APRIL 2003 WAICHLER AND WIGMOSTA 251 Development of Hourly Meteorological Values From Daily Data and Significance to Hydrological Modeling at H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest SCOTT R. WAICHLER AND MARK S. WIGMOSTA Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington (Manuscript received 22 May 2002, in final form 20 September 2002) ABSTRACT Hydrologic modeling depends on having quality meteorological input available at the simulation time step. Often two needs arise: disaggregation from daily to subdaily and extend an available subdaily record. Simple techniques were tested for generating hourly air temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, relative humidity, and wind speed from limited daily data at the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon. Skill of the daily to hourly methods ranged from poor to very good. The best method for each variable had mean error ,4% and first-degree efficiency .0.5, with the exception of wind speed, which had a bias problem related to change in measurement height. Significance of the disaggregation assumptions for simulated hydrology was evaluated by driving the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM) with alternative meteorological inputs. The largest differences in streamflow simulation efficiency were related to differences in precipitation phase, which followed from the air temperature method used. The largest differences in annual water balance were related to the humidity model used; the common fallback assumption that daily dewpoint temperature equals minimum air temperature led to sharply higher evapotranspiration. Hourly streamflow and annual water balance were less sensitive to the method of distributing precipitation throughout the day and parameterization of solar radiation. 1. Introduction Simulation of hydrological processes at timescales less than a day requires the hydrologic model to operate at subdaily time steps and to utilize diurnal variation in meteorological forcing. For example, the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM; Wigmosta et al. 1994, 2002) is designed to work best at a timestep of 3 h or less. Meteorological (hereafter ‘‘met’’) input for this model consists of air temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, wind speed, solar radiation, and longwave radiation at the same time step as the output. For most mountain watersheds only a few daily met variables are readily available at nearby stations: typically, minimum and maximum air temperature, daily total precipitation, and perhaps humidity. Therefore, use of hydrologic models like DHSVM requires disaggregation to provide met input at the subdaily time step, and the estimation of required but unmeasured met variables. Disaggregation techniques are especially useful for extending a subdaily record to a period of time when only daily data are available. Previous studies have focused on generating daily met data at specific sites (Running et al. 1987) or over large areas (Thornton et al. 1997; Corresponding author address: Dr. Scott R. Waichler, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, K9-36, P.O. Box 999, Richland, WA 99352. E-mail: scott.waichler@pnl.gov q 2003 American Meteorological Society Thornton and Running 1999). This study asks how well can hourly values be predicted from a few daily variables at a single, relatively data-rich location in the Oregon Cascades. It also explores the significance of the met estimation for simulating the hydrology of an adjacent experimental watershed. The setting for this study is the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest (HJA), Oregon (Fig. 1). The cool, wet, conifer forest of the HJA is one of the longest running field sites in the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) and has been the subject of much empirical research on the hydrology of steep, forested catchments (e.g., Jones 2000). Local climate is dominated by frontal systems from the Pacific Ocean during November–May, and by regional high pressure systems producing warm, dry conditions the rest of the year. Average annual precipitation is 2300 mm, and mean temperature is 98C. A few HJA studies have used process-based modeling as the primary method of investigation (e.g., Tague and Band 2001a,b), but none have focused on meteorological modeling and its relationship to hydrologic predictions. The meteorology measurement program at HJA (Henshaw et al. 1998; Bierlmaier and McKee 1989) includes hourly observations since the 1970s and provides a rich opportunity for the development and verification of local meteorology models. We focused on the two met stations closest to the small watershed WS2 and first addressed the question of how well daily data 252 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 4 lock forest. To evaluate the significance of the hourly meteorological synthesis for hydrologic predictions, 14 sets of met input representing different levels of quality and met modeling assumptions were used to drive DHSVM and simulate the hydrology of WS2 during water years 1980–98 (WY80–98). 