Entity Configuration Quick Start Guide

Entity Configuration Quick
Start Guide
Nortel Devices
version 4.0, dated 4/25/13
replaces version 3.0, dated 2/25/13
Copyright © 2013 Tone Software Corporation
Confidential and Proprietary
This is an entity quick start guide, describing how to create new Nortel entities by using sample entities
configured for each of the Nortel devices.
Foundation kits for each of the device classes that are being monitored are installed.
IP address for each device for which you are creating an entity is available.
Center(s)/subcenter(s) already created.
User permission to access the ReliaTel Administration module.
Device-Specific Steps for SPS
This section provides details on how to complete the set up for the following Nortel devices.
CS1000 Call Server
Signaling Server
NRS Server
Call Pilot
CS1000 Call Server (SNMP Trap, Dashboard, and Ping Configuration)
The CS1000 Call Server is provided as an example of how to create an entity. Use these steps as a
template for creating entities for the other devices you are monitoring.
Devices and Correlated Sample Entities
Correlate the device for which you are setting up an entity with the sample entity.
Sample Entity
Signaling Server
NRS Server
Call Pilot
ReliaTel 4.1.2
Entity Quick Start Guide
Set Up the Channel
Each entity will have a dedicated channel in the cdata.conf file of the Data Acquisition Point (DAP).
To set up a channel for the entity:
1. Select DAPs in General Administration, then select the remote DAP that will be monitoring the
2. In the cdata.conf file look for the channel sample that matches the entity you are creating.
3. When you locate that sample, copy the entire block and paste it at the end of the list. For this
example, the sample is 'c-sample-CallServer.'
ReliaTel 4.1.2
Entity Quick Start Guide
4. Change the following:
o Channel name - this is the name within the brackets [ ]. Note this name, you will need it when
you create your entity.
o Enter the IP address of the device in the Account and Host 'fields'.
5. Click Apply.
Add the Entity
Three sample entities have been created. Match the sample entity to the device for which you are
creating an entity.
To begin, select Administration > General Administration > Entities.
Use the Filter to Locate the Sample Entities
1. In the upper right corner of the window open the filter.
2. In the 'Choose a column' field select Name. Leave the next selection - 'contains' unchanged. In
the last field enter 'sample.' The filter will automatically filter the list to show you only the sample
Create the Entity
1. In the Entities window select the sample-CallServer entity and click Copy.
ReliaTel 4.1.2
Entity Quick Start Guide
2. In the Details section, General tab, update the fields:
Note: This image shows the entries for the sample entity. Make the appropriate changes.
a. Enter a name for the entity.
b. Enter a description (optional)
Select the Center/Subcenter where the entity belongs.
d. Select the coverage for this entity.
3. Select the Logging tab and do the following:
a. Select the Log State check box. This enables logging and SNMP data collection.
b. Enter the channel name you created for this entity in the cdata.conf file.
Enter the remote DAP/channel
4. Select the SNMP tab and do the following:
a. Select the SNMP Collection Enabled check box.
b. Enter the Community String for SNMP walk with Read permission.
Select the correct SNMP walk version.
ReliaTel 4.1.2
Entity Quick Start Guide
5. Select the Ping tab and do the following:
a. Select the Ping Enabled check box to enable ping monitoring.
6. Click Apply.
Verify Connectivity
Confirm that your entity can communicate with the device. Open the Alarm List module and view the
Navigation tree. If your set up is successful the icon for the entity will be green. Note that it may take up to
90 seconds for the entity to register in the Navigation tree.
Send test alarms to confirm connectivity.
ReliaTel 4.1.2
Entity Quick Start Guide
Appendix A: Nortel CS1000 & Meridian(Options 11,61,81,etc) Alarming
Connectivity Types
The ReliaTel foundation kit for Nortel CS1000 and Meridian supports various connectivity types:
1. Nortel serial console <=> Terminal Server <=> DAP/RLT
Assign logging pattern l-nortel to the entity. In cdata.conf, create a channel similar to the following:
= Nortel serial console via terminal server
= digi-ts:2001
= 86400
Replace "digi-ts:2001" with the terminal server IP/hostname and port number.
The "chanSilent" parameter (in seconds) is used to generate an alarm when an entity has not receive any
data for the specified amount of time. In the example above, if no data has been received by the entity
for 86400s (24 hours), generate an alarm with text "Entity has been silent. Check setup"
2. Nortel serial console <=> Remote DAP <=> RLT
Assign logging pattern l-nortel to this entity. . In cdata.conf, create a channel similar to the following:
= Nortel serial console via serial port
chanEmulator = vt100
= /dev/ttyS0
= 9600
= even
= 86400
Replace "/dev/ttyS0" with the port that is used for the serial connection.
The "chanSilent" parameter (in seconds) is used to generate an alarm when an entity has not receive any
data for the specified amount of time. In the example above, if no data has been received by the entity
for 86400s (24 hours), generate an alarm with text "Entity has been silent. Check setup"
3. Nortel serial console <=> buffer box
Buffer boxes currently supported:
- SEB. Assign logging pattern l-seb to the entity.
- Netpath (must be configured to format alarms like a SEB). Assign logging pattern l-seb to the entity.
- Data Tracker. Assign logging pattern l-tracker to the entity.
- ION SA5600. No logging pattern is required.
- TeleBoss. Assign logging pattern l-nortel-snmp if TeleBoss is configured to send SNMP trap. If it is
dial-up connection, then assign logging pattern l-teleboss.
