Advocacy by the Bay - Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council

Developing the Self-Advocacy Skills of Youth with Developmental Disabilities
Advocacy by the Bay
Project Summary - Year 1
Grant Period:
Funds Requested:
Council Committee:
Tilson & Diaz Solutions, Inc.
October 1, 2014 – Sept. 30, 2015
Match: $12,100
Wicomico, Worcester & Somerset Counties
Cross Cutting Issues Committee
Council Goal 1:
Increase the number of people with developmental disabilities and family members statewide
who are leaders and advocates active in promoting inclusion, self-determination, productivity
and independence at a personal, local, State, and federal level.
Objective 1.2:
Expand self-advocacy opportunities for youth with developmental disabilities in at least 5
The purpose of Advocacy by the Bay is to the increase self-advocacy skills, understanding of community resources,
and engagement in the transition planning process for students with developmental disabilities. The focus will be on
Middle and High School students in Wicomico and Worcester Counties and Elementary, Middle and High School
students in Somerset County, as well as their families. Tilson & Diaz Solutions will use the momentum of the first two
years of Project ACT and the strong relationships developed in the region to implement more self-advocacy initiatives
including: a) a regional transition and advocacy conference for youth with developmental disabilities, their families,
and their teachers; b) implementation of self-advocacy curriculum, and c) ongoing professional development and
technical assistance for the local stakeholders.
Goals of this Initiative
40 middle and high school students will receive training about identifying strengths, interests, preferences, and
support needs and using a Positive Personal Profile (PPP) during IEP meetings.
Artstream will provide training about how to communicate individual strengths and needs.
Train 30 youth about self-directed IEPs.
Families will increase their knowledge to support youth during transition through trainings about postsecondary options for students with developmental disabilities.
20 Specialized educators and support staff will expand their ability to provide self-advocacy and selfdetermination instruction.
Expand the capacity of the Tri-County Transition Council.
Provide leadership opportunities to youth with developmental disabilities.
Provide all youth participants, their families and school personnel with valuable resources.
Proposed Strategies & Major Activities
1. The I’m Determined curriculum will be used to train youth participants and school personnel.
2. Youth will develop a PPP and present it during IEP meetings.
3. Youth will be identified and supported to attend the Maryland Transition Conference and/or the Youth
Leadership Forum.
4. Best practices for self-determination will be modeled and taught to instructional staff of Wicomico, Worcester
and Somerset Public Schools.
5. Guidance will be provided to the Tri-County Council to form a planning committee for its first Lower Shore
Advocacy Conference.
Proposed Outcomes
Youth will articulate their post school goals to their families, teachers, and transition personnel at IEP
Youth will demonstrate an increased role in their IEP meetings.
Families will increase their participation in their child’s IEP meetings.
Youth and families will increase their knowledge about post-secondary options.
Specialized educators and support staff in Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset Public Schools have resources
and tools to support students with self-determination beyond the life of the grant.
Long Term Goals of this Initiative
1. Youth with developmental disabilities have self-advocacy skills to advocate for themselves in their social lives,
during IEP meetings and to set goals for their future.
Budget summary
$75,034 will be used to cover expenses for consultants, supplies, and travel.