2. Hourly meteorological modeling FIG. 1. H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, showing locations of small watersheds WS1–3, and climate stations PRIMET and CS2MET. could be used to estimate subdaily values. WS2 is 0.6 km 2 in area, and has an elevation range of 450–1000 m, placing it in the rain–snow transition zone. WS2 has served as a control watershed during a paired watershed study that began in the late 1950s, and its vegetation has remained an old-growth Douglas fir–Western hem- Climate data were obtained from the primary met station (PRIMET) and another station located adjacent to WS2 (CS2MET; Fig. 1) (Henshaw et al. 1998). PRIMET is located at 430-m elevation in a valley-bottom clearing. The valley bottom is approximately 200-m wide and is subject to early morning and late afternoon topographic shading. CS2MET is located at 485-m elevation in a smaller clearing within the forest and is subject to shading from both canopy and topography. Hourly met values for WY80–98 were estimated from daily PRIMET data using common disaggregation and estimation techniques (Table 1), and compared to the hourly observations. Hourly met values at PRIMET were also estimated from daily CS2MET data, because CS2MET has a longer record and is needed for hydrologic modeling prior to 1979. Daily minimum air temperature (Tmin ), maximum air temperature (Tmax ), precipitation (P d ), minimum relative humidity (Hmin ), maximum relative humidity (Hmax ), and mean wind speed (W d ) were used to predict hourly values of air temperature (T), precipitation (P), relative humidity (H), wind speed (W), and shortwave solar radiation (R s ) at PRIMET. Hourly data from WY80–89 were used to calibrate the disaggregation methods, and data from WY90–98 were used for verification. No data for longwave radiation were available, so we used without verification the method of Bras (1990) and Bowling and Lettenmaier (1997), which is based on hourly air temperature, relative humidity, and daily atmospheric transmittance. Model skill at reproducing the hourly data was quantified with a bias measure and three in- TABLE 1. Daily to hourly disaggregation and estimation methods for meteorological variables. Calibration 5 yes means prior inspection or calculation using some hourly data is involved. Model Parameter 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 3a 3b 3c 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 5a 5b Air temperature Air temperature Air temperature Precipitation Precipitation Atmospheric transmittance Atmospheric transmittance Atmospheric transmittance Relative humidity Relative humidity Relative humidity Relative humidity Relative humidity Wind speed Wind speed Description Modified sine curve Modified sine curve and 2-h shift [month, hour, precip] means 1/24th daily total Relative [month, hour] fraction 3 daily total BC model with their Pacific Northwest parameters Bristow–Campbell model with HJA parameters [month, precip] means Tdew 5 Tmin Tdew 5 aTmin 1 b Hmin, Hmax, Eq. (4) Hmin,Hmax, Eq. (4), and 2-h shift [month, hour, precip] means Daily mean [month, hour, precip] means Calibration no yes yes no yes no yes yes no yes no yes yes no yes APRIL 2003 WAICHLER AND WIGMOSTA creasingly stringent tests of efficiency (see appendix for definitions of efficiency statistics). Bias was defined as P /O , where P is mean of simulated values and O is mean of observed values. Two types of categorical means and bias corrections were used in the modeling of hourly met values, with domain defined by categorical factors denoted with square brackets. The first type used month and hour [month, hour] factors; the second used those factors plus daily precipitation (precip)—status wet or dry [month, hour, precip]. Categorical means and bias corrections were computed from data in the hourly meteorological model calibration period (WY80 –89). Categorical means were used as another predictor for air temperature, precipitation, atmospheric transmittance, humidity, and wind speed (methods 1c, 2b, 3c, 4e, 5b, respectively in Table 1). All methods were used to predict met variables in the calibration period (WY80–89) and verification period (WY90–98). Categorical bias corrections were used to account for differences between CS2MET and PRIMET stations when generating met input for the hydrologic model. The difference between hourly estimated CS2MET and observed PRIMET categorical means were computed and added to CS2MET hourly values to get the final, unbiased estimate for the PRIMET location. a. Air temperature Hourly values of T were generated by computing a modified sine curve from daily Tmin and Tmax , following the method of Running et al. (1987) and Parton and Logan (1981). Daylight air temperature was modeled using three quadrants of a sine wave (2p/2 to p) with the minimum value at sunrise, maximum value at solar noon (p/2), and mean value at sunset (p). Sunrise and sunset times were computed with a solar geometry model (Gates 1980; Bowling and Lettenmaier 1997), assuming level ground free from topographic shading. Nighttime air temperature was modeled as a linear interpolation between sunset T of the previous day and sunrise T of the following day. The modified sine curve approach can be viewed as the minimum viable method for generating T (method 1a in Table 1). Shifting the resulting sine curve 2 h earlier yielded the best match to the observations (method 1b). Another alternative was to use the [month, hour, precip] categorical means from the calibration period (method 1c). To generate hourly air temperature using CS2MET data, [month, hour, precip] bias corrections were computed from data in the calibration period and added to the modified sine curve based on CS2MET Tmin and Tmax to yield the final air temperatures (Fig. 2). For wet days, the bias correction was 18–28C during the wet season. Cloud cover associated with wet days reduced nighttime cooling, producing a smaller range in diurnal temperature. For dry