Novel Compact Synchronous Rectifier with Power Factor Correction Zhao Liang1, Zhang Bo2, Ma Huasheng1 1 2 ASTEC Lab, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China Electric Power College, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China Abstract—Sheppard-Taylor(S-T) topology was presented to reduce the output current ripple of DC-DC converters. In this paper, we modified the S-T circuit into AC-DC converter with functions of synchronous rectifier (SR) and power factor correction (PFC). Firstly, we made a comparison between several topologies to show the advantages of AC-DC S-T circuit for our design aim. Then we built up the math model of this AC-DC converter according to the statespace average and the power balance to calculate the equipment parameters and design the control circuit, which were different with DC-DC model. And we corrected the circuit by the computer simulation in details. Finally, a prototype of AC-DC Sheppard-Taylor circuit with 110V input and 1.5V/30A output was completed and actually worked with the expectant aims. So we conclude that the converter can achieve high power factors, low voltage/high current output, high efficiency and compact with few electric components by proper design. We also emphasize some committed steps for the AC-DC S-T converter design in the paper. Keywords—Power factor correction, Synchronous rectifier, Insulation, Energy balance operating intervals during a switching period when S-T topology operates under DCM-CCM. Interval I [0- DTS ] During this interval, energy stores in the input inductor, and the energy in the capacitor C1 transfers to output stage, the current following is shown in Fig.1. Interval II [ DTS - D1TS ] During this interval, the energy stored in the inductor transfer to the capacitor C1 , output diode D9 is the flywheel diode of the output current. The current flowing is shown in Fig.2. Interval III [ D1TS - TS ] During this interval, primary side input current L1 is resonating without damp. Diode D9 is the fly-wheel diode of the output current, as shown in Fig.3. I. INTRODUCTION Sheppard and Taylor proposed Sheppard-Taylor circuit in 1983[1]. The main aim is to improve DC-DC input and output current ripper. S-T topology may be regarded as an evolution topology of the Cuk topology. The energy of Cuk circuit is bidirectional, but the S-T circuit transformer works in forward[2][3][4]. This is a distinct point between them. The input and output sides respectively have an inductance in S-T circuit with different conduction mode: the input inductance works in discontinuous current mode (DCM) while output inductance works in continuous current mode (CCM); or input inductance works in CCM while output inductance works in DCM. So the topology may be used in PFC converter with different control method[5]. When the working mode is DCM-CCM, The control circuit may use the tradition fix frequency chip[6]. The power factor correction method is voltage following mode in the input side[7]. If circuit works in CCM-DCM mode, frequency modulated control should be valid, but complex. The control circuit adopts DCM-CCM working mode to get the simple control circuit and low cost. Fig.1 Interval I Fig.2 Interval II II. AC-DC S-T CONVERTER WORK PRINCIPLE According to the voltage following Single stage PFC principle, if input current is DCM and voltage follows to the current automatically, high power factor can be achieved. And when the output current is CCM, high current and low voltage output is feasible. So there are three Fig.3 Interval III The high voltage stress of Sheppard-Taylor circuit is VC1 , the voltage of the energy storage capacitance. This capacitance can absorb the transformer leakage voltage. So the voltage stress is lower than of Cuk because of Cuk’s transformer leakage and transformer second wind- 1318 ing returning voltage[8]. Hence it reduces the components voltage tension in PFC converter, which can choose more appropriate components to accomplish the experiment. Sheppard-Taylor's circuit still has an advantage of the inside degaussing loop, so the additional degaussing circuit can be saved. Cuk circuit also has inside degaussing circuit, but it utilizes capacitance voltage reflection returning from second winding, which can obtain better effect when output high voltage(For the transformer second voltage reflects back as the primary degauss voltage).Yet when output voltage reduces very much, second winding voltage is low than energy storage capacitance voltage. On the basis of the transformer