7 ������������������������»��������������� THE WAIRARAPA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1909. SELECTED VERSES. "THE HAPPY LIFE." were written (These lines three years ago by Sir Heury WotUfundred A»n, the Provost of Etou College; the •* . and last verses were quoted re- Mr Asquith, the Prime House of Commons, when paviug tribute to the sterling qualities* of the late Sir Henry Canipbell-Bannerman, his distinguished predecessor in office.) cently by Minister," in the How happy is he born and taught That serveth not another's will— Whose armour is his honest thought, And simple truth his utmost skill! Whose passions not his masters are. for Whose soul is still prepared death Not tied unto the worldly care Of public fame or private breath. — Who envies none that mm MCa\As, Asthma, Bronchitis -M Lung troubles quickly cured 1 1 ANISEED I— EM ■ ■ " & SHARI.ANI) Co.. Premises next Empire Hotel on Friday Morning, cusMay 28th, and take this opportunity of thanking our stand, tbrners for tlie liberal support'accorded us' in our'old and hope for a continuance of their support in our new premises. All old customers and new welcomed. - "■■-■ praise; BSJHJ 4 > BABINGTON HI I—— wove In shining colours of iiope and love: And the angels smiled as they watched above. Yet little it cost in the giving. It was only a kindly word, A word that was lightly spoken Yet not in vain, For it stilled the pain J_)i a heart that was nearly broken. W_\li strengthened a faith beset by fears, groping blindly through mists of tears For light to brighten the coming years, Although it was lightly spoken. : AT ANY PRICE. THE "BELGICA. 55 Brilliant Light No Smoke No Chimneys toBreak " BELGICA " consumes less oil than any ordinary lamp. It will repay you to replace your old lamp with a NEW THE The Chairman reported that he had visited a number of schools in the Wairarapa, and he was pleased to be able to congratulate the Board upon the improved condition of its school properties iv that district. Though the Lansdowne school was not as well filled as its sanguine supporters led the Board to believe, he did noc thiuk the Board had over-built. He had adressed the nupils of each school upon his recent travels, and he believed his action had been appreciated. Iv his opinion, it was the chairman's duty to keep in direct touch with the work of education. Mr A. W. Hogg said he was satisfied that such a visit as the Chairman's put new life and heart into the teaching staffs, and it would be a good idea if other niemhers could do likewise. TENDERS AND WORKS. The acceptance of the following tenders, amoug others, was approved tables, Martin—Five teachers' borough, W. A. Bird, £1 3s Cd each; drainage. Martinborough. W. Roper, £13 10s; fencing. Martinborough, W. Maxton, £117 15s. Among the works authorised upon the Works and Finance Committee's recommendation were the following :— Island Bay, timber retaining wall; Kopuaranga, new basins, drainage, etc; Makuri, new front fence; Mitchelltown, new spouting and repairs to drains; Johnsouville, extra fencing, Upper Hutt, metalling; sheds, etc Rongokokako, breakwind north entrance; and Petone, grading and gravelling. It was decided to make application to the Department for grauts for erection of residences at Kaiparoro and QUEEN-STREET, : ; Mangamaire. 1 REPORTERS ON NATURE. "Nature will be reported," says Emerson. "All tilings are engaged in writing their history. The planet, the pebble,goes attended by its shadow Jjjbg rolling rocli leaves its scratches mountain; the river its channel In the soil; the auimal its bones in the stratum; the fern and leaf their mode?t epitaph in the coal. The falling drop makes its sculpture in the sand or the stone. Not a foot steps into the snow or along the ground but prints, in characters more or less lasting, a map of its march. Every act of the man inscribes itself in the memories of its fellows and in his own manners aud face. The air is full of sounds, the sky of tokens, the ground is all memoranda and signature, and every object covered over with hints which speak to the intelAnd the strongest hint ligent." which appeals to the intelligence of man is that of using nature's remedy wheu sickness comes his way. And the remedy—Nature's remedy—made from herbs and botanic substances, is to be found in Impey's May Apple. 