days, a strong diurnal pattern was evident, with the maximum bias correction (up to 68C) occurring 253 FIG. 2. Bias corrections for CS2MET air temperature. The correction corresponding to a particular [month, hour, precip] combination was applied after generating hourly values using the modified sine curve method and applying a 2-h shift. The final time series represented the best unbiased estimate of hourly PRIMET air temperature from CS2MET daily data. around midday, and the minimum occurring around dawn. For comparison, the difference between these stations, according to the mean lapse rate of 24.28C km 21 (Rosentrater 1997), would be only 0.28C. The effect of location apart from elevation difference indicates the potential difficulty in spatial interpolation or extrapolation, even over small distances. The modified sine curve method with a 2-h shift (method 1b) resulted in the best fit to the observations (Table 2, Fig. 3). The least successful predictor of air temperature was the categorical means model (method 1c). Air temperature modeling had the most skill of the five met variables, with bias close to 1.0 and efficiency values among the highest obtained. The efficiency statistics have a possible range of 2` to 1.0. A value of 0 indicates the model is no better or worse than the observed mean as a predictor. Efficiency generally declines from calibration to verification, and from using a less specific mean to a more specific mean for comparison (e.g., from grand mean to [month, hour, precip] categorical mean). b. Precipitation Two methods were used to predict hourly precipitation P. The first used a uniform distribution of the daily total, where P 5 P d /24 (method 2a, Table 1). The second method used relative [month, hour] fractions f m,h , where 24 m is month, h is hour; and S h51 f m,h 5 1 for all m; and P 5 P d f m,h (method 2b, Table 1). When using CS2MET daily data, a bias correction factor (50.956) was computed as the ratio of total PRIMET to CS2MET precipitation during WY80–98, and applied to all hourly simulated values. Precipitation goodness-of-fit was much lower than for air temperature, with efficiency ,0.3 (Table 2, Fig. 4). The relative fractions method was somewhat better than the uniform distribution, but the difference was small in this climate with little diurnal pattern in precipitation. With both methods, observed precipitation values great- 254 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 4 TABLE 2. Meteorological model skill for T, P, and Tr . Hourly variables except atmospheric transmittance, which is daily. See appendix for efficiency equations. Model Period Biasa Air temperature 1a 1b 1c 1a 1b 1c WY80–89 WY80–89 WY80–89 WY90–98 WY90–98 WY90–98 Precipitation 2a 2b 2a 2b WY80–89 WY80–89 WY90–98 WY90–98 Atmospheric transmittance 3a WY80–89 3b WY80–89 3c WY80–89 3a WY90–98 3b WY90–98 3c WY90–98 E 1b E91 c 0.951 0.951 1 0.963 0.963 0.963 0.616 0.788 0.576 0.595 0.785 0.564 0.206 0.561 0.123 0.166 0.557 0.089 0.094 0.5 0 0.06 0.501 20.025 1.013 1.013 1.025 1.025 0.286 0.293 0.276 0.284 0.265 0.272 0.257 0.266 — — — — 20.096 0.506 0.423 0.004 0.525 0.451 20.429 0.356 0.247 20.266 0.397 0.302 1.4450 0.983 1 1.419 1.016 1.002 E01 d 20.879 0.152 0 20.116 0.468 0.385 Ratio of simulated to observed mean. Efficiency relative to grand mean of observations. Efficiency relative to [month, hour] categorical mean, except [month] for atmospheric transmittance. d Efficiency relative to [month, hour, precip] categorical mean, except [month, precip] for atmospheric transmittance. a b c er than 6 mm h 21 were underpredicted, and values greater than 10 mm h 21 were underpredicted by 50% or more. c. Solar radiation First, atmosphere-incident shortwave solar radiation R a was calculated from latitude and time of year using a solar geometry model (Gates 1980). Then the Bristow and Campbell (1984) model (BC) was used to predict daily atmospheric transmittance (T r ), and together with R a , hourly shortwave solar radiation R s at the land surface. The BC model estimates daily atmospheric transmittance from time of year and difference between daily minimum and maximum temperature, T r 5 Ap(1 2 e 2BmDT C ), (1) where 5 coefficient, equivalent to the maximum atmospheric transmittance, p 5 coefficient, 1.0 on dry days, ,1.0 on wet days, B m 5 coefficient that varies by month, DT 5 Tmax 2 Tmin , C 5 coefficient. A Observed T r for each day was assumed to be the mean of the hourly values from 1200 to 1500 h. This subset of the day was used to avoid topographic shading effects in morning and late afternoon. Coefficients in Eq. (1) were taken from Bristow and Campbell (1984; method 3a) or were calibrated (method 3b). In the latter case, coefficient A was estimated as the maximum ratio of observed solar radiation to predicted radiation at the top of the atmosphere (R s /R a ) during the calibration period, resulting in A 5 0.73, similar to 0.70 found by Bristow and Campbell (1984) for Pullman, Washington. Next, p and C were fitted by trial and error to the nearest 0.01, and B m for each month was fitted with a nonlinear regression function, using all days in the calibration period. On dry days, p was fixed to 1.0, and a single value was found for all wet days. The parameter set with the maximum efficiency E91 value was selected: A 5 0.73, C 5 0.70, p 5 0.65 (wet days), B m 5 [0.2089 (January), 0.2857, 0.2689, 0.2137, 0.1925, 0.2209, 0.2527, 0.2495, 0.2232, 0.1728, 0.1424, 0.1422 (December)]. Model skill was evaluated with respect to daily atmospheric transmittance rather