114 ~&wsday. July 2. 1975-THE NORTHVILLE RECORO—NOVI NE~—SOUThLYON HERALD—SMGI4ION ARots— SEMCOG Gives Study Tag • -t To Several Road Proposals ~1J By CLIFF HILL Wit Sea,,...J ThsJ., dIM mns$e use Trs peflde Thn ci the Seatheast Mlchlgsn Council of U yen are a a African saint or a tee thenabas ad wal to tare S a lrd r wild a&nd UnID hens to SoS Nairobi, Kenya, S ynplaa. Try to stay at Inlercaubetal or Rft~ At the first ehanca head for the That Tree SidewalkCafe attached to the new Stanley Bold in the cater S N.h,U. Once there locale ae 01 the “Qwvpa Piles” who hang cit these. For a reasonable fee (abeit S.OO) he’ll fly you cit ova- the gamq ,a.. we. You get a spse.B.igH.ig IIUIU wino you hove over Baa, tiger,, wildtheest and the like andslilverwhatheydiargetheplanenlt takes oil and you mutter prayers ia the reliability of the F. am often amused at these so-called “azp.rt” travel appears in the Travel Sectionwriters ci the wttse Sundaymaterial pipers.___ Laat Sunday a Knight new~.~w write a~eeted that you pl&a seat near the galley so that you will be waited a firstat meal Urnsand have a wide choice of food. This statementha to came from a logic-minded, non.expsrleced traveler, because it just iw’t true. Meal service begins at the farthest row of seats from the kitchen, and It contlaieerow on row until everyone Is served. If you wand advice on seat selection here goes: ChOose sea (aas far front as possible because there you will find much l~engine noise, a smoother ride, and, if In an aisle seat, lees jostling by other pan~ersintent cii reaching rest rooms in the rear of the plant Warning: Up front Is usually designated I If you are in Amsterdam and want to see how diamonds are cut and graded a- are In the market for one, stop a cab and ask the driver to take you to a “Diamond Factory.” Should you purchase a diamond be sure It Is wunotsited — I.e. not made into a rigor brooch a earrings. By doing so you will reduce your custom dutytoa negligible amount. This goesforany precious •atones anywhere in the world. Bring ‘em back in a small box wrapped in soft tissue to keep the atones from being scratched. — $gmetlmes we have more names on our foreign • glft.4lstitha w.~tc~ ~cq~toØa$v~ta*ecare .01 financially. Here’s macanne: Buy ‘tieW’ pearls. OnlyoeS’itte setS them’htTckyo~-‘theTakane Gift Shop lo*ted acrossfrom the east sidectthe Imperial Hotel in the International Arcade. Here you can purchase a beautiful string of pearl, with white gold clasps, for from less than $10 up to $35 that will fool even the experts with their genuine appearances. Be sure: to have a receipt for customs. They might not believe how low.prlced the pearls are. _____ ++++ liways recall with a great deal of fondness an lncld~ntin Paramarlbo, Dutch Surinam. Because the farm laborers had a tendency to come into the city wearing only a loin-cloth (and that only about two lncheswlde) thelocalgendarmeepaued anordinance requiring every male within the city limits to wear a Gesnmb (SflCOO), ..m.l ar p.-,aid project lays bee left is a “sSS” status while another ha bees .K_g.al ___ The highway pW, t..,.Jb with the “sb*” ametet and the were a5,. ed at the sI ~.nl aseenbly ~sstg ciSEMCOG st Mercy College. At~’-’t- fran tS sea were nprae~Mlvesof ,-. Plymouth, Northville ad Brtgtdai. The ares projet Unt ware placed Ins “shaly” cIasei~ Ilotlon or changed Sc~e: eLites. ci Northwestern Highway Into Walled Lake. •Crersle of MS S Lispion Couity to freeway. from 145bsksenBrlgble andHasU toU.S. a ecoaverslcn ci N-el to fr..w.