Unit 9. Electrostatic Bil: Idea FOITCS 1: Ohjl'ets and and systems Name: Cirenits have pnlperties internal strnetnre. Essential Knowledl:e LB. 1: Electric charge is conserved. The net charge of a system is equal to the slim of the charges of all the ohjects in the system. a. An electrical current is a movement of charge through a conductor. b. A circuit is a closcd loop of elcctrical current. sneh as mass 3: The intentctions of an object eharl:e. Systems may have Learning Ohjeetive (LB.LI): The SltH..Icnt is able to make claims about natural phenomena based on conservation of electric charge. Learning Ohjective (LB.1.2): The student is able to make predictions, using the conservation of electric charge, about the sign and relative quantity of net charge of objects or systems allcr various charging processes. including conservation Essential Knowledl:e I.B.2: Thcrc arc only two kinds of electric charge. Neutral objects or systems contain equal quantities of positive and negative charge, with the exception of some fundamental particles that have no electric charge. a. Likc-charged objects and systcms rcpel, and unlikc chargcd objects and systems attract. Essential Knowledge I.B.3: Thc smallcst observed unit of charge that can be isolated is the electron charge. also known as the elementary charge. 19 a. The maguitude of thc elementary charge is equal to 1.6 x 10 coulombs. b. Electrons have a negative elementary charge; protons have a positive elementary charge of eqllalmagnitllde. although the mass of a protoll is much larger than the lllass of an electron. Big Idea and ----------------- with other objects of chan~e in simnlc circuits. Learning Obil'etin (LB.2.1): Thc student is able to construct an cxplanation of the two-chargc model of electric charge based 011 evidence produced through scienlilic practices. Learning OhjeetiH' ( The student is able to challenge thc claim that an electric charge smaller than the elementary charge has been isolated. can he deserihed by forces. Learning ObjeetiH' (3.C2.t): Essential Knowledge 3.C2: Electric force results from the The student is able to usc Coulomb's law interaction of one ohject that has an electric charge with another qualitatively and quantitatively to make object that has an electric charge. predictions about the intcraction between a. Elcctric forces dominate the propel1ics of the objects in our two electric noint charges. everyday experiences. However. the large number of particle Learning Objectin (3.C2.2): interactions that occur make it more convenient to treat everyday The student is ablc to connect thc concepts tClrces in terms ofnonfundamcntal forces called contact forces, such of gravitational force and electric force to as normal liJrce. n.iction. and tension. compare similarities and differences b. Electric forces may be attractive or repulsive, depending upon the between the forces. charges on the objects involved. Big Idea 5: Changes that occur as a result of interactions arc constrained by consen'ation laws. Esscntial Knowll'''ge 5.B.9: Kirchhoff's loop rule describes conservation of energy in electrical circuits. 3. Energy changes in simple electrical circuits arc conveniently represented in terms of energy change per charge moving through a battery and a resistor. b. Sincc electric potcntial dinercncc timcs charge is energy, and energy is conserved, the stun of the potcntial dinercnces about any closed loop must add to zero. c. Tile electric potential ditlcrence across a Learninl: Objective (5.B.9.1): The student is able to construct or interprct a graph of the energy changes within an electrical circuit with only a single battery and resistors in series and/or in, at most, one parallel branch as an application of the conservation of energy (Kirchhotrs loon nile). Learning Ohjective (5.B.9.2): The student is able to apply conservation of cnergy concepts to the design of an experiment that will demonstrate the validity of Kirchholls loop rule (LV; 0) in a circuit with only a battery and resistors either in series or in, at most. one pair of parallel branches. Prol~ icient Unit 9. Elcctl"Ostatic ForTcs and Namc: Circuits Learning Ohjective (S.B.9.3): The student is able to apply conservation of encrgy (Kirchhoffs loop rule) in ealeulations involving the total electric potential dilTcrence for complete circuit loops with only a single battery and resistors in series and/or in, at most, olle parallel branch. resistor is given by the product of the