in response to local detection of a predefined material deviation in power system frequency. This capability is inherent in many synchronous generations, but requires additional configuration in most emerging technologies, and in most cases the capability is not included. Frequency regulation capability is where generation output is continuously adjusted by a central process operated by AEMO to control power system frequency to a steady 50 Hertz (Hz) value. This capability is also inherent in most synchronous generation, but is not included in most emerging technologies. Fault level contribution is a technical matter that supports the detection of faults on parts of the transmission system. The fault level contribution of emerging solid-state connected technologies is very low, which could ultimately challenge the effectiveness of conventional protection systems which detect faults on the transmission and distribution networks. Conventional under-frequency load-shedding (UFLS) facilities are installed in distribution networks and are designed to detect very significant drops in power system frequency (as might occur for example when there is a trip of generation or of an interconnector), and initiate the controlled tripping of customer loads to quickly re-balance supply and demand. Due to the rapid recent installation of rooftop PV within those distribution networks, there is potential for some UFLS facilities to be less effective in re-balancing supply and demand than their design objectives. Power system stabilisers are installed with some synchronous generation to provide oscillatory stability to the power system by dampening any deviations in the generation’s frequency. The above is not an exhaustive list, but represents a sample of the technical challenges that AEMO is considering. While it is important to tease out the challenges of each in turn, operational challenges of a low inertia power system can only be addressed holistically, with issues potentially having different levels of impact and urgency. However, the primary focus of this report is on the inertia of the power system, consistent with the request from SCO. As system inertia has traditionally been a natural byproduct of conventional synchronous generation, and as such has never been “valued” as a market ancillary service. The level of inertia in the power system is expected to continue to decline with renewable energy projected to grow. New generation capacity that is committed and expected to be commissioned between July 2014 and February 2016 includes 219 MW of large-scale solar generation and 809 MW of wind generation. With agreement reached on the LRET policy and proposed changes to Victorian © AEMO 2015 13 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX Planning Provisions, the trend of renewable generation displacing conventional generation is expected to continue. Furthermore, changes in the market environment such as higher gas prices and declining grid-supplied demand in some regions, will increase the likelihood of some synchronous generation being out of service at any given time. One result of this changing generation landscape will be a power system with a lower level of inertia. Other considerations include a reduction in scheduled generating plant, and in generating plant that can provide frequency control ancillary services or voltage control services. © AEMO 2015 14 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX 3. FORECASTING THE IMPLICATIONS OF A LOWER INERTIA POWER SYSTEM Inertia is one of the several attributes of conventional generation that assists in managing the stability of the power system. Although inertia is not an explicit requirement in the System Standards 8, it affects AEMO’s ability to meet them. Its role is discussed below. 3.1 Attributes of a low inertia power system In an electrical power system, inertia can be thought of as a measure of the mass of all the rotating generating units connected to the power system. If a synchronous generating unit is online, it provides a fixed amount of inertia to the power system; if it is not operating, it provides no inertia. As wind and PV generation are connected via solid-state devices, they are electronically decoupled from the power system and thus contribute no inertia9. The magnitude of a synchronous generation’s inertia depends on its size and design, and is expressed in megawatt seconds (MWs). A power system is made up of many generating units and motors connected together electrically (magnetically coupled) by the transmission and distribution systems. All generation connected together on the electrical system (synchronised) must spin at the same relative speed, or frequency. The rotating parts of synchronous generating units or motors provide inertia to the power system. That is, a tendency to resist a change in motion, or a change in frequency. This maintains synchronisation. This synchronicity enables conventional generation to provide an inertial response to deviations in power system frequency that could occur due to faults on the transmission system, generation trips or load trips which cause an imbalance between supply and demand: If supply exceeds demand at an instant in time, system frequency will increase. If demand exceeds supply at an instant in time, system frequency will decrease. How quickly the frequency increases or decreases is referred to as the “rate of change of frequency” (RoCoF)10, and it depends on the size of the generation or load loss (contingency) that caused it, and the amount of inertia in the power system. The larger the contingency, the faster the frequency changes, while RoCoF is inversely proportional to system inertia. High system inertia resists the change in frequency and results in a slower, more manageable RoCoF. If the power system has low inertia, it will slow down or speed up very quickly, making it difficult to maintain frequency within acceptable limits, particularly after contingencies. Generation and load have automatic controls that trip in response to frequency reaching certain thresholds. If the RoCoF is within acceptable limits, this tripping of load or generation is utilised to arrest the frequency deviation, and helps return the power system to secure operating levels. If, however, the RoCoF is outside those limits, it can result in a cascading trip of load or generation. The management of RoCoF is critical to maintaining system frequency within operational standards and ensuring power system security, and is anticipated to be a challenge in operating a low inertia power system. 8 See section 5.1. Note, some newer generation wind turbines can provide some inertia. However, this is generally quite low and the performance has not been verified. 10 This is often also referred to as df/dt. 9 © AEMO 2015 15 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX 3.1.1 Frequency operating standards The frequency operating standards are set by the Reliability Panel and prescribe the allowable frequency deviations for different types of events: normal frequency operating band, credible events (including loss of generation or load, forced network outage and separation), and multiple contingency events. For credible events, the standard sets out the: • Maximum allowable deviation immediately following the event (containment). • Maximum allowable deviation one to five minutes after the event (stabilisation). • Time to restore frequency back to the normal frequency operating band. There are a number of frequency operating standards, and the one that applies at a particular time is dependent upon the region and the operational circumstances – for example, the standard that applies when a region is interconnected will generally be different from the standard that applies when a region is islanded. Tasmania has a unique set of standards, as does South Australia in the event that it separates from the NEM. In the NER, no standard is set for a maximum level of RoCoF on the power system. If a system standard for RoCoF was in place, it would require the power system to be operated so the RoCoF during any contingency event is always maintained within certain thresholds. Generation, on the other hand, is required by their Access Standards 11 to remain connected through an event where RoCoF reaches ±1 Hz/s. 3.1.2 Frequency control in the NEM In the NEM, generation and demand are balanced through the central dispatch process, which includes the dispatch of both energy and frequency control ancillary services (FCAS). The central dispatch process operates on a five minute cycle, and AEMO forecasts the contribution from non-scheduled generation to achieve the demand-generation balance. The discussion below outlines the different means by which AEMO controls frequency depending on the operating state of the power system. That is, during steady state operation and following contingencies (credible or otherwise). Regulation FCAS Frequency regulation is a centrally managed frequency control process, where AEMO’s automatic generation control (AGC) process detects minor deviations in power system frequency, and sends “raise” or “lower” signals to generating units providing regulation FCAS to correct the frequency deviation. The minor deviations in power system frequency that are corrected by regulation FCAS can arise from a range of circumstances that result in small mismatches between generation and demand. Examples include demand variations within the five minute dispatch interval; variations in wind generation output within the dispatch interval; the way generation moves from one target operating point to another; scheduled generation not correctly following central dispatch targets; or a combination of these. The definition of FCAS is designed to be technologically neutral, however, given the nature of the services, these have traditionally been provided by conventional generations. Therefore, the availability of FCAS may be affected by a change in the generation mix. Low levels of inertia in the power system are likely to increase the frequency deviations in the fiveminute dispatch period that are controlled by regulation FCAS. In a power system with a greater 11 See section 5.1. © AEMO 2015 16 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX proportion of variable, non-scheduled generation (such as wind and solar), operating the power system over the five-minute cycle would require a greater reliance on regulation FCAS. Contingency FCAS Contingency FCAS is a decentralised process where providers of the contingency FCAS services respond under their own local control to correct relatively material frequency deviations that might arise from the larger demand–generation imbalances that occur following a sudden unplanned disconnection of a load or generation from the power system (a contingency event). Figure 2 shows the control of frequency in the NEM during normal operation, and following a contingency event. In this figure, a contingency event (loss of generation) occurs at the time shown as T1, resulting in a fall in power system frequency, which passes outside the normal frequency operating range at T2. After T2, contingency FCAS would be used to arrest the fall in frequency, and to begin