~ stata from U.S. fi to Pt. eCatruction of a Lw.,- (U.n from 145 in NoW north to the G Coirty Ice and the exIsting145. eDSgmtlai ci Sli.,ldo.. Road and Center Street as an “IntermedIate artedaF’ In NortinWe. All ci the fa’egt4 changes ~ “study” desipiatloos except the latter were a dIrect result of ~ieefin and objections raised Siring public hearings held on the Iranpofldai plfl. FIgS such hearings were held fran September 1974 to Jsaauy of this year. The Ncrthville matte wu appealed directly to the Council on Regional Development (CORD), an executite sin of SFMCOO, with agreed In a last-minute decision to recommend placement of the Sheldon Road corridor mater “under shie.” Concerring Ma, SENCOG agreed to drop for caivaslon of this highway to freeway status from 1-95 to US28. Irateed the plan glyse this section of MS a “major arterial” daignalion. S~cha highway Is defined by SEM000 as a grads-level~ multi-lane Intercauty highway, having a l~-footright-ofway. It allows no shoulder paiting, has inta-comected slwiah, and can provide exprese lana. — N-a fran US-fl to the Livingston County-Oakland County lIne has bee plead side study with no definite decision being made. It is shown asunder study bit carrying a “major arterial” dalgintlan on the SEMCOG highway map. Besidesplacement of this section of M~59“under study?’ which mane in effect that no final decision Is to be made pending s(u~yand additional local arguments are heard, SEMCOO’s plan places the entire N-Se corridor, from US-Zi to Pontiac, under study. ~MCOGoriginally had wanted all ofM-59, from I-S6 to Pontiac, to be converted to freeway status a project which — strode nonchalantly across the bridge and Into the city, jn answer to my amused Inquiry, the cop at the br1~eexpIaIned~tolerant1~“Law says must wear pants—don’tsaywherewear—whattheHell!” The name of’thla bridge remalns’with me still lt’a called “Putty Panty Bridge!” — In the country of Sixian, N.E. Africa, travelers whose occupations are “joanalla ministers of religion, lawyers, and cabaret artiste,” are not permitted tovisit, If, by chance, they land to make an onwardconnection they are not permittedto leave the ‘intramlE’ room of the airport Their waiting period carnal etceed 24 how.. That’s a long time to wait when you reflect that there are no toilet facilities In thewaithig mans. Ask me, I’ve been there! a’~~,,ui -—4—,~.~ cut should be’ made at the nearest lateral branch or three~quartersof an Inch in lateral bit” mans, the job can be done larger branches should be with pruning sheen. Iruned with a saw. fls MSU HS• ~a &.cola advises placing the Snrp sheer. tat will act saw in the neUtral depralon rst~thai atuh the 6.nct, that is faintwits-s the branch Sc. a cnsind branch heals with the Ut. Saw awe slowly then a deesly Ss*t down in a smooth cat a For best success, motion and a~at the ~gM teats should be the “side- 01 tIe braids with yan other —n varIety rather than land. TiNs will ptncnt the the “anvil” type. b-snob from falling before it “&naU branches s~ddbe S sawn all the way tiraai an off VhS wfth the tiwi,” taring off a 511* of bark • says Heiligmaun. “unless hi the pta. the outer portIon 01 the When nwit* ava large b-snob S damaged. Thea the — — — k~” ~•1 Our Home Circulation is up-and still climbingi ‘.‘~ -‘,,4, I •‘4! I, v!;. ~ ~‘#~b~o’/ ~11!~’ ~ :ç ~ ~ Continued from Page I-B development patterns which maximize the use of existing and proposed in!rastructure and public services, including areas to shopping facilities, places of job concentration, schools, public recreational facilities and support services consistent with quality environmental standards. maintenance and rehabilitation of the existing housing stock, where compatible with other local and regional plans. 