currcnt and the resistance. d. The rate at which energy is transferred from a resistor is equal to the product of the electric potential difference across the resistor and the currcnt through the resistor ESSl'ntial Knowledge 5.C.3: Ki rch hoff s junction rule describes the conservation of electric charge in electrical circuits. Since charge is Learning Ohjective (S.C.3.1): The student is able to apply conservation of electric charge (Kirchhoffs junction rulc) to the comparison of electric current in various segments of an electrical circuit with a single battery and resistors in series and in. at most, Olle parallel branch and predict how those vaiues would change ifconfigurations of the circuit conserved. current must be conserved at eachjullctioll ill are changed. the circuit. The student is able to design an investigation Examples should include circuits that combine resistors parallel in series and ----------------- Learning Ohjeeth.e (S.C.J.2): more resistors ill which cvidence collected and analyzed. of an electrical circuit with one or of conscrvation of electric charge can be Lea •.••ing Ohjeetive (5.C.J.3): Thc studcnt is able to use a description or schematic diagram of an clectrical circuit to calculate unknown values of current in various segments or branches of the circuit. Electrostatics Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 20 sections 1 - 3 (the rest of the chapter and chapter 21 is HIGHLY recommended continue in future physics class but not required for AI' Physics I) As you read answer all Stop to Think ,!uestions (Cheek your answers on page 664) and work problems. I. J. thmugh if you will all example Below is a list of what you necd to t.Ollieaway frol11 )'our I.eading. Deline: a. conductor b. charge conscrvation c. electrostat;c d. electrically e. electric "2. reading and insulator equilibrium neutral f(m~c Coulomb's Law Know: a. the direction of electric forces I,)r objects b, thc magnitude c, the unit lor charge ci, why mctals are conductors e, the equation of charge on an electron, for Coulomb's with like charge, unlike charge proton law in terms of magnitude and direction Ill' ahle to: n. explain what happens to the negative charges in a conductor when a positively charged object is held nearby. h. cxp1:lin what happens to the negative charges in an insulator when a positively charged object is held nearby. c. how objects acquire d. in terms of f()rces. why the glass bead accelerates a positive charge if the protons are fixed ill the nucleus of the atoms. up toward the plastic bead in example 20.5. Unit 9. Electrostatic Circuits Forces Name: and Circuits _ Rt.'ading Assignment: Read Chapter 22 (all sectioos) and Chapter your answers 23 st'ctions I - 5. As you rcad answer all Stop to Thiok 'Ioestions (Check 011 pag<.~726~7(3) ~lIId wurli: thnHlgh all example prohlems. Below is a list or what you need to talit.' away frolll your reading. I. Defioe/Know h. terminal voltage b. direction of current J. the meaning c. .I. series connection k. I. m. n. parallel coooection a. electric current junction d. emf e. resistance (& units) f. resistivity g. 2. ohm's law used ill a circuit diagram ammeter voltmeter kilowall hour Explain: a. What creates current in a wire b. why current entering c. The I:lctors that affect resistance d. what type of energy is dissipatcd e. Kirehhoffs Junction f. Kirchhofr s loop law g. what happens to the magnitude of current when it flows through a resistor h. what happens of the potential I. why the bulbs are equally bright in example J. why the bulbs in ligure 23.5 are all equally bright k. why balteries 1. how a ammeter a light bulb = current leaving a light bulb at a resistor and why that results in a potential drop at a resistor law to the magnitude when it !lows through a resistor 23.2, but in figure 23.8 bulbs I3&C are dimmer than bulb A. drain faster in a parallel circuit than in a series circuit and voltmeter nl. the steps for analyzing 3. of symbols should be connccted a complcx in a circuit circuit Be able to: a. calculate current (in tcrms of charge and timc) b. calculate current (in terms of voltage and current) c. calculatc resistancc (in tcrms of voltage and current) d. calculate resistance (in terms of resistivity, e. caleulate power f. calculate the cquivalcnt (total) resistance ofscries g. calculate the equivalent (total) resistance of parallel resistors h. draw a circuit with an ammeter I. analyze a complete length and area) and