Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 18–21, 2009 1957 Research on Brushless Doubly-fed Machine with a New Wound Rotor and Its Generating System Zhongchao Wei, Xuefan Wang, Xia Chen, and Chaohao Kan Department of Electrical Machines and Drives, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Abstract— The Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) is a new-type of special electrical device. This kind of machine solve the structural problems of brushless, combining with the favorable characteristic of the asynchronous motor and synchronous generator.This paper presents the principle, structure and operation mode of BDFM. Based on the BDFM with the conventional rotor structure, a novel BDFM with a special rotor structure is proposed according to the tooth harmonic theory. The design of the rotor coil and the basic theory are discussed in detail. Furthurmore, aiming to the simulation and practical test research, the prototype is developed and be tested, which proves its application prospect. 1. INTRODUCTION The conventional brushless doubly-fed machine employs the special rotor or reluctance motor, in which the special rotor is the best choice for the large capacity machine. However, the disadvantages can’t be avoided, such as much harmonic, the low utilization of the conductor [1]. This paper proposed a new rotor structure, which adopts the wound type instead of the cage type. With a smaller size and high efficiency, it can reduce the harmonic component considerably. Aimed to the requirement of the generator for the ship, a prototype of a 50 kW brushless doubly-fed machine was developed and the principle was discussed combined with the practical application. Due to reducing the capacity of the frequency converter, the active power and reactive power can be regulated conveniently without the reactive power compensation device and filter [2]. According to the design parameters and the test results, it was validated that this type of machine presents favorable performance. 2. THE PRINCIPLE AND THE MATHEMATICA MODEL The principle of the brushless doubly-fed machine working in the mode of generation is illustrated as Fig. 1. The stator has two sets of windings. One is connected with the frequency converter; the other (the assistant winding) is used as the control winding. Both of the windings are corresponding to different pole pair number [3]. Whenever the two sets of windings connected at the same time or respectively, the stator winding will produce two different rotating magnetic filed. It is not desired that the two rotating magnetic fields interfered each other, so it’s required that the main control winding will produce the induced potential in the stator winding and no potential difference between the three output terminals. Moreover, when the control winding is supplied, the additional current will not arose at the power supply port. Due to the wound rotor, the two sets of windings can be deemed as the reversal cascade. There is no coupling between the magnetic fields produced by the two sets of windings. The energy is transferred through the rotor field instead that of the stator. p1 Output power p2 Frequency converter Main winding side Prime mover Assistant winding side Figure 1: The operation principle of brushless double-fed machine. PIERS Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 18–21, 2009 1958 The prime mover drives the generator at the speed of nr , and the assistant winding is supplied by the frequency converter, the frequency of the output voltage is (p1 + p2 ) nr ± f2 (1) 60 In which, p1 and p2 are the pole pair number of the main winding and assistant winding respectively. Variable speed constant frequency operation can be realized by changing the output voltage and frequency of the frequency converter. On the assumption that the Permeability of iron core is infinite, ignoring the magnetic voltage drop; regardless of the tooth and slot effects and considering the air gap distributing equally; the main winding and assistant winding are symmetrical in the space structure, only flowing the fundamental wave current and the initial phase angle of the current of A phase winding is zero [4]. Based on the electrical machine theory, the main winding adopts the generator rule and the assistant winding adopts the motor rule. The voltage equation of the brushless doubly-fed machine in d-q coordinate system is as following [5]: " # " #" # " #" # " # udq1 R1 0 0 idq1 p1 ωr Γ ψdq1 ψdq1 udq2 = 0 R2 0 idq2 + p2 ωr Γ ψdq2 + p ψdq2 udqr 0 0 Rr idqr 0 ψdqr ψdqr # # " #! " #" Ã" # " ψdq1 Ldq1 idq1 R1 0 0 p1 ωr Γ idq2 + p ψdq2 Ldq2 p2 ωr Γ 0 R2 0 + = ψdqr idqr Ldqr 0 0 0 Rr f1 = That is: udq = Rdq idq + Ldq In which: " Γ= 0 −1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 # " R= R1 0 0 0 R2 0 0 0 Rr d idq dt # " + (2) p1 ωr Γ p2 ωr Γ #" 0 Ldq1 Ldq2 Ldqr # The torque equation is Te = itdq1 Hsr1 idqr + itdq2 Hsr2 idqr = itdq M idq In which: ¤ £ itdq = itdq1 itdq2 itdqr , 0 0 Hsr1 0 Hsr1 , M = 0 t t Hsr1 Hsr1 0 " # 0 −1 0 3 Hsr1 = p1 Lm1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 " # 0 1 0 3 Hsr2 = p2 Lm2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 . I1 r 1 Xl 1 . U1 X1 rr s1 . Ur 1 s2 X lr I. X r 2 s 1 l2 r X2 . Ur2 . I2 . s U2 2 s1 Figure 2: The equivalent circuit of the double fed machine. (3) Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 18–21, 2009 1959 Simplified expression: 3 3 Te = p1 Lm1 (iq1 idr − id1 iqr ) + p2 Lm2 (iq2 idr + id2 iqr ) 2 2 (4) According to the expression above, the equivalent circuit of the double fed machine is as follows [6]. In which: rr = k12 Rr , r2 = k 2 R2 , Llr = k12 Llr , Ll2 = k12 Ll2 , Xl1 = ω1 Ll1 , Xl2 = ω1 Ll2 , Xlr = 1 f2 2 f1 ω1 Llr , X1 = 23 ω1 Lm1 = 23 ω1 k1 Lsr1 , X2 = 32 ω1 k 2 Lm2 = 32 ω1 kk1 Lsr2 , s1 = pf21f(p1 −p , s2 = pf12f(p2 −p 1 +p2 ) 1 +p2 ) are the slip ratio of the main winding and assistant winding respectively. 