restoring frequency to the normal range. The slope of the frequency as it drops is the RoCoF. Figure 2 Example of frequency deviations following a contingency event 50.6 50.5 Contingency Frequency Range Normal Frequency Range Power System Frequency 50.4 50.3 Frequency (Hz) 50.2 50.1 50 49.9 49.8 49.7 49.6 49.5 T1 49.4 0 T2 10 20 30 Time (Seconds) 40 50 60 If frequency moves outside the contingency band, or the RoCoF becomes too high, emergency protection equipment may disconnect generation (for a high-frequency event) or load (for a lowfrequency event). RoCoF and the magnitude of the contingency event are key factors that determine the required response from contingency services. AEMO uses separate calculations to determine the contingency FCAS requirements for the NEM, and for the Tasmanian power system due to its different technical characteristics and the characteristics of the Basslink Interconnector. The current calculation of NEM global contingency FCAS requirements is determined within the dispatch algorithm, and considers both the size of the largest contingency and the power system demand. Contingency FCAS requirements are highest for large contingency sizes and low demand conditions. For the NEM, at each dispatch run enablement instructions are sent out to FCAS providers, and AEMO monitors the performance of enabled FCAS providers. Calculating contingency FCAS © AEMO 2015 17 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX requirements for Tasmania also considers the inertia of the Tasmanian generating units, as contingency FCAS requirements increase under low Tasmanian power system inertia conditions. Given the time delay to activate contingency FCAS, the inertia provided by conventional generation provides the first response to slow the RoCoF and, depending on the size of the contingency, can keep the frequency within the specified band until FCAS services are deployed. This also means that the power system may return to normal operating standards within a relatively short timeframe. In a low inertia power system, the RoCoF will be greater in magnitude than that shown in Figure 2, meaning that the frequency excursion will reach the threshold of the contingency frequency range more quickly, reducing the required operational response time of stabilising control systems, and potentially increasing the level of response services required in order to return to normal operating conditions. If the RoCoF is too high, these services might not be sufficient or fast enough to arrest the frequency excursion before it reaches unacceptable levels. The consequences of this would be the automatic initiation of under-frequency load shedding and/or generation tripping facilities. This highlights the key considerations of frequency control in a low inertia power system: Where do frequency control services come from? How will the control systems of new and existing technologies behave with respect to larger frequency deviations? What is a manageable level of RoCoF? Automatic frequency control schemes If power system frequency deviations are large, then automatic frequency control schemes are activated. Under-frequency load shedding (UFLS) is instigated to manage frequency response following a noncredible event such as islanding of a region or loss of multiple generating units. UFLS is a distributed system with relays in substations to trip local load blocks if frequency falls below a given level. The settings and size of the load blocks is determined by AEMO to minimise the amount of load shed to adhere to the frequency standards while also achieving an equitable share of load shedding between regions. If the RoCoF is very high for a particular contingency event, then there is a risk that UFLS schemes might not operate quickly enough to be fully effective in arresting the frequency excursion. Recent work by ElectraNet has shown the emergence of issues with UFLS due to the changing generation mix. Many of the distribution feeders within the network that are connected to UFLS systems have rooftop PV installed on premises supplied by the feeder, and can potentially represent a net supply of generation rather than a load at some times of the day. In the event that these feeders are automatically tripped following drop in frequency, their effectiveness will be reduced, or in the extreme, the frequency drop would be exacerbated rather than being arrested. AEMO is currently reviewing UFLS settings. It is also possible to have events on the power system which raise frequency. To protect against such events, generation has over-frequency tripping relays that effectively shed the generation. However, if this tripping occurs in an uncoordinated fashion, then too much generation could be lost from the power system, and the UFLS scheme might be initiated. This is avoided by coordination of the settings of generation over-frequency relays. © AEMO 2015 18 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX System restart ancillary services System restart ancillary services (SRAS) are required to enable the system to be restarted following a complete or partial system blackout. SRAS can be provided by two separate technologies: General restart source: generation that can start and supply energy to the transmission grid without any external source of supply. Trip to house load: generation that can, on sensing a system failure, fold back onto its own internal load and continue to generate until AEMO is able to use it to restart the system. AEMO procures SRAS to meet the System Restart Standard for each region. The change in generation mix may impact on the ability to provide sufficient SRAS in the future. Network Support and Control Ancillary Services AEMO can also procure Network Support and Control Ancillary Services (NSCAS) to maintain power system security and reliability, and to maintain or increase the power transfer capabilities of the network. Transmission Network Service Providers (TNSPs) have primary responsibility for acquiring NSCAS based on AEMO’s annual forecasts of NSCAS requirements over a five-year horizon. AEMO can also request a TNSP to consider whether to make arrangements to meet an identified “NSCAS gap”. If the relevant TNSP does not commit to meeting the gap and AEMO considers it necessary to acquire NSCAS to prevent any adverse impact on power system security and reliability, AEMO will acquire NSCAS to meet the gap. AEMO can only forecast potential NSCAS requirements and procure these services for credible contingencies. 3.1.3 Further challenges in balancing generation and demand The role of the five-minute central dispatch process in balancing generation and demand was touched upon above. The changing generation mix will have further implications on the ability to balance generation and demand depending on the level of operational control AEMO has over the generation. Demand is generally recognised as not being readily controllable, and although the central dispatch process is capable of dispatching loads, it is optional in the NEM and rare for loads to participate. The primary focus of the five-minute dispatch engine is therefore on the central control of generation over various timeframes to follow demand. To address the increased penetration of wind generation, AEMO developed the Australian Wind Energy Forecasting Systems (AWEFS) to provide accurate forecasts of the wind generation to ensure that it could be factored into the required dispatch of scheduled load calculations. AWEFS produces forecasts for each of the outlook periods AEMO considers in operational planning, from the five-minute dispatch to the medium term outlooks on power system adequacy of supply. The increasing penetration of rooftop PV reduces AEMO’s ability to control the generation supplied to the network, affecting the balance of generation and demand. This issue was investigated in the 2015 NEFR which developed prospective operational minimum demand forecasts for South Australia. Traditionally, periods of minimum demand from the electricity grid have occurred in the evenings/early mornings. The uptake of rooftop PV has seen this shift into the middle of the day, generally on weekends or public holidays. In 2015, minimum demand occurred on 26 December at 1.30 pm. At this time, the native demand of 1,235 MW was met by 445 MW of PV, and 790 MW of electricity from the grid. Figure 3 shows the forecast impact of rooftop PV on operational minimum demand (note, this assumes no storage). This © AEMO 2015 19 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX indicates that, under the current regulatory, technical and economic landscape with no technical limitations in the distribution system, rooftop PV could supply 100% of South Australian demand at certain times in the day by 2023-24. Figure 3 Forecast of operational minimum demand in South Australia This means that AEMO will progressively lose the ability to match generation and demand in South Australia, and will be reliant on the interconnector to export this excess supply. Issues will arise both: If there is insufficient dispatchable plant within South Australia to follow the variations in operational demand (contributed to by variations in demand, wind and PV). If the volume of uncontrollable PV exceeds local load and export capability. 3.2 Where will issues arise? While the national grid remains intact and stable, electrical frequency is the same across the whole grid. AEMO is able to recruit FCAS from any source regardless of its location. Similarly all generation synchronised to the system contributes to the overall inertia available to the grid. The power system can also be at low inertia during periods of low demand when the fewest generating units are connected to the power system. This can be exacerbated by the increased share of renewable generation which will further displace conventional generation in an economically efficient dispatch. At present, there is sufficient inertia and sufficient FCAS available from conventional generation, and accessible across all the NEM regions connected synchronously, to maintain system security, including during credible contingency events except for South Australia. The South Australian jurisdiction in 2001, due to concerns about limited FCAS services being available in the region, formally requested AEMO (then NEMMCO) to operate to a more relaxed standard for credible contingencies that result in separation of the South Australian region from the remainder of the NEM. © AEMO 2015 20 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX It is unlikely that the changing generation mix will give rise to material technical difficulties for the NEM power system as a whole in the foreseeable future. However, there is potential for technical issues to arise much earlier in parts of the network that are experiencing high concentrations of low inertial renewables, AND which can readily island from the rest of the power system. For example, South Australia, Tasmania and potentially also Northern Queensland. Tasmania is not synchronously connected to the NEM and so cannot access mainland inertia. The Basslink Interconnector does however, have a frequency controller that can be used to control direct current (DC) power to manage frequency deviations in either Tasmania or the mainland. In Tasmania, periods of low inertia are more likely to occur when demand is low, and the hydro units are offline. Unlike conventional coal and gas fired generating units, the hydro units are less likely to be withdrawn from the market on a permanent basis because of their renewable status and flexible operating capability. Furthermore, some hydro units can operate in a “synchronous condenser” 12 mode which allows them to provide inertia and voltage control services at a modest cost, providing a means of managing low inertia that is unlikely to be available in other NEM regions. South Australia is synchronously connected to the NEM via the Heywood interconnector. In the (noncredible) event of the loss of this interconnector, South Australia will need to operate as an islanded system, relying on local generation to provide the required services. At present, Northern, Torrens A and B and Pelican Point Power Stations are classified for FCAS. As they progressively withdraw from the NEM, or operate for less time, there is increasing risk of frequency control issues with the South Australian system alone being weak. 3.2.1 The South Australian context The installed capacity of renewable generation in South Australia at times exceeds regional demand, and conventional synchronous generation have been displaced from the market, reducing the amount of inertia available in the South Australian power system. Over the last year, the number of synchronous generating units online in the region has at times reduced to four. Figure 4 shows the duration curve for the level of online inertia in 2009-10 to 2014-15, and the impact renewables and declining demand have had on displacing conventional generation. The displacement of synchronous generating units is forecast to continue due to: The increase in the power transfer capability of the Heywood interconnector from 460 MW to 650 MW in 2016. Increased penetration of wind and rooftop PV generation. Forecast decline in operational consumption (see 2015 NEFR). Announced closures of Northern and Playford B in March 201713, and the announced mothballing of Torrens A in 201714. While these closures have been announced, Playford B has not generated since February 2012, and Northern has been operating at a capacity factor of 57.0% in 2014-15, 45.2% in 2012-13 and 48.2% in 2012-13. 12 Operation in synchronous condenser or syncon mode involves synchronising hydro generation to the power system, so it is rotting at normal synchronous speed, but not generating energy and not using water resources. The generating units therefore operate effectively as a large motor with no mechanical load. 13 14 © AEMO 2015 21 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX Figure 4 Duration curve for the level of online inertia in South Australia In discussing the level of renewable penetration in South Australia, comparisons are often drawn to countries such as Germany and Denmark. What is not often highlighted is that these countries are synchronously connected to regions with large conventional generation, and these provide the necessary operational balancing support. The NEM is an islanded system and so the issues involved with the integration of renewables have some unique characteristics. Regions that similarly represent single balancing areas are those with no interconnectors (Hawaii), or only high voltage direct current (HVDC) ties to neighbouring regions (Ireland, Texas). These are all known for their high penetration of renewables. Table 2 Comparison of South Australian renewable penetration with some international grids Balancing Area Peak Demand Annual Energy Installed Wind Installed PV (% peak) (% peak) Texas15 68,000 MW 340 TWh 12,400 MW (18%) 300 MW (0.4%) NEM 35,000 MW 194 TWh 3,600 MW (10%) 3,440 MW (10%) Ireland (all island) 16 6,600 MW 35.4 TWh 2,325 MW (35%) 1 MW (0%) South Australia 3,400 MW 13.2 TWh 1,475 MW (43%) 565 MW (17%) Hawaii (Oahu)17 1,140 MW 7.0 TWh 99 MW (9%) 221 MW (19%) Table 2 provides a comparison of these regions, and also provides a comparison of South Australia to highlight the challenges that will emerge in the event of either the loss of the Heywood Interconnector or the withdrawal of conventional generation. Some of the work currently underway in Texas and Ireland is 15 Electric Reliability Council of Texas Eirgrid 17 Hawaiian Electric 16 © AEMO 2015 22 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX discussed briefly in Section 6. However, while the international work can provide some insights, it is critical that we understand the specific technical issues that are likely to arise in the Australian power system, or in parts of it. In particular, the South Australian region of the NEM is unique in its level of penetration of both utility scale and embedded renewable generation. AEMO has been continuing its work in the integration of renewable energy in South Australia and is progressing an exploratory study in the context of synchronous generation exits. A report on that work is scheduled to be published in late 2015. This study considered South Australia in the context of normal operating conditions, credible and non-credible contingencies under conventional generation exit scenarios, commencing with the current generation fleet. The credible contingency considered was the trip of the remaining Heywood circuit when the other is out of service, while the non-credible contingency considers the loss of both lines of the interconnector. As this work was exploratory only, no new utility scale renewable generation was considered to enter the market. The generation mix outlook is currently being modelled in the NTNDP which will be published in late November 2015. Overall, the work suggests that in the near-term, there are unlikely to be implications on power system security and supply in South Australia except under the non-credible contingency event of losing the Heywood Interconnector. The report to be published will set the scene for a more structured approach to be taken in the next stages of crystallising future challenges. However, as a consequence of this focus, the analysis has not looked further forward to explore the implications of the withdrawal of multiple major power stations in South Australia, so that all, or the vast majority of supply to South Australia is from low or no inertia plant. There is potential for the displacement of conventional generation in the NEM, and initially in South Australia, to continue to the point where only low inertia plant operates for significant periods of time. The timing of that process is unknown at this stage, but a trend in this direction is evident in AEMO’s 2015 Electricity Statement of Opportunities. Maintaining the security of the power system is core business for AEMO and a responsibility key stakeholders expect us to rigorously perform. However, the changing generation mix presents risks for the management of power system security that have not yet been defined to the level necessary. In the short to medium term AEMO will need to adapt its processes within the current NER, policy framework and technical paradigm. In the longer term however, it is expected that the NER and regulatory framework, and most likely also the operational tools used to model and manage the power system will need to change. Changes will need to be made sufficiently in advance of issues arising to ensure AEMO can continue to meet its security obligations. It is therefore imperative that AEMO builds an understanding of the dynamics of such a power system sufficiently early for preparations to be made, be they changes to the NER, the System Standards, Access Standards, market mechanisms or other areas. In relation to the short to medium term, AEMO intends to comprehensively model the operating characteristics and limits of the South Australian power system as synchronous generation is progressively displaced by distributed, solid-state connected low inertia plant. The modelling would be undertaken within current regulatory and technical frameworks, and aim to adapt operational procedures, and calibrating modelling tools as the power system evolves. © AEMO 2015 23 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX 4. FORECASTING AND MANAGING A LOW INERTIA POWER SYSTEM 4.1 AEMO’s operational forecasts The effective, efficient and economic planning and operation of the NEM power system relies on the ability of both AEMO and Network Service Providers (NSPs) to: Model the most economic solutions to a power system flow limitations that result in congestion. Predict the behaviour of the power system when subjected to disturbances, with consequences on system security and the potential for limitations to be placed on transfer capability. Without accurate and reliable power system models and forecasts, particularly for the short-term topology of the power system, the risk of inefficient planning and unsecure operation increases. In the short-term, AEMO is able to manage and operate the NEM with its existing suite of models and software. In the longer term, however, modelling the dynamics of a low inertia power system will become challenging and test the limits of current models and modelling tools. It is imperative to understand all these challenges and how best to model a low inertia power system. Without the appropriate models, AEMO will not be able to manage and operate the market. 4.1.1 Demand forecasting AEMO conducts forecasts of expected electricity demand in order to operate the NEM and plan the network. A variety of forecasting processes are used to determine the level of demand for every dispatch interval in the NEM. Then, using the submitted offers to generate electricity, AEMO produces a schedule or timetable of generation to ensure that the forecast demand will be met based on the requirements that the least expensive generation is dispatched and the power system remains in a secure operating state. As a prerequisite for maintaining generation and demand in balance, it is important for AEMO’s planning processes to be informed in advance of any limits on the capacity of generating units to supply electricity or networks to transport electricity. This enables the remainder of market participants to respond to potential supply shortfalls by increasing their generation availability or network capacity. Market participants are able to signal upcoming limitations on supply by means of a variety of planning tools designed to improve the overall efficiency of the market. AEMO produces pre-dispatch and Projected Assessments of System Adequacy (PASA) outlooks. These provide market participants with information on supply availability and expected generating capacity reserve levels to assist them make appropriate business decisions. Pre-dispatch is a short-term forecast of supply and demand in the market. It is used to estimate the price and demand for the upcoming trading day, and the volume of electricity expected to be supplied through the interconnectors between regions. Generators and NSPs are required to notify AEMO of their maximum supply capacity and availability, and this information is matched against regional demand forecasts The short-term and medium-term PASAs allow AEMO to monitor the future adequacy of generating capacity based on the predicted availability of generating units at power plants. AEMO produces both seven-day and two-year forecasts because of the variability of demand for electricity. They are used by AEMO to ensure that adequate levels of reserve are in the system at all times, and by Generators and NSPs to plan maintenance and standby outages. © AEMO 2015 24 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX Table 3 provides a summary of the current forecasts and where inertia is considered. Table 3 Summary of current operational forecasts and planning tools Forecast Outlook Resolution Description Inertia considerations Dispatch 5 minutes Real time Neural network model that forecasts regional demand 5 minutes ahead in order to determine more accurately the dispatch price and reduce need for frequency regulation The dispatch is security constrained, meaning that the optimisation takes into account network constraints and allows the power system to remain secure for the occurrence of any credible contingency event. Within this process, the level of inertia is considered, particularly for transient stability limits. 