voltmeter resistors connected properly circuit and solve for currcn!' voltage and resistance J. calculate the equivalent (total) capacitance of series capacitors k. calculate the equivalent (tolal) capacitance of parallel capacitors at any point Electrostatics 1. Problems Two lightweight balls hang straight down when both are neutral. They are close enough together to interact, but not close enough to touch. a. Both are touched with a plastic rod that was T" rubbed with wool. @ b. Draw pictures showing how the balls hang if: fY\ov-t- @ ~ ~ ~ t>':WJ}. ""- A Ball A is touched by a plastic rod that was rubbed with wool and ball B is touched by a eO\...C\r....o~ glass rod that was rubbed with silk. ~ if c. 1w'OXd. ynove Both are charged by a plastic rod, but ball A is T""'\. charged more than ball B. YY\S:)Vi( @ d. ~ S~ l~ ClVV\.~ bv-k~fl<%l1<-) Ball A is charged by a plastic rod. Ball B is neutral. 7 "" (Y\Ove- ~v.:o-sd. pO.lM"-~~ @~ 2. ~ (tII\I~ ..to..c..h ~ ~ r\J2M.~ -m ~ Io~. After combing your hair briskly, the comb will pick up small pieces of paper. a. b. rl?~ ~~~ ~ Is the comb charged? How do you know? How can you be sure that it isn't the paper that is charged? ~-ur5 VULNtrecQ -~ c. ,?\~~ V-{) Is your hair charged after being combed? ~, d. ~ 12'1,w-& Io.A--r '} lorv\b. Propose an experiment c.C'v\A-~ '?~' to test this. .e.-l-e.c)-ric frwc-e. wl~ ~~'!.u-r. What evidence do you have for your answer? crppu ~tk ~ LOrv\--b. What kind of charge is the comb likely to have? Why? YV\.<XN? 1- - 3. A negatively charged electroscope a. Suppose you bring a negatively charged rod close to the top of the electroscope, touching. b. has separated leaves. How will the leaves respond? but not Use diagrams and words to explain. How will the leaves respond if you bring a positive charged rod close to the top of the electroscope, but not touching? ~cuJt) Use both charge diagrams and words to explain. (,\jll ( ~ c1o~(' B Elcctrostatics 4. Problcms Metal sphere A is initially neutral. A positively charges rod is brought near, but not touching. Is a now positive, negative or neutral? 5. Metal spheres A and B are initially neutral and are touching. brought near A, but not touching. 6. Explain Is A now positive, negative, or neutral? Metal sphere A is initially neutral. It is connected 7. Explain. by a metal wire to the ground. positively charged rod is brought near, but not touching. neutral? A positively charged rod is A A Is A now positive, negative, or Explain. A lightweight, positively charged ball and a neutral metal rod hang by threads. close but not touching. They are A positively charged rod is held close to, but not touching, the hanging rod on the end opposite the ball. a. + + Drawa picture of the final positions of the hanging rod and the ball. Explain your reasoning. b. Suppose the positively charged rod is replaced with a negatively charged rod. Draw a picture of the final positions of the hanging rod and the ball. Explain your reasoning. :t- ..-----------.--/' 7;; f, J 8. B For each pair of charges, draw a force vector on each charge to show the electric force acting on that charge. The length of each vector should be proportional represents the same quantity of charge. <-0 8--" ~O e~++ ~ ++ to the magnitude L (] e- T of the force. Each + and - symbol Elcctmstatics 9. Problems What change in the number electrons would give an object the following a. + H? b. -2~C c. +8 ~C d. \o!rt-. lJ>.1.'5). \\JIS -3.2~C :It" .1\ \.1-6'1:\o'~ '3~ S ~\O'~ to!rt7.lC.\0'~ charge? e\-e(.,~~ -= 0~cl.. ~c.When 10. A marble is given a charge of +2.1~C, and a super-ball is given a charge of .7.0 they are separated by 52 mm, what is the electrical force between them? 't,~ +2.\~~~"C \<.Jq"II't1-I~ __ ~::. .~ +~ 't'2~-1~\O ~ '------"r'1- '1'£lO" __ (2. \'1-\0")(1 X\O"') __ ---- P-t'?9 (C;;'l..)qD~)"" N) --- (' :: 6'2.)C \0 r'" \<-.",q'f-\Oil. In a Coulomb style experiment ~c. 2 pith balls of the same mass are given equal but opposite charges of 0.014 When separated by a distance of lO-cm, what is the electrical force between them? C °. 'l -:..ol't,110" C q,-= 1- f:: -II .01'-1111 -1. 1~\O .[e ::: yJ't.\\'t'l.) •. J N _ o 't, 10 -- q 10'1 (I,?~ Y-IQ'(I) \ '11 1l't1-I..- -:::) 2'2.0 = 'f. I,' )1... -- 1._~_=-_----~ = ~ '(.['1... - ('1- . \1- ~ L-. = 2..u,'-!