voltage-second rule, the degauss time is too long. In other words, the largest duty cycle becomes very small. For example: if two voltage differences is 20 times, the largest duty will be smaller than 0.05. Working in that way couldn’t meet the circuit demand. So Cuk circuit can’t be used in low voltage output. The voltage stress of power device is kept at the voltage of energy storage capacitance in SheppardTaylor's electric circuit to eliminate the leakage inductance voltage. Simultaneous degauss voltage is energy storage capacitance voltage, and the stimulating magnetism voltage also is capacitance voltage. Hence the max duty cycle may be up to 0.5, which can meet the control demand of the circuit. According to the DCM-CCM work status, the Fig.4 is as follow: I L1− AVG (t ) = = 1 ( DTS + D1TS ) I L1− PK 2TS VC1 + v1 (t ) 2 D TS + nI O D 2 L1 (4) D 2TS D 2TS v1 (t ) + VC1 + nI O D 2 L1 2 L1 n —Ratio of the transformer; D —Conduction time during a single switching period; D1 —Energy releasing time; TS —Switching period; = I O —Output current; VC1 —Voltage of energy storing capacitor C1 ; v1 (t ) —Input voltage; In the above equation (4), the later two items is approximate constant, V-I characteristic based on equation (4) is shown in Fig.5. Fig.5 Input AC voltage and current Fig.4 Input inductor current and storage capacitor current According to the charge balance law, the following approximate formula can be obtained 1 (1) nI o DTS = I L1− PK D1Ts 2 The current pike I L1− PK of input inductor during a single switching period is V + v (t ) I L1− PK = C1 1 DTS (2) L1 Replacing I L1− PK in equation (1) by (2), D1 can be achieved as following 2nI o L1 D1 = (3) [v1 (t ) + VC1 ]TS So the average input current I L1− AVG (t ) during a single switching period is I L1− AVG (t ) , From Fig.5, we can see that the input current an abnormal when is passes zero. The main reason is that a DC component ( D 2TS / 2 L1 )VC1 + nI O D has been added to the average input current. This aberration is the type of Cuk, Sepic and Zeta topology. So it can be concluded that, theoretically, the topologies derived from Cuk topology have the same input power factor of Cuk topology. Due to the continuous input current, the high frequencies components can be eliminated and only the fundamental component is remained by adding a LC low pass LC filter on the input stage, the power factor correction can realized. In the low output voltage high output current application, the required voltage level can be achieved with a transformer. High efficiency can be achieved in low output voltage high output current application if the diode D8 and D9 are replaced by synchronous rectifier MOSFETs. III. STATE SPACE AVERAGE It is well known that power electronic topology is an non-linear system. The analysis is very complex. Middle Brook has presented an important method: Average during a cycle. In brief, the system component of steady state and dynamic state is decided by the follow equations: 1319 Steady state component: 0 = [ DA1 + kDA2 + (1 − D − kD) A3 ] X + [ DB1 + kDB2 + (1 − D − kD) B3 ]U Substitute (8) into (6): 2 3 + (− d − k d ) B ⎤ U + ... + ⎡ B1 d + k dB 2 3⎦ ⎣ According to the three operating interval, we can get: ⎡ ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢ 1 ⎢− C A1 = ⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢⎣ ⎡ ⎢0 ⎢ ⎢1 ⎢C A2 = ⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎢0 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢0 ⎣⎢ 1 L1 0 − 0 − n C1 n L2 0 0 1 C2 1 L1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 C2 ⎤ 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ 1 ⎥ − ⎥ L2 ⎥ 1 ⎥ − ⎥ C2 ⎥⎦ ⎡1⎤ ⎢L ⎥ ⎢ 1⎥ B1 = ⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0⎥ ⎢⎣ 0 ⎥⎦ ⎤ 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ 1 ⎥ − ⎥ L2 ⎥ 1 ⎥ − ⎥ C2 ⎦⎥ IV. ENERGY BALANCE ANALYSIS Firstly define the voltage transfer ratio m(t ) of the converter and intermediate voltage transfer ratio m / (t ) as following: V VO M m(t ) = O = = v1 V1 sin( wt ) sin( wt ) m / (t ) = ⎡1⎤ ⎢L ⎥ ⎢ 1⎥ B2 = ⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0⎥ ⎢⎣ 0 ⎥⎦ iL1 (t / , t ) = (6) VO RL For the current in the input inductor is DCM, according to volt-second balance: VC1 + V1 V −V (7) DTS = C1 1 D1TS L1 L1 IL2 = So the freewheel time of the input inductor L1 is: D1 = VC1 + V1 D VC1 − V1 VC1 VC1 M/ = = sin( wt ) v1 V1 sin( wt ) Where M and M / are voltage transfer and intermediate transfer ratio at the time of pike voltage respectively, that is to say, the value is