3. THE DESIGN OF THE WINDING The coupling of the stator fields between different pole pairs number is achieved by the modulating of rotor [4]. Therefore, the machine with different pole pairs number of stator winding such as P1 , P2 as much as possible, the design of such machine should strengthen the p1 th, p2 th harmonic and eliminate other order harmonic [7]. The paper proposed a wound rotor structure based on the tooth harmonic principle. As for the AC winding, the number of the slot is Z and the pole pair number of the fundamental wave is p. All υth harmonic (υ = nZ ±p, n = 1, 2, 3 . . .) in the AC winding with fundamental wave pole pair number p, whose short distance factor and distribution factor are the same as that of fundamental wave. Such harmonic is the so-called tooth harmonic. This harmonic is featured as the equal winding coefficient between the magnetomotive force of the tooth harmonic and fundamental wave emerging as the pair. Figure 3: 12 slot/14 pole. Figure 4: 12 slot/10 pole. Table 1: The rotor harmonic analysis with the method of tooth harmonic. Pole number Short distance coefficient Winding coefficient 2 10 14 22 26 34 38 46 50 0.2588 0.9659 0.9659 0.2588 −0.2588 −0.9659 −0.9659 −0.2588 −0.2588 0.0670 0.9330 0.9330 0.0670 0.0670 0.9330 0.9330 0.0670 0.0670 Natural rotating Magnetic potential of the (%) 50.2577 0 100.0 0 3.8660 0 36.8421 0 2.0103 Reverse rotating Magnetic potential (%) 0 140.0 0 4.5689 0 41.1765 0 2.1851 0 1960 PIERS Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 18–21, 2009 The operation principle of the brushless double-fed machine requires the rotor winding to produce rotating magnetomotive force of the pole pair number P1 and P2 . The rotating direction of the two kinds of magnetomotive force is just opposite. So the first task is to determine the required pole pair number P1 of the main winding and P2 of the assistant winding. Choose the slot number Z2 as the relationship Z2 = p1 + p2 on the Premise of symmetrical rotor winding. The slot number phase maps are given in the case of the rotor 12 slot/14 pole and 12 slot/10 pole in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, and Table 1 shows the corresponding harmonic analysis. Aiming to the generation requirement for the use of the ship, the design of the new type brushless double-fed machine with wound rotor is completed. The rated speed of the machine is nr = 600rmp, the output power 60 kW, the output phase voltage 220 V/50 Hz, the power factor of the inductive load 0.8. Table 2 has listed the design parameters. 4. THE ANALYSIS OF THE TEST AND RESULT The prototype shown as Fig. 5 was tested and the principle diagram of the test is shown as Fig. 6. The three-phase asynchronous motor was employed as the prime mover. The prototype was connected with the grid and the assistant winding is connected to the output terminal of the threephase frequency converter. The DC bus of the frequency converter is connected with the active energy feedback device. The results in the case of the no-load and load can be seen from Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. It can be observed from the test curves that the new type brushless double-fed machine with wound rotor can achieve the constant frequency generation as the speed of the prime mover changing. The output voltage keep stable, the regulating range of the speed wide, which validate the correctness of the theory analysis and has the prospect of the practical application. Table 2: The design parameter of the prototype. Output power of the main winding(kW) Output power of assistant winding(kW) Rated output voltage/frequency V/Hz Rated rotating speed rpm Slot number Rotor number Pole number of main winding Pole number of assistant winding 50 10 380/50 600 72 54 8 4 BDFM ব乥఼ ॳࡼᴎ Ⳉ⌕⬉⑤ 䗚ব఼ Figure 5: The prototype of brushless double-fed machine with wound rotor. Figure 6: The test principle of the machine. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 18–21, 2009 1961 Figure 7: No load test curves of brushless doubly-fed generator. Figure 8: Load test curves of brushless doubly-fed generator. REFERENCES 1. Wallace, A. K., R. Spee, and H. K. Lauw, “Dynamic modeling of brushless doubly-fed machines,” IEEE Industrial Applications Social Annual Meeting, 329–334, San Diego, 1989. 2. Boger, M., A. K. Wallace, and R. Spee, “Investigation of appropriate pole number combinations for brushless doubly fed machines as applied to pump drives,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., Vol. 31, No. 5, 1022–1028, 1996. 3. Brune, C. S., R. Spee, and A. K. Wallace, “Experimental evaluation of a variable-speed, doubly-fed wind-power generation system,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., Vol. 30, No. 2, 648–655, 1994. 4. Williamson, S., A. C. Ferreira, and A. K. Wallace, “Generalized theory of the brushless doublyfed machine. Part I: Analysis,” IEE Proc., Electra. 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