than hourly solar radiation because of topographic shading at PRIMET. Finally, hourly solar radiation incident to level ground (R s ) was computed as Rs 5 Tr Ra . The BC model calibrated for local conditions (method 3b) was the best method for predicting daily atmospheric transmittance T r (Fig. 5), but efficiency was much lower than for air temperature or precipitation (Table 2). It was slightly more efficient than using [month, hour, precip] means to predict T r . The BC model with parameter values from Bristow and Campbell (1984; method 3a) had the lowest efficiency. d. Humidity Hourly PRIMET relative humidity prior to 8 July 1988 was not available, so the calibration and verifi- APRIL 2003 255 WAICHLER AND WIGMOSTA FIG. 3. Mean hourly temperature by month, verification period (WY90–98). Simulated values from PRIMET daily data, sine curve, and 2-h shift (method 1b, Table 1). cation periods were shortened to WY89–93 and WY94– 98, respectively. The minimal method (method 4a) for estimating hourly H assumes that daily minimum air temperature is the same as dewpoint, Tmin 5 Tdew , then uses H5 Vs (Tdew ) , Vs (T ) (2) where V s (Tdew ) equals the saturation vapor pressure at Tdew , and V s (T) equals the saturation vapor pressure at FIG. 4. Mean hourly precipitation on wet days by month, verification period (WY90–98). Simulated values from mean [month, hour] fractions 3 daily total P (method 2b, Table 1). 256 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY VOLUME 4 e. Wind speed FIG. 5. Daily atmospheric transmittance by month, verification period (WY90–98). Simulated values using Bristow–Campbell coefficients tuned for HJA (method 3b, Table 1). T. A slightly better approach (Running et al. 1987) uses a simple linear regression and is feasible if an independent measurement of Tdew is available (method 4b): Tdew 5 a 0 1 a1 Tmin . (3) For WY80–89, a 0 5 1.95 and a1 5 0.938; both terms were significant (p value , 0.0001; R 2 5 0.88). Since daily Hmin and Hmax were available, hourly values could also be estimated as (methods 4c, 4d) H 5 Hmax 1 Hourly meteorological modeling was least successful for wind speed. The [month, hour, precip] means model (method 5b) was a better predictor than the mean daily wind speed (method 5a) during both periods (Table 3). However, there was significant positive bias in the WY90–98 verification run of method 5b for most months, especially around midday (Fig. 7). The 129% bias in predicted wind speed for WY90–98 may have been caused in part by a reduction in the measurement height, which occurred close to the end of the calibration period. On 1 January 1989 the measurement height was reduced from 12 to 10 m. We applied a logarithmic wind profile to see if the height change could account for the wind speed bias. Applying typical assumptions for the zero-plane displacement height and momentum roughness parameter, we could only account for a 14% bias. Measurement factors other than instrument height probably also changed. (T 2 Tmin ) (H 2 Hmax ). (Tmax 2 Tmin ) min (4) For relative humidity, the only method with efficiency consistently greater than zero was the [month, hour, precip] means model (method 4e) (Table 3, Fig. 6). The next best predictor was Eq. (4) with a 2-h shift (method 4d). Humidity actually had higher efficiency values during the verification period than during the calibration period. 3. Hydrologic modeling To evaluate the hydrologic significance of the meteorological assumptions, we applied the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model with 14 sets of met input (Table 4). Model skill in simulating hourly streamflow, and predicted major fluxes of the water balance were compared across met inputs. Simulation using the met input with observed hourly data (P1) was compared to simulations using derived hourly values, either the full set of techniques for best fit (P2), or the minimal set of techniques (P3). Met input P3 was generated using just Tmin , Tmax , P d , and grand mean wind speed, and represents a typical hourly met input that would be gen- TABLE 3. Meteorological model skill for H and W. Hourly variables except atmospheric transmittance, which is daily. See appendix for efficiency equations. Model Period Biasa E 1b E91 c E01 d Relative humidity 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e WY80–89 WY80–89 WY80–89 WY80–89 WY80–89 WY90–98 WY90–98 WY90–98 WY90–98 WY90–98 0.831 0.935 0.941 0.941 1 0.832 0.938 0.946 0.946 1.001 20.183 0.417 0.435 0.544 0.703 20.284 0.392 0.356 0.534 0.695 22.054 20.506 20.46 20.176 0.233 22.296 20.559 20.652 20.195 0.218 22.981 20.963 20.903 20.534 0 23.141 20.959 21.076 20.502 0.017 Wind speed 5a 5b 5a 5b WY80–89 WY80–89 WY90–98 WY90–98 0.98 1 1.002 1.288 0.179 0.393 0.139 0.295 20.296 0.042 20.379 20.13 20.353 0 20.451 20.189 Ratio of simulated to observed mean. Efficiency relative to grand mean of observations. c Efficiency relative to [month, hour] categorical mean, except [month] for atmospheric transmittance. d Efficiency relative to [month, hour, precip] categorical mean, except [month, precip] for atmospheric transmittance. a b APRIL 2003 WAICHLER AND WIGMOSTA 257 FIG. 6. Mean hourly relative humidity by month, verification period (WY94–98). Simulated values using [month, hour, precip] means from calibration period (method 4e, Table 1). erated under typical circumstances in many watershed applications. Met input P4 was identical to P1 except for precipitation, which was the observed daily total distributed uniformly over 24 h. Met input P5 was like P1 except a relative [month, hour] distribution of daily observed rainfall was used in place of a uniform distribution. We also compared met inputs based on CS2MET daily data, because in a related study we needed the longer record available at CS2MET. The set of best techniques and categorical bias corrections were FIG. 7. Mean hourly wind speed by month, verification period (WY90–98). Simulated values are [month, hour, precip] means from calibration (method 5b, Table 1). 