2s Oil, everywhere.* ; " Cougn Remedy to give ■Rmberlain's girl, who was suffering with my little a very bad attack of Croup. lam pleased to say that after a few doses relief was obtained, and before tho was bottle was finished ■my little girl able to go to school again. I always •recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to my frieuds as being the best I have ever used." For sale by all chemists and storekeepers.* and muck other.' " " W V.'. C.\\-'i 39, Queen-street, V. :x.v.. Leesto!!. from J Monogram" Dies f X J MASTERTON. V Established 188S. Telephone IQ6. : P.o. Box S. J Mail Orders promptly and carefully attended to. Largest � - - BEST VALUES. ... Stocks of MILLINERY, At LADIES' COATS « .. sel Masterton. J <-on';t:::;'o MfifflS you have headaches ? Do your eyes water ? Do they ache ? Does print run together? Do tilings appear double.'' Do your things appear double ? Do things become dim or swim ? Are a bright eyes inflamed 'i Do your eyes tire after reading? Does light pain them ? after colds cured DO . .. . has been steadily progressive, MACHINES . n „ MASTERTON AND EKETAHUNA. _M A FEW QUOTATIONS TN THE END '' nm QUEEN-ST., SXNGEH SHOWROOM: Butchers) (Next Holloway & Wellington. i ' Comiespondbnce Invited. RINGLESS GLASSES made up in all Metals in Latest Styles. AXjF HE D Offer Refused. L HENDRY & BUXTON, : H "T f ■ J ■ No Reasonble jf L Z Oueen-steeet - you tet for your money. Inferior dentistry is costly at mischief is that you cannot any Pr ce tne -1 !I |j ';■ ■ > you have partec w your moneyOUR * 'CONTOUR DENTURES WITH judge of the work until long after W s W ' tl Single Tooth, 5/-. , CONSULTATION FREE. FROST & FROST, WELLINGTON. ' \ Commencing TUESDAY, 22nd JUNE, S JL OUR WORK IS STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE. Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'clock. Write or call for further particulars. SURGEON DENTISTS, 119 WILLIS STREET (30 yard, above Perrett. Chemist). jC \ Monster Clearing Sale |I mk PORCELAIN GUMS DEFY DETECTION AS BE NG ARTIFICIAL. Sets of Teeth, £2/2/- and £3/3/-. Teeth extracted free when st.ts are ordered. Temporary sets re-made to peimanent, £1/1/-. Painless Extraction, ]/-. Sy<irf Wlj 'Nj Manager £1200 Worth of Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods to be sold at amounts of from 3d to 6d in the 1/- off. is not ihe money you pay for denial work ' - WELLINGTON. BOOKS! BOOKS! STATIONERY & FANCY GOODS! I IT I lhat counts, but the class of work raß^^^ff . BOOKS! \ Perfect Dentistry. cam buy some low-priced v i inferior grade! tea, put it up in a i Fancy packet.fand mark it 2/- per y, m lb —or anyjstJTer price. h GOLD #7\lvW-\\ MEOfIL f . T H MORRISON [__ W WE WANT CASH. £ LEVI, consulting optician, $ For 25/-. LADIES' JACKETS 55/For 35/-. LADIES' COSTUMES 90/For 6/6. GIRLS' JACKETS 15/At your own price. TRIMMED MILLINERY 1/- Each. GIRLS'WOOL TAMS An assorted lot of LADIES' & GIRLS' HATS, 6d Each. See Our Windows This Week. ■■J | »twavq nTTrmikr END OF SEASON SALE. i_ ■ || Ta nrnrAPFST SEE LATEST MODELS "—*' Hendry & Buxton's _\ . n Compare these machines with any other; investigate the experience of their users. You will find them the best in every point. ,it,, nfl«] to. m nt i v attended m Orders by mail promptly AT M X ||| excellence ■ STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS P p | ill |j liiwhpv Qm stock Qf OpTICAL GooDS is worth inspecting, BAROMETERS 12s Gd to £5 ss. BACK AND OPERA GLASSES 15s to £5. PRISMATIC BINOCULARS ±610s to £14. TELESCOPES, DRAWING INSTBUMENTS. MOTOR GOGGLES, PRISMATIC COMPASSES and all kinds of READERS and MAGNIFYING GLASSES, Artificial Eyes a Speciality. Son, « \ Is pure Ceylon and pure blended tea, and you have a guarantee its Purity, Quality and Value. j It has stood the test for THIRTY YEARS, from 1879. to 1909. 