~IO-~C ) _1. --~- is rubbed vigorously through someone's hair, pulling electrons from the hair and depositing them upon the balloon. If the balloon's charge is .2.00-~C, what is the electrical force between the balloon and THE '1 _ '""e.erson's 'it --,,~:~:- "c 'l. head when they are separated by a distance of 3.0'cm? t:~f:-l :f.'t7l y.;::'I l'ID 'l:L4. IO ,,~=--q)(..:...JO_~\_l_'2_l' 1_0_- "'_X_"2.X_ _ -_")_ \<-.I't,)\ '11.-\ ~::: -=) r'l. -;:' K ( 't,) ('It.) r'2. ~ r:: -: ")15. Two 25.0 g spheres are hanging from lightweight J5''£\O') lSlc~\D") 'l...-= ~ - \'61<0 strings that are each 35.0 cm in length. r r= -=-F 1 '3~'l Each has the same charge. They repel each other and make an angle of 5.00° to the vertical. a. Drawa free body diagram of each sphere below.~? e- 'tl\..<.p '3,: •.d, \ {'\Cj .fV~HS ic~ )( c.if'~LHIfY'~o\,,-(, '1.' I rqc; N ~-- Find the distance (in cm) between 2 positively charged spheres (+56~C) if the electrical force between them is \= =- \ ~~N 186 N. "l,""1.1.::'SwrC 'f:-or~IO -=- '(3~IO-1.)"2. -'1. y--:. '3~ID rY' to<- 4 (p X 16 of the second charge? ~~I"" ,~l'2..'/{'i.\P ..- -::: 2.'2., r; rJ r "'q~IO"il3. A balloon "" I \ -=- I , I of 15.5 flC is placed 12.8 cm from a second charge. If the force between the charges is 22.5 N, what i~ the magnitude 1 .OI'i~(Ov)(.OIIi)l:IO-II) ~\.__ ----(_"')'1. '( 1"\ \(." q 'f.l~\.A charge '1. -= 1'5.'5'1\0 _1'1'1:10")' -- \.. b. .t='e 'r" : 'i' r' "'1': <D+: = to"2.S ]( '1. ~,') = l' fiN:!HY\\\~ forte \Ai"") ~t>rt~.0" y- d.i<"< lh"", ~t::'. -= 0 :: 'n, ---\", j 'J r 0 _ ,... • r:... -l-j -= f'1'.j -::-. .2.45 - ToT (q;5 'J -= .1."5 - • 'ZH5'l N +; ~ .. What IS the magl1ltude of the charge on each sphere?~? r.-6'£:: 0 ::-,f; ~ W- x -.r. 1""y. ~e =-~" . I='e -= ~ Si('\'5' .r.:: l'-I 't,1I '< •. \ e 'l..: r=T 1A.1.\"'~ ?1'M.()..~0V''''C'-'''' ~ .\-"AH>'"-"'" ('2- j.ot.\~-=G~\lJ'Jl~)"-~ACI (' <" -=> :~.. l.ot.) T t=e -= (. 7...4~9)(~(\S') -= , .245 N : . _~ 0'1.\'i h.::: - co\, IS - 19..-::.~. 2lRlt\0 \ C X ( ,,~ -;:' .3 S 'i0 t"\ 5 ,03 ,= .olp oI.;'i>~Le." U Elee!l'ostatics Problems ~4h~ ~~~~ -,~-~~I'lf2:1111 --. 0~---0 t.',' -'II 16. Two small objects, each with a charge of .4.0 nC, are held together by a 0.020 III length of insulating string as shown in the diagram above. The objects are initially at rest on a horizontal, nonconducting frictionless surfacc. The effect of gravity on each object due to the other is negligible. (a) Calculate the tension in the string. -r -:.re -= \<- q I 'l2-:: #) I'The masses of the objects are ( ~)( \0 ) ,,1.'1'1(\0 G) _ \ 0.030 kg and = 1Il2 = '2 . lJ,<O'llO-~ N loO'2.)2- III I -1 \'l. -, J 0.060 kg. The string is now cut. (c) Calculate thc magnitude of the initial acceleration of each object. 7..f--;. '0"'0-.. ~.to )(10- '1 r~ = (..p:'> ""~ --o-.--::-.-()-\ l...-m-2.-------] S .t>~ ~ '3. U>'flO -'1 ::. ~ :0 fY\ ().. (, OLo) ex. \--fA.--=--. -D-O-l&>-~--1 ~ 57. J (d) On the axes below, qualitatively sketch a graph of the acceleration a of the object of mass versus the distance d between the objects after the string has been cut. 1Il2 ,I I J .0'2.. (e) Describe qualitatively what happens to the speeds of the objects as time increases, assuming that the objects remain on the horizontal, nonconducting frictionless surface. iV\C({ttvln:J ~ol 0-.tu..\...trevh'"uv\, ~(\~Y'-i.¥\~ 1V\Pi~ . ~~ oj~CX'€~ ~ oLe UYAA'fj rcvk. o....~ ~')" be CVWt-ej l'V\,O~ W'Vll; +cvV oJ- ~ 'l~ ~ e..\e ~~ '\ .lJ')(\D'" Current 11doesn't maller !low fJluc!lyou Worksheet Problems wanl. ~.Vhalrea/~r malters is hm~ t11uchyoll Wpnl it. The e).:lent and complex;')' of the problem does not mailer U'GSmuch as does (he willingness to solve il. -- Ralph ~arston 17.7.45 X '1~= :l I~tfiiie r -= l'-11F\ \ ..~~~~,"')(\.v~\OV) current in a ctcuit is 0.250 A, how many el ctrons are flowing past a set point in 0.155 second? q:-\, -=:. G~\:.= -=- ') 'I: -t ""l'2.s')GI'5 ~ wi~\: :tot ~ .~~~~ t 1017 electrons take 0.810 seconds to flow past a point in the circuit. What is the current? ) '" . D 3~'~CJjj: ::: ~~~; '1 -= t> \ ~ - '" \-" - Q\:1>..... 1.1<> -., 19. A wire carries a 4 A current. What is the current n a secon~ire half the time? -r- - 9. T::~A. vVi('~'l.: 1:.9- - -b 4 -= Y'I .L. _) '-l ~ - t 20. A''hair drver draws 1.12 A when plugged into a 1 o V circuit. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,"1 -&- 1..4 2.x.\O e\e~ that delivers tv;' "s1TlUdrchargc III . \ What is its resistance? :: l~ :: [0-,_\ l.t_...cL_---...~ 1:..::: \.ILA 21. A light bulb has stamped upon it the Ii.JlIowing in ormation, "60 W 120 V". How much current will flow through the bulb? y -==- \'2..0 y V ='"I:- '/1_ ,?:::(c0 w ~ -y; ~ '? _ ~ ~ 1: - Y - I=? 