258 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY TABLE 4. Climate inputs to DHSVM. Input* P1. Observed P2. Full simulated P3. Minimum simulated P4. Uniform precipitation P5. Relative precipitation C1. Full simulated C2. Basic air temperature C3. Dewpoint humidity C4. Enhanced dewpoint humidity C5. Sine humidity C6. Wind 5 0.65 C7. General solar C8. Categorical solar C9. Basic precipitation Description PRIMET hourly data From PRIMET daily data, using all available variables and methods to get best match for each hourly input variable (methods 1b, 2, 3b, 4e, 5b) From PRIMET daily data and PRIMET wind, using only Tmin, Tmax, P d, and wind 5 0.65 m s21 (methods 1a, 2, 3a, 4a) PRIMET hourly data except precip 5 PRIMET daly total/24 (method 2a) PRIMET hourly data except precip 5 [month, hour] fraction of PRIMET daily total (method 2b) From CS2MET daily data, using all available variables and methods to get best possible match to PRIMET data for each hourly input variable (methods 1b, 2, 3b, 4e, 5b) Sine curve used, but not shift or bias corrections (method 1a) Based on dewpoint 5 Tmin (method 4a) Based on enhanced dewpoint model, Tdew 5 aTmin 1 b (method 4b) Sine curve used, but not shift or bias corrections (method 4c) Constant wind speed 5 0.65 m s21 (grand mean) Bristow and Campbell (1984) model with their parameters based on Pullman, Seattle, and Great Falls (A 5 0.70, C 5 2.4, and B 5 0.036e20.154DT , where DT 5 mean monthly temperature difference) (method 3a) [month, hour, precip] means from calibration period (method 3c) No bias correction * C2–C9 are identical to C1 except for the variable noted. used to develop met input C1. Inputs C2–C9 are variants of C1, where one of the variables was predicted with a simpler technique, as described in Table 4. a. Model application DHSVM is a distributed and physically based hydrology model designed for mountainous watersheds (Wigmosta et al. 1994, 2002; Storck et al. 1998). DHSVM was calibrated on watershed WS2 using met input P1 for the periods WY94–98 and WY80–83, and met input for WY58–62 that was derived with the same methods as C1. Calibration also included the adjacent watershed WS1 during WY58–62, when it had an oldgrowth vegetation cover like WS2. Precipitation and VOLUME 4 streamflow were the only measured water fluxes for the watersheds, so calibration and verification were focused on streamflow. Evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge were the other loss terms in the simulated water balance. Calibration consisted of trial-and-error adjustment of hydraulic conductivity, soil depth, and coefficients for predicting macropore flow. Adjustments were made to all soil types by either setting a uniform value if no a priori data were available for different soil types, or by scaling all soil-specific a priori values uniformly. Hourly met values were representative of the PRIMET location at 430-m elevation. Spatial distribution of the PRIMET point values to all grid cells in WS2 was required to run DHSVM. Air temperature and solar radiation were the only variables involving significant modification from the point values. Air temperature was lapsed with a positive rate corresponding to a lower inversion zone below 700-m elevation, and an upper negative rate, using monthly break-point elevations and lapse rates as described in Rosentrater (1997). Means and standard deviations for the lower and upper lapse rates were (2.7, 1.38C km 21 ) and (25.2, 1.18C km 21 ), respectively. Solar radiation was distributed by taking into account local slope and aspect (but not topographic shading) for the direct beam component. Precipitation in the real WS2 probably has a positive lapse rate with elevation, but it was not lapsed in the model because of water balance difficulties discussed in Waichler et al. (2002; manuscript submitted to Water Resour. Res.). Relative humidity and incoming longwave radiation were distributed without modification, a reasonable assumption for this small watershed. Actual spatial variability in humidity and longwave radiation were probably small compared to other sources of model error. The PRIMET wind speed was distributed without modification except to enforce a minimum of 0.01 m s 21 to avoid dividing by zero when computing aerodynamic resistance. In reality, mean wind speed is probably significantly more near the ridge top of WS2 than at the valley-bottom PRIMET location. To the extent that this was true, the hydrologic model underpredicted basin evapotranspiration. b. Fluxes The derived met input for PRIMET using the set of best techniques (P2) resulted in slightly lower efficiency and more error in mean annual streamflow compared to using the observed data (P1) (Fig. 8). The most important difference between the two simulations was the air temperature input, which was slightly colder on average with the derived input P2 and caused more precipitation to fall as snow. The different outcomes of P2 and P3, where P3 had the met input derived with the minimal set of techniques, are best understood after considering the single-variable differences