Politecnico di Milano since 1863 Italian Leading University for Architecture, Design and Engineering studies The Politecnico di Milano’s Logo The university logo originates from a detail of Raffaello Sanzio’s “The School of Athens”, which is a fresco located in the Vatican Rooms (Vatican Museum, Rome) / (Ambrosiana Picture Gallery, Milano) Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella The net of the Politecnico di Milano Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Faculty & Students in 2014 Architecture Professors & Researchers Students 312 9,494 Professors & Researchers Students Design 96 3,943 Engineering Professors & Researchers 906 Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Students 27,016 Milano-Leonardo Campus Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Milano-Bovisa Campus Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Other Campuses COMO LECCO CREMONA PIACENZA MANTOVA Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella 1963 Professor Giulio Natta receiving the 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery in polymer science. Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Education and Research Each Professor belongs to a Department for their research Head of Department Research and Department Financing (Dipartimento) and to a Study Course and to a School for their teaching Dean of the School Education Nome Rodella relatore Simona Benvenuto – Simona Linda President of the Study Course School Study (Facoltà) Course The New System 3rd level Dottorato Di Ricerca Ph.D. IInd Level Master 2nd Level Ist Level Master Laurea Magistrale Master of Science 1st level Laurea Bachelor 13-year education Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Schools Architecture 1st 2nd School of Architecture and Society School of Civil Architecture Starting from September 2016 the two Schools will merge in one School of Architecture located in Milano Leonardo Campus. Design 3rd School of Design Engineering 4th 5th 6th School of Industrial and Information Engineering School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering School of Architectural Engineering Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Bachelor Degrees Bachelor of Science Programmes (English): Recommended at least English Level B2 Architectural Design (in Milano Leonardo, Piacenza and Mantova Campus) Bachelor of Science Programmes (Italian): Recommended at least Italian Level B1 All others Architecture, Engineering and Design Bachelor Programmes (in all Politecnico di Milano Campus) For further information please refer to: http://www.polinternational.polimi.it/educational-offer Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Master Degrees Master of Science Programmes (English): Recommended at least English Level B2 The majority of courses offered by the Schools of Architecture, Engineering and Design (in all Politecnico di Milano Campus) During the academic year 2015-16: • the 3rd BSc and 2nd MSc of School of Civil Architecture are held in Milano Bovisa campus • the 1st and 2nd BSc are offered jointly by the School of Architecture in Leonardo Campus. For further information please refer to: http://www.polinternational.polimi.it/educational-offer Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella ASP - Alta Scuola Politecnica Joint program between Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino A school for young talents who want to develop their interdisciplinary capability for leading and promoting innovation in the fields of engineering, architecture and design (Master of Science programmes) 150 promising students each year They receive, at the end of their studies, the ASP diploma and the laurea specialistica/magistrale from both institutions NomeBenvenuto relatore Simona Rodella - Simona The Departments of Politecnico di Milano • Aerospace Sciences and Technologies • Electronics, Information and Bioengineering • Architecture and Urban Studies • Energy • Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering • Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering • Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “G. Natta” • Mathematics “F. Brioschi” • Civil and Environmental Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Design • Physics Nome Simona Benvenuto - Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Large facilities, infrastructures, centres of excellence WIND TUNNEL One of the most advanced laboratories in the world for tests on aerospace system aerodynamics and wind effects structures L.a.S.T. Laboratory for the Safety of Transport Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Large facilities, infrastructures, centres of excellence MOX Mathematical modelling and scientific computing. Application to several academics and industrial realities CUSBO Centre for Ultrafast Science and Biomedical Optics. Seat of a Large Scale Facility, accessible to European researcher Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Large facilities, infrastructures, centres of excellence NEMAS Nanoengineered Materials and Surfaces. Centre of Excellence coordinated by four different Laboratories of the Politecnico Di Milano Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella International Education Programmes Exchange Programmes Double Degrees and T.I.M.E. Project Erasmus+ Unitech Extra EU Mobility MEDes Athens PEGASUS