22. A hot plate has an internal resistance of22.0 (a) 1.low much current did it draw? -i.-=-V 1<.::."2.'2J1V=:\ 1...0 y' 1:;:: ~ Q. \'20 _ l- 1- -=\.•.....__S P<. ~_\ I operates on 120 V household AC electricity. ::\ S.y A 2'2 12. (b) How much power did it develop? ?::: \ V ::: (S.4'S'j( \ 2..0):: LP0~'1. (c) If it operated for IS minutes. how much heat d d it develop (hint: work done by fr,::ic::t:::io:.:.:n!;.)?:..-_--, -t~lS"",,('\ 0< v.J'=b -t;;,- _-:;J 1• ,?-:: ",S4.cjd) 9cos ?= ~€ ==) 65 -=.?-t =(LPS4.S.:Jl"lot)J-:::\5~'10S0 J" } If a kWh costs 4.5 cents. how much did it cost y. CO c.eY\..\-S X • '2.'5 V X.1t> 0 run the thing? '-1-5 ~ -. ~W&4t.~ 23. Is 12 greater than, less than or cqual to II? Explail. _I -,.... U. I \ v.p0-9::. -,L-f ( J Current Worksheet Problems is holt' 1I111ch}'OlllVGllI nof malle,. was I11l1chas does the willingness 10 sn/l'e it, -- Ralph Marston II dOeSn'lmoller hou'lIllich you want. What rea/(r maflcrs il. The extent and complexity of/he prohlell1 does 24. All wires in this figurc are made of the same material and have the same diameter. Rank in order, tj'omlargest to smallest thc currents II to 14 rt..~~Le C3~ 25. What is thc size of the current in the flHlrth wire? Is the current into or out of the junction? Explain. 26. What is the resistance of a copper wire, diameter of 1.50 mm and length 25.0 m? (Pc," = I. 72x 1O's Om) \.5)',lO-;", A-: ~ = ,t>ooOOl1lP1 L _ ('1-13 \ c\-::: L -=- Z. '5 TV') .• IZ:: P A -= (1.12.1': I() 1.-\ <i~\ 0 I) ClOO II ~--i) ~ :: \ .1'2..)( \0 'l'..o-YY'o ~: ~ 27. You have a long wire with resistance R. You would like to ~;;-,~ir~:fIt~an e length but with a resistance 2R. Should you (a) changc to a wire of the same diameter but made ofa matcrial having twice the reisistivity. or (b) change to a wirc made of the same material but with halfthc diameter? Or will either do? Explain. A "0:Q.'2.. fl.,: ~ =-) ~ -=-p L+> L J<,d::.1P <isO ~ ~ p L.- (p(\~~ Y ~ 'lTV1~ f> ,~ !:: R:;= Po ( ~A.Ni<v\ \.. 1- A = ~\ 'i\ ( D 1"1. ~. -:. 1\ "~ -tr L- ~ !V: 2-9 Ii' ~"" x'-l 1<.. A 0h... . 'LE':'WiI'e I a'ij;1wire-~ arc made of the same m'etal and al~lh~ same length. Wire I has tWIce the diameter and halfthc voltage across its ends. What is thc ratio of ll/h? l. V V tC -::0 ~ :: ~~ ~ p "l..., T \ -::: - (2, __ v, 1:-J2. _?9. A grap 10 particular a. f" ~ \D '2- 2. _ •• -=- f' 0 I .. f' vo tage ISglvcn or a \ 111'"""1. '-t wire seglllcnt. 1:\ 1(1\) 4 What is the resistance of the wire o-Y...- "-' - I. 3 - 2 b. Sketch and label on the same graph what I vs. L'I V would look like Illr a wire made of the same material but twice as long as the wire in part a. Vi 21<,::. c. 2. -VI1- f \. CUl'l"elllas a unction = I JL o o II \' (V) 2 4 6 8 10 12 Sketch and label on the same graph what I vs. L'I V would look like for a wire made of the same material but with twice the cross-sectional area or thc wire in part a. (7 >-z Currcnt Workshcct Problcms II doesn'IIIJaller how much you want. tYhat really mailers ;.'1 how much you want if. The ex/e11land complexity (ithe proh/em does nol mulfer was lI1uch as does fhe willingness to solve if. -- Ralph Marston 30. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the currents I I to I 4 through these four resistors. 2V ! -{ + IV Q-I --c:=J 2 il I'\;.~~"i::!\~ + G--t Q. -( T'2.c~=.S"~, 2V I tV .j- (1---t -{ Q J;.-=f-=2I''' (1---t IU I~..,t"l":' j I'?, >"1:, :: 1:"'1 >-..t'Z. 31. Two resistors of equal lengths are connected to a battery by ideal wires. The resistors have the same radii but are made ofdilferent materials and have different resistivity's p with PI>P2. a. Is the current II in resistor I larger than, smaller than~e sam\bls h in resistor 1lJx5Itt~-.+l'\e'i\'61-oY'S J~ oY\,('D.Ml ~ \r\ ~ lJ'ii~ (.C\\~{J,,)~ C'l\ ~ + 2 Y\O ~ ') b. Which of the two resistors diss~)ates the larger amount of power? Explain. ?~1:'JO'i-r:.2.«. c. 1: M.j.{,o ~~, k71.P1-(Z, >~2. ~. r<"digb\~ Is the voltage LlV I across resistor I larger than, smaller than, or the same as LlV 2 across res~ Explain. 6V1 'G--t~ ,>1::>\/1. ~I )\<.-2: I ~ ~. %e ~ V=T.t2 32. Redraw the circuits below using standard circuit symbols with only right angle connections. ~."'-_J '" '~~i@) - ~\. 2. ~"=~, -~ ~~~"~ ~ L" C;; : ''rf ~ ,~~~~ ~"=~==- ~ 33. A Ilashlight bulb is connected between two 1.5 V batteries as shown. Does the bulb light? Why or why not'? No I bR. (A C,ovJ-\ ("'\~ V\.X'c.1M* ~ \.A.CLR. -'P C»'t1 ~C".l5I \M b. Rank in order, tromlargest RJ. V= re. to s~e~ ~ resistances R1, R2, and _. _ ~{1LJ- ''''+1, ~crop-.