5. To Increase the supply and to expend the range of continuing maintenance and housing choices, including Improvement of existing geographical locations and tToincwiage thtintega,i~netgJikorjiop4sin ø~nJc~..,theformoflonurtayailshitt.o tlon ol housing planning and the planning and development low and moderate income community development of viable new neighborhoods. householde. activities, relating residential 4. To promote the. 6. To support the develop- transportation, water and sewn services, and public utilities. a. To promote the men of a regional housing stock which Is responsive to the housing neede of all household types including the elderly, large families, starter families, single people and the handicapped. 7., To promote the Implementation of federal, state and local laws. guaranteeing... the right of Individuals to buy or rent homes regardless of race, creed or color. Ardne~ 4f,L 4 o1q’ Carrie Delivery Weekly on Wednesdays 1.11.. l)riu’r ‘I’,’, U.n • i.i,r’ 10 LYON NERALD • .NOVI Gfl14~ I ..,ji K..,.. I LI, Norm a~.,n —SI Out of the Horse’s Mouth I I ‘‘I.— I Ill Fw,, ,i,irIr. c7 ~ ~ For Home Delivery This column I. open to news of efl breeds of bone. sad posies. Send your questloas, comments and hone show news to Sally Saddle, care of The Seulk Ly.n Herald, 151 North Lafayette. South Lyee. MI. tilts. Several area hone shows are coining up in the near future. Riders should be sure to get thEir entries In early to avoid the extra cost and hassle of making pat entries. The 2~dAnnual Michigan All Morgan Horse Show will be held July 11-13 at the Michigan State Fairgrounds hi Detroit. S(kawavd by the Justin Morgan Hone Association, the show will begin at 8a.m. — a hardwood, Helligmann suggests using a wound ~...&4 to ~er the flit asface. This will pnwl the need from thyS~ ~. IN NORTHYILLE, NOVI or SOUTh LYON Horse Show In Bloomfleld Hills was won by South Lyon area resident Pam Hamlin who rode “MiraclePlay” tocapture the award. City Phone 437-1662 IN BRIGHTON Miss Shelly Millard of Northvllle rode her mare “Par-Vale Holly” it the Milford Horse Show recently to capture the High Point Trophy. 227-6101 • NONThVILLE RECOfiD-NOVI • SOUTH LYON HERALD I GOLF GODWIN GLEN PAR SISTER CONSIltATION at competitive prices. branches, make tine nit First, make an undercut about a foot train the trui* until the saw binds. Then go three to six Inches beyond that and start awing down fran the top of the branch. When you et about hal-way iSa4i, the limb will SeM ~e.ThencutoffUflub by sawing tln~O where the atural &p. ~..I,n nfl Ifthetreeyaaprmeis Mrs. George (Natalie) Lamping of Barrington, Illinois, is the judge for the two day event. in Dodge Stables off M~56 Riders interested (Coninna Road) in Lennon, is learning more about the show the site of the Flint Dressage and the classes offered should contact Caroline Moore, 2171 Schooling Show July ~-27. Entries for the show will Painted Post, Flushing, Ml. close on Monday, July 21 and 48433. (313) 732-0772. post entries will be accepted The Junior Jumper only It the time schedule Championship at the Motor allows. on Friday and Saturday (July 11-12) and at 5:30 am. on &inday (July 13). Our Pros, Golf Lesson, properly 11Usd Golf Clubs & equipment Pruning Corrects Injuries Coatfled from Page 3-8 and had aaifton. That a major section ci tins ‘freeway” av1aalhs beer *ojped altogether is viewed a a major1local victory by those who lobbied for the change. It was one ci very few changes made by SEMCOG. Public presure ako forced a delay in the planoing for extenion and freeway designation of Northwestern Highway. SEMCOG awed tInt “a study band will be placed over existing Northwestern