LOGAN CITY LIGHT & POWER METER BASE & WIRING SPECIFICATIONS Meter bases and sockets installed by electrical contractors in the service area of Logan City Light & Power Department shall comply with all ANSI Watthour meter sockets requirements and all United Laboratories Standards for Meter Sockets. In addition meter bases and sockets shall comply with the following Logan City requirements and specifications. INSTALLATION: The Customer/Contractor shall make provisions for the connection of metering equipment at a convenient place, readily accessible without risk of bodily harm to Logan City employees, free from vibration, corrosive atmosphere, and abnormal temperatures, in which to install Logan City’s metering equipment and shall furnish a meter base for Logan City’s meter. All meter locations and provisions for connecting metering equipment are subject to approval by Logan City. Meters should not be more than six (6) feet or less than five (5) feet above final standing surface or grade, measured from the center of the meter cover. There should be a minimum of three (3) feet of unobstructed space in front of the meter, measured from the surface of the mounted meter base. Any enclosure installed on the supply side of the meter that allows access to the service shall be sealable. When any device or facility of a metering installation is furnished by the customer, such device or facility shall be subject to acceptance by Logan City Light & Power Department. Logan City Light & Power Department will furnish, install and maintain at its own expense the necessary meter or meters, (excluding meter bases and wire, to measure the electric service used by the Customer. Note: On single phase and three phase transformer rated metering, the color coded wire and the ringless meter base with the rated jaw release manual bypass shall be provided by the Customer. The City will provide the CT’s (PT’s if needed) and the test switch. The City will connect or wire the CT’s, PT’s, test switch in the meter base. The Customer shall provide (with the City’s approval) and maintain a satisfactory location for the meter base installation without expense to Logan City. The Customer will not interfere with or alter or permit interference with Logan City Light & Power Department’s meter or other property and equipment. Due to the necessity of preventing interruption of electric service to the customer during meter testing or change­outs of non­residential meters, Jaw­release Lever­operated Bypass meter sockets shall be provided. Lever­operated by­pass sockets shall also be provided on services to extended­duty (Class 320 metering) residential customers. In no case will automatic or link bypasses be allowed. 1 IDENTIFICATION: When two or more meters are installed in, or on, one building, each meter mounting should be permanently and legibly marked to indicate the customer’s serviced address. APPLICATION FOR SERVICE: When application is made for electric service, the Customer should definitely understand and agree that Logan City has the right to inspect all circuits and electrical equipment at any reasonable time to ensure that they are properly metered. INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMER METERING: For services over 200 amps, transformer­rated meter bases with rated jaw­release manual bypass, color­coded wire and approved CT enclosures will be furnished and installed by the Customer. Note that the CT’s are provided by the City; however they must be mounted or installed with the factory torque specifications by the Customer or Contractor. All instrument­transformer rated metering (CT metering) shall have instrument transformers mounted in a sealable City approved EUSERC Current Transformer enclosure. Instrument transformers shall not be installed inside of underground pad­mount transformers. All instrument­transformer enclosures shall be mounted at a City­approved outside location adjacent to the meter base. All line and loadside secondary service conductors shall be terminated by the Customer/ Contractor with the factory torque specifications. CURRENT DIVERSION: Unauthorized tampering, damaging, or otherwise illegal entry into Logan City Light & Power Department electrical service & metering devices including the cutting and removal of meter seals is unlawful as per State law and local ordinance which also imposes criminal penalties which may be in addition to a civil collection for the services diverted. OTHER: From time to time, Logan City Light & Power Department policies, regulations and specifications may be updated and/or changed. It is the customer’s and/or contractor’s responsibility to obtain a current copy and implement it accordingly. These may be obtained at the City Service