__ 34. Current lin !lows into the three resistor connect togeher one after the other. The graph shown the value ofthc voltage as a funciton of distance. a. Is 1Onlgreater than, less than, or cqual to lin? Explain. ecc ~ V H, f,.-~/~A f' \ ~ \ ~ CUI'rent Worksheet It doesn't Problems how much YOll want. What really mailers is how much )'Olt \',.'antit. 7'l1e extent and complexity of/he proh/em n01lJlafler was much as does the willingness to soh:e if. -- Ralph Marston 35. Examine this circuit. V -::~ malleI' '«.. a. Write the Kirchhoff's Loop Rule equation for this circuit. V€, - 1: I l2., - -:t2.~'Z.- "t:'!> Ve, ." U.2.)tICC» b. e~= t:> -t~.'2X15) (\.'2.).'00") ~ l<r~') What is the total current. \.1.. A c. . What is the voltage drop at each re.sistor? (\.2)( vlOO 100) -:: \20v' 0.'2.)( 'Stij' -::.(pO Vso v 'joy ~.'2..Jl.'_S_~_-_-\( ~ -= '2,..-, 0 V v'S 36. Draw a circ~; for whili.h the Rirchhoff loop rul;'e.a;-'ation is: n. 6v-ll.2n)-~1.4b)=o ~ Y" lPV~ (2., h. 12 V Q.1. -0,. 4n)= 12 V -(I,. 6n~= a Q, c. 9V~,. 12..V- e1. lZ., 121. ~~ 3q= 9V -tt, . sq.t, . 3'9= a S~Q2' Yo rn v.. 'i", Yo '1v.- lZ, ~ la3 37. For the circuit to the right a. Write the Kirchhoffs Loop Rule equation. 1'2.- L.I (2.'5) ~ \'2. -1:1..( 1'5)." 11. b. Determine current through the circuit r bCU<::\ = l?::- I, t + 2'5 c. r~(4'6) = 11. -1:..., (os"'J = 0 12.() V ~ 1:2, -\' 1:~l' J1=.. -t 1'2- IS Determine the currenrthat I_V - ,,~ I" 12, - 12.. '2..'5 - = ~2 = -\~ I,,:: -:: [~ -- 1'2.. 05 goes throu • T::: R 12.(.L -t '2.'0 h each resistor 'i 00 A ~-A ~ ::::L '" !1- -= \. 2-(,,, Po] 12?, I,s - 1:.'-1 -t- "is n 35.(} n 45.(} ~ V Lf5 *y"" ~i"\"-. ?>1f A J Ie I" '-+ -' 'is -t":") -= 1'2..(.1'51)-= '3~ \.'1 A does Current Worksheet Problems II doesn', moUer !low much YOli want. What really matters is how much you wanl il. The extent and complexity (~rtheproblem does not maUer was much as does the willingness to solve it. -- Ralph Marst"' •.. 2.-\ 38. For the circuit on the right: a. Write the Kirchhoff loop rule equation \1 - r:: ('2.) - 1:('1) -=. '0 I 11 V \1.-l'2.)("2.) -t~(Lt}=0 Calcuiate the Voltage lost at the 4£1 and 2£1 resistor b. in this circuit. <? V, 4 c. V 11 v~ (J: 12.) V4 : L I HI ~(L) I On the graph of voltage vs. location in circuit, graph the Voltage changes in the circuit. (J 39. For the circuit to the right: a. (p - b. r.('i) -r:("2..; = 0 Calculate the current in the circuit. lJ::: (pI.::: ';> c. 1: ::.~ =8 L: 6V : -IQ Calculate the voltage drop at each resistor V If ::: r r< .:. (nut) = fYV\ v1. ::. 1: 12 :: d. ? A Write the Kirchhoff loop rule equation. 0) ("2.) -=~ On the graph of voltage vs. location in circuit, graph the Voltage changes in the circuit. " "vW 20 } CU'Tent Worksheet If doesn', no/mafla Problems malleI' holl' /1/lich YOlf want. What really malleI's Ivas much as does the willingness 10 solve it. -- 40. What is the equivalent is how much you want il. 71u!e;r/ent and c011lplf!xify Ralph Marston resistance of each group of resistors? I _ ~ t \JL -, i T- - -= ~ :'::'3" .~ .. ""- (~rthe problem ~\ does \ l., 1"?::. t, ts> ~t~ \ r.:r;~\~ ~l. .' II! ,. .t:..f'I ,"',1': :1.1'I .. 0:"... -;. 1: -t -l.2.2 --,. 2. \ ~'" ~: I I ". -1 I" '3 L-J 'V'.V.'2Jl v.,'':'' .;- -t..!.. "'-V~;"-I-. I'\"'1- 71:.,., ~'.,.";'::2,, .~... ::-:" :;:;::)" j -~'r 1..~.L ~=.5' ~ '3 .2 + -=: 1:: ~ '3 2 t + emf is large enough that both bulbs are glowing. brightly? Exp~ain. \h.. ~~ blAibS Pc:II,V-er.ike b~S OJ e't.~ \)()I~ cl l' = :I:'1.~ .../,~ 'I. T (M)" C710 oUk1~ titu. (;UI.e ~ A; > 13 = C ~ ~S o...x-e \~tp...{l ~ 9=r2.~ \\tv ~ 6qC ~ . 60 IV -1-=- I e8 J 100IVj J the brightness of the ~ r:GA= ~~ }h~ ~ .M-.M b~. 43. Initially bulbs A and B are glowing. ~ '2. _' ..._ ..... _ .... 'iM'\(.-e:t ~ ~ S~ q.A'OV:>~ ~. 42. Bulbs A, Band C are identical. Rank in order, from most ttteast, three bulbs. Explain. . _~ > 12'00 ~V() ~.,o ~ [ ~D VV \/<.00 ) e:t.*::::r::h:> ~ + Which one glows more -ervJe "2- -=- :. I 2.. 241V.A 60'1N light bulb and a 100 W light bulb are placed one after the other in a circuit. The battery's '2. 1,""';-=3 :Ie:/5 l •.• tes A = .M Rc c ~ Then the switch is Qlosed. What happens to each bulb? Does it get brighter, stay the same, get dimmer or go out? Explain. A ~~ CLD~ I.RCL b",,~ ~ Uu?0~1&v 3 ~crG& ovU- ~c~ ~h C51NfL3lP~ + j re~n-(;U"\.L.e) . B 'C1 . 44. What happens to the light intensity of a set of identical lamps in series when you add an additional c~ '6'0 45. What happens to the light lamp? How comc? \10 intensity of a set of identical ii-- 'O{.C.