Worcester County Public Schools switch to Electronic Flyers starting

Worcester County Public Schools switch to
Electronic Flyers starting November 1st
(See reverse side for more information about Peachjar)
Quick FAQ’s for Parents
1. How will I receive event flyers after November 1st?
Starting November 1st flyer communication will be distributed electronically through a
system called Peachjar. Peachjar is a website that will host all flyers related to school
and community events, for example PTA fundraisers, Rec soccer league sign-ups,
community events, etc. Think of it as an “electronic backpack”.
2. How do I access Peachjar?
Peachjar is accessible on the homepage of the Buckingham website at
www.buckinghamelementary.com . Just click the Peachjar button to access all of our
electronic flyers!
3. How will I know when new information or flyers are available?
We highly recommend signing up to receive email alerts through Peachjar every time a
new flyer is posted. If you have signed up to receive the Bucky Bulletin with an email
address through Constant Contact, you will automatically be added into the Peachjar
system. You can update or change your email preferences within the Peachjar email you
receive from us. You can also check for new flyers by clicking on the Peachjar button on
our homepage at www.buckinghamelementary.com
4. I don’t have email or online access, how will I receive flyers?
Parents who have opted to receive paper Bucky Bulletins will continue receiving paper
flyers for school sponsored events. For non-school sponsored events ex: Rec department
leagues, these flyers will be available online through Peachjar only.
Parents who do not receive paper Bucky Bulletins will have access to all flyers
electronically through Peachjar. Additional paper copies of flyers can be found on the
information table in our lobby.
5. What’s the best way to stay informed of events at Buckingham Elementary School?
Our school website www.buckinghamelementary.com is the best way to access
everything happening at BES. In addition, we highly recommend signing up with an email
address to receive our Bucky Bulletin through Constant Contact and flyers through
Peachjar. (If you currently have a Constant Contact account we will automatically add
you to Peachjar). You can also follow us on Facebook and twitter @buckingham411, for
event information.
Electronic Flyer Delivery
Worcester County Public Schools is launching a new communication
tool called “Peachjar.” School-approved flyers will soon be sent to you
electronically and posted on the school website. Simply click the
Peachjar button on our homepage. As we collect email addresses,
these flyers can be sent directly to your inbox as well!
This “green” initiative will save our schools and
community organizations tons of paper and reduce
copy costs by thousands of dollars. On top of that,
posting school flyers in this electronic backpack
removes a significant administrative burden from
teachers, office staff, and volunteers.
This system is used exclusively for distribution of school-approved
flyers. Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure parents are
well informed about school programs, activities, and events.
For more information, please contact the WCPS Office of Public
Relations & Special Programs at info@mail.worcester.k12.md.us.