5 min predispatch 1 hour 5 minutes Similar to the dispatch forecast but uses the demand forecast for the first 5 minutes from the output of the dispatch algorithm, and for the remainder of the outlook, uses demand changes based upon the historical average percentage demand change relevant to the interval, derived from the previous two weeks’ of historical demand data. Pre-dispatch 40 hours 30 minutes Similar algorithms to above but instead of relying on SCADA data for inputs, they are measured off the power system: available generation, network configuration for each sequential half hour. Objective is to maximise the value of trade. Incorporates a security constrained dispatch with heuristic rules to acknowledge uncertainties in precise network limits where they are dependent on actual network switching status. Inertia is determined using heuristic rules where necessary, from the generation dispatch, and is taken into account in determining network limits. ST PASA 7 days 30 minutes Assesses the expected supply and demand of electricity for six days starting from the end of the current predispatch period. No price inputs and objective is to maximise reserves. Incorporates a security constrained optimisation that assesses reserve levels and allocates contributions of energy limited plant to maximise reserves. Network constraints are forecast in this process, and it considers more heuristic rules than above for considering inertia. MT PASA 2 years daily Provides reserves forecasts for the two year outlook. Incorporates minimum reserve constraints which optimise the adequacy of generation capacity, regional outage and lack of reserves. Network constraints are forecast as an input, and inertia is considered as an outcome of the capacity assessment. 4.1.2 Forecasting intermittent generation The Australian Wind Energy Forecasting System (AEWFS) was established in response to the growth in intermittent generation in the NEM and the increasing impact this growth was having on NEM forecasting and dispatch processes, and planning tools. AWEFS forecasts are developed for each of the range of timeframes of the various operational forecasts, from five minutes ahead to two years ahead. They allow variable wind generation to be included in the central dispatch process in a manner similar to conventional synchronous generation. Forecasts are produced for each wind farm, including those not participating in the central dispatch process, to allow generation output outside the central dispatch process to be considered in the demand–generation balance. AEMO has extended this process to incorporate utility scale PV in the Australian Solar Energy Forecasting System (ASEFS). Like AWEFS, forecasts for generation from solar farms are produced for each of the timeframes in Table 3. These are treated in the dispatch, pre-dispatch and the short-term © AEMO 2015 25 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX outlooks in the same manner as wind. AEMO intends to extend this capability to rooftop PV in the near future. 4.2 Challenges of modelling performance of a low inertia power system In order to develop the ability to accurately model the performance of a low inertia power system, there are many technical, regulatory, modelling and information challenges that need to be surmounted. At present, all of these challenges are not yet known, and work must be undertaken to understand them. It is anticipated that as AEMO progresses through modelling the integration of renewables in South Australia, new challenges will be uncovered. Some of the known challenges in the short and long terms are outlined below. 4.2.1 In the short term In the short term, key challenges in modelling the performance of a low inertia power system are concerned with technology uptake and performance. Technology uptake and management The ability to model any power system effectively requires visibility of all components. This becomes increasingly more important and complex as the market shifts to greater embedded generation. Monitoring and forecasting the installation of rooftop PV has been facilitated through the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) which requires all installations claiming the subsidy to be registered with the Clean Energy Regulator (CER). Through this process, AEMO has been able to access some of the key details relating to each residential rooftop PV system. However, as the subsidy winds down or households upgrade or replace their panels, there will be no registration process to track these installations, leaving AEMO and NSPs with less information on rooftop PVs. Similarly, generation connecting to the transmission or distribution networks is visible through the connection process, with generating systems greater than 5 MW required by AEMO to have performance standards as specified in the NER. However, proponents of small generation technologies on the distribution network are exempt from the requirement for registration, and so are not under the same regulatory obligations. Subsequently, there is no visibility of technologies behind the meter, nor control over their technical specifications. The experience with rooftop PV has demonstrated that consumers are actively engaged in choosing to install new technologies. In the short-term, it is anticipated that battery storage will become economically viable for residential consumers, with the viability for commercial and large-scale storage still being assessed. In June 2015, AEMO released the first step in its development of modelling the uptake of residential battery storage18, and is undertaking studies to assess the system impacts of storage uptake. The underlying message from these analyses is the need to ensure appropriate mechanisms are in place to allow AEMO to retain visibility of the amount of embedded generation and storage facilities in the network, in particular their location, technical specifications and mode of operation. As an example, Table 4 summarises some of the information required, and the consequences to the system if it is not obtained. 18 © AEMO 2015 26 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX Table 4 Example of some required information for storage systems Location Information required Why it is required Installations on the feeder level or by postcode. To retain visibility on the characteristics of each feeder. This will be critical to services such as UFLS. To determine whether penetration levels materially affect network operation. Technical Specifications Storage capacity Maximum charge/discharge Cycles To understand performance, in particular how quickly they can ramp up/down as this will affect the required response to balance the grid. Operation Is it coupled to a PV system? If so, what size. Are they grid connected or can only recharge from the PV system? How are the systems configured to operate and who has controllability: The household, optimising for their individual benefit based on tariff structures and load profile. Retailers as part of a long-term leasing agreement. NSPs who have accessibility to provide value to the network. Part of an aggregation by a third party which coordinates arbitrage and/or participation in FCAS. It is important to understand how storage devices will respond in aggregate to market signals. If there are discrete drivers such as tariff changes then there could be step changes in operation that may create inadvertent impacts on network. The need to understand the operational performance and location of storage technologies extends to all emerging technologies in the context of a low inertia power system. However, the potential uptake of storage is highlighting the likelihood of a future paradigm shift in the dynamic performance of the power system, and is beginning to expose some of the emerging challenges. At present, it is unclear what the best mechanism is to track the uptake of storage, nor who the best authority to do so is. Any framework will rely heavily on what, or who, ultimately drives the uptake. Challenges also exist in the performance of larger scale battery storage, with the potential for challenges to arise from the ability of these facilities to very quickly ramp up/down with implications for local voltage and power quality, and for power system frequency. AEMO is currently working through how the provisions in the NER will relate to large scale storage. Understanding short-term performance: intermittency To date, intermittency has been managed well in the NEM through the high quality of the AWEFS forecasting system, the five minute central dispatch, and through the geographic diversity of the intermittent rooftop PV and wind generation sources. The performance of these systems has not yet been tested with utility scale PV or high concentrations of wind generation. Battery systems could also potentially pose an intermittency risk depending on their operability and penetration. If these systems were driven by market signals, electricity price for example, then there could be a sizeable discharge from the batteries within milliseconds. This emphasises the importance of understanding their technical specifications and management. Understanding short-term performance: existing technologies The ability to model the dynamics of a low inertia power system in the short term also relies on an understanding of the performance of existing technologies with respect to frequency deviations. © AEMO 2015 27 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX The minimum standard for new generation connections is that they can ride through a RoCoF of ± 1 Hz/s, however we do not have a clear understanding of the RoCoF protection settings for many existing generating units. This means that there is limited visibility on the level of RoCoF that is manageable, and will have an impact on the ability to model the dynamics of the power system under low inertia. A consequence of this is that many of the modelling exercises assume a constraint that doesn’t allow