~ iV\ ~j(\ il)c.r-ec.....~ ~~ cN.~. Q..,v-X'~ C~ CtM"Y'u-vt 0M""reAA-k 'oeC~ ol,C,rY'\~ ~ lamp? How to-.lh- A p~ b"'0vv\.Lh., ~ lamps in parallel when you add an additional ,'D ~ &<PCU"'0vK atoM ~~). '.j.. lo-r;p ~ ~L (~ ! tl".CY'e '2. 3 Current Worksheet Problems II doesn'lmaffer not mafle,. was how much you wan!. What really mailers is how much you want if. The e.;'(lentand complexity (?flhe proh/em does much as does (he willingness to solve it. -- Ralph Marston (q -:r( 10)-T(20) -:I~3<::>J 46. Fill out the table for the circuit diagramed at the right Circuit Position R] R2 R3 Total (p Resistance Voltage (V) (n) .10.0 20.0 30.0 Current (A) • 1 t>. \ V 100.0 -1: l(,o)~ l.V . '2.,"'; • \ f>" y ~"!:e. f>< \ ,,~ 6.00 =(:.1)(10')::\ 47. Fill. out the table for the circuit diagramed at the right \0 - ~,(IO) -::0 Circuit Position R] R2 R3 Total ~ Resistance 10.0 20.0 30.0 (, Y 1. .3 f.fY 6.00 1)-' -= (.!!- -+ '20 -t 00 .'-.LQo T I .lPA V (0 '5. Y6..n.. (\ t -- \. \0 J:= Voltage (V) . Current (A) (n) "1:2.:' Pr \.\ A CoO (pO io:.. 3 lp - I:'3 ('61» =-0 2:.)"' _ \1 of IP_ IP 0 - . (p- II. ('2...t:) -:::. 0 P<- . "l2. \ '" ... - (.Do .t :: ..•• -\.p-1. .L", - - • " ~o 48. Fill out the table for the circuit diagramed at the right Circuit Position R] R2 R3 Total Resistance Voltage (V) (n) 10.0 20.0 30.0 1 !<-R't - - \ 2.0 rZ #t -= -t '2.1 v' ."2-7 3.:' .110", ~ • II A ?:J .!:> £.. J-.n. V V 6.00 L :. ?:>"D Current (A) .2lt10 • "2.'" A A '2... T (go (,:,- (.2i)lIC)-I2(u» LP- 2.,-=.1:2.("2.0) 1 0 -+ !"2.. -=- 2. 2. ...rL v - r,(IO) L. - 1: ,(10) - "T.~7..o)~ a - I3l'6")"-c ~ - 2..1 " r 3('61:» 3.~ 30 1:'",,<fi) -:;r- 1:3"=.1 I ~D Current Worksheet Problems II duesn't maller hoH' much you want. What really matters is how much yuu 'want il. The e.r:lenland complexil)' a/rhe prohlem does 1101muller was much as does {he wdlingness to so/\'e it. -- Ralph Marston s J.n n -\ Hulf".A -=. 9(JV (Ut (d) n Bulo IJ 1. 3.0.n 1 OulbC light bulbs of fixed resistance 3.0 Q and 6.0 Q, a 9.0 V battery, and a switch 5 are connected as shown in the schematic diagram above. The switch 5 is closed. (a) Calculate the current in bulb A. ~~:: 1+2. -:. '5..n. V~ (b) =. 1:'Oo.>'t ~O<t Calculate the current in bulb B and bulb C. 'j - rA(~) -1:6(t.» q - (\~')(~) -= q -X/>o(3) -l:.c.("3):.c '=1) (p:t', 3.\# -::: "~'S.,-\ -::: \.Q:t:a b 1:, fIe.'" l.lA J ~.I1-:=(P~~ r1: ::. i;19 . (c) Which light bulb is brighftis" .Iusily your answer by calculating the power for each bulb. ~~~j ~ fl~1.12. = O.<6J __ ~ C- ~:: r'2..j2. -::Q.'2.)"Z.(~) ~ ~,,1:"2.12 \ -=(.lP)"l.(U)V"W C~):'f\.12."'1 ~f:~'l..W (c) Switch S is then opened. By checking the appropriate spaces below, indicate whether the brightness or each light bulb increases, decreases, or remains the same. Explain your reasoning for each light bulb. i. Bulb A: The brightness __ increases ~deereases __ remains the same Explanation: tirCv1.4- i'::> no.,.:> ~.eQ ~ ~ c;lQ.~ f>=-I.~ II. Bulb B: The brightness Explanation: C\,VV'r~ Ill. Bulb C: The brightness Explanation: c #-inereases +h ~ decreases e, remains the same ..A.b ~ __ increases $deereases __ ~ remains the same 'ole V\,W) \_- e..u-cW-t ~:: :.T~ 3t (p -:: q n. = Tn. -=I6-~ Current Worksheet Problems II doesn', maller huw much you wan!. What really matters is how much YOlf wan! it. The extent (1mlcomplexity (~rlheproblem does no! molter ira.\"much as does the willingness 10 so/t'c it. -- Ralph Marston 2. Two lightbulbs, one rated 30 W at 120 V and another rated 40 W at 120 V, are arranged in two different circuits. (a) The two bulbs are first connected in parallel to a 120 V source. i. Determine the resistanc.c-ofthe bulb rated 30 Wand the current in it when it is connected in this circuit. ,,'L.. V"'L :p -=: f.2. "1<.,-=15" -= r '\ '2-0)"1-. l.! at> ~ -.:: l<::: 4 ~2( I = ~ -= ~ ~ L.ffsD ~ 0'S l'cj • II. Determine the resistance of the bulb rated 40 Wand the current in it when it is connected in this ,,2.. circuit.? ~ ~ -=-") V' U'1..D)"2.. ~ Rr \3::;; '-to y 1'2.0 ~-::\ r::: te-:: ~ ~ -:.~ (b) The bulbs are now connected in series with each other and a 120 V source. i. Detelll1ine the resistance of the bulb rated 30 Wand the current in it when it is connected in this circuit. S~ y~o n. if', ~~ ~~:: 4%c "'0(,,0 :: %l-\D..el- =G)'-tA \ L-:: ~ II. Detel:rnine the resistance of the bulb rated 40 W and th~ecurrent in it whe~t CIrcUIt. c ~ 'DloO.n.. o . ~~ is connected in this . (c) In the spaces below, number the bulbs in each situation described, in order of their brightness. (I = brightest, 4 = dimmest) Z 30 W bulb in the parallel circuit _, 40 W bulb in the parallel circuit 2> 30 W bulb'in the series circuit ~ 40 W bulb in the series circuit (d) Calculate the total power dissipated by the two bulbs in each of the following cases. i. The parallel circuit ii. The series circuit 'V=-TL..Q -= C:.