A MICROCONTROLLER-BASED DATA LOGGING SYSTEM S. J. Pérez 1, M. A. Calva2 , R. Castañeda1 ABSTRACT This work describes a microcontroller-based data logging system to record temperature and relative humidity for acoustic measurement applications. The system is simple to use, requires no additional hardware and allows the selection of amount of data and the time intervals between them. The collected data can easily be exported to a PC computer via a serial port. 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Due to the relationships between sound velocity and temperature, as well as between sound velocity and relative humidity, it is necessary to monitor these environmental variables in acoustic measurements in which the sound velocity is involved (reverberation time, resonance frequency, etc.)[1]. The type of measurement defines the amount of required data, but it is always necessary to make subsequent data analysis or graphic and digital storage . The Acoustic Laboratory of the Centro de Instrumentos, has an anechoic chamber and a reverberant chamber. Temperature and relative humidity measurements are necessary in both chambers. These measurements are taken during several hours but the time between data point is variable; it takes from seconds to minutes. In addition, temperature and relative humidity transducers are placed far from the control and monitor room; therefore, the MDLS design should meet the following requirements: There are several solutions to this problem: First, a recorder such as the CT485 could be used [2], but with this option it is not possible to obtain a statistical analysis of digitally stored data or any other type of analysis. Second, microprocessor-based equipment with some interface (parallel, GPIB, etc.) for PC computers could be used [3]. In this case, we will have all the advantages of a PC computer, but the problem is that it will perform as a slave device while the data gathering takes place. a.- It should be easily programmable. The user must be able to choose measurement rates from 1 s to 99 min. b.- It should backup data when system momentarily disrupted, or removed entirely. power is We have developed another attractive approach: a microcontroller-based data logging system (MDLS) with a PC computer serial interface. Thus, automatic data collection is possible without giving up PC resources. Data Loggers can be broadly defined as data acquisition systems whose functions are programmed from the front panel and provide data storage [4]. c.- It should have remote sensing devices for temperature and relative humidity measurement. The design that we propose exploits the characteristic of the nonvolatile Embedded RAM area of the most advanced microcontrollers. Thus, this approach is implemented without a backup battery [5]. Also, the 1 Sección de de Instrumentos, MDLS isAcústica, very Centro compact because it employs few Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo. Postal 70-186, integrated circuits wich also makes it less expensive. 04510, México, D.F. 3. DESCRIPTION d.- It should be able to export data to a PC computer via a serial port. e.- It should be simple and inexpensive. The temperature and relativity humidity sensors used were an HX93C kit [6]. Its principal characteristics are shown in Table I. Both output sensors are current form (4-20 mA current loops) and they require conditioned circuits. These current loops are standard in the process control industry. This approach takes advantage of the 2 Pino 3718 Col. Satelite. Chihuahua, Chih. Received: May 29, 1996. Accepted: December 10, 1996. Journal of the Mexican Society of Instrumentation Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Instrumentación, A.C. 24 A microcontroller-based data logging system. S. J. Pérez, et al. 24-30 fact that the remote amplifier can be powered by the same wires that connect its signal output. • Initial loading of the application software into the DS5000T is possible from either a parallel or a serial interface to the host system. This function allows initialization of the nonvolatile areas of the device, including Program/Data RAM and configuration parameters. Serial loading uses the on-chip serial I/O port to accept incoming data from a host computer with an RS232 port, such as a PC-based development system. Not only is it possible to initially boot via the serial port in the end system, but also any subsequent software reloading can be done at will during system operation without removing the device. The user interacts with the system through an alphanumeric display and a simple keyboard (two keys only). Through the keyboard the user selects the rates. The whole block diagram of the MDLS is shown in Fig. 1. • The DS5000T also provides a full complement of I/O functions, including two 16-bit event counter/timers, a full duplex serial I/O port capable of asynchronous or synchronous operation, 32 parallel I/O lines and a watchdog timer. If additional external memory beyond the embedded Program/Data RAM is desired, 18 parallel I/O lines may be assigned to serve the Expanded Bus function. The Microcontroller incorporates these functions in a device which its instruction set and pin are compatible with the standard 8051 microcontroller. Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of the DS5000T. Figure 1. MDLS block diagram. 