the system RoCoF to be outside ± 1 Hz/s. This then constrains a certain level of synchronous generation to be online and makes it difficult to explore the low inertia environment, how control systems respond to RoCoF or understand what level of RoCoF is manageable. These questions first need to be explored in order to inform what performance requirements would be needed for new technologies when they are displacing conventional generation. Understanding the response to frequency deviations is particularly relevant for rooftop PV systems, which do not have the same performance standards imposed. The inverters, however, have to comply with Australian Standards which specify an over-frequency and under-frequency trip point. These standards have been revised over the last decade as uptake increased, and there are various different inverter products that do not perform exactly the same way. How inverters respond to frequency deviations can impact the performance of control stability schemes. AEMO is currently looking at inverter data to assess this issue. Similarly, it has been suggested that some of the wind farms already in operation in the NEM can provide inertia. This however, has not been either verified or quantified to date, and would need to be investigated further in order to adequately model the dynamics of a low inertia power system. It is also unclear how well the actual operational performance of the control systems for all existing technologies have been tested to date. 4.2.2 In the long term The modelling approach: forecasting supply The increase of renewable generation introduces probabilistic elements into power system modelling, which has traditionally been a discrete exercise. Unlike renewables, the production level from conventional generating plant is not reliant on extraneous variables such as sunshine or wind. Rather than a few central generating units providing a set quantity of generation, AEMO needs to forecast the likely output of dispersed wind generation, rooftop PV generation, and in the future, storage devices and potentially other new technologies. This introduces the need for greater management of variability and forecast error into how AEMO operates and plans the market and the power system. The modelling approach: representing demand An issue experienced world-wide relates to how to appropriately represent the increasing levels of embedded generation in power system simulations. Challenges include: Appropriate methods of aggregation. Appropriate representation of equipment (both generation and the devices interfaced with the network, generally inverters). Forecasting the output of renewable generation facilities for various forward timeframes. Embedded generation does not reduce the native demand consumed by customers, only the net demand supplied by scheduled, semi-scheduled and significant non-scheduled generation through the grid (operational demand). Modelling demand effectively requires the ability to simulate the native demand as well as the expected output of any embedded generation. © AEMO 2015 28 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX A reduction in operational demand and synchronous generation (as expected in South Australia), will require more sophisticated demand modelling beyond the static load model that is currently used in power system security assessments. Furthermore, the forecast growth in embedded generation may necessitate the modelling of a greater proportion of distribution networks to allow broader assessments of power system security to be undertaken. This has not been performed to date, and AEMO is yet to determine the degree to which the network models might need to be extended. Technology life cycle and performance Conventional generating technologies are well understood, have long lifespans, and investments were made on economical principals. In general, if there was a projected long-term shortfall in supply, then the building of new generation plant was considered. The changing generation mix, in particular, the active participation of households, has added new economic and behavioural dimensions into the market. Large scale renewable generation has been incentivised through government policy settings, whereas small scale embedded generation is driven by the individual business case, some cross subsidisation, and also behavioural factors such as a desire to be more self-reliant from the grid. Investment timescales for embedded generation are much shorter, with the cost of an average PV system in South Australia, for example, currently having a payback period of around six years. As well as investment timeframes becoming shorter, the lifecycle of embedded generation such as rooftop PV is also much shorter than conventional generation. Questions are then raised about whether these products are likely to be replaced at the end of their lifetime, and if so, are they replaced with similar technology or something else? The challenges these factors present to modelling include: The need to include different investment drivers and time scales. The shorter timeframes for emerging technologies means the technology mix might shift more quickly, and will continuously evolve. Understanding the dynamics and technology uptake in advance. The shorter timeframes of new technology investments and life cycles also means that regulatory frameworks and the technical envelope need to be able to accommodate a wide variety of potential technologies. What make this challenging is that the development time for emerging technologies are generally shorter than the lead times involved in decision making to implement appropriate frameworks. As renewable and emerging technologies progressively constitute more and more of the generation mix, AEMO needs confidence in the ability to procure ancillary services to enable it to maintain the power system within operating standards. There has been discussion about whether a form of “synthetic inertia” could potentially be provided by solid-state connected facilities such as storage and windfarms, to provide a replacement for the inertia that is lost from the power system as synchronous plant retires. Synthetic inertia refers to the augmentation of the central control system of wind turbines that convert some of the kinetic energy of the rotating blades into electrical energy that provides a resistance to material changes in power system frequency. Although feasible, AEMO has not been able to find any cases where this synthetic or emulated inertial response has been adequately demonstrated in practice to date. Turbine manufacturers have been working on the development of this capability but the technology has not as yet been tested in a low inertia power system. Simulations have shown that the emulated response is not identical to the © AEMO 2015 29 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX response of conventional generation, and may not be sufficient to arrest frequency excursions during contingencies in all cases. Much of this appears to be due to the reduced energy output of the turbines following the provision of inertia. The uncertainties in synthetic inertia can be summarised as follows: The ability of various renewable technologies to provide synthetic inertia. The amount of inertial response that can be guaranteed. Whether the emulated inertial response can be sustained for the time period required to arrest and recover frequency deviations. Investment cost of adding a synthetic inertia capability (either as part of a new build or retrofitted to existing plant). Whether the provision of inertia has implications for the lifetime of the turbines and/or on the power electronics. Whether synthetic inertia can provide additional power system support services. Much work would need to be undertaken to understand the technical performance of synthetic inertia, and whether any performance standards or such should be contemplated in relation to its provision. As synthetic inertia is not a direct substitute for the actual inertia of synchronous generating plant, it will also be important to develop an understanding of the amount of synthetic inertia required to have the equivalent response of existing generation in the NEM. Frequency control management may also be able to be provided by batteries. Batteries have the advantage in that they are able to provide a rapid response (within a millisecond), and so are being considered as a fast frequency response service in Texas and Ireland. Currently, the performance of batteries is being assessed in various trials, including the University of Adelaide’s mobile energy storage test facility which will provide data on battery performance. An important criteria in the ability of batteries to counteract power system imbalances is their lifetime. Batteries typically have a limit to the number of charge / discharge cycles they can sustain, so one would need to consider whether the sole purpose of the battery was to provide frequency response services, or whether system support services are intended to be a secondary function of the storage system. There is a potential for synthetic inertia to be provided in many ways and by many technologies both on the supply and demand sides. Regardless of the technology, there needs to be confidence in the deliverability of the required RoCoF management levels. Investment uncertainties One of the challenges of modelling the dynamics of a low inertia power system is that there is no clear indication of what investments will take place, when it will occur, in what technologies and to what scale. Historically, the long-term demand could be forecast and would indicate any projected supply shortfalls that would drive new investment in conventional synchronous generating plant. In today’s market however, other than policy drivers, investment signals are more complex and the investment responses to them more complex, particularly with the broadening range of consumer engagement and choice that is opening up. Large scale generation that is required to classify as scheduled becomes visible to AEMO when proponents apply for connection. While this provides some transparency in investment and some regulation over technical performance, it only provides an approximate two year window, rather than a long term approach. This may be complicated by the emergence of new technologies. For example, will new renewable generation have synthetic inertia capability or a battery storage system? If they have © AEMO 2015 30 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX storage, will the device be behind the meter and serve to smooth out generation, or will they be in front of the meter and available for system support services? Storage is likely to be considered in the business case of new renewable generation to optimise the value of trading and operations, and in the case of South Australia, may reduce the time a wind farm is constrained off for the purposes of managing network flows within secure operating limits. Understanding what technologies will enter the market will be critical to assessing what will be the operational requirements to maintain the power system within operating standards. With the changing dynamics of