CenterNews - Worcester JCC

Worcester JCC
Jody Fredman, Special Projects Director x 252,
Announcing JCC Renovation Campaign!
• Construction has begun in the Courtyard.
• We are happy to announce a Renovation
Campaign to improve the Courtyard, Youth
Playground, Early Childhood Playground
and Auditorium!
• We have raised over $160,000 towards our
$500,000 goal, thanks to the generosity of
the George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation, the Stoddard Charitable Trust,
the Schwartz Foundation, the Fred Harris Daniels Foundation and
generous donations from our members and friends.
• Please join us by pledging your support. We will need the participation of our entire community to make these plans a reality.
November 2015
Heshvan/Kislev 5776
Early Childhood
Save up to $250 on preschool and toddler care
Register for the 2015/2016 school year by November 30, 2015
and receive a discount on next year’s tuition. Offer applies to full
school year registrations for preschool and full year registrations
for toddler care. Choose 2, 3 or 5 days per week. $250 Off 5 days,
$150 off 3 days, $100 off 2 days.
Fall Shopping Event
Sunday, November 15, 10am—3pm in the Early
Childhood Common Room and the Auditorium.
There will be a raffle, handcrafts, vendors, snacks
and beverages. Some of the vendors will include…
Thirty One, Usborne, Jamberry, LulaRoe, handmade
American Doll clothes, and more! Get a jump on
your holiday shopping! Proceeds benefit our Early
Childhood Center!
For more information on this campaign please contact Jody Fredman
at 508-756-7109 x 252 or
Health & Wellness
Have you heard that sitting is the new smoking and that we
have an epidemic of sedentary lifestyle?
Monica Maher
Membership Services Director x 236,
Kristina Haynes
Assistant Membership Director x 226,
Like our Facebook page! Share the fun
Stay up to date on JCC news, events, and programs
by following us on Facebook. In November, there are
opportunities to win special prizes and gifts! Visit
Health Insurance Reimbursement
Does your health insurance provider reimburse your fitness
benefit? If so, fill out our form at the Front Desk or email Kristina and we will mail you a letter to submit
to your insurance company. Please allow 2 weeks for processing.
If you need any specific information in the letter, please make
sure you notify us. Any little bit of savings counts!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 26, 2015 – Open 8 AM—1pm.
If you have guests in town, please stop by the Front Desk to have
them fill out the fitness waiver. Guest passes are $15 per day
for adults, $5 per day for children – and they receive the same
membership benefits that you have! Any questions, or to arrange
an early guest pass – please call Kristina 508-756-7109 x226.
Elaine Drawbridge, Fitness Director x 230,
Dr. James Levine, director of the Mayo Clinic and the inventor of
the treadmill desk has studied the effects of sedentary lifestyles
and says “sitting is more dangerous than smoking and we are
sitting ourselves to death”.
continued on page 3
Teens - grades 9 - 12
Talia Mugg, Teen Director x 245,
Apple Picking
On October 4,
students from South
High School and the
JCC visited Tougas
Farm in Northborough for a morning
of apple picking and
fall treats. Thirty-three students attended the event and enjoyed
picking ten different kinds of apples, as well as cider doughnuts
and apple cider!
On October 17, these students from the JCC and South High
demonstrated their commitment to community service by
donating their time to work at Andy’s Attic, located in South
High School, as well as donated bags of clothing to the Attic.
Shabbat Candlelighting:
Nov. 6 Nov. 13
Worcester JCC
633 Salisbury Street I Worcester, MA 01609
P 508.756.7109 F 508.754.3373 I
Nov. 20
Nov. 27
Howard E. Stempler, President
Emily G. Holdstein, Executive Director
The Worcester JCC is a member agency of the
Jewish Federation of Central Massachusetts, Inc.
Cultural Arts Nancy Greenberg, Cultural Arts Director, Adult/Senior Adult Director x 232,
JCC Gallery Happenings November/December 2015
JCC Book Club
Mark Balcom Photography
No fee. 2nd Monday of the month at 10:30
am. The Club welcomes newcomers. Must
be a JCC member. Feel free to drop-in!
