Switch Disconnector Fuse (Cubicle Fuse Switch Unit) 1 Wide Range of Choice : Switch Disconnector Fuse from 32A to 800A in Bolted/Din type. Switch Disconnectors/Isolators from 100A to 800A 2 CPRI Tested/High Short Circuit Breaking Capacity : Tested at CPRI for 80KA, utilisation category AC 23A and conforms to IS / IEC : 60947 (P3) 3 Two way Isolation : Fuselinks remain isolated from both incoming and outgoing circuits, when the switch is in OFF position 4 The unique roller contact system and quick switching mechanism prevents contacts from welding at extreme fault currents Switch Disconnector Fuse (Cubicle Fuse Switch Unit) STANDARD presents state-of-the-art designed Switch Disconnector Fuse for various power distribution applications giving trouble free reliable performance. Features • • • Wide Range of Choice : Switch Disconnector Fuse from 32A to 800A in Bolted/Din type. Switch Disconnectors/Isolators from 100A to 800A. CPRI Tested/High Short Circuit Breaking Capacity : Tested at CPRI for 80KA, utilisation category AC 23A and conforms to IS / IEC : 60947 -1 & 3. Two way Isolation : Fuselinks remain isolated from both incoming and outgoing circuits, when the switch is in OFF position. • • • • • Flexibility of Mounting : Can be mounted in Vertical or Horizontal position. The unique roller contact system and quick switching mechanism prevents contacts from welding at extreme fault currents. Available with Isolable Neutral and Switched Neutral. Facility of auxiliary contacts 2NO+2NC on request. Padlock, door interlock and defeat mechanism interlock provided. Range Specification 32A to 800A with Bolted / Din type fuse links IS / IEC : 60947-1 & 3 Execution Isolator Switch Range TPN & TPSN 100A to 800A 124 Switch Disconnector Fuse (Cubicle Fuse Switch Unit) Construction The contact system has dual advantage of knife contacts & roller contacts. The moving contact system consists of four spring loaded, silver plated Cu. roller held in position by a steel retainer which allows the rollers to rotate individually. The snap action of the switch makes the contact movement independent of the operating speed of the handle to prevent indefinite positioning. The uniform contact pressure ensures excellent behavior of the switch under overload & short circuit conditions. The moulded parts of the switch are in accordance with existing standards concerning creepage, inflammability and arc resistance. Design The compact design of the Switch Disconnector Fuse reduces space requirement on panel boards. This also results in considerable economy on bus bars, wiring and sheet steel fabrication. High making & breaking capacity High making and breaking capacity is achieved primarily by dividing the make/break process between four breaking points per phase. This results in distribution of the breaking load to the effect that arcing time and contact burning are reduced and the contact life is increased. Isolable neutral 125 Switched neutral Auxiliary switch Switch Disconnector Fuse (Cubicle Fuse Switch Unit) Switch disconnector fuse TPN (Suitable for bolted fuses) Cat No. Rating (Amps.) Open Execution Open Execution with Fuse With Sheet Steel Enclosure With Fuse With Sheet Steel Enclosure 32 ISFDTO4032 ISFDTF4032 ISFDTE4032 ISFDTW4032 63 ISFDTO4063 ISFDTF4063 ISFDTE4063 