the power system, new investments will likely need to be considered systemically rather than as individual connections which is the current process. Rather than solely analysing a proposed generating system’s ability to meet the Access Standards, AEMO may need to undertake more regional modelling to understand how the connection will impact on the operation of the broader network. Conventional generation exits Understanding the progressive impact of synchronous generation exits will be a long-term objective of modelling the dynamics of a low inertia power system. Some of the broad issues were highlighted in AEMO’s earlier advice, but many of the issues may only become apparent as the generation exits. Research and modelling beyond the initial work AEMO has conducted on the South Australian system needs to be undertaken as a high priority to explore the challenges that will arise in greater depth. This modelling needs to be undertaken within the context of the new technologies that may also emerge. As part of its annual National Transmission Network Development Plan (NTNDP), AEMO models potential scenarios for the commissioning and decommissioning of conventional generation. This provides some indication of potential generation exits, however, is limited by the nature of the modelling. The modelling adopts a least cost approach that considers the short run marginal cost of generating. As such, it doesn’t consider (nor does AEMO have the information to) any portfolio strategies or risk management practices in the market. In the context of frequency control, unless new technologies can provide the required services that are lost through synchronous generation withdrawals, then planning and investment challenges may arise to provide sufficient capability to operate the power system to meet reliability and security standards. Depending on how the dynamic response of the power system changes, and the detailed technical characteristics of the emerging technologies that are replacing them, the market responses may not be sufficient to maintain the power system within a secure operating state for credible contingency events, or to provide AEMO with the necessary operational options to exercise effective interventions. 4.3 How equipped is AEMO to model the dynamics of a low inertia power system? Currently AEMO has the analytical tools to model the dynamic response of the power system, and these are being utilised in the studies of South Australia discussed in Section 3.2. These studies will progressively test the power system as more low inertia generation comes online and synchronous generation withdraws. It is anticipated that as this work progresses, AEMO will gain further insight into how it needs to further develop and augment its modelling capability. The current models, however, are based on conventional synchronous generation in response to passive load, and focus on simulating the system response to transmission and generation faults, and managing voltages and loading of the network within a range of technical limits. The limits can relate to a range of criteria including thermal loading limits of the network, transient stability limits following a contingency, voltage control limits, and oscillatory stability limits for power transfer across large distances. Furthermore, the dispatch process optimises the utilisation of generation resources within © AEMO 2015 31 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX these limits, while allowing sufficient operational margin for any single contingency event to occur while still remaining within the limits. In order to advance our understanding of the operational characteristics of a low inertia power system, AEMO has developed a two-pronged approach which is summarised below. Business as usual operational models As the inertia of power system reduces, some of the operational limits will potentially change, particularly due to the fast response of power system frequency to imbalances between supply and demand. As outlined in Section 3.2.1, South Australia will be the first NEM region to experience low levels of inertia. AEMO is currently implementing a programme of work that will comprehensively model the operating characteristics and limits of the South Australian power system as synchronous generation is progressively displaced by distributed, solid-state connected low inertia plant. The modelling will be undertaken within current regulatory and technical frameworks, and aim to adapt operational procedures to meet the needs of the next two to three years. This modelling will have a three year outlook, and considers a range of scenarios that are designed to stretch the operational parameters of the power system. This work will include, but not be limited to addressing the following: Is there a minimum amount of inertia that is required to meet security standards, and how does this change depending on the technology mix? What is a manageable level of RoCoF to avoid progressive plant trips occurring? How does the effectiveness of the central dispatch system change with increasing penetration of embedded generation? What constraints on the dispatch of generation or on interconnector flows need to be imposed? Are conventional generation governor response capabilities appropriate? Modelling the performance of existing wind generation under weak network and frequency disturbances. Can South Australia be operated for sustained periods as an island if required? Whether current regulatory arrangements support the availability of sufficient information or services to maintain system security. The focus of the analysis is on maintaining power system security under system normal, credible and non-credible contingencies. It will explore the likely extremes of generation mix that would need to be managed within the two to three year outlook timeframe, and determine the operational actions required to maintain system security. Information from this ongoing analysis will feed into the two year supply adequacy reports that AEMO prepares as a normal part of its business – Energy Adequacy Assessment Projection (EAAP) and MT PASA. The ongoing analysis will equip AEMO with a bank of knowledge on the potential challenges of the power system in the short-term and associated operational strategies. As the power system evolves in this direction, AEMO can continuously calibrate its modelling tools to the changing system dynamics. At some point, there is potential for modelling results to begin to diverge from the actual system dynamics, and be unable to reflect the changed power system characteristics with sufficient accuracy. This will potentially drive the need for AEMO to adopt different modelling tools. Longer term requirements of operational models In parallel to the operational studies of South Australia, it is imperative that AEMO steps ahead and develops the tools and capabilities to model a low inertia power system so that we can transition our © AEMO 2015 32 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX operational processes to the changing dynamics without compromising security and reliability of the power system. A package of work needs to be developed to help inform this process, and the initial step would be to catalogue as many as possible of the technical issues that have the potential to arise due to the integration of renewables into the power system and strategies for assessing whether regulatory change is required to address them. Inertia related issues will be a component of those catalogued but the focus will be broader than inertia, covering the full range of operational parameters such as frequency control, voltage control, management of transmission flows, scheduling of generating plant and management of contingencies. Internationally, there has been some research on simulating a low inertia power system, however, the work is still in the early stages and does not consider the levels of renewable penetration that currently exists in South Australia. Research to date also tends to utilise generic wind generation models only, and does not have the same level of embedded generation as is projected to occur in the NEM. Similar to AEMO, several jurisdictions have started to embark on a program to advance their modelling and planning for the changing dynamics of the power system. What is becoming more apparent is that the key characteristics required from any generating plant and power system models will be different. The power system will be more dynamic in that frequency deviations will happen more quickly, and have a greater number of generating plants in geographically diverse locations. The modelling and operational tools AEMO uses will then need to be able to accommodate the increased dynamics of the system, as well as the increased number of generating plant. The models used include generating plant models, software models and the power system model. Each Generator provides AEMO with set data on its plant’s operational performance that feeds into AEMO’s power system models. In a system that is more dynamic, the models provided by Generators may need to be more detailed, providing greater information about the control systems so that generating system performance under a greater range of network conditions can be assessed. This will be particularly the case for wind farms with emulated inertia or storage systems designed to provide a response to frequency deviations, as well as the performance of any other new technologies. Conventional power system analysis software was designed around centralised systems and so has limitations on the number of generating plant and detail of their performance that can be accommodated. This has the potential to create issues in the capability of the software to model the power system with sufficient accuracy, and in the timeframe that is required. Simultaneous to developing the software capability, how AEMO currently models the power system could also need to change. This will be informed both by the South Australian work discussed above, and the potential technical issues that may arise in the long-term. Some of the considerations may include: As discussed earlier, generating forecasts will become more probabilistic, and the model will need to consider greater variability and forecasting error. How dispatch algorithms need to change, and how they should treat increasing penetrations of embedded generation, some of which, like storage, may respond to price signals. Given the increased penetration of distributed generation, how granular does the power system modelling need to be? With an increased reliance on solid-state connected generation, there is a need to fully understand the performance of the electronic control system on a short time scale, possible down to the level of milliseconds, and have those characteristics incorporated into the overall computer model of the power system as a whole. © AEMO 2015 33 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX How FCAS requirements are to be calculated given the potential range of new technologies and services. © AEMO 2015 34 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX 5. CURRENT REGULATORY ARRANGEMENTS 5.1 System and Access