Artist Statement: I find the beauty and drama of
the visual world cannot be hidden in the distilled image of a black and white photo. Infrared
photography, with dark skies and bright sunlit
foliage, increases contrast in otherwise flat images
by capturing light that is not normally part of our
vision. The familiar and the foreign both evoke a
sense of wonder in me that I try to share through
my camerawork.
Monday, November 9, 10:30am
Trauma by
Michael Palmer and Daniel Palmer
Monday, December 14, 10:30am
The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry
by Gabrielle Zevin
JCC Author Series Monthly literary events featuring an eclectic line up of extraordinary authors. All programs listed below are
free and open to the public. RSVP to Nancy Greenberg, 508-756-7109 x232, ngreenberg
Everyday Healing
Sunday, November 1, 9:45 am
Temple Emanuel Sinai
661 Salisbury St., Worcester
Co-sponsored by Temple
Emanuel Sinai
Everyday Healing
provides daily steps to
break out of old habits
and find new paths to
health. It offers practical guidance for those
facing illness, injury,
or other health challenges. This guide uses
Torah teachings alongside medical studies,
personal stories, and mindfulness practices
to inspire and motivate.
Breakfast provided by TES Brotherhood
Sisters in Law: Sandra Day O’Connor
and Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The Book of Aron
Tuesday, December 1, 7 pm
Worcester JCC
Tuesday, November 10, 7 pm
Worcester JCC
As the first and second
women appointed to
the Supreme Court,
Sandra Day O’Connor
and Ruth Bader Ginsburg forever changed
society, both through
the new legal framework of equality they
helped construct and by
the example they set as women of monumental achievement. Different in so many
ways, the two women forged a remarkable,
supportive friendship during their joint
tenure on the highest court in the land.
School Vacation Programs
Megan Catlin
After School Director x 238
We provide programs for children in K-6
(member & nonmembers) on days that
the Worcester Public Schools are closed.
Ben McCue
Assistant After School Director x 231
Programs available on:
Nov. 11, Wed. - Veterans’ Day
Nov. 25, Wed. until 3pm - Thanksgiving
Dec. 24—31 - Holiday Break
“Holden Days” provides programs for
children in K-6 (member & nonmembers)
on these days that Holden Schools
are closed or have a half day. The 1/2
day program is from 12:30—5:30pm.
Transportation available from Dawson,
Davis Hill, and Mayo to the JCC.
Nov. 4
Dec. 10
An understated
and devastating
novel of the Warsaw
ghetto during the
Nazi occupation, as
seen through the
eyes of a streetwise boy. Called a
masterpiece, by the
Washington Post, this book is destined
to join the shelf of essential Holocaust
literature. Shepard, author of six
previous novels and four collections of
stories, teaches at Williams College.
Introduction To Japanese
Karate - New!
A new after school program for boys and
girls, 8 years and above. Classes will focus
on improving concentration and selfconfidence while developing strength,
stamina and flexibility. Classes are taught
by Ron Teixeira, Sandan in Hirano Wadoryu Karate.
Tuesday and Thursday 4:15—5:30 pm
$55/M per month $65/NM per month
SNow Camp is provided for grades K-6
when Worcester Public Schools are cancelled
due to inclement weather. Hours are 8:30
am—5:30 pm (extreme weather conditions
may alter the schedule). Children swim, gym
play, art and more.
An early payment fee of $96/M, $123/NM payable by Friday, Nov. 7 for the first 3 snow days.
After November 7, the fee is $105/M, $129/NM
for the first 3 snow days.
Check our website for more information.
2 • 508.756.7109
Early Childhood
Sandy Scola, Early Childhood Director,
x 258,
Robin Burwick, Assistant Early Childhood
Director x 225,
In October the children
celebrated Sukkot. The
children ate snacks, and
sang songs in the JCC
Sukkah. Rabbi Fellman
came to visit her daughter, Hadar’s classroom
to celebrate the holiday.
She brought in an Etrog
and a lulav and told the
story of Sukkot. The children of the Blue
Room enjoyed making a craft and eating
a special snack with her.
The Purple, Blue, and Turquoise Rooms
celebrated Sukkot by going on the annual
apple picking field trip to George Hill
Orchards. They picked apples, went on a
hayride, and walked through the Treemendous Maze.