in C2–C9 compared to C1, and P4 compared to P1. Met inputs C2–C9 were identical to C1 except for APRIL 2003 WAICHLER AND WIGMOSTA 259 FIG. 9. Flood magnitudes, from applying the log-Pearson type III model (USGS 1982) (2 to 20 yr) to hourly streamflows simulated with alternative meteorology inputs. Point estimate for flood flow (middle line), denote 95% confidence interval (top and bottom lines). FIG. 8. (a)–(f ) Comparison of hydrologic results across meteorological inputs. Period is all years, WY80–98. Total snowmelt varied among model runs with identical temperature and precipitation inputs because sublimation varied. one variable. In C2, a lack of shift and bias corrections for air temperature caused temperature to be colder on average than C1, greatly increasing the amount of snowfall and slightly lowering evapotranspiration in C2. In C3, the Tdew 5 Tmin assumption for generating hourly humidity resulted in significantly higher evapotranspiration (ET) and lower streamflow. In the real system, the dewpoint is often reached before the minimum air temperature, and therefore the atmosphere is often saturated and ET is minimal over a portion of the day. In C4, the enhanced dewpoint model (method 4b) resulted in a smaller but still noticeable ET increase. In C5, a similar result was obtained when a sine curve without shift and bias corrections was used for humidity (method 4c). In C6, use of the grand mean to set a constant wind speed of 0.65 m s 21 resulted in a slight decrease in ET and increase in streamflow. In C7, the large positive bias in atmospheric transmittance stemming from use of the literature parameter values in the BC model (method 3a) caused R s and ET to increase. In C8, using the categorical means model for T r had little effect on the hydrology. In C9, the lack of the 24.4% bias correction for precipitation resulted in a positive streamflow error of 10% and reduced efficiency, confirming the sensitivity of streamflow to this primary term in the water balance. Hydrology results from the minimal met input P3 were much different from those of the data, met input P1. The annual streamflow error was 220% with P3, caused by much higher ET. The main reason for the much higher ET in the P3 run was the Tdew 5 Tmin assumption for generating humidity. The large positive bias in atmospheric transmittance associated with method 3a also contributed to the large ET in P3, as did the higher temperatures with method 1a. Between P2 and C1, the two met inputs derived with the set of best-fit techniques, C1 had higher efficiency because the use of bias corrections in C1 caused air temperature to more closely match the data than in P2. Making precipitation uniform over the day in P4 caused efficiency of predicted streamflow to decrease slightly compared to P1, and using a relative distribution for P5 gave results that were essentially the same as P4. Evapotranspiration was slightly increased in P4 due to greater interception of precipitation, but much less so than in P3, with the result that mean annual streamflow error was much lower in P4 than P3. Differences in hydrology model skill were evaluated for several subperiods within WY80–98 (Table 5). As expected, skill was higher during the calibration period than the verification period. DHSVM was calibrated using periods with a range of dry to wet years, and bias is opposite in sign for dry and wet periods for most met inputs. Bias was optimal during the relatively dry period of WY90–92. Efficiency was optimal during the relatively wet period of WY95–97. Most affected during the dry period was E19 , which is more sensitive to model fit at low flows than E. A seasonal perspective of model skill was obtained by computing efficiency E1 of monthly total streamflow separately for each month, with n 5 19 yr (Table 6). Highest skill was obtained for the high-flow months December–March, and lowest skill was obtained for the low-flow months of June–September. During the summer months the observed average was a better predictor than the model in most cases 260 C9 0 0 1 22 3 23 213 3 1 23 220 8 C8 0 0 1 21 3 22 210 0 0 21 218 6 VOLUME 4 (negative model efficiency), indicating a weak simulation of baseflow. Simulation P1 had the fewest months with negative efficiency (three), while P3 and C3–C5 had the most months (six). Simulations P2 and C1 each had 4 months with negative efficiency. Average efficiency, weighted by proportion of annual flow in each month, ranged from just 0.08 (C4) to 0.45 (C6). c. Flooding frequency * Periods refer to meteorology input. Calibration 5 WY80–89, verification 5 WY90–98, dry 5 WY90–92, wet 5 WY95–97. 1 21 21 21 3 23 28 0 1 21 216 7 0 0 1 21 3 22 210 21 0 0 218 5 0 0 23 1 3 23 25 0 3 23 213 4 C7 C6 C5 0 0 2 21 3 23 28 0 1 22 214 7 0 0 21 2 3 23 27 21 1 22 215 6 0 0 2 22 7 27 211 22 6 28 212 29 0 0 1 21 3 23 29 0 2 22 217 6 C4 C3 C2 C1 24 4 10 1 3 23 23 0 21 0 29 7 P5 P4 24 4 10 1 3 23 22 21 21 0 29 6 5 26 25 24 6 25 21 27 3 24 29 25 3 24 1 26 1 21 21 0 27 7 25 11 P3 P2 P1 23 3 13 0 2 21 29 3 22 1 216 9 Period* Calibration Verification Dry Wet Calibration Verification Dry Wet Calibration Verification Dry Wet Bias Bias Bias Bias E E E E E91 E91 E91 E91 Statistic TABLE 5. Change in streamflow modeling skill from entire period (WY80–98) to subperiods. Change is rounded to nearest percent. Bias is the ratio of mean simulated to mean observed streamflow. E 5 efficiency; E91 5 first-degree efficiency based on [month, hour] means. JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY As a final exploration of the