ISFDTW4063 100 ISFCTO4100 ISFCTF4100 ISFCTE4100 ISFCTW4100 125 ISFCTO4125 ISFCTF4125 ISFCTE4125 ISFCTW4125 160 ISFCTO4160 ISFCTF4160 ISFCTE4160 ISFCTW4160 200 ISFCTO4200 ISFCTF4200 ISFCTE4200 ISFCTW4200 250 ISFCTO4250 ISFCTF4250 ISFCTE4250 ISFCTW4250 320 ISFCTO4320 ISFCTF4320 ISFCTE4320 ISFCTW4320 400 ISFCTO4400 ISFCTF4400 ISFCTE4400 ISFCTW4400 630 ISFCTO4630 ISFCTF4630 ISFCTE4630 ISFCTW4630 800 ISFCTO4800 ISFCTF4800 ISFCTE4800 ISFCTW4800 Switch disconnector fuse TPN (Suitable for din fuses) Rating (Amps.) Cat No. Open Execution With Sheet Steel Enclosure With Fuse With Sheet Steel Enclosure 32 ISFETO4032 ISFETE4032 ISFETW4032 63 ISFETO4063 ISFETE4063 ISFETW4063 100 ISFETO4100 ISFETE4100 ISFETW4100 125 ISFETO4125 ISFETE4125 ISFETW4125 160 ISFETO4160 ISFETE4160 ISFETW4160 200 ISFETO4200 ISFETE4200 ISFETW4200 250 ISFETO4250 ISFETE4250 ISFETW4250 320 ISFETO4320 ISFETE4320 ISFETW4320 400 ISFETO4400 ISFETE4400 ISFETW4400 630 ISFETO4630 ISFETE4630 ISFETW4630 800 ISFETO4800 ISFETE4800 ISFETW4800 126 Switch Disconnector Fuse (Cubicle Fuse Switch Unit) Switch disconnector fuse three pole & switched neutral (Suitable for bolted fuses) Rating (Amps.) Cat No. Open Execution With Sheet Steel Enclosure With Fuse With Sheet Steel Enclosure 32 ISFCNO4032 ISFCNE4032 ISFCNW4032 63 ISFCNO4063 ISFCNE4063 ISFCNW4063 100 ISFCNO4100 ISFCNE4100 ISFCNW4100 125 ISFCNO4125 ISFCNE4125 ISFCNW4125 160 ISFCNO4160 ISFCNE4160 ISFCNW4160 200 ISFCNO4200 ISFCNE4200 ISFCNW4200 250 ISFCNO4250 ISFCNE4250 ISFCNW4250 320 ISFCNO4320 ISFCNE4320 ISFCNW4320 400 ISFCNO4400 ISFCNE4400 ISFCNW4400 630 ISFCNO4630 ISFCNE4630 ISFCNW4630 800 ISFCNO4800 ISFCNE4800 ISFCNW4800 Switch disconnector fuse three pole & switched neutral (Suitable for din fuses) Rating (Amps.) Cat No. Open Execution With Sheet Steel Enclosure With Fuse With Sheet Steel Enclosure 32 ISFENO4032 ISFENE4032 ISFENW4032 63 ISFENO4063 ISFENE4063 ISFENW4063 100 ISFENO4100 ISFENE4100 ISFENW4100 125 ISFENO4125 ISFENE4125 ISFENW4125 160 ISFENO4160 ISFENE4160 ISFENW4160 200 ISFENO4200 ISFENE4200 ISFENW4200 250 ISFENO4250 ISFENE4250 ISFENW4250 320 ISFENO4320 ISFENE4320 ISFENW4320 400 ISFENO4400 ISFENE4400 ISFENW4400 630 ISFENO4630 ISFENE4630 ISFENW4630 800 ISFENO4800 ISFENE4800 ISFENW4800 127 128 125 4.2 Nm - - 7.5 15x4 1000 10000 - 7.5 20x4 1000 10000 300 200 400 4 - - 200 80 80 100 - 90 1200 1600 AC 23A 200 415 660 3 CISF 200 TPN - 7.5 25x6 1000 10000 1000 400 400 30 - - 400 80 80 198 - 200 2400 3200 AC 23A 400 415 660 3 CISF 400 TPN - 7.5 30x6 1000 10000 1000 630 400 - - - 630 80 80 260 - 335 3780 5040 AC 23A 630 415 660 3 CISF 630 TPN - 16 40x6 500 5000 2000 800 400 - - - 800 80 80 374 - 400 4800 6400 AC 23A 800 415 660 3 CISF 800 TPN - 4.2 15x2 1500 10000 100 32 400 1 A2 0 32 80 80 15 - 17 256 320 AC 23A 32 415 660 3 FSHF 32 TPN - 4.2 - 4.8 20x2.6 1000 10000 300 125 400 - A4 0 125 80 80 58 - 59 1000 1250 AC 23A 125 415 660 3 7.5 20x4 1000 10000 300 125 400 5 B1 0 125 80 80 58 - 59 1000 1250 AC 23A 125 415 660 3 FSHF 125 TPN Compact Regular ^ STF Fuse of 33f 15x2 1500 10000 150 63 400 2 A3 0 63 80 80 28 - 30 504 630 AC 23A 63 415 660 3 FSHF 63 TPN * Use fuse of reputed make only + Category AC22 has Cos f-0.65 # For Category AC 22 Cos f-0.8 Our Switch Disconnector Fuse 32A to 800A can be used for 400 Cycles/Sec. Upto 500 Volts. IS / IEC : 60947 (P3) Ref. Specification IS : 60947(P3)/IEC : 947 (P3) Operation Torque 15x2 mm Terminal Size 1500 10000 Operation 300 100 150 Operation AMP Breaking Mechanical Life AMP Rated Current 400 5 - - 125 80 80 58 - 59 800 1000 400 2 - Cos f-0.65 # V Rated Voltage .