Shabbat on Wheels is an exciting program
for the preschool. Every child is able to bring
home a backpack on wheels that has candlesticks and candles, a Kiddush cup, a Shabbat
book, a CD, a fresh challah , and a little bear
named “Doobie”. Each bag also has a journal
to record each child’s Shabbat experience.
The sign-up for Shabbat on Wheels is on the
outside of the preschool classroom.
Our annual book fair is scheduled for
Monday, December 7 thru Friday, December 11 which is always a highly anticipated
event for many of our families.
continued from page 1
Evidence indicates that prolonged sitting increases the risk of illnesses like type II diabetes, heart disease and various types of cancer. The long term effects of this may not
be easily reversible! Indications are that too much sitting causes physiological changes
in the body and may trigger some genetic factors linked to inflammation and chronic
disease. To minimize these effects, consider this prescription. For every ½ hour you are
sitting, sit for 20 minutes, stand for 8 minutes and then move around and stretch for
2 minutes. Alan Hedge, a professor of ergonomics at Cornell University, says people
should get a combined 2 – 4 hours of standing and light activity spread throughout the
day and NASA research found that standing up for 2 minutes, 16 times per day while at
work is an effective strategy for maintaining bone and muscle density. Other suggestions….schedule meetings with a few people and find a place to hold it where you can
walk and talk; when at children’s athletic events, don’t sit in the stands and watch – stay
on your feet when you watch the games; stand up every time your phone rings and stay
standing throughout your phone call.
For those of us who get our 60 minutes of exercise each day and consider ourselves
physically active, if you are sitting for 8 or 9 hours at your job, stand up now for 8
minutes and move in place! Wall Street Journal; Runner’s World; Active Time’s
Health & Physical Education
Bob Berman
H & Phys. Ed. & Program Director x 233
John Dietel
Assistant Phys. Ed./Fitness Director x 213
Boys & Girls Youth Basketball Held on Sundays:
Grades 5 year-olds............... 9:15-10:15 am or 10:15-11:15 am
Team sponsorships
Kindergarten......................... 9:15-10:15 am or 10:15-11:15 am
available! Call Bob, x 233
Grades 1 & 2.......................... 11:15-12:15 or 12:15-1:15 pm
Grades 3 & 4.......................... 1:15-2:15 or 2:15-3:15 pm
Grades 5, 6, & 7..................... 3:15-4:15 or 4:15-5:15 pm
Pre-Season November 1—December 13, 2015 7 weeks Fee: $77/M, $91/NM
Season January 4—March 8, 2015
10 weeks Fee: $110/M, $130/NM
Calendar Raffle 31 Chances to Win! Great Holiday Gift!
The calendar raffle benefits JCC community sports programs. Enter to win gift
certificate prizes and a grand prize drawing of a flat screen TV! Purchase a December
Prize Calendar for a chance to win prizes all month long! Winners will be drawn each
day of the month for the prizes shown on the calendar. Buy as many as you like and
increase your chances of winning!
Starting December 1, a winning calendar entry will be drawn daily and awarded that
day’s prize. Winners will be returned to the drawing and are eligible for all future
drawings. Calendars can be purchased for $20 a piece at the front desk or from Bob
Berman. Thank you for your support! • 508.756.7109
For the
Love of
Saturday, February 6, 6:30 pm,
Cyprian Keyes Golf Club
Hors d’oeuvres and Dinner,
Live Music and Silent Auctions
For information contact Jody at or x 252.
Proceeds benefit the JCC’s Youth
Scholarship programs.
Kelly Sampson Aquatics Director x 235
Benjamin Tucker Asst. Aquatics Director x 250
Swimming Is The Best AllInclusive Exercise
Open/Lap New hours of availability for
members to utilize the pool, Mon/Wed
4:30-7pm and Tues/Thurs 5-7pm.
Private Lessons Need stroke improvement or to learn how to swim, contact
Kelly or Ben to set up private lessons.
We have instructors that are able to
work with all ages and abilities.
JCC Wahoo Swim Club
Winter session begins November 30.
Contact Ben for an evaluation.
Swim Lessons Contact Kelly Sampson
for availability in current swim lessons.
Adult Fit Swim Starts Monday,
November 2, 7—8am and Thursday,
November 5, 7—8pm. Contact Ben for
more information. Stroke Clinics Learning various stroke
techniques to develop and enhance stroke
performance utilizing out-of-pool video,
demonstrations, dryland practice and
in pool drills and techniques based on
personal goals. First Clinic Sunday 12/6.