Standards AEMO and TNSPs are required to operate the power system within the System Standards (as set out in Schedules 5.1 & 5.1a of the NER), while Generators are required to ensure that their plant performs in accordance with agreed performance standards, which are negotiated as part of the connection process. The Access Standards for generation are set out in Schedule 5.2 of the NER. These help AEMO ascertain the performance characteristics of the connecting plant, which ultimately assists AEMO in operating the power system within the System Standards. There are three types of Access Standards for connection onto the NEM: automatic, minimum and negotiated which set different technical performance requirements. In terms of frequency, the Standards require: That a generating unit should ride through a frequency disturbance provided the magnitude of any deviation and its duration remains within the limits set by the Frequency Operating Standard. That the generating unit is able to withstand a rapid rate of change in frequency provided it does not exceed 1 Hz per second (or 4 Hz for automatic connection). Generating units to have facilities to automatically disconnect or rapidly reduce output if frequency exceeds the limit specified by AEMO. Generating systems to maintain stable output in response to frequency changes. For automatic connection, to not increase output if frequency rises or decrease output if frequency falls, and must be capable of increasing output if frequency falls below normal operating band such that it would be capable of providing raise FCAS. Wind farms also have a minimum standard that requires them to not increase output in response to a rise in frequency, and to not decrease output by more than 2% per Hz when frequency falls. AEMO is currently working through how the provisions in the NER will relate to storage. Furthermore, Access Standards do not apply to generating systems smaller than 5 MW. This means that there is no visibility on the installation and operation of embedded technologies, nor does AEMO have the ability to set performance requirements for these small consumer devices. As already discussed, this has the potential to create operational challenges for AEMO as penetration increases. As we progress towards a low inertia power system, new connections will need to be considered holistically, rather than on a stand-alone basis, to ensure they do not adversely affect the power system. This could lead to a need for Access Standards to be recalibrated as the dynamic response of the power system changes, raising issues of fairness between new connections and incumbents. © AEMO 2015 35 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX 6. ADAPTING TO A LOW INERTIA POWER SYSTEM IN THE FUTURE There is a considerable body of work to be done to fully understand the dynamic performance of the Australian power system as low inertia generating plant gradually displaces conventional synchronous plant. It is likely that AEMO will need to change the way it plans, forecasts and operates the power system. In determining the appropriate technical, regulatory and/or commercial frameworks that may be required in the long-term, it is important to first identify and understand the technical issues the power system will encounter – this involves the power system as a whole including both at the distribution and transmission levels. Without this understanding, it would be difficult to identify the future options that are holistic, technology neutral, adaptive to changing dynamics, and economically efficient. The analysis discussed in Section 4.3 will assist to inform this process as well as other changes that may need to occur. In 2004, SCO initiated a process to identify the technical challenges likely to arise in relation to the integration of emerging wind generation at that time, with the formation of the Wind Energy Technical Advisory Group (WETAG). That process provided the opportunity for technical representatives from a range of industry sectors to be involved in both identifying the questions to be answered and in building support to carry forward any changes to the framework identified through the process. AEMO is considering initiating a similar process, also with a technical focus, and with technical representation from relevant industry sectors. Such a process can build upon existing work such as the Clean Energy Council’s Priorities for Inverter Energy System Connection Standards19, and the work identified by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)20. The former provides an evaluation of the technical issues of solid-state connected distributed generation both as stand-alone and when combined with storage, and then has prioritised the short term and longer term issues that need to be addressed in developing effective standards. ARENA has provided a comprehensive catalogue of all projects investigating the integration of renewables from research to demonstration, and across multiple stakeholders. This provides a basis by which to identify technical issues that are currently being explored. AEMO’s process would aim to quickly identify as many as possible of the emerging and potential technical issues of integrating renewables into the power system in both the distribution and transmission space, and would step beyond the next few years. Once the technical issues are identified and the challenges of a low inertia power system are better understood, AEMO and the industry will be better positioned to advise on how best to operate the power system. This will then inform how the current systems, standards and markets may need to change. Without this analysis, we are unable to make a judgement on whether for example we need a minimum level of synchronous inertia in the power system, or whether new technologies appropriately incentivised can maintain power system security in the most economically efficient manner. The exploration and modelling process will also help assess the adaptability of current market mechanisms, and whether they provide efficient or even sufficient incentives to drive appropriate investments, and if not, where and when they fail. 19 20 © AEMO 2015 36 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX Identification of the technical issues and the shift to a greater proportion of embedded generation should also provoke an assessment of what is the most efficient role of NSPs. With the increasing penetration of embedded generation, it is becoming increasingly apparent from AEMO’s perspective that it will need to have a greater relationship with distribution networks in order to operate efficiently. This in itself, represents a shift in how the market has traditionally been operated. Internationally, some new frameworks are being developed as outlined below. Texas The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) is a stand-alone interconnection and wholesale electricity market. ERCOT has a high level of wind capacity, and in 2015 had its record instantaneous wind penetration of 41%21. This compares to the 65% of instantaneous wind generation in South Australia recorded in the same year. ERCOT has been undergoing a review of its frequency control ancillary services in response to the lower system inertia, proposing two new services as well as refining the existing ones. The two new services are a Synchronous Inertia Response (SIR) and Fast Frequency Response (FFR), and are designed to manage RoCoF. ERCOT is currently working through the requirements of each, including technical specifications for batteries to provide FFR and synthetic inertia capability for SIR, and the best form of procurement. A report on the cost-benefit analysis is to be published late 2015. Ireland In the Single Electricity Market (SEM) in Ireland and Northern Ireland, the grid code requires generation to withstand a RoCoF of ± 0.5 Hz/s only, and so the implications of RoCoF management in the low inertia context are more pronounced. (This compares with the minimum standard of ± 1 Hz/s in the NEM). The market operator has imposed a system non-synchronous penetration ratio, whereby the total generation by non-synchronous plant is constrained to 50% of instantaneous system load. This 50% includes any net imports through the interconnector. This was applied to address the lack of knowledge in how conventional generation would perform to maintain system security. The constraint allows the operator to start to identify system operational limits. Ireland has a renewable energy target of 40% by 2020 and is party to the European Union’s mandate on minimising the curtailment of renewables. To address the future challenges, it established the “DS3” project which included a series of technical and regulatory studies. This proposed a competitivelyawarded contract procurement mechanism for a new set of ancillary services. The services include synchronous inertia and a fast-frequency response service, both targeted at RoCoF management. The proposal is for a combinatorial auction where each bidder may offer a set of mutually-exclusive bids covering combinations of services it is willing to provide, which are then evaluated to find an overall lowest-cost solution, with a market-clearing fixed price found for both the inertial and frequency responses. The project has also explored strengthening RoCoF protection requirements and enabling emulated inertia measures. New Zealand New Zealand has a high penetration of wind and the two islands can be separated from each other. The system operator has been investigating the power system response to disturbances, and at present, has found the current dynamics to be adequate. They have highlighted the future need to acquire new products to provide frequency management and synthetic inertia. They have also proposed new form of UFLS, changing a block to a RoCoF relay to allow acceleration of load shedding following a large event if RoCoF > 1.2 Hz/s.22 21 22 System Operator TASC Report, TASC 033 report, July 2014. © AEMO 2015 37 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX Quebec – Hydro Quebec Hydro Quebec in Canada is adding wind energy to its predominantly hydropower system and is requiring wind farms to provide an emulated inertial response. All wind farms greater than 10 MW must be able to reduce large, short-duration frequency deviations (such as those during a contingency event) at least as much as does the inertial response of a conventional synchronous generation whose inertia equals 3.5 s. 23 It has worked with wind-farm manufacturers since 2009 to define specific parameters that suit the power system requirements, and the performance testing of these. Studies of system integration are ongoing. 