(RMS) KA for 1 Sec Withstand Capacity - Size Size Knife Type Bolted Type Amp. 80 100 (RMS) Capacity at 415V Rating 80 KA Circuit with Stand KA Circuit Making 30 (RMS) KVAR Rating at 415V) - 45 Capacity at 415V KW KW 415V, 50Hz 415V, 50Hz 800 1000 Amp. Amp. Category of Utilization 50Hz, COS f-0.35+ AC 23A 50Hz, COS f-0.35+ 125 415 660 3 CISF 125 TPN AC 23A Amp. 415 660 3 CISF 100 TPN 100 Rated Current V V Voltage, Ui Voltage, Ue Number of Pole with Isolating/Switched Neutral Ordering Code Technical data - 7.5 20x4 1000 10000 300 160 400 5 B1 0 160 80 80 75 - 80 1000 1600 AC 23A 160 415 660 3 FSHF 160 TPN - 7.5 25x4 1000 10000 300 200 400 5 ^B2 - 200 80 80 99 - 100 1600 2000 AC 23A 200 415 660 3 FSHF 200 TPN 7.5 25x4 1000 10000 1000 250 400 5 B3 1 250 80 80 124 - 132 2000 2500 AC 23A 250 415 660 3 FSHF 250 TPN 7.5 25x4 1000 10000 1000 320 400 10 B3 2 320 80 80 150 - 160 2560 3200 AC 23A 320 415 660 3 FSHF 320 TPN 7.5 25x6 1000 10000 1000 400 400 30 B4 2 400 80 80 198 - 200 3200 4000 AC 23A 400 415 660 3 FSHF 400 TPN 16 40x6 1000 5000 2000 630 400 - C3 3 630 80 80 294 - 335 5040 6300 AC 23A 630 415 660 3 FSHF 630 TPN - 16 40x8 500 5000 2000 800 400 - * * 800 80 80 374 - 400 6400 8000 AC 23A 800 415 660 3 FSHF 800 TPN Switch Disconnector Fuse (Cubicle Fuse Switch Unit) Switch Disconnector Fuse (Cubicle Fuse Switch Unit) Selection of HBC fuse links Rating of Switch Amps. Size as per IS : 13703 HBC Fuse Type 6 10 16 20 25 32 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 32 A2 STIA 00 SB00 A2 STIA A3 STIS 00 SB00 125 A4 STCP (Compact) 00 SB00 125 B1 STC 00 SB00 00 SB00 B2 *STF 200 B2 *STF 250 B1 STC B2 STF B3 STKF 1 SB1 B1 STC B2 STF B3 STKF 1 SB1 2 SB2 B1 STC B2 STF B3 STKF B4 STMF 1 SB1 2 SB2 63 160 320 400 630 800 C3 SB1 2 SB2 3 SB3 C3 STLM 300/ 315 350 400 425 500 630 800A 129 Use fuse of Reputed make only STLM/ STTM 1 * STF Fuse of 33 Range of HBC Fuses Switch Disconnector Fuse (Cubicle Fuse Switch Unit) Auxilary contact Frame Size Rating (Amps.) Aux. Switch (1 NO + 1 NC) (2 NO + 2 NC) 125 125 Aux. Switch (1 NO + 1 NC) (2 NO + 2 NC) 250 250 Aux. Switch (1 NO + 1 NC) (2 NO + 2 NC) 400 400 Aux. Switch (1 NO + 1 NC) (2 NO + 2 NC) 630 630 Switch disconnector / Load break (Cubicle type) Cat No. Rating (Amps.) Open Execution With Sheet Steel Enclosure 100 ISICTO4100 – 125 ISICTO4125 ISICTW4125 200 ISICTO4200 ISICTW4200 250 ISICTO4250 – 400 ISICTO4400 ISICTW4400 630 ISICTO4630 ISICTW4630 Switch disconnector fuse (Compact design) Rating Amps. Type A B C D E 160 32/63/125 FSHF 32/63/125 TPN 200 250 180 230 160/200 FSHF 125/160/200 TPN 305 335 365 210 220 250/320/400 FSHF 250/320/400 TPN 390 420 450 280 262 630/800 FSHF 630/800 TPN 420 450 480 375 290 100 CISF 100 TPN 158 230 115 175 195 125/200 CISF 125/200 TPN 305 335 365 210 220 400/630 CISF 400/630 TPN 390 420 450 280 262 800/1000 CISF 800/1000 TPN 420 450 480 375 290 [Fixing center] D C General Tolerance ± 1.5 A [Fixing center] E B 130 Switch Disconnector Fuse (Cubicle Fuse Switch Unit) Dimensional details (in