With the exception of the Teleboss via SNMP, create a channel similar to the following in cdata.conf:
= Nortel via buffer box (either SEB, ION, Tracker, or TeleBoss dial-up)
ReliaTel 4.1.2
Entity Quick Start Guide
= vt100
= 9,1-908-862-1913
= true
= 86400
Replace "SITE-ID-1" with the site ID that we are expecting the alarms to be sent from
Replace the phone number in "phone" with the correct number to dial out to the buffer box for remote
For Teleboss via SNMP, create a channel similar to the following in cdata.conf:
chanType = SNMPMGR
chanSystem = NORTEL CS1000 SNMP trap via TeleBoss
= # IP address of TeleBoss
chanSilent = 86400
Replace the IP address in the account parameter with the Teleboss source IP address.
The "chanSilent" parameter (in seconds) is used to generate an alarm when an entity has not receive any
data for the specified amount of time. In the example above, if no data has been received by the entity
for 86400s (24 hours), generate an alarm with text "Entity has been silent. Check setup.
4. Nortel eLan <=> DAP with rlogin channel <=> RLT
Assign logging pattern l-nortel to this entity. Create a channel in cdata.conf similar to the following:
= Nortel via ELAN
chanEmulator = vt100
device = scripts/rlogin.sh CPSID0111
= 86400
Add a script in the DAP's ReliaTel home directory with the following:
;# cat ~/scripts/rlogin.sh
;rlogin $1 -l $2
In the device parameter, replace "" with the IP addres of the Nortel device. The values "0111"
represent the alarms that will be turned on/off (in the example above, SCH is turned off, while MTC, BUG,
and TRF are turned on.
The "chanSilent" parameter (in seconds) is used to generate an alarm when an entity has not receive any
data for the specified amount of time. In the example above, if no data has been received by the entity
for 86400s (24 hours), generate an alarm with text "Entity has been silent. Check setup"
ReliaTel 4.1.2
Entity Quick Start Guide
5. SNMP Traps from Nortel devices to DAP
Assign logging pattern l-nortel-snmp to this entity. Create a channel in cdata.conf similar to the following:
chanType = SNMPMGR
chanSystem = NORTEL CS1000 SNMP trap
= 86400
Replace the IP address in the account parameter with the source IP address of the Nortel device.
The "chanSilent" parameter (in seconds) is used to generate an alarm when an entity has not receive any
data for the specified amount of time. In the example above, if no data has been received by the entity
for 86400s (24 hours), generate an alarm with text "Entity has been silent. Check setup"
Additional Notes
1. When creating a Nortel Meridian/CS1000 entity, please assign
"meridian" as the entity class.
2. Copy the ~/snmp/mibs and ~/snmp/nortel-mibs from the ReliaTel application server to the remote DAP
3. ReliaTel also includes pre-defined Knowledgebase articles for this foundation kit
4. ION SA5600 buffer box: Configure the ION SA5600 to send alarm using PHIRIS alarm routine (Tone
Software can also provide a foundation kit to automate the process of ION configuration)
Please add the following lines in <RLT Home>/etc/dap-definity.ini file on the remote DAP:
AppendTimestamp = true
ReliaTel 4.1.2
Entity Quick Start Guide
Appendix B: Nortel CS1000 & Meridian(Options 11,61,81,etc) Performance
Reporting Connectivity Types
The following are the supported connectivity types for performance reporting (e.g trunk utilization):
1. Nortel serial console <=> Terminal Server <=> DAP/RLT
Create an entity specifically for reporting, and assign logging pattern "l-nortel-stpr". Use the same
channel as the one used above for alarming.
2. Nortel serial console <=> SEB
ReliaTel can poll the report data from the Nortel, and use the SEB as a pass-through device.
Create an entity specifically for reporting, and assign logging pattern "l-nortel-stpr". Use the same
channel as the one used above for alarming. In the channel, add another parameter "login" to log into the
SEB, similar to the following
= Nortel via buffer box (either SEB, ION, Tracker, or TeleBoss dial-up)
chanEmulator = vt100
= 9,1-908-862-1913
= true
= 86400
= [] "VO99T7UX" Command: "7" Which "3"
In the example above, "V099T7UX" is the SEB password.
"7" represents pass-through access to the Nortel via SEB.
"3" is the dedicated port to collect reporting data (this can vary depending on the site).
Additional note: SEB programming may vary depending on the site. The SEB may prompt
Reliatel for borh the username and password. It may provide different menu options based on the
credentials. The recommendation is to first access the SEB manually, take notes on the
responses, and provide this information to Tone Software Support to validate the format of the
"login" parameter.
The Nortel login credentials are stored in the following session script. For a new entity for traffic reports
via SEB, you need to add the entity name to this file along with login name and password:
SESSION: alarm-mgr.generic.credentials
------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Session body
module AlarmMgr
module Generic
class Login
def credentials
# Entry format:
ReliaTel 4.1.2
Entity Quick Start Guide
# '<ent-name>' => ['<login_name>', '<password>']
'DEFAULT' => ['1234','1234'],
'SAMPLE ENTITY NAME' => ['username', 'password']
Assign the schedule "s-nortel-traffic-xxx' to the entity. This will allow ReliaTel to automatically poll the
Nortel device for report data on an hourly basis.
Nortel eLan <=> DAP with rlogin channel <=> RLT
Create an entity specifically for reporting, and assign logging pattern "l-nortel-stpr". Use the same
channel as the one used above for alarming.