6.1 Next Steps While learnings can be drawn from the international experience, many of these new frameworks seem to be a reactive response to provide surety of power system security and reliability in the near term while investigating the technical issues that may arise in the long term. The NEM has some characteristics in common and others that differ from those jurisdictions, and at this stage it is premature to specify what policy changes might be required in Australia. In particular, South Australia is well ahead of the international experience in terms of the changing power system dynamics. The technical analysis in the two streams of work identified above can provide technical drivers for policy and technical developments to accommodate the continued integration of renewable generation in the NEM, and this could be combined with other drivers that might emerge from regulatory, commercial or market analysis being carried out by other agencies. In order to address these challenges, AEMO has expanded and formalised its current modelling studies on the integration of renewables in South Australia into a broader work programme that has a twopronged approach to investigating the operational issues of the changing generation mix: 1. Business as usual operations AEMO will comprehensively model the operating characteristics and limits of the South Australian power system as synchronous generation is progressively displaced by solid-state connected low inertia plant. This will be undertaken within current regulatory and technical frameworks to explore operational challenges that may emerge within a two to three year outlook, and identify any changes to operational procedures or the regulatory framework that may be required. This work-stream will ensure ongoing transparent operating strategies that can deliver a secure power system for the two to three year timeframe. 2. Longer term operations In parallel, AEMO will look further ahead to consider a potential zero or low inertia future power system, and as a first step, aim to identify the range of technical challenges likely to arise in its operation. AEMO intends to bring together a group of industry specialists to inform this workstream. AEMO will report the progress on both work-streams to Ministers at the mid-year meeting of the COAG Energy Council in 2016. 23 Technical requirements for the connection of power plants to the Hydro-Quebec transmission system © AEMO 2015 38 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX APPENDIX A. GLOSSARY Introduction to Inertia and Synchronous generation ‘Synchronous’ generation is generation whose operation is tightly ‘synchronised’ to the operating frequency of the power system. For example, in a power system operating at a normal frequency of exactly 50 Hz, or 50 cycles per second24, the rotating parts of most synchronous generating units (such as the turbine and rotor) connected to the power system will be spinning at a speed of exactly 50 revolutions per second. Each synchronous generating unit connected to a power system will be rotating at a precise speed that is dependent on its design and the power system frequency, and are in effect tightly synchronised to each other through the power system. An effect of this ‘synchronous’ operation of generating plant is that any change is the operating frequency of the power system away from the normal level of 50 Hz requires that all generation connected to the power system either ‘speed up’ or ‘slow down’ exactly in lock step with the change in power system frequency. Historically, all significant generation connected to the power system was ‘synchronous’, as a result of the underlying similarity of the generating equipment used. However, newer generating technologies such as wind and PV are not, due to fundamental differences in the nature of the equipment used in these technologies. The non-synchronous (or asynchronous) nature of these newer generating technologies has a range of implications for power system performance and operation, particularly in relation to the control of power system frequency. Importantly, as asynchronous generation is dispatched and displaces synchronous generation, the inertia in the power system is reduced. This is discussed further below. Power System Inertia Maintaining the frequency of the power system very close to the normal level of 50 Hz is a key day-today operational responsibility for AEMO. The frequency of the power system will change away from the normal level of 50 Hz following disturbances such as sudden loss of generation or load from the power system. A sudden loss of generation will cause the frequency or speed of the power system to fall as mechanical energy is drawn from the remaining generation to supply the load. Conversely, a sudden loss of load will result in less electrical energy being drawn from the generation by loads than is being supplied to the generation from it energy source (such as steam boilers), with the imbalance resulting in generation speeding up, increasing power system frequency. Ensuring that the frequency of the power system does not move too far from the normal level of 50 Hz after a disturbance, and restoring frequency to 50 Hz within certain time frames are key issues for AEMO to manage on a continuous basis. The exact requirements around AEMO’s frequency control obligations are spelt out in the Frequency Operating Standards, and determined by the Reliability Panel. Inertia is a physical attribute of an object that is related to its mass, and can be thought of as a resistance to change in the motion of the object. For example, a small mass that is travelling at a particular speed in a straight line will be easier to slow down (or speed up) than a heavier object travelling at the same speed. The heavier object is more resistant to the change in speed, and has more inertia. 24 The NEM power system operates at 50 Hz, while some power systems operate at 60 Hz. © AEMO 2015 39 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX In power systems, the inertia of the rotating parts of the generating systems provide resistance to change in the frequency of the power system. The physical manifestation of inertia on the power system is in the large mechanical masses of synchronous generation and their turbines and rotors, and the energy stored in these masses when they are operating and rotating at high speeds. The amount of inertia a particular generating unit provides to the power system is a function of the mechanical design and mass of the generation. The amount of inertia provided to the power system by generation is the same whenever it is operating, and does not vary with power output. The exact amount of inertia provided to the power system is a characteristic of each individual generating unit, with larger generating units typically providing more inertia to the power system than smaller ones. This means the inertia of the power system at a point in time is determined solely by which synchronous machines are connected to the power system at the point in time. As the number of generating units committed to the power system at any time is not directly managed by AEMO, this means AEMO does not directly control the level of power system inertia. Inertia is instead an indirect outcome of the operation of the energy market. When the inertia of the power system is high, the frequency of the power system will change slowly following a given disturbance. When power system inertia is low, the frequency of the power system will change more quickly following a disturbance, all other things being equal. This means that managing frequency within required limits on the power system becomes more difficult when the inertia of the power system is low. Under conditions of very lower power system inertia, frequency can potentially move too fast for control systems to respond, potentially leading to automatic load shedding, or even complete collapse of the power system. Characteristics of asynchronous generation Asynchronous generation such as wind or PV typically provides little or no inertia to the power system. This is an internationally recognised issue, and some new wind turbines are now capable of providing a response to frequency disturbances. However, the degree to which this can substitute for inertia is a matter of research at this stage. If a substitute for inertia (sometimes referred to as synthetic inertia) can be provided in this way, it is likely to be low compared to synchronous generation of equivalent MW rating. The displacement of synchronous generation from the power system by non-synchronous generation, is driving a long term trend of reducing power system inertia, particularly in South Australia, with its high penetration of non-synchronous wind and PV generation. As AEMO does not currently have direct or central control over the levels of inertia in the power system, reducing levels of power system inertia create a risk around AEMO’s long term ability to adequately control power system frequency under the necessary range of future operating conditions. Solid-state connected generation Conventional synchronous generation connects directly to the power system as it shares the same electrical characteristics, i.e. it generates alternating current (AC) at the same frequency as the grid. Generation that does not share the same electrical properties as the power system require a device that will convert the electricity they generate so that they can supply this energy to the power system. These connecting devices are solid-state electronics, which means that they have no rotational properties, relying instead on chemical and electronic characteristics. The most common solid-state device that is used in grid connection is an inverter. Both wind and PV generation is connected to the NEM via inverters but for different reasons: © AEMO 2015 40 REPORT TO COAG ENERGY COUNCIL ON SECURITY AND RELIABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANGING GENERATION MIX Electricity generated by the rotation of wind turbines can be AC with the same frequency as the turbine’s rotation. Given that the frequency is dependent on the rotational speed of the turbine, the frequency of the power generated will vary as the wind speed changes. An inverter is used to regulate the power output of the wind turbines, and convert it to the same characteristics as the power system. PV panels (residential and utility scale) are made of semi-conducting material, with no rotational components. They therefore generate DC electricity. An inverter is used to convert the electricity to AC for both use in residential premises and for export to the NEM. As these generation technologies do not directly share the same frequency as the power system, they can be referred to as asynchronous generation. Secure operating state The power system is in a secure operating state if it is in a satisfactory operating state, or such that should a credible contingency occur, the power system will return to a satisfactory operating state. AEMO is required to assess the technical envelope, or technical boundary limits, of the power system for achieving and maintaining the secure operating state for any events considered to be credible contingency events at that time. The technical envelope takes into account demand, capacity reserves, operating plants, constraints and ancillary service requirements. The NER sets out the properties of the power system used to determine whether it is in a satisfactory operating state, which includes frequency, voltage and current all being within their applicable bands, generation operating within its performance standards, and the power system has the capability to disconnect any fault. © AEMO 2015 41