mm) - 32/63/100/125A Execution TPN/TPSN Rating Amps. 32A to 63A Type A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q T 2 TPN 134 60 34 75 117 182 150-225 86.5 40 137 74 2 30 9 32 12 38 TPSN 168 60 34 75 117 216 150-225 86.5 40 137 74 2 30 9 32 12 38 2 100A to TPN 125A TPSN 134 60 34 107 156 182 150-225 86.5 40 137 74 2 30 9 32 20 38 2 168 60 34 107 156 216 150-225 86.5 40 137 74 2 30 9 32 20 38 2 Dimensional details (in mm) - Open execution TPN S. No. Rating Execution Amps. Type A B C D E F G H K M N O P S T Bolt 1 125 TPN FSHF 125 TPN 244 242.5 131 162 157 26 39.5 - 44 43 222 20 4 125 50 M8 2 160 TPN FSHF 160 TPN 244 242.5 131 162 157 26 39.5 - 44 43 222 20 4 125 50 M8 3 200 TPN FSHF 200 TPN 244 242.5 131 162 157 26 39.5 - 44 43 222 25 4 125 50 M8 4 250 TPN FSHF 250 TPN 311 250 183 224 212 26 65.5 15 70 32.5 264 25 4 170 50 M10 5 320 TPN FSHF 320 TPN 311 250 183 224 212 26 65.5 15 70 32.5 264 25 6 170 50 M10 6 400 TPN FSHF 400 TPN 311 250 183 224 212 26 65.5 15 70 32.5 264 25 6 170 50 M12 7 630 TPN FSHF 630 TPN 340 315 210 358 240 26 78 - 87 32.5 285 40 6 170 50 M12 8 800 TPN FSHF 800 TPN 340 315 210 358 240 26 78 - 87 32.5 285 40 8 170 50 M12 B (FIXING CENTER) O C I O G F D (FIXING CENTER) 125 2.0 K K B (25O/32O/4OOA) (FIXING CENTER) 50 H M 194.0 A 131 Switch Disconnector Fuse (Cubicle Fuse Switch Unit) Dimensional details (in mm) - Open execution (Switched neutral pole) S. No. Rating Execution Amps. Type A B C D E F G H K M N O P S T Bolt 1 125 TPSN FSHF 125 TPSN 283 221 131 162 157 26 39.5 - 44 43 222 20 4 125 50 M8 2 160 TPSN FSHF 160 TPSN 283 221 131 162 157 26 39.5 - 44 43 222 20 4 125 50 M8 3 200 TPSN FSHF 200 TPSN 283 221 131 162 157 26 39.5 - 44 43 222 25 4 125 50 M8 4 250 TPSN FSHF 250 TPSN 372 250 183 224 212 26 65.5 15 70 32.5 264 25 4 170 50 M10 5 320 TPSN FSHF 320 TPSN 372 250 183 224 212 26 65.5 15 70 32.5 264 25 6 170 50 M10 6 400 TPSN FSHF 400 TPSN 372 250 183 224 212 26 65.5 15 70 32.5 264 25 6 170 50 M12 7 630 TPSN FSHF 630 TPSN 401 315 210 358 240 26 78 - 87 32.5 285 40 6 170 50 M12 8 800 TPSN FSHF 800 TPSN 401 315 210 358 240 26 78 - 87 32.5 285 40 8 170 50 M12 B (FIXING CENTER) O C I G F D (FIXING CENTER) 125 O 2.0 K K B (25O/32O/4OOA) (FIXING CENTER) 50 H M 194.0 A Dimensional details (in mm) - Of cover name plate fixing detail S. No. Rating Amps. A B C D E F 1 160/200 104 6 38 16.6 26 12.5 2 250/320/400 104 7 44 22 26.5 16.5 3 630/800 104 7 44 22 26.5 16.5 General Tolerance ± 1.5 A = 4-HOLES φ 2.O E = A F = HOLES φ 9.5 = HOLES φ D 4-HOLES φ B ON P.C.D (C) 132 Switch Disconnector Fuse (Cubicle Fuse Switch Unit) Dimensional details (in mm) - Switch disconnector / Isolator open execution S. No. Rating Execution Amps. Type A B C D F G K M N O P S T Bolt 1 125 TPN CISF 125 TPN 244 242.5 131 162 26 39.5 44 43 222 15 4 125 50 M8 2 200 TPN CISF 200 TPN 244 242.5 131 162 26 39.5 44 43 222 20 4 125 50 M8 3 400 TPN CISF 400 TPN 311 242.5 183 224 26 65.5 70 32.5 264 25 6 170 50 M12 4 630 TPN CISF 630 TPN 311 250 183 224 26 65.5 70 32.5 264 30 6 170 50 M12 5 800 TPN CISF 800 TPN 340 315 208 358 26 78 87 32.5 285 40 6 170 50 M12 6 1000 TPN CISF 1000 TPN 340 315 208 358 26 78 87 32.5 285 40 6 170 50 M12 S D C F O O G I (FIXING CENTER) STAGGERED CONTACT K K B (FIXING CENTER) M B (FOR 125/2OOA) T (FIXING CENTER) A 133 N E P