hydrologic consequence of the various met assumptions, the observed and simulated streamflows were processed with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) statistical model for flood frequency, using a log-Pearson type III distribution for annual maximum flows (USGS 1982). Point estimates and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for flows corresponding to recurrence intervals 1.1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 yr were computed. A regional skew coefficient of 0.12 was used to compute a weighted skew coefficient. There were no outliers, and the rest of the computations followed the USGS methods. The CIs for all simulated streamflows (P1–C9) were compared to the CI for the observed streamflow, and in all cases there was overlap, indicating no significant difference between the flood streamflows predicted by statistical model (Fig. 9). However, the point estimate from the observations was markedly higher than the simulations at recurrence intervals above 2 yr. These two results indicate that the met inputs were equally satisfactory for applying the USGS method, but overall the simulations lost value compared to the data as the recurrence interval and flood magnitude increased. 4. Discussion We evaluated some simple methods for generating subdaily meteorological values from limited daily data, using a mountainous setting in a maritime climate as the test case. The usefulness of the modified sine curve method for predicting subdaily air temperature was confirmed by this study. The beneficial effect of the 22 h phase shift for the air temperature and relative humidity time series at this location was somewhat surprising, however. The shaded conditions of the observation sites can explain why evening cooling began earlier than predicted by the model, but cannot explain why morning warming also began earlier than predicted. The bias corrections used to complete the synthesis of PRIMET air temperature from CS2MET daily Tmin and Tmax were substantial and significantly affected the precipitation phase in DHSVM. Without the mostly positive corrections, much more snowfall was predicted. The superior fit of the categorical means model for atmospheric transmittance, as compared to the BC model with literature parameter values, was also unexpected. This indicates that using categorical means rather than the uncalibrated BC model may be more productive in locations where 0.48 0.69 0.64 0.17 0.15 20.14 21.88 21.85 20.61 0.37 0.25 0.65 0.43 C9 C8 C7 0.49 0.73 0.61 0.06 0.03 20.21 21.93 21.87 20.60 0.32 0.38 0.67 0.43 0.47 0.69 0.67 0.29 0.30 20.01 21.79 21.81 20.57 0.34 0.22 0.65 0.45 C6 C5 0.45 0.70 0.58 20.07 20.06 20.33 22.02 21.93 20.63 0.35 0.33 0.64 0.38 0.45 0.71 0.62 20.02 20.04 20.30 21.96 21.92 20.60 0.39 0.32 0.65 0.40 C4 C3 0.52 0.67 0.39 20.56 20.33 20.49 22.12 22.0 20.72 0.21 0.54 0.71 0.33 0.18 0.20 0.36 21.22 0.03 0.06 21.75 21.77 20.56 0.32 0.25 0.45 0.08 C2 C1 0.43 0.68 0.62 0.15 0.18 20.12 21.88 21.85 20.59 0.36 0.25 0.63 0.41 0.32 0.60 0.53 0.10 0.22 20.06 21.79 21.73 20.45 0.46 0.30 0.67 0.38 P5 P4 0.31 0.60 0.53 0.11 0.21 20.07 21.8 21.79 20.44 0.46 0.30 0.66 0.38 0.47 0.50 0.40 20.36 20.27 20.46 22.09 21.96 20.58 0.09 0.63 0.71 0.33 P3 P2 0.26 0.47 0.45 0.23 0.04 20.35 21.97 21.91 20.54 0.29 0.24 0.65 0.32 0.28 0.62 0.50 0.27 0.39 0.15 21.57 21.45 20.38 0.08 0.26 0.72 0.41 P1 Month 0.29 0.61 0.60 0.20 0.29 20.04 21.83 21.82 20.48 0.22 0.04 0.55 0.34 WAICHLER AND WIGMOSTA Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg TABLE 6. Efficiency (E1 ) of monthly streamflow, computed separately for each month across 19 water years (WY80–98). Negative E1 implies the observed mean is a better predictor than the model. Avg is weighted average, where weights are fraction of obs annual flow in each month. APRIL 2003 261 some solar radiation data exists. For relative humidity, the categorical means model had the best fit of five tested models, including two models that used daily Hmin and Hmax . We focused on time series at one location and have not evaluated the problem of distributing met variables spatially, nor have we tested the temporal disaggregation techniques in other environments. However, we and others have used these techniques successfully in hydrologic modeling of diverse environments within the northwest: eastern Washington, northwestern Montana, and western British Columbia. These areas included rain-, rain/snow-, and snow-dominated zones. If subdaily data are available for some time period, and met model calibration or calculation of categorical means is feasible, then one of the options presented here should work reasonably well in most climates. Of the techniques that required no prior calibration or calculation of categorical means (methods 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a), we would expect that only the modified sine curve for air temperature (method 1a) would yield satisfactory results in a wide range of climates outside the western United States. The assumption of uniform subdaily precipitation (method 2a) is probably fine for modeling areas without significant convective storms—which includes the maritime and snow-dominated portion of the western United States, where most of the streamflow in the region is produced. Precipitation exhibits much stronger diurnal tendencies in the central and eastern United States, devaluing the uniform distribution assumption in those areas. The Bristow–Campbell model has the advantage of requiring no atmospheric transmittance data when using the authors’ original parameters (method 3a), and has worked well within the northwest, but may need recalibration to obtain satisfactory skill in other parts of the country. The Tmin 5 Tdew assumption (method 4a) is possible when no daily humidity data are available, but that assumption is not reliable in semiarid and arid climates. We emphasize that only streamflow data were available for checking the hydrologic simulations, and hydrologic results other than streamflow were useful mainly for comparing relative impacts of the different meteorological assumptions. DHSVM was calibrated with met input P1, so it was anticipated that the corresponding model skill would be among the highest. The least model skill resulted with input C2, which had air temperature generated with the basic method and no shift or bias corrections. This highlights the sensitivity of snowfall, and wintertime streamflow, to precipitation phase in this rain/snow transition zone. Streamflow modeling was moderately sensitive to whether precipitation was distributed throughout the day as observed (P1) or as a fixed distribution of the daily total (P4, P5). We expected that hourly precipitation input would have had more impact on model skill in this steep and small watershed. There was little difference in simulated streamflow between using a uniform 262 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY (P4) or relative (P5) distribution, because there was little diurnal variation in the relative distributions. VOLUME 4 APPENDIX Efficiency Statistics for Model Skill 5. Conclusions Some standard techniques for disaggregating daily meteorological data worked better than others, and in all cases the optimal prediction capability was obtained when some local knowledge was used. Through selection of particular methods and calibration with local data, it was possible to generate low-bias, high-efficiency meteorological results at the study location for all variables except wind speed. The modified sine curve method for air temperature worked significantly better than a [month, hour, precip] categorical mean only when a 2-h shift was applied. A uniform or relative distribution of precipitation over the day was a better predictor than a [month, hour] categorical mean. For atmospheric transmittance, the Bristow–Campbell model calibrated to local conditions performed best, but the [month, precip] categorical mean was better than the Bristow–Campbell model with regional coefficients. For relative humidity, the [month, hour, precip] categorical mean was the best predictor, even compared to methods that used daily Hmin and Hmax data. The least effective humidity model used the Tmin 5 Tdew assumption and diurnal T variation, and should be avoided if possible. Wind speed was the most difficult variable to reproduce, though the [month, hour, precip] categorical mean may have been a reasonably good predictor had confounding measurement factors not been present. The nature of the meteorological input was found to significantly impact the predicted water balance and efficiency of streamflow simulation. For other uses of the model output, such as predicting flood magnitudes with further statistical modeling, the distinction between model runs may be much less than the gap between reality and simulation. The most significant differences in streamflow efficiency were related to differences in precipitation phase and therefore the air temperature method used. Streamflow efficiency was more sensitive to snow versus rain than the type of hourly distribution of precipitation. The most significant differences in overall water balance were related to increased evapotranspiration when the Tmin 5 Tdew humidity model was used. Acknowledgments. Financial support was provided by the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). We thank Don Henshaw for his assistance in obtaining climate and streamflow data. Helpful comments were provided by Beverley Wemple, David Greenland, and two anonymous reviewers. Datasets were provided by the Forest Science Data Bank, a partnership between the Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, and the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, Oregon. Bias was defined as P /O , where P is the mean of predicted (simulated) values and O is the mean of observed values. The grand mean, or mean of all values, was used. Four measures of efficiency are defined, in order of increasing stringency. See Legates and McCabe (1999) for further discussion on these statistics. Efficiency E (Nash and Sutcliffe 1970) has been commonly used to evaluate fit of modeled quantities: O (O 2 P ) , O (O 2 O) 2 E 5 1.0 2 i i 2 (A1) i where O i 5 observed value at time step i Pi 5 predicted value at time step i. Three first-degree efficiency measures use absolute values of differences instead of squares, reducing the influence of the largest quantities on the overall goodness of fit. The first-degree efficiency E1 is E1 5 1.0 2 O |O 2 P | . O |O 2 O| i i (A2) i The measure E1 is an improvement over E when evaluating model skill at low and moderate levels, the grand mean but is still the basis of comparison. A further discrimination can be made by using a categorical mean that captures seasonal or other variation inherent in the data: for example, a separate mean for each month [month] or each month and hour combination [month, hour]. The value E91 refers to first-degree, category-adjusted efficiency where the categorical mean O9 is used instead of O in Eq. (A2). 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