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 21-, '111 per lb. -iH-iinincr Head Office: 8, Willis-street, ' MOAJE & Co.'s t nt i,, design, const, action and aitistic nmsli. WOOD, ——■ by Competent Men, with "TJIXA.MINATIONmethods and appliances. -EL* Up-to-date T During the half century of their existence. the manufacture of SINGER SEWING Optician (by exams.), Chemist and "!03 Customhouse Quay. (Next Bank of Australasia.) s-h ~w-^,-w^r^iC^-t-%:TT7\ MANY PEOPLE HERBERTT- SIGHT TESTING ROOMS. 9 PK.i flTrKirjKWI VHi I• J_ no have defects of which they are unconscious, and while they suller their inconvenience or pain, they should wear glasses for the sake of future eyesight. Lane's Emulsion nourishes and invigorates—it enables It you to resist living disease. always succeeds where ordinary In cough mixtures entirely fail. bottles, 4/fl and 2/6 everywhere. 48 Buy the laige size. II "l/4, J fc ETC., ETC. to health. [| T JEWELLER, ENGRAVER, & OPTICIAN, any 'lungs In your family. labe Lane's i'Eniulsion, and bee]) on tabing it iiintil yon are thoroughly restored lof 4 HENDERSON,! EYE bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. etc. If there is a history of weak !j A ■ ! Name is for four years, was entirely by Lane's Eninhsior." "W. Colerid-re i;.:ie. (■'•■o:uist. ■■Wellington, v.-fis com: let-iy cc.red of a lon.sr-stfu:din:; co'if.-b v/ith spitting of blood, by bane's Kiiiulsion." These few inst?uc"s <-vn be multiolied. not ir:erely by Ir.uidreds. but by thousands rigbt her«-> in Just remember .New Zealand. that a cold is always the starting 'point of consumption, asthma. - SPECIALTIES : Maude, 'preferred by my patients to The schoolboys bad studied, the clay before, the first chapter of Acts, particularly the story of the election of a new apostle. The teacher began by revising yesterday's work. ''And how was Matthias chosen?" he asked. The brightest boy. to his teacher's beall wilderment, replied: "They 3Tapped on him and kicked him." said the teacher, "whatever Hakes you say that?" "Well, sir, you told us. You read out that "the lot fell on Matthias." In past time the first thing done to a burn or scald was to exclude the air. To do this the victim had to either apply a paste of oil and flour or else bandage the scalded part, thus adding to his sufferings. All that is now necessary is to apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This liniment gives immediate relief, also heals the part in one-third the time taken by any other application ; but what is more wonderful still is that there is never any scar left after Chamberlain's Pain Balm is used. For sale by all chemists and Ella: "I'm to be married to-morrow, Stella: and I'm terribly nervous." "Yes; I suppose there always is a chance of the mau getting away up to the last minute." Mrs Cromer, Percy-street, Geelong, "Acting on tne advice of a jffchfcd of mine, I bought a bottle of esz Albert Webb, the Ch.vistlady who hr;:- probably done more in the c-ri-va :> ;---v:.ihist consumption than :\rr: o 1 ■■■•".' X. Z. lady, says T..aru-"s i-":mvision has suffering U. " 'church been * THIS ' ' Raised. A is a very true proverb. One that must appeal to everyone. friend in adversity is a friend indeed." Cheerfulness in helping anyone betokens staunch friendship. Metaphorically, there is also business friendship. It takes real form when you receive the best possible value at a reasonable price. It is our business to create tailored garments for Men and Women tiiat give satisfaction -stylish ;ipparel that fits correctly, giving the necessary ease where it is needed. Finishing them in a manner which reflects credit on the makers. Many ot Masterton's best