Highway (a major) and over open country. The band will extend train Haggei-ty Rcad.Paidac Trail Intersection and then along Northwestern Highway southeast to ft*sler Road.” • Similarly a study band was “placed over open cotsitry” along what may. one thy become the route of the proposed new M-275, which is tO extend north from NoW atthe 146 and 1-~einterchange through Oakland County to tie into the existing 1-75 near Holly. The State Highway DepartMent’s long range plane call for comtnictlai of this new freeway so tint motorists ce travel north from 1-75 nesr Monroe along freeway on the east or west sides of Detroit, Similarly, motorists traveling south from Flint would be able to travel ai freeway on the east or west sides, of Detroit Thewestern link, I-VS. fran 1-75 near Monroe to NoW, is already under cantructiai. N-VS is seen as the natiaal northern extension of this new 1-275 tlrough OakIandCo~mty. Ills the specific location of the proposed N-VS tint ins generated most opposition. Efforts by Livonia and Plymouth officials to jxy a commitment from SEMCOG for a high-level transit system along the Schoolcraft corridor were unsuccessful. CORD reacted to the local plea this way: “The long range desirability of a high-level extension along the Schooleraft corridor Is recognized, and provisions for such an extension are Included In initial design ci the Grand River high-level line. By 1990, however, sufficient demand does not exist within the Schoolcraft corridor to justify construction of a high level system. “The new Schoolcraft Freeway will be openingupwltl’in the corridor and will provide significant improved transportation service over the next IS years. “Giventheavailabillty of the new freeway, Intermediate level service on the freeway Is proposed as the most cost. effective solution for extending transit servict tlroughout the Schoolcraft corridor within the near term. Futureconstruction of the high-level extension could utilize either the freeway rlght~of-wayor the existing C&O Railroad rightof-way depending upon the results it more detailed engineering feasibility studies.” Housing~Plan Approved pair of pants. Soon a store was erected on the outer limits of the brkige entering the city. Here a man could rent a pair of pants forsix guildeis and when he returned them he received four guilders back. Unfortunately, there were only 10 paIr. of extra-large size pants In this store’S inventory. So, when the 11th fat customer negotiated a rental deal, he was given a — ofsmall pants which he promptly tied around his neck and would necessarily involve major reconstruction Sc~CIaIRates after 4pm. on Saturday & Sunday 2lHo4n lgttiI-4oIeBw 4370178 On Joems Rd., Bob Sz,lnv. P.O 4 Pro Em,. Burn, P.0.4. Pm. ½ MIII W, of Nader It IC MIII Brue Burn FiveMile&NaptcAoads “Uene •f the L.se.. A. - CS1500 W.aster” ThMSC.I1R sa,,q~sFacilifls,Anjeaow .101w, Jew - P0* Pm SNIGHTON ANGUS S. -t 18 HOLES - PAR 60 BROOKLANE Golf Course WATERED FAIRWAYS GUilt Rfl. NorItwiOt So Nont, Mg Cornet SbeI~nand Lide~.fld Phone 3494777 ce*n John KoW. P.O. A.P(~,..4 FAULKWOOD SHORES coun.ua P.Mt W,k - *,,An J4. AilbUe A,.aa* ‘Wswnd Ft~s man ~WINE UQ(xa. ‘Cat.. 300 S. Hushes, B.*ton at Lt Cbenaj 546.4180 3 MIes p~g~g781,, sliger ‘Borne newspapers, off Grad Rivet Lrs’ingctoc, County” F — —— I — a__s__a——s__a— NAME ADDRESS TOW...... * ,1 mCI — —, i I - --. I with to receive the following: ()The P4oqthvllle Record ()The Brighton Airs Northvdle, Miii. 48167 &ijitcc, Mach. 48116 ()TheNo’vi News ()TheSouthLyonlierajd Northeille, MIds. 48167 South Lyon, Mitt. 4$l7$ MAIL IT ALONG WITh YOUR CHECK. TO ThE OFFICE IN YOUR COMMIR4ITY I I $