Center or City offices. Any variance from any of the above shall not be allowed without written consent from Logan City Light & Power management. Revised: February 8, 2000 2 METER BASE & WIRING SPECIFICATIONS (NON­RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL) C.T. METERING WIRING: #12 AWG copper 600 VAC rated THHN insulated conductors shall be used. (Stranded Wire Only) #10 AWG copper 600 VAC rated THHN insulated conductors shall be used. (Stranded Wire Only) Colors for transformer­rated (C.T.’s and P.T.’s) metering shall be continuous (no tape) and shall be the following colors: 13­Terminal meter bases (3­Phase) #12 Black #12 Blue #12 Red #12 White #6 Green #10 Black #10 Blue #10 Red #10 White – 3 each 6­Terminal Meter bases (1­phase) #12 Black #12 Red #10 Black #10 Red #10 White – 2 each *NOTE: · Length of wire should be 3ft in Meter and 6ft in CT can, plus distance between. · A minimum #6 copper wire shall be required for meter base grounding. · A Grounding Lug shall be required in CT can 800 amps or less. · 1" IMC or Rigid electrical grade conduit between CT can and meter base. · EUSERC Enclosures required on all commercial services rated over 800 amps. METER BASES: 13­terminal ringless one piece cover meter base with manual jaw release and be test switch ready for all 3 phase 4­wire wye & delta transformer rated metering over 200 amps: 3 MFG. Landis & Gyr MILBANK TYPE HQ­13TS CATALOG # #9804­8564 #U4497­XL 6­terminal manual jaw release ringless meter base and be test switch ready for all single­ phase 3­wire transformer rated metering over 200 amps: MFG. Landis & Gyr MILBANK TYPE HQ­6TS CATALOG # #9804­8561 #U4494­XL METER BASES: 7­terminal heavy­duty, jaw­release ringless meter base with fully rated manual lever by­ pass for all 3 phase 4­wire wye & delta 200­amp or less self­contained metering: MFG. TYPE CATALOG # Landis & Gyr HQ­7 (Ovr/Hd) HQ­7 (Udr/Grd) Heavy­Duty (Ovr/Hd) Heavy­Duty (Udr/Grd) Heavy­Duty #4007­02 #4047­025 #U9700­XL #U9701­0 #RH173GR Milbank Murray NOTE: For additional multiple meter bases the following manufactures have acceptable commercial models available. They must also have heavy­duty fully rated manual lever bypasses. Link bypasses are not allowed. Murray Redi­Stack III Gangable Meter Stocks Lever­Bypass G.E. Meter Mod III Modular Metering (Note: Use Mini Modular III on Residential tenants only). Cutler Hammer WCG7 Commercial Meter Modules Square D EZ Meter­Pak Meter Centers I­T­E ITE Meter Centers Commercial Meter Modules 200A Maximum. METER BASES: 4 and/or 5­terminal heavy­duty, jaw­release ringless meter bases with fully rated manual lever by­pass for Commercial 1 phase 3­wire 200­amp or less self­contained metering: 4 MFG. TYPE CATALOG # Landis & Gyr HQ­5 (Ovr/Hd) HQ­5 (Udr/Grd) Heavy­Duty (Ovr/Hd) Heavy­Duty (Udr/Grd) Heavy­Duty #40005­02 #40405­025 #U9550­RL #U9551­O #RH173CR Overhead (4­JAW) OH/UG #UTH42D3T #UTH4213T Milbank Murray Square D 4 and/or 5­terminal heavy­duty, jaw­release ringless meter bases with fully rated manual lever by­pass for Residential 1 phase 3­wire 201 to 350­amp self­contained metering: Class 320 Metering: Milbank OH/UG #U1079­X Murray OH/UG JB404S NOTE: For additional multiple meter bases the following manufacturers have acceptable commercial models available: Murray Redi Stack III Gangable Meter Stacks Lever­Bypass­­125amp & 200amp G.E. Meter Mod III Modular Metering (Note: Use Mini Modular III on Residential tenants only). I­T­E ITE Meter Centers. Commercial Meter Modules 200A Maximum. Square D EZ Meter­Pak Meter Centers Cutler Hammer WC9 Multiple Commercial Meter Modules 5 NON­RESIDENTIAL SERVICE SUMMARY December 27, 1995 INTRODUCTION: This Non­Residential Service Summary has been provided by Logan City Light & Power (LCL&P). The Load Data Sheets and other pertinent electrical information are to be submitted and approved during the planning stage by the Developer/Contractor: The Customer/Contractor is encouraged to contact LCL&P for additional information and specifications before electrical work commences. Should questions arise, please contact LCL&P at (435) 716­9700. REFERENCE: This information is for new and remodeled electric services and metering requirements. These requirements are issued to comply with all applicable federal, state and local codes and ordinances. However, in the case of conflict, the appropriate code and ordinance will supersede. METER LOCATION: Suitable space and provisions for mounting LCL&P meter base and main disconnect must be provided by the customer at an acceptable and accessible outside location readily available to the LCL&P. The minimum unobstructed wall space for a single meter is 75" high, 36" deep and 30" wide. Metering equipment must be at least 36" horizontally