dressers—Men and Women who appreciate well tailored clothing—are our patrons. ~,.., They know the worth of tailored friendship which eliminates the invite to-day. your inspection of call We wilderness. Hadn't you better our Mid-winter Fabrics. Lane's Emulsion is universally known and used throughout New Not a city. town, or .Zealand. township can be found in this .country but where this valuable healer and body-builder can be readily obtained II is used by •all conditions of men, women, and children at all times of the year, and does irond whenever and .wherever used Marton, •'Stanley C. had reaily weak ]".■)■:' -bis doctor !>i:on. His said he had '..fine's Emul■letter relates that relief, complete gave him sion 'and built, him up to health and " Nurse Signet Rings Letter Plates $ MASTERTON. "Without a Friend the World is a Wilderness." Luh*Vu:iV)d* 'strength." Brass flame Plates SALE ! r Strongly Recommend p« a • anno '(■ i>¥i'<i -ss s» .18 J& lEla \ M"-"k^mi U ------ SALE! Many New Zealand People gilifj Crest Dies Country Orders given every attention. AT LB T SHOEISTS, and Inspect SOLE AGENTS. Inscriptions on Plates R. Hannah and Co., Ltd, | " BELGICA"." Cat! Memorial Brasses 4 JOHN GKAHAM & CO.'S. EDUCATION BOARD. YOU CAN INVEST IT and be satisfied if you VISIT OUR SALE. if you keep it idle. Perfect Combustion No Smell No Trouble Illuminated Addresses � � L � MONEY IS NO GOOD KEROSENE. TO BURN 400 PAIRS OF LADIES'BOOTS AND SHOES MUST BE SOLI) at 25 to 50ft oft' usual price. ODDMENTS MUST BE CLEARED SPECIAL Lamps: X � THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! The Latest and Best in SPECIALTIES : t 4 Hannah's Boot Sale. It was only a sunny smile, And little'it cost, iv the giving: But it scattered the night Like the morning light And made the day worth living. Through life's dull warp a woof it — J SALE! � SALE! "LITTLE THINGS." storekeepers. - MASTERTON. [H This man is freed from servile bands Of hope to rise, or fear to fall— .Lord of himself, though not of lauds: And having nothing, yet hath all. tr - QUEEN-STREET, Nor rules of state, but rules of good. Who hath his life humours freed, Whose conscience is his strong retreat ; hose state can neither flatterers feed, Nor ruin make accusers great. Who God doth late and early pray, More of His grace thau gifts to lend : Aud entertains the harmless day With a well-chosen book or friend. �' J X V DRAPER, chauce doth Or vice; who never understood deepest wounds are given by How � A. NORMAN, raise. I C" NGKAVING is a very important branch of my business, and I give careful and painstaking attention to it. A welKtrained'and reliable craftsman is employed in this department, and my endeavour is to give absolute satisfaction with all work, and so win the confidence of patrons. All work undertaken is done on. the premises. JB—M—i LTD.. | ARTISTIC ENGRAVING AND DESIGNING. | general and the to announce to our customers WE beg public that we will open for'business in our New M Stages, Of all Chemistsamifor New Zcalaml, Solo Agents ! REMOVAL TO NEW PfiEMISES. "'" I BALSAM � � 8 a X X of Wellington, the Assigned Estate of Mr C. C. Ait ken, have decided to establish a branch business In Masterton. In order to make room for the new stock that will be arriving next month we have decided to clear the whole of the present stock at the above-mentioned prices. Q Jv In addition to the above and in order to increase the nature of the business we propose establishing in Masterwe have brought from Wellington a big special collection of our stock. This comprises several thousands of volumes including all the latest works in J% J% having Ston, Jf 20a & retail booksellers, MESSRS S. &W. MACKAY, wholesale purchased X Fiction, Travel, History, Biography, Science, Philosophy, Religion, Etc. ; besides Bibles, Prayers and Hymns, Roman Catholic Prayer Books, Leather-bound Poets, and Prose Masterpieces, Autograph Books, Etc. J\ Jf i% J% ■ ■ X jk J£