the minimum voltage ratio. When 0 < t / < dTS ,the current of inductor L1 is, 0 ⎤ ⎡0 0 0 ⎢0 0 0 0 ⎥⎥ ⎡0⎤ ⎢ ⎢0⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥ A3 = ⎢ 0 0 0 − ⎥ B3 = ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0⎥ L2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 1 1 ⎣⎢ 0 ⎦⎥ − 0 0 ⎢ ⎥ C2 C2 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ Substituted A1 , A2 , A3 , B1 , B2 , B3 into steady function, the steady component can be derived. RL is the load resistor. ( D1 − D )VC1 = ( D + D1 )V1 ( D1 − D ) I L1 = nDI L 2 nDVC1 = VO 2V1 nI L 2 VC1 − V1 nDVC1 = VO (9) V IL2 = O RL From equation (9), the Sheppard-Taylor output circuit is very similar with Buck converter and the input parameters can be calculated from equation (9). The above derivation is about DC/DC, but when the input is AC, the equation will be not correct. So the energy balance is a good way to get the primary side parameters when input is AC. Dynamic state component: d x = [ DA1 + kDA2 + (1 − D − kD ) A3 ] x dt + ⎡ d A1 + k d A2 + (− d − k d ) A3 ⎤ X ⎣ ⎦ + [ DB + kDB + (1 − D − kD) B ] u 1 I L1 = (5) (8) V1 sin( wt ) + VC1 L1 t/ (10) The current pike of inductor L1 can be calculated as, iL1− P (t / , t ) = V1 sin( wt ) + VC1 L1 DTS (11) Define continuous current time of inductor L1 as d1 (t ) , according to volt-second balance, the following equation can be achieved, (V1 + VC1 ) D = (VC1 − V1 )d1 (t ) (12) According to the definition of transfer ratio, we can get, VC1 = M /V1 (13) VO = MV1 (14) VC1 is capacitor voltage of C1 , VO is output voltage, applying equation (13) to equation (12), we can get, V + V sin( wt ) M / + sin( wt ) d1 (t ) = C1 1 D= / D (15) VC1 − V1 sin( wt ) M − sin( wt ) So the average input current during a switching period can be calculated as following equation, M / + sin( wt ) 1 I L1 (t ) = iL1− P (t / , t ) ⋅ [ D + / D] (16) 2 M − sin( wt ) Applying equation (11) to (16), we can get, 1320 I L1 (t ) = / / V1 D 2TS M ( M + sin( wt ) ) L1 M / − sin( wt ) (17) In equation (17), the distortion of the input current is hidden. From equation (12), we can get d (t ) + D M/ = 1 (18) d1 (t ) − D When input inductance is on the bound between DCM and CCM, d1 (t ) = 1 − D . Then, the intermediate ratio can be calculated by the following equation. 1 (19) M B/ = 1 − 2D Boundary of input and output ratio is: D (20) MB = 1 − 2D During a half period of input voltage, the power transferred from the input power network to the transformer is 1 π PIN = ∫ I L1Vin sin( wt ) d ( wt ) (21) π 0 Applying equation (17) to (21), we can get PIN = V12 D 2Ts 2 L1π π [ M / ( M / + sin( wt ) )] ⋅ sin( wt ) 0 M / − sin( wt ) ∫ d ( wt ) V 2 D 2Ts f (M / ) = 1 2 L1π Where, / / π [ M ( M + sin( wt ) )] ⋅ sin( wt ) f (M / ) = ∫ d ( wt ) 0 M / − sin( wt ) (22) When 0 < t / < DTS , the pike of the current flowing through L2 is VC1 − VO DTS + iL 2 − 0 (28) L2 So, when output inductor operates at the bound between CCM and DCM, the average current flowing through L2 is iL 2 − P = V 1 I L 2 = iL 2 − P = I O = O RL 2 (29) From equation (25) and (26), iL 2 − 0 = 0 , the boundary condition of L2 can be achieved as, 2 L2 = 1− D (30) RLTS From equation (26) and (30), boundary values of input inductance and output inductance can be achieved. Input inductance should be less than boundary value due to the operation at DCM in primary side, output inductance should be more than boundary value due to the operation at CCM in the secondary side. Thus the whole circuit operates at DCM-CCM. L1 L2 and K CRiIT versus duty ratio The curve of M , KCRIT can be plotted according to equation (19), (26) and (30). From these, we can see the duty ratio should be no more than 0.5. L2 K CRIT = is the function of intermediate transfer ratio. Average output power of the transformer is POUT , VO2 ( MV1 ) 2 = (23) RL RL Then the system efficiency η can be calculated as follows η , η PIN = POUT (24) Applying equation (22) and (23) to (24), we can get 2 L1 η 1 K L1 = = f (M / ) (25) RLTS π ( M / ) 2 When input voltage is maximum, input inductor L1 operates at the bound of DCM and CCM, applying equation (19) to (25), we can get the boundary condition of L1 as POUT = 2 L1 η 1 = (1 − 2 D) 2 f ( ) (26) RLTS π 1 − 2D According to equation (23), the relation of duty ratio and L1−CRIT can be achieved. The boundary condition of L2 is calculated as follows, Since, POUT = I L 2VO (27) L1 K CRIT = L1 L2 Fig.6 M , K CRIT and K CRiIT curves about duty cycle D When it comes to the case with insulation transformer, we should take the transformer