from a gas meter, line or propane tank. The center of any meter socket located outdoors on structures shall not be more than 6' or less than 5' above the finished grade or floor immediately in front of the meter. Non­Residential meters must be installed outdoors at a location that is readily accessible to LCL&P employees. The meter should be located at the LCL&P designated location. The meter shall not be installed over window wells, step in stairways or in other unsafe or inconvenient locations. MAIN DISCONNECT: The main breaker or the main disconnecting means must be located next to the meter in an accessible outside location. CONDUIT: All service entrance conductors must be installed in minimum 2" sized continuous rigid galvanized steel or IMC above ground and in a 2" minimum electrical grade PVC Schedule 40 or other acceptable NEC conduit below ground. Minimum burial depth for underground service conductors shall be 24" from final grade. No direct burial is allowed. 6 METER BASES: SERVICES 200 AMPS OR LESS: Heavy­duty meter bases with fully rated jaw­release manual bypasses shall be furnished and installed by Customer for non­residential services rated at 200 amps maximum or less. Customer shall contact LCL&P for services rated in excess of this range. See LCL&P Department Meter Base & Wiring Specifications for details. SERVICES OVER 200 AMPS: Transformer­rated meter bases with fully rated manual jaw release, color­coded wiring and LCL&P approved CT enclosures will be furnished and installed by Customer on services exceeding 200 amps (both single phase and 3 phase). Instrument transformers (CT’s and PT’s) will be furnished by LCL&P and installed by Customer/Contractor. CT's will not be allowed in pad­mounted transformers. Any exceptions to this will be based on LCL&P approval. See LCL&P Department Meter Base & Wiring Specifications for details. LOCATION OF SERVICE ENTRANCE: The customer will need to contact LCL&P for the location of the service entrance before work commences. In underground services, the customer will be required to install conduit and wire to the designated secondary junction box or transformer. On an overhead service, LCL&P will furnish the service wire to the riser on top of the roof. 7 ELECTRIC SERVICE REQUIREMENTS Minimum Distances Required X = 10 ft. clear area in front of unit to allow use of hot sticks. Y = 10 ft. from any transformer surface is structure is of combustible material. Y'= 3 ft. to non­combustible building surfaces having no openings closer than 10' NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Consult National Electric Safety Code, NEC, State and City requirements for additional clearance requirements Front of pad­mounted transformer to be located away from building walls or other barriers to allow for safe working practices. If front of transformer must face wall, allow "X" dimension for working area. Consult utility for additional clearances that may be required to building doors, windows, fire escapes, and air vents, etc. Where pad­mounted transformers or other equipment is installed in a location where it might be struck by a motorized vehicle, the customer is to install and maintain utility approved barrier posts to protect the equipment. 8 ELECTRIC SERVICE REQUIREMENTS EUSERC 354 & 322 SWITCHBOARD METERING ENCLOSURE ABOVE 800 AMPS Note: There must be 4 feet of clearance in front of meter base. Meter can be mounted on either side or the back. If the meter cannot be read, and/or is in a locked area, other arrangements can be made. Because of high snow levels and freezing temperatures, the doors freeze shut, and we are unable to maintain or read the meter. For this reason, the meter base needs to be mounted on the outside of the enclosure. ABOVE 800 AMPS A. Customer must provide and install the transformer­rated meter socket and base with fully rated jaw­release manual lever bypass enclosure for maintenance and meter reading purposes. B. The EUSERC standard must be followed as appropriate for the requirements of the load. C. If customer has any questions, contact LOGAN CITY LIGHT & POWER. JUNE 16, 2000 9 Current Transformer Compartment for Switchboards 801­ 3000 Amp Maximum, 0­600 Volts Three­Phase, 4 Wire Service EUSERC 322 Notes: A. Busways must remain in position when the removable section "B" is out. B. Set the direction of feed from the top or bottom. No other conductors shall pass through this compartment. When horizontal­cross busways supply the service section phase buses, a neutral bus bar extension shall be provided in the instrument transformer compartment above the lower C.T bus support. 