3.1 The Microcontroller We analyzed three possible solutions. The first selection was the INTEL 8051, an industrial standard, with a Nonvolatile Static RAM from XICOR. We also considered the TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TSS400-S1. This system contains an SMPL (sensor macro programming language) interpreter and software routines in its ROM, which can be called as the user needs them. The user program is stored in external EEPROMs (X24C04 from XICOR ). The third possibility was a microcontroller DS5000T [7]. We selected the DS5000T due to the following advantages: • The DS5000T is a high performance 8-bit CMOS microcontroller that offers "softness". This is accomplished through the extensive use of nonvolatile technology to preserve all information in the absence of Vcc system. The entire Program/Data Memory is implemented using high speed, nonvolatile static CMOS RAM. Furthermore, internal data register and key configuration registers are also nonvolatile. As a result, a virtually unlimited number of variables and/or data can be updated and maintained on the DS5000T without being lost during a power fluctuation. 25 Instrumentation and Development Vol. 3 Nr. 8/1997 Instrumentación y Desarrollo Vol. 3 No. 8/1997 A microcontroller-based data logging system. S. J. Pérez, et al. 24-30 converter defines the voltage span of analog inputs (the difference between Vin(+) and Vin(-)) over which 4096 positive output codes exist, a reference voltage of 4.095 V should be selected for a resolution of 1 milliVolt. Nevertheless, MDLS final accuracy depends on sensor accuracy (see Table I). The ADC 1205 makes the conversion to two bytes. The first byte is the most significant. The output format is 2's complement with extended sign and right justified. With CS low and STATUS high (CS and RD low enables the TRI-STATE output buffer) the MSB (DB12 - DB8) will be enabled in the output buffers the first time RD goes low. When RD goes low a second time, the LSB (DB7 DB0) will be enabled. The WR and CS lines are used to start the conversion. The end of the conversion is indicated by INT going low. 3.3 The Display We employed an IEE S03601-92-020 display (one-line and 20 characters wide) [9], because it can be used as a console display providing alphanumeric information that is easily readable in bright ambient light. This device consists of a vacuum fluorescent tube display and minimal amount of electronic hardware. Primary complexity is contained within the microcontroller software, which controls all display functions. A single + 5 V DC power supply is required for operation. All the display characters (which are formed using a 5 X 7 dot matrix) and standard control codes can be accessed in an 8 -bit format. All inputs are TTL compatible. Figure 2. DS5000T microcontroller block diagram. 3.2 Acquisition Unit The schematic diagram of the MDLS is illustrated in Fig. 3. The analog circuit of MDLS is shown in Fig. 4. The circuits shown in these figures illustrate the simplicity of the digital design due to the use of the µP DS5000T. This unit is based on a 12-bit plus sign microprocessor (µP) compatible successive approximation A/D converter, ADC1205 [8]. In this device an unipolar input can be accommodated with a single 5 V power supply. 4. SOFTWARE The nonvolatile Embedded RAM area of the DS5000T Because the voltage applied to the reference input of the Journal of the Mexican Society of Instrumentation Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Instrumentación, A.C. 26 Figure 3. MDLS digital diagram. Journal of the Mexican Society of Instrumentation Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Instrumentación, A.C. 24 A microcontroller-based data logging system. S. J. Pérez, et al. 24-30 Figure 4. MDLS analog diagram. 27 Instrumentation and Development Vol. 3 Nr. 8/1997 Instrumentación y Desarrollo Vol. 3 No. 8/1997 A microcontroller-based data logging system. S. J. Pérez, et al. 24-30 Table I Characteristics Temperature R.Humidity Range -20 to 75 oC 0 to 100 % Accuracy ± 0.6 oC ± 2% Output 4 to 20 mA. 4 to 20 mA Voltage Supply 12 V 12 V Table I. Sensor characteristics. system. The hardware provides the mechanism for the KIT5K software to take control of the DS5000T via the RS232 cable, place the device in its Serial Program Load Mode, and transmit new software to the device. We developed all the software with this tool and used it as an interface communication to the PC. Finally, the KIT5K software allows us to dump memory to an INTEL HEX file. Records in an INTEL HEX file have the following format: can be used as Program Memory, Data Memory, or a combination of both. The Embedded RAM is initially loaded by invoking the Serial Bootstrap Loader and instructing it to load the contents of an incoming INTEL Hex file into the RAM. The Serial Bootstrap Loader is also used to initialize the mapping of the Embedded Ram area. The range Address defines the upper limit of the Embedded Ram area (we selected 32 Kbytes). This parameter can be set only via the Serial Loader. The Partition Address defines the boundary between Program and Data Memory areas in Embedded RAM. We selected this parameter as 2 Kbyte. Header Hex information terminator. The specific record elements are detailed as follows: : || aaaa tt ddd..dd xx (spaces are printed