ratio into account and achieve the boundary values of L1 and L2 as follows: K nL−1CRIT = 2 L1 1 n 2η = (1 − 2 D)2 f ( ) π RLTS 1 − 2D (31) 2 L2 = 1− D (32) RLTS From equation (26) and (30) to (32), we can see that transformer ratio n only affects the input inductance. The boundary value of Input inductance and output inductance in the case with isolated transformer can be achieved using the boundary curve in Fig.6. Note that Fig.6 is based on the case without isolated transformer, so the boundary value should be multiplied by n 2 . When designing closed-loop, the transfer function of output voltage as the conduction ratio should be given. Then, the Bode graphic of open loop can be achieved based on the classical control theory. It can be compensated by PID regulator. If use the RMS of the AC input as DC input value, the state space average could be used in AC/DC analysis. 1321 K nL−2CRIT = According to state space average, substitute the parameters, x / d is got. Parameter x includes U C 2 and U C 2 = U O , so the transfer function about VO and D is derived. Because A1 , A2 , A3 , B1 , B2 , B3 are four orders, the transfer function is also four orders. By calculation of the matrix, transfer functions of VO and D are shown as: G( s) = N (s) = N (s) M (s) (33) nVC1 2 nD s + [(k − 1) I L1 − nI L 2 ]s C2 L2 L2 C1C2 (k − 1) 2 D 2 (k − 1)nD 2 + nVC1 + [(1 − k )VC1 + (1 + k )V1 ] L1 L2 C1C2 L1 L2 C1C2 M (s) = s 4 + +[ 1 3 1 n 2 D 2 (k − 1) 2 D 2 2 s +[ ]s + + RL C2 L2 C2 L2 C1 L1C1 (34) 2. Simplified control, only a voltage loop is required. 3. The topology includes inner degaussing circuit; demagnetizing voltage is the voltage of energy storing capacitor. The duty ratio can be equal to 0.5 according to volt-second balance. 4. The voltage stress is acceptable. 5. Sheppard-Taylor circuit can be self-decoupled. Input and output inductor operates at DCM and CCM respectively. 6. Output stage operates at CCM, and output voltage ripple is small. Of course, AC-DC Sheppard-Taylor converter has some disadvantages such as more power devices and input current aberration in theory analysis. And the two power switches should operate in synchronism. I o ( A) (35) ( k − 1) D (k − 1) D n D ]s + + L2 C1C2 RL L1 RL C1C2 L1 L2 C1C2 Analyzing the active components, C1 L1 C2 L2 , we 2 2 2 2 2 2 can conclude that the input inductor L1 and energy capacitor C1 have little affection to the output. Output characters are mainly decided by inductor L2 and capacitor C2 . That’s to say, zero-points and poles of the system are decided by them. Furthermore the output characteristic is almost the same as Buck topology operating at CCM. So close-loop compensation can be designed referred on Buck circuit. V. EXPERIMENT AND CONCLUSION Based on above analysis and simulation adjustment, the main experiment equipments are as follow: Input: 110Vac; Output: 1.5Vdc/30A; L1: 240uH, 0.2mm*28, RM12air-gap; L2: 7uH AWG13*3, T80-52 core; C1: 470uF/450V Energy storage capacitor; C2: 2200uF; Chip: TL494; MOSFET: SPW20N60S5*2; SR MOSFET: STP80NF03L-04*2; Rectification Bridge: GBU4J*4; Diode: MUR1560; In order to improve the efficiency, the SR MOSFETs operate in separate-excitation mode to take the place of output Schottky diodes. Other synchronous excitation modes can also be adopted, such as the self-excitation method by the secondary voltage of transformer, which may make the circuit simpler and more compact [9]. The following research and experiment will go on. The experiment datasheet at stable operation is shown in the Table.I. This circuit has following advantages when operating at DCM-CCM: 1. Input stage operates at DCM; PFC can be realized automatically employing VF-PFC. Table I Experiment Datasheet Vo (V ) Pin (W ) PF 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 1.493 1.493 1.494 1.494 1.496 1.496 1.497 1.499 55.86 54. 67 54.05 53.90 53.45 53.10 52.84 52.58 0.979 0.978 0.978 0.977 0.976 0.975 0.975 0.974 23 1.501 52.10 0.973 22 1.502 51.46 0.972 21 1.504 51.13 0.970 REFERENCES [1] D. I. Sheppard and B. E. Taylor, “A new converter topology imparts non-pulsating current to input and output lines,” Proc.PCI/MotorCon, 1983. [2] R. Redl, L. Balogh and N. O. Sokal, “A new family of single-stage isolated power-factor-correctors with fast regulation of the output voltage,” IEEE PESC, pp. 1137–1144, 1994. [3] R. W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics (Second Edit), Kluwer academic Publishers, ch.2, pp.27–30. [4] A. Newton, T. C. Green and D. 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