Contact Ben for more information at x250.
Worcester JCC
paid at
Worcester, MA
633 Salisbury Street
Worcester, Massachusetts 01609
CenterNews (USPS 275-140) is published monthly except July & August for $1.00 per year by the JCC, 633 Salisbury St., Worcester, MA 01609.
Postmaster: Send address changes to CenterNews, c/o JCC, 633 Salisbury St., Worcester, MA 01609. Periodicals postage paid at Worcester, MA.
Community News
Torathon....and beyond!
My Jewish Search for Meaning and Purpose”
This year Torathon will be kicked off
by Ron Wolfson, PhD, international
scholar and author. Following the
keynote will be a wonderful evening
offering your choice of 30 classes
of text study, lectures, discussions,
music, art and more by distinguished rabbis,
cantors, and community leaders. There will be
a teen program, dessert reception and more!
Saturday, Nov. 8, 2015 5:15pm—10pm
Congregation Beth Israel
15 Jamesbury Drive, Worcester
Advance Tickets $20 (on or before Nov. 6, 2015)
Tickets at the Door $25
High School/College Students $5 in advance /
$10 at the Door
Tickets are available at the JCC and multiple
For additional information and transportation
assistance, call the Jewish Federation at 508.756.1543
“OY! Kvelling and Kvetching: Parenting with a Jewish Twist”
Oy! Kvelling and Kvetching is a series of one-hour overviews addressing developmental
milestones and challenges of parenting children of different ages and stages. It is
co-facilitated by Gail Epstein, M.S.Ed., a school based consultant based at Jewish Family
and Children’s Services in Worcester, and Rabbi Aviva Fellman of Congregation Beth
Israel in Worcester. Each session is open to the community and free of charge (*except
for Torathon session) and will include parenting strategies and support grounded in
the rich texts and history of Jewish tradition. Co-sponsored by the Worcester JCC.
The autumn offerings are:
Prenatal to 6 months: Sunday, November 1, 10—11am at the JCC. (Play space available)
Toddler & Preschooler: Sunday, November 15, 10—11am at the JCC. (Play space available)
School Age (Elementary): Tuesday, November 3, 7:30—8:30pm at the JCC.
School Age (Tween and Teen): Tuesday, November 17, 7:30—8:30pm at the JCC.
TORATHON: School Age (Tween and Teen): Saturday, November 14th as part of JFCM
Torathon (Location Congregation Beth Israel) Contact Federation for more information.
(There is a cost to attend this session as it is part of a larger evening of Jewish learning)
Pre-registration is not necessary.
Jewish War Veterans Breakfast
The Jewish War Veterans will meet on Sunday, November 23 from 9am—11am for a discussion and light breakfast. We will meet in the senior adult lounge on the second floor. The
meeting is open to all Jewish Veterans from WWII, National Guard members or retirees.
JCC TRIBUTES The Worcester JCC wishes to extend our appreciation to the following people during the month of September for your generous
donations. We thank you for your continued involvement and support!
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jellson & Family
from Harriet & Stephen Lowe
- In memory of Selma Nataupsky
Sarah Caliri from Robert Pulda
- In honor of your leadership in the Philathon
Arlene Haas Guerra from Len Kraus & Phyllis Edinberg
- In memory of your mother Rose Haas
Sue Granoff from Jody Fredman
- Wishing you a speedy recovery
To Mrs. Gladys Rudnick & Family in Memory of Murry Rudnick:
Pamela Altizer
Barbara Ravelson
Sidney & Ann Sloane
Richard Fox/Winifred Ann Merritt
Susan & Jesse Ritz
Valerie James
Bob Berman & Family
Marlene Farbman
Helen Chase
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Davis
Myrna White
BettyLou Gottlieb
Sheldon & Esther Carp
Tommy & Dick Dearborn
Alice & Barry White
Maxine & Leonard Morse
Shirley M. Cyr
Janet & Howard Gordon
Susan & Bill Granoff
Phyllis Edinberg
The JCC is open to all regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or economic condition.
The Center is handicapped-accessible. We reserve the right to correct typographical errors.