Network Global E3 Erasmus Mundus Sino-Italian Campus Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Exchange Programmes INCOMING OUTGOING Academic year 2014-2015 Academic year 2014-2015 Bilateral Agreements 372 224 Double Degrees (EU) 32 59 Double Degrees (Extra-EU) 103 84 Erasmus + 834 755 Erasmus Mundus 12 1 Global E3 USA 1 1 Unitech 11 10 121 --- 1486 1134 CSF Brazil Total Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Exchange Programmes by Country South America INCOMING OUTGOING Academic year 2014-2015 Academic year 2014-2015 480 (mainly Brazil) 122 (mainly Chile and China 120 84 Spain 232 221 France 172 117 Germany 88 93 Portugal 80 87 Northern Europe 74 126 SWEDEN 42 60 CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 8 11 Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Brazil) Exchange Programme with CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY The Erasmus+ Agreement signed involves the following courses of study: • • • • • Architecture Industrial Design Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Chemical Engineering • Civil Engineering • Computer Sciences Engineering • Physics Engineering • Management Engineering The current agreement allows 10 Exchange students for 10 months (each), but we would like to increase the flow Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Erasmus Mundus The Community Action programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries. Further information at: http://europa.eu.int/erasmus-mundus Politecnico di Milano participates within: ACTION 2 - LOT 9 SUSTAIN-T Scholarships for incoming and outgoing mobilities Undergraduate, PG, Phd, Post-Doc and Academic Staff level for beneficiaries from/to: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Republic of Panama. ACTION 2 - STRAND1 – LOT 9 SMART2 Scholarships for incoming mobilities at Undegraduate, Phd, Post-Doc and Academic Staff levels for beneficiaries from Brazil Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Italian Language Courses for Exchange Students 1st level Beginners (40 hours) 2nd level Elementary (40 hours) 3rd level Pre-intermediate (40 hours) Certificate of attendance – no credits are granted 1st Semester Course October/December – Milano Leonardo and Bovisa Campus 2nd Semester Course March/June – Milano Leonardo and Bovisa Campus Intensive language course in Como Campus in September - not yet confirmed Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Residence Service We don’t guarantee accommodation for exchange students. Students should refer directly to the Residence Service http://www.residenze.polimi.it and check the list of residences and the procedures to apply for. Although the Residence service tries to accommodate as many students as possible, availability is limited. Application for Accommodation opens: • In JULY for 1st Semester and Annual Incoming Students • In JANUARY for 2nd Semester Incoming Students At students’ arrival they can also ask for some help to the students’ association ESN - Erasmus Student Network http://www.esnpolimi.it/site/, in order to rent a room from a private owner or share a flat with other students. Students should aim to secure themselves a flat at least a couple of weeks before courses begin to ensure an easy start and to avoid the high cost of hotels. Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Erasmus Offices @ Politecnico di Milano Erasmus+ agreements POLITECNICO DI MILANO - I MILANO02 Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 I – 20133 Milano Visiting address: Via Golgi 42, I – 20133 Milano Isabella BONTEMPI, Gaia CAIRATI, Anna SJÖBERG phone: +39 02 2399 9734 /9765 / 9767; fax: +39 02 2399 9768; e-mail: erasmus@polimi.it StuDesk Leonardo AL School of Architecture - Campus Leonardo IL Schools of Engineering - Campus Leonardo Elena BELCREDI, Elisa DOMENIS, Angiola NERI address: via Golgi 42, I – 20133 Milano ITALY phone: +39 02 2399 2562/2502/2675; fax: +39 02 2399 2677/2564; e-mail: exchange-leonardo@polimi.it StuDesk Bovisa AB School of Architecture - Campus Bovisa IB Schools of Engineering - Campus Bovisa (and Mechanical Engineering at Campus Piacenza) Simona BENVENUTO, Elisa ZAPPA address: via Lambruschini, 15, I – 20156 Milano ITALY phone: +39 02 2399 5720/5720; fax: +39 02 2399 5675; e-mail: exchange-bovisa@polimi.it Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella Erasmus Offices @ Politecnico di Milano StuDesk Design DI School of Design - Campus Bovisa Simona Linda RODELLA address: via Lambruschini 15, I – 20156 Milano phone +39 02 2399 5719; fax +39 02 2399 5675; e-mail: exchange-design@polimi.it StuDesk Como IC, DC School of Engineering, School of Design - Campus Como Miguela CAMPORINI, Emanuela FRANZONI, Paola ROBUSTELLI address: via Valleggio 11, I – 22100 Como phone: +39 031 332 7555/7318/7409/7401; fax: +39 031 332 7432; e-mail: exchange-como@polimi.it StuDesk Mantova AM School of Architecture - Campus Mantova Martina VENERI, Benedetta GIRALDI address: via Scarsellini 15, I – 46100 Mantova phone: +39 0376 31 7001/7031; fax: +39 0376 31 7053; e-mail: exchange-mantova@polimi.it StuDesk Lecco IL Schools of Engineering - Campus Lecco Sandro MORSELLI address: via Previati, 1/c, I – 23900 Lecco phone: +39 0341 48 8730 ; fax: +39 0341 48 8731 ; e-mail: exchange-lecco@polimi.it Nome Simona Benvenuto – Simona Lindarelatore Rodella www.polimi.it/english