\'-01.- ("H ~ Cl ') -=- 9 .t--\{)~ \;'J ~t:> ?'1 0 -=- (. \ '-\)'2- ( 2>(0,:;) .-=: I. 05 \0 V'l n; Current Worksheet Problems It doesn't matter how much you want. What rea/~l' rnal/ers is how much you want it. The extent and complexity (?fthe problem does nvtmatler was much as does the willingness to solve it. -- Ralph Marston .' 3. The circuit above contains a battery with negligible internal resistance, a closed switch S, and three resistors, each with a resistance of R or 2R. (a) (i) Rank the currents in the three resistors from greatest to least. with number 1 being greatest. If two resistors have the same current, give them the same ranking. \ IA ~ 2- III Ie (ii) Justify your answers. \W-.U~ ~oJd~ ~ ~ <Z:0,-ts CA.k-j\A."f. c...\-1\JY\. '\ZC -hR1J~b +'vv~h 'I[\~ 0.. \~ ~ '(~\~e"1Jo 6'1't (b) (i) Rank the voltages across the three resistors lI'om greatest to least, with number I being greatest. I two resistors have the same voltage across them, give them the same ranking. ~ 2.. \ VA (ii) Justify your answers. \oe.c.~'K- C-\.A-X'r~ '6 q C . 2 VB ~~ . . U '1ro -IT-u:ii\ \~ f<-A -:.1-g ~ Ve ~'.l . U. T'tb For parts (c) through (e), usc € = 12 V and R = 200 n, . (c) Calculate the equivalent resistance of the circuit. l<.~1= 2.-(£.00) +- (l.~Df-1./ooJ' =\'5~~.JI- (d) Calculate the current in resistor Re. \'2. - IA(2.\Z.) - L(.C~) ~ \'2. - (.O'"2-'26)('-tOO) \ '2. - 'C - Lc. (l ...oo)-=:O 9 -::1..-0'() Tc. Ie -= .OI15P< OJ 1 . ~ r. '" '-t'~ V c\Ko-p. ' ".. e. . AP Physics 1: Electrostatics and Circuits Answer Key --"" :I,..cv) "4ovt.. 2.c~.~:.i'" r.r~,~ .., 'l ~l,.)(;.J ':' .t'~,-,=.I". b. 3,\1l /\. i~ tOud,~ by a pb,lic 1('1(1thul ;::Ja~s!(lOjlila' wn.~ rubbt:d wi:h ••ill. \\ia.~n.lhhcd with wool acdball R j:. Illuched h~'II ., O,+-:••~..•...: '\7 !'rO d~ Co H<jlh ,<J'C dw~~d by <l pl:ll<tiC m.1, bul haJI /\ i., o.:haT~oofllme thall ball n . f.", ..•; •.:'1~:': •....l.,..;-! J. BIlII ~\ j, dlillS •.d hY:J pla ••tic r;.x1.Hall .; -<:fl'::'!..-.. !..) H..... < •.. n is Jleutral. , -.-,' ; &..t ..•• ;...••.;)-.,Jf!. ~ .j.... '0:. r~o..... ~ !r-> , . ,1? .••.:.c:'!A ~l.:. .::':~~ ~.;.,., ,?t:I'~:'-l:::~T .•:.'\ ':." -}'~.•." 2. a. yes b. neutral object doesn't cause force c. yes (equal but opposite of comb) d. negative 3. a. move farther apart b. leaves will come closer together. <---B 4. neutral 5. negative 9. a) 6.25 x 1018Lost 6. negative b) 1.25 x 1013gained 10.48.9 N 11. 1.76 x 10-4 N 12. 2.64 ~IC c) 5 x 1013Lost d) 2 x 1013gained 13.40 N 14.39 cm Fq r.~o / 1 r,:, Fe; 4 15.a. b. 9.26 x lOBC 16 a. 3.6xlO. N c) 0.012 m/s' & 0.006 m/s' d) 16 e. speed increases at a decreasing rate until it become constant at an infinite distance away. 17.0.147 A 18.2.42xlO17 19. 16 A 23. same 20.107 ohms 21. 0.5 A 26. 0.24 ohms 25.1 A out 22.a.5.45A b. 655 W c. 589 kJ d. 74 cents 27. A (b wont work) 28.2:1 - .1----" ..1-. 31a. Same b. R, c. V,>V, 33. No 34. a. same b. R3>R,>R, (pi t"Sf' t'lll 36.a. 37. a. Vb." -1,(25) 35 a. Vb'" -I,R, - I,R,- I,R3 = ,;lVG?] ~11 b. Cfv c. =. Vb." - 1,(15) = Vb.,,-13(45) = Vb.,,-I,(35) a 32. T , L I ..• r' ---..J b. 1.2 A c. 120 V, 60 V, 90 V ~Jf_ ~ = a b. 1.9 A c. 0.48 A, 0.8 A, 0.27 A, 0.343 A • AP Physics 1: Electrostatics and Circuits Answer Key ".':~:[j"'ifii i ,.,."..Ii .•... i-~r : I ! •... 38. a. Vb'" -I,R, - I,R,= 0 b. 8V, 4 V c. 40. a. 11 0 b. 9 0 41. 60 W 42.A>B=C c. 1 0 d. 0.5 0 '-- -' e. 7.5 0 f. 2.7 0 43. A gest brighter and B goes out. 44. dimmer 45. no change 46. Circuit Position Resistance (0) Voltage (V) Current (A) R, 10.0 1 0.1 R, 20.0 -:zr:' .() 2 0.1 3 0.1 R3 Total G.OO 60 0.1 47. Circuit Resistance Position (0) R, Iv.1) 6 0.6 R, 200 6 0.3 30.0 6 R3 Total Voltage (V) 5.45 Current (A) 0.2 6.00 1.1 48. Circuit Position Resistance (0) R, ".:).:.1 2.7 .27 R, 2U.O 3.3 .165 R3 30.1l 3.3 .11 Total 22 Voltage (V) 5.00 Current (A) .27 49 (1) a) 1.8 A, b) 0.6A, 1.2 A c) Bulb A d) A decreases, B increases, C decreases 50. (2) a) i. 480 0, 0.25 A ii. 360 0, 0.33 A b) i. 480 0, 0.14 A ii) 360 0, 0.14 A c) 2, 1, 3,4 d) i. 70 W ii. 16.5 W 51. (3) a) i. 1,3,2 b) i. 1, 2, 2 c) 533 0 d) 0.015A