for clarity) where: : Indicates a record beginning || Indicates record length aaaa Indicates the 16 bit load address tt Indicates record type dd Indicates hex data xx Indicates checksum Most of the methods for generating INTEL Hex files include assemblers and compilers. We used a DS5000TK evaluation kit from DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR. The kit supports in-system serial downloading of DS5000T from an IBM PC host and provides the KIT5K software. Record type 00 indicates a data record, and type 01 indicates an end record. An end record will appear as: 00 000 01 FF. Begin address of the data memory is 2010 and has the following form: KIT5K manages all of the communication with the DS5000T. The in-system loader hardware consists of an RS232 cable that connects to the RS232 fixtures which house the appropriate interface circuitry and provides a 40 pin zero-insertion-force socket for the DS5000T. The fixture in turn attaches to the 40 pin target cable which connects to the microcontroller socket in the target :2010 Dt Ut dt 00 Dh Uh dh 00 (spaces are printed for clarity), where: Dt Ut dt Dh Uh dh Temperature data, tens Temperature data, units Temperature data, decimal R. humidity data, tens R. humidity data, units R. humidity data, decimal 5. RESULTS The final system has enough memory to store 3068 temperature data points and 3068 relative humidity data points with rates from 1 s to 99 min. A measurement of sound absorption by the reverberation room method [10] was made to test the performance of the system. In this method when the excitation signal is turned off, the sound pressure level will decrease and the rate of decay may be determined from measurements of the average time for the sound pressure level in a specified frequency band to decay through 60 dB of range (reverberation time). Usually this measurement takes several hours when a complete octave analysis is necessary. Changes in temperature and relative humidity Figure 5. Temperature data from reverberant chamber. 29 Instrumentation and Development Vol. 3 Nr. 8/1997 Instrumentación y Desarrollo Vol. 3 No. 8/1997 A microcontroller-based data logging system. S. J. Pérez, et al. 24-30 during the course of a measurement may have a large effect on reverberation time, especially at high frequency and low relative humidity. The standard [10] demands that at least the following conditions be satisfied: temperature variations during all measurements within 3 oC; relative humidity variations during all measurements within 3%. The MDLS allows us to monitor the fulfillment of these demands. end end [b,a]=butter(2,.5); t2= filter(b,a,t); h2=filter(b,a,h); t2=t2'; h2=h2'; disp(texto1); pregunta=input('¨Desea guardar los datos si/no? ','s'); if pregunta=='si' nom_arch2=input('Dame el nombre y trayectoria para guardar los datos de tem ','s'); nom_arch3=input('Dame el nombre y trayectoria para guardar los datos de hume ','s'); eval(['save ',nom_arch2,'.dat',' t2 ','-ascii']) eval(['save ',nom_arch3,'.dat',' h2 ','-ascii']) else disp('termine') end end Figure 5 shows temperature data obtained from a sound absorption measurement. In this figure the data was plotted in a similar way to the CT485 recordings. Fig. 5 is obtained in MATLAB reading the INTEL Hex file and transforming the data to ASCII characters. A program to implement this procedure is included in appendix A. function p= convdato(a) % funcion para convertir datos de un archivo Intel hex % el dato de entrada debe ser un una % cuerda de 6 caracteres como lo escribe el % archivo INTEL HEX bit=isstr(a); if bit==0, error('El dato debe ser una cuerda'); end tam=length(a); if tam 6, error('El dato debe una cuerda de 6 caracteres') end n1=setstr(hex2dec(a(1:2))); n2=setstr(hex2dec(a(3:4))); n3=setstr(hex2dec(a(5:6))); d=[n1,n2,'.',n3]; p=eval(d); end It should be emphasized that data storage allows us to make other analyses (for example the methods for correcting the reverberation times proposed by other authors [11,12]). 6. CONCLUSION A microcontroller-based data logging system has been described. It appears to be both an effective tool in intensive routine measurements and for research. It is now successfully applied for acoustic measurement in our laboratory. APPENDIX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS hex_dt.m % programa para leer datos de un archivo INTEL HEX % version hecha en febrero de 1996 % clear texto=' ejemplo c:\hex\data.hex '; texto1=' '; disp(texto) archi_nom=input('Dame el nombre del archivo, con trayectoria y extension ','s'); disp(texto1); disp('ESPERE, ESTOY PROCESANDO'); fid=fopen(archi_nom,'r'); F =fread(fid); status=fclose(fid); p=length(F); alfa=setstr(F(1+257*77:p))'; clear F; long=length(alfa); datosutil=long-13; nolineas=(datosutil)/77; a=[9 25 41 57]; b=[15 31 47 63]; a2=[17 33 49 65]; b2=[23 39 55 71]; for i=1:nolineas-1, for j= 1:4, t(4*(i-1)+j)=convdato(alfa(1+a(j)+(i-1)*77:b(j)+(i-1)*77)); h(4*(i-1)+j)=convdato(alfa(1+a2(j)+(i-1)*77:b2(j)+(i1)*77)); Journal of the Mexican Society of Instrumentation Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Instrumentación, A.C. The authors are very grateful to Ulises Sandoval Paredes for his help in designing the printed boards and Rosa Maria Lozano for help with the text. REFERENCES 1. A. 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