10 Current Transformer Compartment for Switchboards 3001 Amp and Above, 0­600 Volts Three­Phase, 4 Wire Service EUSERC324 Front View Notes: A. The bus units may be supplied from the top or bottom. B. Bus units shall be anchored so that busses will remain in position when section "B" is removed. Consult Power Company for the use of bus larger than 5 inches. Bus supports shall be constructed of a continuous bar of insulating material. C. When the compartment is supplied from horizontal cross­bussing, the bussing shall pass through the compartment or in the sealed area above the compartment. No other conductors shall pass through the compartment. 11 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE SUMMARY December 12, 1995 INTRODUCTION: This Residential Service Summary has been provided by Logan City Light & Power (LCL&P). The Customer/Contractor is encouraged to contact LCL&P for additional information and specifications before electrical work commences. Should questions arise, please contact LCL&P at (435) 716­9700. REFERENCE: This information is for new and remodeled electric services and metering requirements. These requirements are issued to comply with all applicable federal, state and local codes and ordinances. However, in the case of conflict, the appropriate code and ordinance will supersede. METER LOCATION: Suitable space and provisions for mounting LCL&P meter base and main disconnect must be provided by the customer at an acceptable and accessible outside location readily available to LCL&P. The minimum unobstructed wall space for a single meter is 75" high, 36" deep and 30" wide. Metering equipment must be at least 36" horizontally from a gas meter, line or propane tank. The center of any meter socket located outdoors on structures shall not be more than 6' or less than 5' above the finished grade or floor immediately in front of the meter. The meter base should be located on the side of the structure closest to power lines and within 3' (10' maximum with LCL&P approval) of the front (street) side. It is recommended that installation of meter equipment near exterior bedroom and bathroom walls, patios, carports and exterior walls that are likely to be fenced be avoided. The meter equipment shall not be installed over window wells, steps in stairways, inside fenced areas or in other unsafe or inconvenient locations. MAIN DISCONNECT: The main breaker or other main disconnecting means must be located next to the meter in an accessible outside location. CONDUIT: All service entrance conductors must be installed in minimum 2" sized continuous rigid galvanized steel or IMC above ground and in a 2" electrical grade PVC schedule 40 or other acceptable NEC conduit below ground. Minimum burial depth for underground service conductors shall be 24" from final grade. No direct burial of electrical service wires will be allowed. 12 SERVICES GREATER THAN 200 AMPS: Extended­duty meter base with fully rated jaw­release manual bypasses shall be used for residential services greater than 200 and up to 350 amps. Customer shall contact LCL&P for services rated in excess of this range. (LCL&P Meter Base and Wiring Specifications for details.) LOCATION OF SERVICE ENTRANCE: The customer will need to contact LCL&P for the location of the service entrance before work commences. In underground services, the customer will be required to install conduit and wire to the designated secondary junction box, typically located on one of the front corners of the property. On an overhead service, LCL&P will furnish the service wire to the riser on top of the roof. 13 LCL&P RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ILLUSTRATION A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Electric meter base with main breaker disconnect. Height of meter is 5­foot minimum and 6 foot maximum height above finished grade. Point of attachment shall provide minimum clearances as specified per NEC­230­24, but shall not be less than 10 feet from final grade to service drip loop. 8 ft. ground rod in accordance with NEC 250­83(c). The service conductor cable and drip loop must be at least 3 feet above the roof with the exception of the 18" NEC ruling (NEC 230­24(a). Minimum of 12* ft. over residential properties and driveways, 18* ft. above public streets. *(more if practical) 3­ft. minimum from gas meters, windows, porches or doors. 3 ft. minimum (10 feet maximum with LCL&P approval). Approved conduit for service conductors shall be as follows: Underground: 2" minimum Rigid Metallic, IMC or Sch. 40 or better nonmetallic. Only rigid metal or IMC conduit will be allowed exposed above ground level. Overhead: Only 2" minimum, rigid metal or IMC, conduit will be allowed. Note: Clearances mentioned above are based on the current NEC and National Electrical Safety Code. Clearances based on 150 volts to ground limitations. 14